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    Monday, June 8, 2020

    LoL Guide Do not, Do Not, DO NOT... counter pick a champion unless you know how to play that counter?

    LoL Guide Do not, Do Not, DO NOT... counter pick a champion unless you know how to play that counter?

    Do not, Do Not, DO NOT... counter pick a champion unless you know how to play that counter?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Played a game as Tryndamere where I was first pick. Enemy laner decided to pick Malphite. Malphite is a disgusting match up and the only way to win it is to shove him in under turret and force him to run out of mana clear waves or lose CS, while you are more impactful around the map. But it's still a match up that's harder for Tryndamere. I then proceeded to steam roll the Malphite because

    1. He doesn't know the champion so he was just spamming abilities at me.

    2. He. Built. AP.

    His team was upset and I also was very confused, and he then responds "I don't know how to play this champ." Why would you go for the counter? Everyone else on both teams were M6 or M7, and he chose to pick a random champion that he knows counters me, but doesn't know how to work the champion to counter me.

    Don't pick counters unless you already play that champion, because you might be going against an OTP and they will understand how to work around the counter while you won't be able to.

    Edit: Put a question mark instead of a period

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    I don't understand the point of ADC, can someone explain why It's valuable?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    I've been doing research and I just don't get it, besides "doing damage" and getting sick pentakills for a montage. As a mid player, I've been trying to learn a second role so I gave ADC a go.

    I feel like the outcome of the game doesn't matter even if I get fed, because if your team can't team fight or last 10 seconds in a fight so you have time to right click, you'll just die anyway no matter how good you are.

    It seems most games I won as ADC, my team would of won regardless whether I was afk or not, which doesn't feel very rewarding to play at all. It's basically "hey good job for not dying you won because your team can teamfight and would of won anyway"

    I guess I'm wondering why even play this role when there are more influential roles? mid and jungle have a huge impact throughout the game while also more potential to carry even if your team can't teamfight.

    submitted by /u/calistralia
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    challenger level match up and minion wave understanding in action

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    azzap (rank1 vel i think) hit challenger in NA again and how he played the lane in the challenger cutoff blew my low elo mind.
    he basically used his superior knowledge on the match up to create a favorable situation and lane position which he then used to gain like a 3 minions' worth of exp lead and instantly all inned at lv6 with perfectly exact damage and timing ( ahri almost made it with like 10 hp )
    he breaks it down here
    also dude's wholesome and his content is quite educational, i haven't watched him play before and i feel like i should, wish i could sub to him he deserves it

    submitted by /u/Dragonox24
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    Explaining the Job of the ADC in League - In Depth - Challenger Coach

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Hi guys! I feel like 'lower elo' players often have issues understanding what their champions role/job is in league. In this video I narrow the ADC role down to 5 key concepts, and then explain in detail how to achieve these in game!

    Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDdlU4xIuho

    I hope this is useful to you all! Any feedback is appreciated <3

    submitted by /u/TheMasterYak
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    Why do so many of us in lower ELOs think of LOL as more of a killing/fighting game than a strategy game?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    My question is for those of Gold or below. And, yes I am lower ELO, so I am trying to understand the game better myself.

    It seems to me to be a game of resources, denying XP, Gold and Objectives to the enemy, while taking more of these for your team. Also limiting safe places on the map for the enemy through vision and the taking of objectives.

    And kills are definitely one way of doing this, but there are other ways as well.

    Would love to hear other players thoughts and perspectives on this, no matter your Rank

    submitted by /u/Suavarino
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    Your lane isn't always meant to be a fighting lane

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    I notice this a lot, especially in top lane, where people get frustrated that someone won't 1 v 1 them, or that they're be incredibly passive. You shouldn't be frustrated by that. If you are on Fiora and the enemy is on Galio, big chance that Galio isn't going to force a fight on you. Do not get mad that someone else is playing correctly

    "1 v 1 me!"

