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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    LoL Guide Tahm Kench Jungle is slept on. He can clear 5 camps in 3:05 with zero potions. He can outduel early game Junglers like Lee Sin. He can steal Monsters and Scuttles using Q + W, spitting them a screen away and smiting them. And he has a slow, a stun, a suppress, and his Ult for ganks.

    LoL Guide Tahm Kench Jungle is slept on. He can clear 5 camps in 3:05 with zero potions. He can outduel early game Junglers like Lee Sin. He can steal Monsters and Scuttles using Q + W, spitting them a screen away and smiting them. And he has a slow, a stun, a suppress, and his Ult for ganks.

    Tahm Kench Jungle is slept on. He can clear 5 camps in 3:05 with zero potions. He can outduel early game Junglers like Lee Sin. He can steal Monsters and Scuttles using Q + W, spitting them a screen away and smiting them. And he has a slow, a stun, a suppress, and his Ult for ganks.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Hey. I'm here to convince you that Tahm Kench Jungle is sleeper OP in the right circumstances.

    If you want to watch a couple videos I made on the topic, such as a demonstration of his counterjungling and Scuttle contesting, as well as his healthy and fast clear, then click this link to be taken to the YouTube playlist:


    There's only two videos there right now, but I'll be making more videos on things like Runes, Items, Mechanics, and more. I'll be talking about those below as well though, so keep reading if I haven't convinced you yet!

    Why should I pick Tahm Kench Jungle?

    Let me break down why Tahm Kench Jungle is a good niche pick:

    When you need a tank with a fantastic early game.



    He can duel almost anyone early game, especially if you run Hail of Blades, and it's not even a close fight. Lee Sin, Nidalee, Trundle, take your pick. Try it out yourself. Tahm Kench is essentially a Juggernaut who can Jungle, with insane tankiness and damage. If you need to pick a Tank that can deal with those early game bois, Kench is your guy.

    If you run Approach Velocity, you get a 3 second 15% movespeed boost alongside your 3 second 30%-70% slow on your [Q], which has a 5 second cooldown at all ranks, by the way. So if you land those [Q]s, you get 60% uptime on the movespeed to run people down.

    If you run Hexflash, you can escape after killing the enemy Jungler, or after stealing a Monster, which leads us to our next point:



    Nunu might have some of the best neutral objective control as far as Herald, Dragon, and Baron, but I'm convinced that Tahm Kench is better than him at stealing smaller Monsters, and he can do it from range.

    Tahm's [Q] + [W] combo can pull a monster into his mouth from 900 range, and then if you spit it in the opposite direction, you can put about 2,000 units between the Monster and the enemy Jungler. Not to mention, Tahm's W deals 11% max HP damage + base damage, which caps at 500 damage to Monsters (which is around 300-400 early game).

    A level 3 Kench can essentially move a Buff 2,000 units away from an enemy Jungler, and deal close to 900 damage to it with [W] + Auto + Smite, and even WITHOUT Smite you can still deal a hefty chunk. Additionally, if you decide to keep the Monster in your stomach, its patience does NOT lower until you decide to spit it out, so you have 4 seconds to move it even further away, and your movespeed is not reduced when eating a Monster. No Scuttle or Buff is safe when there's a Jungle Kench.

    Let's talk about Scuttle actually. Not only can Kench do the above trick with Scuttle when the enemy is directly contesting, but on specific parts of the map, he can spit Scuttle into his own Jungle and bodyblock it. He can hide it from the enemy in tribrush as he clears it, or behind Blue Buff. So basically, if there's a Jungle Kench, the enemy gets no Scuttles all game.

    Watch my Counterjungling video if you want to see how to do the Scuttle trick:




    Tahm Kench's ganks are really not as bad as people think, even pre-6, with the right rune setup.

    Hexflash is an extremely underrated Rune on Junglers. You can scale walls using it on immobile Junglers like Tahm Kench, getting yourself into a position behind the enemy. There are Sett Jungle players already abusing this in high ELO.

    [Q] is a 3 second slow with a 5 second cooldown at all ranks, and the slow scales to 70%. 3 seconds. For up to 70%. That's INSANE, and combined with Approach Velocity, you gain a ton of movespeed for 3 seconds too, closing the gap.

