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    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    LoL Guide Ping yourself if you are the target of a nocturne ult.

    LoL Guide Ping yourself if you are the target of a nocturne ult.

    Ping yourself if you are the target of a nocturne ult.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    This may seem like a simple and easy enough concept to execute, however, in games I very rarely see this being done. By pinging yourself you give awareness to the rest of your team over where nocturne is and team mates can then play around that accordingly.

    By you pinging, it ensures that your teammates do not have to result to quickly sorting through their f keys to find the source of the ultimate. Instead, this allows them to continue watching their own screen and not be distracted from their current fight or situation.

    submitted by /u/Archrend
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    Posted: 23 May 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    Always remember that keeping your head on straight is the key to staying in the game, even when things get rough.

    PMA. ALWAYS. POSITIVE. MENTAL. ATTITUDE. I cannot stress this enough. You lose a drag? No worries, get the next one. You die in lane? It's alright, play back a little and hopefully get back in the game with a gank or a lucky kill.

    It's all about getting over mistakes. Nobody is perfect. Positive chat really goes a long way. Flaming your teammates and spamming ? pings won't make them want to help you. You're just ruining your own chances of winning. Instead, acknowledge that they've made a mistake and move on. What can you do about it? Nothing. It already happened. Move on. Keep playing.

    Now, people are going to be toxic either way. But remember, if you get tilted easily there's a mute feature. You don't need to chat to win. Pings are more than enough.

    It is still fine to correct your teammates, but don't be toxic about it. If it was an obvious mistake, they probably already know. If they're playing over aggressive, ping them back a little.

    You're with these people for less than an hour to accomplish the same goal. Win the game. It sucks if someone's playing poorly, but at the end of the day, it's just a game. Play as hard as you can, and just by doing that and keeping a positive attitude can help your team play better :)

    submitted by /u/Aerioxis
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    Pro View Spring Split VODs are now available for free.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    I haven't seen anyone post this, but the pro view VODs for LCS and LEC are currently free due to COVID-19. Going to https://watch.lolesports.com/pro-view will prompt you to enter a given promo code and will give you access until September 13th for no cost. Also for people who have bought pro view this Spring Riot has refunded your purchase.

    Currently available to watch are:

    • LEC Summer 2019 and Spring 2020
    • LCS Summer 2019 and Spring 2020
    • LCK Summer 2019
    • MSI 2019 Main Event (Group Stage and Playoffs)
    • Worlds 2019 (All games including play-ins)
    • Rift Rivals EU/NA 2019

    Anyone looking to improve should definitely go sign up and watch games from the point of view of pros. Pro view was already worth the 15$ to get LEC and LCS games and with the inclusion of last years international tournaments for free this is one of the best free resources currently for learning league. Watching players in competitive games with pro view allows you to focus on mechanics and tactics of up to 4 players at a time that are frequently obscured by the observers panning to different lanes to show the whole game. For most players I think the best way to learn is to watch games with champions you play and compare their VODs versus yours to find ways to improve.

    Hopefully with it being free for the next few months Riot might allow content creators to analyze pro view games on stream until it is monetized again. Many streamers have asked for this so Riot might be enticed to promote pro view through streams.

    submitted by /u/IsomerLeague
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    How do dragons work, and what’s the significance of all of them?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    I started this game recently this year, and I just started trying different lanes and roles. Whenever I play (get autofilled) jungle, I have no idea when to get what dragons. Sometimes when I play games, we can get our first dragon from anywhere from like 5 to 20 minutes (not exactly since i don't know the spawn times). I also have no idea how souls work and what elder dragons do or how important they are.

    submitted by /u/itnoy
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    How to climb out of Bronze with LeBlanc

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:36 AM PDT


    I started playing in season 2, made it to gold/plat in season 3/4 playing strong, tanky meta junglers and took a long break from ranked play. I had a lot of knowledge of the meta and what to build, but not amazing mechanics since you don't have to last hit when jungling. I started maining LeBlanc to learn what I heard was one of the hardest champs to play. When I got back to the game this season, I placed into bronze and decided to OTP LeBlanc mid to grind up to silver. It took 100+ games including losing promos twice.

