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    Thursday, June 18, 2020

    LoL Guide If you're ganking a lane as a jungler ping "On My Way!"

    LoL Guide If you're ganking a lane as a jungler ping "On My Way!"

    If you're ganking a lane as a jungler ping "On My Way!"

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    This may sound super obvious, but so many junglers in my elo gank without informing their teammates. Especially in lower elos, so many laners don't notice their jungler and when they come to gank without pinging, they won't even react. Pinging is obviously something really simple but it goes a long way, since many people especially in lower elos play with locked screen and don't see their jungler coming.

    TL;DR: Ping "On My way!" as a jungler to notify your teammates that you are ganking.

    submitted by /u/Predated01
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    Is there a brief description of each champion somewhere?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    As in, I got into a game and I want to know what I should expect of him and any crucial information that would get me killed. Like, "Talon is a close range assassin with a high early threat that goes invisible on his ult and can jump terrain". As a new player you wouldn't know any of that until your screen goes gray and he's snowballing.

    The wiki goes into too much detail and does not have an intuitive order read for combos or playstyles. The champion spotlights are usually too long and filled with puns, and usually REALLY out of date. Guides tend to be at the very least 10 minutes, the short ones, and meant to play, not against. And the ability previews in the client can't be seen during game. Any place I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/YetAnotherIdleSCV
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    When you're trying to avoid that last fatal tower shot, move AWAY from the turret, not back towards your base

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    This might sound obvious from the title but it's surprising how often people don't do this. You will often see higher ELO players make some strange looking movements in the name of getting out of the tower range in as short of a distance as possible. The natural instinct is to walk back towards safety following a dive or accidental aggro grab, but in a situation where one more shot would kill you it's often better to just move straight away from the the tower.

    See some examples here

    The blue points represent example starting positions, the red arrows represent a "typical" path out from turret if you didn't have aggro, often heading back in a straight line to the safety of your tower, while the green lines represent the actual shortest paths that result in fewer tower shots taken.

    A single tower shot is often the difference between a successful dive and an unsuccessful one!

    EDIT: updated the example image because I received complaints

    submitted by /u/MattRazz
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    Overcoming Ranked Anxiety

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:35 AM PDT


    I'm a low diamond player with pretty frustrating ranked anxiety. Whenever I play ranked, on a smurf or on my main, I'm always really nervous going into the game and take it really hard emotionally when I make a mistake or lose. I enjoy the game and want to get Master tier, but find it emotionally exhausting sometimes. I play normals with no problem, but I've always found ranked to be very stressful and anxiety provoking, like tests at university.

    I don't have any friends that actively play the game, and nobody who cares what my rank is. I honestly have no idea why I'm so scared to fail in ranked, but if anyone has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it. This problem has made me question whether or not it's healthy to keep playing.

    submitted by /u/tempname1234574
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    A Simple wave management and snowballing guide for new Top Laners.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Hey Summoner's School! I've been lurking around here for a while and I'm constantly seeing posts about top lane and how to play it. I have tried helping people 1 on 1 a few times and I keep seeing the same kind of posts of people still struggling. In an attempt to help remedy that, I made a video talking mostly about basic wave management and being able to snowball your lead just in the laning phase. Also have a bit at the end on helping you pick what champions to play. I would appreciate any feedback on the video. I plan on doing a video on how to generate a lead in the first place, and one on mid game eventually. Comment down any questions you may have :).


    submitted by /u/Rennaisance44
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    How do you play ADC in a losing lane?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    So basicly title, but it's pretty hard to find actual educational gameplay of people playing from behind. It's always some random dude semi-smurfing where 'from behind' means 1 kill down.

    But how do you play if you're actually behind? Either your support is mentally afk, you're playing Vayne against Draven, your jungler doesn't help you turn it around. What are you supposed to do then? Is it just hug tower and pray, or is there an actual strategi

    submitted by /u/Nyholmen
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    What do high elo players think about this strategy

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Me and my friend have been playing Kayle and Nasus (Top-Mid) few games now and it has been working great. I basically go hybrid supp and carry build with max CDR while Nasus keeps stacking until like 15 min where we group and just run at people. Obviously we are low elo and enemies are bad but it almost feels like cheating with how good it is. I give Nasus a lot of heals and the best part is crazy movement speed boost (I think 70%) for few seconds plus Nasus's slow and they can't escape.

