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    LoL Guide Jungle 101 - Reading Lanes

    LoL Guide Jungle 101 - Reading Lanes

    Jungle 101 - Reading Lanes

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    As a jungle coach, I've seen lots of low-elo players with almost no ability to read lanes. Frequently you'll gank a lane, your laner won't follow up, and you lose the 1v1 to the enemy laner. Is it your teammate's fault they didn't follow? Or is it your fault for misreading the lane state? I'd like to help jungle mains understand this concept better so they can make sense of the cause and effect of ganking different lane states. I created a full video explaining lane state in depth.

    1. Identify where the wave is pushing towards and how fast. Factors that impact this:
    • Minion Count
      • If one side has 3 or more minions than the other, it will push AWAY from that side. More minions = more damage, more damage = enemy minions die faster, meaning the wave pushes.
    • Reinforcements
      • Whichever tower the waves meet closer to will receive reinforcements faster. Reinforcements arriving 2-3 seconds sooner means they will start DPS earlier and kill enemy minions sooner. So if minion count is equal, the wave will push away from the tower it's closer to.
    • Champion Interaction With Wave
      • Watch for champions manipulating the wave. If your ally is just last hitting, and the enemy is using spells on minions, the wave will push towards your ally.
    1. Pros/Cons of ganking during different lane states
    • Wave is pushing towards your laner
      • Pros: If your team gets the kill your laner will likely have the option to freeze (if it doesn't crash), the enemy will likely already be over extended because they have to walk up to CS.
      • Cons: You will have to tank a larger minion wave which is a lot of damage in the early game, even if the gank is successful your teammate may lose large amounts of gold and exp to tower if it crashes(really bad if you don't get the kill)
    • Wave is pushing away from your laner
      • Pros: If successful the enemy will miss a large amount of gold and XP from the wave crashing, the next wave will push towards your teammate which forces the enemy to extend forward again.
      • Cons: Enemy will be in a relatively safe position under their turret and you may have to commit to a high risk dive, if you're unsuccessful the enemy will have the option to freeze in front of their turret and deny your teammate significant gold/XP.
    1. Freezing
    • There are several videos out there that explain freezing better than I can, but the jungler has to recognize when their teammate or the enemy has the option to freeze.
    • After a gank, see if either side has the option to freeze (Has a 3 or more minion difference).
    • If your teammate has the option to freeze, don't touch the wave
    • If the enemy has the option to freeze, take that away by crashing it into their turret as quickly as possible.

    I hope this helps all the junglers understand the pros/cons of ganking lanes in different situations. Remember that it's your responsibility to understand the limitations of your teammates before committing to a play. Feel free to add any other input or ask questions in the comments!

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Good CS isn't just about last hitting

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm a mid diamond (d2/d3) mid main (IGN: PAO THE GR8 1) that has seen a good number of posts about how to achieve better, more consistent cs numbers. Of course last hitting minions is a fundamental skill that's important to master to improve and ensure you're getting a healthy amount of gold each game, but it is certainly not the only thing that factors into how much cs you get every game.

    Macro decisions and lane/wave management are extremely important in keeping up good cs numbers and not falling substantially behind in gold/xp. A couple common examples I see that create low cs numbers are 1. poor wave management early game (not pushing out a minion wave before basing, or roaming when a full wave+ of minions is about to hit your tower) and 2. multiple people farming one wave mid game while a side lane goes unfarmed. I could probably write an entire book regarding this topic that covers things like freezes, slow pushes, pulling waves, etc. But keep in mind that if you ever find yourself down 50-100cs, it is almost always not just because your opponent is better than you at last hitting.

    There are often circumstances that will prevent you from perfectly setting up minion waves, with a top reason in my mind being that sometimes it isn't safe to push out a minion wave or farm a side lane. Knowing how to manage waves early game and knowing when to safely farm side lanes mid/late game is something that takes a lot of practice and experience, and in my opinion are crucial skills that are tough to master. However, if you can limit the number of times you find yourself and your team missing out on large minion waves (or to take it a step further, find more opportunities to have your opponent be the one missing those waves, like pressuring dragon when you see multiple waves crashing into their top turret), you will be in more advantageous positions that lead to winning more games.

    Having played this game as much as I have for as long as I have, I'm hoping to start posting more with topics like these to help others improve. I know this post doesn't go into much detail, but please let me know if it's helpful!

    submitted by /u/hoppapao
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    Make sure you are mentally prepared for a game of LoL.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    League of Legends is a game that's notorious for its toxic community, so I'm here to tell you about few things you can do to make sure you're not the toxic player of your team!

