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    Saturday, May 23, 2020

    League of Legends LoL official 2D arts but rendered with the help of AI to look 3D

    League of Legends LoL official 2D arts but rendered with the help of AI to look 3D

    LoL official 2D arts but rendered with the help of AI to look 3D

    Posted: 23 May 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    AFKing needs to be a ban-able offense again; when I started playing in S2, it was.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 10:27 AM PDT


    I started playing mid Season 2. When I was around level 12, I left a game. Coming from CoD it was fairly normal to just leave when the game was going south. The next day, when I tried to log in, I had a 3 day suspension for leaving a single game. No warning, no middle of the road ban, a full on "cannot play the game" ban. It wasn't even 5v5 or Ranked. I got punished for leaving a 3v3 game with likely 2-5 bots leveling accounts. What happened?

    I've personally seen the same person leave a game in high Diamond more times than I can count and go unpunished. Not only are they leaving in Ranked, where "competitive integrity matters", they are repeat offenders. But all the same, I see them regularly.

    How could you expect the police to stop people from stealing if all they can do is show their presence and MAYBE say "don't do that"? You think that's enough to deter criminals? How is afking and "DCing" supposed to get fixed if the worst punishment is Leaver buster reminding these psychopaths there are 9 other players in the game too. You think they care AT ALL? Get them out of ranked at the VERY LEAST. Temporary or not you shouldn't be allowed to purposely ruin 9 people's games more than 0 times. I have no idea what happened to the policies that affected me in S2, but I can assure you I have not willingly left a game since.

    But meh internet!

    For all the people with dial-up; maybe just maybe don't play a video game that requires internet if you're unable to stay online for more than 20 seconds? Do we let quadruple amputees play pick-up basketball? Do we let the blind drive cars? You are unequivocally unable to pass the most basic requirements to play the game, so don't. Unfortunately, your feelings hold no weight in this conversation. If they did then AFK's could just say "their feelings were hurt so they had to afk" and by your own logic, we'd have to allow it. Does that sound fair to you?

    Riot can tell the difference between someone leaving the game and genuinely DCing. I have personally contacted Riot support over my internet going out for ~6 minutes only to reconnect to the game over mobile data to win earning no LP (great incentive to reconnect btw). While they were unable to give me the LP I may or may not have deserved due to "ranked integrity", the tech guy was able to identify it was indeed my internet going out and not me "DCing". If you're wrongfully punished, don't sweat it. Contact support and sort it out.


    I would really love for someone to pose a more compelling argument than feelings on this one. Even if you think my comparisons aren't 110% applicable, I seriously doubt your ability to come up with a real reason against far harsher punishments for AFKs and "DCing". I don't think anyone without severe mental issues thinks you should be allowed to purposely leave games throwing 4 other people to the wolves and wasting 5 other peoples time. Imagine if Faker just walked off stage mid game at worlds because his jungle missed a skill shot. It literally wouldn't happen. While ranked isn't the world finals I'd hope at least some comparisons could be drawn in regards to player behavior. If "Competitive integrity matters"; I really wish Riot acted like it.

    Edit 1: For all the people defending the 1 in 100 players with bad internet, maybe think about the precedent you set? We almost all agree it's a problem, but for some reason 1 person genuinely DCing and ruining 9+ people games is ok; but an AFK isn't? How are they any different? They both ruin games regardless of intent. When my internet goes out, I don't queue up for a game at McDonalds, I do something else. If you don't have good internet, you shouldn't play an online game that requires a stable connection. I'm sorry if you really enjoy league. I'm sure most of us would really enjoy ruining dozens of people's games with plausible deniability too. A 1-3 day suspension is a small price to pay for virtually no cereal AFKs anymore don't you think?

    Edit 2: By "ban" I do not mean your account is gone forever; I just mean 1-3 day ban. Restriction is a better word but they both mean an inability to play. I don't want people permanently banned after a single afk like a LOT of people are implying. Keep racking up 3 day suspensions and then we can talk permanent bans (which should be on the table but seemingly aren't).

    submitted by /u/-CraftCoffee-
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    Some classic EUW plat solo queue

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I get CC'd for 6 straight seconds as ADC and survive

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Kayn disabled from champion pool

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    As stated in the title, Kayn was temporarily disabled "due to ingame issues" and as Riot stated, they are "currently working on a resolution"

    submitted by /u/frvrtm
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    imaqtpie: "ADC is like working 9 to 5"

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Interesting thresh bug.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    Nowhere in the near future, but imagine if Quinn was updated to match LoR

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    It feels like most players doesn't actually want to play league anymore

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    In almost every game, it seems like the majority of people are just looking to dodge, ff, or find some way to end the game faster.

    People complain the game is over in champ select, or it's over after one unlucky double kill or it's over because they got a 30% wr nocture on their team and there's no point in playing out the game.

    Anymore it seems like nobody actually want to finish a game and if I don't vote no at a 15 minute surrender when the game is 7-10 then someone inevitably will afk or just start non stop split pushing and stop actually trying.

    I feel like I'm one of the only people who actually enjoy the game and want to find a way to come back and don't want to surrender off one bad play to get into the next game.

    Does anyone else feel this way or am I just blowing this out of proportion?

    submitted by /u/coblsobr1
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    "Oh grass, please hide me from these imbeciles."

