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    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    LoL Guide League of Legends champions should be treated like Pokemon.

    LoL Guide League of Legends champions should be treated like Pokemon.

    League of Legends champions should be treated like Pokemon.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    People like to cry and complain that _______ is OP, ______ has no counter as if each and every champion should be even to each other. But the game is built more like Pokemon characters. If you pick Squirtle into Pikachu, you're going to lose. That doesn't mean Pikachu is stupid or OP, it's because Pikachu, the electric type, wins against water types like Squirtle. If you want to beat Pikachu, play a ground type, or learn moves on Squirtle that can fight Electric types.

    No champion is counter less, all of them lose to someone. But OTP's and Mains have learned to fight their counters. I play 3 very strong dueling champions, Jax, Fiora and Tryndamere... Everyday someone claims one of them are OP because they picked a champion into them that isn't strong against them. They're picking Squirtles into my Pikachus. When they can pick a ground type like Vayne or Malphite or they can play around the weakness like team fighting instead of 1 v 1ing.

    Another thing to consider is that people have hours and hours on certain champions. A Fiora OTP is going to beat you if you have only been playing your champ a few months.

    Now are certain champions/pokemon annoying as hell and unfun? Yes. But that doesn't mean they're OP.

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    (Low Elo) How to deal with enemy support walking over the minion wave and bullying my adc off minions?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    Usually, it's some tanky engage support, but sometimes a brand/zyra...etc. does it too.

    I see how playing a tank support could counter that well but I'm not really a big fan of them. For reference, I play lux, zyra, senna, lulu, janna, soraka... and probably understand nothing about lane matchups.

    If I had to analyse my problem it's:

    1. Adc's not helping punish supports like these proactively. They get scared by the engage pressure and literally back off to turret. For example, I played electrocute zyra with mf against alistar twitch. Alistar kept overextending and scaring mf off cs. I responded by e q auto with electrocute proc but that doesn't really take 1/3 of lvl 3 ali's health. If mf auto q auto'd or better all-inned, I would see it working, but she uses the opportunity to take that melee minion and ali proceeds to w q her with good adc follow up and good game.

    2. Brand. Neither I nor my adc's seem to have the slightest idea of how to deal with him, and once he gets that, he walks over the minion wave and if we try to engage, he just combo stuns one of us with full stacks and bot open.

    3. Adc's not knowing how to freeze (never met one tbh. If they can moderately cs under turret, I'm more than happy) or dodge (I sometimes suffer from the latter and can see how it's harder for someone who has to cs as well).

    I appreciate any tips and don't think I'm a pro in elo hell or anything so feel free to tell me what I could be doing wrong. As I said, when playing supports that have damage like lux, senna, and zyra, my solution is to punish and my problem is that adcs don't follow up and when having blind picked lulu/janna, Idk what to do at all and lane is doomed either way.

    Tl;dr: alistar pushed me off the playground and mama jg doesn't listen. How can I get back to lane.

    submitted by /u/Mo_ody
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    Does tenacity stack?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm a beginner at League and I have a question that's been on my mind lately, and I would like to know the answer to my question.

    Does tenacity stack?

    For example, if I take Legends: Tenacity and stack it fully (10 stacks = 30%), take Unflinching and use both of my summoner spells (20% tenacity), and took Mercury Boots (Reduces stuns and stuff by 30%), would that bring me to 80% tenacity?

    submitted by /u/Nuub_Potato
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    [Rank 10 EUW] Patch 10.11 Best Botlane picks and duo's by CookieLoLxx

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Hey there everyone! I'd like to share with you guys my new botlane infographic that consists of all the best ADC/SUPPORT blind picks as well as the best duo lane synergies in the current meta. I'll be around for a while answering any questions you might have as well, have a nice day!


    submitted by /u/peaceofthecookie
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    Instead of blaming others, try to figure out what you did wrong and work on that

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Hello summoners

    English isn't my first language so please bear with me and try understand my points.

    I'm relatively new to this sub but there's one thing I wanna say that helped personally to hit P4 from S1 last season.

    I joined League in season 6 when my close friend introduce me to the game and we finished that season in G5 and I was more than happy to be able to do that. Anyways lately we've encountered so many trollers in solo queue and everyone is saying that especially this season. At one point we were discussing that how can we win even if we had them on our team and how can improve our game together so we can stomp and help other lanes as well.