    While this might not be a post about learning to play a champion, learning about certain mechanical aspects, it is a post designed to help people to get out of a toxic mindset.

    • Before you start a game of LoL, start with a bot game. It's a nice warm up and you'll feel more ready after bashing around bots.

    • Did you have a bad day? It doesn't matter what happened, if you are in a foul mood you should do something relaxing before a game of LoL. Being locked in a toxic 40 minute game will make sure you just get worse.

    • Don't start a game of LoL with negative mindset as doing that will make sure you do not give your everything in the game.

    • Are you experiencing a seemingly endless losing streak? Take a break, do something else that's fun for you! Or if you want to stick with LoL, switch to bots.

    • Did you not get the role you wanted? Negotiate instead of going into 'X or Feed' mode. Being polite and civil will aid you in getting a role. If you do not feel confident in your role, you might as well dodge as it's better to take the 5 minute penalty/loss of lp than to sit through a 40 minute game where you keep saying 'I told you so' as your teammates keep bashing you.

    • Focus on the positive instead of negative. Did your 0/10 player get a kill? Tell them that they did a good job! In the occasional game I do this, it sometimes prevents someone from going AFK/feed mode.

    • Don't act like you're the MVP of every game. While you might have a positive winrate and while you might be doing good, the "I carry this game" mentality will plunge you into a toxic mindset. If you are losing, keep calm and instead of harassing your teammates, stay in a positive mindset.

    • If someone picked something wacky to a role, see how they'll do instead of judging them at the game lobby. You can also try and take a peek of their winrate. If it's neutral/positive then it's nothing to be concerned about, but if this person has a very small winrate with their pick, you can always ask them politely to switch. You can also dodge.

    • Do your best, even if you are losing. That way losing won't feel as horrible as it normally does, because you gave it your best shot and that's the only thing anyone can ask for.

    • Take breathers in between games. Going into another LoL game after the previous one just ensures you'll be more or less handicapped. Each game is exhausting and going into another game, especially after a loss just makes you even more exhausted and more likely to tilt.

    • Be respectful to both your teammates and to your opponents. Trashtalking and losing after trash talk will just make you tilt and rage harder. The key is to have fun!
    submitted by /u/RedditUser000aaa
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    Question about ashe adc?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Is Ashe bad in low elo (silver2)? I am a ashe one trick adc and have over 1500 takedowns on her, however when I hover ashe in champion select my teammates sometimes want me to change because of her weak damage or when I make a mistake in game. I personally enjoy her kit because you can catch anyone off guard or initiate the team fight with arrow and make something happen as adc or slow the running enemy with autos to death. If she is that bad what champion has a similar playstyle as adc? https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=JustChilling1

    submitted by /u/OzieteRed
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    I dont understand the yi taric funnel. Why Taric?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    When I hear people talk about the yi taric funnel they say most often to ban taric, because the funnel can be done without yi but not without taric. What makes taric so ideal? Why not zilean, he can stun, ult, lvl up the yi and give ms. Why not lulu for similar reasons? they both seem like at least A tier funnels if taric is a S tier. I have never done it though so i dont really understand it all.

    submitted by /u/zaloog29
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    need help against Malphite!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Hello can someone please explain the top lane Malphite matchup to me . I mainly play Jax and it seems like there's no way to win the matchup. If I play passively he just Q's me to death and regens his shield and if I play aggro he seems to just outdamage me. How can I win trades against him?

    submitted by /u/Gxb2162
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    Wave management for dummies?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    I'm a bronze/low silver player, and want to learn how to manage minion waves in top/mid. I see terms such as fast pushing, slow pushing and freezing thrown around all the time, but I don't understand how to force these things to happen. Any guides I see seem to target more complicated mechanics. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Tclarkeboi
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    Is taking an inhib early a thing you should avoid?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:52 PM PDT

    On one of tyler1's games (about 2 months ago, he was playing draven vs kalista top) his team could've pushed to take the inhib but caitlyn said "early inhib kinda bad" but T1 pointed out it's minute 24. I don't really get why nor when it's preferable to not take the inhib Thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/Guenox
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    What can I do as a primarily top laner to help my team?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    I'm going to use my latest game as an example. I was playing Gnar into a Garen, pretty balanced matchup, we both had similar CS, and although I was able to trade blows harder, neither was really winning for an overwhelming majority of the laning phase. All the while, I would hear my team dying to either the mid laner or the jungler, while I remained 0/0/0 for a while.

