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    Saturday, June 27, 2020

    LoL Guide As a support, if you sit behind your ADC, your basically AFK.

    LoL Guide As a support, if you sit behind your ADC, your basically AFK.

    As a support, if you sit behind your ADC, your basically AFK.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Playing aggressive has a lot of risk and a lot of reward. Sitting back gives up all your pressure and allows them to bully your ADC for free. Its makes the lane a 2v1 since the support is sitting back to be a threat or in the lane.

    As a support player, your main goal is to make plays, and you cannot make plays from behind the ADC.

    And I am not some overly aggressive dumb ass ADC that plays super foward with no regard. You have to play aggressive to an extent.

    There are very few supports that have the playstyle of sitting in a bush or being behind the adc is beneficial.

    Most enchanter supports can be lane bully's with their poke. A hard engage support existence causes so much pressure playing a forward position.

    Bottom line is, if your ADC is playing aggressive, play with them. If they are passive, play passive. But play with them.

    Edit: It goes both ways, if you have an aggressive support, play with them. If you have a zoning support like Nami, Poke and zone with them.

    submitted by /u/mustangcody
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    Tier Differences Iron - Challenger

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    I've recently started playing league again during lockdown. I was previously silver in season 5 and am almost back there again after playing for about six weeks.

    I would quite like to get to gold if possible but I am curious of what to expect in the higher tiers if I ever get there.

    In your experiences playing ranked what would be the main differences in level of play between the tiers?

    Edit: I've taken on board a lot of advise following this post and put much into practice into today's games. I feel like a much better player already, thank you all.

    submitted by /u/justheretohavealook1
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    Adc help

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Hey guys, im a gold 2 adc main and have been slowly but steadily climbing the ranks. In the past 2months I've pushed from silver 4 to where I am now. My mains are Kog, twitch, vayne and draven. Today I would want to ask more about how to improve my weak early game with the first 3.

    Normally how I win games is by taking advantage of the fact that low elo games never end and so with those champions I surely can carry late game.

    However, I'm noticing that i struggle very hard against some champions. Caitlyn, ashe and some support. So I'm aware of the basic wave management, but when the enemy freeze I cant shove it in as they can just poke me. Sometimes, when playing against poke sp I struggle to farm well as well. I would games with 7-9csmin but that's from all the mid game farming I do. Normally for the first 10 mins I'm at 50-60cs. I think my mid-late game is generally fine. And teamfightings not a problem but I want to be relevant before the enemy is at my inhibs. So any tips? Thanks

    submitted by /u/hshejdisidhdhh
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    [Question] Do I Prioritize Fighting over Farming as ADC

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    I am currently playing in Plat 4 NA as ADC and find that my team is constantly fighting over nothing and I feel like I have to show up every single time. My farm is suffering for it and it is making me mad.

    I have some clips here that show what I am talking about:

    Clip 1: https://streamable.com/qxj9x1

    Trundle pushes the wave into my turret top side so I go to farm the wave. My support fights the enemy jungler over the scuttle crab and starts a fight. Because I was soaking up the wave top side I am late to the fight. You can see that my farm is pretty low and I am trying to catch up but I have to leave to fight mid. I am spiking pretty hard so we win the fight but it could have easily gone bad with my support just dying for free.

    Clip 2: https://streamable.com/w3p87c

    First I am just trying to get red and my team fights so I try to ulti to help out and then join asap. Then I see that bot is pushing so I go there to catch the wave. This is wrong right? I should stay mid because my teammates can catch the bot wave right? Anyways my team tries to fight over raptors and I have to join again.

    Clip 3: https://streamable.com/pyqh2t

    Different game this time. I am fixing bot and farming the jungle. Ori leaves mid for some reason so I catch that farm too but my team starts fighting for no reason so I cannot carry the fight ( I am strongest member at this point so I need to be involved to win fights )

    I feel like my priorities are wrong right now. I keep looking for farm to catch but then I miss out on team fights or at the very least are late to them. It is really hard to predict when fights will break out because a lot of times there are no objectives. When the objectives are up it is easy to know where to go.