    While it's ok to acknowledge that you're losing other lanes because other players are trolling you, I'd highly recommend a few things things that helped me a lot to improve my game that may help you if you're Gold or below:

    First of all, if you're following the competitive scene and listening to many LoL podcasts I think you have a basic game knowledge to know when you messed up so after every game that you lost your lane so hard or you won your lane and you couldn't transfer that win to other lanes. So go and watch your games and try to identify your mistakes and think how you can avoid doing that mistake again.

    Watch so many guiding videos on YouTube (I can recommend some channels if it's allowed). That helped me the most giving me guides and tips regarding wave management, warding, itemization and so other things that will help you.

    Choose your champions pool wisely. as a top laner, I'm a Garen OTP. Garen is an extremely easy champ to play and very broken at this moment so if you can find you a champ that you can play and understand really well then you'll be good. And even in games, try to pick your comfort champs more than countering your enemy.

    These things helped to hit P4 and I'm proud of that while my friend who kept blaming the junglers who never ganked him and the other laner who never SSed, as well as the trollers and the afks is still in G4.

    I hope someone can benefit from this.


    submitted by /u/W4luiz2
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    Im trying to understand more of what stat counters what stat or what to build against what and vice versa.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Can someone give like a rundown or a list of what is a certain stat used for. So for example is lethality used to counter health or armor? Is armor pen just for champs that have armor or also health? Is Crit used against armor or health? How do u build against a champ what has crit or lethality? is Tenacity just for CC, can true damage be countered by anything? Does regular attack damage effect against health champs? Or armor champs? and what about ability power and magic resist? Etc etc.

    submitted by /u/OscarMayersDick
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    Can anyone teach me how to earn more income as a Support in this season?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm in Platinum and I main Support.

    But in this season, I have noticed my "Income" in the personal statistics is very subpar. Though my Combat and Warding are very good.

    But that's not my goal however. I notice I am always falling behind on the enemy support's items, even if I am using a "counter support."

    Do I just try to roam? Do I just try to proc my Support Item's passive a lot?

    If it helps, I currently main Janna, Nami and Leona.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/raystt
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    How do you find your main?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    So I've tried a bit of every role (without actually getting good at any) with anything between 2 adnd 4 champ for that one role. Now I know that most players after a while begin to main a champion and play mostly that. But how do you find that? I've tired less than a third of the total I belive.

    Yes the role can help but I like 3/5 roles (mid and jungle being my least favourites) but that's still a whole lot of champions.

    submitted by /u/Tharati
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    Situational Items Guide

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    Hi guys, can someone help me find an items guide for different situations? I mean a guide with detailed information for:

    What items should I buy against:

    • AP champions
    • AD champions
    • Lethality champions
    • Specific champs or skills champ (e.g. I just read that Adaptive Helm + Tabi is good against Teemo and Corki)
    • Others / Etc.

    Or when should I buy (these are just examples):

    • Thornmail
    • Mercurial Scimitar
    • Dominiks/Mortal Reminder
    • Malmortius
    • Others

    I've been looking in summonerschool reddit but didn't find any detailed guide, only some comments with recomendations.


    submitted by /u/SebbaNxx
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    What are the fundamentals?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    So, whenever I'm on here and I'm looking through posts and threads about what a silver/bronze elo player should learn or do more I always see "learn the fundamentals". Well other than warding, taking and focusing more on objectives, csing, and dying less, what are the other fundamentals that players like me should learn? Are there different fundamentals for each lane (i.e mid laners should roam more often, supports should always have a ward on them)?

    submitted by /u/jaidenonreddit
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    Who to use as a completely new jungler?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:42 PM PDT

    I want to play the jungle role, I usually play top/support. I currently own Warwick, Evelynn, Graves, Lee, Yi, Sett, Vi Voli, and Xin Zhao and also Dr.Mundo. I know Warwick is a good pick for beginners but I see him banned somewhat frequently. What other champions would be good for learning the role?

    submitted by /u/Magic-Man2
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    I have questions about roaming and cs

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    1. If My enemy roams, should I follow him or should I continue csing.

    2. If I should continue csing, how do I control my wave? Freeze slow push or fast push?

    3. Does it matter if I have lower cs then my enemy but more kills than him?

    4. And lastly, when should I roam myself? I always try and get information about this in YouTube, but the people I watch always answer in a terrible way that gives me no knowledge on roaming whatsoever. Please help me understand these concepts

    submitted by /u/alive_user_of_reddit
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    If you are losing lane, when do you start building defensive items?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Sorry if the title is weird, but basically I mean: when should you start differing from your champ's core items to deal with your bad lane?

