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    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    LoL Guide How much HP would you need for Titanic to be better than Ravenous Hydra?

    LoL Guide How much HP would you need for Titanic to be better than Ravenous Hydra?

    How much HP would you need for Titanic to be better than Ravenous Hydra?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    Ravenous hydra has 80 base damage, Titanic has 40 base damage and scales with HP, it also have 450hp to help with that. How much Hp would you need for Titanic to deal more damage than Ravenous Hydra?

    I understand that you don't build them for the damage, each has their own quality outside of damage. Ravenous is good for splitting and dueling while Titanic is good for bursting out targets with the auto reset.

    submitted by /u/mustangcody
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    Is Overgrowth a troll rune?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    I've been playing Resolve for a long time and up until a certain point, I was just thoughtlessly going Overgrowth. But after some extensive self-observation along with the longest game lengths and competent CSing, I just realized all I ever get is 200 HP at best. It has only ever eclipsed 300+ in the very rare games that go over 41+ minutes. Considering most of the games and at 20 minutes, that means I get 100 HP at most in all of my games.

    So compared to Unflinching or Revitalize that are potentially very active, you're basically stripped of a third rune for the laning and skirmishing phase of the game for a measly sum of HP that will get instantly shredded with the damage creep in this game.

    I can't really believe I was using it for so long.

    submitted by /u/fauxaffability
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    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Saw this on /r/leagueoflegends, and didn't see anyone post it. I just copied the title word for word.



    For those who don't know, Malice is considered to be the first non-Korean player to ever join a Korean team when he joined bbq Olivers.

    Malice has been one of one of the most well known Evelynn players in the world, to the point that many teams specifically had to ban Evelynn against BBQ even though Evelynn is known to be a weak competitive pick.

    Although many teams have been scared to pick him up due to his toxicity in the past, it's undoubtable that he is pretty insane at the game.

    In this video, he goes over three routes:

    • Blue start
    • Red start
    • Blue start with two points in Q (skip W)

    There are a lot of micro-corrections he makes to speed up the clears just a tiny bit faster, so I think it's definitely worth a watch if you play Evelynn.

    Two things to note:

    • First of all, he doesn't mind using his second smite on Gromp/Krugs, because "he has charm for crab." (I assume he means that he can take Crab very easily with charm because he can CC with Evelynn W? A bit confused about this one)
    • Second of all, he says Gromp deals %current health HP. It doesn't say anything about it on the wiki though, someone also brought it up on /r/leagueoflegends. Then again, the wiki has been wrong many times in the past. If someone could try it out in practice tool, that would be really nice.
    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    When you one-trick but still suck at your champion?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    Been playing League for almost a year now.

    I've been one-tricking Zed because I find him so fun. I have a 62% WR over 400+ Normal games, and noticed my MMR for Normals go way up. Before, I'd play against mostly Irons and Bronzes in my Normal games. I'm now playing against mostly Bronze, Silver and Gold players with even the occasional Platinum. So I want to say that I'm "climbing" or getting better in some sort of way but since it's only Normals it's pretty hard to say.

    I don't really play Ranked. Reason being, I feel like with all these games I'm still really mediocre at Zed. I still miss a lot of skill shots. A lot of times I can't squeeze out a kill(s) on my laner before 10 minutes which I feel I should be able to, because I see these same people making mistakes. When I'm Zed vs Zed in blind pick, I feel like I go even with them even though they may not have as many games played on their Zed. FWIW, I average .45 deaths at 10 mins "unkillable" according to Leagueofgraphs, so at least I don't feed.

    I've heard people say most Yasuo mains are still bad at their champ, and I'm sure most of us can vouch for this after seeing some of them in-game lol. But I feel like that's me on Zed. Is it a matter of "you either have it or you don't?" After all this practice (270K mastery) I was hoping my mechanics would be a lot better. What's it gonna take?

    submitted by /u/LeagueofLmao
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    How Do I Beat Garen?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    I currently have a 0% winrate against this champ since I started playing in January, in norms and ranked. Seriously. I keep track of all my games and it's a fat 0/22. What do I do against him top? Everything I try seems to make me lose hard. I usually ban him, but when I don't it never ends well.

    submitted by /u/SepirizFG
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    How can you be aggressive without dying to jungle ganks? [top]

    Posted: 12 May 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    I have 2 "modes" of playing, i either go full aggro and just hope the enemy doesnt gank me or go full passive, archieve nothing all game but not die to jungle ganks.