    Why Play LeBlanc

    • Strong early game
    • Hard to gank. You don't need to ward or any map awareness to not die to ganks
    • Easy to get a kill when your jungled ganks with W + E
    • Can pick off squishies late game so you have a chance to win even if your team is behind
    • Snowball champ with potential for 20+ kill games
    • Never gets banned
    • Forces you to learn to get better at csing
    • Can play in every matchup
    • Opponents can't chase LeBlanc
    • Good at roaming and zoning
    • Bronze players never target the spot where you blink back to with W which makes the ability that much better
    • Good at not dying, it is kind of rare to feed with LeBlanc if you are playing smart so you won't tilt your team even if you are behind in cs. You can sit under turret, use W + R to clear waves and hope your top carries if you get behind.

    The biggest reason to play LeBlanc is that mid has a huge impact on the game, and you will win or lose games based on your plays or mistakes. I think you really get to control your own destiny with this champ. All your wins will be because you got fed and had a huge game, and your loses will mostly be because of you.

    LeBlanc weaknesses

    • Hard to cs and farm under turret
    • Can't solo dragon/rift herald
    • Very slow at pushing turrets
    • Not good at all-in 5v5 fights, needs longer fights
    • Can't so much if you get behind
    • If you get cc'ed, you die
    • You have to focus hard all game

    In bronze, your team generally doesn't know how to play with LeBlanc (an assassin) on their team. You want to jump in, kill someone, jump out and then wait 10+ seconds for all your cool downs so you are ready to kill another champ. Bronze players like to see their Amumu jungler Q in and ult and then every knows its time to fight. It's hard to communicate to your team that you don't want to all-in, you just want to pick people off and get objectives.

    The other downside is that when you start snowballing in bronze, your teammates start to pick 2v4s or 3v5s and throw the game because they are having fun being ahead. This results in lost dragons, losing baron, or the game. I know a lot of advice is to mute chat, but its helpful here to talk to your team and convince them to end the game soon. Just say, "Let's end soon so I don't fall off late" or something.

    Learning LeBlanc

    Read this guide and then play a lot of games: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/aph5jz/leblanc_guide_by_rank_1_leblanc_world_bobqinxd/

    You need to be really comfortable with all the combos and using R to mimic the spell you want. All your spells should be smart cast. You also need to be able to intuitively jump back to your W or mimic W to dodge attacks.

    Queuing up

    I select mid as first option and top second since top is really popular so I pretty much always get mid. If you autofill, kindly ask if can mid since you're a OTP and if they say no then just play LeBlanc in another lane or jungle with her ;)

    Ban Kassadin every game


    Domination tree with Execute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Ravenous Hunter.

    Sorcery tree with Manaflow Band and Transcendence.

    I've tried the Minion Dematerializer and it isn't really worth it IMO.

    Taking the 10% attack speed is a must and that is the single piece of advice that improved my game the most.

    Summoner Spells

    Flash + Ignite

    Early Game Strategy

    Here's my early game strategy for once you learn the champ.

    Buy corruption potion and the ward. Go place the ward and sit at your mid turret until minions spawn. Relax for a minute and get ready to focus. It is helpful to have a consistent starting routine which gets you in the zone to start playing well. There are lots of invades in bronze but just ignore your teammates and start the game consistently.

    You want to start of pushing the lane a little so you hit level 2/3 first, and in case you need to run to scuttle to help your jungler. It is also very hard to farm under your turret so you don't want it to push towards you right away, and you're fairly safe from ganks especially early with your flash up.

    Pick a melee minion and hit it 3-4 times, and then last hit it. Then hit another melee minion 1-2 times and last hit it. Then last hit the 3rd melee minion. Congrats you have 3 cs. Don't push the casters and just last it them. Then when the second wave comes, auto a melee until its dead and you'll hit level 2. Press ctr-Q right away to level up your q and then q-w-auto your enemy for some poke and trigger electrocute.

    Get E next and continue poking every time your W is up and they walk in range of your q. If they are a melee champ, auto them a few times whenever they walk up to hit a minion.