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    How to draft EP.1

    Posted: 23 May 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    I didn't know Trundle's E does damage until my friend got 3 kills in one game with it.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Yasuo Figure I made

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    Yasuo Figure I made submitted by /u/HOBBYMAN19
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    Does Neeko lay eggs, or get pregnant like a mammal?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    I'm genuinely curious, she is not a normal Vastayan, do Vastayans even get pregnant when fornicating with humans? Looking at Xayah and Ahri here, but specifically also Neeko since she's a weird Lizard girl that people seemingly like. (including me)

    submitted by /u/MalekTaktak
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    Why does this community believe if you lose a game someone has to be reported?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I don't understand how we got here, sometimes losing does not have to be someones fault it's ok if the enemy team plays better you don't have to blame someone for a loss it won't change the result of the game if you type in all chatt gg report my team. Maybe at this point the report button or the idea behind it has become a button to just blow off some steam..?

    submitted by /u/KBaree
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    Coven Swain fan art by Niarkan

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Howdy, people. Never posted anything here before, but the time has come. This is a fan art of Coven/Horned Raven Swain, just an idea that was brought to life by my friend. Behold and enjoy (or not):

    submitted by /u/TheGrawell
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    Why is the latest purchasable Viktor skin from 2013?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Creator Viktor came out in 2013 and it's 1350rp. His latest skin, Death Sworn, came out in 2017, but it's legacy. Why is his most recent skin available for purchase 7 years old? Does any other champ have their most recent skin available in the shop this old or longer?

    Just kind of baffled me. I was interested in picking him up to start possibly maining him, but his cosmetic line feels so bad with all but one of his skins created 7+ years ago.

    Edit: Wanted to be clear: I'm not refusing to main him solely due to his skin line. This was more for curiosity sake, but just kind of a letdown (and surprise to me) in terms of cosmetics for him. I'm still picking him up for a while to see if he fits my playstyle.

    submitted by /u/Tchaikmate
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    Two 3D Fan-Made Champions

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Two 3D Fan-Made Champions

    Hey y'all

    Sometime ago I modeled two fan-made champions concepted by someone who now works at Riot. You can find full model viewers in my Artstation if you wanna take a closer peep! Hope you guys dig it.

    Dark Merchant: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nQZbQO
    Heart In The Stone: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lVGAzV


    Here's a link to Julian's page, who concepted these guys in 2D: https://www.artstation.com/juliusking

    submitted by /u/Mazz8
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    Surely AD Sion Support can't defend the base vs 4 enemies?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:55 AM PDT

    Valiant Sword Riven Cosplay

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    Valiant Sword Riven Cosplay

    Evening fellow summoners~

    I tried out my Valiant Sword Riven costume today and I wanted to share it with you guys! I really enjoyed doing the makeup for this cos because it gave me a lot of Fa Mu Lan vibes ^^ My sword & wig is still a work in progress and I'm really looking forward to having a photoshoot once everything is complete!

    My favorite skin from the immortal journey skin line would definitely be Riven, Morgana, and Nami's~ Though color scheme-wise, Morgana wins (for me). What's your favorite skin line?

    VS Riven Cosplay :)

    submitted by /u/bbykairi
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    Overextended like an idiot but my team had my back

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Do your auto attacks deal more damage if you right click harder?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    Hey fellers, I've been trying to learn ADC and I'm having trouble killing people.

    One of my friends on discord told me to right click harder to get more crits but I'm playing on my dads laptop pad and I'm afraid to break it because he uses it for work.

    Even then, I am rather dubious about the statement for he has lied to me multiple times in the past, and has recommended me to buy AP on Ashe when I was learning to play.

    However, he is much higher rank(Bronze II) than any of us in our group, and some other friend of mine has confirmed that right clicking harder makes you crit more often, and this one is, while much lower rank(Iron I) has never lied to me as far as I know, and unlike my other friend, he is actually a pretty decent Vayne OTP.

    Thanks in advance.

    Before you ask, not having an actual Mouse isn't that big of a drawback from my experience, although I am an Iron III Malphite main so that might have some influence.

    My only ADC is Kog'maw so kiting isn't really an issue because I just park my ass in lane and let Jesus take the wheel.

    submitted by /u/Obama----Gaming
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    Star Guardian Soraka digital painting by my friend (@Pomelyne)

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Hello, one of my friend is an artist and she just drew Star Guardian Soraka, and since she doesn't use Reddit I really wanted to share this one, hope you like it!

    Credit and more on her Instagram (along with others League related pieces) : https://www.instagram.com/pomelyne/

    submitted by /u/Umarill
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    (Ask)I know a kid who's a 10year old at diamond. He says he wants become a pro player when he grows up. Do you think it's possible?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    btw I don't play LOL(I do play runeterra tho) I'm just asking because idk what the skill levels are there and weather to cheer him on or give him a reality check.

    Edit(seeing that many people are commenting that let kids just be kids, I decided to make this edit to give you a better understanding of his situation): This is a serious question though. Let kids be kids indeed, but for his case it's different. He plays games at least 6 hours a day, and often even up to 16. He is still 10. That gives him an year and a half before he becomes a middle schooler. And by then he'd have to choose "is it gonna be games or studying", because the educational system is fucked up in Korea which makes the students learn calculus at the age of 12.(not all of them, but even the lowest start learning highschool math, physics, english at 13) It's either 1. you're born in a rich family, 2 is extreamly talented so you don't need to depend on grades, 3.or studying/ preparing for the sat test for 6+ years. If he realizes that, "oh shoot I can't become a pro" at 16, he's already late because he won't be able to catch up with the others. And I really like him personally cuz although he may be young, he's a nice guy in general, manner playing in games, and has a good personality. I really want to help him with the decision that will benefit him the most in the future and this is why I made this post. Seeing all these replies I'm having a hard time deciding on what to tell him. There are still stuff I need to get clear of, like the exact location of where he is in diamond. But anyways thank you for replying and reading this long paragraph.

    submitted by /u/Peck2005
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