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    Wednesday, May 13, 2020

    League of Legends Patch 10.10 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 10.10 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 10.10 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 13 May 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    I'd like patch notes to have less puns and more context

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, it's ok that patch notes are not a block of number tweaks and I like the occasional joke, but the last few patch notes had me physically cringing, while having no idea whatsoever on why is something getting buffed and nerfed other than "this champ stronk" "this champ weak".
    Compare to last year patch notes to see that even simple changes got at least a sliver of context if not a full fledged explanation. I couldn't find older notes, but if memory serves well we used to get a reasoning behind most changes that in my opinion also helped understand the game and the balance state. Balance team memes aside, why was it decided that the community had to look up twitter accounts for context (when lucky) instead of using the official communications?

    Edit: fewer puns still means puns, I like them, yes, both, both is good.

    But what the heck was the context for Soraka buffs I vividily remember, some years ago, patch notes would be full of funny references and still convey the basic reasoning behind a change without forcing memes for the sake of it

    submitted by /u/TinyBreeder
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    So you hate yourself and want to suffer - Sarcastic but accurate rules for Top Laners

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    What's that, Timmy?

    Top lane is so fun, but really hard!

    Oh Timmy, nobody has ever said that - because it's not fun and it's super easy! So easy in fact that in just a few short rules I'll explain every top lane game ever! So sit back and enjoy your journey into masochism!

    Vision Quest

    There's three simple rules for vision:

    • If you don't ward the bush, yes, the enemy jungler is in it.

    • If you ward the bush, nobody will ever go near it.

    • Yes, the enemy warded that bush.

    Stick a ward in the bush and let jesus take the wheel, the worst thing that can happen is getting your vision score pinged by mid laner after your third pink reveals not a single soul in 25 mins before being immediately destroyed the second minions push up.

    Enemy Top Uncertainty Principle

    Ah yes, the twisted version of the famous Walter White theorem. Boiled down thusly:

    • If you don't have vision of your opponent, he is teleporting bot lane, why didn't you stop him idiot?

    • If his teleport is down and you slow push, he recalled and you've generously made sure he doesn't miss any exp, like an idiot.

    • If his teleport is down and you hard push, he was grabbing a jungle camp and you've just let him freeze forever, idiot.

    There's a special exemption to the uncertainty principle; if your lane opponent is a darius, he's waiting for you in whichever bush you go near after you run out of wards.

    Rumble-r in the Jungler

    Quite simply, there's only two things to remember about your team's jungler:

    • If you don't ask for a gank, they'll presume you're okay and you won't see them all game.

    • If you ask for a gank, you will enrage them and they will never come to your lane out of spite.

    As far as enemy junglers, see the first rule of "Vision".

    Items - Getting Your Gold's Worth.

    The important thing about items is to ignore whatever your team says, you know what you're doing - they just want to bring you down. You may hear phrases like:

    Don't ever start cull, you'll be useless early.

    Don't start dblade, you're in a farm lane, start cull.

    Why are you building a black cleaver? You're a brusier against an armour building juggernaut, not a bruiser against an armour STACKING juggernaut.

    Stop building frozen mallets tryndamere, please.

    Ignore them, they don't know you. I do, I know there's method to your madness.... but also, maybe stop building frozen mallets, Tryndamere.

    Countering Counter Picks

    Since you're playing top lane -one of the easiest lanes to counter pick and one of the most affected by being counter picked- you will of course have to pick first.

    With this in mind, it's important to ask your team if you can first pick for them, because otherwise you wouldn't get to hear how none of them own a single top laner.

    After you get counter picked, you can head to op.gg or others to see just how badly your odds of winning have been damaged by the end of champ select. Or if you're some kinky weirdo, I guess you can look up which strategies and builds close the gap between you and your counter. You do you, perv.

    When to Back

    I want to say something funny, but really what's important is to establish why you want to back and when would be best to do that. Consider what your power spike items are, how the lane minions are pushing, whether or not you have the health to trade your opponent down a little before you leave.

    Whatever you pick, rest assured that you made a mistake and you will be punished severely for it - oh shit dude, they're dropping rift herald too.

    Subjective Objectives

    Whenever a fight breaks out, you're expected to be there, you will be pinged mercilessly if you're not. But remember that if that fight goes badly, you'll have to explain why you didn't stay and take top turret from full health with no minions and the enemy top still there.

    Also, don't undervalue rift herald. Trust me, you'll realise how much gold it gives when your jungler lets your opponent grab 4 plates with it in one push.


