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    Sunday, May 10, 2020

    LoL Guide Check out this relatively unknown analyst channel named "LoL Analyst" who covers a bunch of useful information. Interesting picks like Zac/Gragas/Janna/Shyvana top, rune choices like why Korean Challengers take HoB on Kaisa, and even competitive game analysis.

    LoL Guide Check out this relatively unknown analyst channel named "LoL Analyst" who covers a bunch of useful information. Interesting picks like Zac/Gragas/Janna/Shyvana top, rune choices like why Korean Challengers take HoB on Kaisa, and even competitive game analysis.

    Check out this relatively unknown analyst channel named "LoL Analyst" who covers a bunch of useful information. Interesting picks like Zac/Gragas/Janna/Shyvana top, rune choices like why Korean Challengers take HoB on Kaisa, and even competitive game analysis.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Here's the link to their channel, totally undervalued for their content IMO.

    The videos are all really good - he takes multiple replays showcasing a pick or playstyle from Korean Challenger+ elo and gives a bunch of useful tricks regarding it. He doesn't only include strange picks, he also gives good tips for picks like Shaco support or Galio mid that might require a bit of nuance to pull off correctly.

    I think his content is really good as it includes everything: builds, runes, leveling choices, all while walking through certain tips. For example if he has a highlight on Janna top, he's not only going to tell you what to build, he's going to tell you that the Challenger who abuses it always goes extremely aggro for the first 2-3 levels (and tends to get a load of first bloods due to this high aggression). In nearly every video he highlights when the Challenger level players tend to trade, how they tend to do so, and why that pick is so effective. He definitely lays out the playstyle of champions very clearly, which makes the 'value' of those picks show really well.

    Can't think of too many channels putting out consistent content similar to this, and I couldn't recommend it enough. And if it matters, no I don't know the person who runs this account, I came across it while looking into Shyvana top!

    submitted by /u/Brawhalla_
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    A guide of things to learn for new players

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    I have excluded any advanced topics like marco play, knowledge of matchups, meta, roaming, etc. This is because these concepts are heavily reliant on the list below to work properly (e.g. if you have a poor understanding of wave manipulation and tempo, your roams will be timed incorrectly). Also I make the assumption that anyone using this will be playing one or two champions for one role. playing more than 2 champions adds needless complexity when learning the game, and ruins any muscle memory built up for champion mechanics. This same problem arises if someone were to play mainly two mechanically complicated champions (e.g. if someone decides to only play Cassiopeia and Riven). On top of this, some of the videos linked may contain over generalizations that do not apply to all situations. For example, in the wave manipulation video, the narrator goes through several "rules of thumb" to be followed in terms of pushing and freezing. These rules of thumb do not apply to all situations, and it is best to take them with a grain of salt. Finally, it is important to practice these concepts a lot such that it gets ingrained into muscle memory. Mastering the concepts and mechanics below is akin to mastering something like chess tactics in chess, they will make you significantly better, and allow you to explore more advanced aspects of the game.

    Generally helpful resources (youtube channels, websites):

    https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/League_of_Legends_Wiki (General concepts)

    https://na.op.gg/ (League stats, pro replays)

    http://fow.kr/ (if a certain replay isnt avaliable in opgg, it might be here [only for KR])

    http://onetricks.net/ (find one tricks to learn mechanics of champ) <-- seems like site was taken down

    https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/62lm8h/list_of_onetrick_pony_youtube_channels/ (list of champion onetricks for champ mechanics)

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWIfnDrWU_Cvc1a8qZribhA (generally useful information on fundamentals of the game)

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtaPMBliSXumW6ZbVExwrqw (same as above)

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg5qiSDvo1D6S4jv4iyXg4A (lots of useful information on jungle)

    https://www.youtube.com/user/LolKoreanProReplays (KR pro replays on youtube)

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpB0IOOh0RGX8GyxlxseH4A (patch rundowns)

    *if searching for pros, generally look for highly rated pros on KR servers, as the KR server is typically considered to be the hardest server. This isn't to say players from other regions are bad, as there are still players from other regions whos streams are quite useful (TF Blade, Bjergisen, Doublelift, etc.)

