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    Sunday, June 7, 2020

    League of Legends Rune swapping is illogical

    League of Legends Rune swapping is illogical

    Rune swapping is illogical

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Give those effigies the honors!!!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    I will no longer be working on the LCS | Ovilee Update

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    I only play LoL because there's no MMORPG yet

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    That's exactly why.

    I love the lore of LoL, the worldbuilding and the events. The characters are all diverse with their own backgrounds and interaction.

    The fantasy setting is on point rivaling other big fantasy franchises out there. The universe website is filled with vast content to lose yourself in.

    Unfortunately, one of the only venues I have to experience this lore is the MOBA.

    So until I can walk the beautiful forests and villages of Ionia or raid a Noxian bastion with my friends, I'll settle on getting flamed by a Yasuo main as I spam Morde's dance to tilt my enemies.

    submitted by /u/GayeDolon
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    I grinded this season to Grandmasters and then quit, looking back it wasn’t worth it, and warning to others

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. First an introduction.

    I played on a crappy laptop all my life. I was Plat for 3-4 years before I quit the game for college. After a 3 year hiatus I finished college. Got a job. Finally with some money in my pocket I built a top of the line PC. I always thought my laptop was holding me back, and now was the time to really play the game, and see how far I can go. COVID-19 happens and were in forced quarantine, job cancelled. So now I'm kicked into full gear playing a lot.

    I am a jungle main. I watched high elo streamers vods. I watched my replays constantly. Learned jungle paths. And also had to relearn the entire game with all the champions added or reworked during my 3 year absence.

    500 games into my grind, I hit D1. I am now stuck around D1 for eternity. This was a nightmare. Being Hardstuck in D1 for so many games is so toxic. Everyone just continuously mocks you. "900 games D1 hardstuck, haha!" Even if they're 50 winrate, and are hardstuck themselves, as long as you got more games on them, they will mock you. However, I didn't let the toxicity stop me. I just wanted to hit grandmasters!!!

    Finally after 800 more games, 1.3k total, I finally break out and peak Grandmasters 44 LP. WOOHOOO I DID IT! I Can't wait to tell my friends I did it!! (Btw as a side remark, someone told me I was "1.3k games stuck low masters" in a game once. So it didn't even stop after diamond.)

    Here were my friends reactions. I mained Olaf by the way.

    Friend A) Congrats man! After so many games I would have hoped you hit it.... (Condescending tone)

    Friend B) Haha, yeah man OLAF is OP!! You really coinflipped your way up there, huh. I picked up OLAF recently, he's super strong!

    Friend C) Congrats man, really wish I could play as much as you!

    Now this guy is in a league of his own, he's my best friend as well. It's his first season, and he's 200 games Silver. Just for background info

    Friend D)

    Here are our convos. It started with me telling someone I peaked masters.

    Him: Kinda cringe you even mention masters, you just coin flipped a win streak"

    Me: I understand after so many games im bound to eventually touch it. But my initial goal was to just hit it, I knew I couldn't maintain it. I maintained D1 though, so that's good in of itself.

    Him: Yeah but you played 1.3K games it's basically just a coinflip

    Me: Wait a second. I hit D1 after 500 games, and I maintained it for months. It's not called coinflip if you maintain a rank!

    Him: No, you coin flipped your way up there, but once you're up there you actually got to that skill level, and could maintain it. But you coinflipped initially

    Me: Wait. So do you think anyone can just coinflip to D1 after so many games? What about Masters or Challenger?

    Him: No just up to D1. Past that is where it's on you

    Me: Bro. You don't even know the ranking system, it's your first season. I understand streamers make fun of Diamond, but they're challengers. They're top 100 players. Diamond 1 is still top .1%. People have played as much games as me for multiple seasons, and never hit diamond, let alone diamond 1. If 100 people study for an exam same amount of time, will all 100 score in top .1%??

    Him: Games are different man

    I was so irritated. So not only were the players toxic during my climb. But even my friends were going through mental gymnastics to not give me props, and just giving a backhanded compliment.

    I decided to make a new account and show them that I could get D1 with a high winrate. So, although I may have trouble getting past D1. I am not "coinflipping" my way up there. I was 28-2, and then it hit me.

    Fuck this shit. What the fuck is the point. What am I playing for here.

    Couple takeaways

    1. Streamers denigrating the ranks of others while constantly smurfing is damaging. It gives community a warped sense of what a rank means.

    2. Set your own goals for yourself only, and don't hope to be given any kind of "props".

    3. Honestly. Unless you plan on going pro, or trying to kick off streaming career. It just isn't worth it. To get to a high rank requires so much dedication for most people. If you just enjoy climbing for yourself, have at it.

