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    Sunday, May 17, 2020

    LoL Guide Only leveling TF ult once (no points at lvl 11 or 16)

    LoL Guide Only leveling TF ult once (no points at lvl 11 or 16)

    Only leveling TF ult once (no points at lvl 11 or 16)

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Irelia Jungle - 3:19 Full Clear (Video included this time!)

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Hey it's me again, the controversial Irelia Jungle guy from the other day. I lowered the time by 11 seconds, and I have a video this time! Theoretically, I could get this to 3:18 or 3:17 if i kited a bit better, and with a leash, you might even be able to reach Scuttle before it spawns!


    submitted by /u/bquipd
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    Ability --> Flash

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    This is one of my favorite mechanics in all of league, and a very important tool that I see almost no one utilizing. The idea is to use a skillshot and flash immediately after. Some of the obvious utilizers of this technique are gragas and shen, but I use it most on champs like Cass or Annie. Having an out of range Cass R --> Flash on your leaves you with no reaction time. Annie W --> Flash is a gaurenteed 2 second aoe stun that even the fastest players can't react to. Also, dying to this technique is extremely tilting, and it can singlehandedly win you the mental war against your opponent.

    submitted by /u/alroh11
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    How do I freeze lane?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Freezing lane is something I'm getting frustrated over, because I'm low elo (just started playing ranked) and one of the things I'm hearing people say goes underutilized is wave management. The thing is, I really can't freeze lane; the only way I know of to move the waves to my tower is to let the enemy push me without me damaging their minions until they get closer, but that gets messed up by them just not pushing, and me eventually getting impatient and taking minions for CS. As a result, I usually have a ~20CS lead over my opponent, but they end up winning lane and/or having less deaths than me in the end.

    So how do I exactly do it, and how do I numerically, ie. number of minions I need to keep alive to maintain it, keep the wave from advancing away from my tower? How do let the wave push to my tower when there isn't an enemy in lane?

    I used to feel fine playing but now I feel like I have a limitation holding me back constantly. I push as Trynd, I get CS, but I'm constantly being put at risk and sometimes I die to junglers just because the enemy wants to sit under turret all game. Learning this feels like the only way to progress at this point.

    submitted by /u/Oxenfurt
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    I can get 8/9 cs/min consistently in P4, but still can't do anything

    Posted: 17 May 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    Adc here, trying to actually get better in the last few weeks, so I decided to start focusing on all the possible aspects I could think of, but one at a time.

    I've went from 7/7.5 cs/min to 8/9 cs/min consistently. I can still manage to rotate around dragons and towers, but I might be late to a random tf over scuttle because I'm getting priority in one of the lanes.

    Emm, it's useless. That extra 1/2k worth of stats (between items and levels) doesn't really do anything. It's just better to stay around your team and try to help them, even over stupid, poitless teamfights (just to prevent them from dying) than getting that extra 10 waves.

    Damage wise I'm basically there, always below my mid and top no remarkable change.

    Do I have the wrong the approach? I really will have to me a proper answer for prioritizing farming over preventing my team getting aced over the 20th useless invade over wolves.

    submitted by /u/Zekutsu
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    How is unsealed spellbook used optimally at a high level of play?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    I'm really interested in this rune and have been testing it out on certain supports in solo queue (around plat 4) because I feel it is very useful to have a teleport and a smite as a support in solo queue can be very rewarding. My only issue is I don't know how to use the rune to its full potential. Any links, comments, or tips would be very useful.

    Sorry if the formatting is bad I don't post much :/

    submitted by /u/moistylarva
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    How do I get better at CS when practice doesn't help?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    I have been playing since season 1. However I just can't get the grasp of last hitting and getting a good CS score. The minions do not have ticks in their HP bar like most everything else does now, so a minion with 500 HP and a minion with 1000 HP look identical. This means that I am constantly guessing if I have enough dmg to last hit any given minion. Plus minion behavior being erratic and unpredictable(despite clear rules that govern their behavior) means that minions are constantly dying just before I last hit them from the other minions damage already in flight.

    I have tried using the practice tool, but it doesn't seem to help. After weeks of daily practice, I am just as bad at getting CS today as I was months ago because of the reasons above. I feel like so much CS is just impossible to get since they go from too much HP to last hit, to dead with no moment where a last hit was possible.

