League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged! |
- Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!
- Despite my sister being 0/3, 41 cs and a level behind, she managed to outplay Orianna
- How long do we need to suffer by this pc freeze on honor screen any more?
- I didn't think League could get any more toxic until I heard a knock at my door...
- As an AD main, I agree the role has lots of problems. But seriously, some of you guys are blaming the role sucking when in reality it's probably just you.
- It's a common misconception that the frustrations of ADC players stem from their class, the "ADC role". They're not. "ADC issues" are "bot lane carry" issues. An in-depth take on the matter from a high Diamond/Master tier ADC main
- Pobelter vs. 'enemy team'/(we've all been through this before)
- Double Penta
- TL;DR Lore: Timeline of Runeterra
- Lee Sin wanted to get rid of me too fast
- Former Misfits ADC, BVOY is playing for Flamengo E-sports (CBLOL) this summer split.
- Remember Double/Party Boost IP Weekends?
- Did they remove key fragment notifcations?
- Update on Smeb
- I always wanted to do this..Flash E Shen under turret
- Wolf's LCK Academy League
- PROJECT: Weapons (by Silvxs)
- Your average master yi urf 1v1
- The Geniuses of League's Forums - Gbay99
- A 1v5 with 4 attacking me simultaneously
- When you know you are getting ganked but you really need that cannon creep.
- There is on average more than one smurf/game in my MMR. Maybe there is a problem?
- “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, but love leaves a memory that no one can steal”
- Pro View Spring Split VODs are now available for free.
- What is so bad about High elo that everyone is smurfing this season
- An Insight on the ADC Exp Issue from a DotA Perspective
Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged! Posted: 24 May 2020 07:33 PM PDT Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge. Need help against a certain champion? Unsure how and where to ward? Looking to improve your csing? This is the place to ask. This weekly thread is a place for new players to ask questions and get help/advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them! If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. Looking to chat with people live? Come check out our discord channel here! We also have the channel #new-player-help if you want to ask questions there. If you are willing to learn, /r/SummonerSchool and its respective discord are always willing to teach. Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato Other:
Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions. [link] [comments] | ||
Despite my sister being 0/3, 41 cs and a level behind, she managed to outplay Orianna Posted: 24 May 2020 01:55 PM PDT
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How long do we need to suffer by this pc freeze on honor screen any more? Posted: 24 May 2020 10:25 AM PDT It's been an issue since WEEKS. I don't care about me not being able to honor my teammates, no, but it lets EVERYTHING freeze on my pc, even discord, webbrosers etc etc. Do we have any informations regarding that problem? It gets annoying pretty much. Also this : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/508244694094970900/714169357827309618/kaylebait.gif Thanks for that aswell. :) [link] [comments] | ||
I didn't think League could get any more toxic until I heard a knock at my door... Posted: 24 May 2020 06:07 AM PDT It was May 23, 2020 - late in the evening. I woke up from a nap and turned on my computer to play a game of League. First game didn't go so well and I watched as my teammates flamed each other into the ground. After seeing the defeat screen, I quickly left to ignore the normal post-game lobby talk and started up another queue. As we entered Champion Select, our ADC hovered over Ezreal. Immediately, our support responded, "I don't want to be that guy, but pick another ADC". My heart dropped. That feeling of knowing that your next ~30 minutes enjoying the game would be spent looking at your teammates who are busy providing extra vision at the fountain with their trinkets, screaming that "the game is hopeless". The ADC replies, "Hey man, I totally understand why you would feel that way. I'll cut you a deal: If we win, I'll get you guys a Big Mac" My eyes lit up...I haven't ate. With the quarantine and money getting tight, I wished he picked Ezreal. If we just happened to win, dinner wouldn't be an issue for today! The game officially starts and we're off! I've been in the mood for Kayle but her abysmal early game and my trash skills makes it hard to control the demon of the north: Teemo. He pushes me to my tower and my Jungler does his best to help me but I end up giving a kill to the counter-ganking Kha'Zix. The Demon hits us with the /all and spams his laugh emote as he's pushed further