    Please bear in mind I'm not trying to take a moral high ground and claim "oh my team sucks, I'm actually a challenger but stuck cause of my team". I also recognize that I have flaws and am not particularly good at macro.

    With that all in mind, what should I look to do as a top laner when I find a lane is struggling? What should I keep watch for, and to add onto that, when should I be rotating for objectives? In most cases, the enemy laner remains on top with me, so should I just ignore them and go for the objective, risking my laner getting plates or more cs?

    submitted by /u/Kontorted
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    F Keys

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Is there way to automatically come back with camera to myself, after using f keys? Let's say I want to hold F1 to see top, and when I release it I'll go back to my character. Now I am pressing F1 to see top, and then I have to press space to come back to me

    submitted by /u/grizzly_j0e
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    Crucial advice for low-elo laners.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Im a jungle main. I have some advice for low-elo players i felt necessary to hear to perhaps learn how to secure a more winning laning phase as i see the wrong teamwork far too often.

    One thing i see happen all the time, and can usually be the difference in games being a win or a loss, is early game jungling and how your laners can completely destroy the ganking game for your jger rendering yourself and your jger to be ineffective or completely redundant.
    Champs that scale to late are somewhat excluded from this as they're more a farming champion and need a bit of time to get there arsenal online such as zac.

    But for 80% of my games I'm seeing champs that somewhat rely on early ganks to help set themselves and there laners up to win lane phase to move into a winning mid-late team, such as a rek-sai, elise, olaf, nocturne etc.

    Laners cannot spam ping assist on there lane and expect there jungle to magically secure a kill on a utility/cc or mobile champ who is halfway out from there turret. Laners will need to do there part to ensure the jger has the best chance at getting the right angle and timing. Ive been in too many games where all lanes are pushed with no threat of securing any kind of kill or gettimg off any decent trades and they themselves get ganked easily or there stuck in a limbo of bad wave control and no cs income.

    • If your bot or top lane, and you know your side of the jg is where your jger plans to farm from or he pings his way down, dont just keep pushing your wave. Ease your wave off, let them push in, the lane needs to be somewhat pushed in for the jungle to secure a kill early game. Its not as simple as them just appearing behind the enemy, they themselves need to be dodging certain champs skill shots, getting ahead of attempted mobility escapes, or evading cc. You may lose 5 minions doing this but the enemy laner is goimg to be losing cs and experience by a longer margin than your 5 minions.

    • Dont make it obvious that your jungle is clearly waiting in that nearby bush that the enemy hasnt yet warded. Dont start aggressively trading as if youve got backup just around the corner cause thats most likely exactly what there thinking and will immediately spook, back to turret until they can get a ward or vision for the all clear.

    • When your jg has pinged hes coming to your lane, dont start moving on the enemies until your jg has either pinged in, or has started making his move in. Numerous times on zac or sej, ive been setup in a visionless bush waiting the extra 4 seconds till my Q or E is coming off cd to use as the initiation for cc chain, only to have the enemies already diving underneath safety of there own turret.

    • Probably the biggest point ill make, if your jg is in river coming up/down for a gank, and your laner leaves towards your jg to go roam, dont just expect your jg is all good. Go and assist him unless hes specifically pinging to back out. Just because its no longer in lane that you cant just as easily secure a kill down river. I know a lot of people will sigh over this one in particular, point out the bleeding obvious, but when I'm jging, 80% of the time that this happens (surprisingly more common than you'd first guess), rather than a free kill/assist, my laner has decided this is the perfect time to freeze lane farm and I'm on my heels running to get out alive. Always be aware of your opposite in lane, is he going topside or bot side. Games ive been in have been won and lost from this simple play repeatedly happening consistently throughout.

    • The second biggest point ill make and the last. This is a very situational option. When your turret is being attacked early game as your coming back to lane, i 110% garuntee that your jger is aware of this. Your jg should be aware of these things. Please please please dont just sprint willy nilly down to protect your turret and scare off the laner before they recall. USE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE THE KILL. If your jg is aware and is ON THE WAY, be patient!! Stay out of vision until you and your jg (down or up river) can start moving in on them like a pincir attack. They may secure 1 extra plate, but you will secure the kill, put them back further on exp, and most likely trade off that plate for one of your own. dont throw away a perfect gank opportunity for the sake of protecting your turret from 3 extra auto attacks Again this is very situational, if your turrets almost going down, dont wait, get the hell in there. If there enemy jger has helped to start take the turret down, dont wait, push them off. The idea is to recognize the trade off. Chances are its going to be tenfold beneficial to just be patient.