    For example: panth top core items are ghostblade and black cleaver. If you are losing lane to some ap champ, would you start building MR items before or after your core?

    submitted by /u/DigDigBicko
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    Why did Clutch Gaming base race Fnatic with only one Nexus turret remaining?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:42 AM PDT


    Can someone help me analyse my question, based on a pro team's decision making. Why did Clutch Gaming base race Fnatic with only one Nexus turret remaining? Here is the video (https://youtu.be/7VgbGiNYaC4?t=3432). I am not a pro-player but I could have played much better than them there in terms of decision making. 2 < 5. Why would you base rase them, (mind you Fnatic had an inhibitor and BOTH nexus turrets) whilst Clutch had their mid inhibitor destroyed and only ONE nexus turret. Why did Clutch do this? Mind you this was an elimination game, By losing this Clutch went to 0 - 4 and were eliminated from worlds.

    submitted by /u/Mindless_Connection
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    How does armor penetration, lethality, and magic penetration work?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    So from what I've been told all three work completely differently to serve each of their respective functions, so how do they work?

    How is each respective reduction calculated?

    What function does each one serve?

    Also, why isn't there a lethality version of magic penetration?

    submitted by /u/JLWtheOtaku
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    How long does it take to conform to a playstyle?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Hello! I am a pretty low elo player wondering how long does it take to change or learn a new playstyle, specifically in jungle.

    I used to main sylas then moved to Karthus after sylas rework, and after getting bored with karthus, I decided I would learn kha'zix. Currently have him sitting at 25k mastery which makes him my 4th most played champion.

    A problem I'm having is that I play too passively, way way way too passively, to the point where I will run from any fight that isn't a 2v1.

    This is kinda upsetting because I put in time to Kha'zix only to see no improvement. I know that 25k isnt much for a champ like k6 but I find myself getting frustrated as my early passiveness means that I don't do anything all game.

    How long does it take to change playstyle, or is it possible? Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/Horsheen
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    How the heck can I beat Nasus in lane anymore with his buffs?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    Ever since they buffed nasus a few patches ago, he has become a huge issue for me in the top lane. I'm Plat 2, so I understand how to deny him CS or freeze the lane to be ganked by my jungler. The issue comes with trying to win the lane without relying on my jungler since solo Q you sometimes get a poor jungler that doesn't understand what lanes to gank or pathing.

    My biggest issue is the guy slow is INSANE and I can't chase him every after a good trade. I keep doing the denying cs and trading but eventually causes a slow push to his tower and he free farms with good sustain and I break his freeze but he can duel me 1v1 majority of the time at level 6 with sheen with no issues.

    Do I just need a harder counter, executioners first time or what? I mainly play wukong, shen, mordekaiser and these champs just can't kill him anymore with his changes. Usually they take ghost with phase rush as well and just zoom away after my trade.

    Can I get some tips on this matchup cause I feel like everytime I'm against him I lose if my jungler never ganks my frozen lane.

    submitted by /u/ZerglingHOTS
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    Following roams

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 01:47 PM PDT


    As a mid laner I find it really annoying when teammates flame for me not following roams when I ping early and push tower in (I play Diana so can usually take a few plates or the tower) and deny experience. Maybe it's just my Elo(silver) but what would people suggest for this? Should I be following like all my team mates tell me to do, especially when they ignore my pings and die?


    submitted by /u/idolizedchimp
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    Secondary runes for lee sin and items

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    So I've been play lee sin for a while now (level 5) and I think I got the hang of it but I dont know what secondary runes I should use. Is sudden impact or taste of blood a viable option? Should I get runes for my wards or eyeball collection? Or do use stuff for more cdr or resource manipulation? I'm trying to go for a bit more damage on lee sin but I dont want to leave put the other aspects. And what items should I take. Because I obviously take the meta items like black cleaver and the jg item for more ad but what else should I take?

    submitted by /u/puiulstiulete
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    Why is Platinum still considered low elo?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    I've been playing league for some years now and never understood why people call Plat low elo.

    From Gold 4 onwards you're already at the top 20% and even low Plat players are part of the top 5%. So why do people only consider Diamond and up high elo? If you're better than 95% of the population you're already quite good, right? I think that to be that far up you already have some good fundamentals, mental and mechanics.

    So does anyone know why people say Plat is considered low elo?

    Please don't take this post as a rant or something that might offend you, I genuinly have had this question for years.

