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    Thursday, May 14, 2020

    LoL Guide Irelia can clear all 6 camps in 2 minutes, by 3:30, making her one of the fastest clearing Junglers in the game.

    LoL Guide Irelia can clear all 6 camps in 2 minutes, by 3:30, making her one of the fastest clearing Junglers in the game.

    Irelia can clear all 6 camps in 2 minutes, by 3:30, making her one of the fastest clearing Junglers in the game.

    Posted: 13 May 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    EDIT: Some of you are pointing out that there are powerfarmers that clear about 15 seconds faster, ending at 3:15. My bad folks. I do raise you the fact that Irelia has fantastic mobility and CC options that make her a better ganker than a lot of those power farmers.

    In order to do a full clear with Irelia, you have to do it just right.

    It has a lot to do with stacking your passive correctly on Wolves and Raptors.

    Some things to keep in mind:

    • Your passive stacks refresh when auto attacking LARGE monsters, or using abilties on ALL monsters. This means that if you aren't resetting your Q on smaller monsters, your passive stacks will fall off. It also means that keeping a Large monster alive for longer to auto attack it a little bit more can be useful when trying to keep yourself stacked if you mess up an ability.
    • If you aren't sure if you can reset your Q on a camp when finishing it off, sometimes it's best to not do it, so you have your cooldowns up to E + Q + Q the next camp.



    Runes: (the ones that matter for your clear)

    • AS, AD, Armor in Stats - Standard fastest jungle clear stats
    • Legend: Alacrity in Precision - Attack speed to increase clear speed
    • Ravenous Hunter in Domination - Insane healing on your passive, Q, Machete, Talisman, Smite, and Bloodrazor should you choose to run it.



    Start Machete with Refillable.

    I like to go Bloodrazor after that because it has great synergy with Irelia's kit and Ravenous Hunter, but you can honestly make any of the Jungle items work depending on your chosen build.



    These clears rely on clearing Wolves and Raptors correctly to stack your passive to 5, in order to clear the other camps at rapid speeds.



    Wolves > Blue > Gromp > Raptors > Red > Krugs (Scuttle when you want, usually after Red.)

    Wolves (Very important for stacking up your passive for high DPS on Blue and Gromp)

    • Start Q.
    • If you get a leash, make sure they only damage the Large Wolf. You don't actually need a leash though, so if you do get one, a very short one will be fine.
    • Auto each small wolf 3 times, then reset your Q on each.
    • Immediately Q the big wolf for 3 stacks.
    • Practice getting a Q reset on the Large Wolf for a 4th stack and a heal if you want, but it isn't necessary, and if you think you'll mess it up, just save the Q cooldown for the next camp.

    Blue (Will give you enough mana to full clear with Q spam)

    • Level E.
    • E + Q + Q the Blue Buff over the wall. You have max passive stacks now.
    • If you're good, you can actually kite it perfectly and take literally no damage; Blue walks very slowly, and your autos are very fast, so practice Auto cancelling.
    • Practice getting a Q reset on Blue Buff for a heal, but it isn't necessary, and if you think you'll mess it up, just save the Q cooldown for the next camp.


    • E + Q + Q the Gromp.
    • Kite it as best you can.
    • I like to Smite it too, since this boi hurts, but up to you. If you don't smite it, Q it again.
    • Level W when you finish, as this is very important for Raptors. Leveling Q a 2nd time doesn't have the desired effect in my experience for Raptors, but feel free to try stuff out and prove me wrong, I'd love some new strategies with level 2 Q or something.

    Raptors (Very important for stacking up your passive for high DPS on Red and Krugs)

    • As you round the wall for Raptors, auto attack the nearest Small Raptor ONCE.
    • Step back a tiny bit while casting E parallel to the wall; the Raptors will straighten out into a line and every single one of them will get hit by your E. This might take some practice.
    • As soon as you cast the 2nd half of your E, before the stun procs, channel W for 0.75 seconds, and release it at full damage when the visual effect shows up showing it will deal max damage. You need to hit every single Raptor.
    • Q the Large Raptor with the mark on it.
    • Auto attack the original Small Raptor that you already auto attacked at the beginning. You can tell which one it is because it will have less HP than the rest. JUST ONE AUTO.
    • Q that Small Raptor for the reset.
    • Auto attack any other single Small Raptor, TWICE.
    • Q that Small Raptor for the reset. Now you have max passive stacks.
    • Auto + Q every remaining Small Raptor, as your passive's on-hit damage now crosses the threshold to allow for a single Auto and Q to finish them off.
    • Q the Large Raptor and kite it out to finish.