    Hail of Blades does the work here now. Your triple auto comes out extremely fast, stacking your Passive up almost immediately.

    If your [Q] is up again at this point, you can [Q] to stun them, Auto them 3 more times, and then [W] Devour them, spit them out, and they're definitely dead at this point with an Auto and another [Q]. That's 6 seconds of slows, a 2 seconds stun, and 2 second suppress, with lots and lots of damage.

    If your [Q] isn't quite up again, you can still [W] Devour them, suppressing them for up to 2 seconds as your team catches up, and then [Q] to slow them, which is still 6 seconds of slows, and a 2 second suppress.

    And when you have your [R], this becomes even easier, as you can just pop out behind them from 2500 / 5500 / 8500 range and avoid all vision. Tahm Kench's counterganks with his Ult are best-in-class. Sorry, early game Jungler, but I'm here now too.

    You can even bring the Midlaner with you, and set up easy 4-man ganks! Tahm Kench Jungle makes full use of his Ultimate since he can use it from fog of war every time, from anywhere, making him terrifying.

    On top of that, I haven't even touched on Tahm's defensive abilities! His innate tankiness with his [E] allows him to shield damage if the enemy Champion he is ganking decides to focus him, and if he's ganking something like an Illaoi, Darius, or Heimerdinger that can 1v2, he can use his [W] to protect his ally from damage, or even eat Heimerdinger's turrets and spit them away from the fight!

    In fact, Tahm Kench destroys anyone with pets by completely disrupting where their pets can go. Things like Ivern's Daisy or Yorick's Maiden of the Mist can be shut down for 4 seconds at a time (although, keep in mind that if it's a pet with a max range like Daisy or Tibbers, it will teleport out of your stomach early if you get too far away, or spit it too far).



    Very healthy and fast for a tank, at 3:05 for 5 camps with full HP and no potions, especially if you start Red. His clears on single target camps are especially fast, which makes him great at taking enemy camps too. If you have Talisman, you can spit Red into Raptors to finish it off, and get lots of AoE on that camp.

    Watch my ClearFrontier video for the full breakdown of how to do this:




    Tahm Kench struggles with being kited in teamfights like any Juggernaut, and he doesn't have AoE like most of them do, and his damage falls off, so he transitions to being a peeler. Now, he is a very good peeler, but if you don't have a hard carry like Jinx or something, or the enemy team is a poke comp with no engage, then his peel is not needed as much.

    He's very good played with pick comps, however, as you can use your [R] to cut off enemies and trap them. If you brought an assassin or someone with hard engage with you, then it's even better. But in uncoordinated Solo Q, people might not catch on and you'll just get focused and die.

    The best way to play Kench later on in my view is to steal enemy Monsters, splitpush, and Ult into a fight with an ally. Kench plays better in clownfiestas, rather than front-to-back teamfights, unless of course you have that hypercarry to peel for.

    Also, Kench doesn't take Dragons and the like super fast without a teammate, although the on-hit damage based on 4% max HP on his Passive definitely helps with that, so he's actually about on par with a lot of tank Junglers!




    • Hail of Blades (triple auto to proc your Passive)
    • Cheap Shot (4 second cooldown with Kench's 5 second cooldown [Q])
    • Eyeball Collection (or any of them TBH, they all suck)
    • Ultimate Hunter (really helps your LONG 140/130/120 cooldown Ult for more macro plays)
      • OR Ravenous Hunter (Kench's [Q], [W], and Passive on-hit (yes, Ravenous Hunter heals from on-hit) are all single target so he gets full benefit, and it helps him duel and take objectives)


    • Hexflash (helps with his wall scaling and ganking)
    • Approach Velocity (non-negotiable IMO, since this really helps him not get kited)

    Some other Runes to consider if you don't go for the above Runeset:


    • Shield Bash (3 second cooldown shield procs this so often)
    • Revitalize (Tahm has healing and shielding, and he can actually shield and heal more than his grey health amount if you stack this with Spirit Visage and Shurelya's Reverie)
    • Unflinching (this just got buffed, and can really help you if you're getting kited a lot)
    • Aftershock (could be decent if you're set on teamfighting, and you want to run Resolve primary, but you sacrifice the Hail of Blades for this)


