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    Monday, July 13, 2020

    LoL Guide After being hard stuck plat 4 I finally hit Dia. Here are 4 tricks you can do instantly that helped me

    LoL Guide After being hard stuck plat 4 I finally hit Dia. Here are 4 tricks you can do instantly that helped me

    After being hard stuck plat 4 I finally hit Dia. Here are 4 tricks you can do instantly that helped me

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    It took me 600 games to get out of gold then I was plat 4 for 200 games and then in 170 games I climbed to thru plat to dia. The 4 tricks I did that truly allowed me to focus on improving and doing in my best are the following

    1. Disable chat. Only lanes swaps etc can be called in chat (but i jungle so it doesnt affect me) everything else can be communicated (IMO) with pings
    2. Narrow down your role to 1 and your champion pool. I wasted so many games trying new roles and new champions (often at the same time).
    3. Dodge. Dodge alot more. I got the porofessor app to see win rates etc. the amount of mundo adc with 25 % win ratio I used to let thru "cuz I just wanna play the game man" was stupid and lost me so much time and lp.
    4. Create a secondary account / Play normals. You aren't gonna learn anything from a game you lost cuz you were so tired that you just fail the simplest things. Also if you feel like playing offrole / off champion then do it on the other account / normals(second point). Also having an other account is good when dodging so you can play on it while waiting out the timer.

    Bonus tip: Play less. No more 10hr sessions. 3 good games then break or normals/other account.

    submitted by /u/Cyxana
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    Support mains, learn how to leash CS for you AD

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    When a minion wave crashes to your tower, learn when to hit the minions so your AD can cs most or all of them under the turret. Don't blindly waste your spoils of war stack on any minions whenever it recharges as it can be really useful in helping AD farm under turret. Also, if your AD is setting up a freeze, don't execute the minions at their maximum possible health with your charge as it'll just push the wave and ruin your ADCs mood.

    submitted by /u/legndkila
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    If you're iron, bronze, silver -- you can probably advance one whole rank just by learning simple macro principles.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Iron to bronze, bronze to silver, silver to gold, etc. You can go up a whole rank just by doing some reading and understanding macro principles. The "why" of the game. You can advance quickly using these principles, because nobody really even begins to understand them until about mid-gold, low platinum.

    What does it mean to "manage a wave?"

    What is a "power spike?"

    What is "priority?"

    What is "tempo?"

    Hit tab whenever you're not doing anything, look at items, CS, levels. Who has a QSS? Zhonyas? Who just completed their first big item? When's the next dragon coming up? When's the next rift herald coming up? What do your items look like vs your opposing laner's items? If you just based and you're walking back to lane, you have about 25 seconds to look this information over.

    If drake is coming up in a minute -- you should be looking to shove your wave to get priority, get a shop off, spend your gold, buy a control ward, and contest the area around the drake. This goes for everyone, not just the jungler. Mid lane. Bot lane as well. Even top lane should be trying to make sure they've saved their teleport, have priority, and have bought items recently.

    General itemization is another thing that gets overlooked. Enemy team has a Yasuo mid and an ADC that likes to build crit items? Tanks should be building Randuin's omen. Cuts crit damage by 20%, slows attack speed, has an AoE slow active component. Basically everything a Yasuo would rather not see in a game. Look for self-healing reliant champions. Darius, Swain, Vladimir, Aatrox, anyone that likes to stack lifesteal items, Illaoi, healers like soraka, sona, yuumi -- you need to buy grievous wounds as early as you can afford it. Not just the AD champs that can grab an executioners, but also the tanks who can grab bramble, and mid laners who can grab morellonomicon. Adaptive helm for champs who do repeated magic damage. Swain, Teemo, Cassiopeia, anyone else with a magic damage DoT or a spammable low cost skill. These items can be the difference between winning or losing.

    What should you do when you destroy your tower? Do you rotate top, or mid? Who's winning their lane? What's going to be the easiest next tower to get? When's the next objective coming up? Where do you want to draw the enemy's attention to? What foothold do you want to take away from the enemy? Point is -- the answer to this question is rarely "stay in the same lane and continue to AFK farm." You need to push your advantage around the map. This is called "Tempo." You're not worried about leaving your lane because you already got the objective there. You are up tempo, the enemy is now down tempo because they've got to kill the opposing tower to be at the same tempo as you. You maintain tempo by taking additional objectives.