    I always ward and i buy control wards but junglers always find a way to sneak into my lane, maybe the enemy engages and they appear while we are fighting, or just come while im trying to ward or they are playing some bs champions like Nunu who just zooms though your wards.

    I feel like i just cant trade at all if i dont see the enemy jungler, sometimes i even dodge a gank just for the enemy jungler to come every 20 seconds until my waves is pushed and im forced to be overextended.

    For context, i play Camille, Renekton, Sett and Irelia with others from time to time in Plat 2 elo

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    Leashing kiting junglers

    Posted: 12 May 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    So, this is just a little question but I found nothing in the internet so Im just asking. I am a gold Toplane main (In Solo/Duo) and I often play with my friends, its not rare that when they play a Jungler that goes for ranged fighting and kiting in jgl and Im a melee champ that I have to tank it even though I have a bad and hard matchup and I need to come to lane full life or Im pretty much dead in lane (As example, playing Camille into a hard matchup), how can I deal with that.

    Now a good example because I think I kinda explained bad because of my bad english, Me (Camille) against a hardcounter and I need to pretty much come full life to my lane and get the EXP of the first 3 melee minions or else im kinda fucked and my jungler plays Evelynn and perma kites it with his Q refusing to tank it and thinking I CAN KITE IT AS A MELEE CHAMP WHILE ATTACKING IT WHILE HE IS GOING FULL RANGE. What often happens is A: I try to kite it, come late to lane and loose lots of EXP while being low from the camp or B: It resets and I come so late that I missed the EXP of a full wave while being low OR C: I TANK IT AND LOOSE EVEN MORE HP.

    Its just a loose/loose situation, it feels like its almost impossible to kite it as a melee vs a "ranged" champ (Eve isnt really that much of a ranged champ but he only uses Q and kites it and therefor he is basically like leashing a graves but he cant really tank/kite it properly).

    Now my question, what the heck do I do in this situation, I cant really kite it with him but he needs help

    submitted by /u/JanIzzDaa
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    Aram mid

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    So I play in silver elo and lot's of times people tend to Aram mid or group up and look to pick 50/50 fights with the enemy for no reason. I see free farm on the side lanes but if I go my team starts a 4v5 fight and we loose even if I ping and tell them not to fight. I play Diana who is not that good at mid Aram style fights, what should I do in those situations?

    submitted by /u/Crigon8987
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    Replay Review: Iron I Sion Top

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    So, I coach a high school esports team. One of the kiddos asked me to review their replay for them, so I recorded it where I could post it on the interwebs.

    High elo folks, please let me know things I missed or got wrong. Low elo folks, please let me know what you find valuable.


    submitted by /u/TheRealKaz
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    Hello everyone. I am a mid laner who wants to improve, but I have a problem with consistency between the days I play. Some days I play very good, and other days I play very bad. Any tips?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I truly enjoy this game, and I watch many league videos and listen to podcasts such as EuPhoria, the dive, crackdown, facecheck, and pretty much the rest of the league podcasts every day. I love playing this game, and I believe I can become a decent player, but one thing that is holding me back is how much effort I put in at times. I genuinely struggle with consistency, and there are huge differences between me when I have an off day, and a good day. For example, I can go from solo killing my opponent almost every game and getting lots of roams while staying ahead in cs to mechanical misplays, solo deaths, and missing lots of free last hits the next day. It is super frustrating as I want to achieve a decent rank, and improve my gameplay. In my off days, it is as I don´t want to put in as much effort, and often tunnel vison on stuff like cs. Do you guys have any tips on how to keep the games fresh, and don´t fall in the autopilot trap. I´ve noticed I am playing so much better when I´m playing more freely and not tunneled on staying even in cs for example. Another thing I want to mention, is that when I have an off day, I am miss clicking a lot, and my mechanics are just pure garbage, I also struggle to roam, and keep track of the enemy jungler. I also have a tendency to fail all ins and ending up dying because of it. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/taresmakergodt
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    Is it worthwhile to watch jungle tutorials from 2+ years ago?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    Hey guys. Recently picked up league in season 10 and just wondering how useful it is to watch learning content on jungling from like season 7 or 8. Has the game changed so much since then so as to make the advice unreliable or is it perfectly fine to use?

