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    Monday, July 27, 2020

    LoL Guide Before engaging someone, quickly press tab and make sure nothing new has developed since you last checked on them.

    LoL Guide Before engaging someone, quickly press tab and make sure nothing new has developed since you last checked on them.

    Before engaging someone, quickly press tab and make sure nothing new has developed since you last checked on them.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    Often people get caught out by stuff like people having purchased stopwatches, or not realizing that they were 2/2 fighting someone who's 5/1 and more CS, and stuff like that.

    If you're roaming or jungling, before taking a fight with the person press tab and look at their gold-relevant stats (KDA, CS) and their items and make sure they don't have anything they could use to outplay you or surprise you, that way you don't die to them making their fed-ness worse.

    It's easy to zone out and not notice someone's getting fed... until you run into them and try and fight them.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    Do you keep trying when you are naturally bad at a champion?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    I am a bad Aatrox. For whatever reason he has just never clicked with me. I get confused on fights and mess up all the time in a way I don't do with equally mechanical combo based heroes such as Ornn. Something about Aatrox just doesn't work for me. But I am stubborn and want to get better at him so I play him more than I should.

    What do you do when you just suck at a champion after some games? Keep trying or just give up and move on to a champion that more naturally fits for you? Is it worth me putting in 100s of games on Aatrox? Maybe I'll just never be good at him...

    submitted by /u/Coolmanhahaha
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    Question about spell range indicators and bringing them up via keybinds?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    Hey guys. Quick question regarding how to bring up spell range indicators when I always use quickcast. So for years I've been playing with quickcast and had no issues, but watching some pro streams and they tend to bring up the range indicators despite having quickcast on 99% of the game. Example would be after Zed uses his R. I've seen some players bring up the indicator on the zed shadows to make sure he can hit all 3 by lining them up with the indicators. I've messed with settings, and each time I manage to bring up the ranges, my champion will stand still. Obviously not very efficient when trying to aim that vital CC.

    Sorry if this has been asked before. I couldn't find a clear answer. Just threads from 5 years ago.

    submitted by /u/CountJudas
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    Vision 101: You should care about wards more than you currently do.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    As a preface, this is a rehash of a previous post I made on the support mains sub, but someone suggested I post it to somewhere else, so here we are.

    I tried to cut this short, but I'm a pretty longwinded person, and the absolute basics of vision are a surprisingly extensive topic, which is why I'll maybe split this into two posts: Vision 101 and Vision 102.

    First of all, regarding this post, sorry for the clickbaity title. Second, this will cover the foundation for all of vision control; The purpose of wards themselves, how information is an absolute game changer, and how playing around information can get you significative advantages in any elo.

    As a final reminder, this is a 100s "course", so I doubt it will help anyone above gold or maybe platinum. This also means that this is superficial, and there's a lot of situations and "what ifs" that can completely change any of my points. I wanted to cover them in another post, or maybe just answer questions in comments.

    If you have any additions or corrections, PLEASE comment so I can try and correct them immediately. Any criticism is appreciated. Also, there's a TL;DR at the bottom. But you should really read the post, though.




    I'll start with a thought experiment: Think of how easy laning would be if the game had no fog of war. This would render junglers irrelevant, as their ability to gank would be null. The reason jungling CAN exist at all, is because of fog of war. More specifically, jungling can exist because you, as a player, lack information. It follows then, that if you had this information, you'd be at a significant advantage, presuming that your lane enemy doesn't have this information.

    The thing is, this information by itself is useless. Data mean nothing; It's just data, after all. The reason this information matters is because you can use it to change how you play and render the enemy jungler useless.

    However, if you think about it, you don't really need a total lack of fog to change how you play. Jungler's take time to gank, so if you place wards near the area of the map wherein, if the jungler shows in the map, you can still escape, you're going to be mostly1 fine. This is what you're doing when you ward your river brush.

    Conversely, this is why sometimes, even though you warded, you still get ganked. If you ward too "early" - as in, not far enough into river or tribush, by the time the jungler shows, the gank is already setup and ready, so even if you react fast, you'll still get ganked. The fact that you'll have even less time to react only makes this worse.