    If your trades end up going poorly, play safely and farm until you can buy and get level 6. You should only be dying in lane 1v1 if you mess up. Once you're 6, you can either get a kill in lane or it is really easy to run bot and get at least 1 kill then the dragon.

    Mid Game Strategy

    Switch to red trinket to play around vision, and run around blowing people up. You need help from your team to get dragons, and your role is to either help burst it down and run away, or zone and kill whoever walks up. It's ok to lose the first dragon or two, but you need all the ones after that to win.

    Team Fights

    There are 2 basic strategies in team fights. The first is to sneak around and one-shot the the other team's ADC or mid laner either before the fight or after the other teams spends their cc engaging on your team's tanks. The second is to use the W + R as AOE damage after some AOE cc like malphite ult or Amumu ult. Generally, you don't really want a 5v5 and you'd rather just embrace the bloodbath chaos of bronze and run around chasing and killing people.

    Don't stand in lane clearing minions when the opponent is grouping and pushing mid. Flank from the side or behind from the jungle.

    If your ADC is super fed, just stand by that guy and use E and mimic E to peel tanks. If you start get fed, you can help the ADC kill the tanks too since they will likely have more armor and less MR.


    Getting a dark seal on your first back is great. I generally go Luden's Echo -> Morellonomicon -> Void Staff if they have MR. Most games I don't get Mejai's Soulstealer, unless the other team has very little hard cc and you are way ahead. Get Sorcerer's Shoes sooner if you are going to roam a lot, but sometimes I finish Luden's Echo before getting it. Basically, bronze is a bloodbath and every back you should be spending as much gold as you can since you'll be fighting all the time. Build towards Luden's Echo and Oblivion Orb. The third item is really game dependent and most of the time the game is over before you get there.


    I think the only two matchups where you need help from your jungler or you will lose are Ahri and Malzahar.

    Ahri is the hardest. She's really hard to gank after 6, and before 6 she is hard to trade with because of her taunt. She can push the lane quickly and then roam. You can't really kill her 1v1 after 6. She will push, farm quickly/easily, and roam and will be hard to contain.

    If you're against a Malzahar, he naturally pushes and a gank or two from your jungler will get you ahead so you can go stomp bot lane and start taking dragons. You can build QSS to avoid dying to his ult but that is pretty expensive so I'm not sure what is the best strategy here.


    Every game has potential for you to play well, win, and get that S or S-. Your kills usually come in slowly at first, maybe only a few before 10/15min, but you have a lot of potential to pop off for a ton of kills if the other team has a lot of squishies.

    The best way to win is to get kills for yourself. When you gank, don't give away the kill to your side laner to get them ahead. Take the kill and carry everyone on your back.

    Hopefully this inspires someone to try picking up LeBlanc or helps someone who is currently playing her. Please share any thoughts you have in the comments!

    submitted by /u/JustMule1
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    To metaslave or not to metaslave?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I've been playing this game for quite a long time, and I've never been such of a ''metaslave'' type of guy. But in S10, I feel kind of obligated to be.

    I'm a main jungle, my champions I usually (always) play is Hecarim, fact is, I was #1 hecarim world in s9 and I hit challenger with 65% winrate along hitting D1 with 80% winrate as solo climber(with exclusively hecarim)

    Although right now, Hecarim is in a really bad spot, along with the jungle nerf, I've had trouble getting out of diamond 3/2 with hecarim, he just seems really, really weak comparing to all the OP junglers (Ekko,graves,olaf,kayn to name some), and all those top laners.

    So I've started doing some research, I watched players in the top of the ladder such a tarzaned, nightblue3 and many others as well as their picks and the other team's pick. What did I found out was, 9 out of 10 games, it's always the same 4 junglers (or so), Ekko,kayn,graves,olaf. Sometimes they pick a situational pick such a mundo against an heavy cc team or something. but if they're first pick, 99% of the time it's either graves or ekko. I also pushed it further away, looking at their most played champs every season and such, and saw that they keep changing their pick to play the meta champs.

    So, while being hardstuck D2/D3 with legitly a 50% winrate this season, I decided, why not try it out? Note that I never played graves,ekko,olaf or kayn before.