    • E + Q + Q the Red Buff. You should still have max passive stacks from Raptors.
    • Kite it as best you can, but you'll take more damage because it moves faster than Blue.
    • Use W to tank one of Red Buffs attacks to take less damage.
    • You can use your 2nd Smite on Red, the Large Krug, or Scuttle, depending on what you wanna do.
    • You can take Scuttle after this if you want, since your E + Q combo takes it very quickly.


    • This camp is a lot more free-form, and a lot less strict.
    • E the whole camp. Use Q on the Large Krug to reset your Q.
    • W to tank the first couple Krug attacks.
    • Alternate autos between the Large and Medium Krug to burn them down with Red Buff (or Talisman, if you recalled for it or something).
    • Q reset on the Medium Krug.
    • Q reset on the two Small Krugs that pop out, since they die from a single Q from full HP. Now you're at max passive stacks.
    • From here, you can just auto and try to Q reset when stuff gets low enough. Q resetting on all the Small Krugs is especially nice, because if you do it right, you can get a bunch of healing off this camp, so I recommend practicing it.



    Red > Level 2 Gank > Wolves > Blue > Gromp (Scuttle when you want, usually after Gromp.)


    • Start Q.
    • Q whenever it's off Cooldown.
    • If you get a leash, this will be faster.
    • Gank a nearby lane if the enemy is pushing. You have an insane level 2 gank with E + Q + Q combined with Red Buff and autos. You can burn a flash every time if you land E.


    • Level E.
    • E the whole camp laterally.
    • Q the Large Wolf ONCE.
    • Auto ONE Small Wolf ONCE.
    • Auto the OTHER Small Wolf ONCE.
    • Auto the Large Wolf ONCE. The purpose of these 3 autos is to burn the Small Wolves with Red Buff low enough for Q resets, while keeping your passive stacks up, since only autoing the Large Wolf will refresh this duration.
    • Auto the first Small Wolf again, ONCE, and then Q reset.
    • Auto the other Small Wolf Again, ONCE, and then Q reset.
    • Immediately Q the Large Wolf for maximum passive stacks
    • Auto attack and kite.
    • Practice getting a Q reset on the Large Wolf, but it isn't necessary, and if you think you'll mess it up, just save the Q cooldown for the next camp.

    Blue and Gromp play out the same as in the first clear.

    Take Scuttle if you can.

    Gank if you want.

    At this point, just Recall for Talisman, because it makes Raptors and Krugs easy. Just practice resetting your Q, and practice letting the Talisman burn get them in range for Q resets. I need to practice being level 3 with Red Buff while doing the Raptor camp resets before I can recommend doing that without Talisman, so for now, I just recommend Talisman. Feel free to try it out!

    submitted by /u/bquipd
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    Why playing Irelia jungle might be unable to compete with the current meta

    Posted: 14 May 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    As many of you have seen, a post was found on here earlier on how Irelia can reach a clear speed of about 3:30 leashless when played optimally, which is not bad for jungle clears. I'm here to explain why most people should avoid playing Irelia in the jungle* over other options.

    *Of course, I could have totally overlooked factors, made mistakes, or simply not realized a powerful combination that causes Irelia to become meta. However, as of right now I don't think Irelia Jungle is going to become viable in the current game state.

    Let's start with some basics on Irelia as a champion.

    Irelia basics

    Irelia's Q, Bladesurge, will reset its cooldown if it kills a unit. If a champion or large monster was marked with her E or R, Bladesurge will reset its cooldown simply by being cast onto, and connecting with, that target.

    Irelia heavily relies on gaining FULL stacks to not only gain attack speed, but also gain bonus magic damage on every auto. It is this feature that allows her to threaten all-ins at Level 1-2 in the Lane.

    Irelia is not able to fully stack her passive on a single champion without ultimate. Since each ability grants a stack if an enemy is hit, you can only E > Q > W > Q to gain 4 stacks total. This is a massive issue since Irelia requires one more stack to gain access to her on-hit magic damage. This is different in the bot lane, as if you hit either E or W onto both champions, you can stack your Ionian Fervor passive to 5 stacks.