    In conclusion. For me. It wasn't worth it. I was playing for some kind of validation for myself from others. Some type of glory at the end of it. It didn't happen. 1.3K games in 4 months. You can just imagine the hours. I gained 20 lbs. Look like a hobo. Got mocked. I have now quit for good.

    However, on a final note, playing with and against Pros/streamers is actually pretty cool. I loved watching past vods after game and seeing streamer/chat reactions. That was one thing I enjoyed.

    Peace ✌️

    submitted by /u/Crerilian
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    LEC, A complete lifestyle!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    The Legendary Udyr Insec

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    They were all doubters. They said it couldn't be done.


    submitted by /u/SmarmyPapsmears
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    I installed League 9 years ago and it was worth it.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    After reading a couple posts about the grinding in ranked, I wanted to offer a different perspective and please forgive the poor writing, this is mainly a stream of consciousness.

    My name is Emeraldw, I am not a masters or diamond player, probably some gold player at best. My relationship to ranked is that I play 20-30 some odd games for gold if I want the victorious skin, then back to normals. My only claim to league fame is that I wrote for Reign of Gaming many years ago (if you remember them, you might be old).

    I installed league shortly before season 1 began and I have been playing ever since. In that time, I think I have something like 5k games and learned a lot about the game and myself. Some things I learned:

    1: Teamwork

    One of my favorite articles I wrote (that has been lost to time) is about how League teaches real teamwork. Not like those school projects that you had/have in school where one person would be better off doing it for everyone. There is no carrying a game like league by yourself, you have to work together whether you like it or not. Help yourself by helping your team.

    This applies to league as well as work. I work as an HR Manager and I have applied this lesson at work. How can I make other people's jobs easier? This makes it easier for me to get what I want/need and it helps them. Win-Win. And trust me, it is a lot better learning this lesson in a video game, than by learning it at work. (Give me a feeding Yassuo over a co-worker that gives me their work any day)

    What did you learn from League that applied to life outside League?

    2: Ask what you want out of the game

    I don't play ranked to win games, I play normals. There is no hope for me to become pro, I am going to be 36 this year. And given my job, do I really even have time to play to become one? Nope! So if you ask me why I play, the answer is simple.

    I like playing.

    That's it, no deep thoughts here. I like playing the game, I like learning new roles, I like swapping from position to position. Will I ever master the game? Hell no, but that isn't why I play. I play because I like how it feels to play and what I learn from it. League has helped me explore what I really enjoy about team games and I learned more about myself that only a competitive game can help teach.

    What do you want from League?

    3: Making the most of it

    I have played now for 9 years and just recently have real life friends started playing with me. It can be hard playing with new players but the memories I am making playing with friends is more valuable. Again, I am not a good player and I have no intention to be, but I enjoy my time with them. No matter what terrible situation the game might throw at me, these memories are worth cherishing.

    League can be infinitely frustrating because it is a team game, but when things line up with others, it is the best high.

    TLDR: League has helped me a lot to learn about myself, how to work with others and the journey to get here was the real goal. If the other posts and this one give you one take away, it is to enjoy the journey more than than the goal. If everyone did that, maybe it would be a better game for everyone.

    submitted by /u/Emeraldw
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    The current ability/rune description state of the game is disgusting. We need more info in our game, we're tired of always needing to go to third party sites.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    So, let's make a brief review of some disgusting descriptions and inconsistencies. There are lots of them and makes me sad.

    Let's take Wukong as a reference to flame a bit later about him.

    This is his normal W description: https://i.imgur.com/VWRGoMa.png

    Everything looks fine. Let's hit Shift to see the detailed description, we can now see the type of invisibility he uses and how it scales through every single level! Neat. https://i.imgur.com/H8FMvsT.png

    Let's take a look at Gnar now. We try to shift to see detailed info but... Nothing happens. No advanced info for Gnar! If you want to see what will increase wait until you level up, or go to a third party website! https://i.imgur.com/wxDsPuI.png

    Also, speaking about Gnar... We all know that he gets tired when he goes back from Mega Gnar form to regular Gnar, right? Well... That isn't written anywhere in the champ abilities or passive. You have to see it live while you play in order to know it. This is the debuff: https://i.imgur.com/HtPH6IK.png

    Back to Wukong! Let's check his W description again. https://i.imgur.com/VWRGoMa.png

    The clone attacks nearby enemies Wukong has recently damaged and will mimic his ultimate, dealing 35% normal damage

    Reading this, you might think... What? Didn't he also replicate his Q? And the answer is: yes, but that's explained on the Q itself. https://i.imgur.com/5AgoSvc.png

    What about the R? Does it say anything about it being copied by the clone? Short answer: no. It doesn't. https://i.imgur.com/QPVaXpU.png

    Well... This sucks, right? It's a mess for new players! And lots of champs are plagued by this nonsensical lack of consistency. But things don't end there. Let's take a look at runes.

