LoL Guide Learn to support - it removes autofill issues and teaches crucial game skills and teamwork. |
- Learn to support - it removes autofill issues and teaches crucial game skills and teamwork.
- Why don't scuttle crabs respawn at the same time even if they are taken at the same time?
- Smurfs
- This is going to sound stupid, but go on LoLWiki and read your champion's abilities
- Weekend warrior trying to learn Top Lane and get some champion advice
- How to lane bot against support Senna?
- 10.11 Lux buffs are really getting on my nerves as adc. What do you think about lux and how do you deal. With her (tips/tricks)
- Coaching- Fiora Silver 3
- How to learn a new champ in this game? (mid lane)
- There are certain situations I run into where I feel completely useless. Plz help.
- Is one-tricking really the best way to climb at low elo?
- Have i been trying to improve the wrong way ?
- Is it worth playing hook support (Blitzcrank, Thresh, etc) when solo queuing? I feel helpless constantly.
- [REQUEST] Commentaries like KingStix
- A Guide to Summoner Spells - A Dignitas Guide
- An occasional smurf giving honest opinion on how smurf actually carry an low elo game
- Why is new Voli top and not mid?
- Advice from and for, low and high elo needed. Jg OLAF
- How to win clash an a one trick?
- Duo-Q - I'm questioning myself
- How do you look at everything on the screen?
- A YouTube series where I coach myself from Bronze to Diamond. I'm currently S3.
- Dealing with Early Invades
Learn to support - it removes autofill issues and teaches crucial game skills and teamwork. Posted: 31 May 2020 05:03 AM PDT If you're tired of being autofilled into a role you're not gonna play your best at, learn to support! This means that whenever you are 'autofill activated' you can select your preferred role as support and you are basically guaranteed to get support instead of filling. I do this and it means that I never get filled and I always get my first preferred choice when I am autofill protected. Learning to play support also provides plenty of other benefits. I try to treat support as the team support, not the ADC support. I ping ss on other lanes and danger to any lanes that are at risk of being ganked. It teaches you to look at the map, it teaches you vision, it helps you to understand jungle positioning with regard to objectives. These are all factors I feel low ELO players can work on, and it doesn't just help you learn, it helps you avoid autofilling (which in turn helps your team as everyone can play their best roles!) [link] [comments] |
Why don't scuttle crabs respawn at the same time even if they are taken at the same time? Posted: 31 May 2020 12:41 AM PDT Hey Recently I've noticed that when playing jungle, the scuttle crabs don't respawn at the same time, despite being taken around the same time For example, I've had a few games where I take the top/bot scuttle at ~3:25 and run to the other scuttle and finish it at ~4:00, but the next time the scuttles respawn, one of them takes a lot longer (a lot longer than the 30 second time frame it took between killing the first to the second) than the other to respawn, or maybe the one that was taken second respawns first. I've checked my replays to see if I was imagining this but I wasn't imagining it I also checked the wiki but couldn't find any information or old posts about this.. Anyone have a clue of what's going on with the resawn timers of the scuttle crabs? Thanks in advance :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 May 2020 10:49 AM PDT I just created a secondary account to get my sister (who wants to start the game) a better and more pleasant experience. The reason for that is that my "main" account has a set MMR that will not dissapear when I join my sister. I played a single game waiting for my sister while she did the tutorial. However, out of 10 players.... all 10 were smurfs. And they were terribly rude to each other. My sister wants to play with me because she saw I have a lot of fun and that you can do some amazing things with the champs (I main Ekko and she saw some of my outplays). In this case, reporting is utter useless, as if you report them and bring them banned, they'll be in the same spot after 10 min (the tutorial).... I would like to ask the community for any good methods on how to can show my sister the game, without hiding the bad stuff (I want her to see people flaming and being toxic, and be able to see over it). Any comments would be very welcome :) [link] [comments] |
This is going to sound stupid, but go on LoLWiki and read your champion's abilities Posted: 31 May 2020 04:10 AM PDT This just makes a huge difference. I see this in myself and in so many others all the time, we believe we "know" what a champion does, and then when you start reading through their abilities you discover something new. This is also incredibly important when loading into champ select against in a match-up you aren't that familiar with. Chances are there's some really key information in the small print that you need to know to win.