    I end up spending much more time in lane trading and harassing. I am constantly falling behind in CS because to everyone else, CS is an "easy" skill. Some champions with abilities that help you last hit help me, but I feel like I could be doing so much more. How do I improve when practice isn't helping me? I have watched countless videos on youtube and countless guides, but they don't tell me anything I don't already know. I understand the theory, and have thousands of real games under my belt so it's not a period of learning the game. I feel like if minions at least had ticks on their HP bar I would be 10 times better at CS, since I could see what will and won't kill them at any given moment, rather than guessing "does 1/4hp mean they have 200 or 300 HP left?" and then missing the CS, missing my chance to harass, and letting my opponent constantly out scale me all in one swift mistake.

    How do I improve from here? While all my other skills are constantly improving, I feel like I just hit a skillcap of getting CS years ago and that nothing I do seems to help.

    submitted by /u/VegaTDM
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    Tunnel vision player.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    I have been a silver 4/3 player for the past 2 seasons. And this season I really want to improve my gameplay and that's why I came here to ask for advice with my problem. I picked up Ornn and he is currently my favorite champion I like his hard cc and good engages in team fights I win lane 70% of the time with 7/8 CS per minute. But after laning phase I find myself falling behind in CS doing stupid engages on fights I can't win and then I end up blaming my team for not following and end up tilting and playing even worse. I would say I'm a tunnel vision player that takes high risk plays without knowing the consequences if I misplay. Is there anyway I can improve my awareness and stop trying to force fights I can't win? P.s sorry for my bad English its not my first language.

    submitted by /u/EnslavedNormie
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    Turning Leads into wins and Oppressive matchups

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    So I moved to midlane from jungle recently. Having some issues. On a smurf!!

    I average around 9 kills a game and 3.8 deaths. I do well in lane most games but only have a win rate around 65% in 60 games.

    I'm starting to plateau around high plat mmr.

    How do I turn my leads in lane into wins when my team isn't ahead? I roam heavily to spoonfeed my team which doesn't make a difference clearly a lot of the time.

    The other issue I have is against oppressive shove laners like neeko veiger xerath etc.. I usually go even in lane but if my team loses and I can't roam then the game is lost..

    What am I meant to do midgame to get ahead when my team loses and I've gone even?

    Feel a bit demoralised and useless.. I've tried watching loads of vods but I'm almost all challenge vods they get kills level 1 so doesn't help much

    I main rumble, Qiyana, Orianna

    submitted by /u/50ShadesMKay
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    Thoughts/concerns from a new player

    Posted: 17 May 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    About 5 weeks in, playing at least two hours a day, I have amassed some thoughts:

    1. All of the champs I want to play require great skill: Irelia, Aurelion Sol, Azir, etc. This is a double edged sword: either I play them and feel badly about misplaying them, or I don't play them, and I wish I were.

    2. A lot of champs I like are support. But support isn't supposed to farm, so if I play too much of that role, my cs may suffer.

    3. My cs isn't good. On champs like Diana and Azir, I can get up to 5cs/min. But on everyone else Im lucky to get 3.5cs/min. And it doesn't feel like I'm improving.

    4. ARAM and URF are really difficult modes when you haven't played the champs. It's not a good way to get a feel for someone.

    5. I play against bots right now. This is a double edged sword. On one hand, it's not teaching me habits vs real players. On the other, my poor skills would diminish the outcomes of matches for the other teammates if I did normals. And it would be considerably more time invested per game.

    6. Real beginner info on the game is really hard to come by. Most beginner's guides barely talk about what the stats on items do or how they work. Or why certain runes work well with champs. Or why tanks go top but not mid. It's frustrating that after five weeks, I'm still learning things that are super basic (like that every champ has a dance and laugh)

    So, I guess this point is to illustrate that often times, even though I love the game so far, I feel lost. And I'm hoping for some direction.

    submitted by /u/IAmtheLawliet
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    How do I CS as an ADC during mid-late game when my team keeps fighting?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    So I main ADC and have recently improved on my CS during the laning phase (I'll typically have about 70-80 CS at the 10 min. mark, and though it's not perfect it's usually better than the enemy ADC).

