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    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    LoL Guide Which poorly explained mechanic in League did you learn about way too late?

    LoL Guide Which poorly explained mechanic in League did you learn about way too late?

    Which poorly explained mechanic in League did you learn about way too late?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    League of Legends is a game with a lot of hidden or obscure mechanics that aren't explained anywhere in the game. Stuff like freezing waves, kiting jungle camps, cancelling animations, etc.

    But for me, for a long time, the mechanic I had no idea about was autoattack resets. As most of you know, in the case of most abilities which empower your autos, if you cast them immediately after you attack, it rests the autoattack timer, essentially allowing you bypass your attack speed and double strike, like Yi's passive. For many champs, utilizing it correctly is absolutely essential to winning trades, and it's a big part of a champion's power. However, it isn't something that is immediately obvious to a new player, and it's not really talked about anywhere. The first champion I learned to do it on was Nasus, since it's big deal on him, and probably more obvious since you use your q to farm throughout the game. At first I thought it was something fairly unique to him, and I had no idea that you could do it on a ton of champions. Even after I learned to always pay attention to it on other champions like Jax or Darius, I had no idea how many champs have autoattack resets, and I only learned about some of them relatively recently, like Mundo or Nautilus. After spending some time in lower elo( I tried to get a decent rank in the flex queue for the first time), I realized that many players struggle with it, either because they don't realize how important it is or they flat out aren't aware that it's a thing.

    So what other mechanics did you not know about for way too long, either because League does a poor job of explaining them, or doesn't acknowledge them at all, and what do you think Riot can do to make it easier for beginners to learn about them?

    submitted by /u/AdequatelyMadLad
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    VIDEO GUIDE: Which lanes should you gank? Snowball winning lanes? Catch up losing lanes? Neither? Let's break down which lanes are the most efficient to gank.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:22 AM PDT


    Everyone has heard "Never gank losing lanes!!" or "Focus on snowballing one lane really hard!!"

    But there's a lot more factors to consider than just these die hard rules.

    A few seasons ago I learned a concept that helped me understand what lanes I should pressure. Basically, junglers should categorize each lane as "Losing", "Even", or "Winning" based on CS and Kill differential.

    Then you should only gank lanes where you can improve their category, or prevent them from falling to a worse one.

    Slightly Losing Lanes

    So if you have a lane that is behind by 1 kill or 15 CS, you can still gank them to bring them back to "Even". But if your Yasuo ADC is down 6 kills and 30 CS, there is no single play that will bring him back to "Even". It's better to let that lane bleed and try to impact the rest of the map.

    Hard Losing Lanes

    If you play towards a lane that is too far gone, there are 3 outcomes (none of them good):

    1. You kill the enemy laner, but that lane is still "Losing".
    2. The enemy laner gets away, and their jungler gets a green light on the rest of the map, you've wasted your time.
    3. Enemy laner double kills you or you get counter-ganked and lose the 2v2. Now two of you are behind instead of just one.

    Winning Lanes

    On the other hand, a lane that is "Winning" by 4+ kills really doesn't need your attention. Even if they die (which is unlikely), they will still be "Ahead". If the enemy jungler ganks them, they can likely 1v2 or at least trade kills. Your time is better spent trying to move your other lanes from "Even" to "Winning" or from "Losing" to "Even".

    If you spend too much time on a lane that is already winning, the enemy jungler can potentially turn both of the other lanes in their favor. Then the advantage you have in one lane is likely not enough to win the game.

    This is a basic concept and doesn't take into account some other factors like scaling,cooldowns, item spikes, etc. But I think it's a good starting point for a lot of junglers who aren't sure how to spend their time and resources!

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    How to Yorick in Iron/Bronze(From a self-taught Yorick One Trick)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    This is not written to be informative. This is written because it's what I do. Tear it apart (nicely).

    First things first. Buy meowrick skin. It makes you play better.

    But in seriousness, meowrick is there as a constant reminder the game is fun. It's meant to be fun. It's hard to tilt-type and rage when you're a cat. Relax.

    Onto the good stuff though, I feel like everything Yorick does is new player friendly and forgiving. He's a great champion to learn top lane on. If he fails completely in lane, he's still a source of pressure later. He Cs's pretty easy, good damage, good escapes, and the only skill shot he has doesn't totally cripple you if you miss it. He also does well into a lot of popular recurring flavor of the month champs and cheese champs. All around, a good stable pick for low Elo. He can go top, mid, jungle... I've played him both roles bot but I'm not condoning it. Easy to one-trick.

