LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.12 |
- Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.12
- Mentoring Thread: Patch 10.12
- It's super important to learn to get carried
- How to escape low elo as a jungle main?
- Why do some champions have seemingly random AP scaling on some abilities?
- How do I stop missing smite?
- Tower > drake?
- Question about tier lists
- How the hell do you beat scaling mages?
- Is it worth getting to know all the different roles and champions?
- What are good resources for learning about Supports?
- Stuck in low elo
- League Of Legends With ADHD (help)
- Yi
- Jungling help: Is it the laners job to ping when the enemy is missing?
- For the people who don't know what to build vs fed kata , vlad etc. / Healing Reduction A.K.A Grievous Wounds
- Zeke's Convergence Cleanse
- Guardian pyke
- Turret destroying builds?
- Trying to Illaoi OTP: Need more specific build guides
- Learning how to play jungle for the first time
- What should we have done with this team comp?
- My team's lanes are losing but are overextending. What should I do as a jungle main?
- Garen/ New Top Lane Main
Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.12 Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:12 AM PDT Hello summoners! In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar! What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here. What you can do to help! For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help! If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place. Resources
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Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:26 AM PDT Please do not reply directly to the thread.Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.
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It's super important to learn to get carried Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:24 AM PDT Set your ego aside before starting a game. Everyone feels like shit after dying early, losing lane or all around being behind. But it's not a reason to give up, or worse, try to "Redeem yourself" by making terrible plays in a desperate hope to get back in the game. Learn restraint, and patience. Learn to know when to step down and try to enable your teammates. Learn to lose CS and XP to avoid the enemy snowballing. It is really hard to accept, in the middle of a game, that you are not the one that is going to carry, not the one that's going to have the big numbers at the end of the game, and not the one to get x4 honoured, but for the sake of your LP, your mental, AND your teammates, take some glue, stick your asscheeks to your turret, and stop dying. [link] [comments] |
How to escape low elo as a jungle main? Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:05 AM PDT I have been playing League for about three years now but only normal games and my W/L record is probably 50/50 if not 40/60. I'm looking to start playing ranked but I feel like my role (jungle) is not as impactful as other roles in low elo. I've watched thousands of videos on how to carry in low elo and it doesn't seem to work that way for me. Let's say I start at bot side and decide to path towards top lane and potentially gank, in most games, my toplaner will probably die before I get anywhere near toplane or even if I get there in time my bot lane or mid lane will die in a 2v2 or 1v1 situation. My other problem is when I gank my laners seem to not even care about the gank and almost never follow. Also, everyone expects me to be everywhere, I can't explain to them that I can't counter gank bot lane if I'm on the top side of the map. All these issues combined make it almost impossible for me to win games. So please try to explain to me, how to climb as a jungle main in low elo. [link] [comments] |
Why do some champions have seemingly random AP scaling on some abilities? Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:45 PM PDT I am not talking about champs like Ezreal or Irelia, where several of their abilities have good AP scaling and you can build them AP if you want to even though it would be sub-optimal. I mean stuff like Fiora and Lucian's W, which have a 100% and 90% ap scaling respectively on an ability that deals little damage, has a long CD and is maxed last. I guess that it makes sense to some extent with those 2 since they both deal magic damage, but having all magic dmg scale off of AP is not a consistent rule at all. Jhin has 2 abilities that both scale off of ap AND ad, one of them deals physical damage (q) and the other does magic damage (e). Quinn's Q also deals physical damage and scales off of ap, Viktor's empowered Q also has hybrid scaling. At first I thought that this was just something that old champions had, but Senna's and new Voli's R both have hybrid scaling. Could someone help me makes sense of this? It is not like giving these champions these random scalings lets them buy items that would be pointless before, have you ever seen Jhin or Senna build AP items in a serious game? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:47 PM PDT I am gold player and I always lose smite. I play rammus and I control ward dragon and my team has priority of dragon and we're all autoing it. The enemy team puts down control wards and in gold we don't stop autoing dragon to kill their control ward we just finish it and the enemy jungle flashes in and steals it. In this scenerio i miss smite against enemy jungler like 70% of the time. My strategy is just waiting until the hp bar is near my smite damage and I smite. Ability then smite is pretty bad on rammus cus the q only does like 90-120 damage to dragon and isn't instant. I think my autos do more. Any tips so I stop getting flamed? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:39 PM PDT I recently had a game as yi (silver to gold elo) where a player got really furious about my game decision. As drake was about to spawn i got a double kill but died after pushing mid and getting greedy. After i spawned the enemy rotated to the drake as 5. (min17 1 drake for both sides) my team tryed to poke the enemy but got colapsed 1 died 1 got very low and was forced to back so i quickly decided half way to drake that it wasnt worth contesting and went to take herald. The enemy took drake i took herald they then proceeded to push botlane while i pushed midlane with herald and got T1,2,3 and inhib while they got T1 and 2 botlane. After that sequence of events my support started trolling because he wasn't okay with my decision of letting drake fall and taking rift herald. My question is, is it worth to let drake fall to get a tower and potentionally more then contesting a drake that you are not likely to take? If the odds are the same to get drake can you make the desicion to go for a tower or different objective? Many people told me that the way to win s10 is to take drakes i don't like this way and i don't think it is as effective as people say either. (Sry for my english and for making this post this long but i cant make it shorter bc it has to be 250 letters :x) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:58 PM PDT So I've been looking at tier lists a lot and i'm worried i'm playing champs that are just out right bad Kassadin, Azir, Xerath, Veigar and Ryze. I've seen Kass is pretty good but the rest are a C, B, B, B tiers, I have fun with them and maybe this doesn't matter for me right now sense i'm level 41 but if i continue to get better and eventually try and climb to high elo i'm worried my champ pool will effect that so will this in mind will my low tiered champs effect me in the future or i'm i fine to continue to play these champs. [link] [comments] |
How the hell do you beat scaling mages? Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:42 PM PDT I usually play assasins in the midlane. If I want to play a mage I usually play something like syndra because she can oneshot easily and I enjoy that playstyle. The point is almost every time I lose lane is against scaling mages like Anivia, Viktor or Malzahar. They have a pretty good early game. They outrange you. They just infinite poke. After first back they rarely run out of mana. They have so much waveclear you can't even roam because you will lose so much gold and they will just take plates. If they have a brain they are not even that easy to gank because they just kill the wave with 2 spells and stay safe, only roaming when they know where the jungler is. You can't even jump on them most of the time. Seriously Viktor 99% beats me in melee. Is there a champion that I can play to counter theese champions? A playstyle? [link] [comments] |
Is it worth getting to know all the different roles and champions? Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:47 AM PDT Hey, I've recently started playing the game and I'm really liking it. At the moment I'm only level 20. I've almost always been playing top lane with Mordekaiser, and honestly I think it's pretty fun. The only times I play another roll is when I duoq with a friend and I play Nami as his support. That means most of my knowledge is toplaning with Morde. Once I'm finally able to play ranked, should I have lots of knowledge on other roles and champions under my belt? Does it make sense to only stick to toplaning? Just generally, should I do a strong effort to learn all the other roles? [link] [comments] |
What are good resources for learning about Supports? Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:55 PM PDT [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:56 PM PDT Hello! So I am a silver 4 jungle/top player but in the last 24h I've just been demoted until bronze 2. I don't know what to do. I don't think it is my fault my team just doesn't listen to any pings, chat etc I play mainly shaco and irelia Today I was 7-1 with shaco with the other jungle being 0-3 and we still lost the game I did 2 heralds and we still lost I had a varus in my team running tp and heal with electrocute as an ADC that did not listen to any pings and was just feeding Other game with irelia I was 5-0 winning lane against Fiora Did herald by myself threw it top got first tower, herald got until the inhib at 15 min My team threw again, no split push no pressure Just farm my jungle while I push top alone Then the 5 of them just focus me This is just an example of 2 games of the many that I've lost, can someone give me any tips or recommend me a champ that I can snowball really really hard? I'm tired of losing cuz of no vision and understanding of the game [link] [comments] |