    Whatever you do, don't play top lane. Obviously you don't have a choice - your mate only plays mid and his mate exclusively plays bot with his support GF. And you don't expect the pug to do anything but jungle without ever ganking do you? No, so go sit your ass in top lane.

    submitted by /u/Xenton
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    The TSM Holy War | Summoning Insight S2E16

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    Comparison of Thunder Lord Volibear & Thunder Lord Ornn.

    Posted: 13 May 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Remember when Summoner's Showcase was a thing?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    [Comic] I drew a comic about laning against Yasuo

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    It's game 5 of promos and Riven's squaring up against Yasuo in the top lane. And with how one-sided this lane's going, there's certainlyt no way to make a comeback...

    Feel free to zoom in for a crisper image, and please read left-to-right.


    Feedback always welcome!

    submitted by /u/noKone
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    Showmaker is trying to hit challenger playing every champion just once

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    So, looking at one of Showmaker's accounts in KR, you can see that he is playing every champion just once and getting a amazing win rate of 69% (42W and 19L):


    I wonder how amazing is this. I mean, even at pro level, it should be really hard to master more than 30 champions (and I already think I'm exaggerating in this number). He played 61 different champions and not seems to be having any trouble at all.

    What do you guys think about it?

    submitted by /u/Nicolaskh
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    [FANART] 1930’s Thresh

    Posted: 13 May 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Many hours of frustrating my friends and other (unfortunate) bot laners have not resulted in making me a good support player. However it has resulted in me deciding to draw this so at least something came out of it 🤙

    Image Link

    submitted by /u/Dbr9Legend
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    Base movement speed buffs/nerfs are some of the biggest changes that can happen to a champion and people need to stop complaining that "lol -5ms Kassadin Riot are stupid" or "lmao +5ms Udyr this doesn't help him at all"

    Posted: 13 May 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Udyr is going to be one of the best solo queue junglers on Patch 10.10, if not the absolute best. Movement speed nerfs are HUGE changes that drastically affect the strength of a champion every single time they are implemented, and yet Reddit still memes about them every time they happen.

    KASSADIN 10.1

    Kassadin on Patch 9.24: 52.60% win rate, ranked 1/112 of all champs with recorded mid lane games.

    Kassadin Patch 10.1 nerf: -5 base movement speed

    Reddit reaction:

    They actually gave Kassadin -5 movement speed. Am I too dumb to see how this is a nerf?

    Well it's not a buff and it's not no change at all. So it must be a nerf...

    ah, yes, I see the famous Irelia treatment to Aphelios and Kassadin, gj rito

    Kassadin on Patch 10.1: 49.68% win rate, ranked 54/100 of all champs with recorded mid lane games.

    APHELIOS 10.1

    Aphelios on Patch 9.24: 51.73% win rate, ranked 1/46 of all champs with recorded bot lane games.

    Aphelios Patch 10.1 nerfs: -5 base movement speed, INFERNUM EMPOWERED AOE DAMAGE 100% on secondary targets ⇒ 75% on secondary targets

    Reddit reaction

    Aphelios nerfs change nothing imo

    Can't believe aphelios is still allowed to be this broken. The scythe and chakram are both insanely overtuned and they nerf the thing that exists solely to make clips of 15/0 aphelios' one shotting teams with the flamethrower.

    Nice Aphelios nerf Riot, but he's still my main ban until you actually fix him.

    Those Morde nerfs aren't nearly enough. He really needs to have his passive damage decreased. Also Aphelios is still broken, that little bit of health and ms isn't gonna fix that.

    Aphelios on Patch 10.1: 49.95% win rate, ranked 16/47 of all champs with recorded bot lane games.

    MORGANA 10.6

    Morgana on Patch 10.5: 48.89% win rate, ranked 48/53 of all champs with recorded support games.

    Morgan Patch 10.6 buff: +5 base movement speed

    Reddit reaction

    Completely ignored, almost no mention of it whatsoever because still no one realises how huge of a buff this was.

    Morgana on Patch 10.6: 50.65% win rate, ranked 17/54 of all champs with recorded support games.

    KARTHUS 10.9

    Karthus on Patch 10.8: 50.52% win rate, ranked 11/58 of all champs with recorded jungle games.

    Karthus Patch 10.8 nerfs: -10 base movement speed

    Karthus on Patch 10.9: 48.82% win rate, ranked 26/57 of all champs with recorded jungle games.

    Reddit reaction

    Surprisingly very good. People seemed to understand by now that movement speed changes are a big deal.. until 2 weeks later I guess?

    UDYR 10.10

    Udyr on Patch 10.9: 51.11% win rate, ranked 41/57 of all champs with recorded jungle games.