    "You can't fight without your jungler here"

    "Jungler camping you cause you can't win on your own"

    A lot of it is taunting to see if they can get you to misplay, but there have been countless games where people on the enemy team are basically foaming at the mouth because they don't get the 1 v 1 they want. It's probably affecting your gameplay because you try to force a fight and puts you in a bad position. If you're in a passive lane, pressure another, don't just sit there and waste time as the passive laner farms under turret.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    Biggest advice I can give to anyone playing at any rank.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    If you want to win games and enjoy yourself while doing it, turn chat off. It's the best thing I've ever done. After 2 season of being involved in toxicity, a couple of chat restrictions after some "heated" arguments, I discovered the that in the client settings (not game settings) under the interface tab. There is the option to turn off in game chat. And league has never been more fun :)

    submitted by /u/Opathius
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    Dear new players, Yasuo is not that good. Here's how you beat him.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Hi, fervent lover of katana man here.

    I'm making this post because I want to be able to play him more, but I made a new account to play with friends only to discover that Yasuo is everyone's permaban. Like, I get it. He's tilting to lose to, because he can take over the game, but so can a vayne, or a yi, or a like a good 30% of the champions if you let them get 15 kills. All of those champs have weaknesses that can be exploited, Yasuo is no exception.

    So here's what I have observed that iron - bronze - silver players do, don't do, or should do to shut down Yasuo hard.

    1. New players love to donate their abilities to the windwall charity and then save the rest of their abilities for next game. If you see a fed yasuo going for your ADCs, use EVERYTHING on him but not your projectiles until he wastes windwall. Your objective in fights should be to cc him before he can ruin your backline.
    2. If you keep getting your stuff blocked by windwall and don't want to worry about baiting out windwall, just don't play a projectile champ. There are plenty of champions that have non-projectile CC and peel. Warwick is a great example of this. So is Nasus. So is renekton. There are so many.
    3. If you see Yasuo or other damage dealers on the other team, and your team is all squishy mages or whatever, DO NOT PICK ANOTHER SQUISHY MAGE. This is more just general advice, but unless you have a plan you're confident in, or you are confident you can just smash every lane, don't pick 5 squishies of the same damage type into a hyper-carry. Having a couple tanks or hard CC supports make it incredibly difficult for Yas. Warwick, again, is a great example in that he can Q -> Fear -> Ult, and his fear can absorb all of the damage from yas ult if timed correctly. Thresh makes dashing difficult. Same with Leona. The list goes on.
    4. J U N G L E R. Yasuo players, especially shitty gold Yasuo players like myself, love to push lane in and try to bully you. Even more so when smurfing. If he keeps doing this, politely inform your jungler and ask for a gank. Free win.
    5. Don't group up. This, again, does not apply to Yasuo only. You gotta know if someone on the other team has an ability that can ruin your 45 minute game by pressing 2 buttons. Yasuo has one of those abilities. Do not let him get a 4 man knockup. Spread out. Refer to #1. Grouping up also makes it easier for him to dash around.
    6. Don't waste stuff on his passive shield. #1.
    7. Think about spacing. I see so many players do this thing where they retreat into an incoming wave of friendly minions and stand behind it. THAT'S NOT SAFE. If you are on one side of the minion column and Yas is on the other, you have to understand that he is effectively standing right next to you.
    8. GRIEVOUS WOUNDS. A bit more situational, but against a hypercarry that is fed, you're going to lose 100% unless they mess up or your team buys grievous wounds to make it harder. ADCs can get grievous for cheap, but thornmail is even better.
    9. Buy other items that ruin Yas's day. Yasuo needs attack speed to be able to do all his cool shit. Randuins, Frozen Heart, and Thornmail shut that shit down and mess up the yas player's timing. Randuin's is also good for crit damage reduction. Other items that help include anything that would reduce movespeed (IBG, Rylai's, Mallet).
    10. Buy armor.
    11. Pick renekton.

    Aight there's more but the list is already hella long and my yas isn't even that good lol. I just wanna play the windy boi but everyone bans him when there is way more broken shit in the game like Yuumi and pyke and sett lmao. Save your ban for someone better XD

    submitted by /u/Cross_Fire
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    How to itemize against stormrazor as a 'bruiser'?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Uh, so, I main Udyr. I rather enjoy playing Udyr, despite his absolute lack of love from Riot.