    Guess what?

    I went from d3 0lp all the way up to D1 in only 3 days. 92% winrate graves(11/12), 100% win-rate olaf(2/2), 100% win-rate kayn(2/2). I still feel that I'm quite bad with those champs, but somehow I end up winning the fights at every objectives, team-fights and stuff.

    So yea, I'll keep pushing my ranks as far as possible, and then I'll try to do the same thing while playing the non-meta champs that I feel like I excel at, and post the results later on (probably in a month or so) While I see some OTP playing off-meta champs and still be in GM/Challenger, those players have over 1400 games played, I do not have that amount of time to play and I still want to hit the Master/GM or even challenger bracket.

    P.S sorry for my English, it's not my first language.

    but all I can say so far is, being a metaslave pays out.

    submitted by /u/SpicyControl
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    How yo not feel bad after costing your team the game

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    I don't play league too often. Mostly on weekends and not more than 3-5 games, so I don't understand why I care. However, I just had a game where I was an AP Shyvanna and lost a couple of Drakes by timing my smite poorly. Even though I was 5/1/8 or something similar at that moment, the tilt began taking control over me until I got killed at Baron pit and solo lost the game for my team (we were 5k gold ahead).

    I feel guilty for losing us the game and not getting our 'free' objectives.

    So, how do you guys recover from those matches where you know you solo lost the game for your team?

    This is my op.gg https://lan.op.gg/summoner/userName=Gongala

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/elnelsonperez
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    Is it possible to win against a fed master yi in low Elo?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    I'm running out of hope here. Team was up 40-23 but 9 of those kills were the enemy's Yi. He 1v5'd us while staying full health afterwards. Even under tower he killed all of us. The only time we could kill him is when we were able to chain cc him but because we couldn't consistently do that it was hopeless and we lost basically every fight and ultimately the game.

    I'm wondering if there's anything that I myself can do to stop this from occurring. I know that a good elo team can and will easily stop yi, but unfortunately I am bronze 1 so I cannot rely on my team. Is it possible for one champion (I main ekko) to stop a fed Yi? I cannot get my one shot combo off in time for his Q to go off cool down and it one hits me. I consistently get fed myself but was useless against the Yi.

    submitted by /u/Lunar221
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    How do I lane against a draven as a pull support? (pyle, blitz, leona, nautalius, sett, etc)

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    as the title says, What do I do when I have to lane against a draven in early game? draven has a pretty strong early game, and there have been cases where I pull the draven towards me, and he starts putting out a lot of dmg against me or my adc (in the worst case, my adc dying because I pulled the enemy draven towards me)

    can anyone give me advice on how I should lane against a draven as a pull support, or any support in general?

    submitted by /u/Jacket313
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    what is the most time-efficient way to practice timing my abilities on my enemies' Guardian Angel

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    i am already good enough at timing my abilities with stasis but due to ga's and zilean's revive being way less common, i am not confident i can do it yet.
    you can't practice it in practice tool and i can't play a custom with someone and wait for them to buy GA and use it and wait again for it to go off cooldown, is there any other way, other than just waiting for it to happen in my regular games ?

    submitted by /u/Dragonox24
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    Out DPSing carries as support but cant win games

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Currently sitting at an abysmal 48% winrate over ~500 games this season, last 20 games I have a 30% winrate (I had a few offrole games in there because I just got frustrated, it happens).

    Ever since the lockdown started, I feel like my team mates have been getting worse and worse, combined with regular griefers/inters (last year, I feel like I had only a few, now it seems like every 5 games). People say support is busted, but like, if my AD doesn't know how to play lane, I have to play much more along their style to avoid losing hard on trades. Then there's the whole "getting people on the same page about objectives" issue, I can ping "drake in 40" all day long, but if no one reacts, we have to give, or worse, only the jungle responds and gives over kills.

    People say just play 1v9 champs, but I know I don't have the mechanics to do that, and I don't find them enjoyable (basically, any AA heavy champ bores me).

