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    Tuesday, June 9, 2020

    LoL Guide You Should Know: Gold value gained per level is nearly 600.

    LoL Guide You Should Know: Gold value gained per level is nearly 600.

    You Should Know: Gold value gained per level is nearly 600.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Level advantage being good was always something that I knew (it's obvious), but I found a post from 3 years ago on /r/leagueoflegends that confirms that the average value of gold per level is 584. Link here.

    I spoke to a few friends before posting this and all of them were surprised by how high the amount was (hence the post here). This is something super important to keep in mind in terms of gauging how much damage champions can do to you, and also shows how nice that sweet sweet solo side-lane farm is in the midgame!

    submitted by /u/TheTwitchEnthusiast
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    How do streamers bring up their last sent messages in chat?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    I see it all the time, streamers are typing flash timings in chat then they press some button to bring up their last sent message. They'll add on to it or edit it as the game goes one, but for the life of me can't figure out how they're bringing up their last sent message.

    Please, does anyone know how they're doing this?

    submitted by /u/davidc4747
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    What I needed to learn to reach Diamond playing Adc without a duo

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I recently hit diamond playing adc essentially completely solo. This advice is mostly geared toward high gold/plat players.

    There is no single piece of advice that made me climb, or that will make you climb. A mindset shift happens first, and the climb comes as a result of it. I've boiled down what I've learned into 11 points below

    1. Spam games on main, accept that losing is part of the improvement process

    If you want to get better, you need to play against the best possible competition. Especially if you're a plat+ player. Normals and smurfing(except offrole at a rank close to main) can do nothing but make you worse at the game. The easiest way to improve is to play a lot. Sometimes you're not going to feel 100%, it's fine, just play. You cannot expect to improve without playing against the best possible competition as often as possible.

    2. Disable all chat, mute team chat/pings as soon as things go south

    Literally nothing good can come from having all chat enabled. 90% of all chat is people typing "?" after someone misplays. Team chat can be useful, but mute everyone as soon as the game starts going south/someone shows signs of toxicity and don't unmute for the rest of the game, even if the game starts improving.

    3. Drop your ego. Hold yourself accountable

    When you fuck up micro, type "mb" and apologize in team chat. When you fuck up macro, type what you should've done. Almost every death you have playing league of legends is your fault. When you hold yourself accountable for your mistakes, you are less likely to repeat them. Someone else making a more egregious error does not forgive you making an error as well. Holding yourself accountable for your mistakes will reduce toxicity in your team and encourages your teammates to hold themselves accountable as well. When your team is losing, you really want your teammates to do the soloq blame/dogpile on to you- you will have chat or pings muted and will not be affected by the flame. If your teammates flame someone else it could potentially make them play worse. Never flame others, don't praise others too much for good plays because they will get overconfident and int occasionally.

    4. Seeing the game through the Jungler's eyes

    I hit diamond 3 last season 1 tricking Rengar jungle, and my jungle game knowledge has made me a significantly better ad carry. I learned what both junglers in the game are trying to do, what their most common paths are, what kind of ganks to expect, and have a rough estimate of what their clear speed is like. As a result, I know when to play safer, when to freeze, when to get prio, and how to play in relation to my jungler. AD carry is a role with more limited macro skill expression than the others, but game knowledge still has a lot of value in the role.

    5. Ceding small disadvantages instead of donating large ones

    Trying to defend something that the enemy team will most likely get anyway is rarely a risk worth taking. Third dragon is really important to deny, but having your ad carry int a shutdown as you lose it in a numbers-disadvantaged fight is even worse. Anticipate dives and back off of the tower, you're probably not going to clutch it. Something that happens almost every game in low plat is the "domino effect", one player gets caught->rest of the team tries to save the play and dies one by one, or dies trying to defend inhib in numbers-disadvantaged situation. Sometimes you can't stop your teammates from doing this, but you can at least keep yourself from inting.

    6. The best play is not always obvious-- use your brain

    It's almost never a good idea to contest baron in a numbers-disadvantaged situation. When the enemy team has the initiative, find compensation somewhere else, even if its not an even trade. I take a lot of free solo dragons while the enemy team takes a baron we can't contest. If the enemy team is trying to end the game and you can't possibly fight them, try to sneak behind them to deny their wave, even if you die it's better than the game ending.

    7. Know your win condition, and use your summoners on it

    Summoners should be used to secure objectives, acquire shutdowns, deny your shutdown, and generally get your team closer to winning. Sometimes dying with flash up is the right play. Sometimes not flashing for the killing auto when dragon spawns in a minute is the right play. You only get a few flashes in a game, use them to do things that win the game.