    Conqueror, specifically. This is what Conqueror description says ingame: https://i.imgur.com/4QLTOCN.png

    Fine! A rune that gives us damage and healing. We decide to play a game with it, and at the end of the match, we want to check if it went well and compare its numbers to other runes. We go to the "Runes" section of the game details, and... What? https://i.imgur.com/j3PsqiS.png

    Only healing is displayed! No damage data? How can we know how effective it was? Other than checking third party websites or apps, of course.

    You, a person who usually forgets numbers, decide to check again how much did you heal when you fully stacked the conqueror. You hover over the Conqueror description in the postgame stats and... What on earth is this?? https://i.imgur.com/Ga64S3C.png

    Gain stacks of adaptive force when attacking enemy champions. After reaching 10 stacks, heal for a portion of damage you deal to champions

    What? How much? A PORTION? What on earth?

    Okay, I get it. It's the postgame, it's just a generic, easy to read description for new players to know what is Conqueror.

    Let's buy a champ! We decide to buy riven, but first, we want to check if she has good damage stats. We head to her champion page, abilities, press one... and what? There are no damage numbers and no way to activate them! Not even cooldowns! Am I bound to third party sites again?? https://i.imgur.com/o0spJW9.png

    Some of the descriptions there are plain wrong or unclear too! https://i.imgur.com/AeLxtpL.png

    Valor (E)

    Riven steps forward a short distance and blocks incoming damage.

    It's not a block, but a shield! A block is what Fiora has, not a regular shield. You can't even see this in the video since the video has no UI, just a Riven dashing forward. No way to see the shield in her life.

    This is not only bad for new players, but for experienced players too. Sometimes you want to check something. How long was Darius ultimate cooldown at level 6? Well, you'll have to check a third party site to know it! Either that, or play a Darius game and note it down on a post-it and put it on your monitor.

    Some champs even have a "Press shift to show more info" tooltip, but when you press shift there is literally no extra info. Sometimes, it will hide a small text on the bottom that says things like "This skill deals 33% damage to monsters" and it's like dude!! We don't need a shift button to hide 6 words!!

    And I think that's all I have to rant about today. These inconsistencies are disgusting for a game like League of Legends. We rely too much on third party websites, apps and wikis in order to play the game properly. All this info could and should be in the client.

    TL;DR: Some champs have detailed info about their ability scaling, others do not. Some abilities are not explained correctly or are explained in other abilities they interact with. There is no information about damage numbers or cooldowns for champs in the client either.

    Thank you very much for the award, kind stranger :)

    submitted by /u/GodGMN
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    What is the point of 'Disable Eternals' option if my bottom half of the screen is occupied by it on death.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    It is extremely annoying to avoid dragging the whole eternals display box when trying to click something above the hud. Why doesn't the disable option take care of this? Why is this movable? Why is this clickable in the first place?

    submitted by /u/KillStelios
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    How did Mundo get priority in the rework list over Udyr?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    How does Riot decide what champ to rework when they dont do their polls? I seem to remember some sort of list they had but I cant find it.

    Also, why is Mundo getting reworked over udyr? They both are pretty bad in visual aspects, but mundo is more viable than udyr at the moment and has a role as anti mage. Udyr's been getting fucked for years.

    Is there a certain formula riot uses to determine which champ gets reworked or not

    submitted by /u/madeaccount4porn
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    Y'all thought you were safe ??

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    LEGO Galio

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    LEGO Galio

    I hope you all enjoy my effort. It's 100% original idea of mine and made with small amount of pieces. Whole process of building it from idea to editing a photo took me about 1.5h.

    LEGO Galio

    submitted by /u/Bibebek
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    midbeast gets bm'ed

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    PSA: Runaan's Hurricane gets decreased healing from Death's Dance.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    The additional auto-attacks from Runaan's Hurricane count as AOE and thus only heal for 5% of damage dealt. Lifesteal items such as Bloodthirster heal for the full amount.

    submitted by /u/john58129343
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    Suggestion: autofill protected shouldn't be removed after remake

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    As in title. Getting your role in a game, that results in a remake, feels just unfair- the game after this remade game won't have the autofill protected mode on, despite you haven't actually played a game on the role you choosed.

    EDIT: It should work like that as long as the player isn't the reason for remake

    TLDR; 3 minutes of game shouldn't count as an actual game played when it comes to autofill system.

    submitted by /u/neoxx1
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    The Way Uzi Fought For -Part 2-

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    The Way Uzi Fought For -Part 2-

    Part 1

    Original text link (korean)


    Uzi. the player who did even left his team right before the 'Worlds'.

    But after he getting through all these events, Uzi always had on his lips a word "Thank You."

