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    Tuesday, May 19, 2020

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - May 19th!

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - May 19th!

    Free Talk Tuesday - May 19th!

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:02 AM PDT

    Hellooooo, /r/leagueoflegends! Icy back with this week's edition of our Free Talk thread - hope you've had a good (and safe) weekend!

    Valhir, The Greatstorm, DA BEAR - Volibear is charging the Live servers (and made his presence known already in a few choice ARAM lobbies) and will be rampaging onto the Rift real soon! He's got a fresh new coat of pain and less armor but like, x10 the ferociousness. Dude's a menace on the field and anyone fighting him won't be ignoring him any time soon. Stormbringer is such an awesome looking ability - bearboy's got hops! What's your your take on the Thunder's Roar? Let's hear it!

    There's been a ton of talk lately on improving the League community as a whole - whether that be from person-to-person interactions or in-game actions. Everyone seems to have their own idea on how to move things forward in a positive way. What do you think we should do? I'd love to hear what y'all think. Sound off below and let's get this discussion going!

    That's it from me for this week - back to your regularly scheduled shitposting. All I'll ask is that you follow our usual FTT Rules: talk shop, play nice and as always, have a good week!!


    submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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    Always wanted to cheese Graves aa-s

    Posted: 19 May 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    After 7 years and players telling me to give up, I made it to diamond for the first time. (Mic was unfortunately off during the capture)

    Posted: 19 May 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    Umbral Glaive Deserves a Nerf

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    Title says most of what I'm trying to say.

    Umbral glaive is a broken item that costs too little for how much vision control it can provide. Rebalancing the item so that its cost is more in line with that vision control could be one way to go about nerfing the item. The suggestion I would like to make to nerf glaive would be to change the ward damage from 3 per hit to 2 per hit. This change would preserve the intent of the item while not being bonkers like the current version. The reason I think this change is the best possible one (alongside a proper gold readjustment) is because I'm a jhin main, and I love this item on him. Clearing wards with ONE shot is just way too powerful to pass up. The item completely erases jhin's ward clearing problem. Nerfing it to TWO hits per regular and control ward kill would make me feel like the item would be more balanced. As a jhin main who is experimenting with buying this item first/second buy, it would hurt to have this nerf. I would no longer rush the item if ahead with this nerf, but I would still buy it probably.

    Another thing to bring up when talking about glaive is how unfair it is that ad supports are able to have something that acts as a 2nd sweeper and instakills wards, meanwhile enchanter supports drool over the idea of having something like this to buy for themselves.

    TLDR: nerf umbral glaive it's too strong--nerf glaive from dealing 3 damage to wards to 2 damage (meaning control ward taking with glaive is unaffected) and adjust gold to match the new value. Maybe make an enchanter version of umbral glaive or is that too strong?

    Alsooooooo! One last thing! When duskblade had the blackout passive, you could alt click duskblade, and it would say "unseen" when you were unseen by enemy wards. Umbral glaive does not say unseen it just says Umbral Glaive please change this to how it was with duskblade ok thank you^^

    submitted by /u/forgottendreamzzz
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    The fix on dodge penalties makes me not want to queue up for the rest of the day, and just go on a smurf

    Posted: 19 May 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    For context, I'm someone who just got through the hell that is P1/D4, I had to look at the opgg of my team at champ select each single time and dodge wherever there was on obviously boosted guy (20W-80L) or a D4 0LP who's first timing a champion in an offrole just for fun because he literally can't demote etc... here's my op.gg for the scepticals

    Before the fix you could just dodge the game, wait 5 minutes, get the -3LP, play some games then dodge again for -3LP, now you get -10LP for 24h after the first dodge and it just feels bad, there are games that are 100% lost on champ select, and on that elo, there is just not enough of them, you have to dodge multiple times a day if you want to have a chance at climbing.

    Now, If I dodge one single game, I switch accounts and only come back a day after, because why waste -10 or -17LP + 20 minutes for no reason, I'd rather have fun in low elo, learn new champs and keep my points. I never played so much on a smurf, and I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people in the same boat as me, so the dodging penalty kinda encourages smurfing, which ruins low elo games.

    I understand that dodging is a bad experience in high elo since sometimes you'd have to wait hours before a game, but why couldn't the dodge penalty be different based on your elo ? The community has been pretty clear that it prefers a long queue time in favor of better quality games, playing with trolls and boosted accounts is not a good experience for anyone.

    Edit: Some clarification on my opinion, the dodging penalty can't be this harsh while there are as many reasons to dodge : Client bugs, Inters, Autofill, Boosted accounts. It can be heavily punished once all these issues are resolved, since dodging simply because of the draft is not a good justification for doing so.