    Soooo... Pick him into everything. If you're losing you're learning. (Ideally)

    Yorick pros: -Great sustain -Good as tank or damage or both -Great pusher -Can manipulate waves well -Can create favorable trades out of unfavorable conditions -Hard to gank -Can solo Shelly super early -Good for completely screwing up enemy teamfight strats

    Yorick Cons -I hear people say Yorick can't teamfight. Not true. He can teamfight... But everybody else who can is better. He is the worst teamfighter among champions who can pass as teamfighters. -Easy to overextended on -Doesn't duel well versus actual duelists -Can't peel gapcloses -Literally cannot lane into some champs. When Yorick is countered, he's toast. Donezo.

    Take Q, W, E first?

    Depends. Do you need to poke a lot from range? Take Q first. Do you need to trap a Darius that's gonna level 1 cheese slow you? Take Q first. Do you need to raise an army to push the lane? Take E first. I mean Q, sorry.

    It's pretty situational.

    Take Q first, period. It makes you able to farm better, trade better, and abuse lane better. What you take 2nd is up to you. Max R, Q, E, W. Put an extra 2 points in W early-ish though for the extra hit point. It matters.

    Q is an empowered auto that makes a grave and micro-heals you. Part of your sustain is using it almost every time it's off cooldown. Use it when you have at least 3 graves to summon kitties.

    W makes a prison. It can only be damaged by autos or tower. Tower instant kills it. Happens to be just as wide as most jungle corridors. Good for escapes (drop it at your feet) or kills (trap enemy)

    E is shadow spooge. Throw a flop of stuff. Does % health damage. Makes your summoned stuff attack the person hit. You move faster towards marked champs.

    Your combo (with all kitties summoned and wave in your favor and you know where the jungler is) goes Q their face, E them to sick kitties on them and keep speed, AA them until you can't anymore, which is your cue to squeeze off a max range Q, W once they burn gap close/escape, AA and Q till they die. Ignite if you have it. I never take it.

    Other than that you afk derpfarm, harass, trade and zone. Like any top laner.

    Yorick is a tad different though. If the waves are even, you won the trade because you add 3-4 more as soon as you summon. So feel free to take trades on even waves. Just make sure to stand to your own side.

    Also, use your prison to trap enemy laner in minion aggro if they take a dumb trade. Your caster minions are able to do more damage than you do at level 1. Use them. Also also, you don't need to send cats after the enemy just because they're up. Feel free to just use the numbers advantage to farm safely and take good trades.


    I take corrupt pot first. Great on Yorick, really. When you trade make sure an Auto attack then Q rather than just Q. It's a reset an at level 1 as long as you aren't dumb about minion aggro, you should come out of most trades fairly happy if you have corrupt running.

    If they're ranged, take refill pot and 2 rejuv beads if you really think you're screwed (Lucian, Gnar) or take dorans shield for MOST matchups (Vayne, Quinn, etc) Make sure and change your runes to armor or MR depending on what they are. Also, taking the life steal stacking rune instead of the tenacity one might help.

    So ideally, you want Trinity force, steraks gage, and death's dance ASAP. That's super-ahead, Conquerer, ruin your day Yorick.

    Doesn't always work out.

    If you know you're in a weak matchup, grasp is better. Iceborne, black cleaver, tank item. Stoneplate works well for mixed teams, randuins or thornmail for AD, spirit visage for AP. Your wave clear and sustain should keep you relevant.

    If you're in a weak matchup AND they have better wave clear, and they're just gonna jerk you around under your tower (Garen is good about this, so is Jayce) take sunfire for your armor item. Maybe even rush bami before phage or sheen if you don't think you'll be trading. It'll help keep the wave under control and scoop up those 1hp minions that the tower tries to dunk on you.

    Yorick is versatile as hell for gear is what I'm getting at. Build what you need. Just make sure a sheen item happens early. Phage is also super complimentary.

    Summoner spells... I never really take anything except flash teleport. Flash on D because that's where it goes, fight me.

    Lane phase... Keep up or take lead on CS. Yorick wants medium trades. Not short little bursts but not long extended trades either. You should get 2 Q's off if you can. Use W to reset or stop a trade if you need to.