    Udyr Patch 10.10 buffs: +5 movement speed

    Reddit reaction 1

    Reddit reaction 2

    Riot is allergic to giving Udyr any love at all

    why are they so conservative with udyr? literally worst champ in the game and they give him 5 ms

    Udyr on Patch 10.10: [removed]


    Sona 10.2 -

    E movement speed: 10/11/12/13/14% (+0.03 per 100 ability power) ⇒ 25% (+0.04 per 100 ability power)

    10.1 win rate: 50.15% (21/54)

    10.2 win rate: 54.40% (8/53)

    Draven 10.6:

    W - BLOOD RUSH DECAYING MOVEMENT SPEED 40/45/50/55/60% ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70%

    10.5 win rate: 50.72% (20/42)

    10.6 win rate: 52.03% (10/37)

    Rumble 10.3 -

    BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 20/25/30/35/40% (30/37.5/45/52.5/60% when enhanced) ⇒ 15/20/25/30/35% (22.5/30/37.5/45/52.5% when enhanced)

    SHIELD 80/110/140/170/200 ⇒ 60/95/130/165/200

    10.2 win rate: 53.28% (17/85)

    10.3 win rate: 51.04% (44/88)

    Orianna 10.8 -

    W - COMMAND: DISSONANCE ALLY HASTE/ENEMY SLOW 20/25/30/35/40% movement speed ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50% movement speed

    E - COMMAND: PROTECT SHIELD RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power

    10.7 win rate: 48.80% (72/84)

    10.8 win rate: 51.30% (27/81)

    All statistics taken from lolalytics.com

    submitted by /u/yelsew_tidder_
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    Geranimo flames, afks, and bans a viewer from Tyler1's stream. In one clip he says that he's immune to bans because he's a streamer.

    Posted: 12 May 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    After several hours and sleepless nights, I present to you a Gragabee concept

    Posted: 13 May 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    After several hours and sleepless nights, I present to you a Gragabee concept

    Why not Bee-Keeper Gragas? Because Gragabee sounds way cooler, mind your own beeswax.
    This is to go with the Beemo skin line. FYI: This is a gragas skin, not to be confused with a certain chinese leader

    Q: Honey Barrel

    W: Drinks Honey

    E: Stick belly smash

    R: Throws honey barrel ( Bees come flock around enemies for a second)


    submitted by /u/UnseenSanjuro
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    Some big info by Riot Lutzburg about Volibear "hidden rules" on his turret disable mechanic

    Posted: 13 May 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    So I didn't see any topic mention this so far and I think it is very important to spread this since Volibear ultimate is going to certainly give its fair amount of outcry among the players.

    First of all, know that the team is very aware of the issue this type of ability can bring (especially in pro play) and it is why they gated it to an ultimate with a very high cooldown, contrary to Kled, Ekelise or pre nerf akali who could tower dive from their basic kit.

    Every info I bring has been given by lutzburg in this video (a very good one, if you like game design and just the nerd stuff in league, you should listen to it, it is very well edited too!).

    Theses rules are here to try to make it the most fair possible for the player since the team committed to make an ultimate with this mechanic.


    1. The turret keep its current target in lock during its disable. It mean that if you were a garen top, hit the person under tower and your volibear disable it after, when it come back on, the turret will attack you automatically if you are still in range. It doesn't drop your aggro at all.

    2. The turret will keep in mind to target anyone who attacked an ally champ under it while disabled. So in our first example, you are garen, you didn't attack the ennemy champ yet and your volibear disable the tower. If you are the first one to hit the ennemy under the disabled turret, when it come back, it will automatically attack you EVEN if you didn't hit the ennemy champ when the turret is back only.

    3. Disabling the turret does NOT reset the stack of turret shot. It mean that if the turret shot two time a garen and got disabled, when it is back on, the third shot will still count as if she shot twice before instead of acting like she restarted. It mean it will deal huge damage.

    Theses rules are huge in implication, you can't towerdive with volibear ultimate carelessly despite how strong it is, theses rules can be what make a kill become an even trade or even result in the dive being a horrible failure. It is a big case also of Riot trying to acknowledge as much as they can the previous issues and give the best for a champ design while giving windows for the opponent.

    submitted by /u/Nevran
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    Welcome Kryze

    Posted: 13 May 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    When does Zac get a suit?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Since 2013 Zac (also known as Zaun Amorphous Combatant) has been saying he should get a suit and it's about time someone so decisive in team fights, stopped being so indecisive.

    Riot...Can he finally get one and if so....how many buttons?

    submitted by /u/Littlebean43
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    Ultimate skin idea for Ornn

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    So, Ultimate skins are pretty hard for Riot to make, they have to offer something completely new and unique and they've said they won't make anymore till they can deliver on this.