    8. Abuse broken shit

    It's unreal how much people type about balance but don't abuse stuff that's broken. Watch a challenger game, they're always all playing S-tier champs. If you think your champ sucks, don't play it. If you think a champ is broken, play it or ban it. I literally cannot play against Kassadin if my mid loses lane, so I ban him. I played a lot of lethality Draven on my way to diamond. It's extremely oppressive. You should always be playing something that you think is really strong. Champ strength doesn't make up for champion mastery, but you should elect to spend your limited time mastering a champ that is at least strong.

    9. Understanding the risk tolerance of the individual game

    Some games are going to be really unlikely to win. You should understand that your risk tolerance should increase in those games. When your team is winning really hard, you should have a very low-risk playstyle. When your team is losing really hard(not you individually, your entire team), you should be more willing to take low% plays to attempt to get your team back into the game.

    10. Unlucky games are an inevitability, part of your skill as a player is being able to not let them effect your next, less unlucky game

    Sometimes your jungler locks in quinn jungle and goes 0/8/3. It happens. Part of being a good player is making it so that the next game, when your jungler locks in Graves and is 5/2/2, you haven't been running it down because you can't play safe on weak side because you're so tilted from last game.

    11. -EVERY- game is winnable

    In one of my games, I was greeted by Famous Nubrac as support in champ select. I got dicked down early. We lost soul, 3 inhibs, baron, and the first elder. No one on our team hard tilted, and when we stole second elder, the enemy team hard mental boomed and chain inted for several minutes until we could safely push out with 3 inhib up to win the game. We didn't tilt after a lot of adversity, but they tilted after the first thing went wrong. Unlikely wins happen, you should always be making what you assess to be the best possible play, even when you're losing.

    As a bonus, here are the things I'm going to do for the rest of the season to escape Diamond, in addition to what I'm already doing:

    -Spend more time reviewing my games, particularly my losses. Always watch the replay of my last game in queue.

    -Watch pro players in soloq and pay close attention to what they're doing.

    -Figure out what they do that I don't do.

    -Apply that knowledge in my games.

    Here are the livestream vods of some very skilled eastern adc players that play with no map cover:






    Innaxe is nice because he's on twitch. He streams frequently. No mic/cam. Plays with a delay so no map cover. Just bangers and 1000lp challenger LEC adc gameplay.


    hope that helped, gl gamers

    submitted by /u/kennykarp3
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    Why has BotRK historically been a first item on champions who build it?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    I've always wondered this, and even though I feel the power of BotRK completion on ADC's who rush it and now recently the surge of bruisers building it top lane, I always wondered why it fit into the first item slot of most builds. At face value, you would think that an item dealing %HP damage would get stronger as the game progresses, meaning it'd be strong as a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th item once the enemy team has high HP values from levels and items.

    Why has that not been the case historically?

    submitted by /u/LettucePlate
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    Guide to Fast-Climbing Ranked - The Mental Aspects

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, MFDB here. For those of you who don't know me: I am an ADC player with rather poor mechanics, but I finished Diamond II in EUW solo q on 2 different accounts last season. I did it solely with a combination of macro knowledge and with a strong mental game. I've already posted my macro guide here back then and you guys seemed to like it. So time for round two.

    I will give you a text version of the guide for those who like reading, and a video version for those who prefer that. They are essentially equal to each other.

    Video version: https://youtu.be/-dzwX9TLYtE

    Text version:

    When playing solo q, most people have some good days, where they are literally unbeatable, and some bad days where they go on an enormous loss streak and feel like they have no impact on the game at all. They get frustrated, and lose even more, before finally calling it a night. We've all been there, and especially the bad days can really get to you, as it feels like your endeavours to improve are bearing no fruit at all. And while you can't deny that some games are simply unwinnable, no matter what you do, the truth is that in an overwhelming majority of your games, you could have carried your team to vicory, had you been playing on one of your good days instead. The key to winning more games in League of Legends, and everyone knows that of course, is to only play on good days, and to get rid of bad days altogether. Very few people, however, know how to actually do that, so let's break it down.

