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    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    LoL Guide The problem with 1300 gold

    LoL Guide The problem with 1300 gold

    The problem with 1300 gold

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    There are some circumstances where I base with exactly 1300 gold as ADC or AP mage. Should I just buy that BF Sword or Lost Chapter, or would it be better to go for safer options such as boots, pots, pickaxe, ward, or components of Lost Chapter? Getting back to lane without wards or pots or boots makes immobile champs very vulnerable and might even screw me over, so is it worth getting that one item without any defenses or should I play it safe and go for components just so that I can get pots and wards and early boots?

    submitted by /u/KiaraKawaii
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    Mechanics that you misunderstood and when you figured them out you were like "Well duh"

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I play alot of nautilus and was always confused by how many people built zekes convergence first rather than knights vow. This is because I've misread the description every time until today. I thought the extra damage your adc does is activated by THEIR ulti and I was repeatedly frustrated by my adc not starting team fights with their r so they would do max dmg. I thought the item was useless in my elo because my adcs wouldn't understand how to use it. Then today it clicked with me that its MY ultimate that actives the item and I immediately had massive success with it. What are some things you face-palmed at when you learned how they worked?

    P. S. If I flamed you for this I'm sorry

    submitted by /u/Grognak_The_Goblin
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    When to stopwatch Zed’s ultimate?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    When's the perfect time to hit stopwatch on Zed's ultimate? I main ADC and there's nothing better than a zed walking through my whole team and coming to the back line and just pressing R on me and still getting out. I know rushing GA is a good idea but I still feel like if he's semi fed he'll just pop it and then Ult a minute later and kill me anyway. Any suggestions ?

    submitted by /u/CornyZombies
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    What's the Difference Between a Diamond Mid and a Challenger Mid?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a mid main and I've been hardstuck D4 this season, my highest peak was 1-1 D3 promos lol. I've been mostly playing late game champions like Vladimir and Veigar, but I feel like the game is mostly out of my control by the time I get powerful or at least have somewhat agency, as either we have either won the game hard or lost the game hard to the point where I feel like me being there had no impact on the game - very rarely do I find myself being able to 1v9 solo carry, whereas it's usually the other lanes and jungle that have been either inting or stomping. I even tried to switch over to more early/mid-game focused champions like Diana or Zoe to try and maybe help out in the early game meta, but even then so, I still find myself losing games simply because of other solo laners or winning because my other laners have won their lanes hard. What would a Challenger mid do in these situations? Are they really able to just hard stomp their lanes and get leads and carry, or do they just spam roam and pressure?

    submitted by /u/AThonger
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    If you dont know what to do next, press TAB

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Pretty self-explanatory, but pressing TAB will show you the spawn timer on objectives (Nashor, Herald, Drake), then, depending on the state of the game aswell as your role, you can choose to reset, go farm, prepare vision, group with team, etc... Just take a look at the map after pressing TAB and you'll get enough information to know what to do next.

    submitted by /u/LegitNuggets
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    How to fight against Nocturne Mid and in general "abuse early game?"

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    I was playing Ryze against Nocturne Mid and he just ended up destroying me. He shoved wave into my tower early on, forcing me to spend half my mana just to get the CS, and when my jungler (Udyr) ganked, he literally turned around and killed him before I even really had a chance to do anything, and I had low mana & damage anyway so it didn't matter. If he got low, he just shoved in wave and healed off his minions.

    Post-6 if I left tower range, he ulted, feared, spellblocked a lot of my damage, and then I died. If I hugged tower, he just roamed bot/top and got kills, even though I pinged MIA 6 times on bot lane, he still got there so quickly and my team didn't respond in time. Once he completed Sanguine Blade he was already 4/1 and it was gg, he just took over the entire game, the only time I even had a remote chance to fight him with my team is after I bought Zhonya's, even then he just healed for 500 in a few autos and could reverse on me.

    That brings me to another point, because I looked it up after and people were saying "abuse the first 3 levels of the game." I don't really get this; firstly because noc seems ridiculously strong early levels compared to most assassins. With Talon, for example, if he doesn't have a chance to get on you and proc his 3-hit passive he can't really do anything. Noc has a pretty good gap closer that literally follows you around if you get hit and a spellshield to block cc, so I'm not 100% sure how to abuse his early game.