    However, I've found that my farming drastically falls off after the laning phase ends, and even if I had a huge CS lead on the enemy ADC, by the end of the game I almost always notice that they've caught up to me because I can't seem to find the right opportunities to farm during mid-late game. I saw that it's recommended that ADC's catch side waves as often as possible and that's how they keep their CS up throughout the rest of the game, but my problem with that principle is that it seems like whenever I go to push a side lane, my team starts fighting a 5v4 and they all die about 75% of the time unless someone is really fed (I hope this doesn't come off as me blaming my team by the way, it's just that I've noticed it happens so often, and then I get pinged for being away from the team).

    I don't know how to approach this problem so any help will be much appreciated!

    Rank is Iron 1 by the way (yes, I'm being serious. I'm pretty bad at the game atm lol)

    submitted by /u/barrancabermeja
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    The Many Uses of Herald

    Posted: 17 May 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    We all know herald is great for taking first turret and getting lots of plate gold. But there are a few other uses as well. I made a full video here, but these are the highlights:

    • Dive a vulnerable solo laner
      • A solo laner might feel safe under their turret even if they're behind. But if it's under 2K health, you can instantly turn it into a free 2v1 in a long lane.
      • Usually you'll be able to get the kill as well as a second charge on an inner turret
    • Create cross-map pressure
      • You can summon the herald across the map from a major objective, and force the enemy team to respond.
      • It takes 57 seconds for Herald to go from base to a side lane inhibitor turret, so dropping the herald in base a minute before an objective would force the enemy to answer the push.
      • If they contest herald, you have a person advantage on the objective for a little while.
      • If they don't contest herald, you can wait as it destroys their base.

    How else do you guys use herald?

    P.S. if you summon herald, you don't need to be in range for turret plating.

    P.P.S. If you cast scanner trinket while summoning herald, it doesn't go on CD

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    ARAM 'Mark' summoner spell all interactions (PART 1)

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    I haven't really seen a post dedicated to all the interactions of this and so I've decided to post all the interactions to save you of committing some woopsies. Please comment any that I missed or any that doesn't work anymore, thanks. Keep in mind the is the first of many sections, only select champions will be listed in this post.

    Aatrox- All 3 of your q's can be comboed with mark but this is only viable if you are in close range with the target, think of it as a extended e.

    Ahri- She barely made the cut but you can cancel her r dash with mark 2, this is usually useless unless used for baiting. Secondly (THIS IS VERY CONDITIONAL) she can mark 2 right after hitting e and can dictate the movement of the enemy, this is only useful in certain conditions if you have a shaco on your team.

    Akali- You can cancel her e mid way through with reactivation of mark, a good idea is to use mark and if it hits someone, use e on a nearby minion(peferably canon because if the minion dies you cant e2.) or e your shroud and then reactivate mark to easily assassinate your target, once you have completed the assassination or decided to back off you may safely e2 back.

    Annie- If your mark hit's someone far enough, you may summon your bear and then use mark 2, the bear will teleport to you after your mark 2 hits, this is a conditional interaction.

    Ashe- You may mark someone with mark, R them and then mark to them, very effective combo in a 1v1.

    Azir- mark 2+R= Highlight Reel

    Camille- W+Mark 2, like aatrox it can only be used in close combat, think as an extender.

    Darius- Q+Mark 2, like Camille and aatorx, it's only useful if in close range.

    Draven- Almost didn't make the cut but it can make some cool outplays. He can mark 1, r, once the axes start to come close you, mark 2 and it'll still come to you, in conditional circumstances 1 person can get hit by Draven's r 3 times.

    Ekko- Mark 2+e+q+r= Dead adc and alive ekko.

    Fiddlesticks- After landing mark 1, R ASAP and after finishing r you'll have 1.5 seconds to recast for a successful 1v9. (Please don't do this if you dont have zhonyas or stopwatch, it's basically inting if you don't.)

    Gnar, Gragas, Hecarim- They can all effectively use mark 2 to engage and used heavy cc to win a fight, they're so similar because of this aspect so I grouped and put them in 1 slot.

    submitted by /u/Fate92
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    Cait adc : what are her weaknesses

    Posted: 17 May 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    I took a break from playing my main, Cait, for a few months when she got the small nerf but started playing her again.