    There's deeper reason as to why this [warding] works at all. When you don't have wards at all, as in, when there's fog, you don't know where their jungler is. Just by having a ward down, you gain valuable information; You immediately determine where the jungler is, or is not.

    This all works well for lane, but the same concept applies to everywhere else on the map, anytime of the game. By having wards in the enemy jungle or in the river, you can immediately determine where the enemy team is or is not. You can only move around the map and take farm/objectives safely if you have this information.

    This means that every2 ward is a good ward, as its mere presence gives you valuable information, no matter where it is.




    Much like the information you get in game, this all means nothing if it isn't applied. So let's look at a typical situation: Your team wants to siege the enemy's last turret, Bottom Tier 2, on red side. The enemy team is Irelia, Zac, Orianna, Ezreal and Yuumi. Supposing you have a comp that can actually siege and not stand around, actually sieging can be a good or a terrible decision, depending on the information you have.

    If you have no wards at all, you can get engaged from anywhere in their jungle. If they get you with this surprise factor, your siege is doomed and you'll like give some kills. The fact that this can happen anytime makes the mere decision to siege without wards a terrible one in most3 cases

    If you ward the area around blue and right besides the turret wall, the enemy team loses all avenues of engage. Irelia can't flash from anywhere and everyone will see Zac E. Those two wards just secured your whole team a turret. On average, placing both of those wards nets your team 250 gold/ward. Seems like a good investment.




    This leads to my final point, how you ward. Everything you do in life should, hopefully, have a reason. And there's very specific reason why all those maps with "where to place wards" look the same. Wards placed in those spots give you the most amount of information per ward, as in, they're really efficient overall. Most of them could be netting you 250 gold for any reason.

    However, you most likely will never see that ward over turret wall (as I described in the previous section) in any of those ward recommendation maps. Yet, it's an essential ward for that siege. What gives?

    The wards in the maps are general purpose wards, if you don't know where to ward at all. In fact, for most situations, 90% of those wards are useless. When you're contesting dragon 5v5, warding red side top jungle or your own blue buff is netting you information you can't use.

    The wards you place should actually serve your purpose and plan. You need a plan for your wards to be any good. You ward your river bush during lane because you have a very simple and solid plan: not get ganked and die. And for that you need the information.

    When we were sieging, the plan was to not get engaged and die. So we warded in the spots where we could be engaged from. This logic extends to more complicated situations; The reason CoreJJ or Mikyx put wards in the middle of the lane is because their plan is to catch their enemies rotating to somewhere. That ward is also useful during "ARAM" situations, so you know who's actually in lane.

    This should suffice for a basic warding strategy. You should think: "What do I want to do, and how do we get stopped?" then ward to protect yourself from whatever the enemy wants to do.





    • Wards serve one purpose only; getting you information.
    • Just by being there, wards tell you definitely where someone is or is not.
    • That by itself allows you, for example, to lane without fearing getting ganked.
    • Below the sheets, there's a logic of strategy and execution:
    • You plan to not get ganked, so you ward to prevent that.
    • To get in this planning mindset, you can remind yourself:
    • "What do I want to do, and how does the enemy team stop me?"
    • Then, ward to protect yourself from the enemy team.


    1 : The enemy laner can, just by their jungler showing, change how they play and make your situation worse/not as good. There's also other implications, such as if their mid is MIA. That, along with their jungler, could be signaling a dive onto you.

    2 : I explain this in the last section of the post, but in actuality, for most situations, a lot of wards you can place (such as blue buff bush or river bush, or perhaps simply warding raptors) can be useless because the information they provide is worthless.

    3 : There are other factors that can make this decision terrible or a really good one, regardless of the wards you have. Here, I'm presuming both teams are equally matched in a 5v5 situation. For example, if your ADC is 3k gold ahead and your SUP is good, you probably don't have to worry about those wards (if your SUP is good, that's probably already warded anyway).

    submitted by /u/roxer123
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    Urgots winrate top falls as you get higher and higher in rank, i personally struggle against him, beyond being a lane bully what makes him so much better in lower elo vs high elo?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    I am a top main and have had issues with urgot, I play Tryndamere so early game I can usually beat him, but once you get to mid game and he has Deaths Dance and continuous W, he seems to never die and dishes out a ton of damage. And his execute, though I counter it with my ult, is still a huge pain. What are some weaknesses I may be over looking?

    submitted by /u/Pinanims
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    What makes a good jungler?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    And I mean really makes a good jungler. I want to dive really, really deep into this. I will be highlighting main points and questions in Bold Italics.