    • Phase Rush (the slow resist allows you to override part of your self-slow when eat an enemy Champion, and essentially kidnap them, and also makes you unkiteable, at the cost of some of your dueling or tankiness)
    • Nimbus Cloak (OP Jungle rune when used with Chilling Smite)
    • Waterwalking (OP Jungle rune in general)
    • Celerity (move movespeed, especially good when combined with Approach Velocity)



    • Cinderhulk (obvious reasons, helps his clear, HP scaling on his Passive)
    • Deadman's Plate (great if you need to rush armor and want to stop being kited)
    • Spirit Visage (boosts the healing on his E, can even be healed above his grey health amount)
    • Shurelya's Reverie (good to snowball, great movespeed active that can affect your entire team or a person you Ult with, super cheap, and gives shield and heal power alongside the HP and CDR)
    • Righteous Glory (more expensive than Shurelya's but gives you more HP and Armor)
    • Gargoyle's Stoneplate (great teamfight item, allows you to use your Ult to engage and absorb incoming damage)
    • Titanic Hydra (if you need to splitpush, duel, clear objectives faster, clear camps faster, and generally play like a Toplaner who Ults in when a fight happens, and it also grants you an Auto-attack reset for stacking your passive faster)
    • Thornmail (against healing specifically from auto attackers)
    • Randuin's Omen (against crit, and the slow active is super nice in teamfights too; combined with Shurelya's Reverie, it's like a pseudo-Righteous Glory)
    • Abyssal Mask (you deal mostly magic damage, and this can help to boost magic damage on your team, but keep in mind the aura range is 325, basically melee range, so your max range [Q] won't benefit)
    • Liandry's Torment (situational item against multiple high HP targets, and you can proc it's full benefits very often with [Q] and even [W], so could be a good alternative if you need to poke and kite with Q; also deals more damage to objectives)
    • Adaptive Helm (against multiple magic damage dealers with spammable spells or poke, like Brand or Cassiopeia)
    • Warmog's Armor (Tahm Kench has very high base health, so he can proc the passive on Warmog's pretty early)
    • Boots: Swifties (when you're getting slowed and snowballing) OR Mercs (against lots of hard CC) OR Tabis (against lots of physical damage and auto attackers)



    I go over these a bit in my video playlist, so watch that! I'll also be making a video on this soon too!

    Nonetheless, here are some of them:

    • Tahm's auto attack range is 175, which is longer than the 125 and 150 of most melee Champions (it is NOT 200 range like I say in the video, that's my bad).
    • Tahm's [E] shield should be spammed when taking sustained damage, as blocking 100% of your grey health is always better than healing for 30% of it early game (scales to 100% heal at level 18). It's only got a 3 second cooldown (which starts when the shield ends at 2 seconds, or breaks), and any extra damage beyond the shield becomes more grey health, so try and take slightly more damage than your shield so you can keep spamming it as you sustain DPS.
    • All of Tahm's ability animations interrupt his Autos and his movement, so try to use them between Auto attacks. This includes Tahm's [E] shield and 2nd cast of his [W] when he spits something out.
    • When eating a Monster and holding onto it, Tahm can use up to 3 Autos (not including Hail of Blades) before he has to spit it out; try to manually spit out early so the animation doesn't cancel your next Auto.
    • Tahm can Auto + [E] shield + [Q] before his next Auto can be declared, so make use of this knowledge to maximize ability useage between Autos.
    • Tahm's [Q] + [W] combo on a Monster is interesting. Both abilities go on cooldown, [Q] will deal no damage, and [W] will use no mana. This combo is therefore worse for DPS on Monsters, but better for mana costs and stealing Monsters from range.
    • For maxing order, I usually go [R] > [Q] > [E] > [W]. The reason I max [E] before [W] is because [E] gives 5% extra grey health conversion per rank and makes you way more tanky, whereas [W] gives you 45 damage per rank. The cooldown doesn't go down, the mana cost doesn't change, and a lot of times you only [W] once in a fight, whereas you're shielding multiple times in a fight. Maxing [W] second isn't bad necessarily though, in the case that you're snowballing, but overall I'd say it's not as good.


    Again, if you wanna see this in action, check the YouTube playlist for his Jungle clear and his counterjungling potential:


    submitted by /u/bquipd
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    Pyke Mid Matchup Spreadsheet

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a Grandmaster Pyke mid main in EU-West. Since many people asked about matchups in my stream, I decided to make a spreadsheet for every matchup with how I perceive it. I'm open for criticism and ideas, or suggested additions.