    I'm surprised at how strong she still feels and doesn't seem to have many weaknesses. You have decent agency at all phases of the game -- it used to be she felt a bit weak mid game but now with her 2 item power spike (IE+ER) she feels super strong mid game and scales well.

    What I've noticed is her laning phase is still very strong because you can both wave clear at will (almost as well as sivir) so its easy to push or freeze depending on what you want, and at the same time her extra auto attack range gives you a ton of choices in how to play lane. You can safely farm if you want with that extra range, or if you have a nami and want to trade when nami W is up you can easily do that too.

    Getting ganked? Easy. Your traps and net get you out of almost any situation, probably only Ezreal has more mobility/safety in lane.

    Team comps? Cait works with anything.

    • Poke comp she's super strong in with her long aa range and Q (and even simply R to force someone to recall so you can siege).
    • Pick comp? Fantastic. Just layer CC by putting a trap right under where your ahri e's someone or elise cocoons etc.
    • Teamfight comp? Pretty good, not as strong as say varus/sivir because you have less AOE but you are still pretty decent.
    • Split push comp? Great. Fantastic wave-clear + push.
    • Engage and disengage comps: your traps really can help in chain CC during an engage or by slowing down enemies chasing your team as you disengage.
    • Versus squishies or tanks-- doesn't matter, you do well against both. Not as strong as vayne against tanks but still quite good as long as you get a LW item. Versus a high squishy team getting 100% crit feels pretty good.

    I'm struggling to fine her weaknesses. Yes, a fed assassin (Talon/Zed/Kayn/LB/Fizz etc) is going to kill you at will or at least zone your from 90% of the teamfights but that is true with any ADC, that happens even to Ezreal unless you buy 2 tank items in which case you do much less dps.

    All this said.. her win rate is 50%, so clearly she is balanced as an adc. What are her weaknesses that I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/ptunic
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    Playing Urf to practice champion mechanics?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    No, seriously. You can select what champion you want to use now in Urf, it's not random anymore. Besides being a ton of fun, couldn't Urf help sharpen up hitting skillshots and mechanics?

    You can just spam abilities and won't really be punished if you miss. I main Zed and other champions who are mechanically heavy and this seems like a great opportunity to hone the skillshots as well as have fun...Rather than hopping into a whole normal or ranked game.

    The only downside I could see to this is forming bad habits from missing a lot since in Urf everyone spams combos. I know there's always Practice Mode, but there you either get stationary dummies or Bots, which aren't a whole lot better. In Urf landing abilities is gonna be a lot more realistic.

    submitted by /u/LeagueofLmao
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    macroing practice

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    so i play top lane fiora and irelia (bronze 4) but i'm playing with my friend a lot so i'm playing jungle to work on my macro skills. i'm playing kindred and nidalee rn, but i'm wondering how much can i take away from jungling macro to top lane. i'm really only playing jungle right now and doing pretty well, but i haven't played a lot of irelia or fiora recently.

    submitted by /u/JustHaxs
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    How is Top currently?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Hey there, I'm a Gold 2 adc main at the moment, and top lane just looks really interesting in an odd way. I understand their impact is pretty low, which doesnt drive me away from it as adc feels pretty low impact as well in the sense that it's rare for me to have even games where I can scale up, instead it's just hard stomps one way or the other usually. Top laners also seem to have a unanimous agreement that life is pain and those kind of vibes sound really good tbh. My main concern to swapping to top is the counter picking. How true is it that if you pick before the enemy top laner you just dont get to have fun that game? Most top lane champions seem really fun but also total aids to play against so it seems like it's just a battle of who has the more cancerous champ.

    submitted by /u/Lewdifiction
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    How to stop dying to gank after a fight?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Title. I'm at wits end(pun intended) to dying to ganks(bot lane specific). I probably die to ganks too much but its the type of gank that i die to that bothering me. What I'm having trouble fixing is dying to ganks during or after a 2v2 (edit1: The during the 2v2 is the one when I'm the aggressor. I already do a good job at noticing the enemy opponents are forcing a fight for a gank so I avoid those well). This is mostly the issue when the enemy team has a snowbally jungle like Yi. It's like they are always there during a fight. Like I know it's map awareness, but how can they be there everytime. I also can't control my support if they choose to go in, but I'm also pressured to have to fight because I one trick Lucian and Lucian is always on a timer especially if the other adc(which is almost all of them) outscale me hard if I don't make the lane lopsided. For me to do that I try to take 2v2's I can win but I can't keep feeding the jungler free kills because I win a 2v2. So is there any way to fix this?