    I started playing in Season 6 and played through all of Season 7 and quit in January 2018. I came back to the game in May of this year, and so much has changed!

    I'm a jungle main. Ironically, I used to main Taliyah in the jungle in Season 6 before her E was nerfed because her "roams were too strong" and then I fell in love with my true main - Kindred. Back in Season 6, jungle Taliyah was unheard of. It was super taboo, and I was flamed frequently, even though her kit was FAR more powerful than it is now. Yet now, jungle is her primary role. The same is true of Ekko, which was a niche off-meta jungle pick in S6 but is now primarily a jungler. Diana, however, is now primarily a mid-laner and an off-meta jungler, and Quinn is right out completely.

    The strange thing is, none of these champs are designed to jungle, but they can all jungle very well. Karthus fits into this category, as well. And there are some junglers who are really, genuinely trash right now - even in a worse spot than off-meta picks - such as Sejuani.

    So I want to know, what makes a champion fit into the jungle meta? I'm going to take a moment to debunk common answers that I expect by listing specific examples of current champions:

    • "They need to clear objectives well" - Evelynn is my example for this. She is complete garbage when it comes to doing dragons or even herald/baron. Her sustained damage is non-existent and she's extremely vulnerable. In fact, she can't even do dragon before getting 1.5-2 items without teammates.
    • "They need to clear camps well" - There are some champions in the jungle which really struggle with their first clears, but if they're played well, there's really no issue. So instead of listing a specific jungler who struggles with this, I'll simply point out the numerous champs who can clear as well as any jungler can. The times listed are all from practice tool - NO LEASH - using a starter item + refillable potion, and represent the instant of achieving level 3:
      • Kindred: 2:38
      • Vayne: 2:44
      • Evelynn: 2:51*
      • Elise: 2:43
      • Kha'Zix: 2:43
      • Volibear: 2:35**
      • Quinn: 2:50
      • Camille: 2:47*
      • Karma: 3:02***
      • Warwick: 2:33**
      • Ashe: 2:47** (Very surprised by this one, even though I had high expectations)
      • Kai'Sa: 2:38
      • Sejuani: 2:50*
      • Lissandra: 3:02***
      • Kayn: 2:30
      • Diana: 2:53
      • Lillia: 2:44*
      • Morgana: 2:45***

    \ Had to use both pots*

    \* Didn't use any pots - perfectly safe, bit OP*

    \** Clear dramatically improves after a single AP component*

    As you can see, the clear times for junglers and non-junglers are often similar. With a leash, some of these higher numbers become a lot lower. I'd like to rule out "clearing issues" as a reason, since most champs with "clearing issues" can still jungle perfectly well with the right pathing and a little earlygame patience. You could say it's easy for an earlygame jungler to bully these champs, like Lee Sin or Elise, but they can bully anyone who isn't an earlygame champ. They're made for it - it's part of their job. Also, the champs with exceptionally fast clear times are not dramatically more powerful in this meta than the champs with slower clear times. Warwick is B tier, and Kayn and Elise are in the same A tier.

    • "They need to gank well" - Again, I'd like to debunk this reason by pointing out that many champions are capable of incredible ganks without being junglers, and many junglers are very poor at ganking. Some junglers even can't gank without their ultimate. While ganking is typically part of the job description, it is not the entire job description. When Taliyah was nerfed in Season 6, it was because her roams were too strong, despite being a midlaner. There are many champs with very strong ganking power which are inexplicably not played in the jungle, despite having a reasonably clear-friendly kit.

