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    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    LoL Guide Why the jungle role is so misunderstood - a retrospective of a 5 minute vod

    LoL Guide Why the jungle role is so misunderstood - a retrospective of a 5 minute vod

    Why the jungle role is so misunderstood - a retrospective of a 5 minute vod

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    By now everyone has probably seen the vod of the Gnar player dying to four ganks in the span of five minutes. If you haven't give a look see: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/glwhgs/if_this_gnar_didnt_rage_quit_then_neither_should/

    There is much to say about Gnar but this post isn't about that. This is about jungling. If you look at some of the comments in the thread you'll see comments like:

    • 100% jungle diff
    • Meanwhile Kayn farms his gromp
    • Kayn is asleep
    • Kayn has no impact

    Comments like these show how vastly misunderstood the jungle role is and why it's easy, with this misunderstanding, to blame the jungler for bad games. I want to break down that clip and try to explain why I think Kayn did what he did and what other possible alternatives could have been taken (and why he didn't take them)

    Before I continue a little bit about the jungle and camps. In order for a jungler to be successful they need to be able to clear their camps effectively and efficiently. The last two parts are important. If either of these are missing then you aren't able to impact the map at crucial times. Too much health lost and you can't gank, countergank, or contest objectives. If your pathing doesn't make sense then you're going to be spending too much time backtracking, backing for no reason, and generally being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Ok, so back to the clip. Let's see where we are at. At 02:48 Gnar has already used both Summoner Spells and Quinn has used Ignite. Kayn is in the bot lane with J4 pathing top. The usage of Summoner Spells is important here. Since Gnar has none and with Quinn still having Flash it gives a distinct advantage to Quinn.

    So why is Kayn where he is at at this clip? We don't know for certain but we can take some pretty good guesses. It's likely that Kayn started Red then went to raptors and then a combination of Blue and wolves.

    Kayn might have not done the red side clear because he could have been trying to protect his Blue buff from being taken. J4, can easily hop the dragon pit wall to cheese his Blue away from him. More likely, I think he started pathing bot side to prevent a countergank from J4 on bot or mid. Early J4 ganks are common. One other singular explanation is that he's identified bot side as the win condition and is playing to that side. It could actually be a combination of any of the above.

    With this bit of knowledge you can see that Kayn is never going to be top side to be able to prevent the first gank. Gnar should actually be aware of this but I digress...

    At 03:15, Gnar has died to the first J4 gank. Kayn sees that he is top side likely tabs to see his cs count and realizes that J4 likely didn't take his raptors so he immediately goes to counterjungle. This is a great call.

    At 03:33 when Gnar gets ganked for the second time Kayn is taking the bot side scuttle.

    At 03:58 bot lane re-engages and he goes to assist again. So why he go bot here instead of ganking mid?

    Impossible to know for certain but he doesn't know where J4 is but he knows he's likely still top side either taking the top side scuttle or counterjungling his raptors. He can gank but there is a possibility of a countergank and unless it's a sure bet it's not safe to do.

    At 04:14 Kayn's bot side play doesn't materialize into anything and goes to farm his gromp. Why farm the gromp? Why not take J4's krugs or recall and go to take his top side and maybe try to help Gnar?

    Let's start with the krugs play. Although he can take them it isn't really safe to do so because he has poor lane prio. Although Janna is dead, If he gets sniffed out it's so close to the bot lane that he will just get popped by Ezreal and perhaps get collapsed upon by the Ryze. If that play doesn't work out he's lost valuable time getting nothing. As we know losing time and being inefficient is against a jungler's core tenets.

    So let's talk about recalling and going top side. J4 has now been top side for a while. If Kayn recalled to path back top it would be a catastrophic mistake. He should assume that while J4 is off the map that he's taken his entire top side. If Kayn goes top side to farm and his top side is gone it's a HUGE waste of time without getting anything out of it.

    He also doesn't know where J4 is. J4 at this point is stronger than a formless Kayn and if J4 is laying a trap for him and kills him it sets Kayn back massively. The smart play here is to write off your top side jungle much like J4 is writing off his bot side jungle. They have essentially split the map down the middle and are now doing vertical jungling.