    But, what if they made a skin for Ornn that allowed him to be a REAL forger of items, not the ones you see in your HUD, but real items that Ornn wears or carries. Imagine completing your Sunfire Cape and bam flashy animation, a cape of fire drapes down from his goat neck. You finish off your Iceborn Gauntlet and bam Ornn stares in awe at his hand as it's wrapped in a glacial glove. You get some boots to keep your feet warm and comfy, you buy another of the various armor items, granting yourself an impressive breastplate. Next, as this is the year 2023, you build your Rabadon's Deathcap a completely standard item in the current meta for Ornn, and bam you've got a cool hat. When you hit the level threshold for getting your upgraded items, more animations and cooler gear!

    Sadly your Jungler takes a whole wave from you, so you sell all your items and buy six Tear's. Goat boy is left naked and crying.

    Okay so honestly no idea if this is a joke idea or a stroke of genius, but here are some serious points:

    • No idea if this is technically possible.
    • Some items overlap, for example both Warmog's Armor and Thornmail go on the torso. Could be solved by just saying Ornn would only wear the first item built.
    • Swords, guns and staffs/rods could be held.
    • He could have a chain or belt, where smaller items such as Athene's Unholy Grail and Zhonya's Hourglass could be attached. Or maybe he could playfully toss the hourglass up in the air as part of an idle animation.
    • Some items would look a bit silly based on the basic pictures of them, so maybe Riot should just make stuff which looks good on him.
    • New items added to the game would cause problems.
    • I don't actually have many ideas for the base part of this skin or the abilities, VFXs and animations. Just would exepect them to be Ultimate skin worthy and really hammer home the whole forge vibe.
    • Maybe the goat that charges at Ornn during his ult could be designed by the player in a custom mode in the client. This could go for other parts of the skin, maybe the textures of the skin could be custom made by players.

    Also, this is not a cryout for Ornn getting a skin, I'm aware he has one on the way and that skins take a long time to make, especially the more complex ones. I don't even play Ornn, just randomly came up with this idea.

    Let me know what you think and make some suggestions of your own.

    submitted by /u/Hanzo_or_feed
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    May I Introduce Baby Gromp. I've never seen that so i thought i'd share it with you guys.

    Posted: 13 May 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    Like a true ninja.

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    Dramatic recreation of getting ganked in Top Lane and asking Jungle for assistance

    Posted: 13 May 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    2020 Mid-Season Cup Format Partially Leaked

    Posted: 13 May 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    In a recent stream by IG Southwind, he leaked that there will be a group stage for the Mid Season Cup and the groups will be the following:

    • JDG / IG / GEN / DRX

    • SKT / DWG / TES / FPX

    Furthermore, the group stage will be single round robin, meaning each team will play 3 games.

    At the moment it's not clear how many teams can make it out of the groups. But considering that the cup lasts 4 days and the group stage will last 2 days, my guess is that the top 2 teams from each group will make it to the playoffs, and on day 3 we will have the first seed from group A against the second seed from group B and vice versa. Then on day 4 we will have the finals.

    Edit: it also means it's not at all guaranteed that we will have a LCK vs LPL finals. In fact it's even possible we have a all-LPL or all-LCK playoffs.

    submitted by /u/derekchiang
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    5/13 PBE Update: Astronaut Chromas, Continued Volibear Testing, & More

    Posted: 13 May 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    What's you're best "got em" moment against a troll?

    Posted: 13 May 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    3 friends and myself all go into queue back in like season 2 or 3. Guy comes in, locks in immediately and spams "MID OR FEED".

    My friend says over Skype "dude. Let's all just pick supports. No jungle."

    So we do. And the dude starts having a meltdown. But he doesn't dodge.

    We get into the game with the expectation that it's a loss but we're cool with it, we'll still try. But we actually end up getting really far ahead.

    So we're pushing the nexus and the dude starts talking shit in /all chat to the enemy team about them being bad (except with a lot of racial slurs).

    So then my friend, the genius he is, says "dude, let's recall and then surrender. This dude is gonna cry". So we do.

    This guy had an epic meltdown. Claiming he was gonna hack us all and find where we live and such. I checked his match history a few weeks later and hadn't played. He either quit or took a really long break after that 😂

    Edit: I realized the grammar mistake in the title after I made the post lol

    submitted by /u/Fanryu1
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    Our Shaco had a master plan...

    Posted: 13 May 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Unnecessarily large emotes this patch

    Posted: 13 May 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    Without any notice what so ever, emotes got a lot more bigger this patch. There is no emote slider, so you can't make them smaller and they just degrade the experience, like hiding crucial information. You could even hide some champions behind the emotes (or in my case, target dummies).

    (Emotes became "pay 2 lose")


    submitted by /u/GSEENeku
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    Dr. K on a league champ

    Posted: 13 May 2020 02:07 PM PDT

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