    A great example of this topic is Camille. When Camille released, it was taboo to play her in the jungle. It became more taboo as S7 went on after her W no longer healed her on large monster hits. I always played her in the jungle, however, until that point. Her clears became extremely difficult and unhealthy, and stayed that way. But somehow, in Season 9, she became this god-tier S+ jungler. So great that Riot completely removed her E's ability to stun non-champions. Even with this removed, though, her clear times are relatively the same and her clear health is relatively the same. Why did Camille become such a strong jungler AFTER her W was nerfed, and why doesn't she still jungle despite the low impact of her E adjustment?

    Also, why doesn't Lissandra jungle? I've been playing her in the jungle a little bit and her ganks are absolutely insane. It doesn't even matter that you're a level behind before first back due to a slower first clear, because her level 3 is just that strong. After buying an amp tome, her clear speed becomes normal, and after runic, it becomes above-average. After a second item, she just melts every camp and has zero risk because of her E. Her ult makes her incredibly safe as well as incredibly lethal. She can tower dive very effectively - as effectively as any champ - and her whole kit consists of gank autokill combos. Literally just walk into lane and press E and the enemy will often flash fearing the EWR combo. She also has built-in escape and one of the longest range through-terrain movement abilities in the game, which also doesn't count as a leap or dash. Her teamfight presence is magnificent because of her ult and passive.

    What made Taliyah jungle a niche/taboo pick during S6 pre-nerfs, but now after ALL of her nerfs, she's a jungler, with worse clear and poorer ganks than when she was a midlaner?

    Why is Morgana becoming a jungle option when she has no escapes and as unhealthy of a first clear as most non-junglers?

    Why not Ashe jungle? Her clear times are incredible due to her slows, and her built-in CC make her a deadly gank artist. She has a ton of built-in damage boost from level 1 (many other junglers have built-in free damage that make them powerful duelists and help with clear) and she can definitely play into objectives, as well as towers. Her E makes it very easy for her to keep tabs on anything and everything and impact the map with added knowledge and security, and her slows help her to duel or escape from anyone. (Disclaimer: I have never tried Ashe jungle, this is just theory, but I'm definitely trying it after I post).

    Is there some magic formula or series of parameters which EVERY jungler meets, and every non-jungler fails to meet? Like, if we were to rate each jungle champ's ability to perform every duty of a jungler individually, and then add up the score, would that produce an accurate portrayal of a champion's place in the jungle meta?

    submitted by /u/Viikoreaux
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    Which champions hyper scale? Anyway to learn bot duo synergies?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    I watched Bizzleberry's Lulu guide recently and he pointed out the fact that she only does well when paired with high AA and hyperscale team mates. Which champions come under this?
    On a similar note is there any particular way of knowing whether a certain support will synergies well with the adc?

    submitted by /u/JGazeley
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    What can i do to improve my cs?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Im am a support main in currently Diamond 3, and when i get autofilled to adc most of the games my farm is below the enemy farm, my farm seems like a silver while the enemy farm seems like a diamond one, so i would like to know some tips to improve my farming or how to farm when i got autofilled in adc as a support main. (Sorry if my english is bad, is not my first language)

    submitted by /u/Memopaws
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    Is there a thing such as excessive muting/dodging?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Recently got told by a friend that I am "dodging too much and muting for no reason" after I told him what measures I take to keep my sanity when playing league. What I do is:

    Dodge every game where someone complains about anything in champ select (most usual things are "no AP" crybabies, teammates from previous games who lost together, someone asking preemptively for ganks to win his lane, or people outright flaming each other for their picks).

    Dodge every game I get autofilled/put into my secondary role and don't get my primary role after asking (I restart queue every minute or less so this has reduced almost to zero the amount of times I get autofilled/put into my secondary role)

    Mute all at the start of every game

    Mute a person's pings if the person becomes toxic using them (X alive, question marks)

    Report every person who got his pings muted by me (no bans have been issued so far by my reports. it's just a placebo like all reports)

    Those measures prevent me from becoming toxic (I have a very small temper and rage quite easily, throwing some really heavy insults beyond sanity) and significantly increased my winrate while reducing my frustration while playing.