    OPGG if anyone cares https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=nsato

    submitted by /u/That0neSummoner
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    How to play the later stages as Ryze when behind?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    I have picked him up and can lane well and roam but in the later stages I don't know what to do if the enemy is ahead and has control of our jungle

    I tried to waveclear but my team kept fighting so maybe i should have grouped but whenever I did group i'd die due to bad positioning/bad focus

    It got very stressful

    I was playing against orianna and we ended lanign phase with me 2/2/2 and her 0/2/1 and I had a 20 cs lead

    I used to struggle vs her but I learned to beat her in lane and outroam but as the game went on and her team was ahead, she was more useful than I was

    she can ball a frontliner and ult us and I couldnt' do much

    they had a lot of ad so i went frozen heart but felt like i was lacking damage to be a threat or do much in fights

    I really struggle in the later stages as ryze since the positioning must be really tight to get max damage but not get blown up

    submitted by /u/pimpdaddy_69
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    Who should I main?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    Hey, I've been playing league for a little while now and have been getting into ranked recently, I am around level 85 so thats where I am in experience. I've watched guides on wave management, vision, and stuff like that. But I am a little divided on who to main. I have been playing a lot of Leblanc and have been getting some good results but I feel I lack consistency in trying to carry games. Sometimes I feel like I rely on my teammates too much, and I know its a team game but trying to do that in low elo is a little hard. I am a mid/top lane main and have been thinking about picking up Qiyana or maybe
    Riven in my champ pool. I also have been considering Yasuo, but I fear the stigma around maining him. I've play a good amount of him (40k mastery points) and get really consistent results in ranked and draft. I like the way he can carry games, but I'm not sure I want to main him in order to keep my dignity. What do you guys think? Should I Pick up Qiyana or Riven, or maybe play Yasuo. I like Leblanc but I feel she can't solo carry games.

    submitted by /u/downstaircomputr
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    Why no 1v1 competitive mode?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    League is advertised and always hass been as a 5v5 team game. But lately ive been feeling more like its a 1v5 or 2v5 game. You play a "team game" when in reality the lower elos are you playing by yourself, and like that you cannot measure your real skill level.

    For iinstance take csgo, has a 2v2 mode. If you're really that good you should easily win a 1v2. not like its a 1v5, its just 1 more guy than you.

    Then with 1v1's we could see our real ranks, so why not implement it yet?

    submitted by /u/thepolarswedish
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    How to counter Nocturne

    Posted: 24 May 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a diamond Nocturne one-trick and I've been seeing people post some basic Nocturne counter tips here, so I thought I'd share a bit of my own tips.


    1. When walking around the map mid/late game, try to stay in relatively close proximity to at least one other teammate. At lower elos, I would simply recommend sticking as a Noc can easily win the game if he catches sight of a lone squishy somewhere near a ward, eliminating them and forcing a 4v5 seige/teamfight. The best way to get around this is to either stay with at least one other player while moving about, and to heavily deward your jungle.

    2. Spam your assist ping on yourself if you are the target of a Noc ult. Your teammates can still see this and will have a few extra seconds to react to either save you, or force a fight somewhere else/take an objective.

    3. Nocturne's R range is a lot smaller than people realize.

    Lvl1: It's barely the distance of the outer turret to the inner turret. A mid lane noc needs to be past the tiny river brush to ult top. You dont have to constantly worry about him flying into gank the second he leaves lane. Just spam the pings when he go missing as itll still take him about 15s to get within R range.

    lvl2: Slightly bigger, just enough for him to cover 2/3s of a jungle quadrant. Start dewarding major brushes on your side of the map.

    lvl3: A max range Noc ult will cover almost an entire jg quadrant, so a good Noc can hover around the river if nothing much is going on. I commonly use this method while hunting a lone squishy that might go farm without their sp or accidentally walk past a warded brush. This also means that if a Noc is splitting bot, you have a good 20++seconds to force a teamfight top before he will be in range to R in.

    1. Dont bother with an executioners/grievous wound items early. Noc's passive is only up every 10 seconds, and only heals for 15hp per unit hit. It's not worth your gold to counter this unless they are explicitly building a lifestyle item (ravenous/sanguine/botrk)

    Advanced (for high plat onwards):

    1. Be wary of the enemy team setting up a suspicious slow push on an outer lane. If you are a squishy or even a weaker bruiser, do not go farm the wave alone if you dont know where the Noc is. I sometimes intentionally get my duo to set up a slowpush before heading to the area so that I can catch any solo players hoping to clear the wave.

