• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    League of Legends Last year I made a full size Ekko bat from real copper

    League of Legends Last year I made a full size Ekko bat from real copper

    Last year I made a full size Ekko bat from real copper

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:02 PM PST

    [IWillDominate] Happy to announce that I have been given permission by Riot to Co-Stream LCS again! Really thankful that I can resume the co-streams and excited to move forward together with Riot and the LCS into the 2021 season. Co-streams will resume Friday LETS GO!!!!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:49 AM PST


    Happy to announce that I have been given permission by Riot to Co-Stream LCS again! Really thankful that I can resume the co-streams and excited to move forward together with Riot and the LCS into the 2021 season. Co-streams will resume Friday LETS GO!!!!


    Dom was removed from the LPP and not allowed to co-stream on July 23, 2020 (195 days ago).

    submitted by /u/MentallyStableMan
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    Gragas has only 10 more years

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:06 AM PST

    So our fatty is arround 50 years old according to my very old yet only data and human life expectancy is arround 80 years old.

    Now, the other day I was boring so I use maths to see how much BMI Gragas has according to his weight and height and it resulted arround 69.9 BMI.

    That makes him extremely obese, so I so I google'd how much it reduce your life expectancy and its arround 20 year less on male.

    So If my maths aren't wrong, 80 - 20 - 50 = 10 years left 😔

    Edit: If we also take alcoholism , he has left 6 to 5 years (u/-Morel)

    submitted by /u/peruanToph
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    Fiddles wet dream

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:10 PM PST

    How a woman in Leicester named Perkz became a breakout LCS sensation, her guinea pig named "Fudge," and her discover of League of Legends esports - Travis interview

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:47 PM PST

    Might be my best Alistar save in my whole support career!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:22 AM PST

    Elise in ARURF is fun.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:10 PM PST

    Taking baron is all about teamwork

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:31 AM PST

    Viego Bug: Possessing Soulhunter Kayn gives you permanent horns that get brighter over time.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:32 AM PST

    Basically, every time you possess Soulhunter Kayn your horns get brighter and larger until viego's head cant even be seen. Looks pretty cool atleast but is probably bug 100 of this champ.


    submitted by /u/CuppyCakiee
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    "Ionian Daycare" - My Entry For the Riot Games 2021 Fanart Contest!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:11 PM PST

    Welcome to LCS | 2021 LCS Spring Split Opening Tease

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:20 AM PST

    You can nerf Seraphine's numbers all you want, but until Riot change's her ultimate she will continue to be an extremely powerful support

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 08:36 PM PST

    Context, I am a Seraphine main.

    I have been playing her non-stop since her release and she has been super fun. However, past 15 minutes she is a ultimate bot, similar to old Sona. She is 100% based entirely around her ultimate and the fact it is extremely easy to land multiple people inside of it. I can lose lane entirely, but as long as my team can follow up on my constant multi-person ultimates the game is pretty much sealed. Just now I literally played against a Seraphine with unknown mastery and a horrible laning ability however because of her ultimate, it didn't matter.

    The chaining ability on her ultimate was a neat idea, however it is way to powerful. They can continue to nerf her damage and shielding numbers over and over again, it won't matter and she will continue to be played support for the sole reason that her ultimate is game changing. This is the exact same issue old Sona had where her kit was awful but her ultimate was so game changing it literally didn't matter. In my opinion the ability is strong enough without the ability to snipe back line entire screens away.

    Feel free to tell me I'm wrong, I will continue to farm RP until this is changed.

    submitted by /u/millo90
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    Definitely Not Udyr makes watching him in Pro so much better

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:48 PM PST

    His ridiculous pajamas and animations when he's in bear form and phoenix just look absolutely amazing and hilarious as he runs people down like a crazy homeless man

    submitted by /u/Ifightforpie
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    The Edgiest Music Video | Making Of: Reckless with my Heart

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:01 AM PST

    The MMR "FIX" did NOT work as intended - Why is no one talking about this!?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:01 AM PST

    Over the past few weeks I've exchanged infos with dozens of players via Discord and in-game.

    An MMR bug exists since the beginning of preseason, and this issue needs to be addressed to ensure transparency.

    On 21st of January, Mark Yetter tweeted, that Patch 11.2 would fix an MMR bug and boost LP gains.

    We discovered an issue with MMR where the gains and losses were too small for players with lots of games. This was causing winstreaking players in particular to have negative LP gains (eg +12 on a win -15 on loss). We are rolling out a fix to the MMR bug with the 11.2 patch. Additionally we adjusted the LP formula slightly to increase LP gains slightly across the board.

    This did in fact work - for 2 days. Then it was back to normal again.

    To find proof for the MMR bug, one only has to check the LP gains of several players at u.gg:

    A friend of mine (who was D1 few weeks ago, is now in D4 and only got +15 LP after getting demoted to D4). Meanwhile, I have to struggle with gains like +10 -19 in D2 and positive winrate.

    I also noticed, that some players were able to abuse the system. Here are the LP gains and losses for a player who got to Challenger with 50% winrate. Guess how?