    I play a lot of scaling champs; Vlad, Cassio, Kassadin, Ryze etc. All of them have weak levels 1-3 (cassio's is somewhat strong but you have to use all of your mana for one fight). If the enemy is clearly going to win I just stay passive and soak xp, then I'm able to fight them later on.

    It just seems like any reasonable player would stay passive, freeze or let wave push levels 1-3, then just abuse their powerspike. So how would I abuse the early levels of the game (specifically against someone like nocturne would be nice)? It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me personally.

    Anyway, please convince me that I shouldn't be banning nocturne every game just for mid lane

    thank you

    submitted by /u/Swegmecc
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    Smarter Counter Jungling

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    When counter jungling AoE camps (Krugs, Raptors, Wolves), it's almost always better to leave one of the small ones because it will not trigger the fresh 2 minute re-spawn timer until they are fully cleared. The gold/XP you're leaving for the other team is negligible compared to a delayed spawn of the full camp.

    If the enemy jungler knows that you have counter jungled one side of the map, they might not even go to that side for a few minutes (They assume camps are on CD and will come back in 2 minutes). But but by not clearing the leftovers they will extend the fresh spawn even further and lose out on even more XP/Gold per minute.

    Camp Gold Denied (Left for Enemy) Instructions
    Krugs 104 (31) Leave the 1 medium krug alive which spawns with the camp. Take everything else.
    Raptors 77 (8) Leave one small raptor
    Wolves 70 (15) Leave one small wolf

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Should I stall for time, or make a last stand in order to sync respawn timers? (Support)

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    So, imagine the following situation, You are a support, you have arrived at mid or late game, you are with your ADC/Team and the ADD/Team dies, There is no way I can avoid death, should I stall for as long as possible, having the enemy team waste time on me, while my respawn timer will be out of sync with my ADC/Team or should I make a last stand for it, going all guns blazing, and die as fast as possible, so that my respawn timer is in sync with my ADC/team?

    submitted by /u/Jacket313
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    Why Graves is OP now?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    As the title point, Im struggling a lot trying to play graves and make it work, but it's just impossible to me because, I dont know how to exploit his strengths.

    That's why Im asking why is Graves so OP, and how to play it to make it work!!?

    Im currently in plat elo, trying to get to diamond again.

    Thanking you in advance, RoShojo :3
    PD: Sorry for my english :/

    submitted by /u/RoShojo
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    Help dealing with Morgana

    Posted: 05 May 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    I usually play Pyke or Nautilus support, so I usually ban Morgana anyways, but sometimes i ban other champs or play normals, so I want some help playing against her, especially her E. It completely negates my engage, and she can just pop it when she sees me charging up my hook. Any tips at all for playing against her E or in general is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/EpicWizardGuy2771
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    Should I ever freeze waves as midlaner?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Midlane mage player here (gold elo) , I play mostly Viktor, Xerath and Azir and I have been focusing on my wave management and laning skills lately. I have found that freezing the wave mid (especially against roaming assassins like kat, qiyana and talon) is pretty ineffective since although my enemy loses some xp and gold often times their jg will come and clear the wave (since I am playing weak early game champs I can't necessarily 1v1 jg either) or they will collect a kill bot or top and make up for the farm and xp they lost.

    I have been wondering whether instead of freezing, I should be hard pushing waves and getting vision in river to help my team against enemy mid roams or getting turret plates (azir can kinda shred plates). Obviously looking to match roams is always the goal, but isn't really possible with my champ pool, so I was wondering what the best course of action is in these scenarios.

    submitted by /u/lmao-_-zedong
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    When to go Rabadons vs Void staff

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    On a lot of like assassin type mages, I can never number crunch exactly if it is better to go void staff or rabadons.

    Usually, its on champs like Akali, Sylas, Fizz, Twisted Fate, Ekko, diana, etc. Depending on the champ, my build usually looks like

    Gunblade -> morello -> zhonyas

    Protobelt ->zhonyas -> Morello

    Lichbane ->zhonyas -> morello

    Usually I go cdr boots, not magic pen boots, as I think that cdr rush is best.