    So why doesn't he help deter another possible gank from J4? If he even attempts it and J4 is there again it's a HUGE misplay. Quinn and J4 are both level 4 and so is Kayn but Gnar is level 2. If they engage they will lose the 2v2 and feed Quinn and J4 more xp and gold.

    Why not enlist Orianna to help? Same thing problem as before. If Orianna goes to help it will surely summon Ryze and the 3v2 would turn into a 3v3 with Gnar being level 2. If Orianna, Kayn and Gnar all die it's pretty much game over top side.

    There is no reason for Kayn to be back top.

    At 04:24 (image not shown) Gnar dies again and he puts the final nail in his own coffin. No one on his team can help him. Trying to do so puts the rest of the map in jeopardy.

    At 04:48 Kayn has recalled after taking his gromp and paths down bot side. It's clear why he's pathing bot and not pathing top as it's explained above. Kayn is now restricted from making plays top side trying to do so would mean, at best a simple waste of time, and at worst more kills for Quinn and J4. He also can't counter jungle J4's blue side because a potential engagement there would lead to a 2v1 with Quinn and J4. He unfortunately has to write off J4's blue side off as well; hence vertical jungling.

    The smart thing to do here is to path bot side again and try to make a play down there. If he's able to make something happen that that pretty much secures the first dragon for the bot side team. If too much pressure is built by the rest of the team bot and mid then it's actually really bad for J4. If Kayn gets three people ahead (bot and mid) but J4 only gets top ahead it's in favor of Kayn.

    At 04:58 (image not shown) Gnar dies again and Kayn can do nothing about that. Nor should he. Quinn is level 5 and Gnar is still level 2. Helping means death and losing the game.

    At 05:20 Kayn tries to make a play bot but it unfortunately countered when Ryze teleports bot side to help. It's unfortunate for Kayn and I think that it's actually a bit of a misplay (but can't say for certain) by the Orianna as she doesn't counter the counter with her own teleport.

    At 05:35 (image not shown) Gnar dies again and the clip ends shortly after.

    It's certainly understandable that a laner looking at this would immediately blame Kayn for being useless and not helping Gnar out all. Without understanding why pathing is important you'll find yourself rage pinging your jungler on gromp when he could have stopped you from dying (spoiler: he couldn't).

    Gnar should know, and I think that he does, that Kayn won't be helping him as he is pathing bot side. Dropping everything and turning around is a huge waste of time since the only camp to take there is krugs and he can't actually countergank. Understanding a jungler's tenet about how to take camps effectively and efficiently and one would understand that Kayn isn't coming back topside any time soon.

    If you see your jungler pathing away from you they cannot help you if you get in trouble nor should they. Doing so is the jungler equivalent of missing an entire wave or more of creeps.

    The unfortunate reality is junglers have to make judgement calls like this all the time and it's not a popular thing to do. A jungler thinks to themselves, "Do I try to help and potentially lose tempo and therefore power to impact the rest of the map or can I help and succeed?"

    If your lane has died 3 times within the span of 30-ish seconds then the answer is almost always no. It's best to let them just die, get flamed with "jg diff" and try to make plays elsewhere. This is the reason why you hear "you never gank a losing / lost lane".

    submitted by /u/redditmademeregister
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    New Nidalee Mechanic: Your Cougar Q + W damage still goes through when you Zhonya's, so you can use it to dodge abilities like Veigar cage, Lux Q, etc.

    Posted: 19 May 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Very neat trick by /u/MoodiesNA who is a Grandmasters player in NA. Saw this on /r/leagueoflegends but I didn't see him post this on here.



    After switching to cougar form:

    • Press Q first
    • Start channeling W
    • Right click the target for your Q
    • Press Zhonya's.

    This should all be done in an instant.

    This lets you pounce straight through abilities while not losing any damage at all. Very useful for abilities that stop your pounce. In his video, he shows Veigar cage, Lux Q, and Lee Sin R (buffered). I'm sure it also works for other abilities like Ahri charm, Alistar knockback, or Jinx flamechompers.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    What exactly is laning phase?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    I'm rather new to the game (started about a month ago and I have more bot games played than normal games) and just reached level 30. I hear people talking about laning phase a lot but I don't seem to be able to actually find the definition of laning phase. So what is laning phase and is it important to doing well in game?

