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    Monday, May 18, 2020

    LoL Guide Please stop attacking deactivated wards.

    LoL Guide Please stop attacking deactivated wards.

    Please stop attacking deactivated wards.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    So your team just dropped the enemy jungler and you decided to go for a cheeky 3 man baron. Good news your support had already pinked baron and the enemy's baron ward is deactivated.

    Suddenly your adc decides he needs 30g REALLY BAD and attacks the deactivated ward. Suddenly 4 surving enemies jump on you like seal team 6 out of the shadows and kill you 3 and baron.... how did they know you were doing baron?

    Attacking deactivated wards activates them. Never attack a deactivated ward when taking an objective.

    Stop it.....get some help.... - Michael Jordan

    submitted by /u/Brau87
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    I'm getting flamed for playing Support Maokai, that's why I created a guide for Support Maokai

    Posted: 18 May 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a Maokai Support OTP and I get flamed a lot in champ select for picking him :D so I decided to create a guide to show how, and why Maokai support may be better than you think.

    Video: https://youtu.be/z3jzUiimi88

    I'm playing two different playstyles:

    Playstyle 1 - when vs. passive supports like Sona, Janna, Lulu, Soraka

    In this playstyle I choose aftershock as my primary rune and follow these steps
    - Try to stay healthy and don't get poked down since this will stop you from going all-in on your enemy
    - Stay behind and wait for good engages (Maybe even Flash+Root)
    - When your lane is pushing towards them and your lane partner is safe, go ward or roam around.

    Playstyle 2 - when vs. aggresive supports like Thresh, Nautilus, Leona

    In this playstyle I choose Arcane Comet as my primary rune and follow these steps
    - Try to poke them down with Comet and get the health advantage
    - When having more health than your enemy, try to find good engages
    - When your lane is pushing towards them and your lane partner is safe, go ward or roam around.

    Why I think every champion can be played as a support:
    I tried out a lot of unconventional champions in the support role and if you are playing around your champions strenghts and your teams needs, you are able to play support very effectively.

    Let's say you are playing Nocturne support. If you manage to get out of lane phase you can become very effective with your ultimate to roam to other lanes and get them fed. Also you can set up vision and try to get picks on squishy targets since champions like Nocturne have pretty high base stats to 1v1 squishys.

    submitted by /u/LilSluggerZ
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    Am I just dumb, or is the power level of ADCs completely unrelated to why ADCs feel weak?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    I'm a pretty new player (started late in 2018) and I hear constant and aggressive assertion that botlane is super weak. Yet I also see time after time, that my botlane being ahead is one of the best indicators that I'll win, and enemy botlane snowballs seem impossible to stop. Whenever I get filled to botlane, I either carry the game or my enemy laner does (although this probably has more to do with the fact that I have a very hit-or-miss experience in botlane, not many even lanes).

    Yeah, botlaners tend to get one-shot. They tend to build entirely damage, though, so that's pretty reasonable in my opinion. When they deviate from full damage (say, by building Frozen Mallet or Cleaver) they become proportionally harder to burst. Champs act like the stats that you buy for them. If you buy only damage, you'll be a glass cannon. If you don't, you won't be. And that besides, if you don't one-shot the ADC, they'll often win the fight at full health due to their support and/or their lifesteal.

    ADC health bars feel a lot like a sign at the carnival ride: "you must burst the enemy ADC for this much to not have them shred your front line."

    The only significant thing I see setting ADCs back is the unpeelable anti-tank bruisers in top and jungle, champs like Wukong, Garen, and Sett (there are many more, but these are the most powerful of this archetype in the meta right now). These champs can one-shot ADCs, but the damage threat they pose to tanks prevents them from being peeled safely like an assassin could.