    I am not asking, necessarily, about how to play against mobile adcs. Graves is a constant. I can go even or beat equal elo (gold) graves. I can deal, potentially, with a non-fed Ez, or Luc. But stormrazor Caitlyn... Jesus fucking christ stormrazor anything is a giant anti-bearslap slap in my face.

    If vs mobile, I take phase rush + nimbus, blue smite, bork AND Ghost over Flash. But none of that means anything when youre hit with a slow that makes morg snares look manageable.

    So how do you deal? Do you say, hey, that's a cait, i have to preemptively build against this specific item regardless of any other champs? Is it swifties + dmp rush?

    Im baffled, and there's no talk from this end of the aisle that I could find with a search.

    submitted by /u/RaithMoracus
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    Learning top fundamentals

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    I just want to ask have champion in top will be more beneficial to me in the long run. Like champs that will teach my fundamentals in the top lane. Much like how faker tells that mid laners should go and learn tf and ryze because it teaches the mid fundamentals. Im a g3-g2 player.

    submitted by /u/chua097
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    Irelia Spamming. Need Tips.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    I'm spamming my Waifu Irelia, currently. I would need your tips fellow Senpais on how to master her properly.

    Right now, I'm struggling against OP Top Laners like Darius, Fiora and Nasus.

    Yes, I ragequit every game where I lose first against Top Laners because I WANT to be as good as Irelia Players who always kills their opponents first and I'm envious of you guys. I'm extremely jealous of Irelia players out there who can outplay every opponent. How can I be that good? I WANT to be that good! I had a Fiora earlier who killed me first early game despite doing my best and I quit the game. I don't even care about my teammates and don't care about my LP. All I want to do is CRUSH every Top Laners I struggle with in the Philippines Server with my Irelia. Improving is my number one priority right now and I don't care about Ranked and LPs, anymore. I'm sure they will follow once I completely mastered Irelia.

    So, any tips you can offer me to my Waifu Irelia would be gladly appreciated! ^_^ Like is she guaranteed to win every match as long as I have 5 passive stacks?

    submitted by /u/NeoCriMs0n
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    How to dodge Diana Q?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    Basically the title. I even play Diana myself but I can't for the life of me dodge Diana q. I also have learned by playing Diana that the hitbox is quite large. I would also love some advice as how to lane against Diana. From my knowledge, you can win trades vs her if she doesn't have w up but that's about it. Leaning against Diana when you can't dodge her q just seems miserable.

    submitted by /u/IbrahimAli98
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    How to lane against Shen Top?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Hello there! How's everyone doing?

    So recently I've been learning and climbing as a top laner. I'm focusing specifically on 2 champions, these being Darius and Sett, sometimes Garen if Darius is banned. So here's the situation, usually during laning phase I don't have much of an issue, the problem is when Shen gets his ult up and starts roaming everywhere, people start dying a lot, my teleport is on cooldown and teleport's cooldown doesn't match Shen's ult cooldown, and I get this feeling that it is my fault for the team falling behind. Here are the things that I have already tried:

    1 - Try to stop his ult by stunning or something. (Usually this is the best situation, but more often than not they ult from a position where I don't have vision on him or would require me to take a lot of tower shots, meaning even if I successfully stun him, I'll get taunted and killed. Should I keep constantly shoving the waves and playing aggressively to avoid this? Should I manage my teleport better?)

    2 - If he successfully ulted, I normally shove the wave into the turret and try to get as much as value as possible out of his ult.

    3 - I tried to keep track on his ult's and tp's cooldown and warn my team when they should avoid fighting but hasn't worked so far.

    So my question is, what, in your opinion, am I doing wrong? What should I be doing better? Is it my champions fault? My itemization? What can I be doing better? I've been thinking of just permanently banning Shen but I would really like to learn how to play against every champion in the most optimal way I can so I usually don't ban any champions.