    Someone said "Why not pick normal sup/healer" first I like to play off meta and second I think Kayle as a champion really compliments Nasus by giving him heals, ms boost and on top of that ult that wins teamfights.

    What do you guys think? Obviously we are both noobs but I think this could be great strategy we are already climbing and most importantly it is so fun playing this

    submitted by /u/PhonyAss
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    How to analyse replays for improvement

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    I am struggling hard to improve my gameplay right now. I feel like I made pretty much no progress in the last months despite playing quite a bit. I regularly think about mistakes made and go into the replay to double check situations that were unclear to me.

    The main problem I have is that I don't know what to focus on to improve. I see mistakes in the replay but I am not sure how to apply the knowledge to my game to avoid doing them again.

    E: Thanks for all the replies! Didn't expect so many, so far I read all of them, but I think it might be getting too much for me. One reply in particular I found really helpful. /u/IMD3BOSS shared a the video which covers lots of details about how to review a vod. I focuses mostly on laning phase, but answers already most of my question for now

    submitted by /u/Gruenerapfel
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    How do you deal with Illaoi?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    I've been playing League for around 2 years, and have flip flopped from role to role, but the past year I started to main top and now it's the role I play in ranked.

    I can never beat an illaoi, I have looked for counter matchup guides and everything but I cannot find a way to beat her in lane or in team fights.

    Usually I would ban a champion like this, but my ban has been reserved for Vayne, I haven't seen that champ in about 10 months because i find her way too annoying to deal with and she ruins the fun of laning.

    My champion pool consists of: Renekton, Garen, Darius, Fiora, Mordekaiser, Jax, Tryndamere, Nasus, and Irelia. I know it's not the biggest pool or best pool of champions but it's what I enjoy and can play well at my level, I am willing to learn other champions if they will help me out.

    submitted by /u/FatalChaos_
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    I started playing ADC today and it felt so bad :(

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, today I started playing ADC and I just feel like my macro and micro game is really bad. A little of context, I peaked in S8, I was a top main and in that season I get to D4, but because of school and lack of time it didn't last long. The thing is, this season I only played jungle, which is my second best role, because I feel so useless in the toplane right now. But today I got bored and decided to play adc in some normal games but, man I didn't like it.

    My CS is so bad, I can barely get 160 at 20. I had one game with Xayah and I ulted out of time every single time, and every game I was behind in farm I just afkfarmed ignoring all my team calls, I just can't help it. And my wave management is so out of shape.

    The thing is, I feel my mechanics are only going down, so is there a chance I can still be a good adc? What can I do? Because my reflexes are in a really bad state right now and that is really important in this role.

    submitted by /u/Alex_Jules
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    Advice on Qiyana, what to do when so many mid laners outclass her?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    So I love Qiyana, she's a fun champion, but she gets outclassed by so many other champs it's not funny. I can deal with Kass or Veigar but I legit dont know what to do besides that. I can't cs properly without taking poke from mages like Syndra, Ori, Xerath. Talon and Zed do her job better, dont get me started on Fizz. Should I just roam? Rush a tiamat and just farm? I always abuse bush when I'm against mages but that doesn't help a lot.

    submitted by /u/drpavel1
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    Is it okay to have less farm than opposing adc if I am helping with obj and winning games?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Hi. I am a gold 2 ADC main and one thing i realized is that in games I win where i am helping my team pressure and secure objs and have good KDs, I realized that I am usually down about 20-30 CS despite them dying way more times than I am. I'm just curious if this is a nornal thing to happen or is it something I can approve upon?

    submitted by /u/SamDescas
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    Check out this analysis channel for junglers, ν›ŒνŠœλΈŒ Hooltube, he does in depth analysis on meta and non meta jungle picks of Challenger Junglers.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Here's a link to the channel

    His original channel is in korean and has started a new channel translating his content to english. The english isn't perfect so excuse any grammatical errors.