    Meanwhile, 'the Troublemaker's bot lane Partner, Supporter 'Zero', even though he was facing the 'Samsung White' as the opponent, Keep Pushed his back and saying "How can I beat Mata? but even if I lose to him, I think Uzi is better than imp."

    and some other interview, he also said "Uzi's gonna tell us that who is the World Best AD Carry in This Tournament."

    after 'Samsung White' claimed their trophy, and the time when Uzi left his team, Zero told Uzi like this.

    "I really wished to help you lift that trophy, but I couldn't. that is my greatest regret. Best luck in your new team."


    A supercilious kid who only knows nobody but himself. But 'Zero' was a player who tought that Uzi, how precious his teammates were. after the 2016 'OMG incident' which I will mention it below, and even in the way after 2018 season's some interview, Uzi picked Zero as his favorite Support.


    Meanwhile, the accomplishment made by an amalgamation of existing super star Uzi, and the recruitment of Korean Players such as 'Insec' and 'Zero, inspired a lot of LPL teams.

    Just in time rich peoples of China who gained interests in LPL, rushed to buy Korean players since 2015. Under these circumstances, Uzi signed with team OMG,

    and OMG was on a contrary to other team in those days, claimed to be 'Pure Chinese Team', recruited only chinese players as ever and ever.

    OMG by then, had the best Chinese top laner 'Gogoing'. They also the best Chinese Mid 'Cool' and in addition to this, they recruited the best bot laner 'Uzi', it was literally the Chinese Allstar team gathered up.

    This team was evaluated though they can not stand against the team like '2014 season SSW', but still capable enough to defeat the team where include SSW members, scattered around the LPL.

    But this decision of Uzi's signing OMG, ended up with the worst result that ruined his career.


    Uzi, had to do everything on his way. Of course Royal Club was his home team until he leaved, this caused no trouble.

    But OMG was a new team for Uzi, and also they already made numerous achievements even before Uzi came here. Of course, the existing members had strong pride.

    Because of that, friction between members occurred, at this moment Uzi was isolated.

    Furthermore mid laner 'Cool' who was hardly managed his form but had gone worse towards the end of the season, were conversely had a loudest political power in the team, his nickname was even 太上皇({anon}retired emperor).

    Uzi were politically cornered by that 'retired emperor'.

    A worst player in the team had a loudest voice among them. obviously the team fell into worse.

    His team kept losing and losing, while Uzi thrown out from key roster, and this team just let go of the game.

    they just forfeited the scirms like it's natural, even Uzi, the one who troll picked Vanye at the professional match yelled to his team until the end of the game saying "Guys Let's just Please Never Give up", his teammates just typed GGWP and surrendered they're game.

    Uzi said about the atmosphere of that time as this.

    "Can you even understand the feeling that so called 'teammates' watching my back while I'm sitting front of my computer, while keep telling in their mind saying 'make your one mistake and you're done'?" (你很难想象,你坐在电脑前,背后坐着一个人一直盯着你,然后等你犯错的这种感觉)

    even Uzi changed his play style for teamplay, but it wasn't matter.

    while the team fell into Quagmire, Uzi held his last hope and went to visit the owner of the OMG team.

    and he claimed to give up this 'Pure blooded Team' dream and recruit the high-level Korean talents.

    But the owner of OMG team never even listened to him.

    At the end of the days, there was literally no one he could speak with in his own team.

    He just could talks only with the team's mental therapist. by that time, Uzi seriously considered his retirement.

    By that time, Uzi had come to realized again, how his former teammates were good to him such as Tabe in 2013 and Zero in 2014.

    and also at the interview which he expressed those feelings, he thanked again to Zero and Tabe, saying "They were so nice to me."


    Uzi's Career of 2015 season ended up at OMG, with nothing he could do, and nothing he could accomplish. and by the year 2016, when the team QG tried to recruit Uzi, he immediately joined.

    QG was a 2015 summer season runner-up team, forefront two Korean players named Doinb, and Swift.

    But Uzi's wasted time at the last 2015 season also affected down to his form, after he joined the team QG, a player named 'Peco' came out as a main roster instead, and Uzi was a backup.

    Anyway, after going through a nightmare of last season, Uzi gradually recovered his form by playing the game silently at QG.

    2016 LPL Spring Regular Season Scoreboard

    And in the 2016 spring, QG topped Group A of the LPL, back then there were two split leagues.

    they were least 3rd place even if both Group A, and B combined, Uzi once again dreamed of wining the league by making comeback at QG...


    unfortunately, an Incident occurred named 'Doinb - Swift incident' who were both main mid laner and main junglar of the team.

    Let's skip about how this incident happened,

    As for the results, Team's main mid laner Doinb, quickly out from the team and it was right ahead of the Playoff.