    I will update this list regularly depending on patches, new ideas on matchups and to add VOD's/Item guides.

    My acc: https://gyazo.com/33b45560b8363559f05c0910b8af89db

    Would appreciate your feedback.

    submitted by /u/LittlePyk
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    When is the right time to start playing ranked?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    So I'm level 90 and have play almost 900 games mostly draft. There are a select few champs that I strive at but lately I've been playing many new ones. I want to play ranked but I feel my casing skill and let alone wave clear and my overall skill and any single champ just sucks. My summoner name is Magmaboyx8 for anyone interested in op.gg . I play all roles including sup. But struggle with some. Thank you and I hope soon I can start playing ranked.

    submitted by /u/Magmaboyx8
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    Best singed in the world made a matchup sheet!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, my name is Aun but i go by the ign Socialist Singed, i am currently the only singed otp outside of china to stay above 500lp, at the moment of writing this i am at 750 lp challenger on the euw server.


    this is the matchup sheet i made, i wrote it live on stream in queues, keep in mind that the sheet is based on my experiences of matchups vs players of similar skill lvl and thus might change depending on elo, i will update it with new builds runes etc as we hit new patches. Rip conq singed after 10.13.

    Hopefully this is of somewhat usefulness and i would greatly appreciate any feedback

    Tyty and gl on the rift!

    submitted by /u/45apm
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    How do you deal with Ezreal with death's dance/ibg + yuumi?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Ezreal is harder to kill than half the tanks in the game. With yuumi it becomes basically impossible. With a couple mountain drakes he's unkillable. Is it supposed to be like this? Even heal reduction doesn't do anything.

    I don't normally complain about balance but did riot intend for deaths dance to be built on every champion that graces the rift? The item gives you everything you could possibly want. And some champs just use it so well.

    Unless banned, ezreal has been in every single one of my past 15 games. And in every single one, once ez hits his 3 items, the game becomes exponentially harder, even if we were stomping. He ends up with an insane score every game even if the other team wins.

    How do you dive a champ that is legit as tanky as your tank, and has a free dash?

    submitted by /u/readytofly68
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    I actually don't understand how is it possible to win against something like Darius or Renekton (please give me advice)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    I play mainly Camille sometimes Fiora or Kayle

    These champions feel like they're wayyyyyy stronger than me at every point of the game unless they play dumb and let me kill them to the point where I'm ahead enough to win.

    Darius - people say dodge q but I feel like it doesn't really matter and if Darius players notice that you're dodging q they'll just straight up stop using it and auto you to death.

    People say 'take short trades with him' but his kill combo happens in like 4 seconds max?

    Renekton - He just feels like he can straight up walk up to me combo me for half my hp and walk away before I can react. If I'm playing someone like Camille who can react he just presses r and murders me.

    These champions are supposed to fall off but they just go from murdering you to murdering your team.

    I need actual advice against these champions... I have a terrible win rate against them and I legitimately don't know what to do...

    submitted by /u/eggbagelman
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    CSing lategame

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I want to learn more about csing lategame because it doesnt really work for me. In lane I can get pretty good cs, I play top and mainly Darius so farming is pretty easy, but once laning phase is over I get stuck on 150cs at 30minutws and idk why. My team is always mid and so is the enemy team, so I cant sidelane because they are always forcing fights and flaming me when Im not there. Idk how players can get 300cs and be in every teamfight, the most cs I have ever gotten was 343, and thats because top laning phase lasted until 28 minutes because I was against a heimer on Darius. Lategame there are constant fights or I just cant get to the lane fast enough without a fight starting. And maybe this plays a role in it as well, but im kinda afraid that if I push in I get picked and killed by 3 people, because we have 0 vision on the map, or I kill 2 waves of minions and my wave is already at the enemy turret. Do I need to manage the wave hard in lategame as well? If I just wait for them to die it feels very very slow and again, my teammates are flaming me about me not being there. Any tips are appriceated!

    submitted by /u/Bruhmomentum43
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    Learning to freeze

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    I've been playing league since the beginning of preseason 10, and while I have been trying a lot to catch up with my veteran friends, one thing that I cant wrap my brain around is freezing.