    So after those three items, do I go void or deathcap? Assuming that their tank might have 2 magic resist items, and that the enemy mid has 1 mr item, and the enemy adc has either 0 or 1.

    My two thoughts: rabadons is better because magic pen is more useful the more dmg you have, and gives you a better advantage at objectives and waves. But void staff might help you assassinate enemy mid/adc better, which people like akali do better than splitpushing anyway.

    thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/mattwheels
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    How to make twisted fate work

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    I want to learn tf and I have played a couple of games and I feel like he is the weakest champ ever. So I must be doing something wrong. I feel like he has a weak to mediocre laning phase, extremely low damage for a midlaner and is nothing more then a gold card bot with low range.

    In the early game you can get prio over some champs and then ult gold card bot and do 30% of their hp. But thats it I feel. In the late you can split sure but anybody and I mean anybody can 1v1 you.

    So what are the things a tf should try to do mainly in the late game?

    submitted by /u/Twanvdbolten
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    How do you counter Mordekaiser with any champion?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Usually when I find guides, it says "champ x can counter him", but I often pick first, and if I don't pick Mordekaiser myself, I'm screwed as soon as we hit level 6.

    I main Aatrox and Ornn (and Mordekaiser, but I often have to play against him), but I'm looking for tips that work for every champion. The only one I know so far is to try to get ulted near your turret.

    submitted by /u/Plague_Knight1
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    How to deal damage as Ahri?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Hi, I've recently picked up Ahri and I've moticed her safety and mobility are great but her damage feels bad. Even when I have ludens, deathcap, and zhonya's, I still don't do that much. I followed advice like whittling down their health by poking with q, but i can't really go for the kill in early game since Ahri without R is really bad. Help?

    submitted by /u/saltminingcoINC
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    How to carry from Top lane?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    So, I'm a mid laner who can never get their role anymore so I'm trying out top lane. I have come to be mostly playing Fiora. I seem often get leads in lane, but I'm not sure how to carry when the rest of my team is behind. When I played mid, I could obviously just run bot and pick up a free double kill and carry team fights, but I can't really do that in top lane.

    I know that Fiora's strength is in her 1v1 and splitpushing power, and team fighting is a weakness for her, so I mainly just stay in the side lanes. However, if my team is behind, they just kinda lose 4v4 or 4v3, and I don't really have the opportunity to split push effectively.

    Basically what I'm asking is if there's any good guides to carrying from top lane, and specifically Fiora. I can't seem to find one that isn't just a streamers vod. Also any advice from fellow Fiora players is appreciated. (pls don't say to just "tell your team ___" bc it doesn't work in plat thx)

    submitted by /u/Amxricaa
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    How can I make nocturne not as squishy late game?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm currently bronze 3 and main jungle. I play nocturne a lot and normally get 10+ kills each game. It seems always around the 20 minute mark however, he becomes so easy to kill. I'll have maybe 2-3 deaths max but after that it seems I'm useless. I normally build red cinderhauk, duskblade, (boots vary but tabi's normally), guardian angel, sanguine blade and umbral glaive. Anyone have any tips or different builds? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/BStreicher23
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    How to splitpush?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    So I've been trying to learn how to splitpush with champs like Garen, Tryndamere, etc. and I've had some questions about it. So I know that you're supposed to split push when your team is fighting for an objective at the same time to create that "dilemma" for the enemy team to force them to either split up or sacrifice a tower etc. but what do I do if my team isn't currently contesting an objective and/or are defending one of our objectives? Do I join them in defense until we start pushing for an objective? Also is it a good idea to split when you group with your team and get them to an objective and once your team gets to the objective split up to another lane to start split pushing?

    submitted by /u/Extriker
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    What is the point of playing mages in the current meta?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    I feel like whenever I go something like orianna or ahri I just get outclassed by a talon or nocturne.

    The nocturne or talon just instantly clears the wave for less resources and can impact the rest of the map while im just stuck mid struggling to kill minions.