    These champs are almost impossible to deal with in a teamfight. If the enemy team has front-line tanks to peel, then they'll more than likely be behind, since they had to play against these anti-tank bruisers early. When a tank that's behind peels successfully against these champs, it often looks like the tank dying or being chunked out instead of the ADC. Beyond that, they have tools that let them avoid or ignore some amount of CC on their way in, so whatever peel you do have likely isn't going to be enough. Then they have enough damage to one-shot the carry (or carries), and enough health that they can stay in the fight afterwards.

    It seems like the only way to deal with them is to oppress them in lane/jungle (which often involves playing a champ which won't be able to peel later), to play a split-pushing champ with better 1v1 (preventing you from peeling for your ADC), or to just do the same thing but better (preventing your ADC from needing peel, but also outmoding the ADC).

    It feels like when you have a critical mass of champs that all have survivability, sustained damage, burst damage, and anti-peel, it really warps the meta. Tanks are almost impossible to play in this scenario. Without tanks, ADCs lose one of their main purposes, being able to actually damage a tank.

    Tanks being weak was a huge part of the incredibly bursty meta last season. True damage on Conqueror made tanks impossible to lane with, pushing them out of solo queue. That made burst damage champs much better, which made ADCs much worse. The Season 9 meta (the only one I've played in its entirety so far) felt like it got solved at "build damage" in every lane and role.

    Removing the true damage on Conqueror has made tanks playable again, which immediately improved matters. There are all kinds of non-damage related strats across the map again. But all season long, it feels like tanks have been teetering back and forth on a precipice between viable and non-viable in lane. After the melee BoRK buff, it's a bit on the sour side of that precipice. I'm worried about the burst meta returning, and I feel like I already see the beginnings.

    TL;DR: I'm not sure if ADCs are weak because the role is weak. Rather, I feel like ADCs are weak because there all the viable champs which counter burst damage are also capable of one-shotting squishy mages and marksmen.

    Alternate TL;DR: If I try to peel Sett off my team, he uses my health pool to get to my carries while slowing them and chunking them for over half, then kills them, then kills me. If I don't, he walks up to them and punches them until they die, which isn't very long. Then he kills me. I'm upsetti spaghetti. Being tanky just means I die last, and all I get for the rare occasions I successfully keep him off my team is a %max health knuckle sandwich.

    submitted by /u/Mundovore
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    On champs like Kai'sa or Kayle, with hybrid damage, do you build magic penetration?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    I am wondering should I go for it if the enemy has a lot of Mr?

    Or should I just switch builds and go for Ad?

    In lategame I always find myself wondering how to play these champs and how important mr is and never can figure it out.

    Btw bronze here (in promotion for silver though so there is that)

    submitted by /u/spellcaster93
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    Unsealed spellbook, teleport smite ivern support.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    This is mostly a for fun strategy that I haven't seen any YouTube videos on. I've tried this in many normal games, and won the majority of them. The goal here isn't to carry or to get your adc fed. No no no. Your goal is to make the enemy junglers life a living hell.

    You take unsealed spellbook to get rid of your tp, free boot rune, futures market, the 5% cdr one, revitalize, and bone plating. Buy hunters talisman invade top side by yourself level one. You get lvl 2 off the camp. You recall, sell the jungle item, and pick up the shoulder plate support item tp back to bot lane, and just be a normal support. You proceed to be an obnoxious prick, if you have smite up, every single opportunity you get to go in the enemy jungle (if the enemy bot lane recalls, if you have them shoved in, if you kill them, if your adc goes back, if you see the enemy jungle show on the other side of the map, or if their support roams) and take a camp, you do it. Or at the very least ward his buff so you know where he is.

    A highlight of this was a game I played doing this strat last night, there was a point where I had the enemy kayn down 4 levels from our jungler, and behind about 50cs. On top of that I caught him low in his jungle twice and killed him both times. At the end of the game, he was 0/12. Had 58cs when our jungler had 150cs. He had 5000 gold in the post game screen, and I had 9000. I stole 66cs from the enemy jungle, he was so behind that he couldn't even 1v1 me as ivern, he ended up doing 1500 champion damage. This was all in a 30 minute game mind you.

