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    Monday, May 18, 2020

    League of Legends Subreddit Moderation Feedback Thread #12: The Boards, VALORANT, short duration content and server problems

    League of Legends Subreddit Moderation Feedback Thread #12: The Boards, VALORANT, short duration content and server problems

    Subreddit Moderation Feedback Thread #12: The Boards, VALORANT, short duration content and server problems

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    Hello Everyone!

    Resident BabyTeenagemod ohvalox here bringing you the 12th edition of our Feedback Threads. The last few months have been eventful for our community to say the least, so we would like to hear your opinion on a few topics:

    Of course general feedback is welcome, but we are especially interested in the above events/rules and what you think of them.

    Feedback is one thing that can help us moderators know what we are doing well and what we can improve upon. This thread is for you to give any and all feedback to the mod team of /r/leagueoflegends. What do you like about the subreddit? What do you dislike? Any ideas, any improvements, anything at all, feel free to share it here!

    In order to generate meaningful feedback, please try to give constructive criticism i.e. provide an idea or solution instead of "I don't like this." Please keep all top level comments as feedback, which means if there are memes/jokes, they will be removed.

    This thread will last for approximately a week, so be sure to get your word in before it goes!

    Please state clearly which rule/aspect of moderation/the subreddit your post refers to at the start of your post. We may not reply to every single comment here, but we will definitely do our best to look at them all.

    Below are our recent rule changes:

    Please excuse the delay on this, as you all know there's a lot going on right now, both inside and outside of our community. We are excited to hear from you.

    Stay safe!

    submitted by /u/ohvalox
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    The Only Way to Solve Toxicity is with More Sexually Aggressive Skins/Champions

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    The only way to solve toxicity in SoloQ is with more sexually aggressive skins.  

    Think about it. What causes toxicity in Soloq? Toxicity exists because players play the game. However, by having more sexually aggressive skins/champions. By limiting the hands require to play the game to one the toxicity would be reduced literally to 50%. That one toxic player in your team? His toxicity now are reduced to 50%. He call your mom fat? He now calls you mom.  

    But We already have some and that didn't help

    Pool party Taric, Armor of the fifth age Taric, Ahri, Pajama Urgot, Rek Sai, etc. They are all great skins/champions but there is a greater demand than the supply. Everyone has their "playstyle" and not all their "playstyle" is being fulfilled. So more skins/champions would make players happier.  

    Let's compare real numbers. Not counting PBE let's say toxicity level in Fiddlestick Rework Patch is 10. Right now the toxicity level is 0 on Voibear Rework patch(10.11) as of today. You can even say no one is playing on that patch except Riot Client Programers. This is why I think Fiddlestick should have been reworked to a Waifu that hugs you when he ults and not this little scared farmer's son hiding in the jungle.

    Real Science behind it

    Freud the father of Psychology says that libido, our sexual desire, drives our every action. Libido has a broader meaning than just sexual desire but it doesn't fit my narrative so I am going to ignore it. Right now League player's libido are not being fulfilled so they try to release it in ways that could be harmful to people around them and themselves.  

    Top Lane

    Top lane has been recognized as one of the worst roles to play but there is a reason people still play them. If you ask any top laners why they really play top lane they would say "I just want to see two big dudes smashing each other." This is why people play top. People pick Jax so they can see and feel Jax use his big and necessary large rod against Malphite who is literally just a big bulge. However, this is not enough for some players. When they play jax they imagine themself as Jax smashing Malphite but when they realize they are the one being smashed their mental collapse. Their libido went unfulfilled so they tried to smash anything that is close by which is in many cases their junglers. They smashed Jungler via their chat and well that is how toxicity start.  

    But if Jax or even Malphite has a attractive skin Jax wouldn't need to chat or int to fulfill his libido. He could simply zoom in on his character which he is already doing it anyway. He could just play his best and accept he can't be on top every game and sometimes he have to be bottom. This combine with 50% of hand usage elimination would eliminate toxicity on Top lane.


    ADC players are masochists. They like being slaved around by their random braindead partner. They like comparing their suffering to other ADC and enjoy the rush of freedom when eventually their shackle are set free. That high when 0/10 Jinx reached 4 items and is no longer a ranged minion is something no any role can reach. But now that even when you reach 4 items that high is no longer guaranteed. 30 minutes of buildup just to be instantly killed off by a 0/2/99 mid laner. Where does that energy go? That energy that has been built up for the last 30 minutes? Into the chat it goes.  