ahead. Mid-game rolls around and my laner is nowhere in sight. I can hold the wave and farm safely at my tower...until my eyes dart over to the mini-map where The Demon has teleported to botlane and destroyed their turret plus racking up some kills. Ezreal, ever so silent, continues to play the game. The game slowly turned around until eventually, the blue Victory banner stretched across my screen. We did it! We won! As we moved into the end-game lobby, Ezreal tells me to add him. We won right? He's probably going to honor his deal? He's probably happy that we won! He tells me, "If you want a big mac, I gotchu. I'm a man of my word." I hesitantly replied, "What do you need from me?" He told me two words: "Delivery Address". I mean, what's the worse that can happen? We won? He can't be that mad that Teemo roamed bot and screwed up their laning phase. After some time passes by, I get a harsh knock on the door. There's a man with a mask, holding a brown paper bag with outstreched arms. He tells me, "This is from Zhu." He then hands it off and quickly leaves without another word. I open the bag slowly, imagining what could possibly be in there. Will it be empty? Maybe some powdered Anthrax? Some rope and a note telling me to go kill myself? I peered inside and saw an entire meal from McDonald's! Packed to the brim with food! Big Mac, fries, drink...it was the whole nine yards! I look at League Chat and he wrote: "Just keep killing it top lane bro. Eat up." ----- I decided to post this because I've just been reading about how much more toxic League has become. Although it does seem to be true ever since I've came back, I think that it's more important now than ever to show that there are also some great things about the community as well. Thanks Zhu; you really made my day. ----- tl;dr I got sent McDonald's food from a random teammate on League. I hear McDonald's food is pretty toxic but it sure hit the spot. I guess you can say he fed me IRL. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 24 May 2020 02:30 PM PDT I get that the role sucks. But the stuff I'm reading makes it seem like many AD mains just refuse to take responsibility for anything because "adc useless role". Here are some common things I'm reading that I'm pretty skeptical about:
So there are marksmen that can outplay an assassin, and marksmen that can't. If you have 8 kills on Lucian, for example, and a 0/3 zed tries to 1v1 you, chances are you SERIOUSLY fucked up if you actually lost that. Don't blame the role. On the other hand, if you're on like Jinx and you're 8/0, you shouldn't be in a position for an assassin to kill you solo. Assassins have ALWAYS been able to kill immobile teamfighting marksmen in a 1v1 setting, that's nothing new (and it's completely fair).
Last season was extremely inflated in terms of ranks. I've looked at the op.ggs of some people who have said things similar to this, and it's usually something along these lines: 4+ seasons gold/plat, S9 D4, S10 plat 4. In all honesty, if you were a much higher rank last season, your current ranking this season is closer to your actual skill level. The role might make it harder to climb, but it's probably just you.
Yes, the supports usually start the plays. But if you're so sure that a play can work out, use your pings. Type something. Most supports are friendly people that don't want to throw a lane by not being on the same page as their AD. If you're sure about a play, let them know. A simple ping plus telling the support "we can play more aggressive this lane" will do the trick much of the time.
It may feel like for many games, but statistically speaking if you win your lane every game then you will climb. If you're not climbing then you're probably losing more lanes than you remember and making a lot of really big macro mistakes, getting caught, etc. I think there's a lot of problems with the role. More games than ever have felt out of my control and I've felt more helpless than ever. But truth of the matter is, for many people in this subreddit, the problem isn't the role as much as the players making really blatant mistakes that may cost them the game. You can either complain about how awful the role is, or you recognize that you're probably just making a lot of mistakes that aren't related to the role, but to you as a player. rant over [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 24 May 2020 04:53 AM PDT The other day this thread hit front page detailing the Rioter GreaterBelugaWhale's thoughts on ADCs complaints about having no agency. In it he talks about how the ADC role is built around the reliable output of their unmissable auto-attacks, and in order for this to come close to being balanced (though he believes the ADC role is overpowered, intentionally so) they need to have very low agency to compensate. I fundamentally disagree in two ways. I think