League Of Legends With ADHD (help) Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:00 AM PDT Hi guys, I have pretty bad ADD and always played league like i was a normal person. I can't get out of Gold 4/3 and im trying to improve. I mainly play Draven ADC, Kassadin mid and eve jungle. It's really hard with my ADD because i either tunnel vision what im currently doing in the game and i will literally ignore everything else. Jungler could walk over my ward and i won't even see him untill he engages on me. I've been playing since season 5 but only started trying to get better in season 7. took some breaks inbetween aswell. Didn't play all of s9. Some points that i notice i struggle with: - Extreme tunnel vision - Tilting (i'm not a bad person but i can't let things go so easily if that makes sense, my mind worries too much) - Minimap (i literally only look when i force myself to remember to look) - Breaking old habits (its extremely uncomfortable for me to get out of my comfort zone of things im so used to. - Awareness and gamesense (i get so into my own head about how things should have gone that i have a hard time adjusting) Now im sure there are other people here with AD(H)D and have achieved higher MMR. My ADD is actually very bad and i am really trying to be better. I never thought about it because there is always so much going on inside my head. ill remember it but before i even finish the sentence in my head im already thinking about something else and completely forgot. I take my meds (not every day) but it doesnt seem to help me inside the game. It's really hard to understand me if you don't have ADD or ADHD. This post is also targeted towards those who also struggle from it. I play duo with a friend a lot and he sometimes tells me when im getting ganked and then i wont die. Not trying to ego ride myself but my mechanics are good for my elo. if i play well i stomp really hard but if im behind my mind just screws up. everything else just gets lost inside my brain because i tunnel on playing my champ well. Does anyone in high MMR with ADD/ADHD have tips or just stuff that really helps out? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:34 PM PDT What champions counter Master Yi? I just got steamrolled in a game where I got 4 solo kills on my enemy mid laner, and Yi somehow gets fed, comes to my lane, and destroys me. Doesn't help that he can solo objectives super easy, and he doesn't die. Conquerer and his entire kit and life steal makes him impossible to kill. Got a penta, mushed us and ended the game at 20 minutes. And all my lanes were pretty good, and my jungler was good too. Yi just solo carried the entire thing and 1v9'ed. I was playing Katarina in the game, started like 4/0/1, ended 10/6/6. [link] [comments] |
Jungling help: Is it the laners job to ping when the enemy is missing? Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:14 PM PDT Hi! So, I usually play top lane but I was playing blind and I got left with jungle since I didn't call it early enough. So I have played a bit of volibear and I pick him. Now this game I go 0/8 and we surrender and 20 min because whenever I go to the river and see the enemy jungler who is always underleved I initiate because I know I can win. However the enemy laner came to me time after time and would shut me down. And my team laners were flaming me for feeding when they didn't ping or ward enough so I could know wether or not to disengage. I always ping when my enemy top laner is missing. Am I just supposed to look at the minimap at all times or is it a fluke game where my laners were bad and didn't ping or do I need to do something else? Any help would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:55 AM PDT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:44 PM PDT I was watching a support streamer when I saw him cancel a sett ultimate by using Zekes Convergence. In the LoL wiki, there is no mention of this, and I have not been able to duplicate it. Here is the video (Go to 6.03) video. I feel this would be useful information so please let me know if you know how this works [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:06 AM PDT Would it be viable to try guardian rune on pyke since guardian and unflinching got huge buffs. I was googling it and I never saw any pyke running guardian but since guardian got hzge range, shield and it wont trigger anymore on slight dmg I was wondering could it work? If anyone can explain me why it can or can not work I would appreciate it! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:40 AM PDT I want a build that demolishes turrets in large/mid-game. I've been looking at turret stats and stuff and found that they take 66% less damage when no minions or herald are present. Does this mean that armor penetration works on it? Would Rage blade be good in a turret destroying build? I am automatically adding Sanguine Blade because as soon, I ult into turrets, and usually no one is around, so I get free attack speed. I also know that sheen is very good for turret destroying, so TF is in my build. I also know that lethality is well on turrets, but turrets taking 66% less damage acting like some sort of armor? Or just reduced damage. If its armor then lethality, as far as I know, shouldn't be I the kit, But from what I heard, it reduces damage, therefore lethality is great. Please gives me all your knowledge and recommend a build that will destroy turrets as Tahm kench, or soon. Ty in advance. [link] [comments] |