    Irelia's E cast time will scale linearly with how far she throws her E2 cast. If you cast your E1 in a direction and cast E2 directly onto yourself, your E's stun will come out MUCH faster than if you cast E1 on yourself or in a direction and E2 at max range.

    Irelia's Q's maximum range is 600, while her E maximum range is 775.

    Irelia is heavily reliant on Items to scale.

    Now that we know her basics, we can look at a few of the gank scenarios Irelia can go through (not using flash):

    Irelia pre-6 gank scenarios

    1. Irelia WALKS into lane, has no access to a minion that can be reset, and uses her E. She is unable to clear the minion with a Q ahead of time, and thus, cannot fully stack. In addition, she can either choose to make her E stun highly telegraphed or extremely narrow. Once she Q's onto the target, she can get 1 auto off (2 if against a slow and large champion) before using Q again.
    2. Irelia is able to Q to a minion (hopefully a caster) and execute it, which not only allows her to dash to the lane faster, but also allows her to land the stun more easily.
    3. Irelia Q's to an extremely low health champion to Q > AA for a kill.
    4. Irelia Q's to a minion, does not reset, E's the enemy champion, and stuns them for 0.75 seconds.

    Option 3 is great, but most junglers are able to take advantage of situations like these in the first place, so there is nothing special there. Option 1 and 2 are both very likely scenarios, and although 2 is clearly optimal, it is not a guarantee, as your top laner would either have to hit a caster minion several times ahead of time in a subtle way, or they would have to intentionally hit the caster minions ahead of time, which would make it obvious you're about to gank.

    Option 4 is what might end up being the most common gank, where you're able to Q to a minion and maybe land a stun with your E, which can allow for some combos with your top laner, but this is relatively difficult to do in the first place, and the payoff isn't that great.

    I find it strange how the OP called Irelia's gank potential great, when it clearly isn't. Irelia's best bet for ganks is punishing overextenders since she can hit cc through minions, but most junglers are already great at hitting overextenders, while ccing through minions is far from unique to Irelia. (AoE CC, targeted cc, etc)

    Clearly, her ganks are NOT the best, as they require proper coordination to produce good quality ganks.

    I've created a collection of images that demonstrate her gank potential:


    Farming and invades

    Irelia's farming, as stated by the original poster, is not the best, but when played perfectly is acceptable for some junglers. If an enemy champion invades, assuming she already has a stack, she stands a good chance of winning the fight. If she does not have a stack up, forget it, you're screwed. Irelia's fighting potential in the early game is HEAVILY defined by her ability to stack her passive. If she can't fully stack it, she wins against virtually no one, as her damage output won't be sufficient as she lacks proper sustain / damage in those situations.

    Mid game

    Irelia's Mid Game in skirmishes is one of her strongest points, and it is usually thanks to the powerspikes she gets from her early items. The problem is, when she goes in the Jungle, she is forced to build either Warrior or Bloodrazor (my recommendation) first, neither of which are as synergistic on Irelia as Blade of the Ruined King. Here lies the issue. Jungle gold generation is naturally lower than that of lanes, and since Irelia is heavily reliant on Items to reach her mid game power spike, forcing her into the jungle will force her power spikes to become heavily delayed. Irelia's 1 and 2 power spike in lane, BotRK + Wit's End, are now replaced with Bloodrazor + BotRK, which isn't a great tradeoff considering it will usually take Irelia longer to reach a combination that provides less for her kit than it does for other champions.

    Irelia's farming is another one of her strongest points, and this is usually what allows her to reach her powerspikes and gain an advantage over other champions. Again, this is absent from her in the jungle, as her clear speed is not great, and she can't take minions for gold either, as doing so will hamstring your laner, and funneling likely won't be great on her either when Master Yi and Taric exist.

    Her objective fights might be decent if her ultimate is able to hit multiple champions, but this reminds me HEAVILY of Qiyana, who also relies on her ultimate in skirmishes to turn the fight around. Unlike Irelia, Qiyana's ultimate provides CC, and she also has great early game ganks, in addition to late game burst potential on ADCs.

    Playing Irelia Jungle turns one of the strongest points of her game, the midgame, into just another average champion's midgame thanks to lower gold generation, and removing the means for her to spike faster than other champions.