    Am I missing something in this matchup or with these champions? Is there even a point to trying to learn wave management and lane dynamics when I can just pick a champion that insta-clears waves and roams?

    submitted by /u/TRAHOW1
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    Top Lane Laning Phase

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm SirJonjo. I'm a Gold 4 top main playing in an amateur League of Legends League. I'm looking to ask some questions about the laning phase. I play quite a few different champs in top ranging from Ornn, Maokai and Gnar too Kennen, Rumble and Neeko. In my opinion all good and solid champions for fives play.

    My questions are: When should I play aggressive? Often I'm too aggro and die to jungler When should I passive and just farm? I'd also like to put I struggle with wave management but because it's lower elo it's not like a massive problem just something that may be really useful for me to learn. Also I'm interested in how drafting works and how to play to your win conditions?

    Sorry I know this is super long and not every question relates to the title but after a few games yesterday I felt a little down about things, as I can sometimes tilt myself when I don't play well because I know I can play better than I did.

    submitted by /u/SirJonjo
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    How to manage mid waves? Silver

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Hello, so I'm a silver mid main (or pyke sup). For the most part, I am on the better end as far as mechanics go, but my macro gameplay still suffers. I understand the importance of keeping your farm high, but there is also so much emphasis on map control as midlaner.

    I can push mid, run top, get a kill/assist, but sometimes that allows enemy mid to take mid and get xp, gold and potentially a plate. Therefore my lead from killing top is basically washed. That's my issue with lane hopping.

    Then skirmishes, example is a scuttle fight that's pre lvl 6 and (to my mathematical knowledge) a 50/50 odd fight (recieving heaving assistance pings from jg), do I go skirmish or do I chill mid and secure cs/xp.

    Obvs since in silver 4 there is so much to learn, but these two aspects seem to weight the most in terms of securing early leads and winning that outer turret.

    IGN: Doublej3sus (S4 50lp NA)

    submitted by /u/MrCheif_117
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    Alistar top

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    I'm just curious if this could work in theory. With how Mao is right now in top...Ali and him have similar kits, both have a lot of CC and both passives can heal them in lane. On top of that Ali mid to late game full tank would be crazy with his ult and dive potential. Especially if he has Sunfire Cape with how strong that is. Obviously his biggest weakness would be if he get bullied early game since he can't really CS under tower without burning through his mana. Also another negative I just realized would be his cool downs since I do believe his are a lot longer than mao.

    submitted by /u/Zero2Hero80
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    What to do as a jungler when your laner steals your starting buff in a leech?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Hello all, i play normal draft pick and I main jungle. Mostly zac or warwick which as you know require you to be careful in the early because if you fall behind you're useless. This isn't the first time this happens to me. I had the buff accidentally taken by laners but they usually apologize and i move on. No problem.

    The other day this happened to me twice.

    First time adc stole my red buff, i pinged him enemy missing and he said he needs it more. I moved on and tried my best but we ultimately lost because inted so hard.

    The 2nd time, the support stole my blue buff. Again, pinged enemy missing, she just gave me a thumbs up emote and walked back to lane. I was already tilted from the previous game and just started running down their lane and feeding. I don't know if I was in the wrong here but she clearly did take it on purpose, that's why im posting here.

    So generally this happens from time to time in unranked matches. How do i proceed if this happens again? Or what can I do to prevent it if at all possible?

    Thank you and best of luck

    submitted by /u/dogsdonteatgrass
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    Having fun while improving vs improving the whole time.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    I am a Silver player. And as fun as it is to just R-Q-W someone with Annie and getting a shutdown. I am wondering if I should keep going with this. Many coaches recommend to play an easy champion and particularly Annie. Annie is fun, but she isn't really my play style. I enjoy Diana and Galio for example. Which aren't hard to play. Playing Annie I can definitely see myself getting better. Farming, making better trades and dying less. The problem with Annie is I cannot really carry a game but with Diana I can since I have years with that play style. Although I know even if I lose, as long as I am doing good, that's what matter. And I did really good 80% of my Annie games even tho I only won 22% of them. But should I really be doing this, and I am fine doing it for a while. Or should I just play a carry champion that I can probably win with more, get out of Silver and improve as I go?

    submitted by /u/D4R3S1N
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