    What do you do when all 3 towers are down? The classic low elo ARAM syndrome. Look at the objective timers for baron and dragon -- set up vision in the enemy jungle on that side, look for picks, use the picks to get the objective. Standing towers draw battle lines, you should be playing as far forward as you can when you're ahead, and as far back as you can when you're behind. If that means playing in the enemy jungle -- do it. If that means conceding your own jungle -- do it.

    Vision isn't just for supports and junglers, kids. EVERYONE should be buying at least one control ward every time they return to base or the one they had on the map gets destroyed or becomes irrelevant. This includes the mid laner and adc. Its 75 gold. If you're farming well, you're not going to feel 75 gold here and there. Get over it. Buy control wards.

    People in iron/bronze/silver play for the moment. You need to be planning ahead. You need to understand the impact of your actions now on the next 5-10 minutes of the game. If I chase the enemy support into the unwarded enemy jungle -- one of two things happens. I get the kill, or I run into the enemy team and die. What happens in either scenario? Do you stand to gain anything by killing the support? Does the enemy stand to gain anything if you die? And I'm not talking about the 300g you get for the kill. I'm talking about towers, neutrals, vision, priority. The answer is "don't chase the enemy support into the unwarded enemy jungle" 95% of the time. Its almost never worth it.

    If you start thinking about what you're doing, and the impact of it on the overall gamestate -- and understanding the overall gamestate to begin with, you WILL climb at least one full ranked tier. I absolutely promise. Money back guarantee.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    League is a game about patience. The player who seeks fast gratification is at a disadvantage.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    The majority of players play League to seek pleasure and gratification in form of kills, leads and just dominating your enemy team fast. Why fast? Because the majority plays at times where they want to relief stress by drowning thoughts of real life problems. I always questioned why even when your team isn't toxic from the get go often you'll have a team that gets totally impatient when the game reachs the 30 to 40 minute mark. They would get chaotic and try to make a dominating play. Everytime this team is the opposing one I am more likely to win. This is because SoloQ League is not tournament competitive League. The chance that a team throws in SoloQ increases with match time. Just by being patient when behind you will naturally stretch the games length. I realized that an above average win rate in ranked boils down to patience. You can take risks, you can try to snowball, but if you do not have patience for your team or with yourself you are just limiting yourself from achieving your potential WR.

    Sometimes things don't work out. Sometimes your team doesn't do well in the laning phase. The solution is in everyones head but no one really wants to embrace it because everyone wants that sweet gratification that one didn't get from the day yet: Be productive before you play ranked. This will get you in the right state of mind and makes you feel way more comfortable. Bad circumstances won't topple you. Your teams mistakes or your own won't linger the entire game and fog your perception. If you want to win and be relaxed doing so get your gratification from elsewhere. This is the anti-dote to being inpatient. At the same time it is the anti-dote to toxicity and a clouded mind.

    I play since s2-s3ish and somewhat grew with this game. It's still the most toxic around, no denying that. However, this means just by being patient and having a free mind knowing that you already did your best today you are already at an advantage.

    Currently, there is this toxic phenomena making its rounds where people shoutout the "diff" (difference) that won or lost a match in the post lobby screen or sometimes even in the mid-game.

    I like to think the "diff" was patience. Be patient. Train this potential-unlocking character strength and you will automatically be more focused, relaxed and more confident in your decision-making.

    Sorry for grammar. Not native. I hope this motivates some of you. Climb on.

    EDIT: I would like to give an example of patience.

    Hashinshin. Even though Hashinshin's mechanics degraded he still remains at the top of the ladder constantly. One would say "It's game experience!" if just viewed superficially. More precisely would be his continous effort to stay patient with any given match situation. Surely, he has his outburst on bad days like any other human, but he never quits or flames his mates over the entire match for a mistake. He knows he needs them to win.