    In his first translated video he goes over the basics of jungling and shows high elo examples of what junglers could be thinking and the pathing they can take depending on your teammates lane state. I guarantee laners/supports and junglers can learn something they haven't before from his videos.

    I can't think of many channels that put out really high quality and consistent videos like this and I highly recommend it. I don't know the person and I am promoting his channel because I always end up learning something from his korean videos and now since it's in english, more people can understand his videos.

    submitted by /u/Yani16AR
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    51/0/0 in Intro Bots but I get killed to death in Beginner Bots :(

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    My last Intro Bots was my best line ever at 51/0/0. On Lucian solo top with BotRK + Hextech Revolver + Lord Dominik's Regards I was getting pentakill after pentakill from the top Inhibitor Turret onward to Victory.

    So of course I try Beginner Bots and get my butt handed to me. It's hard to hope I can ever play League if it keeps going like this. Anyone have some helpful tips?

    submitted by /u/bumm-bumm
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    How to learn with 150+ ping (EUW)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Usually I have really bad fluctuating ping 150-300 (at late night its usually 127 constant) and ive tried everything including lan and exitlag. Its just a geographical problem (im too far from EUW).

    Recently I saw the challenger velkoz player Azzap reach challenger again but on 130 ping and I was shook. However my friends told me that it was because he had his basics and fundamentals down on around 40 ping. And his years of expereince, plus the champ needing you to predict skillshots anyway helped him a lot.

    Im level 55 and have been playing a lot of yasuo and sylas. Silver 1 currently and I feel like i cant improve mechanically. Yes I have tons to improve macro-wise and I know for a fact that better decisions in those areas could help me win outright but with the fluctuating ping I just feel like im held back... is this really the case or am I just making excuses?

    submitted by /u/United_Cows
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    How to play Ekko when all your team is losing

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Hello, I play in low elo (silver) and I know how to give my team a big lead with map control and control of mid lane (although a lot of times your jungle doesn't know how to use it), but what you do when all your lanes and jungle are losing? At that point it's like all the good things from Ekko are useless and pointless. You can't flank, help lanes, push waves to roam... because they always have better numbers for any fight or objective control.

    Also, if all enemy team is fed and have map control... you can't do anything. You can't flank, you can't roam, you can't kill anyone... :-/ A lot of guides show you how to play Ekko when games are balanced but they never say what to do when your team is losing the game xD

    submitted by /u/Lucer77
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    How can i deal with laner moving haphazardly as a jungler

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    Ive been looking back at games where Ive lost mostly because of lost tempo ( i most play shaco so this is pretty important to me) because my laners do something unexpected. Not to say its my laners fault or anything but Ive noticed im generally very poor at reacting to the things they do when its not what would general expect them to do when i make my game plan. Is there any way to get better at this or is adjusting something that u get better at overtime.

    submitted by /u/Only-and-One-The
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    How to deal with freeze?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm currently in higher gold elo, (Gold 1-2), and I am struggling a lot whenever I am losing lane or against a tough matchup and the enemy freezes lane against me. This hurts especially hard as I mainly play melee champs like irelia and katarina, and I feel like I can almost never climb back into the game when my opponents do this. How should I deal with this?

    submitted by /u/Legendsoffall
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    Can someone please explain armour, how it works and how to counter it? (ADC)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    Just to preface this, I know what armour is and I know that it's a simple case of having armour = % physical damage reduction

    When you're against something like a maokai support who has 50 armour within the first 10 minutes of the game, do you just rush something like last whisper - is that worthwhile?

    And if not, how do you counter a maokai like that? PTA and cut down are obvious choices, but what else?

    And something else I don't understand:

    I placed a dummy with 100 armour

    If I buy black cleaver (+40 AD and 24% armour reduction) AND LDR, I do :

    91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, and then eventually 100 damage on the fully stacked hit


    If I buy BF sword (+40 AD again, no armour penetration) AND LDR - I do 100 damage straight away?