    submitted by /u/BlazingChickenTrail
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    Best way to itemize as Kassadin?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Hello! I'm a mid lane main looking to pick up Kassadin because he's a lot of fun, however, I'm having trouble trying to understand his build paths as every streamer I watch seems to build differently.

    So my questions are, what's the best build depending on the situation? Like, when do you go RoA or when do you get Tear? What's the benefit of one over the other, or the two of them in the same game? What do you get when you're winning or when you're VERY far behind? I'm struggling to understand this as usually the champs I play have straightforward builds so if anyone can help me out here I'd be very thankful!

    submitted by /u/biancabh
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    Adc players should have some common supp knowledge and vice versa

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    Basically title guys, I catch off some supp mains that never played adc (like ever) and I would like to ask them why exactly? You should encourage yoursel to play some AD at some point, so you can be in the same shoes with the role that you spend most of your time supporting to, it's very helpful to u to know what to expect from them at certain points of laning(tower lasthits, lane freeze,trading), you also get a different perspective on your lane phase... People don't realize that ad and support are 2 sides of the same coin...

    submitted by /u/powerm1x
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    FIRST SEASON AS TOPLANER platinium elo

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Hello, I came Back to league after 2 Years and felt like this time is my time to shine on topside. Started to Play garen its quite easy but i have some issues with that they kite me a lot as adc's and just got bored with him a bit. Im stuck around platinium any tips for me? My playstyle is quite agresive fighter , like smashing early game but sometimes i like some late champs like vlad or gp. Thanks for any advices!

    Here od my some op ggs: https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=King+God+Toplane


    submitted by /u/kathelan
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    Does it get boring when one-tricking a champion?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:22 PM PDT

    Hey folks,

    So I've been one-tricking Aphelios recently, but then I suddenly had a HUGE „downtime". I lost every single game I played Aphelios and ended up dropping my WR from 61% to 49% in a total of 90 games. Now, I've slowly started playing him again and am seeing way better results! My WR has now risen to 52% in 100+ games now. So does one-tricking „harm" you because at some point you just lose interest in the champion and simply lose the games or was that maybe just an ordinary loss streak? How has one-tricking a champion worked out for you?

    Stay safe y'all!

    submitted by /u/Khnlai
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    playing as a farming jungler

    Posted: 12 May 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Hi, recently i've been playing a lot of farming junglers like graves, shyvana, karthus. Can u give me some advices how to counter enemy jungler snowballing? Most ofter when i'm ending my second full clear, enemy jungler has taken part in 3/4 kills so he has way more gold than me, so he mostly often starts invading me and killing or stealing my camps as a result. What can i do about it? Buy 2 controls wards instead of potions at start of game?

    submitted by /u/slxshxr
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    I feel like I suck at everything exept midlane

    Posted: 12 May 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    So what do I do I get autofilled or secondary role like half the time as a midlaner. So I feel like it drastically reduces my usefulness and harms my ability to climb For reference I hold a 55%average win rate mid over 337 games support is 33.7% over 73 games jungle is 35% over 20 games top and bot dont have enough games yet to make a proper assumption of my ability. But with the way this game is I am afraid to leave my comfort zone due to the risk of being reported. Even the thought of being banned for what could be seen as intentional feeding, when in reality it's just me not knowing the role scares me. How do I go about this?

    submitted by /u/random-wander
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    Questions about cull

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    I'm an adc main, and I play mostly Lucian. I was wondering when you could use cull. I think it's meant for a lane where you have no kill pressure but neither do them, so you just farm till cull is stacked for an extra 200g or so. Does that mean high pressure lanes shouldn't build it? As I said earlier, I main Lucian and I'm duo with a 1 trick Swain support. Is cull an item I could take in that situation, let's say if I recall and I don't have enough for bf sword?

    submitted by /u/DaGreenDoritos
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    Need help facing Cassiopeia

    Posted: 12 May 2020 06:14 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!
    English is not my main language so there may be grammatical errors, i apologize.