    People start picking Mages bot not because they are stronger or something(lol) but because they have better skins. Ahri, Vlad, Ziggs, Syndra all have very attractive skins and only MF could really compete against them. Which is probably why MF has one of the highest pick rate and win rate.


    NO one cares about those roles. They don't do anything in game anyway so there is no need to talk about them. Right now games are decided by Top and ADC. Mid/Jungle/Support has no agency whatsoever compare to Top/ADC so there is no point talking about them.

    It's time for more Kaisa Skin

    Voibear Rework is a step in the right direction. This would fulfill people with questionable desires and hopefully stop them from going outside. Many people libido are being unfulfilled and by giving them champions and skin that matched their disgusting desire they would be happier. Don't ask which demographic they made Yuumi for. For F2P player the Honor System could reward them with skins which would prompt them to think libido in long term and reward holding it in. Streamers should also be encouraged to equipped those skins so the viewers could learn that that is a way to release their libido. I don't think it is right to witch hunt streamers that don't equip those skins since everyone has their own "preference" and you never know what the context is. Unless obviously if they play Taric without Pool Party or Gem of the fifth age skin but even then just report them and don't personally attack them.  

    What I am trying to say is: It is time to pull out Pool Part Urgot.



    Potential Question:


    1. Why does NA have this problem and not Korea?  

    A: Cause NA doesn't have Kpop and not having Kpop stars ruling your country is a big disadvantage culturally. Everyone there is playing League to please their Kpop King/Queen so victory is the way they fulfill their libido.


    1. How about the little blue mens ruining my games??


    A: Those blue men are typically called smurfs and they are actually pro player/coaches trying to scout that Gold 4 Brand that solo killed Faker years ago. Unfortunately, the scout is unsuccessful but still ongoing and now it is almost a part of the game. Just try your best and maybe you can fool them that you are the brand player and get in LCS. Just remember that they are scouting because they are not at Faker's level so just laugh at them desperately trying to scout Faker killer in Iron 2 and being hardstuck at LCS.


    1. What should I do when other player tries to fulfill their libido on me?


    A: If you are into it you can enter their role play but just don't become the problem trying to solve the problem. Let's say your step-sister is stuck in the bathroom and needs your help. Don't go in and get stuck yourselves. Call the fire department because accidents in the bathroom are dangerous and can break some bones if you are not careful. Sometime the fire department comes too late or never comes. In that case, you should simply lock the door and cover your ear to prevent your sister's dying cry from traumatizing you. Know that even Saints like Voyboy are unsuccessful in helping others get unstuck. Don't get yourself stuck trying to help others because now your stepmom has to come help and it just keeps ongoing.


    1. Voyboy, Press B to be Dominated/Dominate, Morellono Merchant/Dirty Mono Blue Player, Germ, T1 the Redeemed/Unredeemed,Blue man TF, DoubleSwitcherino, the guy that made me question my sexuality, Mega iGNAR, Best NA Jungler's friend: Santorin  

    A: just name dropping some random names since apparently Reddit loves to name drop when it is irrelevant to the discussion.

    submitted by /u/winwill
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    Irelia portrait I painted

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Irelia portrait I painted

    Hey dudes, I'm painting some character portraits as practice. Hope you like it!


    My insta for those interested: www.instagram.com/kiyaama/

    submitted by /u/Kiyaama
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    I've just finished my Pentakill (darkins) fan skins, I thought I might share them with you! :)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    "Come closer, don't be afraid" -Evelynn fan art by Aeonisart

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I finally got my friend to commission Evelynn! I hope you guys like it. Find more from her here:

    Artstation | Instagram


    submitted by /u/ImCloa
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    If this Gnar didn't rage quit then neither should you

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    If I’m 0/0/0 and down some farm versus ignite Darius, you guys should be happy

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Every time I face a Darius (I mainly play Camille) I know eventually my champ will be more useful, so I try to sit back in farm. What happens is I'll go even, but if my team falls behind, suddenly I'm the scapegoat. "Useless Camille down 20 farm has no kills". It's just bizarre, because any time your top sacrifices farm to stop Darius from getting fed you should be happy. Just wanted to put it out there it's getting kinda annoying

    submitted by /u/DingoThBOY
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    Riot Games announces Mid-Season Streamathon, featuring events in OPL, LPL/LCK, LEC, and other regions for 2 days while raising funds for COVID-19 relief