    However, people I have spoken to about it find this too excessive and in some cases "reportable/bannable" (refusing to communicate with the team). Is it really bannable? Is it too extreme? Should I consider unmuting? Should I report less?

    submitted by /u/ImUnderYourBedDude
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    A Gold's Jungle tips for getting to Gold

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Hello, I am EMPCobalt from LAN, I just got gold as a Jungler and I figured it would be a good idea to give something to the community, specially since most guides that I see are for Diamond+ climbing.

    NOTE: These tips are what got me to gold, they might be wrong for higher ranks, BUT they work for silver/gold

    • Pick whatever you want but accept that the champion you pick will affect your teammates. I had the most success with tanky junglers (Voli, Cinderhulk Olaf/J4) since they provide utility even if they are behind as a meatball
    • Starting machete will give you a healthy clear at the cost of mana, talisman gives permanent mana but a slower clear and less health
    • For first clear, use one smite and save the second one for scuttle, this allows you to win scuttle fights should they happen; also learn to back off if the opposing jungler beats you
    • Priority should be buying your jungle item, machete gives you better clears, component gives you combat power, blue smite is better for ganks since it slows and red smite is better for dueling
    • Having a strong mental fortitude can win you games, accept the bad things that happen in your games, getting angry will not help you win
    • Look at the minimap (as much as possible) and cut it in 2, if the opposing player is in your half of the map, ganking is a good idea, red trinket is your friend here, use it on your way to the gank, not when you are in the brush
    • The more you jungle, the more successful decisions you will make
    • Try to join most fights you see on the minimap, fights tend to be won by the team that commits the most resources to them
    • Buy a control ward everytime you back, only exception is buying a completed item, use them
    • Ping ganks to your teammates, they might not listen to you though
    • Fighting and chunking the oppossing jungler is as good as a gank, since it stops him/her from ganking
    • Always do something: gank, farm or take objectives
    • If you see the enemy jungler on the top/bot half of the map you can invade/objective there mostly safely, watch out for laner's roams
    • Prioritize killing the jungler over smite fights
    • Mid game tends to start when the mid turret falls
    • Prioritize sticking to your team midgame, pressuring a sidelane can break ARAMS
    • KNOW YOUR ROLE, frontline if you are a tank, engage if you are the engage, etc
    • Your enemies have mechanics, do not underestimate anyone, everyone is on the same level of skill
    • Do not say inting, or griefing, your teammate made a mistake just like you do all the time, using these words imply that they are not trying to win, they do, as much as you do
    • Actual inters and flamers exist, just mute anyone that angers you, then report and move on, you have no control of their actions, now it is your choice to carry the anger or not
    • Be proud of your rank, you want to climb to feel pride in your successes, disregard rank-shaming, only morons do that, I work full-time and only play on weekends, gold is what I wanted and I achieved. I am proud of that.
    submitted by /u/EMPCobalt
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    What to do when my team wants to ARAM?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    This happens a lot in my games. There are no objectives up but my team is grouped mid wanting to ARAM mid. I see a phat wave bot and go freeze it getting super rich but my team decides to force a 4v5 mid with the dragon spawning in 4 minutes and neither team can baron. My team shocked that they died in a 4v5 they force look at me bot freezing and they are pissed and flaming but I have like 100 more cs than everyone else in the game. What am I supposed to do in these situations? Am I supposed to just Aram with the team letting all that money just die in the side waves or do I just let them fight and hope that I can carry after?

    submitted by /u/princebk74
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    some element of carelessness

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    What I've noticed in a lot of great players and those of my friends that reached high ranks (masters+). Is an element of nonchalance or carelessness about what happens in the game, for example players like thebausffs or imaqtpie tend to laugh at absurd situations like a bard using his magical journey to accidentally kill his teammate or an ashe ulting in the wrong direction while worse players tend to get mad and even flame their team/enemy team, when such situations arise.

    I noticed this early on with my friends when we all started out playing bot games, those of my friends that laughed when sivir bot bopped them all reached much higher than those who would get mad and internalize or externalize their anger, even though we all ended up playing the same amount of games.

    I think you truly cannot improve if you're not having fun even if I have no idea what the underlying mechanisn is.

    At the time when Imaqtpie seemed to truly be enjoying the game he reached rank 1, now that he's burnt out he's been hardstuck d1 for hundreds of games.