    I'm open for discussion, opinions and suggestions! Thanks a lot for the attention, and stay safe!

    submitted by /u/JustARayquaza
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    Help with beating Fiora

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I often play top lane and I'm having a really tough time with this matchup whenever the enemy top picks Fiora. I always perma ban fiora unless I'm last pick (pick 10) but on the odd chance she does get through when I don't ban her in that case:

    1. I pick malphite with tp + flash. Runes: comet, manaflow, transcendence, scorch -- biscuit, tonic -- adaptive force x2 + armor
    2. Play really passively early game like I would do with other melee lane bullies, but Q her every so often when I can proc comet, manaflow and scorch
    3. max Q > E > W
    4. Back off to reset unfavorable vitals
    5. rush ninja tabi > bramble vest then build sunfire > thornmail > ibg
    6. ult her after she parries, or ult away when she ults
    7. I can't really splitpush vs her

    I'm also pretty new to malphite but there probably isn't much to learn since he's such a binary champ. Any tips I can receive, especially to counter fiora in general?

    submitted by /u/911koala
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    When's the best time to start playing normals?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    This is probably a really stupid question, but I'm incredibly sceptical and socially awkward, so I don't really understand this type of stuff that easily. I've just reached level 20, and through playing mainly co-op vs ai games. Bot games are really easy to me, and tbh I have the feeling that they're manipulating me (if that makes any sense). I know that if I went into normals that I'd probably get screwed over, because they're nothing like playing against a computer. I'm probably learning nothing.

    This is the first time I've ever really had the chance to play league, or any game for that matter (I'm broke and my computers in the past never really worked with league), so I'm bad at understanding when to actually get into PVP games. It doesn't help that I'm really bad at communication in general, and that I'm incredibly socially awkward. I don't think I'd really care if someone was toxic and I wouldn't react, but I just wouldn't be bothered to deal with it and it might knock down my already-uncertain confidence. But, I know that using chat is fundamental for communicating with your teammates, and I don't want to drag my team down. I want to be able to support them as much as possible.

    At the moment, I'm trying out different champions, different roles etc. I don't know whether I should stay in co-op vs ai until level 30, and practice even more there, or whether I should just jump into normals.

    I've searched up similar questions to this, but I've not really seen any recent comments on it, so I thought I should just ask directly myself. Hope this is okay.

    submitted by /u/myoniiv
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    need a list ranking all champions based on early-game to late-game

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    just got into league and I don't have a approximate understanding of who is more early-game and who is more late game. Is there a chart somewhere where I can rank average wins for particular rank (bronze / silver / ect) at given time go get a rough sense of who is more early/late game oriented?

    submitted by /u/evanthebouncy
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    What do you do against Teemo if no one will come top and you can't get a lead? AKA you're trapped.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I've played against a couple teemo games now and the same thing happens. I'll be counter picked (I'm okay with) by a teemo and I'll play safe and not die etc but no one will help pre 6 and also the enemy jungler doesn't come top either (so I could be taking pressure off the map).

    Basically I'm stuck in a lane where I'm useless and I can't roam as there's shrooms everywhere and Teemo just permashoves and I lose my tower.

    What do you do in that type of situation? Is it just "unwinnable" if your team won't co operate? If Teemo was first picked I could play around it and deliberately pick champions who can roam or kill Teemo but it's harder when I pick blind.

    It's a pretty niche situation but everyone keeps picking Teemo recently and it's annoying.

    I also happen to play a lot of champions that are right clickers where Teemo's blind is always useful unless I get a QSS.

    I'm getting so many comments by people who don't understand the point of my question.

    What I'm saying is "what do you do if you're trapped in a lane and can't leave?".

    submitted by /u/aigroti
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    Winning like a smurf

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Hello guys,

    I've been playing this game for 4 years now, but i feel really frustrated, I wish to leave this game as a good player, i want to climb, i peaked D2 last season, i didn't play for 6 months and now i'm stuck in p3, but this is not the problem, the problem is that i want to really understand the game and i want to control the game, i feel really unconfortable when i start a game because i feel lost on the coinflip but than i think " if smurfs carry every game till high elo there must be a way ".

    I'm kinda frustrated right now, can you good players help me ?

    submitted by /u/DeformedHikaru
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    Jungle 101 - Crafting Your First Clear

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    In my coaching experience, most low elo junglers follow the same pathing every game and aren't very flexible in changing their first clear. I recently made a video to go in-depth on planning your first clear. I hope this can help you recognize where you should be pathing early on, and why.

    Here are the three questions to ask when planning your first clear:

    1) What camps does your champion want to clear?