    QG, made up their minds not using Doinb, looked for another mid, there was actually a back-up Chinese mid player. Of course, he couldn't say that he was good.

    So it was 'Dade' who made a surprise bid as a pinch hitter. QG was thinking of using Dade in the playoffs instead of Doinb.

    But the thing that made QG look stupid here,

    According to the LPL rules, they did not know that he could play at least two weeks after registering the roster.

    The playoffs are just starting, but Dade, who was just registered, couldn't play.

    Then he had to use the Chinese backup mid, but he was not good enough and they wanted to use the Dade somehow.

    QG then said, "The existing Chinese mid can't play because his arm is broken. Let Dade run temporarily."

    But the opponent, EDG, noticed QG's trick and scuffled, "Let's see if you really broke your arm."

    Now QG is on to the brink.

    It was nonsense to say that they would rather use a Chinese mid instead of Dade now.

    Because the lies of broken arm they said before will be discovered.

    QG, getting cornered by the situation, ended up abstained.

    The team that won the first place in the spring season ended up won't even be able to go the playoff.

    Uzi, ruined his whole year 2015 by others, blew up his 2016 season spring as same as last year.

    He wasn't fought and defeated, but he doesn't even had a chance to compete.


    At the ahead of Summer season of 2016, Uzi escaped from this crazy team.

    and came back to RNG, where Mata and Looper was on the team at that time.

    Mata's grand entrance even made Uzi embarrass.

    A happy time when they went to see the FC Barcelona Games.

    Mata's Facebook wall, finding 'oUr-Zi'

    When RNG came to korea at 2018, they met in the meat restaurant and Mata cut the meat for Uzi.

    [Exclusive Interview] 'Mata' Cho Se-Hyung said \"It was pity to part with him...His Laning phase was a one of the kind.\"

    'Mata' Cho Se-Hyung praised Uzi as he is the best AD carry who performs highest level of laning phase. It was a second day of League of Legends All-Star Event at the 10th dawn in K.S.T, held in Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona Spain. we met a special guest during the break time. It was Mata, who is making his surprise comeback to LCK this year. He boasted of his form, and asked to his fans look him forward to his career back in korea, and showed his regrets of leaving Uzi. also he praised Uzi's skills and showed off his friendship with him. Q: We interviewd with Uzi before you and he was seemed very disappointed. is there anything you want to say to him? A: I've learned a lot from him either. even now I think 'Uzi' is the best ADC player at the laning phase. It's so sad that I can't make it through a whole year with him. I wanted to stay on the team, and the team promised to me a very good treatment. After much consideration, I chose to go back to Korea. 

    Mata interviewed that 'Uzi' has a best Laning phase skill.

    2016 LPL Summer Regular Season Ranking

    Summer Season of 2016.

    After a year and a half, Uzi's environment became where he could enter the competition under normal circumstances.

    He joined during the regular season but the team cruised their sailing and made a way to the Finals.

    However, he was defeated 3-0 by EDG, who recorded 16 wins and 0 losses in the regular season.

    Uzi stayed in second place again.


