- Fiddlesticks can clear Wolves > Blue > Gromp in 35 seconds by 2:05. He can also clear 6 camps + Scuttle by 3:24. No leash, no potions. Here's a complete, extensive guide on exactly how to accomplish double-clearing on Fiddlesticks without resetting your camps.
- It took me 841 games to reach Gold as ADC main (story, what I learned, what you need to do)
- Aphelios gun guide from a Challenger ADC player
- How am I supposed to deal with Vayne top?
- How to teach jungle?
- When TF got his damage buffed on red and blue card, most people said it was nice, but mostly irrelevant. Since the. He went from being a niche pick in pro play to one of the most popular midlaners in pro play. Did something else change to allow this to happen?
- Mid Lane: Summoner Spell Teleport or Ignite
- Should I one-trick Trundle in ranked, more specifically low elo?
- I went from 63% winrate in season 7 to barely 50% in the next seasons, here's what chanhed so you avoid doing so.
- I can’t match the results I get with Rammus
- When to build each of the following items?
- Learning Sivir from Trynd main
- Why is heal taken on ADCs and not barrier?
- How do you improve in a team environment? How do you build strong team comps? Need all resources available.
- Who should I ban as Nasus?
- Quick tip for laners when ur recieving a gank from jg perspective
- Jayce one trick - need some advice on how to improve my performance
- How to use the practice tool as an ADC main?
- i've hit gold and i'm going for plat. how do i improve my laning
- What to expect of low elo teammates
- Fundamentals in League of Legends
- How do we deal with an aggressive adc/support?
- Mid Diamond ADC VOD review - How to lane 2v1
Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:57 AM PDT I've made a video to show you how to do this, down to the precise locations where you have to stand to not reset your camps. Thank you to u/Zeddit_B for this screenshotted cheatsheet of where to click: Blue Team: https://ibb.co/k46wjXV Red Team: https://ibb.co/Pc70C80 When Fiddlesticks came out, people found out he could double-clear multiple camps, due to his insane multi-target healing. You may have seen Fiddlesticks double-clear Red and Raptors, or Blue and Gromp. Maybe you've even seen a video where he double-clears Wolves and Blue. I didn't invent this clear, but the videos and guides currently on YouTube seem to rely on intuition and feel. Nobody seems to be able to this consistently, as not even FearTheSticks, a high ELO Fiddlestick main, uses this Wolf-start clear: he says it is too unreliable to pull off and too risky. But I've gotten it down to a science, and I can now complete it with 100% accuracy, and you can too with some practice. And I've showcased how to do it on BOTH TEAMS, since a ton of the other videos can't consistently pull it off on red team, since it's less lenient on that side. Now this bears repeating: this clear allows you to clear your entire blue side jungle in 35 seconds, by 2:05. I'm pretty sure that's a faster level 3 than any other Champion in the game, and if you choose not to full clear, you can also gank with your full kit available, or counterjungle unexpectedly. One final note is that this clear even saves your 2nd Smite for Scuttle, and if you use your E>Q>AA>Smite>W combo, you can actually oneshot Scuttle in that single rotation. Hope this is helpful! [link] [comments] |
It took me 841 games to reach Gold as ADC main (story, what I learned, what you need to do) Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:33 AM PDT IntroductionI started playing League of Legends in Season 10 on EUW because of the lockdown as friends started playing again and invited me. It took me 841 games (660 solo queue ranked games) to go from complete newbie to Gold 4 as ADC main. BackgroundI played another MOBA 10 years ago called Heroes of Newerth (HoN) for 6 years, where I reached 1800 MMR (top 0.1%). So I started LoL knowing the basics of MOBAs (importance of income, experience, kills, deaths, vison and how different roles should play in a teamfight), but HoN is more similar to DotA and DotA2 in the sense that you lose gold on death, you can pull neutral camps to manage your lane, you can deny creeps and it has different mechanics in general. Therefore, League of Legends was very new to me as I didn't know any heroes, wave management or jungle clearing strategies. By the way I'm 27 years old, so maybe I'm not as sharp as when I was 20. How I started in ranked gamesGetting to level 30 was enough to have a feeling of how most common heroes behaved. I didn't know much about runes and items, so I followed what was recommended. I already knew the basics like last hitting as much as possible, not dying, placing wards whenever possible, be present in teamfights. In lane I wasn't trading heavily nor was I completely passive, but I didn't have a sense of the difference between short trades, extended trades and all in. I didn't know either which heroes were strong at all-in or which were strong at poking, so I could often lose by not reacting properly. I didn't know powerspikes either so I had very bad recall timings. Finally, I didn't realize the importance of drakes and herald, so I would give it enough attention and presence. If I remember correctly, this was enough for me to be placed around Bronze 3. With a bit more practice (learning more about the heroes, items, runes, the importance or drakes) I reached Silver 4 probably around 150 to 200 games. And then, I was hardstuck between Silver 4 and Silver 2. What you need to get out of Bronze as ADC