    How does that work?

    How does me buying an item with the same AD value AND armour penetration against an armoured target make me do less damage than just an item with only the AD stat?


    I made a video for the BC/LDR and LDR/BF interactions


    It seems like BC and LDR together have LESS armour penetration?

    submitted by /u/KaffY-
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    Can I get some help with playing mages in mid?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I am a silver 2/3 player who mains midlane and likes to play mages. Specifically I like to play ryze, tf, Malzahar and galio. I'm coming to you all in a state of desperation. I feel powerless in a vast majority of my games. I feel like no matter how well I do or how much I try to rotate to spread a lead i have i ultimately leads to nothing. Just prolonging a losing battle. Its incredibly frustrating for me. I know that I shouldn't blame my teammates and I know I contribute as much to a loss as they do most of the time... but after 5 loses in a row being the ace on the team it starts to get to me. I find myself blaming them when I should be focusing on me and it becomes a negative feedback loop of sorts

    As I'm sure you could gather from my champ pool, I like to play a push and roam playstyle in most of my games. I usually am a passive laner. I will not usually look for trades unless the enemy slips up and doesn't tether properly or gets greedy. Only in rare circumstances will i ever initiate a fight on "even ground" and its usually only after I've secured a lead in some way or another.

    I know thats not ideal, and It highlights one of my problems. I find it hard to take favorable trades (most specifically on TF, less so on galio and malz)

    Anyways. I just would like some help with the mental and macro elements that some of you have implemented in your midlane games that helped you to carry on mages. And even if you don't play mid or have never touched a mage in your life, id like to hear how you help you get yourself in a good mental state to carry and not tilt at others.

    If you need/want more info to help me out id me more than happy to oblige

    Thanks for reading. I hope to hear what you have to say and I hope your climb goes well.

    submitted by /u/Zesty_Italiano
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    CS Dropping Significantly after 20 mins (S3)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Hey guys. I've been really practicing and climbing as well as improving in a lot of areas. I'm a mid main. One area I am still constantly struggling with is CS mid-late game. For some reason, after 20 mins my CS rate drops SIGNIFICANTLY. I guess I'm roaming with the team too much? Does anyone have any tips for remedying this?

    submitted by /u/TCB13
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    Ignoring camps to assist laners?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I'm pretty good at jungle, good obj control and high vision scores etc but one thing I struggle with is scenarios like this: im in the middle of taking gromp, then my top and enemy top break out into a fight, it's an even fight and either one could win, do I immediately stop farming and rotate to assist my laner or do I take gromp( or any other camp for that matter) then rotate straight after? I always hesitate because what if I dont get there in time and I end up wasting 15 seconds running up or something else like that, is it always better to show for assistance or prioritize your own gain when it's not clear if it's a good gank or not

    submitted by /u/rsjss65
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    Team comp for clash

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    Hello guys, any advice for some good comps? I Also thought of these based on the champ We play. 1) Maokai-Sejuani-Neeko-Miss fortune-Nautilus 2)Ornn-Nocturne-Ziggs-Cait-Morgana 3)Maplhite-J4-Galio-Mf-Brand 4)mordekaiser-Reksai-Malz-Varus-Tahm 5)poppy-Zac-Cassio-vayne-taric(?) 6)sett-Reksai-anivia-Senna-tahm 7)Jayce-Shyvana-Zoe-Varus-Morgana 8)Urgot-Fiddle-Neeko-Varus-taric What do u think? Can u help me with order comps?

    submitted by /u/UkiM15
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    Worth it to play scaling champs in high elo?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    Pretty much the title. I'm D4 and mostly play top lane, and really like a lot of scaling champs

    As I get higher in elo though it feels like every lead snowballs way harder and when I play scaling champs it feels like I've handed the enemy team an advantage they can possibly capitalize on and your team a disadvantage because you'll likely be unable to contest early objectives and you're gambling on your team playing around that. Should I just give up the scaling lifestyle?

    submitted by /u/redwall55
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