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mouse Accuracy, Mouse Speed, DI, Orb Walking(Clicking close to champion very quickly, Canceling Auto Animations)


    CSing(getting 10/11 per minute controlling for variables)

    Pros usually don't get this much cs per minute, but this is because cs scores are always naturally deflated. If you can get 10-11 cs per minute, your cs score will probably deflate to around 10-9, which is usually what pros get. This is why it is important to get cs scores as high as possible in a ideal scenario, so in game you are optimizing the amount of gold gained.


    Damage Foresight, Champion Lethals, and Basic Champion Combos(memorizing champion kill percents w/ different items and resists to health, Basic champ combos)

    Helps with spacing and trading, if you know a champion is at a certain kill percent, you can space and trade accordingly.


    Minion Wave Manipulation(Freezing, Pushing, Stacking Waves, Minion Aggro, Minion Wave Behavior)

    This is the basis of a lot of important macro concepts in league, like roaming, objective control, etc.




    Spacing(Interactions between Abilities and Waves, Imagining champion ability ranges, Imagining champion auto ranges, Spacing according to cooldowns, trading pockets)

    Without learning how to space, you cannot trade properly.




    Trading(hp and mana management, when to trade, cooldown relative harass, cs denial, cs zoning)

    Useful for disrupting tempo, and depleting an enemies resources (hp, mana).

    Links: just look at the ones from before

    Tempo(knowledge of gold values to recall, knowledge of possible items to purchase with all possible gold values to recall from, knowledge of opponent gold values to recall, ability to botch opponent tempo with waves and trading)

    Gaining or disrupting tempo dictates your lead over your opponent in lane.




    Jungle Mechanics(knowledge of the following: jungle clear timers, concept of rubberbanding, clear speed of junglers, optimal clear routes, optimal clear times, where to stand in a lane if you know where the jungler is)

    If you are playing the jungle role, it is impossible to play the role properly without this. Very useful for laners as well.






    Warding(Optimal ward placement relative to game state, optimal scrying orb ward placement, optimal control ward placement)

    This is so you can maximize the amount of vision you get from a certain spot.



    Minimap Awareness, f key usage, TAB usage(internalization, regurgitation, and assessment of game state and lane state using minimap , f key, and TAB information)

    Junglers cannot make effective ganks without f keys, as they need to evaluate a lane state to see whether a lane is gankable. Being able to read the information from TAB is important for counting cs of the enemy jungler.



    submitted by /u/ZephyrsEdge
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    How to prevent Yi from spiraling your game out of control

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    I think Master Yi is a frequent topic raged about but hear me out.

    Last game, I go AP Kai'sa top (because she's fun), and Im facing a yi top. In lane, he goes 0/4, and I go like 5/0 (picked up their ww roaming in our jg), I'm ahead on cs, and I'm pushing in on their tower, and I'm also roaming a bit mid when mid gets ganked by the enemy teams roaming support urgot for some reason.

    Anyways, yi leaves top, which I warn everyone about, then appears in our botside jg farming camps. I take that opportunity to try and push top t1 turret down (ended up not doing because warwick/urgot came up top). But in that time yi starts to snowball. This is still like around the 15 min mark or something if I remember. He's behind as all hell, and somehow gets fed off of our jhin/naut bot who was winning lane.

    Then he proceeds to just roll over our entire team every fight.

    How does this even happen? And how do you prevent Yi from snowballing like that. I know he has a weak early so I tried to abuse that so hes behind enough that he won't be able to snowball and take over the game. But he did anyway. It's a genuine question, if anyone has any tips.

    Edit: For clarification, this is a normal blind pick because the region I am in does not have normal draft, and I just moved to this region so I do not have access to ranked draft either.

    submitted by /u/WitchcraftUponMe
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    Fellow junglers is there any trick or advice for smiting drakes or Baron?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:03 AM PDT

    I think I'm performing well in most areas about jungling, but the smite thing... When there is a drake contest in most cases my team will ping the damn "Smite available" message because we lost it or someone else from my team got it

    I tell you it happens in most of cases, say 6/10

    I don't care about the pings but I want to learn a better use of the smite, could you spare some knowledge?

    submitted by /u/syrsaes
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    Why are lanes the way they are?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Specifically, who came up with the idea that bot lane would be better for the duo versus mid lane. By having your duo in the middle of the map you can easily rotate them to objectives on either side, and it allows for the support to easily move with the jungler into either side of the jungle.