    Also, we know it doesn't affect MMR and in the long run, it does even out, but it does ruin the short term experience, but since the MMR is hidden anyways, we should only be speaking about points and divisions, that's what matters.

    submitted by /u/Landiesth
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    25 teams submitted to the LCK Franchise including: Faze Clan, NRG, Pittsburgh Knights. (Source)

    Posted: 19 May 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    We made a zoo in URF

    Posted: 19 May 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    We made a zoo in URF

    The plan was tahm, thresh (both me and the other thresh) go and repeatedly hook the jungle monsters until we were near the dragon den and then Tahm would swallow and spit them. The entrance was sealed by anivia the entire time.

    The start of the zoo

    We ended up having two of every monster, until eventually they all broke free lol.

    They broke free


    submitted by /u/krakenGT
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    [Exclusive] YamatoCannon, the new head coach of SANDBOX Gaming, discusses his visions as the first Western coach in the LCK: "The team to beat is T1. We are not going to be better than T1 trying to be as T1. We need to find the next step in what the evolution of the meta is."

    Posted: 19 May 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    i drew star guardian lux in the #sailormoonredraw trend

    Posted: 19 May 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    i drew star guardian lux in the #sailormoonredraw trend

    saw the hashtag going around on twitter and i thought it'd be fitting hehe


    my instagram for anyone who'd like to see more of my works!

    submitted by /u/flytedify
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    Upcoming changes for 10.11 with preview

    Posted: 19 May 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    A follow up from the previous tweet

    Riot Scruffy Tweeted the preview changes for patch 10.11

    Some of these buffs are softer than others but we only aim for what would be appropriate for each champion.

    Image version of the changes: https://i.imgur.com/h1dEeco.jpg

    >>> Bot Position Power<<<

    • Zeal: Movement Speed 5% >>> 7%

    • Phantom Dancer: Movement Speed 7% >>> 9%

    • Runnan's Hurricane: Movement Speed 5% >>> 7%

    • Rapid Fire Cannon: Movement Speed 5% >>> 7%

    • Statikk Shiv: Movement Speed 5% >>> 7%

    Base HP Buffs

    Base HP +30

    HP per level +2

    • Aphelios

    • Ashe

    • Caitlyn

    • Draven

    • Ezreal

    • Jhin

    • Jinx

    • Kai'Sa

    • Kog'Maw

    • Miss Fortune

    • Sivir

    • Twitch

    • Varus

    • Xayah

    Scaling Buffs



    • Second auto crit damage bonus: 75% >>> 100%



    • Passive damage: 10-18 >>> 14-18% max HP

    • Mana cost: 20 >>> 0


    Base stats

    • Attack speed ratio: .656 >>> 679



    • Bonus AD: 50-70 >>> 60-80%

    >>> Nerfs <<<



    • Initial damage: 35-105 (+100% bAD) >>> 35-105 (+80% bAD)



    • Mana cost: 30 >>> 40

    • Healing on kill: 20-71 >>> 10-71 (by champ lvl)



    • Damage: 55-195 >>> 55-175



    • Cooldown: 16-12 >> 18-14

    >>> Buffs <<<


    • Will terrify enemies when casting while posing as an effegy


    • Damage to minions 40 >>> 60%



    • Slow duration after hitting detonation: 0.25 >>> 1s


    Base stats

    • Attack speed ratio: .658 >>> .69



    • Damage: 55-215 >>> 60-228

    • Damage to minions: 66 >>> 60%



    • Bonus AD ratio: 35 >>> 40%


    • Range: 1500-2500 >>> 1500-3000
    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Liquid Steve speaks about Doublelift, Xmithie on new Team Liquid podcast

    Posted: 19 May 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    5/19 PBE Update: Continued Volibear Testing & Tentative Balance Changes

    Posted: 19 May 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Team Vitality announce's their roster for LEC Summer Split

    Posted: 19 May 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Team Vitality announce's their roster for LEC Summer Split

    "Three intense weeks of try-outs have been necessary to build what we think is the best team possible for us moving forward. While keeping it humble, our first objective is simple: qualify for LEC Summer Split playoffs. #VforVictory" - Team Vitality


    submitted by /u/DarthsepP
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    The SPEED shall always win, no matter the foes.

    Posted: 19 May 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Elderwood Orianna

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Elderwood Orianna


    Elderwood Orianna, I think that elderwood is my favorite universe to make concepts, the ball...I tried seeds and stuff like that but it looked weird, so I went with ahri's ball with a flower inside that blossoms, hope y'all safe and enjoy <3

    submitted by /u/_leu
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    LDLC OL Yellowstar’s journey from retirement to EU Masters glory

    Posted: 19 May 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Deep Dive into the Clash Crash | Riot Games Technology Blog

    Posted: 19 May 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Hey NA, I want to let you know that you are not alone in your struggles.