    And you might say that they're having fun because they're winning but I feel thats an unjust simplification. All of my friends started out equally shit, struggling against bots, but as time marched on those who truly enjoyed the game improved while the others stagnated.

    What do you guys think about this?

    submitted by /u/sijodifj
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    I teach summoners how to become better nocturne players

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    I peaked last season as Nocturne challenger 700, right now i am diamond 1 0 lp and struggling to climb due to having no motivation so i thought why not try make videos and teach people how to become better as Nocturne, i have experience with many champs but Nocturne is the champ i currently have the most experience with, wanted to post my video here which will hopefully be allowed to be posted. In the video i am doing a deep analysis and review of a VOD from one of my stream followers, i can do it for you when i have time if i am free, if i am not free i do charge £15 per game review if you are interested, here is a link to one of the reviews where you can learn quite abit about item builds, micros, macros and the whole lot, thanks for reading


    submitted by /u/FormidableKing_
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    A good champion for learning about optimal positioning

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    If you struggle with positioning yourself well in teamfights, or even during the laning phase I strongly suggest you spend sometime playing Karma. While every champion will require different positional awareness, you will be hard-pressed to find one that demands as much as our little "jack of all trades" Karma.

    You can play Karma extremely well in a number of different ways, but still not be utilizing her kit to the fullest extent if your positioning is off.

    On paper, Karma is pretty straightforward: an enchanter/mage that constantly refreshes her ultimate to provide utility, damage, and crowd control to teamfights.

    Now what makes her so reliant on positioning? To be frank, all of it. Let's take a look at the range of her attacks/abilities:

    Attack Range: 525

    Inner Flame: 950 + 280 radius

    SoulFlare: 950 + 300 radius

    Focused Resolve/Renewal: 675 + 1000 radius.

    Most other mages are either close range or long range. Xerath focuses on long distance poke/burst, while someone like Vladimir gets in close to deal heavy damage.

    Karma dances on that line with an average attack range, a spell that doubles as either a close range/long range spell, and a tether that forces you to stick close to your target to successfully root them.

    Let's breakdown a spell rotation in-lane. You need to have a clear shot to land Q; but you have the potential to surprise them with bonus range by converting it into RQ instead. to follow up, you need to move closer to apply your tether, and to be in autoattack range. You need to weave in auto attacks to get closer to refreshing Mantra, but this will also draw minion aggro, so you have to correctly plan where you need to end up to land a follow-up Q once they're rooted. While E can help you get into position, you may want to save it to block the enemy champions response.

    Once you get the hang of juggling those differing spell/attack ranges succesfully, it will translate into a far stronger micro game overall.

    Knowing your attack range so you can dip in and out to harass the enemy, and weaving autoattacks will help you play other champions like Teemo/Ashe/Varus/Sivir/Draven.

    Being able to constantly gravitate to open spots for skillshots will help you on champions like Xerath/Zoe/Ryze/Ezreal/Senna.

    And being able to stick close to enemies and dodge incoming attacks will help you with champions like Kindred/Leblanc/Urgot/Zac/Nunu.

    Try the Ionian Princess today and start practicing!

    submitted by /u/evilsforreals
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    On jax i see players vary between bork tri force and bork cleaver and sometimes a tiamat

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    And i fail to understand when to build which one. I'm trying to check the opponents people play with said builds but i can't directly see a reason to build one over the other besides maybe the expense of the item. Anyone that can drop a little insight on this?

    submitted by /u/hexdmage
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    Should i quit? or is there hope for someone like me

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I do not know what I am trying to achieve or gain through this post. I made the account to make this post so at the very least it might feel good to admit truth even if it is to nobody. Still if someone is reading this you're probably thinking the question I am asking is subjective to my own personal opinion/decision, what is true, however I would like to at least take a shot in the dark to see if there are any out side opinions , insights , experiences or views into my own subjective matters that could help me make a decision/move on with my "league of legends life" that is now somewhat seriously attached to my real life.

    I'll try my best to not tell a life story and cut to the chase however I don't think you can really grasp my perspective without explaining at least some background.