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    The year is 2023. I am autofilled to top lane.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    Autofilled. Hm. Not the best. I frown as I look through my list of available champions. I linked my mom's credit card to my account so whenever Riot releases a new champion, I automatically purchase the RP to get it and every skin for it, so I have the whole roster under my control. Unfortunately, all 3 champions released in the last two years are locked to the Aphelios role, so I can't take them top, and Barn is permaban in this elo (smh, scrubs don't even know how to deal with the tractor split push build). I vaguely recall playing a game of Vayne in ARAM in season 4, so she's pretty much my main. I lock her in. I'm greeted by 4 "nice pick!" messages from Riot's auto-generated anti-toxicity chat system.

    Once I watch the three sponsored messages during load screen (only three since I'm a Riot Gold Club™ member), I grab a drink while the game buys my starting Doran's Potion for me and autopaths me to my tower. The balance algorithm decides that the enemy jungler is going to get the advantage this game, so unfortunately our Rengar has to solve a difficult sudoku puzzle before he can take his red buff. Sadly, our Aphelios laner played Aphelios, who honestly has been pretty power creeped since season 12, and I'm dismayed to see him and his support get 2v1'd under turret by 🅱️phelios. Should have taken triple flash, I guess.

    Now that laning phase is started I'm actually having a pretty good time. The enemy Irelia and I emote at each other a few times while we wait for the 8 minute mark where the minion protection falls off and we can start CSing. It's a little rough with the reduced top lane minion gold from the preseason changes, but after only 15 minutes I manage to finish my boots and half my first item, so I'm on track for a 30 minute Blade of the Ruined King (still not a fan of how they made it build into every AD item in the game back in season 11, though). At 20 minutes in, the Top Lane Isolation Barrier falls and I can finally check the scorelines of the rest of the members of the game. Aphelios, unsurprisingly, has gone 0/12 so far in lane, but our Syndra is winning mid and our jungler is even in CS despite the starting disadvantage.

    Irelia gets cocky at 25 minutes in and walks past the exact midpoint of lane, triggering the autoping to mid that she's overextended. Syndra is thankfully paying attention and walks through the auto-roam portal at her turret, teleporting her there instantly. Finally, some excitement! I snack on a few Doritos ™ as I watch the fight from the Gank Sequestering Box I'm automatically placed in. Syndra manages to get the kill and Irelia is automatically disconnected from the game to avoid potential toxicity at getting roamed on. Using this opportunity I take all 6 top turrets and the inhibitor, which gives everyone except me 300 gold (it doesn't spawn super minions anymore, since that would invalidate my lane presence).

    At 35 minutes we're teleported to mid for the first teamfight. After the countdown finishes and the barrier between us drops, the Irelia (now controlled by Doombots AI) quadruple flashes onto me and begins hitting me. Thankfully, since she's no longer in top lane she only deals 20% damage to me, while my true damage is only reduced to 40%. I easily pick up the kill despite the flashing warning that killing my lane opponent can lead to an anti-fun experience, our team wins the teamfight (🅱️phelios walked in range of the support and got his healthbar cleansed by Mikael's. Classic low elo mistake smhing my head), and we use the baron buff it automatically gives us to push and end through mid lane (top lane no longer has access to the enemy nexus to prevent snowballing).

    That was such a fun game, I think to myself. I really popped off. Maybe I'll buy another use of my Vayne skin to celebrate.

    submitted by /u/LThalle
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    Patch preview for 10.11

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:12 PM PDT

    Patch preview for 10.11

    Riot Scruffy on Twitter:


    Patch Preview for 10.11:

    -Targets selected, changelists will be ready for tomorrow

    -Mid and systems work is not in this patch, but in flight



    Base HP Buffs -

    Aphelios, Ashe, Caitlyn, Draven, Ezreal, Jhin, Jinx, Kai'Sa, Kog'Maw, Miss Fortune, Sivir,
    Twitch, Varus, Xayah

    Scaling Buffs - Lucian, Kalista, Tristana, Vayne

    Zeal Movement Speed buff

    Phantom Dancer MS buff

    Runaan's Hurricane MS buff

    Rapid Fire Cannon MS buff

    Statikk Shiv MS buff


    Graves - Strongest in Elite

    Talon - Strongest in Skilled

    Janna - Strongest in Skilled

    Syndra - Strongest in Elite, Pro








    Edit: Formating

    submitted by /u/crowley_yo
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    Heokong with the hard outplay on enemy ADC