Trying to Illaoi OTP: Need more specific build guides Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:40 AM PDT So I have played over 200 Illaoi games now to become an OTP. Still a long way to go, but there's one thing that really troubles me. I am very stagnant when it comes to builds and all of those games I have used the same build that porofessor or facecheck put in my items list for me. As Illaoi, how do I counter build towards the enemy team efficiently . My current build path is: BC -> Steraks -> DD -> Spirit Vis -> GA Mercs against AP heavy and Ninja against AD heavy The only real dynamic building I do is Switch Corruption Pot for Dorans Shield if im against a ranged champ in lane. The rest has been static all my games. My Can you guys give me some alternative build paths and when to use them? I've noticed against Ap burst heavy champs my build does nothing and I become useless mid-late game. I'm just trying to get better at the game. [link] [comments] |
Learning how to play jungle for the first time Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:15 PM PDT As of now currently lvl27 and ima mid laner sometimes playing support, and would like to learn how to jungle as it seems like not only a decent skill to know and have but somewhat fun as well. And so I would like to ask what I should do or know to start jingling. Please bear in mind that I'm relatively new to the game only started playing consistently for approximately three months. Thanks in advance for the help I greatly appreciate it. :) [link] [comments] |
What should we have done with this team comp? Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:41 AM PDT Just lost this game: us: Shen, Kayn (me), Syndra, Ezreal and Pyke them: Garen, Amumu, Yasuo, Draven and Lux Everyone is high bronze/low silver. We dominated the laning phase. Syndra was butchering Yasuo. Shen and I kill Garen a few times. We were also getting kills in the bot lane and there was actually enough vision that they didn't die to Amumu's gank too many times. Then laning phase ended. Believing we were far ahead, my team decided to play ARAM for 15 minutes. They couldn't get mid tier 1 turret this way. I tried split pushing hoping my team could hold the fort under their turret. My team got caught by Amumu's Q and R and got wiped. What were we supposed to do? I don't think grouping as 5 to push mid tier 1 turret was the answer but Amumu's engage was too strong for me to leave my team. Would it be better if I had stayed with my team and ask Shen to split push (since he can rejoin the team with his ult much faster). I didn't like this idea because I was the most fed person on my team at the end of laning phase and it felt like giving my advantage away by sticking with my team (without actually gaining any objectives). [link] [comments] |
My team's lanes are losing but are overextending. What should I do as a jungle main? Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:25 AM PDT Hi, I'm a player who found his place in the jungle better as compared with other roles. I mainly use Elise, Zac, and Kayn but am currently stuck in the limbo called elo hell between Gold IV - Gold III. I've been trying to adjust to the new jungle mechanics recently and have been playing better. Unfortunately, there are times when I can't effectively gank due to the lanes being pushed whenever I'm near their lanes. I've tried counter jungling but fail to assist them when they suddenly engage the enemy laners. I could try and do objectives or wait in the lane to gank but we would lose a fight if the enemy would contest an objective. On the other hand, if I were to stay in lane, my team would usually make it obvious that I would be ganking. What should I be doing? On a side note, is it my fault for not paying attention to the map 90% of the time if not at least 70% of the time? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:19 AM PDT Brand new to the game (about 20 hours played) and have decided that I am most comfortable in the top lane. So far I have strictly run Garen because of his simplicity and I do pretty well with him even though it's against low competition mostly. I was wondering if having Garen as a main is a bad idea for moving up the ranks since better players will know how to counter his limited skill set. I was looking for recommendations as to any other top laners I should try and main in order to progress through the ranks or if I should just stick with Garen. [link] [comments] |
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