    Late game

    A lot of burst junglers are able to provide backline access and burst even if they do reach late game, while tank junglers tend to do well late game simply because they are tanks and provide something for their team composition. Even picks that are heavily focused in the early game can maintain some uses in the late game, like Lee Sin being great at ccing priority targets in the late game thanks to his Ultimate.

    Where does Irelia fall in the Late Game scale? Well, she certainly falls. Irelia is reliant on backline access to remain relevant in the late game, but so many junglers that are good early game and mid game are able to do this that this is nothing unique to Irelia. In addition, a lot of junglers that have as good of or better early games than Irelia are able to scale much better than she is, or they can preform certain roles that Irelia can't. Let's use Xin and Camille for example. Both are able to isolate a target in the backline fairly easily, and both are sticky champions. Irelia is sticky, but isn't able to isolate that target. Other bruiser junglers like Jax will be leagues ahead of Irelia in the late game.

    Overall, her late game is lackluster compared to other junglers, even if you manage to maintain gold efficiency somehow.


    Irelia's early game farming is average, her ganking is usually not the best, but in ideal situations becomes good, and her dealing with invades is situational on how good your opponent is at picking times to fight.

    Irelia's mid game went from amazing to average at best thanks to her ability to quickly build items through cs being inapplicable in the jungle. She should still function decently in skirmishes, just not well.

    Irelia's late game was already not great to begin with, and when you force her jungle it becomes atrocious compared to other junglers.

    Win condition

    With Irelia jungle, your win condition would be perfect scenario ganks in the early game or powerfarming to try to reach your item spikes faster, good fights in the jungle around objective securing, and closing out the game before late game arrives.


    You know Camille, the other top laner that got played in the Jungle for a bit despite her obviously not optimal clear speed? Her max stun range is about 1600 units, usually less due to angling her E so she's out of vision until she casts it. Her mobility over and around walls, along with her ability to rapidly deal damage in quick bursts led her to become a great ganker in the jungle, even if her clear was not the best.

    But of course, Camille is an AMAZING ganker, and that's the whole reason she was placed in the jungle in the first place! Irelia's average gank is surely acceptable, right?

    Option 4 is the safest way to ensure your gank has some impact, but not only is it still hard to execute, its payoff isn't great. 80 magic damage not factoring MR, and a 0.75 second stun that has a narrow hitbox isn't great.

    A lot of champions can gank like this by providing mobility limitation while dealing more damage in the gank AND scaling better, many with more reliable cc opportunities and some with longer ranges / more reliable activation than Irelia. Examples: Graves with W Smokescreen and AAs, Karthus (yikes) with his W Wall of Pain and Q, Camille with her E Hookshot>Q>AA>Q>AA, Amumu Q Bandage Toss> W > AA > E, Zac E AA Q W AA, etc.

    Irelia in a dream scenario where every gank is Option 2 might make for a pretty good early game-centric jungler, but I seriously doubt that's going to happen consistently across multiple games without either the scenario not appearing or the opponent realizing what's going on and playing around it.

    Skill cap

    Finally, we come to the last issue. Irelia is naturally a champion with one of the highest skill caps in the game, so most people won't be able to play her perfectly. These mistakes translate to lower game impact, more failed ganks, and therefore, lower winrates. If Irelia Jungle does become powerful somewhere, the most likely place will be in Pro Play, where coordination and perfect playing are key.


    An interesting conundrum arises with Irelia in the jungle. Playing against Irelia becomes easier as you know what she is capable of, so people in higher ranks will know what to watch for. However, the people playing Irelia are also better in higher ranks. Meanwhile, in lower ranks, people might not know what Irelia is capable of, but the same applies to the people playing Irelia. I guess we'll see if that differentiation is able to make Irelia jungle viable in any rank.

    submitted by /u/Pun-Intentional
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    How to become a better ADC?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I am a very new player, played for about 1/1.5 months only. I play AD Carry and my friend plays Support. He also started with me, and for support, he does a really good job but as far as I am concerned, I am a very bad carry. For example, in the early game, I can do a decent job of pushing back the minion wave and the opponent bot duo to under their turret but as soon as the game goes into mid to late game, I suck so bad that it feels like I am feeding the opponents intentionally. I want to get good at this role and I want to become better but I can't seem to understand how to improve my late game skills and how to stop dying unnecessarily. I usually play with Ashe and Caitlyn, because I figured that ranged champions would actually give me a better chance but so far they haven't. Is my pick too bad or there are some other things I could do to be better? And what should I look out as objectives to complete in order to become a good ADC?

    submitted by /u/skullcrush3rx
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    Why does no Jungler build Bloodrazor?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Is Yi the only champion that actually uses Bloodrazor in their most effective build? Which other champions even use Bloodrazor anymore?