    We interviewed with team RNG's AD carry Uzi, after RNG beats TSM and Made their way to the Quarterfinals. Q: you got a rough start with 2 losses today. Hasn't the pressure of passing the Group Stage been increased? A: I was So, So much nervous. at the midst of match with Splyce, I thought we could really lose this game. I didn't noticed that my play was a such a mess, and my hands were keep shaking. it was so hard to pull it through. Q: After the Second match, Has the been coordinated internally? like encourage each other? A: After the first match, we did so, but right after second match, everyone just could not accept defeat so easily. So after that match we didn't talked each other, and just thought 'let's just do things of ourselves properly." Q: What happened after the second match? A: Felt like we were just loosing our scrims? I don't know what to say, but it was the case our form was really bad. Recent scrims we've done wasn't enough to be good. Q: When you guys playing against Samsung Galaxy, your team chosen your champion at one by one. was it the coincidence there was no shifting the picks? A: ah...Picks and ban were nothing wrong. it was the play that we were bad. Q: Due to the recent Patches, you can't execute the lane swap strategy. this kind of patches affects your teamwork and also teamcomp? A:I felt it as it was very huge impact on us. Because if there was a Lane swap, Mata would Roaming more aggressively. But right now, we must engage a laning phase only in the bottom lane. if you leave your lane and screwed up your laning phase, would be a catastrophic to a whole game rhythm. Q: Let's talk about Samsung's Picks and Bans. did you knew that CoreJJ would pick a Zyra? What's the reason picking Ezreal and Braum against Caytlin and Zyra? A: We didn't expected they pick Zyra. When Catlyin came out, I just honestly said to our teammates in the Ban phase that this could be very hard to win against the laning phase. not even Catlyin was hard enough,but also Zyra came out, so we just hammered down in the bot lane. honestly we were felt like beaten to dust on a rainy day in the first day, but I didn't expected second day would be the same. Q: After all these ups and downs would might help your Picks and Bans ahead of your Quarterfinals? A: I don't know. I sincerely hope my teammate's mentality to be grown up one step further. Q: After watching your games over the screen, I thought you guys coming for second matches were very tired. did you guys could not have any rest recently? A:ah...I don't know. actually we slept well though. But I don't know why it's being like this on day of the match. Sometimes I really felt like I was being dragging to the stage. I was lost my mind when I walking up the stage. Q: At the last game, you guys took Aurelion Sol without any hesitation. how come this happen? We had rarely seen that Xiaohu plays Aurelion Sol, but you guys chosen it nevertheless. A: Aurelion Sol at the mid lane is very powerful champion with an extreme lane pushing ability. you can ride the flow of the game rhythmically and the advantage of ganking. We also thought that he wouldn't be far behind at the face to face composition. Bjergson has very strong laning phase skills, but we had confidence against him as even Xiaohu plays Aurelion Sol won't get caught by him. It also had merits that can help other teammates. Actually, the first half-flow of this game was very promising to us. Q: Before, 'Sencux' who is a mid laner of Splyce, once said in the interview, "Xiaohu is an easy player to predict. when you see his movement, I can easily foresee whether enemy junglar is nearby." Really is that so? What did you tell Xiaohu about it? A: It really is. our mid rarely moves together. he has very little intentions to do something together. He doesn't tell us any information first. "He ganked at me" or "Let's put a ward here" that's all his saying. When our Junglar tries to gank mid, Xiaohu just steps forward. He didn't discuss with his Junglar. "If Junglar came to this bush and hiding, I will do this or that" that kind of discussion with Junglar must have been made before, but without it, it is obvious that had no choice but to hear such an assessment. Q: How did you managed to get your teams mentality back on track after first two games? A: Honestly, when we go up stage to play our third game, my mental was on meltdown. Feels like this...is gonna lose. kinda. After the first game, we feedback ourselves each other so many times but after ruining that second game, it was so uneasy to get over it. Viewers who watched over this game would be disappointed, and even we also very, very disappointed to ourselves. I didn't expect this to happen. Q: As we were seeing third game, you guys played very actively. especially what did you felt when you score triple kill at the bot lane? A: That moment I think, Our opponent gave us the chance. if that snowball didn't rolled over, there would be no other chances to be one-sided offensive. if that game went to the mid-game without any variables we made that last game, we could have collapsed without knowing what to do. Q: Did you see that you took 50% of your team's whole damage dealing in 3rd game? A: ah yeah. that....I've seen that. actually that is normal. I get the most kills, and I collected most of the CS. and we had a very much of advantage. If I couldn't dealt that much of damage, our team's whole damage deal could have been insufficient, and that's on me to blame. Q: Have you ever thought what if you dropped at the Groups? A: I played the game thinking that I would really be eliminated. even now I think we could have fallen. Honestly, our play was rubbish. it was serious. Q: Royal Club at the Season 3 also had this kind of crisis, is there anything different between now? A: When I was in Royal Club, People actually didn't evaluate us so high. The pressure wasn't that great either. Our play style was free and comfortable. Personally even though I might have been under some pressure or stress, there was no Interference coming from outside. But now, yearly LPL's scores weren't so fantastic, and People are getting more interested when we going to Worlds, then our teammates gains very huge amount of stresses. Then you're afraid of losing your game. Q: you are now the player with the most kills at Worlds with 195 kills. How about that? A: Feels good. I've killed alot. Q: Can you rate today's Mata's play? it Seems he struggled today. A: Maybe he's 'unskilled champion pool' part caught his ankle. He had a little less training, and it connected to these results. He usually help other lane's players a lot when We train. He playes other lane himself and Point out the weaknesses and deficiencies of the team members. especially he plays Mid 1v1 and Top 1v1 with us. Helping other players like that has reduced his level of proficiency. Q: Today, Xiaohu's form of the first two games were seemed pretty bad. but at the 3rd game's Aurelion Sol didn't put enough damage, but it was good performance in many ways. you guys helped his mind back on track? or He just self-overcome? A: After First game, We discussed very much with Xiaohu. I discussed him very much too. because He should have make MLXG's gank traffic easier, but He couldn't. When MLXG comes, he just went up. this couldn't be done properly. We Told very much to Xiaohu, and also He has overcome many things on his own. Q: What do you want to do most right now? A: I don't know. Honestly, I'm holding a lot of pressure. It stresses me a alot. SUMMERY 1.First two matches performance was a garbage. Didn't think they could do this bad. 2. The moment I saw Zyra Cait, They felt lane phase defeat. 3. TSM threw up their game and gave them the chance to win. if the game dragged along,They may have forgotten how to win again and lose the game. 4. Uzi's feeling huge pressure and massive amount of stress right now 5. All the team members has their own problem. mid is out of tune with his junglar because he doesn't communicate with him, As Mata helped other team members practice, his champion pools and skill level decreased. also Uzi having a hard times. 