    First and foremost you need to know that sleep plays a major role answering this question, and the reason for this is twofold. A bad solo q day is typically a day on which you start playing ranked, eager to win some games, but then things happen that are not under your control, for example a solo laner on your team starting to feed, and you can literally feel how you get more and more tilted and your desire to tell them off in chat is growing uncontrollably. And sure, some people are arrogant douchebags who always flame their team mates for everything. We all have seen one of those toxic players at some point. But the truth about most players, and possibly about you, is: on bad days, you will lose your temper, stop trying your best, and maybe even start flaming the team mate in question. On good days however, you will keep your focus and do your best to win, which increases your chances of actually winning dramatically. There are two areas in your brain, that determine whether today will be a good solo q day or a bad one, namely the Amygdala and the Prefrontal Cortex. The Amygdala is the emotional centre in your brain, while your Prefrontal Cortex is responsible for rational decision making and acting as the Amygdala's supervisor. If you didn't manage to get enough sleep last night, your Amygdala becomes disconnected from your Prefrontal Cortex and starts reacting to negative stimuli up to 60% stronger than it normally would. Therefore, not sleeping enough will literally get you tilted. Consequently, after nights in which you did not get 8 and a half hours of sleep opportunity, the deck is heavily stacked against you and you should rather play normal games to relax. On top of that, you should also get your full eight and a half hours of sleep opportunity after a day of climbing the solo q ladder, as in a full 8 hour night of sleep, your brain experiences so called stage 2 NREM sleep during the 7th and 8th hour. In this state, your brain consolidates motor skills and makes them second nature. This means that you lower your reaction time and get more precise at what you've practiced the day prior. You literally get better at last hitting minions over night.

    While healthy sleep acts like a kind of tilt-insurance for you, you can naturally still end up with a team full of monkeys that seem to only exist in order to ruin your day. Additionally, some people are just naturally more short tempered than others, and if that's you, then you simply need to know your weaknesses. The safest strategy is of course to quit solo q for the day after a single defeat. This will 100% stop tilt-induced loss streaks from happening. But again, you need to know yourself. I for example consider myself rather tilt-proof, so I call it quits only after the second defeat of the day when I'm tryharding on my main account. By using frustrating losses as a clue to stop, you are also increasing the value of your win streaks you experience on your best days, because there are no more losing streaks that can even them out.

    In order to climb even faster, you should also make use of your option to dodge games in champ select if necessary. Many of those games that are unwinnable, no matter what, can already be recognized as such before they start. People flaming each other in champ select? You dodge. Someone on your team acts like they are tilted pre game or is threatening to troll? You dodge. Dodging games is literally free. You lose 3 to 10 LP per dodge, but LP do not matter. The only thing that matters for climbing is your Match Making Rating, MMR for short. Your MMR is a hidden value which increases after a win and decreases after a loss. The higher your MMR, the more LP you gain after a win and the less LP you lose after a defeat. If you dodge, your MMR will stay the same, which means that even after dodging 20 games in a row, you will gain your true rank back very quickly. One caveat: you never dodge in promos. Dodging in promos is treated like a hidden loss and will lower your MMR. You have to play them.

    The last tip for climbing: Be aware of Ego depletion. Your mind works like a muscle. It is scientifically proven that willpower is a limited resource and the more you focus on willpower demanding tasks, such as not greeding for that extra minion wave, because you know that you lack vision of the area and the enemy jungler will likely kill you if you try, the more of that resource is depleted. Consequently, in your first game of the day you will make more crisp decisions than in your 7th. So after you notice Ego depletion kicking in, you should also stop playing ranked for the day. The mind-muscle-analogy, however, does hold a lot of truth. If you are a big brain person, you might still be on top of your game after playing for five hours, and if you are not, well, your willpower resource will grow long term if you use it regularly. Just like a muscle.

    As always, try to have fun with the game and good luck with your climb:)

    Yours sincerely, MissFortuneDaBes

    submitted by /u/MissFortuneDaBes
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    Tips for people in gold and below.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    These are just some tips for fellow teammates in my elo that I find almost every game. It amazes me that you can even get to gold without knowing these rules.