    The only other champion I can think of is Shyvana, but even she is going AP now most of the time. Building Bloodrazor on everything else is considered strongly suboptimal.

    I like attack speed heavy melee champions that farm a lot, but there seems to be only one actual Bloodrazor user. Is the item/the jungle just unbalanced in terms of item usage or am I missing several champions?

    submitted by /u/Alosar
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    is it normal to suck at this game???

    Posted: 14 May 2020 03:57 AM PDT

    okay i'm not that hardcore gamer but this game is so fucking hard, i have been playing lol for 2 months from now and yesterday i started my first ranked game and it ended up 0\15 , so my questions are : is that normal? how much time could it take to improve yourself so you can win
    a ranked game?

    submitted by /u/amrbaira23
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    I have trouble knowing when to use spells and skills with high cooldowns

    Posted: 14 May 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    I only started playing league (which is my first MOBA) a few months ago, and i still have trouble with this. Most other games i've played before are fighting games, so i'm not used to high cooldowns or one use itens at all. Despite knowing that CDs are reduced as the game progresses, i still am often unsure on when my skills or spells should be used in an optimal way. I mostly play on toplane, usually Sion, and even knowing that my ult and teleport could help me roam, i always hesitate a lot, knowing that i possibly will just throw myself to death. When i consider ulting to gank midlane, i'm afraid mostly of bumping into the enemy jungler when i dont have vision of the river, or simply missing the enemy midlaner because they withdraw. Besides, by teleporting to botlane, unless my team has a ward behind the enemies, it is easy for them to run and avoid me. The main problem is that, if i do use one of those and don't get any results, i only leave myself exposed to ganks, or unable to help my team afterwards. I do know that how you use your skills and spells depends a lot on your playstyle, but i'd like to at least learn how to analyze and judge each of those situations to make a better use out of those tools.

    submitted by /u/Greatanso
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    How do I lane and fight against a Zoe?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    My champion pool consists of Vel'koz, Zed, Ekko Nocturne. (Large but I'm mostly a Zed main) I can't seem to kill her. Even if i dodge her bubble and her Q she seems to be able to run under tower. Since i can't seem to kill her it gives her time to get an item and suddenly getting hit by anything will result in me losing 50% of my health. Midgame her bubbles seem to help her team a lot. I don't necessarily feed her but she seem to inevitably get fed in my games.

    submitted by /u/noskilzchmp
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    Trundle Build

    Posted: 14 May 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    So in competitive gameplay, i always feel i dont know what to buy after cinderhulk, i usually buy zeekes or knigths vow but i saw alot of trundle players doing spirit visage or randuins on the EU Masters, in what should i decide what to build? I know that some items are great with some adcs for example Knigths Vow for Varus but it rellies on the support that he has.

    submitted by /u/kaliban01
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    I just can't not feed with Nasus

    Posted: 14 May 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    I've just bought Nasus and I've been stomped on the lane on all the last 3 games I've played with him (against Jayce, Jax and Darius). The enemy always pokes me heavily and I just can't trade with them because I don't have any damage.

    The supposed sustain given by the passive seems like bullshit as I can't even attack the minions without being destroyed by the adversary. I already know I've to play passively until I can stack my Q, but even if I farm under the tower the enemy can dive me with the help of the jungler.

    Why does this happen when I play him? When I played with Wukong against Nasus, my E + AA + Q combo didn't even deal damage on him and he eventually stomped me on level 6. Why when I play against him my full combo did no significant damage, but when I pick Nasus they just destroy me like paper? What I'm missing here?