    I just want to hear your guyss thoughts about this. Should I ever try to do this in ranked (silver elo btw)

    submitted by /u/Strawhatkieth
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    Diamond Zoe Support Guide - over 60% wr!

    Posted: 18 May 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Hey I did an unranked - diamond stream of Zoe support and hit it with over a 60% wr. Currently closing the gap to D2 rn. Thought I would make a guide to share some of my knowledge on Zoe in the support role.

    Guide: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/zoe-support-to-diamond-571732

    ^really helps if you upvote the guide ^.^

    Here is a video of me just going over the guide if you would rather listen to me talk rather then read

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7joDN3BznU

    opgg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=twtvdoglightning

    Hope you guys enjoy! uwu

    submitted by /u/doglightning
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    Bruiser Gets Hyperfed - Now What?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    Talking about low-elo, where comps are poor, and awareness and decision making even more so.

    It happens all-of-the-time and it just leads to an often long, frustrating game and almost always a loss. A low risk (generally), high reward champ like Garen, Darius, Warwick, Kayn, Yasuo, and Yi get a kill or two early and it just snowballs from there because the jungler or midlaner inevitably comes to the 'rescue' and perishes in the attempt. By 15 minutes the fed champ can snowball the game, but given how it's low elo, things just drag on and on.

    These games seem to be frequent and they're unbearable. I can't do anything as an ADC or mid mage (Vel/ Annie) besides farm and attempt to punish poorly thought out aggression. It's seldom enough because the cycle of feeding just continues and the enemy takes objective after objective.

    The games are basically a drag and waste of time and effort (in regard to climbing anyway). Am I wrong? Is there anything that can be done.

    submitted by /u/dubious_diversion
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    How to Fix/Improve your Mindset in League! - Challenger Coach

    Posted: 18 May 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    Hey guys! Over the last five years of climbing from Silver to Challenger, I have learned a lot about good and bad habits regarding mindset in League. I made a video detailing methods and strategies that can create a positive mindset and encourage improvement. I hope you guys find it useful and any feedback is appreciated!

    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWMkVkcyzpo

    submitted by /u/TheMasterYak
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    Engagement for assassinations as evelynn

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    I started playing evelynn, and I'm a very new player. (lv 30) and I was struggling with a few aspects of her kit

    When I'm in camo demon form, I'm having difficulty after landing my W to quickly close the distance from once I get detected to the enemy champion. What should my typical engagement combo be?

    W, Q, E? How should I use my aa in between those abilities?

    It's also very difficult for me to be useful in team fights after the landing phase. I end up staying invisible behind the enemy group but I am unsure if I am the one who is supposed to start the engagement.

    I feel like when I W, and I can't close the gap quickly enough because the enemy Champs just run away in the opposite direction

    Sorry if my English is bad, it's not my first language

    submitted by /u/rfag57
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    Mordekaiser Jungle?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Okay, so hear me out. I'm a jungle main, so I know clears and the basics of jungling. So in light of the recent jungle changes morde was given the ability to jungle and I wanted to try it, mostly for fun, but I like him as a champion but I don't play top very often. Also the jungle items buff should work in his favor as well.

    I know he's not ideal but I know people who jungle with champs like Zyra, or Ornn regularly with success. My problem is I know hes not exactly great at sticking to targets and I had an idea, but it hinges on information I'm not sure how to find.

    IDEA 1: Use the tanky cinderhulk jungle item when appropriate

    Does mordekaiser's E do what it needs to to justify cinderhulk? Does his R by chance proc it too?

    IDEA 2: Use Phase Rush, nimbus cloak, transcendence, and water walking/gathering storm

    Shield bash and unflinching

    Atk SPD Adaptive Armor or MR depending on match-ups

    Is that even close to viable or am I not informed enough?