    These are some of the things I'm recognizing way too regularly in games when I'm jging, and felt this advice could be beneficial. I really do hope this helps someone out there stuck in elo hell.

    submitted by /u/BlackClover47
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    Be careful when looking at builds on data sites as sometimes this information can be misleading for new players.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Data sites like these are good for looking up data and it is valuable, but when learning a new champ it's good to also look at guides and not just the raw data. Let's take a champion like Varus as a prime example; Varus can be played 4 ways, on-hit, lethality, crit, or AP.

    However, data sites right now will give you the build for Lethality Varus as that's considered his optimal build atm. Data is centered around high elo (plat+) because it's more reliable as lower elo play is more of a coin toss. This is important because with a situational champ like varus the data won't reflect a good build path for various situation, let me explain further.

    If you load into a game with an enemy Poppy, Volibear, Fizz, Kalista, and Malphite this data is problematic. The people this data is grabbed from may not even play Varus in this situation, and if they did more than likely they have a support who will play a high synergy champ that makes it ok, you on the other hand probably will not have this. Secondly, Lethality in lane might be okay, but is probably the worst build for Varus here. You could go Hybrid/Full AP to make it hard for tanks to itemize, or you might go for on-hit as well. If you play lethality with comet primary you're probably gonna have a really bad time.

    Data is important, and wonderful to have, but just make sure you know how to contextualise it before you load up onto the rift! GLHF!

    submitted by /u/_tyrannosauruswrekt_
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    Trouble extending lead as a support.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    I recently just played a bard game at silver elo and we won most lanes really hard. Once the late game came we ended up losing the game mainly because of an extremely powerful garen. He lost his lane but still carried. We also had 4 of 5 dragons. How do I close out games earlier without just farming objectives, and how do I further extend my lead without falling behind.

    submitted by /u/Ku3o_
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    Jungle farming help

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Question how do high elo jungler keep up high farm and kp at the same time?

    My Situation: prioritise map pressure and objectives over farming.

    I hit diamond and want to keep on improving but 1 issue in my gameplay is low farm which means im losing out on xp and gold. I find it hard to farm when i see a gank opportunity or a counter gank opportunity, when i see a skirmish i alway come and help out, if i see the opponents tower being low i go that lane to help get the tower, focusing ojectives etc.

    By me doing all this how can improve on my farm becuase the way i see it, if i farm on the way to the play i might miss it or be too late so i go straight away. Ill give you an example of what i mean,I had a game where i was camping bot lane as trundle and got my ad 4 kills then reset with the bot lane. I told them i was going to come again to dive and get the turret but before i was going to do that i went to my top side to farm my camps because my bot lane camps were about to repawn and i was going to get them on the way to botlane, but as i was making my way there my botlane died and then the game snowballed into us losing the game. I feel like i need to babysit my lanes and in doing so have no time to farm.

    submitted by /u/Shakir11
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    Countering Juggernauts

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Hello fellow players, I hope you are still healthy in these times. I am an OTP Fiora in low elo. I have problems with Juggernauts, such as Garen, Sett, Urgot and sometimes Nasus. I want to buy a new champion, which is good against this kind of champions. Are there things how I can easily counter them? For example, choose a Juggernaut yourself or go for a ranged like Quinn or Vayne ... I want to avoid teemo ... Any tips are welcome, and advice for champions. Tahm and Rumble are nice to me, but don't think they are good against Juggernauts ...

    submitted by /u/Colpaertt
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    Can someone explain Oracle Lens ward disabling please?

    Posted: 03 Jun 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    I feel like this isn't explained very well in-game or on any wikis. If I'm sweeping and I run over a ward, am visible to the enemy team at all? Or is it only when I start attacking the ward? And how long before that ward is working properly again after the sweeping ends, if I choose not to clear the ward?

    submitted by /u/CrymsonChaos
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    Needing Help With Consistency

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    My reasoning for asking: I was looking at the stats tab on the league client (most people probably don't even remember it being in the game) out of curiosity. I decided that for my main champion, Jax, I would compare my stats given by Riot to those listed for the average Challenger Jax player. According to the stats, I was the same or better than challenger Jaxs across everything aside from KP and vision score. Obviously, there are an infinite amount of factors that can and do influence the ability to increase or decrease stats from game time, matchups that are/aren't more common in higher elos, and skill of enemies, that determines the "success" of a player in a statistical sense like this.
    My stats, while on average are really good, don't seem to stand up if I look at smaller sample sizes, having one really good match and one not so good. This brings me to my question. Consistency seems to be my actual error in terms of the "statistical success" of my gameplay as a Jax player.