    I first touched league somewhere around season 3 because my older brother was playing it, so I tried it out played it with him from season 3-5ish we got like silver in ranked. He started to work and stopped playing pc games (became a console peasant pepehands) , since he stopped playing league I didn't want to play it either so I went and started playing csgo , wow and other games. Around season 7ish I got some school friends into the game just for fun to have someone to play the game with again. Never took it seriously I ended up playing everything , every champion and every role. I never stuck to anything but did gain the over arcing knowledge of what all the champions do and what the roles are trying to achieve and their own designated goals just from the amount of time played. Then Season 9 came around my friends were really bad , no flame they just played for fun and had 0 care about the game , however i felt since i was a decent level above my friends and i was winning 80% of my normal games in really a stomp fashion maybe I'm "talented" and I could climb to become someone in this game. In hindsight it was probably hands down one of the worst mistakes of my 19 year existence but I digress, since my most played champion from all the swapping and such was zed i said okay I'm going to be a mid laner and play zed. I did some searching to find guides and the best mids to watch and ended up getting obsessed with Dopa so I choose to play zed and tf mid, the typical fanboy in know , however this was also a mistake since i tried so hard to emulate his extremely calculated play and failing at it. So it turned me from a "turbo aggressive player" trying my best to out play and win to a super defensive/passive player trying to calculate everything and getting overwhelmed while also underperforming since I had 0 pressure and just cs'ed and took 0 risks. I played like this the entire season believing I'm following in Dopas footsteps I cant fail but i ended the season in plat 4 after 200+ games. Since everyone who plays the game flames diamond players , me trying my best doing all the research i can really putting effort in to only achieve plat 4 was horrible and depressing. Through my climb i was also a cunt, i wont lie i was as toxic as you could probably be , if i missed a cannon im telling my team to go play in the road. I was awful since i cared so much about my ranking in a damn video game it genuinely made me feel like absolute shit and of course I projected that outwards to people around me. The account got perma banned what was deserved. I took a break and tried my best to forget the delusions i have tied in this game but to this day im still living in my own fucking head believing I'm someone special in this game and could become a pro or someone with a name. Un-surprisingly i started playing again start of S10 making account after account trying to get a "good run" to get to where I "deserve to be" however even if i did stomp or get lucky in my placement and go 10-0 , 9-1 or 8-2 and keep a good win rate as soon as i got into plat mmr i got rekt. I felt as if i went from A+ to F such a decrease in my ability and confidence because I couldn't win anymore. So after 8 or so accounts I've finally realised I'm just a stuck gold player. After the all the years i have in this game and the amount of knowledge I have I'm still a scrub. Now i don't even know what i do. I have no confidence in league no focus no drive i cant stick to a role or a champion but I'm still playing the game because i had the goal of at least reaching diamond. Basically it all boils down to the fact I've tried coaching , videos and every role in the game but i still cant reach my goal and it hurts my soul to fail and not be able to at least be "ok" at a video game i have years of my life invested in. I don't know what to do , my habits and ego are so branded on my brain that i don't even know if i can change or relearn anything. I wouldn't know where to start or where to go or if its worth the limited time i have on earth. Is it worth the precious minutes and hours playing a game that only brings me the slightest amount of joy after lethal amounts of stress , anger and anxiety? i know its so stupid and degenerate but I'm stuck, like the game was a hard drug and failing my goal like its the end of the world. I don't know how to end this post , it feels as if I'm searching for the magic answer when i know there isn't a sentence , a word or some stupid fucking setting or dpi that will make me good.

    I don't know, I think the answer to quit is obvious from reading this back but maybe someone will have something to say. It also probably comes under a rant or rage post since i got a bit carried away however it still is basically asking is there hope for me to reach diamond or am i the hardest of stucks. Anyway If it gets removed so be it.

    tldr: bad player stuck thinking they are good. hates game still plays it.

    you can see my dying oggs also if you want to have a laugh.




    submitted by /u/SavageJ6
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    Vel'koz sup against grab-support?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    I recently started playing vel'koz since he is on the free rotation, and it turned out I'm actually very gold with him, I carried lots of game with my damage and I have a very good winrate( almost 60% in more than 20 games), the problem is, I'm always winning the lane with him, unless the enemy sup is a pyke/blitzcrank and sometimes nautilus, they jusr destroy me and I have no idea how to play against them.(I wasn't a sup main, I just happened to try vel'koz there and now I love it) so, sup mains, what should I do?

    submitted by /u/0002BG
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    I don't get the difference between skillshot spell indicators

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    TL;DR: I can't fathom the difference between Line Missile Indicator and Long Line Missile Indicator.