    Should I be trying to fight all the time as the adc or should I be trying to farm minions? I feel like my farm is already really low and I am kindof stuck in between. I try to farm, but then I fight because a fight started and I get a little of this and a little of that but I am still really far down in farm.

    I don't want to just leave my team to die because they fought over nothing and I am fixing our waves, but I also don't want to waste my time joining a fight for it to just be done with and all that happens is i lose a wave and do a little damage.

    Can someone try to look at these clips and look at my priorities and see what they should be? I think in the 2nd clip I should be mid right? What about catching the wave top in the first clip? or farming bot in the last clip?

    Am I just chasing red dots or am I farming up correctly?

    Thanks for the help :)

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    What is a good safe pick on midlane.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Going first pick or just having your lane opponent always picking after you isn't the most fun experience. Especially in the recent meta where counterpicks mean a lot more then they used to. I could really use a champion that can be blind picked.

    So what is a good safe blind pick that can manage playing into most matchups in the midlane?

    submitted by /u/FoxThePlayer
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    Increasing your vision score will place you with “better” players

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Being placed with players who int or have no map awareness is a huge issue in league for anyone trying to improve and climb.

    Before each game you play go to porofessor and check your teams average vision score and individual players wards placed per minute. After you do this for a few games you will quickly realize that YOUR vision score (not counting supports) will likely be similar to your teams average vision score.

    For the next 5 games be mindful of warding, buying wards, using red trinket vs blue throughout your game. You will climb because vision helps you capitalize on other players mistakes.

    After 3-5 games of improved vision score, you will notice that your teams average vision score will be higher when checking pre game!

    TLDR: improved vision score places you with teammates who have better vision score. No lazy troll looking to tilt has a high vision score.

    Hope this helps

    submitted by /u/Dream_Revolutionary
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    Best top lane champ to put time into?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Im looking for a 2nd main for top lane (illaoi current main) and i was wondering what would you say is a good champ to put time into? preferably one who doesn't get banned often im willing to put a lot of time into a champ. so i was thinking of irelia but not sure.

    submitted by /u/Exonicskull
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    How Do I Stop Being Depressed And Play To LEARN?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    Looking to get this masters this season, and a lot of people tell me that Im very passionate about the game.

    This works against me though when I dont make progress or go on loss streaks. It puts me in a depressive state and basically triggers an existential crisis I guess lol.

    Id say my biggest weakness is my mental fortitude and Ive always heard the idea of playing to learn vs win, you are the only thing you can impact, 9 bots and you etc.

    Anyways, what are somethings you guys would speak of on the matter? Tips? Tricks? Advice? Personal Experience? etc. all is appreciated

    submitted by /u/LostM3n
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    Abilities canceling auto pathing

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place for this but I was wondering if anyone could share some information about abilities canceling your pathing.

    I play a lot of ezreal and after I buy tear I q spam on the way back to lane.

    I usually look at the other lanes or my wavestaye while doing this so ideally I would click once on my lane, move my camera to mid/top/etc. and q spam on my way to lane while looking at the game.

    I've noticed however that my pathing sometimes just stops.

    I tried to recreate it and it looks like if I double tap Q the second it goes off cd it cancels my pathing. So basically if I just mash the Q button I can't autopath.

    If I just press Q after it's off cd just once my pathing is usually fine.

    Wondering if anyone has any insight into this interaction and if they can explain how it works so that I can stop canceling my path.

    Can you Q on ryze without interrupting pathing? What abilities stop your path and why?


    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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    How do I get more comfortable picking new champions, or picking higher-tier champions that I don't love?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    So, I've been playing League off and on for a while now. I played Ranked a bit years ago but haven't really since. The trouble is that I tend to play almost solely top, mid, or support, my highest 3 masteries are Ornn, Vladimir, and Taric. I've been slowly branching out to learn other lanes better, I picked up Jhin because he seemed like a fun ADC, and I haven't really done much Jungle.