    After the summer season, RNG participated to 2016 Worlds.

    Even as an individual for Uzi, it was his coming back after a long time.

    In the regular season of LPL, Xiaohu - MLXG' 's Mid-Jungle Combination was sharp and it was RNG's strong point, But strangely, at the Worlds stage, sluggishness of the upper body, including the mid-Jungle, was so severe that it put more pressure on Uzi-Mata.

    Xiaohu, in particular, was directly dissed by the European Mid saying, "I can see clearly what his play is about."

    RNG's overall team condition was in the worst condition. In fact, they lost consecutive games in practice.

    The ups and downs of this team's performance were extreme, and Uzi himself also said he felt a lot of pressure.

    Mata, the ace here, was trying to help the other team members practice better.

    Rather, he fell into a vicious cycle in which his form fell.

    But Uzi, who had not practiced and had no professionalism at 2013, he shows a relatively mature appearance amid such difficult situations and pressure, After three years and many incidents.

    He Talks to the teammates whom not doing well, admit when he was not playing well, focus on the play somehow, Even after the victory, he showed modesty, saying, "I barely won because my opponent gave me a chance."

    At the time, RNG was in the same group as the LCK team Samsung and TSM, especially the TSM, which was considered the strongest North American team.

    They even claimed complete victory over Samsung, but it was only a beginner's luck. They struggled hard at the last games and TSM out of the Group Stages.

    Despite of it's worst condition, RNG somehow managed to break through the group stage around the bottom lane.


    TSM, which was in high spirits at the time, was destoryed by the Korean team.

    The coach compared Koreans to Japanese during World War II,and North Korea, making comments like "Koreans are nationalistic psychos."

    At the same time, they claimed that the Korean teams share and watch the scrimmage with each other.

    TSM showed a rather unsightly scene of the defeat by Samsung without a handshake.

    They shook hands backstage, saying they forgot about it for a second.

    It's impossible for all five of them to forget about the culture of handshaking in the Professional Scene because it was the foreign side does it first and they literally does it every time.


    On the other hand, Uzi after RNG lost to Samsung,When Xiaohu, whose anger has not subsided, was not aware that Samsung players were here.Uzi reminded him to shake hands and he also gave his hand politely."Uzi, who was famous for being a maverick, seems to have matured more than before."



    The opponent team in the quarterfinals was SKT.even now they are strong team, but at the time, there was no team to compare with.RNG was no match for them, lost the game 3:1, and was eliminated in the quarterfinals.It was a frustrating situation for him,Uzi smiled and accepted defeat and controlled his emotions.


    To be continued on part 3

    Thank you for all those comments. Those comments cheers me up to keep up this work!

    and I think all the praises im hearing is belong to the author who wrote this article. It was all the author's work. not mine.

    yes it wasn't easy to translate all this text, but I wouldn't even start this work without the Papago. (eng - Kor translator)

    I will return with part 3 asap. hope you enjoy!

    submitted by /u/SculFare
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    Little things like this, are resons why im a support main.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    How fluffy is Rengar?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Hi good /r/leagueoflegends citizens.

    I come here with an incredibly important question that I must pose on to the average redditor of this glorious subreddit. You see, Riot has failed to release a statement which accurately describes just exactly how fluffy (or unfluffy) Rengar is. For a lot of us cat lovers, a cat's fluffiness is important and absolutely imperative to any cat's survival, as fluff directly indicates a being's self worth. This is single-handedly why most League of Legends players are depressed, we simply are just not fluffy enough to appease the gods of Riot Games.

    With that in mind, I beg the question. Exactly how fluffy is Rengar?

    submitted by /u/MrsMermaid2000
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    This is why I can't climb... watch til end...

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    I only picked up this game to learn the characters for the fighting game and now I'm playing it more than my Evo entrants

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:27 PM PDT


    Legit though, the game's fantastic and here and r/summonerschool helped me hugely learning how to play it. Idk if it's because I'm still new but I still have fun playing the game, even solo. Also the lore and music? Fuckin crazy man.

    submitted by /u/SepirizFG
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    I grinded my way to diamond last season, it wasn't worth it.

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Just saw a similar post about a guy grinding 1.3k games to grandmaster in hot so i decided to share my story as well.