    Posted: 18 May 2020 09:27 PM PDT


    I'm a player on both the league of legends Korean and Japanese servers, and I just want to let you know that the toxicity is just as bad, if not even worst in these regions. For example, I just had a game where a taiwanese guy in the Korean server stole all of my buffs (I was jungle), blocked the entire team with his anivia walls, and trolled for the whole game.

    I didn't say anything because I didn't want to "feed" the troll, but all regions are just perilously full of toxicity at the moment. I don't have a solution, unfortunately, but I really want you to know that his is a problem not only exclusive to NA.

    Since this problem won't be solved immediately, I want to offer a few tips.

    1. After a toxic game, take a deep breath. Stand up. Walk around. Eat some crackers and calm down. Don't let the game weigh on you too much.
    2. Take a longer break. Sometimes stopping league can help dramatically.
    3. Don't start flaming yourself. This can make you even angrier.

    I don't want this problem to get any worse, so don't be part of the problem.


    submitted by /u/archanchoi
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    13 Tips for URF

    Posted: 19 May 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Some of these will help you win, others help you mitigate cancer picks' advantages, some are themselves cancer, and others are just plain fun.

    1. Always bring Legend: Tenacity and buy Mercury Treads. That's 63% Tenacity for free. No one will ever stun-lock you.
    2. Rush anti-heal if the enemy has any healing at all. Same as in the normal game, waiting until Sylas is 24/0 to buy Executioner's isn't gonna do squat.
    3. Ban champions you can't hit. No matter how OP you think a champion is, they're not as OP as champions you can't even target. This includes Yuumi.
    4. You are going to melt turrets. Use that to your advantage. A lot of people seem to forget that mage autos scale AP against structures.
    5. Buy Nashor's Tooth or Lich Bane if you're AP. It'll help you destroy structures even faster.
    6. Building 4 IE's will net you more damage than Lethality. (and the CDR from lethality items is worthless, even with Transcendence). Note: I mean as an assassin or fighter who isn't building AS.
    7. Quick Rod of Ages' stat increases stack, though the timer is unique for each.
    8. Lethal Tempo is unavailable, but you can bring Hail of Blades.
    9. Don't bet on the enemy also having a jungler. Just play duo top.
    10. Kayle won't be what you think she will. The issue of not being a champion until 16 is exacerbated to an insane degree in this mode. So until then, you're basically a Yuumi replacement who can die. Not to say she doesn't do that well, but don't expect to get to be a hypercarry. You will be a support.
    11. Singed's Q doesn't do more tics, it's just cost less. Having Q on permanently is nice, but doesn't matter when everyone can wave clear faster than you.
    12. Nunu's E works incorrectly on URF. Instead of 3 casts, it allows you to continuously cast quickly for the duration that normally only fits 3. Whether that makes you want to pick him or ban him is up to you. The same is true for Evelynn's Q.
    13. Aurelion Sol gets up to 3 additional stars added to his orbit. Again, whether that's a pick or a ban is up to you.
    14. Many champions have extremely high buffs/nerfs added to their URF buff. Check it at the start if you don't want to bother with looking up the whole list.

    Feel free to add your own.

    Edit: There's a surprisingly large number of people thinking these tips are to help you tryhard, despite the fact I mentioned explicitly that they're to fight against people who are tryharding. These tips are meant to be applied to your "for fun" build/pick, so you don't go 0/20 against more tryhardy picks.

    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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    Fog of war bamboozle

    Posted: 19 May 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Zac + Thornmail + Elderdrake Quadrakill!

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Kojima Prod. are very likely working on an upcoming Riot Forge title!

    Posted: 19 May 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    I was browsing twitter when i saw Kojima Productions tweet this. As we can see there is a pdf on the left called ,,Riot Forge Announcement". They will probably show it off at the Summer Game Fest in the coming months! Really excited to see what it might be!

    submitted by /u/Hahayescat
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    How To Kill Someone With Spawn Protection

    Posted: 19 May 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Drawing an Ahri Portrait with only dots

    Posted: 18 May 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Took a bit of while, but first League Of Legends piece I've done is Ahri , Traditionally made with only 0.2mm fineliners, this took about 65 hours and 140k dots in total, so i hope you all like it!

    Imgur album

    For those of you interested, my instagram is https://www.instagram.com/stormbeast.arts/

    submitted by /u/stormbeastarts
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    Elitists United Episode 39: EU Masters 2 Puki Who? (feat. TynX and Szygenda)

    Posted: 19 May 2020 08:21 AM PDT

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