    You can herald basically as soon as you're 6. Head towards it with full entourage after you crash a wave. Don't get seen leaving, make sure your jungler is nearby and you have mid priority.

    Worth calling out: Do not underuse your W. It's pretty broken. Get good at it. Good use of W is Yorick diff.

    Mid game look for teleport ganks. Figure out the difference between sacrificing your maiden to push a lane or taking it with you. Usually you want to do everything you can to take it with you, but sometimes leaving it to push and heading for an objective is better. Getting good at this decision is pretty important. I don't abandon my maiden nearly as much as I should.

    Late game you're particularly qualified for deep warding considering you can block off a chase with your prison pretty easy in the jungle and nobody can really 1v1 Yorick with entourage. Get vision around objectives, push the opposite side of the map, teleport in for the fight if you need to. Other than that, take towers all day. Take enemy jungle creeps too, it's more impactful than you think it might be.

    You don't need to hard commit to the tower. You can just repeatedly shove waves into it and woopwoopwoop away whenever people come to stop you, hide in a bush, and go back to trollololol pushing as soon as they leave.

    Endgame lobby... Make dig puns, dirt puns, quote Hamlet, spam your shitty stream.

    submitted by /u/MrBarkley208
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    New League Player Constantly Defeated When Not Playing Against AI

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    I just started playing league this May, and I main Talon mid lane. I've been playing against intermediate bots for some time, got to level 21, and felt pretty comfortable in it so I decided to start playing against real people on a 5v5 blind pick, but every time I do I just get absolutely demolished. This made me get discouraged because my goal was to play ranked some day but now I feel like I'm never going to be able to do that and do it even halfway decently. Is this normal to not that well when transitioning from AI or am I just really, really bad at league?

    submitted by /u/99_kp
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    How do you beat Volibear top?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Ever since the buffs, Volibear has gone from a shit champion to an autowin lane. He used to be useless in short trades but gets much stronger once he gets his second w off, but now his q w e combo chunks out half your hp bar. Even if he only lands 1 w on you, that's 8 seconds where you can't touch the wave or else he'll run you down with q and another EMPOWERED w. It's gone to the point that he can run down a 5 stack darius with just empowered w's and e shields. How do you beat him? Also, don't give me counterpicks. That information is utterly useless half the time.

    submitted by /u/ChickenWLazers
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    How to unlearn right clicking to attack in favor of attack move?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    So, the title of the post says most of my problem. I'm a newer player who's just now learning attack move for kiting and just about everything else, but I found myself having a lot of problem unlearning "right click" to attack. In practice tool it goes pretty well, against bots it goes pretty well, but when I get into a game I end up attack moving and then right clicking the champion at the same time. This does two things, it cancels auto attacks and it causes me to accidentally right click, sometimes moving me toward the champion (the exact reason I was looking to move toward attack moving).

    Is there a way I can undo this bad habit I've learned without so much difficulty?

    submitted by /u/swakhammer86
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    Is their currently any reason to play Kog over Vayne

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Got me thinking since they are both late game champs.

    Vayne has more mobility with dashes and movement speed.

    *Is very self reliant, being one of the best kite champs with her invis and condemn.

    *Has true damage instead of magic damage. Her true damage is up at all times, Kog magic damage has a fixed 17 secs CD at all ranks.

    *Has 50 more base range.

    *Has a stronger early game and can be played with tons of supports, Kog is good with Janna, Lulu and Yuumi mostly, to keep him safe.

    submitted by /u/ChristianTheOne
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    So what do I do in practice tool?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    I want to get better in general (cs, mechanics, micro, macro), but using the practice tool and beating up stationary dummys hasn't helped me in the slightest, maybe with some combos. If you have a routine or any idea how I could use the practice tool to the fullest please share it!

    submitted by /u/xHydra15
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    Is Quinn jungle still a thing or not at all?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:57 AM PDT


    On Mobafire it says that Quinn is picked in jungle 11% of the time, but there is literally not a single popular Quinn jungle guide on the first two pages. But since 11% of her games are in jungle, it has to be at least semi viable, no? I would love to try her out there but I am still somewhat new to lol, so would appreciate some sort of build plan for this.