    Thank you all for the help.

    submitted by /u/gitmonk
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    questions for trundle early game

    Posted: 14 May 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    should I go for a Doran's shield, to Tiamat

    or Tiamat, to Doran's shield

    I usually go for the shield but if I rush Tiamat as my first I will completely demolish lane, but on the other hand, it's risky because if I try to trade with an enemy I don't have that armor and healing so I end up low after a trade or end up getting killed by a JG after I hard commit

    ok sorry for that big one, and my second question is should I apply pressure in other lanes and secure kills in trade for losing my cs lead?

    submitted by /u/Lekedwrlds
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    How the heck do you kill volibear as Olaf?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I was playing jungle and ran into Volibear at equal level and I could not kill him due to his healing mechanic. I got him low but it was almost impossible to finish him off. Is this just a bad matchup 1 on 1 for Olaf? It seems in general Olaf is bad at 1v1 fights against speedy champs

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    I feel like I’m not progressing in my performance

    Posted: 14 May 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    I just started playing league about a month & 1/2 ago and I'm level 28 playing pvp with some bot games. I stared playing pvp at level 25 but sometimes I get thrown into a lot of high elo games when I play with my friend who is ranked quite high. I only play with one champ (miss fortune) and I just feel like I haven't made any progress. Some games I don't even reach 100 cs and I often feed in pvp games. I know I should be playing other champs and getting experience in different lanes but I feel like I'm still struggling with my farming and trading at times. I guess I'm just getting a bit flustered with how challenging the game is, how much playing time I've put in and the results I'm seeing. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/simonika22
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    How to transition to marksmen champions?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Most of my champ pool are bruisers and mages, with a few tanks here and there. I really find some marksmen fun to play, and some pseudo-marskmen such as Kayle, but I noticed that there is a huge gap between my skill level with every other class compared to marksmen, and I don't know how to improve on that. I have been playing on my smurf accounts and noticed that I am roughly 2 whole tiers worse with marksmen than with other champions. That is a huge difference. I would also like to point out that I do not have troubles with laning phase. I find it very easy to get even or ahead in CS, this is not a problem. Where I suffer badly is mid to late game, and for the end I will just give a quick description of what bothers me: - When I play mages, I am squishy but I have range and CC to survive. - When I play bruisers/tanks, I don't die unless they all focus me and I can usually go ham in fights. - When I play marksmen, I am both squishy and with a very low range, so I usually end up either dying instantly in fights or staying so far back that I am actually doing 0 damage. It is not uncommon for me to end a game having done less damage than my Janna support.

    I do not doubt that marksmen champions have their strenghts, I am just asking for advice on how to improve on them, since they are extremely hard for me to get grasp on.

    submitted by /u/MostWanted7
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    How do I kill a garden + yummi combo?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    So basically, I was up against Garen as Darius on toplane. First 15min I get 4 kills on him all is under control, 10 min later he's got 200+ armor and mr + a yummi healing him constantly. Noone in my team can even hurt him except for vaynes true damage but that is quickly healed by his passive + yummi + spirit visage. Rest of the enemy team is easy kills except for a better Kayn. We eventually lose the game.

    How in the living frick do I even hurt a garen?

    submitted by /u/Vicas123
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    What is my mid- lategame purpose as a Mundo one trick in the toplane?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    What's up everyone, my summoner name is Mundo Top, and I was able to climb to Gold with my knowledge of matchups and micro play. However, it seems I've hit a wall. My winrate has gone way down and I think it's because I can't find a role to fill after laning phase. My games all go very well for me, ending with a great KDA, high farm, high damage, vision score, etc. I have good map presence and objective awareness with teleport and am often unkillable in teamfights and deal high damage. I build full tank, with the exception of Wit's End in all AP matchups or when I'm very far ahead.

    BUT I can't prevent myself from losing. I'm not sure if my purpose in teamfights is to peel (Mundo doesn't have great peel) or if it's to dive the backline (a kind of "pseudo-peel" to keep their carries out of the fight), or if I should avoid teamfights altogether and splitpush. I feel rather useless, being a medium-damage tank with no CC to speak of.