    So, why would a 1-2-1 w/ jg not be effective? Curious to see your answers.

    submitted by /u/imfrat
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    How to counter 6 minute dragon rush?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Hello. Lately I often find myself in a situation when opp's jungler is rushing drake around 5:30-6:00 minute (we both lvl5, rift isn't on a map). Usually I see or understand that, but I struggle to find what to do in this situation. For the record, I play Shaco.

    1) Only bot or mid has prio. Should I contest the drake? What if they come too late, should I fight for it or back off?

    2) Bot & mid don't have prio and I have nothing to counter jungle and I can't gank top. What should I do in this situation, should I suicide for it or just power farm my camps?

    3) Is it even worth to try and just get a kill on the opp's jungler? I often don't have ignite at this point, bcuz of early ganks.

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    Is Zoe still a good champion to learn?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Given her high skill ceiling and difficulty to learn, it will take a time to master her. Is she worth it?

    There's so many bad matchups, and popular ones (Diana, Ekko, Fizz, Yasuo, Zed, Katarina, LB, just to name a few. Hell, even a full hit combo with Lux damages her so badly) that I feel that the time spent on her would be more useful if I tried playing another champion. I like her design, I like her concept, but it is annoying. In the ban phase there are so many threats that I don't even know what to ban.

    submitted by /u/shunnedasfck
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    How is cull worth it?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    So cull costs 450 gold to buy. It gives +1 gold per minion with its passive. Once you have gotten 100 minion kills with cull then the passive deactivates and gives 350 gold. That gives you a total of 450 net gold back, and then you sell the item for 180 gold. So through the whole operation you got a total of 180 extra gold. Is that really worth it? Like even in a hyper passive lane, having more lane dominance with a doran blade or something opens up opportunities for diving and counter jgling. At least in low elo (below plat) It takes usually around 14 minutes to finish it (7.14 cs per min which is average for below plat). It would be so much more valuable to have a doran blade or other starting item so diving roaming counter jgling etc. becomes easier. Is there something about cull im missing or is it really just not worth it in low elo?

    submitted by /u/epicduck900
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    When should I buy upgraded boots vs. an item component?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I'm sure there's math at play here that varies based on who you're playing and who playing against.

    However, generally when I back, be it with Cait or Brand, the +damage item always seems sexier than the utility of MS, and the utility + stats of upgraded boots. But am I buying my upgraded boots too late?

    For instance, let's say I get an early double kill with Brand, one first blood. I'm level 4-5 or something like that. Should I buy a Blasting Wand (+40 AP) + Basic Boots, or should I buy upgraded Boots (+18 Magic Penetration) assuming no other items? Early MPen sounds sexy, but straight up AP feels like it's more impactful?

    Same question as an ADC. I rush BF Sword, try to get basic boots early, but generally go for the first full DPS item before I upgrade boots. Sometimes if I already have, say, an IE and by the time I back, I might have enough for another BF Sword. Before you know it I might have two full items and basic boots. Hard to say no to that extra chunk of damage, but at some point the AS from zerkers result in more DPS than a BF Sword (and frankly the +MS as utility).

    Any thoughts here?

    submitted by /u/FiveDollarHoller
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    When to build oblivion orb?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to learn when to build oblivion orb as a second item on midlane mages. I often see pros build it after Ludens before building another item just to get the bonus penetration, and this makes sense to me. But how come people don't always do this? Often I see pros build liandries second or just skip oblivion orb altogether. Why not just buy the orb every game if it's so good? What is the right scenario to purchase this item vs something like liandries or vs a death cap rush or something?

    submitted by /u/premenopausal
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    How to team fight as graves?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Hi Everyone!

    I hope you are all doing well.

    I've picked up graves recently and have been loving playing as him. I find often I can get ahead early but in late game team fights I tend to get nuked often rarely having a big impact. What I'm not sure of is my function in a late game team fight. I try to dive carries but I find I do not have enough mobility to get close. Sometimes I try and help the adc or take down the front line but I don't feel as effective as I do nuking squishies.