    I've been considering buying a couple new champs, mostly based on their looks/abilities I like, Karthus for instance, or Yorick. I have a friend who plays a lot more League than I do, and whenever I mention one of these champs he tells me how bad their winrate is or how bad they are this patch or some such. I don't really love the look of a lot of the "top-tier" champions, or I see them played so often that they don't really interest me at all. Is this dumb? Am I hamstringing myself by not choosing champs that I don't really like, even if they'd be S-tier for the team comp or whatever?

    submitted by /u/SneakyBeeps
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    How do you play midlane as a squishy champion properly?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    Hey, so I'm a player that started playing in 2013, quit at 2015 and been playing on and off with year long breaks until now. I've been playing Xerath and I really like him since you can stay out of danger very easily, however he isn't too useful in team fights the way I play him, so I now am trying to learn Orianna.

    I come up against midlaners who flash in, stun, ignite and kill me quite easily during early levels (like Kennen). I do play more on my side of the lane and just poke until they're low-ish, so my question is - How do I protect against those all-ins, and am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/YuriYuriDaze
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    Varus in Pro Play

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    In most of the recent pro games on 10.12 patch varus is banned. I have played a lot of varus games when the lethality build became popular but dropped him after the recent nerf to his ad and q. Even after this nerf, varus is still banned on LEC and LCS.

    Why is he still such a must ban for a lot of teams even after the nerf? If varus would be open, would the pros still play him on lethality?

    Thank you for your insight. Just curious if I should go back to varus if he is still a strong pick.

    submitted by /u/Rice5Life
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    What can I do against teammates who feed?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Now listen I'm not the best player in the world I know I'm not good either but everytime I strive to improve and get something going and there's someone who doesnt like to cooperate. Today I had a 1/14 Zoe, 3/17 Yas (who would've thought) and a 0/13 in 3 (3!) different matches. Like idk what to do. What can do I do to rank up and rise from this elo hell that is silver 4? The more I play, the more I lose. I fear I'm gonna go down instead of advancing like I expected. I try to stay tiltproof and mute chat and not flame them but I still get tilted everytime this happens. I know the 40/40/20 rule for matches (40% of matches you, 40 you lose and 20 you cant influence) but I'd just wish some loses were more intense and not get stomped by the 14/3 Akali. Tell me what can I improve on to reduce this from happening. Maybe more map pressure? idk. Let me know what u guys think

    submitted by /u/Rappa-Dex
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    Is hiring a coach worth it?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 11:24 AM PDT

    Hi, s10 has been my first season in lol, and I have to say it hasn't been really good.

    I've played with my friends just for fun, but ever since we've been stomped by a team of toxic smurfs, I've been like: "I want to be able to kick these guys asses!"

    So recently I've been thinking about hiring a coach. Do you guys think it's actually worth it?

    I'm a Jungle main in BI.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Tier3MemeMonkey
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    How do I break out of lane as an ADC so I can bring my power to the rest of the map?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    14 minutes has passed, plating is gone, and we're still in lane, farming away. All the while, I'm watching the rest of my team struggle and essentially feed. I've gotten a couple kills in lane and now the enemy bot lane is playing extremely safe. I start freezing the wave, denying farm, but the rest of the team is continuing to stumble and give up kills in the other lanes. I want to help my team, but I feel like I can't, because if I leave lane the enemy AD will land a bunch of free gold and maybe even a turret. My jungler hasn't ganked bot all game and still isn't going to, despite my pleas. Me and my support could try to force a 2v2 in the lane, but every time we do the enemy jungler or mid counters us.

    What do I do in this situation? What do I do when I can't seem to break out of lane as an ADC?

    submitted by /u/Scrappy2k
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    Urgot/zoe Botlane is so oppressive I could cry