    It would be great if someone could clear this confusion up, even better if you have builds to share for Quinn jungle.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/KaizokuKairi
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    How do I close games out when I’m ahead?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    If my team has a lead over the other team, what should I do to push my lead and close out games? I struggle closing games and games last way longer than it should be and ends up allowing the opposing team to come back. Should I be grouping more often and trying to force fights or should we all be shoving waves?

    submitted by /u/Agon49
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    help with being underleveled in the jungle

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    I play duo with my brother who is a toplane main. He honestly just complains over and over about not getting ganks and having the enemy jungler abuse him (his fault for playing ryze top). Basically, he gave me an ultimatum, either i play early game junglers like lee sin or olaf and camp him, or he'll just be toxic to me throughout the entire day. I honestly hate playing early game champs and since i main kha now im basically forced to gank him early and give up an exp lead to the enemy jungler. This results in me hitting level 6 around the 8 minute mark, while other khazixs are hitting 6 at 6-7 mins in. How can i further adapt my gameplay to give my duo his ganks while also not missing out on farm.

    And if anyone would like to help me with a second question its, how do you not tilt in the lower elos while playing as kha, I just played a game where my diana was 0/5/1 by 10 mins and it felt like no matter how hard i tried to counteract that by getting my other lanes fed it was to no avail.

    Thank you for any replys :)

    submitted by /u/riprequinox
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    Timing recalls as a jungler

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    I'm a Silver IV jungler. I'm sitting on a 55% winrate in the last month and I want to win more because I'm stuck here. My early game is usually decent at this point, unless I make mechanical mistakes.

    I believe that my problem is that I don't take enough fights. I get that I have to stay on the map if I can take an objective or if I have the chance to contest it. I've been advised to farm a bit less to stay closer to my teammates in the mid-game and I'm doing that. Now I would like to maximise my map presence by recalling less.

    A lot of guides state that you should recall when you have 1k-1.5k but I'm starting to think that it's plainly wrong, at least in low Silver, because when I recall I put my teammates at risk of a number disadvantage. I thought that I could spend my gold when there won't be a good opportunity to flank because someone already died or recalled or in the opposite situation when my teammates took some kills and they are somewhat safe. Am I wrong? How should I time my recalls?

    Here is my opgg if it is of some use: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=gomugomu272

    submitted by /u/smooth_kiwi_
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    How (un)important is CSing when you're in a bad matchup?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    So... it happens many times, especially when I'm playing Kayle or Irelia, that I find myself in a very unfavourable matchup, rather because I don't know how to counter them, or because they're just super strong earlygame, should I just give up CSing and wait for my small share under tower, risk and aggro, or something else, maybe go gank another lane every now and then? Idk but at these times I just find myself tilting and saying shit like it's broken and unfair, but I'm sure there's some counterstrat I should be doing... right? In DotA we had the option to go and jungle or sometimes swap with another role which could counter, but idk what to do in LoL T_T

    submitted by /u/star47raven
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    What to do vs oppressive bully top laner that freezes?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    Lets say im playing vs Darius that i cant kill 1v1, and even with jungler its risky as it can give him 2 kills for 0. What do i do? I mostly stay in exp range, cs as much as i can if i have long range spells, if not i getbin for canon minion or wait when he recalls. Its sad actually. I dont wanna roam and lose bunch of exp and gold for myself ans my other teammate.

    I play shen or poppy mainly so i just say to myself im a team champion and i can help late game so its better not to overfeed Darius and hope bot or mid can do sometjing. But thats not good if they are losing as well.

    So, what can i do? Even if jungle comes thats 150g or so for me, and darius will freeze again and im still at disadvantage

    submitted by /u/Moanguspickard
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    Is my vision score really that bad?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    I'm fairly new to the game (summoner rank 37), and when playing support my vision score usually seems to be about 1 per minute of game time, with an additional 3-8 thrown on top.