    Stay safe out there and good luck on your climb everyone!

    submitted by /u/InvaderZix
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    Yuumi general counterplay?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Title says it all. Searching for champion independent tips against yuumi.

    First, to sum everything up that I've tried (or usually do):
    As opposed to other supports you can't stun her and can't kill her. Any counters that are usually universal and that I've used before don't apply anymore.
    In my eyes... there's just antiheal and stunning her as soon as she comes out? I've tried both. I rush antiheal first item but I feel like it's contributing nothing. Also, I'm trying everytime to get/stun her when she's outside her host but I feel like she can immediately jump to her next host again and that there's no window whatsoever to do it.
    She counterheals poke. Bursting her host doesn't work either because she just jumps to the next champ until she's alone.

    Other than that, I can't think of anything...

    Banning is not an option since I mainly play ARAMs. And even if I don't, the outcome remains the same and I usually quit league for the day because it's just so frustrating and unfun to play against her. Hence the question. I want some general tips in how to play against her.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/Breenori
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    Best way to make use of 1:30 before buff spawns as jungler?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    What's the most optimal ward for a jungler to place before your first buff spawns? I usually ward the enemy top side buff as soon as I can leave spawn and then back for a sweeper. Is this the most optimal thing to do before 1:30? I find the ward usually runs out before I can get vision of the jungler. If I'm able to ward it without being detected should I start top side and try and steal their top side buff? This is in bronze elo so most junglers start bot for the better leash.

    submitted by /u/Yasanovic
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    help me please

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    So i started playing this game like 7 years ago. I wasnt really good in it i had great fun tho. I would be getting better and better and were the best of my freinds and even my whole school . i felt really prood for it and wanted to play every time so i could get better. this slowly began to be an addiction . i would return from school just to eat fast so i can play and climb the ladder faster . the game stopped being fun and all i was getting from winning was a big relief and from defeats a insane urge to play again to win and just going on huge lose streaks in general . i started playing when i was 8 years old and i have been so much toxic ever since . even tho i am a calm person league just makes me wish cancer to random people just because something didnt go as planned . even tho my father had died of cancer.. i would just completely ignore my school and even tho i was good in it the first two years (high school) the third year i was playing the most and i started to get the most addicted my grades fell really hard. I recently bought a new pc and i planned on taking a break so i can enjoy newer games and have lots of fun without playing this stupid thing that just makes me stressed and sad . and here it is , one random insatgram message and some yt vid recomendations got me right in. i hadnt played for 2 months and i was back into the game.i said to myself that if i get any toxic i would delete it and since then i cant stop playing . now especially with the quarantine i have played 300 games in like 1 month . i know this is bad for both my physical and psychical health but i cant seem to help it . i know the part one of overcoming an addcition is reallising it but i just cant man . some days eariler i lost some games and i said to my self thats it im done and i deleted the game and just 10 mins after i woke up and started downloading again so i can play in the morning . its freaking shit . i dont know how can this playerbase play a game every day while wishing it didnt exist in the first place. i just get sad and angry over it when i lose and after i win i just say lies to my self ( i enjoy this game ) , (its ok i dont have to be mad im good and i win), also i always think about my friends seeing my history when i get lots of defeats cuz i am like the best of them while knowing it is some thing that doesnt even matter much i just cant seem to stop caring . in the quarantine i have lost like 12 kilos just from doing morning workouts and eating healthily but now i just wake up and play league instanlty. then if i lose i play some other games to trick my self into thinking its ok i have other stuff to do and boom . plat 4 and after 9 hours of play plat 4 plus depresion . and just seeing my friends climping the ladder gives me such a big urge to play and keep up to date with them . i have uninstalled the game currently but i really need some help. say something to me . anything i know i am smart and have a lot of things to do in life except this shit .playing ranked feels like a chore . others games u play and get better at them no matter what but in league u can just be unlucky and lose one or 2 days of hardcarrying . i cant even get season rewards cuz i flame a lot but that doesnt stop me from feeling i have to play ranked so i can show my self off . have a nice day all

    submitted by /u/bombeaben
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    How do you play as an assasin when you are pushed into your base?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    For reference, I was playing Talon and was 12/4/7. However, my whole team was quite behind and we had a bad fight. Then, they were able to get baron and push an inhibitor. At that point, we were able to stall baron, but now they were just able to push us in. Despite me being fed, I couldn't do anything in fights since they had full vision of me and just focused me. What do I do in the scenario, if there is anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/DirectlyImploding
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