    For a while I also didn't understand anything about lane manipulation. To work on that I picked up annie, and I understand that part now. For some reason, there aren't that many guides on freezing on YouTube, and i just can't seem to get the hang of it. Any tips on how I can work on freezing?

    submitted by /u/demented_squirrel
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    I have no analyzing skills and have to be spoon-fed all my mistakes just to climb.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    This is really frustrating me guys and I need help. Ever since I started league (about half a year ago) I just can't figure out my mistakes like coaches can in my bronze elo.

    I'll watch replays and barely grasp mistakes and even if I just sit there staring at an obvious mistake for 10 minutes, I won't catch what I could of done better or what the problem is to me it was fine, like I'm just that stupid. I need a coach to spoon-feed me every mistake I ever make otherwise I just end up overthinking everything and it causes me to play even worse.

    I don't know what to do anymore, I lack analyzing skills and It's holding me back big time. I just cant critical think when it comes to league and basically am just a bot on autopilot until I get controlled and told what to do better.

    submitted by /u/calistralia
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    New Predator

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    I wonder who does benefit from new Predator?

    The crucial thing is the removal of 1.5 secs delay before it starts working.

    I'm slightly pissed off because of champions like Rammus or Heca appearing in my lane much faster than before, because I don't have enough time to react since 1.5 secs delay is removed.

    I also find it interesting for midlaners for better roams. Or for supports (same reason). May also be good for top laners in melee vs range matchup.

    It's fun on Tf, because sometimes after my R they are out of AA range or just F away. Now i can press predator and chase pretty fast.

    Any discoveries regarding new Predator?

    submitted by /u/No3nvy
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    Trying to understand teamcomps

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    While clash has become a cool excuse to oganized teamplay, draft has become more interesting to a casual plat mid. I prefer bruisers and burst mages, but being a micro player i always neglected the importance of champion interactions, so i recently started picking up differend styles of champs like control, battle and poke mages, to have more team draft options. My team mainly plays engage or pick comps, but i never really understood if teamcomp counters exist. The internet offers some premade comps, but they never explain why that comp Is good or bad against other comps. Synthesizing, i would like to learn the theory behind drafting, excluding counterpicks which are pretty obvious.

    submitted by /u/Swindarf
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    How and When to Freeze Lane?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    I've been playing for awhile and don't really know how to freeze lane or when i should be freezing. It is usually either the enemy laner hard shoves and im csing under tower or i hard shove and they freeze or cs under tower. I feel like one of my biggest areas to improve in this game is wave management so any tips on the topic would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/davekhal
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    Jumping into Ranked without many Norm games?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I've started playing LoL for 2-3 weeks now. Play AI the first weeks or so to learn the basis, I've played a few Normal games, but it seems like i dont learn a lot since a lot of trollings go on at Normal. I've been trying to learn about wave management, warding, items, matchups and comps, and I feel like i have an OK grasp on the game.

    My question is, should I jump to rank right now? I think I'd learn a lot more since people would take the game a bit more serious? I understand it can be a shitshow like Normal too, but at least theres some progress on my end.

    However, I've read about Elo hell, about how you can get stuck there if you jump in too fast, and it will take a lot more games to rank up, as opposed to someone who is taking more time and learn about the game inside out before go into Rank? Any advise is deeply appreciated. Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/HotSPockets
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    New to ranked why do i get matched up with higher ranked people?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    I just hit level 30 not to long ago and wanted to play ranked to see what it is and right as i join i see that i'm with level 300+ and i'm just confused if it was a bug or this is how it actually is. I was playing adc and was doing well but apparently i was called shit by my teammates and eventually reported them for verbal comments.

    submitted by /u/imheretostate
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    Weaird pink laser

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    So I was playing as haimerdinger, on top lane and i was doing pretty well. I was quite feeded I had 30/6/8. I was in theyr base whan I died and I had a lot of money and I decided to finish my build. I hat a meta build, the same build you can find for heimerdinger top on catalyst but instead of the hourglass I had the wand that slow enemies whan you hit them. I also drank one of those potions that give you more ap. Whan I went back to theyr base a weaird white line appeared on the enemy's healthbar, kindof like pykes line for his ult. Usually I had to hit them with two abilities to kill them. Because they would be low from the first but not die. This time whan I hit them with one abillitie it would bring their health under the white bar. After that two weaird wing like things appeared on me and huge purple laser, comming from my character shot and killed them. It seemed to have no cool down whatsoever and it made all my abilities insta kill. I had the meta runes for heimerdinger. It was my first time playing the character. I dont know what it was that made the laser appear. Does anyone know what caused it what item? What passive? Ability? Enithing?