    Does anyone have any advice on teamfighting as graves?

    submitted by /u/Lac3ru5
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    Why I can't play Yi and Warwick?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    It's the thing that infuriates me the most more than toxic teammates and leavers it's literally my kryptonite. These two champions are labeled as easy and despite that they're always high on every tier list, I myself have witnessed tons of games literally carried by them alone but no matter which build or route I take I always end up feeding. I have no problems with more difficult junglers like Zac or Nunu but everytime I pick those two champions I suck. I tried invading, counterjungling and everything I can think of but it seems like I do next to no damage while being almost oneshotted by the enemy (same level and all), what can I do? I really want to play them well but it's like they're bugged for example I recently saw a guide for Yi on youtube and it showed him killing the enemy top or jungler at level 3 with a Q and 1-2 autoattacks but when I try to do exactly the same I hits for 1/3 of that damage (same level, buffs and items) and I don't know what to think even for Warwick, in the videos it seems like an uncatchable autoattacking vampire but when I use him they always kill me during the chase and my attacks have the same speed of when I have exhaust on me...

    submitted by /u/GreenTomatoSoup
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    It's a relief but why don't you see many Rivens anymore in top?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    So I am now Diamond 1 from Iron III on my alt over 300 games. Across all elos there are very few Riven players this season. I still think the champion is completely broken with no bad matchups and am always in for a hard game if one shows up. But that's not common. From my VODs, there have been more encounters with Illaoi OTPs than Riven this season. And by comparison, there is an army of Aatrox players for all people say he sucks. Most common match by far.

    So just bored and feel like asking this shit from the POV of others.

    submitted by /u/fauxaffability
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    Can't get out of Platnium2/Platnium1, is it a mental block?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    So on my main I have been hovering between p1 and p3 for a couple weeks now, and i'm getting super frustrated. I started playing on my second account this week and I got it up to p1/d4 mmr with like an 80% winrate, but now it feels like I've hit a wall and I can't carry anymore. I've been watching my VODs and trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong but nothing seems to be helping.

    submitted by /u/bbpoltergiest-
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    Why doesn't Darius ever get nerfed?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    I'm not here to be salty or anything, it's just a genuine question. I'm asking here since I assumed more experienced players would know the answer. Ever since I started playing a couple months ago he has been on top of every tier list and has had a high ban rate. Almost everyone seems to agree he's op, especially in lower elo. He seems to fulfill all of the criteria required for a nerf, yet still nothing. I get that he's really popular and probably sells lots of skins but that can't be the only reason he's been op for months, right?

    So is there any valid reason that he isn't receiving any major nerfs? Is he actually easy to counter and I just don't know how or does Riot just not care?

    submitted by /u/Cowmunist
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    Win Rate Down 15% Compared to Last Year, Need Guidance

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Hello there,

    Over the past three years, I have been a Malzahar main who has been comfortably hitting Diamond. Last season I peaked at Diamond 2, with a 56% win-rate on Malz and an overall winrate of 53.8% on the season.

    I normally play with a Jungle Vi main as my duo, however our results this year have been freighting to say the least.

    This season so far, I am sitting at Plat 3 with a 38% overall winrate and a 41% overall winrate on Malzahar. I'm not quite sure where to go from here, as a 15% drop in win rate feels incredibly high and is causing me to question my own ability like never before. For reference, each of the past six years I have done better on ladder than the year before. With the past 3 years going from Diamond 5, to Diamond 4, to Diamond 2.

    Despite his global win rate sitting at around 51-52%, I'm sitting almost 10% below that, with over 1M+ mastery points on the champ, spread out over three different accounts. I don't believe he is strong in the meta and constantly find myself every game down 3 dragons at around 18-20 minutes and feel like my back is up against the wall.

    Additionally, I feel like his mid meta match ups are terrible, against the likes of Fizz/Diana/Kass. As for Katarina, I think I've only played against her a total of 3 times this entire season.

    Not sure really what else to do, as I've taken a few 1-2 week breaks here and there this season, but so far this has been the season from hell for me. Any feedback or guidance is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BackyardDickKarate69
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    how to carry as lee sin if my team is feeding?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    hi guys i am new here and i started to play lee sin because he is fun and his skill cap is high but every game i play i have a team that just feed before getting level 3 and when i try to gank them my team dont follow me and leave me to die to them so anyone have any advice for me?

    submitted by /u/proshadowslayer
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    New to League and ADC What are the best ADCs to get for this season?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    What are the best adcs to unlock?