    Ask yourself: Why would you worsen the main fundamental variables for your win condition? I am not just talking about your team members. I am also talking about your mental perception of the on-going match. These are variables you need to win. Making them your enemy is self-manipulating behaviour and locking your potential away. If your member makes a mistake, don't throw a tantrum: Think about how you need to adjust the next few minutes. Same rule applies for when you do a mistake: Don't be so hard on yourself or blame the game. Think about the match and what you can control from the moment you made that mistake and going forward. The goal is to immediately shrug, aknowledge and move on and not get paralyzed by a thunderstorm of thoughts. Always be on alert of your own ego and take a deep breather when it tries to self-manipulate you into worsening your parameters. (See the anti-dotes in the first paragraph so it doesn't even come this.) That said, even when you try your best to stay positive sometimes you can have a really tilting game. It happens to the best of us. The best you can do - and should do - is taking a break. Otherwise you will continue with a clouded mind and you put yourself at an enormous disadvantage. You didn't give your mind time to process the tiltness of the previous game and brought it into your next.

    EDIT #2:Replies with more secret climb wisdom:https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/hqasme/league_is_a_game_about_patience_the_player_who/fxxncu4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x



    submitted by /u/TrueAndy
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    How do i play against ultra safe players in top lane?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    I like to play really aggressive to get a lead and snowball hard the game, but, sometimes when i face super safe players aka "coin flippers", the lane phase ends pretty even and I can't get myself fed. Most of the times I have to rely on my team reacting to my lane pressure. (Dive doesn't seem to work on Garen/Shen)

    submitted by /u/LordAthus
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    Enjoy your climb

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I have played ranked for years. I played have the game seriously for years. I peaked at Diamond 2. At that time i played maybe around 4-6 games a day.

    Climbing ranked can thrilling and fun, but as fun it can be it can also suck so much ass.

    There were periods in my grind where i did not have any fun, my only drive was to see that diamond border. When i look back, the only thing i have achieved were when i was having fun in the games. Its not like life is better when you're a higher rank.

    My point is just enjoy the journey, when reaching the goal i didn't feel any special satisfaction.

    I advice you to stop playing ranket mode, if you realise that you are not enjoying it. I have spend way too many games being mad, not enjoying the game.

    Just some thoughts.

    Have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/Colorprayer
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    What are some great supp and adc synergies

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    Besides the very well known ones (morg/lux caitlyn, lulu and hypercarries such as jinx kog or twitch) what are some great support and adc synergies? For example if you are a hypercarry player but you also see that your support has picked lulu, instead of picking jhin, you will pick the hypercarry because lulu has less synergy with jhin given his fixed attack speed and cap of 4 autos per cycle. Or if you're a cait/mf main, you see your supp pick morg then you're going to pick caitlyn most likely because she synergizes with Morgana. Like what are some supports that do much better paired with certain adcs.

    submitted by /u/luxmainbtw
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    Diana counter?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Any players know a good counter to a Diana dashing in with her ult and using zhonyas? Just lost a game where every team fight was won by the enemy diana dashing in and ulting and using zhonya. It seems like zhonya + diana ult is too safe for diana and she can come out every team fight pretty much unscathed. they should remove diana ult falling down if she goes in stasis tbh

    submitted by /u/pink_whale
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    I made it to Gold, but realized I actually don't know what I'm doing...?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 12:38 PM PDT


    So, I finally clawed my way out of the depths of tarnished gold (bronze), silver scrapes, to Gold elo. However, my promotional games felt completely different than what I was playing before in silver.

    It's almost as if I was playing an entirely different game, doing my best to understand what to do while my team was making plays miles ahead of me.

    I came to the realization that I honestly have no understanding of what's going on. I just feel completely loss, and don't actually know where to pick up where I left off.

    submitted by /u/MyRedGlasses
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    Noob question: how do you target the correct champion in team fights?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    I realized that my damage is always so low because in team fights I spend more time walking around then actually auto attacking enemies, but it's difficult for me to right click the exact champion when everyone is bunched up together during a team fight? Any tips on how to be more precise with my damage output, especially in team fights?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    My friend doesn't understand basic wave managment, what is the best way for me to explain it to him?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    So i was playing with my friend today and i was toplane and he was jungle. I was Ornn against Fiora and the Fiora kept freezing under her turret and i tried to break the freeze and their jungler came to gank and because i was so far up the lane i couldn't get away and died then my friend asked me why i was so far up and i said i tried to break the freeze. He just said that he doesn't know what that means and told me to stay under MY turret and WAIT for her to push to ME. And in that situation i didn't know how i can explain freezing and wave managment as fast as possible to him so i said nothing and kept doing my thing. But i couldn't help but to think about it. Even now as of writing this in the middle of the night. I'm just annoyed about my friends idea of how to fix the problem.