    I have always been confused by the difference between Line Missile Indicator and Long Line Missile Indicator.

    I always thought the marker difference was based on projectile ability vs non-projectile ability. I just realized yesterday that this is not true while I was messing around with Zoe. Her Q and E definitely don't follow this rule (their spell indicator is the Long Line Missile Indicator).

    So, at https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Spell_indicator they make the point that the difference is based on "short" vs "long" range ability. Which is a qualitative distinction (hard to define what is "short" and what is "long" with no numbers). But ok, I can live with that.

    The thing that puzzles me again is that there are some abilities, like Kai'sa Void Seeker, that don't adhere to the rule. Void Seeker has way longer range than other abilities with Long Line Missile Indicator, yet is marked with a Line Missile Indicator.

    Is it just inconsistency or there is something I am missing?

    submitted by /u/muccaFeroce
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    Where to cover botlane invade on blue side?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    I really don't know where it's best to cover without using a ward. Standing in tribush is a guaranteed burned flash when they invade from bot side. If I try to cover in front of it im too slow and get caught by invaders.

    submitted by /u/Leslumer
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    [Macro] How to close games and use your early advantage.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Hi! I am EUNE Bronze toplaner. I play Tryndamere and Darius. I almost always stomp the enemy laner and secure most towers and heralds. However, I have a huge lose streak now. Even when me and my teammates are ahead enemies overscale us and start winning every teamfight and objective. I even lost the game when enemy toplaner ragequited and we had all dragons + soul + 1 herald and 1 baron and me and jungler were extremely fed and we still managed to lose it. How to stop throwing endgame and use your advantage to close games?

    submitted by /u/QtzyQ
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    Tips for mid game with marksman in solo queue

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I feel like after laning phase is over I often go mid which just ends up looking like ARAM. It usually is not safe for me to farm the side lanes, but if my teammates are also mid I quickly fall behind in farm. Does anyone have concrete macro tips to stay ahead or have the highest impact as an ADC in the mid game?

    submitted by /u/SocCar90
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    I feel like I'm getting worse and worse

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    Hello summoners! So lately I'm feeling kinda off. I'm not having good games. My mechanics feel a bit rusty. And overall I feel like I'm getting worse every day. The hole situation became even worse since I got suspended for 14 days after raging on all-chat trying to cure my frustration. I've been unable to play ranked and I genuinely feel like trash. My premades don't help me at all with my problem and I end the game even more frustrated. I stopped having fun. Has anyone ever experienced such a thing? Please help! I don't want to abandon this game because I love it so much. Any help appreciated!

    Ps: sorry for any grammatical or vocab mistakes, English isn'ty native language

    submitted by /u/MAXHMOC
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    Improving kindred ADC

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I know some may question using kindred as an ADC but I've always believed it can be deadly if mastered. Now I'm looking for ways to improve my early/mid-game + handling marks.

    Any advice on how to handle marks if i cant get early marks on enemy champ?

    submitted by /u/propaghandist1
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    Do i need to main something else other than support to climb from D4?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Title, recently i got demoted from D4, that's fine, but i keep having losing streaks and winning streaks that are mostly entirely dependant of my other team members.

    As a support main, i mostly use enchanters and casters (sona, senna, yuumi) and sometimes there isn't much i can do (or my lane can do) when another lane feeds a hyper carry.

    I know there's roaming and i do as much as i can.

    But what i wanna know is, do i have to play top/jg/mid to get to D3? Isn't there a way for me, a supp main that focuses on enchanters to climb up the ladder?

    I think i should add that I don't play to rank up but to have fun, and my duo partner is in D3, if i keep going down we won't be able to play when he gets to D2


    submitted by /u/mymain123
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