    Up until now I switch between MF, Caitlyn and Varus but since I don't have much BP I need to know which are good adcs to unlock so I don't waste them.

    Here's the ones I currently have: Ezreal, Caitlyn, MF, Varus, Sivir.

    Also if you could tell me when should I pick a certain ADC (for instance I use varus vs teams that rely on healing etc) that would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/The-Devilz-Advocate
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    Having trouble against stun abilities?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Yes. Very often people are struggling to deal with enemies that have the ability to slow them down, stun them or give them annoying debuffs. And i have to admit i sometimes get into a deep mess myself when the enemy has a chance to stun me. Very often after you are slowed down, pulled closer to the enemy or stunned, the enemy will do a fast combo to deal massive damage. Now into the tip: how can we avoid this? There are many tips on this already but let's say this is just a beginner tip. First of all you must know HOW the enemy can mess you up. Does he have exhaust? Can he stun you or slow you down? Can he pull you towards him or his teammates from far away? The better you know that ability the better. So let's say you are against lux. She can stun you from a decent distance away. How do you prevent yourself from getting stunned? 1. Move unpredictably. This is the best way to avoid stuns if you don't have any abilities you can dodge the stun with. 2. Don't just stop moving so you can grind minions. Minions have a decent amount of health. You don't need to hit them that much to kill them if you have your own minions to hit them too. Now i'm not telling you to not hit them at all. Let me give you an example: you hit them, then move, then hit them again, and so on. If you are sure you can one hit the minion you can kill it to get the gold. Otherwise don't just stand still hitting the minion. 3. Don't rush an enemy if you are not aware if they have these kind of debuff abilities or not. So what did we learn? Move Unpredictably, Strike unpredictably and Be unpredictable. If you are still having trouble after this, then you can search for more in depth tips about stunning from better people. This is just a general tip. But yeah... I hope that this tip will help you guys out! See ya.

    submitted by /u/theMemeWaffle
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    What is my role as a top lane tank in the late game?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    So, in clash, me and my team are doing really good early, pressuring and taking objectives, but that somehow doesn't really go well into the late game, despite our pretty good comp.

    While i feel as if i'm useful early, i really don't know what to do. I can't split push reliably because i don't have speed or damage and so i can't really pressure.

    Am i supposed to stick with my carries, or relieve pressure by going in a side lane, or something else?

    submitted by /u/infernalteo
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    Toplane struggles

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    Hi, i'm a g1 toplane main (platine 2 last season) who is hardstuck as hell and seeking for help and advices. Indeed, during this season, i found every game totaly coinflip and couldn't do anything to it. I genuinely don't think it's always my team's fault (even if i think of it during gamesw cause of frustration) and an aware that i do mistakes. I've been struggling a lot to get advantage in lane with my main picks (i pretty much often get stomped in lane when i play jax, thing that wasn't usual last season) and i get outclassed by enemy's toplaner that makes less mistakes than me. I've been conscient of that problem but don't manage to fix it. How can i fix ly errors and how can i manage to get the same level i had the past season?

    submitted by /u/Bhgrosjesaispas
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    A lot of smurfs I met in ranked queue recently

    Posted: 10 May 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! My english is not great, so let's right to the point – amount of smurfs in solo/duo queue. I'm gold IV EUW player, my account level is 200, but almost every game I have in my, but more often in enemy team 1 or 2 30 lvl account players, with who immediately after intro games (I guess its some bot-assisted lvl up to 30 accounts) and doesn't stop. Its ruin my game experience, if I have this player so I can be a half-auto-piloted, but mostly its in enemy team hard-stomping lane who gets 10/0 in 10 min. I can post my op.gg in comments if someone wanna see a evidence. How to deal with that?

    submitted by /u/dumplingHS
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    Basic tips for absolutely anyone trying to improve

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm gonna be sharing tips for any role or any type of player new, seasoned, low or high elo.