    1. Every single game has someone who is toxic, just mute them entirely no matter what team they are on.
    2. Junglers are not your personal dog to win lane, they have objectives to get like scuttles, dragons, rift, and baron all along with keeping tabs on lanes and where the jungle is. Spam pinging the jg after you gave 2 early kills to the Darius/Illaio is asking for a double kill.
    3. Everyone gets autofilled, especially if you play a popular lane. Do not get toxic because of it and automatically pick something like Xerath support when you team needs CC/heals/tanks
    4. If a teammate nicely tells you to play safer, don't take it as an attack. My last Trist game I was 0/3 with half the farm as their ADC and I still got a penta kill and finished the game 18/6/9. All I had to do was stop the bleeding by not giving more kills.
    5. If you're on a losing steak and tilted, play and ARAM or RGM for a few. You will lose more when tilted.
    6. Knowing lane matchups is good, but playing your best champ is most important. You won't automatically win lane because you picked 15k M5 Teemo into a 2.1m M7 Nasus.
    7. Don't learn champs in ranked. You probably won't win and even if you don't care about rank, other people do.
    8. FFing is literally always a bad idea. You can debate me about this all day but my very last game was won because the enemy team trolled a forfeit vote as they were taking our nexus and on a 3-1 vote, the last person to place their vote left the game and they FFed on that 3-1 and we won. (You can see this game and my Trist game mentioned above in my match history IGN: Lktictac)
    9. Learn to build/rune against the enemy team. Anti-heal against champs like Mundo, Raka, Renekton, Vlad etc is a must. Taking MR runes into mid with an enemy Zed is dumb.
    10. Look at what your team needs, and fill that position. For example, you are a last pick jungler. Your mid picks Zed, Support picks Nami, Top picks Kayle, and ADC is Ashe. You have decent CC with Nami and Ashe, AP and late game with Kayle, Early and mid game with Zed, but you need a tank still. DONT LOCK IN GRAVES. Not everyone needs to be the carry of every game. There are far too many carry picks in top/supp/jg when they are not necessary. Someone needs to suck it up and tank/cc or you can lose in champ select. On top of that, carries like mid and ADC should provide some kind of poke. If mid picks Yas and ADC draven, you will be missing a lot of potential engage and have 0 poke.
    11. Don't push without wards, and don't ask for ganks or roams if you shove either. It is impossible for most junglers or mids to roam and get a kill on someone under their tower without giving a kill in most cases.
    submitted by /u/LKT1CTAC
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    What to do against someone who roams in mid lane?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    So I'm a Mid Laner in Platinum playing mostly mages or AP assassins. Every time I win lane, my opposing laner always roam to bot or top and gets fed from there. I always spam pings but my teammates make mistakes and I know that, but how should I approach that type of playstyle? I always shove every time I see them somewhere else on the map but eventually they have a gold lead against me.

    submitted by /u/jianjosh
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    How do you utilize the scoreboard during a League of Legends game?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    I've seen every single person in League whether it's the pros or a regular streamer always tap the button to open up the scoreboard to see it for .00001 seconds. To be honest, I haven't been able to figure out what you need to be looking at the scoreboard for. I know it shows all the stats and items and stuff, but honestly there's no way to really be able to see what is notable on the scoreboard for a nanosecond. Anyone who knows the ins and outs of League can you teach us how to use the scoreboard efficiently? [Please don't remove]

    submitted by /u/Gray-Diamond
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    Tips against fizz as a tank jungler?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I'm asking for tips from the perspective of a tank jungler, whose midlaner has fed the enemy fizz. Plz don't give laning tips against fizz or tell me that he's not op early on.

    I like to play tank junglers like warwick and nunu and try to peel for my dmg dealers. But fizz is just unpeelable. He has so much mobility and cc and it's so hard to stop him from getting to my carries even playing someone like nunu who has slows, snares and knockups. He can dash away from my snowball, become invulnerable and get out of my slows, zhonyas when I ult or try to surpress him as warwick, and then he can just dash out again after.

    Idk how to stop him from getting to my carries or in general just play against him, so tips on what I can do would be very helpful. Ty!

    submitted by /u/UberEinstein99
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    How to jungle in lane/after laning phase

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Hi guys! I'm kinda new to the game and also to the jungle, I know the basics, I know that a full clear blue side jungle grants me level 3. Now getting to the point: 1) Whenever I try some ganks I always feel goofy and I'm always scared of giving a double kill to the enemy team, so how do I approach to lanes? 2) After the laning phase is over, how do I behave? Should I keep farming or should I look for fights? Feel absolutely free to link some videos or sites. Last thing: keep in mind that I really like Pantheon and Shyvana full AP, also I'm iron1. Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/gabry_tino
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    Macro play questions derived from one of Biofrost's Bard games

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    Recently, I have been watching a lot of bard videos, and came across this game on YouTube.


    The reason I wanted to learn bard is that I think my macro play and map awareness are weak, and due to the nature of the champion, I would develop those gradually. So my questions are these:

    1. After 10 minutes, he never went to bot lane, just roamed around the map and created pick chances. Why is that? I mean his adc kept dying a lot, so he definitely needed some support there but bard never went there to help him.
    2. I know this is a challenger level game, but I'm high bronze/low silver so how can I implement these macro plays in my own games?
    3. He is always roaming around the map, how does he get enough experience to still be relevant in the game? When I roam this much (probably not as effective), I realize my level is usually 1-2 lower than enemy support.
    4. This is not as relevant as the others, but how do I roam without my adc flaming me for laning alone and ragequitting?