    2. A more advanced version of tip (1) is to not just walk in pairs or groups, but to intentionally get your squishy to walk just slightly seperated (but still within acceptable range of your skills). The reason for this is that sometimes the enemy Noc has to act quick upon spotting a lone squishy and will immediately R in to assasinate them when they get shown by a ward, hence he will most likely decide whether to R before u appear 3-5s later. By staying slightly farther away, you are essentially using the squishy as bait to make the Noc R in before collapsing on him 2/3/4/5v1. This works best if your bait has F.

    3. Always be wary of where the Noc is, not just so u dont get caught. His R is a huge psychological trick and I constantly use it to change teamfights/enemy decisions even if I'm not in range.

    For example: (a) If my bot is fighting a very even 2v2, I might randomly R to scare their bot and make them back off for even 1 second. In close fights this can mean 1 or 2 autos, or the difference in winning or losing the fight. (b) Similarly, if a teammate is getting chased, I might suddenly R and make the chasers hesitate for a split second to give my teammate a tiny gap. (c) if a teamfight breaks out and im not in range, using the R might force the opposing ADC and SP to stay further back while they get ready for me to come screaming in.

    The best way to counter this is to literally scream in your chat whenever u see Noc on the map. Think of it like calling out summoner cooldowns. "NOC FARMING BOT" means u dont have to worry about him coming to the baron fight ure about to start in 5 seconds, regardless of his R.


    1. Buy a goddamn GA or Zhonya. Unless its a offtank Noc, sacrificing himself to trigger your GA/Zhonya during a teamfight is just not worth it. It totally changes who he can target during fights.

    Wrote this on impulse at 2am so excuse any grammatical errors! Hope you guys enjoy! Ps. Feel free to ask me anything in the comments, I can also offer advice for playing as Noc :)

    submitted by /u/kaijuseow
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    Good Armor Items For Ryze?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    I know Zhonya's and maybe Ninja Tabi's, but I want a tankier option just in case. For a tanky item again AP comps I go Abysmal Mask (they take 15% more AP damage and that's pretty amazing), but against all AD comps I need one good tanky armor item, just in case I'm having a tough game.

    EDIT: Thanks guys!!

    submitted by /u/S_McD1
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    Should I go to Dragon when I am oom and there is a cannon minion in my lane as Ezreal?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Hey guys, hoping this is the right place for this:

    I was playing Ezreal ADC and we forced a back out of their support.

    My jungle forced the dragon and I pinged that I had no mana and tried to push out my wave.

    The enemy midlaner solo killed our midlaner and my jungle was spotted on a ward at dragon.

    Here is the streamable link for the play: https://streamable.com/efb2yy

    I always get tripped up by this as the ADC.

    I know that in higher elos your jungle will help you shove the wave before going to the objective. That doesn't happen in this elo even if I ping it so I am wondering when the jungle doesn't shove your wave should you try to shove it yourself or go to dragon.

    In this scenario I was oom and haven't spent on Ezreal. I don't want to fight and I ping that my mana is low. I just want to reset and buy.

    What should I do in this scenario? Spam ping my jungler to back off? Enable chat and type to him to shove out my wave? Follow him into dragon pit ultimately facing enemy jungler who is two levels up and numbers advantage from midlane.

    I toggled the vision at the end of the clip so the enemy jungler is not on the map, we don't know that he just hit level 6 and we don't know that he is bot. All we know is that he is fed.

    I just hate running into this scenario and it happens so many times bot that we get one kill and the jungler spam pings the dragon but I am sitting there with a cannon minion in front of me and 100+ worth of gold that I can farm right now. They don't help me push the wave to turret, and they die to enemy jungler after taking significant damage from dragon.

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    How to beat Ornn whit INTING Sion

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    So I have a passion for inting Sion(yes that inting Sion search if you dont know what I'm talking about).