the lack of agency in the ADC role has nothing to do with the champions themselves, and I think agency and balance have nothing to do with each other. This post will mainly focus on the former because it's the most common misconception which I believe is vital to clear up if the community (including Riot) are to have productive discussions on this matter. A champion like Lucian doesn't lack agency, in fact he has agency up the ass. He's a strong duelist, he has outplay potential, he can carry. Put him on a solo lane and his agency is painfully obvious to his opponent, he'll constantly dash forward for force trades which he crushes, he has high kill potential after level 6 since he can use Culling to finish off anyone who gets too low from his engages. Compare him to a champion like Orianna and he should stand out as a relatively high agency champion. His agency tools allow him both to force fights more easily in favourable situations (Orianna has to wait for them to get into her QR range, she can't reposition herself into that range), and his high in-combat mobility especially at level 13+ allows him in-combat agency too, that is, greater ability to outplay his opponents (such as, dodging a perfectly aimed Orianna QR because he has plenty of time to see it casting and press E to dodge if he's good enough). Mid-late game he's an ADC like any other, and if he's played well, he's not only going to be the most fed champion in the game but also the highest level champion in the game. Pretty much no champion would expect to be able to walk up to him on a side lane and 1v1 him. Put him on bot lane though? He can't just dash forward to force a trade against that weak early-game Vayne, Janna would hammer him back with W and together they'd beat him. He can only trade when his Thresh is also in range to hit her so the trade is 2v2 instead of 1v2, but Vayne/Janna will back off any time Thresh approaches since they know they lose all-ins so they don't want to get Flayed. So while the Lucian player may have all those high-agency tools to succeed, and occasionally he may indeed find a window to make a small trade, for the most part he's just spending laning phase waiting for Thresh to land a hook. Whether Lucian stomps or plays passive doesn't mostly depend on how he wants to play, it depends mostly on whether Thresh can hit a hook or not. Whether Lucian wins lane or not doesn't mostly depend on how well Lucian executes trades, it depends mostly on whether Thresh will walk up and Flay Vayne while she's over-extended, or whether he'll overextend trying too hard to force and die. And his reward for winning lane, whether he deserved to or not? He's 3 levels behind whichever top laner won their lane. If he's 10 kills up on the enemy top laner, he's probably still scared to quickly shove a side lane without his support coming with him in case the 0/4 enemy top laner (or mid laner, or jungler) happens to be nearby and decides to one-shot him. Mid lane Lucian has agency in just the simple act of choosing to go push out a side lane, because unless he's behind he's confident that if the enemy mid/top/jungle is nearby and wants to contest him pushing out the wave that they have no fundamental advantage over him and would need to outplay him to kill him. ADC Lucian, or more accurately bot lane Lucian, even as the same champion with the same build, would have to do the same act praying that no one will punish him for it, because unless he's extremely ahead there's no way he's even in levels and even being only 1 level behind would be a blessing. At high levels, the ADCs give up side lane farm entirely while solo laners go to pick up side waves and potentially shove them out or stay to split because the ADC can't safely do that without their support coming with them to protect them, and sending 2 people to bot/top just for one of them to farm while the team is playing through mid lane is extremely inefficient. But if the ADC goes on his own, he risks death, so with an uncoordinated team, where he can't tell the support to come with him to pick up a bot wave then shove it out, and he can't tell his mid laner to leave mid farm to him and go pick up that bot wave instead, his options are to potentially die trying to farm efficiently, or have to share mid lane farm with his teammates all game. Fortunately at low Elos, just as their teammates will fail to naturally understand what they must do for the ADC to be able to efficiently farm, the enemies will frequently fail to realize that they have an opportunity to punish a solo farming ADC. But the agency is all on them, it's the ADC that's making a mistake trying to do something any solo laner wouldn't struggle doing, and it's the solo laner that has the ability to punish or not punish it. The ADC, even as a champion like Lucian who fundamentally is both a strong duelist and a safe