    What do I do to make use of my gold lead after laning phase?

    submitted by /u/Pokemon_Trainer_Joey
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    Feeling stuck

    Posted: 14 May 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Could use some advice. I was hardstuck gold for around 600 games. I blame it on auto pilot and not actually learning and applying knowledge. It took me around 1-2 weeks to climb to Plat 3 from G3 after watching videos, reading this thread and OTP syndra. Okay so now I'm better right? Eh wrong. I have now gotten to the point where mechanically I'm getting shit on. I can tell the enemy is much better compared to before. They aren't nearly as easy to kill. I'm getting ganked a lot harder(even under tower) and the ganks are way cleaner than a lot of gold ones. So then my team kinda hates me and it stresses me out. I just feel stuck? At least in gold I was stuck because of decisions. Now I'm stuck because my micro isn't as good as other players:( any tips? I feel like if I keep playing I'll just stay hard stuck and tank my stats. I don't feel like norms will help since people don't play that serious. And playing on a second account doesn't work because beating silvers doesn't help me learn anything.

    submitted by /u/jewelmegan
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    how should I chase enemy champs

    Posted: 14 May 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    If you right click and leave it, it feels like a bot playing but if you spam right click you might miss out on some autos.

    Same goes for in actual fights, should you walk around a bit autoing or just stand there autoing to make sure none are missed

    This question is mainly based for melee champs like garen, sylas etc

    Might be a pretty retarded question but i havent been playing this game for very long

    submitted by /u/neseiksz
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    ADC Vision score is poopy

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    I only use the trinket in lane to ward a bush if my support has his trinket down or he wants to go ward drake instead, after lv9 i upgrade it and only use the upgraded trinket to check baron/drake or sometimes check a bush, i dont know what i should do to improve the vision score as ad carry

    submitted by /u/Pileala
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    How do i deal with people that seem to be Fakers at dodging skillshots?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    So i play Morgana or blitz support etc, and sometimes i get people like Janna that seem gods at dodging Qs and i cant seem to hit it. My adc says get closer so its not full range but at that point i get harrased and chipped at. So what the heck do i do? Do i just try and spam spells, keep my spells ao that i threaten their engage or do i go into melee-ish range to hit Qs?

    Last game i got ezreal leblanc and i couldnt hot a damn skillshot.

    submitted by /u/Moanguspickard
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    Tryndamere vs. Yorick

    Posted: 14 May 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I asked the same question in the Trynd mains subreddit a while ago and got some advice with mixed usefulness so I thought I'd ask here too for more opinions now that I played the matchup again (High gold, low plat elo):

    Something that I thought was very useful to know was that despite being listed an easy matchup, I can't actually fight him if he's slowpushing because the Ghouls are too strong, so I made sure to just come into lane and just hard shove early to get fury, letting me level 1 first blood him. Unfortunately the jungler came to gank which stopped me from getting a clean reset and let Yorick slowpush.

    I decided to try one comment's advice and go for Vamp Scept first for early lifesteal into Sanguine Blade. I found this item completely useless and as if a lot of my effectiveness was negated by executioner's and Warden's Mail, IDK how well BotRK would've done in comparison or if I should've just built normally (Tiamat -> BF sword at this point in the game).

    One piece of conflicting advice I saw was that 2 people said to fight the maiden while 1 said to ignore the maiden, so I followed the more common advice and found that to be a huge mistake. Unless there's something I'm missing, there is no situation I could imagine myself ever wanting to fight the maiden since Yorick basically gets free DPS on me.

    What are some of your guys' thoughts on this matchup and how it should be played?

    submitted by /u/GodHandFemto
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    Dodging as ADC

    Posted: 14 May 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Hello there friends, I hope you guys are doing good and climbing and winning your promos. As a solo adc main who doesn't duo, is it a good idea to dodge if your jungle is autofilled even though your team composition is looking good? What are your thoughts? I usually dodge if 2 are autofilled especially if one of those is our jg but sometimes teamcomp is looking lit.

    submitted by /u/twistedsanity22
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    What should your rate of improvement look like?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    As the title says, what should the rate of improvement look like? For example, let's say I'm looking to improve my overall general skills and I come across the League craft 101 guides (What I'm currently using atm). Most people on this subreddit will tell you to learn and improve at one concept at a time, then move on to the next one and while I agree with this, there are times where I feel like I've spent days, even months on a single concept and it's making me feel like my rate of improvement is at a dead crawl. Ever since I watched the Trading stance video from the League craft 101 series, I feel like I haven't moved past this concept. Admittedly, I have a bad habit of being inconsistent when it comes to practicing but I do try. Should I just learn a concept a day instead of just spending days on end practicing one concept.

    submitted by /u/You-cant-stop-me07
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