    All help is much appreciated and thank you!

    submitted by /u/Fuupei
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    Different win conditions with different ADCs?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    So I was watching a xFSN saber video and he talks about being an adc and your only goal being to make money until it's possible for you to kill their frontline. Only when that's possible can you carry your team and win the game.

    He plays Caitlyn and I can see this rule of thumb applying to the majority of traditional ADCs but I also like to play Jhin and I feel like this rule doesn't really apply here. I feel like this also applied to Lucian to a lesser extent. I've kinda given up playing these champions in solo queue in favor of more traditional ADCs like jinx or ezreal because I feel like early game leads matter less due to the tendency of people to make mistakes and games to drag out. Therefore if the enemy gets ahead early but I'm still good on gold I can still pull ahead later. However, that also means that if I'm playing something like Jhin and get ahead I'm going to lose to their fed Frontline which only gets worse lategame.

    submitted by /u/CermaSL
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    Feeling Trapped with champs

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    I have a problem where I gain interest in different styles of champs often enough to make it difficult to get good with a few. I am naturally a very aggressive playstyle but after watching LCK/LPL I get extremely interested in champs like Corki/Sylas/Azir but those champs see a way out of my typical playstyle and hard to execute in low elo soloQ. The only champ I play consistently is Yasuo and he's my best champ as I can easily win lane really hard because I know him so well but he gets banned a lot.

    I want to play these champs because I really enjoy them but I fail with them due to my inability to play them in a low elo soloQ environment, unlike my typical champs. Farming and scaling seem really difficult for me because of the need to balance farm/fighting since that's what a lot of silver-gold soloQ is.

    Any tips for someone who has a really aggressive playstyle naturally and wants to learn to play these types of scaling picks in low elo? How can I change my playstyle to fit my champ accordingly since it feels like I'm trapped within the confines of champs like Yasuo, Irelia, etc.

    submitted by /u/Sofruz
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    Laning against someone who out-ranges

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Recently, I played a game against a caitlyn in the bot lane who would not hesitate to punish me for csing. It was a really frustrating game because by the end of laning phase, I was pretty much a full item behind, meaning I was pretty much useless. Luckily, I still managed to win the game because my mid was super fed, but still, how are you supposed to stay relevant as an adc against someone who has much better harass or range? Any advice would be helpful, but I would definitely prefer adc-specific advice.

    submitted by /u/Jell01
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    Rewatching matches

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    As the title say, if you are looking for improving, rewatching games is something you should do.

    Especially the games you thought you played bad, or you lost and don't know what went wrong. It's very beneficial to speed through games and analyze what happened, because situations where we just get flamed, where we are thinking: "everything I'm doing is fine" happen, sometimes the game is confusing. Do that every now and then, when you don't have time to actually play a full game, you'll be able to actually improve much faster.

    submitted by /u/3esper
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    Always remember; the best you can do in low elo is stop your teammates from tilting.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    This, of course, holds true for all elos, but is especially prevalent in low elo. As a player, you might understand that your friendly Trundle/ Jhin starting Baron has no priority, especially when the entire enemy team is missing, but they obviously don't.

    For the sake of the team, don't default to making the mechanically correct play to win the game. If you have reason to believe the game can end from how a player reacts to a single play, it's best to just be the better person and take initiative of the situation and back the play up. Losing Baron is a lot less detrimental than a Jhin beginning to AFK a side lane with a lane pushed up to inhibitor instead of play around the map. If you lose the teamfight, and the play doesn't work, don't even give the player the time he/ she needs to react. Grit your teeth and type, "Sorry for screwing up the play, that was totally my fault."