    His itemization is pretty straightforward, and I'm familiar with bruisers, but there are a couple items I've seen in some build guides where I can see how they COULD help, but I don't know in what situations or how practical they'd be to keep in mind.

    Namely, Nashor's Tooth, Hextech Gunblade, Abyssal Mask, Guinsoo's Rageblade.

    Nashor's gives attack speed and CDR, which is good with his abilities and passive, but is the attack speed even worth it? And does the item passive mess/clash with his normal AA passive and is wasted gold on stats?

    Gunblade is a good hybrid item and I've seen it built on morde with massive healing in mind, but other than that, is it really helpful? Does AD do anything worthwhile for him that I should keep them in mind?

    Abyssal Mask looks awesome for him until you look at the wasted mana and mana passive. Is it still worth buying if they've gone full MR or are a tanky team? Or does the wasted mana make it not worth it except in extreme situations?

    Rageblade... with Conquerer and his passive I can see it, maybe even with the attack speed but idk how well he scales with attack speed, so idk how good it would even be. Hes not like jax in that sense. So that one I've got no idea how that could work.

    Other than that I'm curious as to how I should treat him. His ganks are meh unless you play like a good stealthy fiddlesticks and pop outta nowhere (why I feel like phase rush would be helpful in being sticky). But after his first clear his farming isn't too bad and I also managed to solo dragon at level 5 with starting items and no pot uses left, which isn't something I expected him to be able to do. I feel like he has potential, but I'm sometimes overly optimistic.

    Other than those points and questions I feel like I've got a decent GRASP (lol sorry) on him as a champion and how he could be a decent jungler, but I figured I'd ask people who probably have a better idea than I do on what makes him tick.

    TL;DR: Morde jungle? Does phase rush work? Does cinderhulk work? What kind of jungler is he? (Farm, gank, obj control?)

    Thanks in advance! :)

    EDIT: I also found out you can easily solo start at chickens into red into whatever pretty effortlessly and healthy. Not sure what I'd get on level 2 for best results yet, so I've been just using his W shield. But I'm finding him more and more likable as a jungler.

    submitted by /u/toxicnerve
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    Is leaving the inhibitor the enemy inhibitor up in this scenario the right call?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    So I just played a ranked game where my team was hard stomping and I was split pushing top and I had the choice to get a top inhibitor for free at 18 minutes but I decided to leave because I wanted to deny them the super minion XP and since it was just me we probably couldn't have ended from there with a final push.
    The rest of the map had all of the inner towers destroyed on our side, and we had no towers lost that game.
    I mean they ff'd 1 minute later at 19:30 so it didn't really change the outcome of the game, but I just wanted to ask if that was the right call

    submitted by /u/Sushil96
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    Should I push or freeze mid-lane when I see enemy mid resetting on cannon wave?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    If I'm playing a good wave clear champ (Syndra/Diana) and see that the enemy mid is resetting on cannon wave (they've already taken my current wave and cannon is close to my tier 1 turret), should I be trying to shove in the cannon wave + plate, or freezing? What if they've shoved in the wave and cannon wave is still far back, should I reset too?

    submitted by /u/FileFilter
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    Beginner Tip if you have a Fiora

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Hello, for the people who have some experience, nothing is said here especially for you, but for new people, please listen. As a Fiora player, I often get frustrated.

    With this explanation, if there is a Fiora on your team and she uses her ultimate, 4 triangles will appear around an enemy. If she manages to hit both or kill the enemy. There is a large field in which you can heal, mid-game heals for 800 hp. This may not sound like much, but it can change a whole team fight.

    Suppose you can kill someone for a team fight with this, who only walks in the jungle. If support gets you focused, this can bring you back full hp. I myself get frustrated because my support just ignores this and then goes into a team fight with 400 hp and gets geo shot, causing us to lose.

    So, if you are new think of this! And use this in your favour...

    submitted by /u/Colpaertt
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    3 more tips for being a better jungler! Enjoy!