    Apart from these, any tips and strategies in general are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/bombos19
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    Does 'sharing kills' really make an impact?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    I have recently been learning to jungle after getting into the game about a month or two ago; I'm not a pro yet but I've been trying to improve. I recently found my calling in Vi; I really enjoy her playstyle and have been practicing her to try and git gud.

    In recent games, however, I've had teammates who accuse me of not "sharing kills" - now, typically this comes from my 0-4 ADC, so I usually assume it's just a case of "they're upset that I have a good KDA and they don't", but I feel as though I should ask (as it's happened a few times to me now); does 'sharing your kills' with the team actually impact the game?

    submitted by /u/saharancellphones
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    Help with getting started on a Champion

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Hi y'all. I just started playing League two days ago, and after some playing and research, I wanted to try to start to fit a role. I want to start trying Top Lane, and was just curious, what is a fun/good Top Laner for me to learn the game with?


    submitted by /u/nmorawski22
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    Is lvl 16 Kassadin stronger than Aphelios + Azyr + Ornn?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Last game in LPL I saw a late game Kassadin (TOP Esports) winning against Aphelios, Azyr and Ornn (Rogue Warriors).

    So, is this normal or that's a missplay from RW? I know Kassa is one of strongest champions at lvl 16 but I don't throught that he can 1v3 a entire late game comp.

    I want to know your opinion: The best late game champion is Aphelios, Azyr, Corki or Kassadin?

    VOD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0YeGSDF03M

    submitted by /u/mofumofuwa
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    20+ games a day?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:32 PM PDT

    I have literally nothing to do now, my parents are forcing me to stay indoors because they want to keep me safe from COVID-19. Is 20+ games of League of Legends a day helpful? Would it help me improve at an insanely fast rate? All of these games would be ranked by the way. What are the benefits of playing so many games a day in League of Legends. I'm currently a Gold 3/4 mid player just to let you know where I stand and how much I can improve from my point. Hope you guys could come up with some helpful comments! :D

    submitted by /u/SpiralOfGames
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    How to improve to make the jump from gold 2 to gold 1 as a jungler

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    So I am jungle main and I feel like I cannot get out of gold 2 and notice a huge skill gap. Whenever I promote to gold 2 I instantly demote back to gold 3 and this has happened around 6/7 times. Whenever I am in gold 3 I feel like I am usually the better jungler or close in skill while in gold 2, I feel that theres a huge skill gap and sometimes would get smashed so hard I would queue up for my secondary. I play kayn and ekko in like 95% percent of games so maybe I need to learn a few other champs.

    submitted by /u/IdntHAVEBIGWHITEPEEN
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    A thread on r/Xayahmains that I absolutely agree with and want to spread the word.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:20 PM PDT

    Mouse Config and sensitivity Issues Re-setting in League

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:16 PM PDT


    I've been having this issue with my lol settings being different on my main account and my newaccount. My windows sensitivity keeps resetting after every game from 6/11. I have to change it every game if I want it to be accurate.

    Also, correct me if I'm wrong but I think in League, configs are saved per account level. When I switch to my new account, I can't really describe it but something seems slightly "off" with my mouse. I did some digging, and saw this option here in the game config file:


    I'm playing on a windows computer so I don't think this option actually matters. However, this config variable also resets after every game for some reason.

    Also, in game, my settings seem to match exactly on both accounts but feels inconsistent. Anyone have any suggestions? I just want the same settings on my new acc to mirror my main account exactly. I've seen some threads about similar issues but never saw a solution listed.

    submitted by /u/gregornoelle341
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    Kai´sa - when go ap, when ad?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:29 AM PDT


    im recently learning Kaisa and i am wondering at wich point i should decide do go for ap/ad build with her?

    AP will increase dmg with q and w - AD increasing Auto Attacks + e right? So if i play against a tanky team AP is better or is it overall better for bursting?

    Main Champ is Jhin wich i am fairly good at but i need few more champ options once i get into ranked.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/void-z
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    How do you beat nocturne mid?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Basically it. Two games against nocturne mid (corki then neeko) and I felt helpless to generate pressure on him all game. The good healing paired with easy cc block on my neeko left me feeling useless in lane. Even without dying in the 1v1 he was able to out CS me and gank top and bot super effectively. Unfortunately my jg died in other ganks or unfortunate invades and was unable to help out.