    First time posting in the subreddit, i just played a normal game with Lulu mid (I know, it's kinda a troll pick), and i was facing Cassio. I got her low during the laning phase, so she had to recall.
    When she came back her items were : Doran's ring and Tear of The goddess.
    As soon as she hit level 5 she engaged me and each of her E were doing nearly 150 damage, i ended up dying and after that, every time i was hit by her q i just insta died 'cause she was killing me in a couple of seconds, without me being able to escape. It's been a while since i last faced Cassio but i remember always having trouble with her damage output. Any tips on how to avoid dying to her so fast? I'm pretty newby to the game, so how much does building armor and magic resist helps during the laning phase?

    Thank you all for reading.

    submitted by /u/FixedZeon
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    winning game as a bruiser top laner

    Posted: 12 May 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Recently my brain has gave in to league disorder. I completly forgot how to play after going on a 10 game loss streak. I need help. I dont know what im supposed to do as a brusier top laner (wukong) in a team with out a real tank thats going against a team with 3 tanks. Most times I just find that I cant survive teamfights long enough to actually kill someone, I have to rely on my teammates (which is risky) to finish the job. And when i lose lane there is no hope.

    submitted by /u/LastingCold
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    When Do I Use CULL?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    I often see toplaners and adcs that take Cull as one of their first buys. I'm silver II and have never once seen it recommended on any builds I've ever researched. There never seems to be a consistent circumstance or correlating game status that I can see between the games that I see my teammates or streamers buy Cull. Can anyone lmk when I should buy that?

    submitted by /u/Handinat0r
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    How to not go crazy as yasuo and vayne?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    I feel if you relax and take your time with them you can do really well and exploit your kit but many times yasuo players just go ham without thinking and overuse their e

    same with vayne, they tumble unnecessarily

    if you play clear headed you can easily condemn and also dodge things but whenever i play them i cannot resist just going stupid and thinking i'm invincible

    how do i rein it in and not get myself killed?

    submitted by /u/pimpdaddy_69
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    Akali guide?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    I recently bought akali since she looked cool and my friend said she was good. I looked into her so I could play her more efficently but couldn't find any good guides on akali. I don't know her combo, or if shes any good right now. So when I jumped into my first game, I just fed zed, 2/11. It was horrendous, my team kept flaming me and at the end of the match I felt like dogshit. Does anyone know a guide on akali or any tips and tricks to help me become a better akali.

    submitted by /u/BigCarlitoBIG
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    What do you do when your lane doesn't respond to your gank as a Jungler?

    Posted: 12 May 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I literally don't know why my teammates don't react or rathers to just stay back when i am literally ganking the lane? I have watched some Jungle gameplays and most of the time when such thing happens they say ''Well, this lane is not getting a gank anymore.''

    Should i just focus on power farming when such thing happens?

    submitted by /u/sygryn
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    Playing against Renekton

    Posted: 12 May 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Are there any tips to him? The free harass and kill potential he gets just seems to limit how I can play against him.

    I can usually survive lane if he gets no ganks, but a gank from Kayn or Graves is pretty much always a guaranteed death for me. I'm not looking for solutions like "pick a different champ."

    Edit for more info: It seems like I can't really CS without him getting free harass. The dash in/stun/dash out results in always lost trades, even if I'm just trying to CS. He can even trade with me under tower and still come out. I feel like if I could keep up with him in lane, it'd be OK, but eventually I get ganked and die under tower.

    submitted by /u/amwalker707
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