How I got out of Silver as ADC
What I still lack as a low Gold player
General tips
ConclusionIt was a big objective for me to get Gold and I played way too much to get it (18 days and 7 hours in-game time over 4 months). I think League of Legends can be very addictive and I know I have an addictive personality. I sometimes prioritized playing LoL over social life and spending time with my girlfriend. I've decided to stop here (obviously I can't make a career of this game), maybe I'll play again but only with IRL friends with voice chat (because it's way funnier) or limit myself to a maximum of 2 games in a day to take a break. This game was very fun but also very frustrating. When I used to play HoN (DotA2 equivalent) I thought LoL was less skill intensive because there is no creep denying. In fact it's just a different game with different mechanics, even if there are many similarities. In the end, now that I'm Gold nothing has changed much. I told my friends I hit Gold and was congratulated. I'm still less experienced than some other players so I still get flamed (and I suppose even Diamond players get flamed by Master players). The game is a bit different because you play with more experienced players. There are still trolls, inting teammates and AFK. It's just harder to win. Thank you for reading this far ! My IGN is Goursorama on EUW, here are my stats. If you're high Gold or above, I would be really nice of you to correct me in the comments or give advice on how to get higher than Gold. English is not my primary language so sorry for the many mistakes there must be. [link] [comments] |
Aphelios gun guide from a Challenger ADC player Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:45 AM PDT For any of you Aphelios players out there, or anyone that would like to know how to play against Aphelios better, here's a quick guide explaining the most optimal way to setup Aphelios guns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSkD4dvn78o Even after the nerfs, he's really strong right now, and it's important to understand his windows. [link] [comments] |
How am I supposed to deal with Vayne top? Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:18 PM PDT Everytime I play against that champion it's an insta lose for me. Any specific items I can get to mitigate her damage? It's hilarious how this late game champ takes away a big chunk of my hp if I dare to go for a minion. If I stay back and let the wave crash into my turret she just takes the turret down while I try to get some CS, letting minions die is a must if I don't want to die. If I try closing the gap she just uses E-Q and thats a lost trade. I know jungler ganks help but I want to improve on beating Vayne by myself because I just lose motivation when enemy team locks her in top. Mind you I'm playing in silver and since games go way longer than they're supposed to be she just pops off because that's where her powerspike is supposed to be. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:56 PM PDT Hi, I'm a fairly new league player, I've only been playing a few months, but I've been learning very quickly by watching streams and videos to help me become better. I haven't forayed into ranked or anything, just playing normals for now. My main question relates to teaching my brothers and friends the game. I've been able to help them out with basics for the most part, but I've run into trouble trying to explain jungling to my brother. He's only 13 so I'm not expecting him to be great or anything, but I want to at least help him understand what he's doing. It is also hard because I'm definitely still learning jungle as well. I've told him that jungle is easily the most difficult role to play well, but he finds jungle to be the most fun because he doesnt like being confined to a lane. My main issue is explaining when and why to go for certain objectives, what fights to take and run from, and how to decide things like items to go for. We've been able to help some things by him just asking when he should move to dragon mid match, but it's a lot harder to stop him from walking into enemies and giving out kills. I know it is a big ask to try to help teaching a 13 year old league, but I'd appreciate any input. So far he really likes karthus because he is able to spam his q and he likes pressing r and getting kills lol. Thanks for taking the time to read this! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:04 PM PDT I can't remember the last time TF was high priority in pro play, I've been playing on and off since S5 but I've been following pro play religiously because it's so enjoyable to watch. I remember him being picked here and there, but never as much as the last few weeks. I know his damage was buffed, but is that all it took? Most people on the patch notes thread said it was nice, but didn't really change much since you want to use gold card 90% of the time in mid-late (except for waveclear). [link] [comments] |