champion, cannot safely farm a side lane for 20 seconds for fear of being matched by a solo laner 2-3 levels above him. ADC champions don't lack agency. The ADC role lacks agency. And it's true that that it's for good reason that they lack agency; the average fed ADC is more fed than the average fed top laner, because bot lane is a 2 man role. If you wipe out the enemy laners on bot lane you're getting 2 kills rather than one, and bot laners have to be balanced around this. But in reality, 2v2 wins aren't always 2 kills, and nor is 2 kills guaranteeing that the ADC is getting fed; you can ace your lane twice in a row only for Nautilus to use those 4 kills to buy Mobis and Chain Vest while Lucian's 4 assists allow him to buy a Long Sword along with the BF Sword he'd already farmed up. But you can't balance the game around the ADC getting unlucky, you have to assume that the guy who's meant to be fed kills is indeed receiving his kills when he wins lane, and balance according to that. I feel like Rioters and Redditors alike tunnel too hard on the champions' kits/itemization when thinking about what makes the ADC role so frustrating to play for ADC players, when there's really nothing wrong with either of those things. Nobody plays Tristana mid and one-shots every mage that dares to step foot past their tower and complains "but I have 0 agency!". Their problem is that they're playing bot lane so they can't walk up past the halfway line without a mage that's constantly out of vision every 30 seconds walking up and one-shotting them because of the massive level advantage they have throughout the game. Aside from just having 6 sooner, do you know how squishy you are compared to a champion 2-3 levels higher than you? Practice tool lacks a way of measuring DPS onto your champion so there's only so many ways you can test it in a manner that shows you just how massive the difference is, but I picked Lucian and tested how much tower damage I took from 5 tower shots from a tower with 243 AD (though remember the damage escalates) at level 14 vs level 17. At level 14 I survived with 8 HP, at level 17 I survived with 380 HP. Because of the scaling armor/HP given by each levelup, taking the same damage from the same source, one is able to withstand nearly 400 more damage from the other? Imagine how one-sided a duel between a level 17 Lucian and a level 14 Lucian would be regardless of how much better the level 14 player might be? Without even getting into the levelups impact over their respective DPS (here is an idea of how one-sided a duel would be with a champion 2 levels above you, when they can do that much damage in just a 0.5 second window of fighting back as a result of their levels). All because the level 17 Lucian was picking up solo XP in laning phase which then allowed him to safely pick up solo farm throughout the rest of the game, while the level 14 Lucian was stuck in his usual self-fulfilling prophecy of being underlevelled because he was on a 2v2 lane, then being too underleveled to contest farm on his own and needing to keep his support around taxing XP in order for him to farm safely. Regardless of individual champion strengths, bot lane ADCs are held back by their role, not their class, making them massively behind by default. It takes a huge item advantage to make up for the standard 2-3 level deficit that a bot laner averages vs a solo laner that isn't behind. If the problem is limited to bot lane and not solo lanes, then why doesn't every ADC just play solo lane ADCs? It's for the same reason that the top 3-5 highest winrate bot laners for the past 2 years have all been mages on almost every patch and yet mage players continue to only queue mid lane, and those 5 high winrate bot lane mages continue to average a combined 2% pickrate. Bot lane is where ADCs are used to playing, it's where all their practice has been put towards, it's where all their game knowledge lies, it's where they've developed an understanding of matchups. Making the transition to suddenly being mid/top lane mains would be wasting so much of their development as players. But even aside from the practicality of that transition, there's also the matter of incentive. There's an extremely limited pool of ADCs that can be played on solo lanes, so while you may enjoy Lucian who can be played mid lane, what if your champion pool consists of Lucian/Jinx/Miss Fortune/Caitlyn/Jhin/Kai'Sa? You're just going to pack it all up and live your life as a Lucian one-trick, even if he's only your 4th favourite ADC? No, you're going to continue playing bot lane for those champions, and even when you pick Lucian, you're going to be doing it bot lane because you were queued up for bot lane when you found the right comp to play him in. Speaking of Jinx/Miss Fortune/Caitlyn, they might come to mind as ADCs who do lack agency even if they were on