    +34 LP +27 LP +29 LP -7 LP +32 LP -7 LP +33 LP 

    Note that this account was created newly and was unranked in all previous seasons. Or here another newly created account (or provided by Riot) hitting Challenger with 58% winrate. If necessary, I can provide the player names as well.

    The discrepancy between win and loss gains are just too big, even if your winrate is 50%. It would be awesome if Riot Games could work on stabilizing it.

    Otherwise, it's a waste of time if you have a positive winrate and experience a net gain of 0 LP after winning 6 out of 10 games.

    submitted by /u/godsknowledge
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    FNC vs G2 Hype Train

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:21 AM PST

    Hans sama opens up about working on his mental health: "I’ve had a lot of small burn-outs throughout the years, but now I can instantly recognize them and I know what will help me." and how it helped boost his performance: "I feel like 2021 is where I could reach a level that I have never reached."

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:30 AM PST

    NA’s Upcoming Prodigy | Prospects - GG Niles

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:14 PM PST

    The Crack Down S02E02 ft. WildTurtle - How It Feels Being the Longest Running League Pro

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:00 PM PST

    About Bruiser items that aren't Goredrinker and Steraks

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:33 AM PST

    In Preseason, bruisers were given access to many new items. Introducing Goredrinker and New Steraks, two very powerful items. The combination of these items allowed bruisers to gain large amounts of burst healing and the huge Steraks shield, offering bruisers great amounts of staying power in fights with just two items.


    In 11.3 both of these items were (justifiably) nerfed, but this has created an issue with lots of the users that aren't overperforming and are now suffering winrate drops despite being totally within the riot balancing guidelines such as Renekton, Urgot, Illaoi, Kled, and Sett.


    But with these items getting nerfed it's shown an issue in bruiser itemization: outside these two items and Ravenous Hydra, most of the bruiser items are awful.


    The Problems


    Firstly, with both of them sharing a lifeline passive, Maw and Steraks are always going to be in contention for what one is better, however, Maw falls short in a lot of ways. Steraks offering health and AD makes it a much more appealing purchase from a purely stat focused perspective, as health will help a bruiser absorb both physical and magic damage, unlike Maw's MR only mitigating magical damage. Additionally, both Steraks and Maw's shields scale with health, but Steraks actually offer health allowing it to scale with itself whereas Maw does not, and the extra 15 ability haste does not do enough to compensate for that.


    Second of all, Black Cleaver lost 100 HP and the phage passive, along with costing 300 more gold for the butcher passive. It gained 5 AH too, but with the swap from CDR to AH that somewhat evens out.


    Third, Wits end losing the healing and movement speed in exchange for AD and the phage passive feels bad on a lot of its users, and removes one of the big advantages of the item, meaning it's not being built as often as before, despite it still being fairly niche before also.


    Finally, Chempunk Chainsword. It is a good item, offers AD, HP, AH, and GW. Nice stats, nice passive. The only issue is that it only offers 150 HP. That's as much as a ruby crystal. It's really not enough for bruisers especially since it takes up a full item slot.


    The Solution


    I'm no balancing whiz, so take all this with a grain of salt, but here are some possible suggestions for what could be done.


    I personally think Maw needs a rework/total restat. I don't think trying to balance its lifeline passive with Steraks is ever going to work out. Maw would have to be incredibly overtuned to compete with Steraks because Steraks is much more generalized while maw is much more specialized, along with Steraks scaling with itself, unlike Maw.


    Black Cleaver would feel much better if they cut the butcher passive off, gave it some of the health back, and possibly cut down on the cost. I don't think the butcher passive is worth it, the damage it deals on most users is fairly low and Cleaver only giving 300 health is also fairly low.


    Changing Wit's End would probably be hard. I assume the healing on it was removed and the AD added to make the item less exclusive and built by more champions, however, I feel like as it is now, it's too similar to Maw. If Maw was getting restatted a small amount of adjusting such as increasing the AD or focusing more on the attack speed could make wits end a better item.


    As for Chempunk, it just needs a little bit more health to be worth it. 100/150 HP, even if the cost has to go up some.


    In conclusion, I think the nerfs to Goredrinker and Steraks are justified, but I feel like other items also need attention. I would like to see bruisers have power taken out of the huge two item spike they're currently getting with Goredrinker and Steraks and have their powercurve smoothed out with more power put into the rest of their builds.

    submitted by /u/SkeletonJakk
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    Competitive LoL returns to Oceania - Feb 23rd (LCO Announce Trailer)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:33 PM PST

    Statement from Riot Beluga on the current state of AP & AD Katarina

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:46 AM PST

    Let's have a discussion about this, I'm curious to know what everyone thinks about this statement. Personally I kind of agree with him, I've never had an issue with AD Katarina, it was moreso Kraken Slayer.


    submitted by /u/yonangks
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    Meet 100 Thieves' BEST LCS TEAM Yet | The Heist

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:29 AM PST

    my long distance 'E' from s10 but still worth sharing

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:29 PM PST

    ‘Removing the LCS' import cap would stunt North American talent - permanently’

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:58 PM PST

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