    Hoping for some tips to beat him in the 1v1 as to not rely on ganks. Champs, items, or tips at all greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/MopishOrange
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    How are u supposed to kill a Nasus?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    TL;DR: How do you Kill Nasus after he finished Trinity & Bramble? Seems like he's invincible and his stats (Stacks, CS, KDA) doesnt matter.

    i recently found a streamer who plays nasus toplane. he goes early like 0/6, 0/3, 1/4 or some shit, all of the sudden he finished trinity and bramble and just shits on everyone, after he kills the enemy toplaner with more luch than skill both towers and herald are gone to his favor. if he finishs thornmail he's basically unvincible and just shits on everyone.

    His CS is bad, his stacking is even worse (100 Stacks in 15 Minutes, 100 CS in 20 Minutes) but it just doesnt matter, he shits on Darius like it is nothing.

    How the fuck are you supposed to play around that? i normally main kaisa and try to build ap since nasus build thornmail/armor. But how are u supposed to win a game when at minute 20 bot toptower are gone and shelly is running the inhibs down like butter.

    Any Tipps/Tricks?

    One Game the Enemy Jungle baby sits his lane, he went 0/8, enemy laner was 6/0. doesnt matter, after first Item he just shat on them, crushed tower and the game was won by minute 27.

    I dont get it

    (Elo is btw Bronze) Pls dont tell me "its basically bronze, so it's possible" i mean they're all on the same skilllevel. Nasus is also a freshly promoted bronze player. his enemies are buying armor shred and antiheal sometimes, doesnt matter at some point.

    submitted by /u/chayliice
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    An Intricate Spreadsheet of Damage and Damage Ratios for Every League Champ

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:53 PM PDT


    I made a spreadsheet that takes every champions full damage combo against a single target champion, including their auto attacks, passive damage, ability damage, and pets.

    I did not include damage from items, or stats given from items, unless it was essential to understanding the Champion's damage (like Jhin, for instance).

    Each Champion has a column with the final total, broken down into Magic Damage, True Damage, and Physical Damage.

    Some of the champions are a little outdated. It took me a while to finish this, because I did it for every champion (except Aphelios). I probably won't update the spreadsheet unless there are major changes to a champion, like a massive change (for instance, the recent Sylas retuning, the Volibear rework, a new champion added, etc).

    Here's the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15RRFr53FxQQfKwNIDc51aUL4TgQPwfVm/view?usp=sharing


    The purpose of the spreadsheet is to document how much damage each champion can really do in a short encounter, because I was curious why some champions did so much damage, while being ostentatiously weak.

    I also like making 'For Fun' builds while playing with friends, and this spreadsheet has helped me uncover some hidden gems.

    Additional Notes

    Finally, here's some things that will help you understand the spreadsheet.

    • Each Champion is at level 18 with all abilities maxed out. Keep in mind some champions will not scale into the late game. They're level 18 because it's simpler than arbitrarily choosing an ability build order for each champion.
    • Damage is assumed to be against a single champion. For champions where that matters, like Brand (where his ult bouncing will increase his single target damage) the 'multiple champions' calculation is in the notes.
    • The number of auto attacks is based on:
    1. My knowledge of the Champion (if I play them a lot)
    2. Watching other people use combos with that champion
    3. Asking mains of that Champion
    4. Trying it out in the test client if I don't have any of the above resources.
    • All damage calculated as a short interaction, like burst damage. I tested each combo in the test client to see what's reasonable to hit, because for some champions, like Lucian's ultimate, it's unreasonable to say you will hit every bullet.
    • Aphelios isn't calculated because his guns each have different stats, and each of his abilties changes with the combination. I would have had to calculate him 20 times, and I really don't want to do that.
    • If I've missed something, or am in error, please comment (or preferably PM me) so I can fix it right away. If you main a champion and I got something wrong, also correct me. I want the resource to be useful.
    submitted by /u/KickHimWhileIAmDown
    [link] [comments]

    Someone explains this to me ? ( Analysis of tyler1 jungler role )

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    Hi, this https://youtu.be/7UIXnZ5rOqo?t=258

    This is the quote im curious about

    "Also using herald top helps funnel gold onto Olaf and ivern, two champions that who really don't wantto be funneling your team's gold into " can some explain me why is that?

    submitted by /u/skzoholic
    [link] [comments]

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