    And the only champ that can stop me are : Ornn,Sett , Fiora, Conqueror(rune)Singed.

    however I found a way to defeat Ornn whit Inting Sion:

    First lets talk about why he's normally UNBEATABLE yes literally UNBEATABLE.

    1.He does WAY more damage than you he has a 12% hp damage W a 8% health passive,in a normal combo pre 6 you'll be atleast getting 25% your health bar destroyed whit absolutely no way to avoid that,after 6 his health percentage combo will go up to an absurd 36% HP magic damage in a single rotation,lets also add his 70% AD scaling Q and his E that scales whit resistence.

    You will never out damage an Ornn.

    2.He is also WAY more tankier than you,he has the best Tank item at his disposal,sunfire and iceborn gauntlet and can literally get double the stats from them(his passive give him a free 1500g worth of stats from items and his other passive will add another 15% ON TOP of the 100 armor he'll get(normally its 60 armor and its already OP)

    So you will also never out last him.

    3.He also has WAY more CC than you as a sion will have 2 hard CC(including ult) and a 20% slow,while Ornn has 1 30% and another 20% slow plus 2 CC just whit basic spell,his ult will provide an additional 50% slow and another hard CC.

    So you will also never out CC him or escape in time to not get hit and lose a huge chunk of your hp from him.

    4.He has just has much wave clear as you do,you both need to use your skill to clear a wave,but Ornn does it better because he can activate sun fire active in the middle and absolutely destroy them.

    So you can never out push him and shove him under tower.

    NOW Lets talk about how you can beat him:

    1.You can easly just go the passive Role and never leave turret.he cant dive you(afteer 2 items he can),this is the worst way to play:

    - Its boring

    -you dont have any ind of pressure

    -you'll be losing farm aka scaling worst and you already scale WAY worse than him

    -he gets perfect cs and be unkillable for your team

    -we all know how bad the coin flip is


    2.Another way to beat him is to just proxy,the best spot is behind second tower just as minions come out of base,you can easily proxy(because you have titanic Hydra/tiamat and if someone comes to kill you just suicide under tower or waste their time since you'll be higher level most of the time,if you die take minion wave whit passive and come back walking the timing should be perfect to catch it under your tower.

    This also has down side:

    -Its also not that fun,its better than staying under tower but honestly meh,not that eventfull.

    -cant always be done,if they catch you going for the second tower to proxy and the minion wave hasnt come yet,you'll just die and lost prob 3 tower plates.

    -You wont be getting any tower plates unless Ornn recalls or your jungle comes.

    -Its not a long term solution,Ornn still scales better than you so by traiding wave he still wins.

    1. Cheasy way to beat Ornn : Get a Doran Ring,DONT take potions,you'll need that 100g later,just Max E and Poke him out if you lose alot of hp because of miss positioning reacall and buy Tiamat if you can ,buy a currupting Potion if you cant,you can also still push minion waves whit E + Q combo and take tower plates after you force Ornn out.

    Still,down side Exist:

    -You have a weaker mid game,not because you have a Doran ring,but mostly because you havent maxed Q / w

    -You cant all in anyone because you maxed E,Sion already has barely enough damage to kill someone whit an offensive Q max,maxing E just means you'll be uselesss in all ins(your maxed E also doesnt have more Armor Pen for some reason).

    -Its not guaranteed you win lane,if you miss step one time Ornn can still just as easily one shot you.

    4 BEST WAY TO BEAT ORNN : Just buy Offensive,you can get a blade of the ruined king or a Wit's end and just smash at him (dont literally do it,still gonna lose),for me personally ITS the most fun way since you arent cowering in fear,or doing nothing.

    You are brawling all the time and if you win you get the tower plates and a kill,if you dont and die you'll lose tower plates(as you should),another really fun fact is that by going offensive after 3 items Ornn will never able to kill you 1 vs 1,while whit literally all other way you cant beat Ornn 1 vs 1 at any stage of the game this way you can have an actual gameplay vs him.

    Still some downside :

    -High reward also means High risk,if their jungle camps you wont have enough hp to survive.

    -You can still be one shotted by Ornn if he lands his entire combo.