Mid Lane: Summoner Spell Teleport or Ignite Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:45 AM PDT I am a relatively new League of Legends player, starting back at late Season 9 of last year, and I've recently picked up the mid lane role. Currently in Silver 4, I've looked at a number of guides for the mid lane saying that running Teleport over Ignite is better, and others that state the opposite. Ignite is used to when you're able to get kill pressure on your opponent, while it lack usage later in the game. Teleport is used to get good resets, create freeze, and create disadvantages for you opponent, but has high cool down. Seeing how both have their pros and cons, I still get confused on when/how to use each one. [link] [comments] |
Should I one-trick Trundle in ranked, more specifically low elo? Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:27 AM PDT I'm currently Silver 1 and I've decided that jungle is my best role. I usually pick based on our team comp already, whether we need range, a frontliner, or ap/ad damage, so I have 4 champions I usually rotate around with (Nunu, Trundle, Taliyah, Kindred). Out of all of those, I think Trundle is my best seeing as I have like an 84% wr on him. A friend said I should just pick 1 champ to onetrick in ranked, and a backup if they're banned. This seems like a good idea so I don't have to worry about learning champion mechanics and instead focus on decision making and macro, but then I feel like we might have issues where we run into a bad team comp if we end up with one damage type or no tank. I figured if I wanted to go with this strat, I should go with trundle. I figured he's pretty versatile in regards to doing damage or tanking and he doesn't really become useless at any state of the game from my experience. Is it viable to just 1 trick trundle to say like, high gold? Or is there a better champ that's more versatile that I should climb with? Is there a specific game plan I should be following in my elo and should I choose a champ based on that? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:20 PM PDT I climbed from bronze to plat in season 7 pretty easly. I was super motivated and super focussed every single game, had fun playing, instantly /muting all if teammates started to tilt, didn't give any importance to how my teammates played and focussed on me and only me, analyzing everything before doing something and realize instantly what I did wrong after what I did wrong. Used a lot of pings to stop my teammates from inting and making calls, eye on the minimap very frequently tracking the jungler and respecting him. And most importantly I kept saying to myself that I sucked at the game. I stopped doing pretty much all of this, probably because I'm not enjoying the game anymore as I used to but let's be real, it's 100% because I've stopped saying to myself that I sucked at the game and got cocky. Now I don't even respect my enemies in lane. So if you are not doing some of these things start doing them! And don't lose these skills with time. Maining support since season 5 [link] [comments] |
I can’t match the results I get with Rammus Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:00 PM PDT Hello, I am currently s1, but have been steadily climbing since i returned to league at the start of lockdown. I've been playing jungle, because I find I can impact the map and the game most from this position. Since beginning this climb, I've found that by far I get the best results when I am playing Rammus. I currently have a 70% win rate on him with 114 games played. Now obviously there are games where Rammus is not a good choice, but despite this I still find that I can first pick him and still win most of the time. I cannot replicate these results on other champions, even ones like Nunu and Warwick, other supposedly brain dead champs. Part of what I like about Rammus is that I don't have to spend mental energy on micro, and can therefore devote my entire attention on jungle tracking and thinking about what I will do next. I also like that my ganks are strong, with the ability to lock down enemy champions easily. Finally, I find his ability to get around the map quickly with q very useful, allowing me to counterjungle quickly as well as respond quickly to situations happening around the map. Why can't I win with other champs as much as I do on Rammus? As I get closer to Gold I find myself always picking him. [link] [comments] |
When to build each of the following items? Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:18 PM PDT So! For graves jungle the core is obviously red warrior smite.
their is merc treads, their is berserkers and their is ninja tabi. Most games I go either merc treds or berserkers and rarely ninja tabi. Usually I will go berserkers if I got kills and carrying my team but will go for merc treads if I am sucking and their is CC, any other scenarios to when I should opt for any boot over the other?!