    submitted by /u/puiulstiulete
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    How do you know when to build towards big items or to get doran's items?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of higher elo people build into dorans items when they're a bit behind. But ive also seen early game champs try to snowball off of a lead using dorans blade or rings. Isnt that counterintuitive? Wouldn't you want to use gold from leads to get a jump on your items? Obviously there's something to it, but i can't figure out why and when you'd want to.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    How do I take this game less competitive?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Basically the title. I know I'd play better if I just ignored unlucky games where I get unlucky mates, but I just get sometimes so furious if the game doesn't goes as I expect (like jungler forcing plays which I don't want and ends up donating double buff). I know if I just take it for fun and play it chill I'd have more joy in climbing but after certain amount of games i just can't take it anymore

    submitted by /u/kain1070
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    Low damage, constantly dying, low CS

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm using a throwaway account, hope thats okay. I'm desperate for help here.

    I've played league for a long time, yet never win lane (this isn't an exaggeration) and am often out damaged by my support as an adc. If I go top lane, I go 0/11. If I support, I go 0/11 and fail to get any gold.

    Its got to the point where my inability to play this game has affected my friendships and relationships irl, causing friends to full on rage because of how bad I am. Everyone says this game is easy - but its really not. I find it very overwhelming, and the added stress of letting my friends down is too much.

    The main issues people keep saying to me are: low CSing, low damage, dying too much, and that I just constantly run away from enemies. I really don't understand the last one, surely if someone is in your face chunking your health bar you want to get away from that? And with CSing, all the minions die at different rates, last hitting is hard enough plus the enemy champ is in your face.

    I don't have a champ or position I main. I just go where my feeding affects the team the least. I also often have no idea where I'm meant to be or what I'm meant to do. I've died because I've just stood still trying to figure out where I should be on the map.

    If people want to see replays, my OPGG, or just so I can explain in more detail please DM me. I feel so crushed each time I cause my friends to get so mad.

    Edit: I'm on EUW

    submitted by /u/leaguethrow6483
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    Is Teemo actually a better mid champ?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    Worse matchups?

    Mid lane champs Xerath, Cassiopeia, Yasuo are some of his worst matchups. Why would you go mid?

    Let's talk about Mid Teemo.

    Why top lane sucks just as hard as mid

    First, many of his worst matchup champs go top lane anyways: especially tanky AP champions like Ryze, Rumble, Vladimir. Bad matchups will exist in both lanes, especially if you are counterpicked.

    The good matchups, melee champions you can bully, exist in both -- in mid lane you can bully Sylas, Fizz, Pyke -- and mid ADCs like Lucian and Corki. Who plays Vayne top anymore?

    And let's be honest, even the melee top tanks like Garen, Darius, Maokai -- can easily beat Teemo if they have half a brain and build some MR. Snowbally champions like Wukong, Fiora, Jax will easily punish you for one misplay.

    In top lane, laning phase is also longer -- it's an island -- meaning a bad matchup results in a much larger deficit and being zoned out of experience/gold.

    I think the meta that Teemo is a top laner historically from bullying melee bruisers with pictures of them being chased down by a Teemo are a myth. The lane kill rates do not reflect that. Even Nasus now out-trades, out-scales, and out-kills Teemo.

    See for yourself, in nearly every top lane matchup, Teemo statistically loses overall in lane kill rate against tons of matchups: https://na.op.gg/champion/teemo/statistics/top Aatrox: 32.78% Sett: 36.41% Mordekaiser: 36.55% Urgot: 41.08% Pantheon: 41.72% Sion: 42.15% Riven: 42.61% Nasus: 42.64% Darius: 42.87% Ornn: 43.72%

    Despite losing lane against many matchups, how does he do relatively well in win rates? Let's explore...

    Teemo is a support-style champion

    His own win rates reflect that -- games are won in mid to late game, not early game. He is losing lane, but winning game. He is the Ivern of top lane.