Well, maybe you did, but a lot of people don't, and most champion abilities are full of less known information like this. Make sure you understand your own champion and the enemy's champions. Here's a related quote I think is pretty cool from the Art of War: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." [link] [comments] |
Weekend warrior trying to learn Top Lane and get some champion advice Posted: 31 May 2020 07:44 AM PDT Hello, recently my friends and I got into league after a long day of gritty fps shooters. I found league to be very relaxing (in the sense that you don't need to worry about someone trying to shoot you down). Anyways, my friends and I are going to make league a weekly thing, but we are also trying to get pretty good at the game. We currently have a 4 stack, one at every role except mid lane. We may be able to get a 5 stack, but that person usually plays sea of thieves. Anyways, for me (I am sure my friends will ask at some point), I usually play top lane because I probably play the least league as I do not play games from monday to friday. I would love some advice on picking a great top laner, I prefer someone who is quick and does some good burst. I used to play volibear, but I got tired of him after I got stomped by the enemy's top laner (someone who does melee and shoots out a fricking aoe knife thing and gyro ball looking crap). I am thinking of using either Jax or Wukong, but I would love some suggestions. I would love someone who is strong throughout the whole game, but maybe is a little bit better early game so I can set up an advantage. In addition, I would love to get some tips on whatever Top Laner you suggest. Furthermore, I would love to learn how a team can mesh together and how top laners fit into that role. I think I grasp the concept of wave control, but I could not win my 1v1 fights with volibear against any competent top laner. If there are any general top lane tips you can throw in that would be great. Thank you for all of the help! [link] [comments] |
How to lane bot against support Senna? Posted: 31 May 2020 10:40 AM PDT Hi all, I've been playing a lot of bot and Senna gives me headaches because it feels like playing against two ADCs. Playing against other dmg supports like Pyke isn't too bad as he's melee and can be zoned, and playing against mage supports means their damaging abilities can be mostly be dodged. Playing against Senna feels like playing against two adcs. In games where your support picked Naut/Leona/all-in champ, great you can do some damage there, but otherwise you can just get right clicked to victory and it's incredibly annoying. How do you guys deal with supp senna? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 May 2020 12:57 PM PDT I recently played a lot against Lux in patch 10.11 and I really can't understand at all how it was anywhere near necessary to huff lux especially as a supporter. I mean she performed quite well especially in lower elos up to mid gold. So I wanna ask for your opinion and while I am at it get some advice from you. 1. Do you think lux is in a good place right now or should she be buffed/nerfed 2. I would be very happy if you guys could give me a few tips and ideas on how to deal with lux, especially on botlane for example tops on how to dodge her q what to do when you get hit by an e etc. Thank you for your ideas and opinions in advance :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 May 2020 10:35 AM PDT I've gotten good feedback from previous coaching sessions I've uploaded so here's another. This session is with someone I regularly coach. Interactions are a bit more informal since we've become friends. Certain things have already been discussed in detail, so emphasis is different than with someone I've worked with less (for example his wave control has become really good for his level, so this session has quite a bit of range in what we discuss). [link] [comments] |
How to learn a new champ in this game? (mid lane) Posted: 31 May 2020 04:12 PM PDT Hey guys - I know this sounds like a stupid question, and probably is, but how does one learn a new champion in this game? I hope this doesn't sound like whining: When I learn a champion, I usually take the new champ and try learn it in norms (bots feel exceedingly useless for anything beyond farming practice), but lately, it seems as though any time I pick up a new champ, I get destroyed over and over, flamed, and its led to me dropping several champions that I really had high hopes of learning (Vlad, Akali, and now Taliyah). Its incredibly demoralizing. I watch replays online, but can't emulate them, I watch my own replays for mistakes, but then make new ones, and I always feel an immense amount of weight on my shoulders when I feed, leading me to just give up. How do you guys approach learning new champions? Additionally, how do you guys not get demoralized when you lose match after match on a champion you want to learn? I'm really tired of playing the same three champions (Malzahar, Kassadin, Xerath) over and over, and want to branch out to different mages and assassins, but then get dicked by some diamond Zed main any time I lock in a champion I've never played before or want to learn/improve on. [link] [comments] |