    (Edit: Thanks so much for the explanations and little tips!)

    submitted by /u/ItsOwOhours
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    People accuse me of inting when im not?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    I'm a new player only level 21 right now (Never been ranked in my life). I mainly play veigar atm but would like to learn more champions before I even attempt ranked. I played some draft pick games as veigar and people accused me of inting when I was not. I just suck against certain champions like Annie, master Yi, Warwick. That one dude that lays down bombs pisses me off a lot. I realize I should learn good counters to these champions and I've tried to and I'm making progress at least regarding yi and Warwick, but I still have trouble against many players as I'm new and frankly not that great at that game. A Diamond 2 was coaching me (he was diamond 2 awhile back not this season) for a bit but it was just one or two times so I haven't learned much really. But I don't want to be reported for inting when I'm not, and more importantly, I don't want to let down my teammates I feel so bad when I cost us a turret because I keep dying stupidly. I think my issue is I don't exactly know a safe way to play veigar, cause ill try to kill and last hit minions with my q to raise my cs and base but I get too close where the champion decides to hit me with their q instead of the minions then I go back to my turret or into the jungle to escape them but sometimes I don't escape quick enough (even with my flash). and I still die and then I feel like trash.

    I'm personally not the type of person to int I even had cases where players are straight-up harassing me and it just makes me want to try harder to prove them wrong. Puts me in this focused state where I tend to do better. So the fact that I've been playing so badly that people think I am bothers me a lot. Honestly wish I had a friend to play with who could explain to me what to do and all that so I know what exactly I'm doing that is wrong.

    submitted by /u/jenovadeathspecimen
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    Mid game as top for low Elo

    Posted: 19 May 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I've been playing top recently in low elo (silver) - I normally find myself to absolutely smash my opponent early game but then as soon as I get my first tower I go from being 5/0 and eventually end up losing the game 6/9 or something like that. I genuinely have no idea what to do mid and late game as a bruiser and would love some help. <3

    submitted by /u/Welson420
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    Simple but powerful habit: Check the Scoreboard while you walk back to lane

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    You've been focusing on laning phase and done pretty well, suddenly you run into an enemy that you can easily kill, and boom, you get one-shot. You go "wtf?" open up the Scoreboard and see that their Diana is 6/0. You would not have fought her if you knew.

    I see this happening in all elos, and I'm ashamed to say it has happened too many times for me as well. League is a game of information, and you will simply win more if you understand who to play around on your team and the enemy team.

    This is easily solved by getting into the habit of checking the Scoreboard when you're walking back to lane. If you need to watch other lanes, you can do a quick sweep over who has the kills on both teams.

    As you get closer to the grouping phase, you need more information though. Generally you want to look at Levels and Items. Being higher level than everyone else makes a champion really powerful, and items can be extremely important for how you will play against them in teamfights.

    As an example, knowing whether someone has a Stopwatch or not can be the difference between winning or losing an important teamfight.

    Try it! It's an small easy thing to do that's going to make a big difference.

    submitted by /u/Wayward_EU
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    How to get better a tracking enemy JG?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, Recently had someone review one of my games and one of the outstanding errors we saw was my decision making during laning phase in regards to the enemy jungler. There were times I would try all, just for the jungler to pop out and then I die. Or, I push my wave without any knowledge as to where the jungler is (in this specific example I died due to it). So.. how do you guys track the enemy jungler? Is there a way to practice this? I think this type of error is a vital one for me and many others in lower elo, and once learned I think it'll make a huge difference early game! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/peddemo
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    Just trying to pick up jungle, and am totally overwhelmed.

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    I've been playing support for a bit, mostly thresh, but i'm looking to learn how to play jungle, due to how impactful of a role it can be, especially with a full team, which i'm finding more often. I've always enjoyed playing as mega tanks, so I'm looking to play Zac. I understand my clear and my basic game plan/win condition, but what are the basic macro things I should start to learn? Ideally nothing champ/timer specific, since like I said earlier, i'll just get overwhelmed and return to support.

    submitted by /u/Leolionholo
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    Attack move cursor/click vs simply right clicking when CSing..

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    I was watching a streamer and noticed that sometimes when attacking a minion they would use the attack move cursor technique on top of the minion. I was wondering what the advantages were for doing this rather than just simply right clicking on the minion to cs?