    A friend of mine constantly berates me for this, and insists that I'm not a good support because I don't have as much vision score as she would have at that point in the game, no matter the circumstances. I've since stopped being friends with her because of her being toxic as shit in many other ways, but I still feel bad about my vision score. I know the ideal is at least 2 per minute of game time, but is mine really so terrible for a new player?

    submitted by /u/YO_I_SHOT_TUPAC
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    Early-Game Decision Making

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Hi, i'm new to jungle role, I play it since 2-3 months (used to be supp). When I rank I always have the feel of solo losing the game bacause the enemy jungler does more ganks and takes advantagies, for example drakes... I don't understand how can they gank a lot and keep high cs. Entering in the game I try to choose a smart path and i choose which lane to gank, but when I arrive there there isn't gank possibility. My question is: how is possible (in low elo) make a good early game plan? How can I spam ganks and keep high cs? I have a short champion pool and my junglers are mid-late oriented: Ekko, Kayn and Shyvana (I need another AD jungler). Atm i'm silver 1 and I haven't the feel like I'm controlling the game as I want. Any suggest? Sotrry if the english is bad :D

    submitted by /u/sonzo21
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    How to ward the jungle?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Everyone keeps telling me to "ward the jungle" , but what does that mean? 80% of the map is the jungle , where do i ward? What about control wards , where do i put these?

    The enemy jungler somehow always knows where i am and i have genuinely no idea how this crap works , for context i'm in iron 3

    submitted by /u/liviu506
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    How important is it to play around cooldowns?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Hi there, I'm currently a Silver 4 support main looking to improve my laning phase. Recently when I've tried to make a trade in lane, I've been punished a lot more losing the lane pretty easily. I watched a video about toplane mechanics (I just happen to be watching, there was no real reason as to why I was) and they talked about playing around cooldowns (non-summoners) and how that's important for making good trades.

    Would this logic apply to the botlane as well? For example, if I waited or kept track of when Ezreal Q or Senna Q was down to decide whether or not I wanted to trade in lane would that help me win lane more often, or should I proritize something else in order to improve my trades in lane?

    submitted by /u/theoatmealbox17
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    archangels staff vs ludens

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    I had someone tell me that ludens combos better with ludens than archangels for more ap but I don't, really understand why

    I tend to favor archangels because it gives mana + more ap in the long run, games often play til 6 items with plenty of time to stack, I prefer it over ludens because of the higher ap and the more defensive active which you can choose to use, unlike ludens.

    submitted by /u/hammerdeer
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    How do i control myself to not fight?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Whenever i'm playing camille i always feel the urge to fight in lane, whether i win it or not. I always go in with the feeling that i can kill him but then i get fucked miserably because they are counterpicks which i should not be fighting. How do i make myself stay safe and farm? It's really weird

    submitted by /u/DedsonicPt
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    Any tips for a pyke main?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    I play pyke support with a draven and was wondering if their was any special tips for playing him so i can improve i am still fairly new and i tend to play aggressive pyke with hail of blades. Any neat tricks or builds would be greatly appreciated i know i little but not enough to carry a game or be smart about roaming

    submitted by /u/Epicroyal278
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    After Laning Phase Farming as Midlaner

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    I am a right now a gold midlaner who mains Cassiopeia and I have noticed that after the laning phase my CS/min decreases allot. I try to keep farming but teammates start coming into my lane taking farm and there are constant fights that I should participate in. I know that botlane and mid should switch lane in mid game? but it's mostly that there's constant fights that makes it harder for me I think.

    (I don't think that I should go to r/cassiopeiamains with this because it's something that's consistent with other champions I play and a general midlane question)

    Can you give me tips to help me maintain my CS/min and how I should act in mid/late game

    submitted by /u/Spoket1
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    It can't be that hard

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    I've been gaming since the 80s, I got this...right? I do ok during the landing phase, but when team fights happen I'm just spamming buttons. I come from competitive overwatch and other shooters, but this game gets quick fast! Any tips on how to keep track and slow things down during team fights. Thanks, champs!

    submitted by /u/lurking_octopus
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    Tips on improving farming with Lux

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Trying to main Lux (mid) and I'm finding it really hard to farm as I am used to playing as an ADC. Lux's basic hits deal little damage and I don't know if I should start using her E to farm or focus on last hitting better.

    Since I am low elo (bronze), I think I'd rather keep my mana to poke the opponent and try to last hit properly but I found it a bit difficult.

    Don't get me wrong, I am winning and playing well with Lux (20 Wins - 6 Loses in Ranked with Lux). But I always have a shameful amount of farm, maybe 90cs by 15mins. The Q's and ults that I manage to land with Lux are really good and I'd like to keep using her as I enjoy her combo and style of play. But I would really like to get better at farming with Lux for the moment.

    submitted by /u/Dexonic
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