    -Cant team fight at all most of the time,the only viable way to win is splitting,so all the split pushing down side are added to this,which are ALOT.

    submitted by /u/ZedantYT
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    Why is Kayn so Busted?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 08:29 PM PDT

    We've all seen a resurgence of Kayn and Graves since their buffs and changes to death's dance. The main thing I've been pondering is what makes these champs so strong, because they seem to be pick/ban in lower elo. I recently made a video showing just how to use Kayn's pathing efficiency to build huge leads.

    I think what separates these junglers is their ability to punish mistakes. This really stems from 3 things:

    1. Clear speed
    2. Mobility
    3. Scaling

    All Kayn has to do is full clear his jungle, and wait for his opponent to gank. Even if the gank is successful, he can counter jungle an entire side of the map in almost no time (and do it safely, due to his mobility).

    If the gank is unsuccessful, the enemy jungler has lost 2-3 camps, and wasted quite a bit of time. Then Kayn is able to return to his side of the map and clear that as well. As the early game comes to a close, he will have a significant item advantage, and just needs 1 skirmish to get his form.

    After that point, he can become tanky enough with Death's Dance that he can't be 1 shot before getting his ult off. If the enemy focuses him down, they will (in all likelihood) waste their cooldowns and get aced.

    I could certainly be wrong about some of this, but it's just my perspective on what is making Kayn so oppressive right now. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Map awareness and use of f keys

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Hi guys I'm a relatively new player stuck in the depths of soloq who just learnt how to play the game without locked cam, the next thing I need to learn is looking around the map with f keys, for a while now I've re bound these to my z,X,C,v keys and rebound pings to g so I can look around with my thumb and have free fingers up top.

    Is this suboptimal and bad, or completely fine and normal. I need help on this one

    submitted by /u/potatorevolver
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    Kiting as ADC

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm a low-elo ADC main and I know how to kite pretty nice. But when minions are around I just can't do it. I hit the minions instead and target champions only doesn't worth with attack move click. I use A for farming/kiting. I got used to it. Any tips please? I try to kite with right click and target champs only ON, but there are a lot of chances to click on the map and go back, then die.

    submitted by /u/hoppinem
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    Returning to Game - Top and Jungle Questions

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Hey there. Haven't played in a while and I noticed there's a lot of fun bruisers being played right now. I'm looking at Sett, Wukong, Voli, and Mord. I had a few questions before jumping back and trying to climb.

    • What's the game plan with these kinds of top lane picks in solo queue? Are they still meant to crush lane and split push? What do I do if I'm behind? Before I took a break, bruisers felt like they weren't all that useful compared to full tanks and ranged carries.
    • What are junglers meant to prioritize this season? I've been told they're XP-starved, and need to snowball early and give up farm. Is that still the case?
    • Are the champs I mentioned flexible for top and jungle? Or am I handicapping myself by trying to squeeze them into both roles? And are they difficult to play well (aka should I spam Garen)?
    submitted by /u/Asbestos_Jones
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    Questions about settings in the game; Player Movement specifically.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    I play adc and a lot of times the range of my auto attack is a mystery. When watching streamers, I notice that their curser changes to a red circle and they are able to see their auto attack range. Some also have quick vs smart cast? I'm just going to list what it is I'm looking to do for my settings personally and hope someone can help.

    My current settings for auto attacking

    • Hover mouse and press A, champion will move and attack closest unit to champion location

    • A + Left click, champion will move towards click and attack unit closest to clicked location

    • Right click on target attacks target

    • Either all abilities are smart cast or quick cast, no in-between

    • Caitlyn; I can hold Q and continue to right click to move my champion around and aim the ability. Releasing Q sends the ability. I LIKE THIS, but, I want to be able to do this action with my E ONLY. I want the Q to be instant when I press Q and for it to go where my mouse is, and my E to be aimable. Right now it's either one or the other for all abilities.

    What I am looking for in my settings

    • Auto attack range indicator

    • Being able to have some abilities on quick cast while others can be aimed

    • Magic Saber-settings that auto-push flawless Caitlyn combos

    thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Jinx_OweMeACoke
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