solo lanes. And that's true, they do lack agency, but that's because they actually do fit the description of the Rioter GreaterBelugaWhale; they do very little other than walk up and hit you with unavoidable damage. But no one makes a distinction between the lack of agency of an ADC like Jinx, and the lack of agency of an ADC like Lucian. Because they're not talking about the agency, or lack thereof, within the champions' kits, but within the role they queue up for. They're both tied to living or dying by their support's actions, and both are rewarded for getting through the support coinflip in laning phase with being behind by default vs any solo laner, even if that solo laner is another ADC. For proof of this, look no further than Kayle. Kayle is nothing more than a magic damage-dealing ADC, and hypercarry at that, who has 0 agency in laning phase and even after still has her agency limited to walking up to people and hitting them with unavoidable damage. But while people may complain about finding her boring and not liking her pre-6 weakness, not even the most delusional Kayle player in the world is whining about being a walking sack of gold to junglers/mid laners/bot laners. Yeah she has the invulnerability from her ultimate, but these days she can't even auto-attack for half of it, and level 11 onwards (if not sooner) she can 1v1 most champions on the map without needing her ultimate unless they're fed or particularly bursty. People might not enjoy the steepness of her power curve, but no one complains that she's a minion pre-6 only to stay irrelevant even at 30 minutes. Do hypercarries on bot lane have to suffer through his laning phase with the reward of being the strongest champion on the map at 30+ minutes onwards? No, Kog'Maw players can go 10/0 and still be legally classified as inters if they try to side lane against a mage, or a bruiser or... literally anyone. Jinx players have their traps to potentially outplay any bruiser trying to make a solo play on them, and that outplay will buy them 1 second of time to chunk out 30% of that bruiser's HP before they get unrooted, Flash on Jinx and one-shot her. That's the difference between a hypercarry balanced around being a solo laner and a hypercarry balanced around being an ADC. When Kayle is even, her ~1 second of invulnerability where she also gets to freely auto-attack will win her a duel against almost anyone. When Jinx is 5 kills up, her ~1 second of getting to freely hit her attacker buys enough time for a teammate to avenge her afterwards, because she needed to be 10 kills up to have any sort of chance at surviving if she tried to do anything other than run. Both champions fit the description of having "reliable output (repeatable ranged unmissable dps)", but their agency in the mid-late game is worlds apart. If Jinx were balanced around being a solo laner, I would happily play her in a solo lane and I would shut up about ADC issues. I happily play Kayle mid and I enjoy her whole hyperscaling aspect. Much of what I love about ADCs, I also find in Kayle, and much of what I hate about ADCs (which really just mostly comes down to bot lane issues, not issues of the champions themselves), I don't find in Kayle. But Kayle is just one champion, and I'm not about to main mid/top just because this one champion is on my list of top 20 favourite champions to play. And while I've played a lot of mid lane ADCs over the years where I found the ADCs strong enough on a solo lane to actually not be an awful pick, including mid Lucian, mid Tristana, mid Ezreal and even mid Graves before his rework, that just isn't a wide enough variety of picks to keep me satisfied, the only place I can play whatever ADC I feel like, as an ADC player, is bot lane. And even if I want to play one of those champions anyway, there's still the issue that balance-wise every single one of them is stronger on bot lane than on mid lane, which is where most of my practice and experience is concentrated in anyway. I would make the switch to mid lane in an instant anyway if ADCs were equally strong in both lanes, but losing 70% of the champions I enjoy playing just to switch to get to play on a more enjoyable lane doesn't feel worth the trade-off. Champions like Kayle are proof that ADCs can most definitely have agency/options without the entire game being about them, and champions like Corki/Kindred are proof that you don't have to fit into the extreme of either early-game curbstomper or lategame hyperscaler in order to have agency/options and not also feel overbearing towards opponents, regardless of the reliability of their output. ADC has become almost synonymous with bot lane for better or worse, and as a result of that, bot lane issues have been misinterpreted as "ADC issues". Go match a bot lane Syndra vs a mid lane Cassiopeia who's 3 levels above her and ask her how much