    You have to be a macro player. His kit is extremely basic and easy to understand: for both you and your opponent who knows how to play against you. The micro skill ceiling for Teemo is arguably quite low.

    His early game is weak, he cannot match duelists like Fiora and Wukong which out-trade him easily at level 1.

    His split push is strong, but still weaker than Tryndamere and Jax which scale from AD.

    His teamfight is nonexistent, which is why most people do not take teleport.

    His blind is powerful but situational, and he has no hard CC.

    His shrooms are the strongest and best part of his kit; and unfortunately, they are much better mid. Here's why.

    Better Brush Control, Zoning, Laning in mid

    In top lane, there are 3 brushes. In mid, there's 2. And the 2 brushes in mid lane are so much more important than the one in top because it provides river control from the jungler pathing between objectives. With shrooms and wards, you have an immediate vision advantage over the other mid laner. In top lane, you are still contesting the same gank paths.

    You lose out on early level cheese from Teemo's passive using top lane brushes, but I have found that highly situational to be used in most levels of play.

    If the enemy mid takes Sweeper/Red Trinket to clear your mushrooms, they lose vision and become an easy target for a gank.

    Mid lane is also much more narrow than top lane, meaning your shroom have much more powerful zoning on the enemy's movements in laning phase.

    Minions setting off your shrooms by accident and hard pushing your wave is also much less of a problem than top lane because..

    Easier wave management

    In top lane, wave management defines a lot of the laner's success, and usually not taking Teleport as Teemo means you are already behind if you don't secure a kill.

    It's very easy to hard push as a Teemo top lane because of the nature of his Blind Shot/Toxic Shot/AA poking all drawing minion aggro. This naturally pushes the lane, even if you only last hit to slow push.

    Responding to your lane slowly pushing means you have to: crash your wave into tower with a hard push early (and go river ward against a gank, or reset early), take tower plates, or just pray that the enemy jungler is not top side and keep poking (don't do this).

    If the enemy laner is ahead in kills/CS or just naturally has better kill potential in top lane, and freezes lane in front of their tower and just zones you out, you're done for.

    In mid, it's far easier to reset the waves with a shroom clear. You don't need to ask jungler to help.

    Shorter pathing distance

    No teleport + Move Quick means the shorter pathing distance to mid lane is far more forgiving for deaths and reset than top lane is, simply put.

    Objective Control and Map Control

    Mid lane means you can shroom and prep both Rift Herald/Baron and Dragon. Top lane means you can only contest Herald and a possible Blue buff. With how important these objectives are in this meta, playing the macro game is much easier from mid lane.

    Your map control with shrooms is also much stronger due to the pathing of junglers and being closer to those routes on both sides of the map. You can also coordinate better with your jungler (if you have a good one), to also help counterjungle raptors.


    Because of how easily mid champions in the meta can burst and escape, roams from top lane to mid are not good. The pathing is also not ideal because from the terrain, with the way the cliffs are set up.

    But roaming mid to bot lane for a double kill? Yes please.

    This is particularly important in a losing or stalemate matchup -- the opportunities to roam bot from mid lane are much better than roaming mid from top lane. You can make a bigger impact even if you are behind, which happens often as Teemo.

    Forcing the jungler

    In many lower elos, if you play Teemo, it's a problem. The enemy jungler sees a Teemo with no escape, squishy -- a gankable target. You will get camped. This should be ripe for a countergank setup, right?

    Nope. Your own jungler will ignore your lane because you are playing Teemo with no "kill potential", CC to secure kills, or they just think you'll simply not be a win condition and will gladly gank other lanes they think will make a bigger impact on the game.

    Top lane is a very easy lane to ignore. Mid lane is much harder to ignore due to the pathing between objectives, jungle camps, and scuttlecrab.

    Lack of sustain

    With top laners taking Conqueror, Bloodline, and Ravenous Hunter, every meta top laner champion now has innate sustain over Teemo, simply put. They can, and usually do, stay longer in lane than he does. Especially with Dorans Shield.

    This is more uncommon mid lane, and makes for a better matchup outside of Katarina and a few others that build sustain.

    Overall, my thoughts are that if you can get past the worse ranged/AP burst matchups of mid lane, there's a lot Teemo can do. It's also why I can see why the last time he saw competitive play in LCS, he was played mid.