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Freeze here again! I did a post about 6 tips for being a better jungler a week ago and here I am again to give you some more tips. :) I'm playing league since the end of season 1, my current rank is Diamond IV on EUW and in this post I want to give you 3 more tips you can use to improve your playstyle as a jungler and get better at league of legends.

    If you feel like you can learn things better while watching a video you can just click here and watch these tips in form of a video!

    Let's start:


    If one of your teammates pings you that the enemy used his summoners like flash or you kept an eye on your lanes and saw an enemy burn his flash, what you should always do as a jungler, then consider ganking the lane to abuse the enemy laner's lack of escape.

    It might be an easy kill for you or your laner and could decide in whos favor the lane will go.


    Trading objectives is a very crucial part in league of legends. Instead of wasting time by trying to contest an objective you can't contest eitherway, you should try to get something else on the map for it. For example:

    Your botlane got ganked and now the enemy botlane and the enemy jungler are going for the dragon. Because your team is two members down, you, in most cases, can't contest the dragon.

    Try to get the herald, the enemy top jungle camps and/or look for a gank on toplane instead. This way you punish the enemy jungler for not being around the topside of the map and get something in return.


    Ganking losing lanes is a common mistake a lot of junglers are doing. I understand that you want to help your team but ganking losing lanes is not the thing that will help your team win the game in most cases.

    Trying to gank a losing lane is pretty risky because A) the enemy jungler could be around to countergank and B) the enemy laners are in most cases already stronger than your laners so chances are high of just trading kills and maybe even dying while ganking which could lose you a lot of tempo on the map.

    Instead you should look for ganking lanes that are either already winning or are pretty much even to decide which laner will win the lane.

    Thanks so much for reading.
    Of course these are not the only things you can do to be a better jungler! I will do other posts from time to time and mention other things aswell. I really hope you learned something from this and can be a better jungler! After all, all I want to do is help you guys improve in League of Legends, the game I have been playing for almost 10 years now and love so much.

    submitted by /u/NeoMontana
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    Differences in gameplay between season 9 and 10? (Jungle?)

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    Last season I got to D4 by one-tricking in the jungle. I took a break and after coming back I'm finding it impossible to win games even in gold elo. Either I'm washed up or something seriously changed and I haven't been able to adapt to it. What playstyle changes occurred between season 9 and 10 that created such drastic differences and results for me? I'm curious about all role differences, even though I am primarily interested in jungle changes as well.

    submitted by /u/chemicaltrance
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    Building crit

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    So Itemisation is something I don't quite fully understand, but something about crit chance makes me think that isn't it a good idea to always build a crit item as part of your 6, even if it's one. 25% crit chance means that 1 double hit you get could mean the difference between a kill and dying.

    Or am I thinking of this the wrong way

    submitted by /u/wheremynames
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    Popular picks on Chinese servers

    Posted: 18 May 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    Hello there! I recently heard (can't remember the exact source) that lethality Varus midlane is quite popular among the Chinese midlaners. Now, lethality Varus midlane sounds pretty interesting and I really wanted to "fact-check" this but I don't have any idea how to even look up the statistics of the Chinese servers or look up individual players on the Chinese servers. I'd be pretty interested in hearing about other similar picks from the Chinese servers if there are any and I would also love to learn how to look all of this stuff up so I can maybe study a few profiles. Thanks a lot in advance!

    submitted by /u/DavidSandro
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    what should I focus on low elo as a jungler(with duo top)?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    i came back to league late in the 2019 season, 2020 i placed iron 4 and so far have climbed into bronze 2, where i keep climbing to placements then losing back to near-0 lp. my duo and I are noticing that a lot of the time our botlane just goes super hard when I'm nowhere near, and lose fights, then just get bullied in lane over and over. and I'm getting frustrated cause they hardly ever follow up when i ping, either going in way before i get there and defeating the point of the gank and wasting my farm time, or they dont go in with me and i die, then we either lose drag control or can never set up for it, so... what do I do?