agency she feels she has when her full one-shot combo with no spells missed only does 70% of Cassiopeia's HP. Do you think she's going to feel impactful compared to the Cassiopeia while Cassiopeia proceeds to 100-0 her in the time it takes for her Q to come back up, which still wouldn't even kill Cassiopeia if she did get a chance to cast it? Do you think Cassiopeia would feel any better if she were the bot laner and the Syndra 3 levels up on her one-shot her even without bothering to use W? There is no design/balance dilemna created by the ADC class. They are not overpowered for being the only class played on bot lane any more than they are underpowered for being the only class not strong enough to survive through solo lanes even though a minion like Kayle doesn't even struggle with that. ADC champions are in a perfectly fine balance state, and in a perfectly fine design state. What is in an awful state is the "ADC role", or the bot lane carry role, or whatever you want to call it. That role lacks agency, that role gets 1v1'd by any 0/5 solo laner or jungler, and that role is the one that doesn't have any obvious solutions for their XP starvation issues since if they did get equal XP despite having twice as many potential kills to obtain per fight, they would entirely control the outcome of the game. There is no ADC issue, there is only a bot lane issue. [link] [comments] | ||
Pobelter vs. 'enemy team'/(we've all been through this before) Posted: 24 May 2020 03:35 PM PDT
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Posted: 23 May 2020 08:50 PM PDT
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TL;DR Lore: Timeline of Runeterra Posted: 24 May 2020 02:49 PM PDT Hey everyone! I wanted to try and give you all a overview of the history of Runeterra in a timeline of sorts, so this is my attempt! Tight on words here so just some stuff before we start: This is framed using the Noxian timeline from Realms of Runeterra. As such events will be dated as either being BN (Before Noxus) or AN (After Noxus). The current year in lore is 996. Some events aren't discussed here due to a lack of information about when they happened. If it's not here, that's likely why. Anyway, let's get started! Pre-Timeline: Pre-Runeterra
Pre-Timeline: Runeterra
10,000 Years Ago (9,000 BN): The Vastayashai'rei
10,000-9,000 Years Ago
9,000 Years Ago (8,000 BN): War of the Three Sisters
9,000-7,000 Years Ago
7,000 Years Ago (6,000 BN): The Western Diaspora
7,000-6,000 Years Ago
6,000 Years Ago (5,000 BN): Founding of Shurima
6,000-3,500 Years Ago
3,500 Years Ago (2,500 BN): Rebellion of Icathia
3,500-3,000 Years Ago
3,000 Years Ago (2,000 BN): The Fall of Shurima
3,000-1,550 Years Ago
1,550 Years Ago (550 BN): The End of the Great Darkin War
1,550-1,400 Years Ago
1,400 Years Ago (400 BN): Mordekaiser's Return
1,400-1,100 Years Ago
1,100-1,021 Years Ago
1,021 Years Ago (25 BN): The Ruination
1,009 Years Ago (13 BN): The Rune Wars
996 Years Ago (Year 0): Founding of Noxus
996-704 Years Ago
704 Years Ago (292 AN): Demacian Royalty
647 Years Ago (349 AN): The Noxian Empire
224 Years Ago (772 AN): Tragedy of the River Pilt
209 Years Ago (787 AN): Bilgewater
Around 200-140 Years Ago (780-720 AN): Ferros and the brackern
87 Years Ago (899 AN): The Delverhold and Noxus
24 Years Ago (972 AN): Irelia
23 Years Ago (973 AN): Taliyah
22 Years Ago (974 AN): Basilich and Noxus
19 Years Ago (977 AN): Akali
19 Years Ago (977 AN): The Golden Demon
19 Years Ago (977 AN): Darius and Quiletta
19 Years Ago (977 AN): Lux
18 Years Ago (978 AN): Invetia
16 Years Ago (980 AN): Khada Jhin
15 Years Ago (982 AN): Demacian Heart
12 Years Ago (984 AN): The Invasion of Ionia
12-10 Years Ago (980-984 AN): The Yanlei
10 Years Ago (986 AN): Splintering of the Kinkou
10 Years Ago (986 AN): Great Stand of the Placidium
10 Years Ago (986 AN): The Bow, and the Kunai
9 Years Ago (987 AN): Chemical Weapons in Ionia
12-7 Years Ago (984-989 AN): The Invasion Continues
7 Years Ago (989 AN): Alistar's Freedom
7 Years Ago (989 AN): Swain's Coup
7 Years Ago (989 AN): The Invasion's End
7 Years Ago (989 AN): Shurima's Rebirth
8-6 Years Ago (988-990 AN): Warmother
7-6 Years Ago (989-990 AN): Rise of the Ascended
6 Years Ago (990 AN): Bloodline
6 Years Ago (990 AN): Senna is Slain
3 Years Ago (990 AN): Garen in the Vanguard
996 AN: Now
???: The Future
… And that should be everything that I can reasonably time-line in here. I hope you enjoyed! If there's anything outstanding here that you're curious about, feel free to ask; it's likely either something I can try and extrapolate about, or something I forgot because I'm an idiot. Regardless, I hope you have a great day! TL;DR: ...yeah no. Sorry! [link] [comments] | ||
Lee Sin wanted to get rid of me too fast Posted: 24 May 2020 06:54 AM PDT