There are certain situations I run into where I feel completely useless. Plz help. Posted: 31 May 2020 11:40 AM PDT (Mid Zed 1 trick with Supp pyke when filled) I've been playing since S5 in all NA, EUW and now JP server due to changes in where I live, with the highest ever reaching was gold. Unfortunately I currently play in JP while not adept at the language because I need a PC to play in taiwan server which I don't have one. I've read guides about laning and roaming (though mostly about warding) but still struggle to win games nontheless. Here are some situations I encounter that I can never deal with: 1. When roaming, the enemy always immediately dissappear under their tower and I have nothing to do except return to lane, unable to gain leads and sometimes lose a bit of xp. 2. The enemy bot lane rotates to mid after winning lane and so does my bot lane, but we have no kill pressure and just sit under tower sharing exp, throwing all leads out the window. 3. When the enemy team constantly groups up around objectives, I try to find picks on isolated enemies but their team always babysit their carries and I struggle so we lose teamfights. 4. I can't apply pressure in lane vs certain champions. Neither roaming is possible due to their superior waveclear so I just feel redundant. Any info would be helpful, either long essays or short comments. I haven't been getting much success in the current meta and really want to stick with my main as I have for 4+ years now, thank you. [link] [comments] |
Is one-tricking really the best way to climb at low elo? Posted: 31 May 2020 03:31 AM PDT I feel like you're just handicapping yourself by only playing one champion by causing some games to be literally lost in draft. And I'm not necessarily talking about AP/AD balance in team comps (although that can be a problem sometimes as well), not even lane match-ups, but some games feel legitimately impossible to play. F. e.: how can you play vs Malzahar and Leona as Vladimir? If I pick Vlad vs those 2 champs I legit feel like I'm inting my team, because in order for me to be able to do anything in that game I would have to literally play perfectly, while Leona and Malz can play with their monitors turned off and faceroll on their keyboard and it's fine. Another example would be picking something like Quinn/Kayle top when I'm playing with assassin jgl & mid and my supp is a mage. It just feels like I'm throwing the game in draft. And it's not even like the commonly named low-elo allrounders (Malzahar, Annie, Garen, Darius, Warwick, MF) don't run into the same problems. Please note that I'm not talking about getting counter-picked, obviously every champ can get countered. My main issue is picking your one-trick into extremely unfavorable enemy team comps. And now that dodging got nerfed, if you lose in draft multiple games in a row, it's gonna cost you a lot more LP if you want to dodge. [link] [comments] |
Have i been trying to improve the wrong way ? Posted: 31 May 2020 11:01 AM PDT Hello everyone i hope you are doing well, ive been playing for many seasons now and been stuck in gold for long time now. I have been trying to improve at the game for years now but i cant seem to get the hand of it, i have watched youtube videos on improving tried to improve my macro play in game watch pros and whatnot and im still struggling. I know for a fact i can do better play better and improve but i dont understand why i cant. Am i missing something ? its feels as if i learned the game a certain way and been playing since like that and i just cant implement improvement to my gameplay. How would you suggest for a player of many years to set to improve for free ( no coaching and other helping services whatnot), any tips would be appreciated i truly enjoy some parts of the game and its just breaks me when i know i cant preform but i dont :( Thank you in advance !! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 May 2020 02:35 PM PDT Hi! Fairly new to LoL, trying to learn each role a little bit, and I'm totally hung up on support right now. I'm focusing on Blitzcrank purely because I like the play style of hook-and-kill, but it's tough when I'm not on a chat channel with the team. Should I resort to playing a tank or poke support? Have I maybe just had a handful of subpar bots? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
[REQUEST] Commentaries like KingStix Posted: 31 May 2020 09:37 AM PDT I like to get better at the macro of jungle and understanding champs better. I discovered KingStix on YouTube and ever since I started watching his channel, my gameplay has improved significantly. Now that I have watched his recent videos and some of the older ones with the champs I like, there aren't any vids left for me to see. Do you have any recommendations for a commentator like him in the jungle? [link] [comments] |