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I just had a bad game, a real bad one. THe whole laning phase was an absolute disaster.
    I was playing Kai'sa with Lux as support. As the titel said, we were up against a Urgot/zoe botlane with zoe being support.
    Now, I don't have much expereince playing against zoe and urgot, since I am a main adc, secondary Jungler. But I immediately noticed the oppressive behavior of this duo. I had to be really careful when farming creeps. I knew, one slight overstep would cost me flash, maybe even heal. That was at lvl 3 already. That lead me to missing a lot of farm, trying to stay safe. So far everything just looked like a very hard to play matchup. I also have to say my Lux wasn't much of a help. She was constant cannon fodder, overstepping regulary and not hitting anything most of the time. But I am not here to rant about my support.
    So this looked pretty bad for us, but here comes the thing: Zoe would always come in front of our wave, when most of our wave was dead, or completely dead, and throw her e on us. Now I can dodge that pretty good with Kai'sa E. But she just kept on doing that, not running out of mana, while I ran out of mana quickly having to use my E quite often (of course I didn't have to use my E everytime zoe used her sleep, but most of the time). In the end that led to me getting put to sleep and dying instantly by urgot and zoe q.
    This is just how it kept going + lux feeding hard. I was at 4 deaths and lux on 7 at minute 20.
    Although I was able to get back into the game later on, this laning phase felt really frustrating and was not fun to play at all.
    So here I am, asking what I can do in a situation like this. Early QSS? Merc treads? I don't hecking know.

    I am looking forward to your advise!

    submitted by /u/Alphabethur
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    Lane phase as ADC

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    How should I play lane when I have a winning ADC matchup and a losing support matchup? Should I go kill lane or play safe? I usually go kill lane if I have a winning ADC matchup and if both me and support is winning. I always go safe when we both are losing or if I have a losing ADC matchup. I just don't know what to do if I win lane but support lose lane like a Draven vs Kai'Sa and a Blitzcrank vs Rakan (As Draven, my support is Blitz)

    submitted by /u/yicongCOD
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    Is jarvan a good champ to start in jungle?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Hello guys! Im a level 29 fiora main, and i want to switch my main lane from top to jungle. I've been reading some posts about starting in jungle, and the most recomended champions are ww, rammus and xin zhao. I sincerely dont enjoy any of theses champions, but im really interested by jarvan iv, and came here to ask u if jarvan is a good champion for me to start in jungle.

    submitted by /u/lordjeanterrivel
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    Played my first ranked. Need advice.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    I've been playing league for a few months and I usually do pretty good in normal draft games so I thought I'd try ranked. Played my first ranked game today and got completely annihilated no matter how I played. If I played aggressive, focused on CS, or staying under tower I got smashed. It just seemed like everyone, including my own team, had skill that just was far superior to mine. Do they have skill based matchmaking in ranked? I am level 35 is there anything I can do to maybe better prepare or is ranked just for people who've played for a long time? For now it's back to normal draft for me but just want some advice for preparing for ranked or how to get matchmaking within my skill level.

    submitted by /u/maximillian226
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    If you play screen locked map the toggle key (default Y) to the space bar instead

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    I get it. I hate adjusting my screen in lane or during team fights. My screen stays locked 80% of a game. But when you're roaming into a lane or coming up on a fight you need to be collecting information as soon as possible. This is where being able to toggle it easily on and off comes in handy. Well that's all I have.

    submitted by /u/TheFitPotato
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    Challenger Singed One Trick coaching me, a Diamond Singed One Trick - There's plenty to take away if you play toplane, even if you don't play Singed

    Posted: 26 Jun 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    So I posted this to /r/SingedMains earlier in the week, but as I was re-watching it back for the first time today, I realized there's a lot of stuff applicable to any top lane champion, not just Singed. The coach is called Socialist Singed and was (at the time) 900LP Challenger on EUW with only Singed (Unless picked, then he dodged, or banned he would play Karma) and I'm Greggzy, a hardstuck D4 Singed OTP with 2.6 million mastery across all accounts.

    (Since this coaching session, Conq is now garbage on Singed, so this session is still relevant to current matchups seeing as we run unsealed spellbook)

    It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but here's the link.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Scrandox
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    When to leave the wave?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Picture a scenario mid (though this applies to all lanes) where the enemy has chunked you for taking a bad trade and can now dive you under the turret as a wave is coming in. While you have little to no HP, should your best choice be to (excluding jungle presence):

    1. Stay under the tower and outplay the opponent assuming they go for the kill, letting you kill the opponent while catching the wave thereafter.