    I've been playing since season 4 and, left apart the learning curve, i've been hardstuck plat since forever. For a while it's been enough, i've always seen diamond players as guys who were willing to sacrifice their whole social life to get there and i was quite satisfied with my plat rank (still the highest among my friends). Last season i really liked the meta and i just had a good feeling about how i was playing so i decided to go the extra mile and tryhard to diamond.

    At first i had a quite decent win rate that allowed me to climb ''quickly'' to p1 but then the shit hitted the fan and as i was getting closer and closer to my skill ceiling games started to be painful. The winrate dropped to a stable 50% and i had zero enthusiasm whatsoever to go into a new match but i kept going, for three straight months i dedicated my free time (i've never put social life in front of LoL tho) to coinflipping my mental health for the next 30 minutes. Wins were ephemeral and loss energy-draining, i didn't play for fun, i played thinking ''you'll be happy later, now just suffer''. I could dig down a little bit more but i think it's the moral that matters so i'll go straight to the end. After 7 promos (fuck promos) i eventually reached D4, and i wasn't happy neither for one second, i thought i was, but later on i realised i was just trying to convince myself. Luckily i have better friends than other guy's post and they sure congratulated and hyped me a little but i just didn't give a fuck about being diamond.

    Moral: enjoy the game and never think you need to be at a certain elo to prove something, not to yourself, not to the others. Don't get me wrong, play rankeds if you enjoy them (i still do, i like the competitiveness) but don't give goals to yourself to prove something. Just enjoy playing and if you're good enough you'll eventually reach a certain result. This is something i experimented in life as well, don't think you need to feel like shit to grind a certain goal, do it if you're happy but if you're not don't postpone your happiness. After that goal there's only gonna be another one and you'll never be satisfied with yourself if you don't enjoy the process.

    OT: most of you probably know this but for those who never experimented medium/high elo rankeds: there's ALWAYS gonna be someone who'll call you out for being hardstuck, i've heard it at every level ''gold hardstuck'' ''plat hardstuck'' ''diamond hardstuck''. I may be hardstuck with my rank but those people are hardstuck with their frustration which is way worse.

    submitted by /u/Zohan4K
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    So we entered a game in which all players had normal ping but the gameplay was like this: the whole game was bugged ( towers kinda stopped working)- skip to 0:50 to see this

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Reducing the number of VGUs doesn't seem like a good approach

    Posted: 06 Jun 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    In the most recent Champion Roadmap, Riot stated they will reduce the number of VGUs, because they think they've already dealt with most of the champions in critical need of a VGU. At first, it didn't seem too bad, but after a second thought... I don't think they have, and honestly, I fail to see why they would delay when they have, supposedly, come closer to finishing the job.

    Now, I understand that VGUs and even Visual/Voiceover updates (like Morgana's) have its own kind of hype, and, as a company, Riot would want to bring that kind of hype consantly, but delaying VGUs to champions that need them badly (hello, Udyr) seems like self-sabotaging to me, because VGUs not only bring champions into a more modern state (I'd say healthy, but Akali is a thing) as well as making them fit better withing the lore, but from a money-gaining perspective, they also make the champions just look good and their skins even better.

    And it seemed, at least for me, that finishing the VGUs on champions that look and play badly (by badly, I don't mean they're unviable, I mean they're boring and outdated as hell, hi, again, Udyr) would open up the possibility for them to start focusing on updates more like Morgana's, where the champion's kit was fine, but her looks were ugly and her voicelines outdated. I still don't get why poor Anivia still looks the way she does with her big collection of two voicelines when both her brothers can look good (I will feel even worse if the seal sister comes around). People wanted Kassadin's daughter for so long, but when she finally came, they did nothing to him, and yes, I know a Rioter stated they didn't update his voicelines because he "doesn't know she got out of the Void", but he is gonna meet her in Summoner's Rift, won't him? And that area isn't canon, so they could, actually, have updated him for that.

    Besides, I've seen (and made), plenty of times, requests for Riot to focus on VGUs, and yes, I understand that asking for them to do only that IS too much, but if they could alternate between them, it would certainly be much better, if the reworks are on the same quality as Fiddlesticks and Volibear, I think we'll have a lot of quality stuff being added, while removing outdated things (oh, Udyr, you're still there?) and making the game feel better as a whole, instead of looking at cool new champions Sett and new-deer-something on one corner, then looking at the other and seeing... Udyr. And it doesn't help that all other games Riot is releasing are making the game look uglier, even the mobile version looks much better.

    I don't think this approach is a healthy one for the game, yes, I get that League is Riot's first and oldest game, and comparing it to new ones sounds a little unfair, but what seems to be is that Riot should respect this game a little more and make it look like the big boss that it is, because Legends of Runeterra, Teamfight Tactics, Valorant and Wild Rift may have been the ones to put the s in Riot Games, but League of Legends was the one to put the game in it.

    submitted by /u/TheBestCCIsDeath
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