    i could camp top and try to get my duo ahead, but he's not always on a gank position, and then botlane flames that i never help and im rarely in position to contest/capture drag.

    or i could just double down and camp bot and hope that my presence makes it easier to cs so they can get a lead whenever they DO fight..

    or maybe i go back to champs like trundle who can easily solo objectives, but have less fighting power late game, and just play a singleplayer game in jungle with occasional ganks?

    submitted by /u/st-shenanigans
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    What to do after taking side lane tower?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Me and a couple of friends were arguing over a topic that came up in a previous game. After taking the first turret botlane, the two bot laners(Syndra and Pyke) rotated mid.

    Our mid laner(Kassadin) was not happy about this. He says that bot lane should've rotated top, since the enemy Teemo was ahead and pushing. Our bot lane suggested that our own top laner(Tryndamere) should've gone bot instead, and our mid would go top.

    What is the correct thing to do once botlane has taken the turret?

    submitted by /u/wolfclaw3812
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    When to go double D Ring/D Blade

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Honestly I never do this but I know it gives early lane pressure and see it used a lot especially in higher elos. Was wondering more specifically why and when to go this route. Like is it more champ dependant, lane opponent, etc. I play mostly mid if that helps.

    submitted by /u/RaphtotheMax5
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    How is the healing from Aatrox calculated?

    Posted: 18 May 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    If you have a fully stacked Ravenous Hunter which is 14% but all of Aatrox abilities are AOE so the healing is reduced to 4.7% or something. Or perhaps a Revitalize which increases healing by 5% or 10% depending on your HP being lower than 40%

    A fully stacked Conqueror which makes you heal for 15% of damage dealt

    A maxed Umbral Dash (E) which heals Aatrox for 30% of damage dealt to champions.

    A Death Dance would heal for 15% of damage dealt.

    With a maxed World Ender (R) increases healing by 70%, which could be further increased by 30% if you have a Spirit Visage.

    Let's say you also get an elixir and heal for another 15%.

    So much does he fucking heal for, how is it all calculated?

    submitted by /u/Youssof666
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    Silver educational series

    Posted: 18 May 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Hi my name is Invinity and i just started a youtube channel. I used to play LoL in season 3 and 4. I quit and started playing again in season 9. I main jungle and i am silver 2 at the moment. I play a lot of Ekko, Zac, Trundle, Wukong and Fiddlesticks.

    I am going to be watching replays of my games and trying to see what i could have done better. I will be uploading this on my youtube channel so if this sounds apealing to you be sure to check it out. For the record i am not a good player, just your average silver 2 jungler. I just want to inprove and i hope someone finds my struggles helpful.


    submitted by /u/Luka-LH
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    On Aatrox and top lane

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    Main jungle + support (I play supportish junglers and supports such as Nunu/Morgana in jungle and Sona/Morgana in support) but I also play mages with nice CC in mid. Usually I don't enjoy adcs as most rely on pure power mechanics instead of CC-strategy or have like very specific """combo""" CC (not that they don't require strategy, you get my point).

    I found myself loving Aatrox particularly and I'd like to delve into it. It has damage, CC, dodges/dashes... idk I just love it. However i don't know to approach its gamestyle. I played two games so far, one top and one jungle. In jungle I had no issue although I struggled against tanks (Sett and Voli). But the top game, I kept roaming because I had a Blitzcrank in top. He played hypersafe all the time under his tower and he only pushed whenever I left lane. Little by little he kept chipping at and destroying my turrets. I kinda kept him under control (kinda) but I think this is totally my mistake in how to handle waves in top. Mid is kinda easier for me in that aspect and I know when to push and roam.

    Any advice on a newbie toplaner with experience in map awareness and stuff?

    submitted by /u/Wickeon
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