    Obviously, I know there is no "These 5 easy steps made this man the most consistent man in the world, ranked players hate him!" kinda of list for tips/tricks to help someone become more consistent with their gameplay, though any tricks that anyone may have would be super appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DarDarThePenguin
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    I always see people in this sub saying certain types of armor or offensive items doesn’t stack, can someone explain what this means exactly?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    If I buy one piece of armor for +400HP And another piece of armor for +200hp doesn't this mean my total HP is +600? Or am I totally wrong here? I was under the assumption that all statistics in this game were additive with each other. If this is not the case can someone summarize any important information I need to know here?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Understanding and playing other lanes.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I usually play bot lane. I want to learn more roles so I can get better understanding and play on other lanes. I am currently in gold 3 EUNE.

    also I don't really know what to do after laning phase or taking a tower in the bot lane. I get it that supports roam but what do I do on an adc?

    What champions do you suggest I should try?

    p.s If you get this reference nice: U N D E R S T A N D I N G B O T L A N E.

    submitted by /u/RegularTag
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    Top Lane + Wave Fundamentals

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Basically I'm looking for SPECIFIC videos/guides that help teach me the macro skills required to improve.

    I've built up a decent champion pool and my micro is decent to reach diamond, but now I want to improve my macro to make the push to the top.

    Any resources/tips will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/RajLyfe
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    How to carry late game?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    As a newer player, I like playing adc. There are 3 types of late game scenarios I come across that always seem like a 50/50, and I have no idea how to carry or impact those cases. Note: this is very late game, so usually 3 or 4 dragons for each side, elder spawning soon, second baron, etc.

    First, I'm playing a scaling glass cannon champ like jinx or mf. I take objectives fast and clear enemy waves very well, but it's hard for me to split push or make a move because I'm too squishy.

    Second scenario with same champions, but my team is winning. The thing is, similar to the first case, it is hard to push because of the enemy team's defense and objective taking power.

    Third, I am playing a utility champ like varus or ashe. This usually ends up pretty even, and the only thing that seems to work is hoping to get an ace then winning due to long respawning timers. We don't have as much dps due to the adc (me), but the utility let's us catch single targets out. Because of this, we can't hard push, but we can't just retreat altogether.

    If anyone could offer some advice as to how I can win these types of matches, I would really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/BigDefaultyBoi
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    How to communicate with toxic pre-mades (or players in general)?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Might sound weird but the toxic pre-mades are my toxic pre-mades from discord. I really don't want to sound arrogant but I am much better than them in terms of kda and play style. It's really weird since I'm sure one of them has played longer than me and both play regularly while I often take long breaks. But I do know a major factor is their attitude. They are the "die to a gank and blame the jungler for it" type of people. Aka toxic.

    I don't know how to tell them, I've been the shy and silent type that just clicks on the game invite button without hesitating. I believe the only reason they invite me is because they feel bad or want a high level player on their team. I don't care about carrying, so I try to play support whenever I can to make them shine in the spotlight, but it's really hard to do so if they just type in chat and ping all day. Luckily most games are not like this, and we have a lot of fun together. Right now I'm just looking for a way to tell them to learn from mistakes without sounding superior or something, that never works. People would just flame and afk. Is there any way to tell them what to do without triggering their troll switch, or do I just have to play nice and quiet and hope we can still win?

    submitted by /u/Haund150
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    why is baron buff so important in pro play and how is it used effectively ?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    hey everyone , i'n asking why is baron buff such a big deal in pro play its almost considered a gg when a team gets it and they're usually able to win a TF and close the game with it. whereas in solo Q its usually highly contested but i feel like teams don't get much out of it maybe a tower or two.


    submitted by /u/exiledguamila
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    As jungle, do i gank my strongest teammates, or weakest?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    I like to look at my teams winrates on their champions before the game starts, as well as the enemies. If we have a top laner who isnt the best and dies early etc. should i try to help them get their lane on track, or should i focus my laners who are already ahead to snowball their lead?

    submitted by /u/KillerStrafe
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