    TL:DR I'm dying to ganks(mainly yi) after a won or even fight more often than just not seeing a gank. How do I fix that?

    submitted by /u/AYTKING
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    What should I do as an early game ganking jungler if all my lanes are pushed?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    I'm a beginner to jungling, and I've been practicing with Warwick. When a lane is gankable, it's pretty easy to secure a kill or force them to burn a flash. However, when my lanes are pushed, and find myself wandering aimlessly not knowing what to do. Should I try to invade, dive, or countergank? and how would I do these things?

    submitted by /u/Midwestern_Ghost
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    What to do with a Blitz-Aphelios bot lane as Ashe-Zyra? We knew one grab meant death so we couldn't get prio, plates, and were pushed in. Ashe had half the CS of Aphelios by 15 minutes. Our jg never came, nor Mid. Both of us only died once in laning (9 and 14 minutes in).

    Posted: 17 May 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    I kept vision on River brush and control Ward on drag all of laning as well. Enemy jungle would roam down every 3-4 minutes to hard shove for a plate to varying success.

    So, what was the play here? Is this just a losing matchup because we have no escape/mobility?

    We're not very good (Iron 1) so I know there's tons of things we could have done better, but I'm wondering what the lane control and horribly-losing-CS answer is for this matchup.

    submitted by /u/MontyAtWork
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    What defines the meta? Why is it always shifting?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    Why is it impossible to reach a state where every top laner is viable, every role's impact is around the same, etc. Why are some things always stronger than the rest? Is the goal of balance changes to try and make everything viable or push the meta a certain way?

    Just thought about it and realized I don't understand how it actually works well at all

    submitted by /u/ooooale
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    Sudden wave of Omnistone?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    Hey, I didn't play in like a month and now that I am back, I suddenly see a lot more Omnistone than before (basically never back then lol)

    Did something happen to Omnistone? Did people realize how to use it? Is there just no other rune for certain champions?

    What's happened? I just find it interesting that I hadn't seen one single Omnistone before going away, but now every other game I see someone running it.

    submitted by /u/blezis
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    Wave management after early game

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    I'm B1 and I'm trying to learn the macro part of the game.

    I understand:

    • slow push - kill casters
    • fast push - kill melee
    • freeze - last hit

    I understand having a 3 minion advantage.

    But I don't understand how this works during mid/late game because minions will kill each other and there will be a different number of minions.

    For example, let's say I clear a wave on our half of the map:

    • Two ally caster minions left. They push.
    • They might chunk off half hp of an enemy melee minion.
    • This wave then meets our next wave so it's our 3 caster/3 melee vs their 3 caster/2.5 melee.
    • Does this mean our wave will now slow push?

    If an enemy wave is close to our T2 tower, does this mean I have to clear this wave AND the next?

    I want to learn this because in bronze, wave management is non-existent. Everyone just wants to group mid but I'm like, bot and top are pushing... I want to learn to set up waves for top and bot so I'm there for fights in mid.

    submitted by /u/MrGiggleFiggle
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    Help with ganking

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I'm new to the game and love playing in the jungle with graves.

    I'm having difficulties trying to gank my teammates as they always seem over pushed, not giving me an opportunity to get behind the enemy. I do make sure to use my sweeper and clear wards so they don't know I'm coming. My lanes aren't necessarily winning but still remain pushed which makes it really hard for me to help out.

    Dives don't seem like a good option because it's bronze elo and no one really wants to tank hits from turret.

    I play with a bot lane duo who plays over aggro and doesn't help much with allowing the enemies to push, which could contribute to the problem.

    Are there any tips for how I can gank? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/farqwastaken
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