I am seeing some people serrated dirk into umbral glaive and then build black cleaver after. While others just rush black cleaver as soon as they finished with warrior When should I rush serrated dirk into umbral glaive compared to black cleaver? I assume people rush serrated dirk cos they want to spike early but I assume if I am not too fed or ahead I should prob stick to black cleaver?
The option here is usually death's dance or edge of night or sometimes people go with botrk Out of those 3, can some1 give me some situations on when to go for either of those items? I assume I should go death's dance if I am ahead but if I am not ahead then that leaves me with either botrk or edge of night, so which one to go for?
If I built death's dance as item 4 then I am probably building edge of night here but if I didn't build death''s dance in item 4, then I will build it here yeah?
Depending on what I went with in items 4 and 5 I can go here for edge of night | mortal reminder | botrk | phantom dancer or just go for GA How to decide this for final item? Some other good items include: mercurial scimitar, duskblade, and lord dominik's regards. Really the main idea behind this post is once I got my core down and I have 3 more items to build when to go for death's dance, eon, mortal reminder, botrk or phantom dancer? [link] [comments] |
Learning Sivir from Trynd main Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:19 AM PDT Was a Trynd main and got to G1 last season, G4 rn but trying to learn ADC to try something new. Spammed Sivir in blind pick to practice but most of them result in losses. I learnt how to handle her mana issues so far, some supports are hit or miss getting caught by free hooks or catching the enemy. Wave management is a nightmare with some of my supports or junglers entirely screwing up my freeze or not realising to hard shove for resets. Mostly manage to either win lane or stay even but still lose many games to either mid, top or jungle losing hard and end up losing from there. I try to hold towers for all of them but they keep ARAMing into horrible fights, or taking fights when I go to catch crashing sidewaves. I've just been chalking these up to its normals and everyone is trolling. The one thing I don't get is how her spell shield interacts with Heimer and Aphrlious turrets autos, Lucian's w speed up, Alistar wq combo? [link] [comments] |
Why is heal taken on ADCs and not barrier? Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:21 AM PDT Heal gives 90-345 health and a burst of MS on a 240 cd. Barrier gives a 115-455 shield for 2 seconds on a 180 cd. It seems like trading the MS for a fat shield on a lower cd makes sense when there are 1,000,000 ways to get one shot as an adc. But I'm a scrub. Can someone explain why most ADCs take heal more often than they take barrier? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:47 AM PDT TL;DR at the bottom Lately we are loosing far more then we would like to. We managed through analysing VODs and our communication that we have one big problem: We play like soloq. If we are better than our enemy and win lanes we win the game, but if our enemies are even or better and we loose lane or go even we loose the game because we don't play good comps and we don't really have a gameplan that we execute well. So our idea now is to stick to one style of comp. Basically pick the same champions or if banned/picked exchange them with another pick who fulfills the same job. Problem is what comp should we pick, where do you even start? How do you build good comps? What do you need to look at (prio,engage etc.) while drafting? Also what are general resources to improve as a team? If you know videos of coaches etc. pls link them here. If you have tips on how to better vision control as team let me hear them. Not sure if this is the right subreddit. If not you may link me to another. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:15 PM PDT I'm stuck between 2 champs I just cannot deal with: darius and ornn Against darius: w is a slow, e is a hook, and after 5 autos, I'm ulted from half health. The only way to beat him is if he makes multiple silly mistakes and gets ganked multiple times or takes too many tower shots because my all-in involves autos. Against ornn: It would be an easier matchup if the hitbox for the dash-knockup-hard cc with like 0 cooldown wasn't so stupid. There was a game where he dashed to a minion that was like 300 ingame units away from me and it hit me somehow????? I have a low ping so it couldn't have been lag. Is there a way to at least survive one of these champs? whenever I play ranked and I ban one, my opponent just picks the other one. [link] [comments] |