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Former Misfits ADC, BVOY is playing for Flamengo E-sports (CBLOL) this summer split. Posted: 24 May 2020 08:30 AM PDT Flamengo E-sports just announced that he will be playing this split for flamengo: https://twitter.com/flaesports/status/1264577122179469312 Thats a huge step up for our region and i am really excited for it. [link] [comments] | ||
Remember Double/Party Boost IP Weekends? Posted: 24 May 2020 07:20 AM PDT With all these returning game modes like Pick URF currently and Nexus Blitz later this year, I was reminiscing about what features the game has had that we're missing out on today. One such thing was Double IP Weekends. Hopping into back-to-back-to-back legendary games with your buddies during the 2014 Sugar Rush Event or Ocean Week getting some nice double IP was a time. Doing some research, I found what I believe to be the last such event, which was Xayah and Rakan release, almost exactly 7 months before IP merged with BE. Since the switch to BE I had been wondering if Riot would ever do a Double XP weekend (or 1.5x even), something fun and rewarding promoting play. Especially with many of us still (hopefully) self-isolating stuck at home, with not much to do, there would be a lot of people benefiting from this. Thoughts on this and do you think Riot will ever bring something like this back? [link] [comments] | ||
Did they remove key fragment notifcations? Posted: 24 May 2020 03:46 AM PDT I haven't received them in like 2 months, key fragments still appear in my loot tab though. Just no notifications.. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 24 May 2020 10:05 AM PDT Smeb on his stream last night: "What I have been up to? I have been trying my best in my games, and staying in touch with different teams" "Nothing's been decided yet. I didn't come here to make an announcement." "When will I be streaming again? Next week, that is to say, this week. I'll turn on my stream sometime this week. At least once. I might decide to stream in the middle of the night, but I'll make sure to stream at least once this week." "I'll return with a major announcement." Source: https://twitter.com/KevinKimLoL/status/1264461015615299587 [link] [comments] | ||
I always wanted to do this..Flash E Shen under turret Posted: 24 May 2020 04:02 PM PDT
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Posted: 24 May 2020 10:17 AM PDT Early this year Wolf stated that he wanted to have a tournament between LCK teams Academy players to showcase their talent against each other. He plans to have a price pool for the tournament to reward the winning team. Wolf's update regarding his plans for LCK Academy League:• It'll take place between the Mid-Season Cup and the LCK Summer Split, sometime in June. • Close to confirming date and time, still under discussion with other teams. • Will give another update on June after MSC. • In talks with T1 regarding possibility of a prize pool. • Currently undecided on the actual name (title) of the competition. • Still in the planning stages, a work in progress. • The matches will likely be streamed on T1's official channel ("t1esports" on Twitch). Source: https://twitter.com/KevinKimLoL/status/1264597090895716353?s=19 [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 24 May 2020 07:19 AM PDT
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Your average master yi urf 1v1 Posted: 24 May 2020 03:43 AM PDT
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The Geniuses of League's Forums - Gbay99 Posted: 24 May 2020 12:05 PM PDT
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A 1v5 with 4 attacking me simultaneously Posted: 24 May 2020 09:32 AM PDT
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When you know you are getting ganked but you really need that cannon creep. Posted: 24 May 2020 07:11 AM PDT
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There is on average more than one smurf/game in my MMR. Maybe there is a problem? Posted: 24 May 2020 03:51 AM PDT I know this is a hot topic right now with a camp complaining about smurfs and the other saying they don't appear that often and you should learn from those you see. To people saying you can't get a smurf in every game, I'd like to demonstrate you basically can. I went to check my last 10 games. For reference, I am Plat3 (hardstuck for seasons now :/), which is where I imagine most smurfs get placed judging by the frequency I see them in my games. My LoL username is the same as Reddit username if you want to check it out for yourself. Game 1 Pyke – my team – lvl36 – 66% WR Game 2 None Game 3 Qiyana – my team – lvl35 - 57% WR (doesn't look fishy but 64% when I got her in my game) Graves – their team – lvl40 – 74% WR Game 4 None Game 5 Hecarim – my team – lvl35 – 61% WR Game 6 Kayn – my team – lvl32 – 75% WR – duo with ez Ezreal – my team – lvl34 – 67% WR Tryndamere – their team – lvl35 – 63% WR – duo with vlad Vladimir – their team – lvl31 – 63% WR Game 7 None Game 8 Aphelios – their team – lvl32 – 73% WR Game 9 Katarina (?) – my team - lvl55 – 68% WR Game 10 Gragas – their team – lvl33 – 78% WR – duo with vlad Vladimir – their team – lvl33 – 77% WR To people saying that you should learn from them, it's really only possible if they are on your lane. If they aren't, you face a monster with 10 kills by midgame and what do you learn other than that someone with better mechanics than your whole team and 10 kills obliterates everyone. It just makes the ranked experience pointless. If you want to climb, you should dodge every game where a smurf isn't on your team because he will likely be on the opposing team. If you go up further in my match history, the trend continues (with 8 smurfs in the following 10), it wasn't just an unlucky streak. I genuinely think this is a big issue and unranked to challenger streams are definitely not improving the state of the game. Having no agency over the result of your ranked games, basically fucking over 9 other people, because someone wants to have fun stomping noobies is something Riot should actually think about fixing instead of letting it be because muh skins. TLDR : I've had 12 smurfs in my last 10 games that basically dictated how the game went. It's not too fun. [link] [comments] | ||
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, but love leaves a memory that no one can steal” Posted: 24 May 2020 12:33 AM PDT
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Pro View Spring Split VODs are now available for free. Posted: 24 May 2020 04:13 AM PDT I haven't seen anyone post this, but the pro view VODs for LCS and LEC are currently free due to COVID-19. Going to https://watch.lolesports.com/pro-view will prompt you to enter a given promo code and will give you access until September 13th for no cost. Also for people who have bought pro view this Spring Riot has refunded your purchase. Currently available to watch are: - LEC Summer 2019 and Spring 2020 - LCS Summer 2019 and Spring 2020 - LCK Summer 2019 - MSI 2019 Main Event (Group Stage and Playoffs) - Worlds 2019 (All games including play-ins) - Rift Rivals EU/NA 2019 Anyone looking to improve should definitely go sign up and watch games from the point of view of pros. Pro view was already worth the 15$ to get LEC and LCS games and with the inclusion of last years international tournaments for free this is one of the best free resources currently for learning league. Watching players in competitive games with pro view allows you to focus on mechanics and tactics of up to 4 players at a time that are frequently obscured by the observers panning to different lanes to show the whole game. For most players I think the best way to learn is to watch games with champions you play and compare their VODs versus yours to find ways to improve. Hopefully with it being free for the next few months Riot might allow content creators to analyze pro view games on stream until it is monetized again. Many streamers have asked for this so Riot might be enticed to promote pro view through streams. [link] [comments] | ||
What is so bad about High elo that everyone is smurfing this season Posted: 24 May 2020 11:49 AM PDT I started noticing an influx of smurfs this season like nothing ever before so I decided to document how many I would get if I played 10 games in a row. I got 8/10 games had a Super blatent smurf with a level 30 account insane winrate. Nothing to do with my rank or complaining that I can't rank up. Im just curious as to whats up with the massive amount of bot accounts freshly made stomping in gold games. Is it to do with the ranked changes this season (+15lp -25) and the super grind? [link] [comments] | ||
An Insight on the ADC Exp Issue from a DotA Perspective Posted: 24 May 2020 10:42 AM PDT I've been a League Player for nine years and I've recently been playing some DotA 2 as well, and I think it would be helpful to see how the two games approach roles in the game:
Tl;DR: In DotA, carries are given experience priority in the early game and supports catch up in gold and levels later by farming dangerous parts of the map. In League, ADCs are on the same level as supports experience wise, and thus, killing the ADC is the most high reward, low risk maneuver you can pull off in order to ensure victory. EDIT: Guys, don't see this as a "DotA design > League design". As I've already mentioned before (and other commenters as well), League essentially has 4 sources of income (3 lanes and the jungle) and Riot should allow ADCs to go to other lanes instead of constantly relegating them to be with the support and split exp. But at this point, this is my opinion on how the game should be played, and I wouldn't be surprised if people heavily disagree with me on this. [link] [comments] |
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