    1. If you want to actually improve in the game go into rankeds and /muteall everysingle time, focus only in yourself, it does not matter if you win or loose the game, don't pay attention to your 0/7 miss fortune at 15 minutes, just focus entirely on your gameplay, muting everyone is something not many people would do but instead of getting to hear 25 pings about how you are getting ganked and dying to it, getting pinged another 25 times and getting annoyed, when you get ganked you will get a mental reminder to watch out for the map more often, instead of your teammates annoying you. The rank does not matter at all, because if you are focusing on yourself you will improve faster than you can imagine and climb out of whatever elo you are in!
    2. I know this has been said many times, but please focus on a few champions or, just straight play brainless champs like garen or annie, perfect champions for learning the basics of the game like macro, wave management, map awareness, trading.. etc. Do not try to focus on champions that require good mechanics such as Akali/le blanc/yasuo , because you are wasting your focus on mechanics not on the basics, you will learn overtime how to play the champion, but you will have no clue how to play the game overall.
    3. Have an overall knowledge of the game, this does not mean basics, rather lane matchups, correct itemization, knowledge of the champ's skills both in your team and enemy team, champion powerspikes etc, don't build 100% of what the guide says you should build, check the enemy team champs and see if you would need some grievous wounds or maybe some armor pen.
    4. Please do not shove the wave in everysingle time, this is part of wave management but i feel like i need to talk more about this, most of the times there's absolutely no need to push the wave in if the enemy minions are almost under your tower, you can start a freeze there and not put yourself in risk of an enemy gank, blowing your flash or even dying, this goes the same for mid/late game, if there's nothing to do, no objectives at all in the map just freeze the wave in whatever t2 tower you are in, there's no reason to push the wave at all, just freeze there and farm calmly, this could force the enemy team to try to fight to break the freeze and risking them dying, getting you some free gold and probably and objective coming up.
    5. Grouping is not always the solution. Not always by "grouping" are you going to instantly win a game, if there are no objectives in the map there's no reason to "group" and force a fight to occur, if you loose the teamfight it could lead you to loose an objective or even the game, fight only for objectives, for example, if drake is up then you should definitely group up and fight for it, drakes are really important and soul drake is even more important than baron, don't give the enemy a chance to get that soul drake by mindlessly grouping midlane trying to destroy t2 enemy tower and dying. Depending on team composition, a few games are also just about getting to late game, so it is essential to not die and practically freeze waves in midgame to get your powerspikes as soon as possible, or maybe you need to splitpush as a stronger toplaner as your team is pushing midlane, so they'd need to send 2 people for you and your team will have the advantage when trying to destroy a tower as they are in a 4v3 situation.
    6. Please, do not try to watch your own vods trying to see your mistakes, it is terrible, you might be able to spot 1 missplay, but you might've not able to spot, that besides flashing, you could also re engage, and win the 1v1, this said, if you want your vods reviewed, please search for someone who's actually better than the average player, such as diamond, or high plat.
    7. You should play fill, that's right, play every role, not for your whole life obviously but a few games played in each role (let's say more than 25) will get you a grasp of what the lane is about, how strong some champions are compared to others and get a better understanding of what each lane is supposed to do at certain stages of the game, for example, as a jungler you might not be able to see that the leona draven can infact, 2v3, if you were to play botlane and then go back to jungle, you would be able to see that they will probably win the 2v3, same goes for mid and toplane, and each champions weakness and strong points, like trying to gank an illaoi who just got lvl 6 and your aatrox is lvl 5, that quite obviously, isn't going to work most of the time.
    8. Understand your team's win condition, with that i mean, if you are a composition who needs to farm till late game to win, or some comp that should wrap up the game quickly.

    That's about what i can give overall, hope this helps some people become better at the game, and understand it faster, if you have any questions you can dm me on discord and i'll be happy to answer them. Sushi#1185

    submitted by /u/kalamygos
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    How to deal with roaming midlane assasins as a support

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    So last night me and my clash team made it to the finals and unfortunately lost. The key factor to our loss felt like the Talon mid, their midlaner hadn't played it 3 times this season and it seemed to come completely out of left field when they last picked it. For reference the matchup mid was Talon into Sylas and bot lane we were Varus, Leona into Jinx Lulu. Long story short, Talon ended up roaming a lot, and swooping in and ulting my adc whenever he could and the same happened in the later parts of the game. I would ward our flanks as much as possible and he would come in off of some weird flank using his passive and kill Varus.

    Anyway, I was wondering what you would have picked into this or what you guys would have done with our comp (considering Talon came out of nowhere). If we had known he was so good on Talon I would have cracked out TK or Taric to try and protect my ADC as much as possible.

    Thanks a lot gang!

    submitted by /u/GodsHolyTrouser
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