Quick tip for laners when ur recieving a gank from jg perspective Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:01 PM PDT When the jungler pings ur lane and tells u hes coming setting up the gank can be a huge help. U might wanna position urself so that the enemy is closer to junglers side, or use CC seconds before jungler is there. In some cases going for a heavy trade or even all ining can help out a ton. But please for the love of god if ur not sure what to do then instead of suiciding before jungler gets there or walking past the minion wave and forcing cc just keep laning and let the jungler start the gank. Then follow up on it with ur cc or dmg. I cant stress this enough as I see even high plat players just totally ruin good ganks for no reason at all trying to force stuff. Go with the flow guys! Thx thats all [link] [comments] |
Jayce one trick - need some advice on how to improve my performance Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:35 PM PDT I'm a Jayce one trick pony, he's the only champion I can play well as. I've got a high win rate in ranked but that's mostly from a win spree I got in iron as I was placed Iron IV against very low quality opponents - taking that out my win rate is maybe 55%. I play jayce mid, but struggle to put the team on my back. I can't win every matchup so tend to just play it safe if I don't like the matchup, the issue with this is I'm at the mercy of my teammates performance as jayce is not exactly a carry late game. Really I've identified these key areas but can't work out how to get better on this:
My intermediate goal is gold, what sort of actions can I take to get there? My op gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Jayce+QE Appreciate any advice anyone can give! [link] [comments] |
How to use the practice tool as an ADC main? Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:28 AM PDT Hey guys, I am fairly new to league, played on and off for a few years and decided to start playing ranked seriously this year. Just hit Silver this weekend and I main ADC (Varus). I am fairly confident with my mechanics as well as CSing however, I feel like I am lacking in certain areas of my game ex: Attack moving. I was wondering if it is worth it using the practice tool daily to work on certain aspects of being an ADC? If so, what are the most important things I should work on to improve and hopefully get to gold this season? I am not really too sure how to actually use the tool to get the best out of it so any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
i've hit gold and i'm going for plat. how do i improve my laning Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:43 PM PDT title. [link] [comments] |
What to expect of low elo teammates Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:50 AM PDT So I just came out of a game where I was playing jungle and we lost really hard. I was playing sylas vs yi and I thought "I should probably try to counterjungle since I killed him once and he is weak early game" So I deduce from his level and the fact that I got double buffs that he only cleared my gromp, his red and my blue, so I wander into their topside, but then yi (for some reason) decides to come back to the topside instead of going bot and now their midlaner is coming up, I was handling the 2v1 pretty well but my yasuo stayed asleep and yi snowballed which is why I'm here to ask Should I expect my teammates in silver to have game knowledge? They sometimes might be as decent as you can be at shotcalling in this elo, but other times you get a yasuo that doesn't wanna 2v2 a yi and zed pre 6 [link] [comments] |
Fundamentals in League of Legends Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:07 AM PDT Hey guys, Check out this list of fundamentals along with resources on how to develop them. Just wanted to create an article so that beginner players and those looking to get better at the game in general can find a list of fundamentals in one place. Let me know what you think I am missing! List of Fundamentals in the article:
Thanks for the attention, any feedback is much appreciated! [link] [comments] |
How do we deal with an aggressive adc/support? Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:05 PM PDT Jungle main here, I recently started playing support for my friend who's usually a mid lane main because they recently bought Kaisa and really enjoy her. I picked up shen cause I thought he was cool and turns out hes really fun. But when were bot lane together and we go up against an aphilios, ashe, senna, miss fortune or pike it feels like they out range us and take off a decent amount of health before we can even go in or when we try and go for minions. Is there something we should be doing to stop this??? [link] [comments] |
Mid Diamond ADC VOD review - How to lane 2v1 Posted: 28 Jun 2020 10:52 PM PDT Hi guys, Welcome to my latest video where i review a game I had in mid diamond Elo where we make the enemy ff at 15 minutes. In this vod review we focus on concepts like how to lane 2v1 when your support roams, how to roam mid without missing a lot of cs and how to anticipate plays and use that knowledge to your advantage. Either way here is the link to the video, if you have any questions about ADC I will be more than happy to answer them. [link] [comments] |
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