    Put the blame on yourself to boost the ego of your teammates. They will be the ones hardstuck in Wood 5, wanting to blame 99/100 factors for not being able to climb (the missing factor being themselves), and all that matters is that you are the one who understands this.

    Yes, you will cringe at some of the plays you have to make, but for me, it's worked out remarkably well, since the enemy team in low elo is just as likely to make brazen plays as you are. Happy climbing!

    submitted by /u/Legoman7861
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    Mid lane help

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Hello summoner school!

    I'm trying to get into the mid lane to start climbing the ranked ladder so I'm putting in some work in normal. What are some decent and easy champs I should pick up? I'm really digging Ahri for her E Q combo and her safe ultimate. However I'm also having trouble falling behind in CS in lane (~85-90@15) should I use more spells in lane or could it be due to roaming too much?

    submitted by /u/br0th3rship
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    How do I freeze a lane

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    So I'm silver 4, (so my games are usually bronze af) and I main a really op heimer top. The big tanky champs CANNOT live with him Hahahah. But because my csing is usually quite far ahead I always end up pushing the lane right to their tower and this sucks as heimer because he lives for getting dived ! Is it possible to like slow up my lane big time so it's 50/50 or even better that I would be closer to my turret haha.

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/justaniceguy21
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    I seem to only get tilted when I'm ahead but my team as a whole is behind

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 04:15 PM PDT


    I've been playing since S1 and I have over 10,000 games total. I noticed that I sometimes get extremely tilted which affects my performance. I know I need to stop playing when tilted.

    I recently noticed what exactly causes me to tilt. If I play a champion I haven't played before, or if I'm doing poorly, I don't usually tilt. I start tilting when I stomp my lane (primarily top lane) and most and/or the rest of my team is behind.

    I think the way I'm looking at the situation is that my lead is going to get wasted if everyone else is behind (since 2-3 winning lanes > 1 winning lane), so it feels pointless to play well unless everyone else on my team does.

    Is there anything I can do and/or think to get out of this terrible mentality? I'm fairly certain it's one of the only things that is keeping me at a lowish rank (plat)

    submitted by /u/ThrowMeABone38
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    Why LPL midlaners never buy Morellonomicon ?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Hello guys, I've been watching some pro games, but mostly LPL and I noticed that midlaners never buy Morello, either they have a kennen top that goes for it or they get anti-heal very late in the game when the adc gets Executioner's Calling.

    They don't buy it even when there are at least 2 healing champs on the other side..

    I noticed as well that they like to put in the core build of most mages : Hextech GLP 800, they really like it for some reasons.

    Is morello a useless or not worth to buy item ? Is it just better to get more AP ?

    And why do you think a lot of pro midlaners like to do GLP 800 as first item ?

    submitted by /u/LRDsreddit
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    Is Pantheon viable at the moment?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Yes, usually I'd ask in /r/pantheonmains but I feel I'd get a biased answer. So from your perspective: Is he viable for some Silver climbing? Since I have to learn the game (actually a veteran player but I admit I have zero macro), I feel like Panth is one of the best champions to do so. I'd like to play him Top. What are your opinions on this idea?

    PS: I lurked into said subreddit already and felt the general opinion there is, that he is quite in a bad state right now.

    submitted by /u/rxq
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    how to make sure my team actually listen to my pings

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    sometimes I know the enemy jg is for sure going to gank a lane, and I ping, and they don't listen and die. is there a way to make sure they don't die? do I run there and lay a ward and run away? sometimes I'm just weak early game and can't actually do 2v2 or 3v3 and I feel pretty helpless.

    submitted by /u/evanthebouncy
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    I have really strong CS(For a Bronze Player), how do I know when to rotate to another lane?(Bronze/ADC)

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I'm in Bronze II and my last game I hit 84 CS in 10 minutes and had 4 kills 0 deaths. I went up against a Silver 4 Ezreal and I denied him farm too; I think he was at around 50 at 10 minutes. In a lot of my games I destroy my lane but it doesn't matter because the other lanes are lost. Should I rotate out of my lane and transition to the other lanes to help before taking down my tower or...? Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/A4_Ts
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