    Also any tips or insight on attack move cursor is welcome! I've never really been able to use it effectively so I've just bagged it. I could very likely be using it incorrectly, so any help on the subject would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Youngblood1211
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    Hail of blades weird

    Posted: 19 May 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    So after a game I check my rune stats and this? happens???

    How does one get more than a 100% attacks landed???

    If the answer is my stand punched (clawed) too, then hell yeah!


    submitted by /u/gheyboyo
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    How do i know when i need more cdr?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    I recently watched a guide where the creator said to situationally get X item if you need cdr, but how do i actually know if i need it or not? (build also has 20% already, so would be 30% with X)

    i find it really hard to grasp the microsecond reductions you get on spammable abilities and the single digit reductions on longer ones and when i need them to be lower

    submitted by /u/homer12346
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    What should i do if the enemy jungler is living in my jungle?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Had a game as Nocturne jungle where the enemy Rengar got a double kill early, then he killed me while I was doing scuttle, then he started living in my jungle and killed me before my teammates could come to help. I tried to ward my own junglr but they enemy was also warding my jungle and the rengar one shot me as I ward then took all my camps, went to the other side while i triedto take those camps and killed me again. All my laned were kinda winning but because the entire team was hunting me wherever a dragon came up we had 0 objective control because i was dead and it was basically a 4v5.

    submitted by /u/naneroh
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    Diamond to Master tips

    Posted: 19 May 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Hello, I start climbing this season after 3 seasons of stopping at plat iv , I currently sit at Diamond iv with 159 games played and 61.6 % winrate while one tricking pyke support, it's my first time in diamond but I climbed pretty easily and I'm pretty sure my mmr is higher than my actual rank so I feel confident in aiming for masters.

    Is there any change in these 2 elos ? The only big difference I notice is that junglers and mid laners are way more active with ganks/roams/invades but other than that I don't see much.

    Is there anything I should pay more attention ?

    submitted by /u/igorpn13
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    Draven vs Cait+yuumi, how do i deal with it?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Its impossible to win lane or keep the cs up. She outranges, outpokes, and outdanages with traps headshots and e. Yuumi is lifesaver and deterent. Her ulty and speedup and heals are guaranteed safety.

    How do i win lane, not the game. Or at least what to do in general?

    submitted by /u/Moanguspickard
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    ADC Macro after losing tower/lane

    Posted: 19 May 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Hey guys, ADC main here looking for some clarity on what to do in the situation of losing lane/losing tower. If i lose tower, i know that my opposing botlane will often rotate mid to pressure out the mid tower, in this situation do i stay bot and try to remove the tower then do the same thing? Or just push waves and assist mid? It's something I've always found difficult, as if I try to set up a freeze bot i wont be around for a teamfight, and fights for no objective reasoning happen very often in my elo. Basically just wondering what I should do If my tower goes down first.

    submitted by /u/rememes
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    How to play junglers with a shitty early clear against an early game jungler

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I main sylas and fiddlesticks jungle, but this problem is especially with sylas. His first clear gets him so low that if the enemy jungle just comes into my second buff I die, with absolutely no counterplay. Does this mean that I literally can't do my second buff? It's so frustrating when your early clear is so garbage but high elo players seem to be able to play it, so it's not impossible.

    I actually need help, even champions like ammumu can invade me since I have 1 health after doing my second buff.


    submitted by /u/archanchoi
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    How do you beat Kog’Maw in lane as Ashe?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Hello Summoner School!

    I have a really weird thing were I can't beat Kog as Ashe, it's partially due to my autopilot against his supports such as Lulu / taking too much minion aggro dmg. However, overall I feel like this is my worst matchup in lane as Ashe as I feel like I outrange him but always seem to lose to him.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Crystallight21
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    What to do (especially as Kayn) when the match up means ganking are difficult?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    Last night I had a game where we have top Warwick vs Gnar, jungle Kayn (me) vs Olaf, mid Kassadin vs Neeko, bot Jinx + Nami vs Caitlin + Zyra.

    We have very few easy to land cc's and the enemies have a lot of escape abilities. Plus that Olaf is pretty scary.

    All of that plus the fact that the 5 enemies shared the same team name gave us a big scare during the loading screen. It turned out well that mid and bot won their lanes and Olaf didn't protect the over extending Gnar as well as I could gank him. I guess the 5 of them were all just starting out.