A Guide to Summoner Spells - A Dignitas Guide Posted: 31 May 2020 02:23 PM PDT Hello all! I'm Cealy or Cealygosa and I'm a Platinum peak Support main and writer for Dignitas! You can find my latest guide through the link below, and I have attached a preview for the Reddit. Summoner Spells are one of the unique features in League of Legends, and go with you in every game. Different situations call for different Spells, so let us take a look at our options and when it is best to use them. Flash and Ghost Now, Flash is almost guaranteed to be chosen as one of your Summoner Spells, with very few situations calling for a replacement. Flash gives your champion a boost forward, allowing you to escape sudden death, or for you to catch up to an enemy and shut them down. You can Flash through certain walls and obstacles, like into the Baron Pit or out of Ultimate abilities that could lead to your death. You can also use Flash offensively, getting close enough to an enemy champion to engage on them, or close enough to an ally to save them. Instances where you can substitute Flash would be if you are playing Yuumi or sometimes even Shaco, Darius, or Singed. Yuumi is usually always attached, and if by chance she becomes detached in a big fight, she is usually dead anyways. It is more important for Yuumi to utilize both Ignite and Exhaust, or perhaps even Heal if her ADC did not choose Heal. When it comes to Shaco, and you are playing him in the Jungle role, requiring you to choose Smite as one of your options, you could then choose Ignite since Shaco's Q functions very similarly to Flash and he can utilize Ignite more effectively than what is basically an extra Q. For Darius or Singed, the movement speed of Ghost is extremely useful for their engages, and it gives them a lot of extra pressure in lane. Instead of going Ghost plus Flash, Ignite or Teleport are key secondary Spells in lane. You can use Flash to escape in tricky situations, Flashing into a bush that your enemy may not have expected can help you get away safely. When using Flash offensively, be sure that you are not just sending yourself to your doom. The enemy's team could be just around the corner to stop you, or you could get too far away from the assistance of your allies. If you decide to use Ghost in certain situations, as mentioned above, be sure to use them to close the distance between you and the enemy so that you can shut them down, or you could use it to quickly escape. Ghost usually will not be the best option and can depend on your playstyle. If you plan on taking Ghost instead of Flash, be sure to use it to your advantage to bully your enemy laner. Continue reading here: [link] [comments] |
An occasional smurf giving honest opinion on how smurf actually carry an low elo game Posted: 30 May 2020 07:44 PM PDT I apologize first if my post is not well written, English is not my first language. After reading this subreddit for some months, I have found a pattern that when someone ask how to stop losing/carry an low elo game, and if you write a whole essay on macro plays (vision/objective/roam/ping), you get a lot of upvotes. I don't disagree with it. I have to mind those things in my plat/diamond/tier 1 clash games. But when I smurf in silver or below, honestly these things are not my priorities. If someone is actually interested in how a smurf can win 95% of silver games, I can tell you right now that it is mainly micro play not macro play. So why does micro matter so much? Because it enables your macro play, if you have any macro knowledge. For example, I am versing some silver 4 midlaner in a smurf game. My opponent may have watched 100 youtube videos and read 100 posts on summoner school about manipulating minion wave, but he literally can't apply these, if I micro the hell out of him at the first 3 levels and he is just too low to do anything to the wave. He can know where and when to put a pink ward, but his ward is going to survive only 5 seconds if I have a big health and damage advantage. He can be watching the map every 2 seconds and ping my roams to bot. But guess what, I will still roam to bot, I will blow all my flash ult trying to kill your bot. The worse scenario, I will just fake a roam and stay out of your vision, and is your bot just gonna wait under tower not cs until I appear in vision every time? To finish this post, I do believe that every player who wants to improve should learn macro concepts. But at the same time, micro is more important for a typical low elo solo queue and is the foundation of macro (from my smurfing experience). Edit: to introduce the context of this post because it looks very random to talk about me smurfing etc: someone else (lv24?) was posting to ask whether smurf can carry low elo team, if the smurf is good enough, I made a reply about it is possible but mainly you will need good micro, and get downvoted a lot for it, I wanted to make an individual post to explain my theory [link] [comments] |