    • AoE vs Single Target

      • AoE champs have the option of clearing any camp in their first clear, because they can clear them with minimal loss of health or time. (Examples: Shyvana, Karthus, Olaf, Zac, Sej, Amumu)
      • Single Target champs prefer to avoid raptors and krugs on their first clear because they will slow down clear speed significantly, and also cost lots of health (Examples: Warwick, Elise, Lee Sin, Jarvan, Udyr)
    • AoE Junglers who have major spikes from level 6 are more likely to full clear. If you decide to take this route, try to use your trinket ward defensively to protect from an invide. These champs tend to be vulnerable early (Kayn, Karthus, Shyvana, Nocturne)

    • Understand the power spike of your champion, whether they are able to gank at level 2 or level 3, and ensure you're farming the camps that will get you to that power spike the quickest.

    2) What lane can you best impact?

    • Grade each lane based on its "gankability" (I like to keep tally marks for each ability/spell that will help with gank assist, and I count the difference between each laner and their opponent)
      • Crowd control
      • Mobility spells
      • Summoner choice
    • Grade each lane, and determine which matchup will give you the highest likelihood for a kill or punishing the opponent.
    • Once you have the Lane and the Camps you want to incorporate into your first clear, clear your camps in a sequence that will lead you to the lane you want to impact.

      • Ex 1: (Blue Side) If you are playing Elise and identify top as the lane you want to gank, start on red buff, then take blue and gromp into a gank. Ignore raptors because they're AoE, and wolves because they won't let your level 3 powerspike as quickly as gromp.
      • Ex 2: (Blue Side) If you are playing Sejuani and identify bot lane as the lane you want to impact, start on blue buff, wolves, raptors, into a gank. Alternatively, you could clear blue buff, red, krugs, into a gank. You'll hit level 3 and have all your CC abilities available for the gank.

    3) Where does the enemy jungler want to path?

    • Finally, run through the same thought process for the opposing jungler. Identify which lanes they want to impact, and how quickly they can get there based on the camps they'll likely clear.
    • As you climb into higher elos, this becomes more and more important. Sometimes the best plan is to simply put yourself in a position to deny the enemy's best option.

    I hope this was helpful, and please feel free to share your input about how you craft your first clear! :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Melee vs range champions

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Hey everyone

    So I have this thing about myself where when I pick champions to play I highly prefer ranged champions over melee champions. For example if I play mid lane I would always pick a mage such as LeBlanc, Lux, Ahri etc and overlook the melee champions when they would be better matchups against the other team (considering this is draft picks). I guess this is because I have a fear of dying and ruining my KDA if a fight is engaged?

    How would you guys suggest to overcome this issue? Or any tips thanks :)

    submitted by /u/WorriedBanana7
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    I dont understand how to use bruisers

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    Greetings everyone,

    i have a problem with such champions as riven, fiora, irelia etc

    i saw things that they can do, but i lose even in 1v1 to almost everyone, especially to toplane's behemoths

    and that makes me sad, because they look effective and potentially fun, but i have no clue what to to with them. no matter how i try, i can deal a pretty small damage and my own HP bar are dissapering depressingly fast.

    any advices? i want to learn them so bad, but every game i try its torture with kda like 3 15 whithout intentionally feeding, i feel like iam making league a worse place with this terror

    p,s: iam from gold, and pretty good with aurelion, azir, tf, aphelios and other hard champions, so i dobt i cant use bruisers just because i should "git gud"

    submitted by /u/NoSymphaty
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    What are adventages of assassins and mages?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    So this may sound pretty stupid but the higher I go the harder I found to play assassins and I think to myself why play assassin then you can play mage, cuz they scale better, i think assasins have better laning phase but u wont kill good mage player, mages have better wave clear too. So what are the adventages assasins have other then mages?

    submitted by /u/Janiz112233
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    Dragon Soul?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I've looked through the past threads, and I can't seem to find out how you identify which dragon will be the one that grants you soul.

    I understand that it won't be either of the first two that show up, but let's assume cloud and ocean come up first. How do you know at that point whether soul will be infernal or mountain? In pro play ive seen the announcers call soul after the first dragon. Is it cyclical based on the first dragon or something?

    submitted by /u/JonSnow31391
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