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    I just caught such a nice timing while backing on Pantheon

    Posted: 18 May 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    I was just doing back after we have taken the dragon, but caught pretty epic timing, considering I was playing on Dragonslayer Pantheon


    submitted by /u/HaruYuki69
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    Bot lane to the rescue

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Yuumi & ASol in a nutshell

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    You should not get auto-filled if it is a game that will get you demoted

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    I just got autofilled adc (my worst role) in a game that I was being demoted from gold 1 to gold 2 and we ended up losing and I was demoted, but since there is no autofill for promos it should be the same for demotion games

    submitted by /u/savoo1
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    There should be a "Random Skin" option in champ select if you have multiple skins for the champ you pick

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:43 AM PDT

    I also think this feature would be pretty good for chromas too since I can never really decide which chroma or skin I want to use on some champs and I wanna let Riot pick for me. Also obviously if you were to click on the random skin option you wouldn't get the default skin.

    Edit: I think at this point it's also worth saying that yes I know the client is garbage at the moment and obviously this is not a high priority feature, rather something to think about for the future. Other games have similar features for picking random skins. In WoW you can summon a random favourited mount, in Hearthstone you can choose to use a random card back art and etc

    submitted by /u/TinysChannel
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    If I ping that my enemy lane is missing, it's because my enemy lane is missing: not because they brainlessly decide to roam.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Stop flaming me in chat to, "Follow X champion" whenever they brainlessly push in wave to roam, if I have no idea where they are even roaming in the first place. If I ping that they are missing, I was either:

    A) Trying to last hit under tower, they have now LEFT MY FIELD OF VISION, and I can not find them when I push wave back to their tower.

    B) I was paying attention to some other factor on the map.

    If I ping an enemy missing, it is because I have NO idea where they are, and they have somehow managed to create a form of map pressure until they return to my field of vision. They could have recalled, they could have gone to farm their Kruggs, they could have gone to do Hookah with the enemy Jungle in peace. Plain and simple.

    submitted by /u/Legoman7861
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    Calculated dragon steal

    Posted: 17 May 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    Yuumi and Rammus backdooring in urf

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    TIL In 2 or 3 weeks we'll get new champion roadmap

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    According to Reav3, League of Legends Lead Champion Producer, June roadmap will be published week or two after Volibear live patch, so after May 28.

    Roadmap will cover this informations, in order to release:

    • New Champion: "Whimisical deer jungler"
    • New Champion: "Masked edgy sololaner, who refuses to die" (Church of Marcus Du Couteau, pray)
    • New Champion: They will talk about them for a first time
    • Rework: Unannounced upcoming rework, possibly Shyvana cause of very high demand in china
    • 2021 champion rework vote pool: "They're still figuring best time to do it"
    submitted by /u/Zernii
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    Viper(ex Griffin) joins HLE

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    source: https://twitter.com/AshleyKang/status/1262277432536514560

    So what do you think? Will this make HLE a top team? Not sure if they can compete with the top 3 from Spring but it'll definitely be interesting to see as they fixed one of their biggest holes imo. Also Viper is reunited with Lehends, cant wait to see them in action again

    submitted by /u/peanutis
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    New champion is probably Doran, not Yone

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:30 AM PDT

    Just think about it:

    1. Doran is Wuju, so he probably wears mask, like Master Yi.
    2. Wuju people died, so katanas on teaser image might be theirs.
    3. This ask Riot post actually mentions Doran under item lore section: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/ask-riot-making-fiddle-s-vo/ Knowing Riot, they rarely leave hints like these for no reason.
    4. Why the fuck would Riot revive Yone lul.
    submitted by /u/HellDancer1337
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    My first ever pentakill against actual people!!

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    What is that "One Move" made you like, "Yes. This is a surrender."?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    The one that i remember is I was playing vayne with a zyra support. At 25 min we caught their bot in a 5v2 in mid and run immediately to the baron. So while we were running towards the baron, we got slowed near baron river bush. You know the all hopes lost laugh, i was like, gg and stopped. It was an ap nunu with 2000 iq, he terminated all of us. Then everyone voted yes. That was so shameful.

    submitted by /u/unnecessarydrama_
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    OFFICIAL: Profit joins VCS’s Team Flash

    Posted: 18 May 2020 07:25 PM PDT

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