Why is new Voli top and not mid? Posted: 31 May 2020 03:36 AM PDT I can see why the old voli was top as he was mainly a bruiser and had the self sustain to not die thanks to his passive. But the new voli can't help but shove lane and doesn't have the same sustain. So why not just have him shove and roam? Given that his kit is naturally more of a ganking kit, to me it makes sense. The reason I'm asking here, is because maybe it's just a case of misunderstanding why champs go to certain lanes, split pushes the to go top, but lot of jungles go mid. So what's making voli go top and not mid? [link] [comments] |
Advice from and for, low and high elo needed. Jg OLAF Posted: 31 May 2020 10:39 AM PDT I'm low elo and trying to carry solo queue best i can with olly olly olaf. The specific situation and question is smite/teleport on an olaf. The scenario is this. I played 3 games tonight where the enemy team had a 1300 Q fed nasus, or a 30 kill, 6 item build sylas 10 minutes in (low elo, this is completely normal). The next point i want to make is the usefulness of flash and just how much it is needed. Olafs playstyle is to run people down, if he cant run them down with his R > Q then just how much more is flash going to help. I get that it has its uses, but his R mitigates the use of flash to dodge the rolling cc deletes, and his Q is already whats closing the gaps on his kills. 3 times tonight TP would have secured the turn of a loss into a win. Thoughts on smite/tp for jgers, and again, specifically for olaf? [link] [comments] |
How to win clash an a one trick? Posted: 31 May 2020 01:31 AM PDT So i am a gold 1 cassio 1 trick and i have been struggling alot in clash because i have about a 100 games on her and a pretty good winrate so she is always banned whenever i play clash. I have tried to pick champions that are good for the team but i am not so good with those and i often int it mid. So i am asking all u otp how do u play in clash? Do you switch roles? Pick champions that are good for your team? Any tips would be nice ty guy. Srry for the title cant change it on phone dunno why :P [link] [comments] |
Duo-Q - I'm questioning myself Posted: 31 May 2020 04:04 PM PDT Hey fellow League Players, a friend and me (We both are in Silver) are having trouble winning lately. Most of the times he is Top and I'm in the Jungle. He plays Garen, Renekton and Maokai. And I'm picking Ekko, WuKong and Lee in the Jungle. The Earlygame is going well, we often do get FirstBlood. But then everything falls apart. Mid often is crying and raging that I dont babysit mid, Bot is losing most of the games as well. I try my best to get 1 or 2 lanes ahead. Is that just because it's Silver and many people don't understand the mechanis and stuff that well? And I'm not saying that I do understand most of it. Otherwise I wouldn't be in Silver II atm. Its just so difficult for me. I watching tons of Videos to try to see my errors and on how to jungle etc. Do you have any other advise for me? Much appreciated and GG's [link] [comments] |
How do you look at everything on the screen? Posted: 31 May 2020 10:02 AM PDT I have a problem is that I usually look at my cooldown which makes me look down and break my focus on the main thing that is happening. It even happens during teamfights and stuff. I usually also don't pay much attention to the map, despite being a jungler main. How can I fix this? [link] [comments] |
A YouTube series where I coach myself from Bronze to Diamond. I'm currently S3. Posted: 31 May 2020 12:06 PM PDT Hello everyone! As many of you have seen a while ago, I recently started a YT series where I will be coaching myself from Bronze to Diamond. This because I haven't been happy with my games. I have been playing a lot worse. For those who haven't read the post, you can read the full story here: Here's the TL;DR: I'm an ADC main who was D4 last season. I got a rough start on my main account at this season and even on lower accounts, so I decided to start coaching myself. I figured I would record these sessions and put them on YouTube so everyone can learn from my mistakes, as well as my enemies' and my allies' mistakes. You can follow the series on my channel: --> END of the TL;DR I noticed that a lot of you were really excited about this series and started following it. I want to thank you all for the support! Every new subscriber, every comment, every like and every view. It matters a lot to me. In the meantime, I have done my best to improve my videos every time I upload. I appreciate any form of feedback and I use it to make my channel more interesting, educational AND entertaining for you all! My plans for the future are:
I hope you all find this useful and interesting. If I can help a single individual by doing this series, it's already worth doing it! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 31 May 2020 11:33 AM PDT Hey everyone, I'm having lots of trouble dealing with early invades as jungle. I've played league a long time, but only recently started taking it seriously and playing ranked. I'm bronze 1 and I main nunu/voli, and consistently find myself having trouble with early fights against the other jungler, and what steps to take if I lose that fight/ have to give up the buff. Any advice would be appreciated! [link] [comments] |
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