    -I find this to be the best scenario because you are able to get both the wave and the opponent. Yet it is impractical because good enemy mid's should not ever give you the chance to trade one for one after they have a lead on you, rather make you recall and miss the wave so they can recall themselves or get deep vision (getting themselves or their team ahead in some other way).

    2) Stay under the tower and trade one for one with the opponent assuming they go for the kill, missing the wave thereafter.

    -I think this is the second-best scenario because although there is a net loss of a wave, you are effectively removing them off the map and stopping them from translating their lead elsewhere. Yet it is impractical like choice 1 because good enemy mid's shouldn't be trying to trade one for one while ahead. If your team is ahead, they are able to make a play elsewhere without having to worry about mid influence.

    -Assuming you are already behind, I think this is the second-best scenario to happen. If you are even or ahead with the enemy mid, I think choice 3 (below) would be more effective.

    3) Leave the tower and recall immediately.

    -This choice is tough to talk about and why I wanted to create a discussion. If you are behind and decide to miss the wave and recall, you could get a tempo advantage because you will be back on the map faster if death timers are low enough (and possibly stronger if you are able to get an item advantage because you recalled at a certain gold threshold first) while denying the chance for the enemy mid to snowball. If the enemy mid decides to try and kill you when she is already ahead, is that a mistake on their part?

    -If you are already behind the enemy mid, I think choice 2 (above) is better (assuming you can make the outplay to kill them alongside you) because you are basically denying the enemy mid of what they should be doing.

    -However, you are also missing a wave of gold and XP and should now know that the game cannot be won through your lane, and should give up on your lane in the future to get another lane ahead (because the enemy mid will be stronger than you at all points of the game with a gold and XP advantage, and you need your team's help to break that advantage).

    4) Stay under the tower and stay in range of dying minions for XP, while unable to get gold.

    -I think this is the worst scenario out of all the others because you are basically not a champion until you get a recall off (you cannot play the game being low HP). By staying under the tower, you will miss more gold (despite getting XP) as more waves crash into the tower. You are also keeping yourself at risk of dying.

    As a jungle main, this can get complicated while adding the jungle factor into it. This post was made disregarding the factor of having TP, which could make it more complicated. If I am wrong about a point mentioned above please let me know! Pushing out the next wave with a jungler could be a fix, but with the shared XP, the game cannot be won through your lane because you will still be at a disadvantage in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/aznlex1999
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    Duo queue sucks for the mediocre duo players

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Im a silver support main, and recently I've been banging out pyke. My friend is a gold support main but used to main adc and he wanted to play with me so we've been playing duo queue recently, him on a smurf account.

    With playing lots of games in duo queue, almost every game top/mid/jgl just loses their lane. But by like 13 minutes they're 3/7 or in worse cases, 0/9. I understand that riot has to make duoqueue balanced for everyone involved. But we are not really good players that can carry every single game. This means we often lose games quite hard or have to drag games out just so we can scale.

    I just dont understand why every game feels the same, my question here is. What can I do about this? Stop duoing with my friends? Or should I be hard roaming more.

    submitted by /u/jergerberr
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    How to do a Yasuo airblade for people who struggle!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    So,some of you might not now this but to do an airblade you cant just instantly EQR after making someone airborne (unless a teammate knocked someone up for you).This is because ur Q will probably still be on CD.There is this mechanic on yasuo where if your Q has 0.5 seconds till it comes up and you use your E,you will instantly get your Q up,ready to use at the end of E!This is just to make life easier so that when you use AOE Q,you dont have to time it exactly with your E!So to do an airblade knock someone up,then look at your Q CD.Once its at 0.5 seconds,do your EQR and you should get an airblade!WELL DONE!Now,in a teamfight situation,you cant keep looking at you Q CD!So,get in practice tool and start knocking people up,then as they start faling down,do you EQR.Thats when i usually try to do it.I look at the enemy,see it fall a little then do the airblade.It will become muscle memory after a while.Also,keep in mind!The closer the enemy is to tou,the longer you will need to wait to be able to do an Airblade.Good luck

    submitted by /u/ScythedS
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