    If the players' abilities are closer, what should I do? I thought of power farming, stealing objectives and maybe invade when Olaf ganks on the opposite side of the map. Is this thought process correct? Should I just stay in the base form until mid game? Is this match up hopeless had my teammates not dominated the game?

    submitted by /u/StarIU
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    How do I properly close out games on Early Game Junglers?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    So as the title implies, how do I effectively close out games when playing early jg's ( eg. Rek'Sai, Elise, Olaf, Xin Zhao ).

    Often times early games, ill be able to easily get off to a great start, easy ganks on overextended lanes, but once it's mid game, my effect fizzles out very often, and I find myself not knowing the limits of what I can get away with and just dying. I try focusing early objectives ( Drake + Herald ), but eventually I just feel useless in every fight, and cant close it out. What should I focus on?

    submitted by /u/TSMUltraman
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    Abusing lead on Kled?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Hey all, I've been playing a lot of Kled recently (Top, Mid, Jg too) and I feel like doing well on the champion is difficult to translate into winning the game. Most games I have a pattern: I dumpster the enemy laner, and I start roaming. my roams always fail because at that moment the enemies push back to tower before I reach the lane, or my teammates die and then I'm just hovering in the middle, losing time, gold, and xp. Oftentimes the other lanes look especially gankable when I return to lane.

    Then, midgame rolls around and I feel like there's nothing I could do anymore. If I splitpush, I will either attract most of the enemy team and die, or doom my team to lose a teamfight (its low elo aram city). Then again, if I stay with my team to supervise them, I will misjudge some danger and they follow me to their death, because they feel like if I'm fed I must know what I'm doing.
    Eventually, any advantage I've had is thrown out the window, and I'm outscaled and we lose. What do I do when I'm ahead on Kled? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Darkslayer_
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    Is Morgana really a hook champ support counter?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    First of, apologies I dont know if there is a proper way to format this. Im fairly new to reddit and Im not sure if there are any rules to how posts need to be formatted. Anyways, Im basically wondering if anyone truly considers Morgana to be a good counter pick to hook champions such as Nautilus and Blitzcrank. I just played a game vs a naut and cait as morgana and varus. They pretty much had prio the whole game. I found it pretty hard to get the timing right on when to black shield. The problem is that Im hesitant to blow such a long cooldown so preemptively when I dont even know if its going to 1 for sure hit or 2 if he will even cast the hook at all. Moreover, landing a q on him felt irrelevant when he could just shield majority of the damage from my w and the little damage varus managed to get off from a safe distance without cait punishing him. My games against a blitzcrank generally go the same way. With pyke and thresh it's a little easier because you can see them wind their hook up but when it comes to naut and blitz I feel help less. I get that on paper black shield counters cc but its very hard to execute without being punished for the cool down. Not to mention the fact that its not too hard for a blitz or naut to break it and still have a cc ability left for an engage. Am I just playing Morgana wrong or is it not really a practical counter to these champs?

    submitted by /u/nehraw
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    Where to stand at the start of the game.

    Posted: 19 May 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    When playing blueside as the top laner, where should I stand? I'd like to know where I should be standing when my mid laner is watching the pixel brush and where to stand if he is not watching the pixel brush. I usually just stand in the river next to the top entrance but I feel like it isn't the best place to be.

    submitted by /u/Ebinisti_
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    Building a strong Champion Pool

    Posted: 19 May 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Hey I was wondering if I could get some advice on how a champion pool should look like for low elo players. I play midlane and generally jungle as my second role. Here are my champs that I play the most from most picked to least:

    Mid: Akali, Renekton (counter pick), Qiyana, -learning/planning to add: Neeko, Galio (Counter pick)

    Jungle: Trundle, Olaf

    I know my jungle pool is really lacking AP picks, but if my team is full AD ill usually play something like ekko or sylas.

    submitted by /u/donutholer
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    Lane swapping?

    Posted: 19 May 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    What are the reasons to lane swap, and what are the downsides? I remember hearing about some changes several years back about "new" changes to discourage swapping, but what were they, and are they still in effect? I know you give up dragon control, but if that's not an issue, are there other downsides?

    edit: meant top and bot lanes!

    submitted by /u/aladytest
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