    Do you guys have any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/RIPTEEMO
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    what to do when you have a enemy top laner who counters you and your mid lane and your jungler early

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    so, I played a game of sett today in blind pick, and had to play top, as other roles were already taken.

    I went against akali top, yasuo mid, yi jungle, and pyke jinx bot,

    and on my side, volibear jungle, leblanc mid, and xayah and pantheon bot.

    early game was quite easy, I got one gank from my voli jungle, forcing akali to flash (even though I didn't ask for a gank) and got a few kills in, pushing the wave towards the tower, while roaming to mid to gank the enemy yasuo.

    I decided to just roam mid a lot of the time when I backed,

    at some point, I am ahead, I take herald as akali is in top lane pushing the wave, probably a stupid decision as I don't know if they have vision on it, where the enemy jungler is, and that I don't have any wards up, nonetheless I get 2 heralds on my own.

    by the time yi ganks me, I back down, use my W on him, and force yi to flash away.

    at the 24:00 mark, I die once in a 1v4.

    after that, I don't really die, there are some ambush attempts such as pyke and yi trying to 2v1 me, which fails, and I end up killing yi.

    the game ends, I have taken 2 heralds by myself, have a 5k gold lead over the enemy toplaner, and end up 17/1/14, while my team has taken all enemy towers, inhibs, 4 drakes, and even a baron, while the enemy team only has 1 tower taken (my top tower, I didn't bother protecting it when roaming to mid) , and 0 drakes.

    this post is not to brag, it raises questions on what the enemy team could have done to prevent this from happening, yi is not good at ganking pre 6, and if he does, he probably just dies anyway because of sett's W.

    is there anything the enemy team could have done better? should yasuo have roamed during early game? he kind of dies in a 1v1 against sett, but a 2v1 could work?

    submitted by /u/Jacket313
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    Winning lane without kills?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    I've recently gone deep into learning league, with that comes wave management trades and so much more. I've been playing a lot of Vayne and with that comes, how do I win lane and impact the game without kills.

    Obviously you can't always solo kill your opponent every game and snowball from there, sometimes you are just against a super passive poke lane and so on.

    What do you do in these types of games? Do I sit back and scale as a Vayne and let it be a major coinflip or how should I approach this as an ADC?

    submitted by /u/MyChuunibyou
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    Is an AP / Tank Nunu hybrid build a thing?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    With the upcoming changes to nunu's ap ratio it might be a good idea to try out a hybrid build on nunu. I have only played AP nunu so far with friends in draft mode for fun so is there any possible hybrid build so you are tanky enough not to get one shot but still do quite some damage? I was thinking maybe going tank runes (aka resolve) with ap items or ap runes (dark harvest) with tanky items. Is it even possible?

    submitted by /u/rafetaa19
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    Is there another way of dealing with kassadin other then having him as my perma ban?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I just can't figure out how I can ever deal with this champion. There are times when I wanna play a champion and want to ban its hard counter but can't cos I'm stuck banning kass.

    So how do I actually play against it when I feel like he is SO safe early, and even with tear + catalyst, does absurd damage from 6 on.

    I'm sure a significantly better midlaner can deal with it but a relatively similar skill matched mid lane feels like too much is being asked of the player to abuse him early when as I said, he doesn't feel that easy to get a huge lead on.

    Do I have to start playing a champion that scales as hard and just go even?

    Idk man, getting 1v1'd as Leblanc vs 0 ap Items kassadin at lvl 6 feels disgusting to me.

    submitted by /u/majorcoleThe2nd
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    Why is every pro player (Seemingly) starting Relic Shield on their supports? And should I do the same?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    I'm sat here watching LCK and notice that Keria from DRX is building Relic Shield on Karma support.

    That got me thinking, that I've seen a bunch of Relic Shield starts during this weekends LEC and LCS games.

    Seeing myself as a pretty decent support player, maining Bard, always starting Spelltheif's Edge on supports I can poke with, like Karma.

    I'm left here wondering if I should start Relic Shield on all supports, or is there a specific reason they start it in pro?

    Keep in mind that I am Bronze, currently trying to climb back to my former glory of Gold and Plat elo.

    submitted by /u/Duttle
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