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    Friday, July 24, 2020

    LoL Guide Does anyone ever throw wards behind themselves when they know there's a high probability of death?

    LoL Guide Does anyone ever throw wards behind themselves when they know there's a high probability of death?

    Does anyone ever throw wards behind themselves when they know there's a high probability of death?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    I think I can count on one hand how many times it's saved me but oh boy do I love it when the attack move Vayne hits my ward rather than taking the kill. When I support I spam wards mid-fight sometimes as a distraction.

    Is there a better way to incorporate my ward-nojutsu on the Rift?

    submitted by /u/Jack_Of_All_Feed
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    Can someone help explain why I see pro supports last-hitting the canon minions?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    I'm still pretty new to the game, mainly playing jungle, but I've been wanting to try out playing support. As I've watched LEC and LCS, I notice that the supports seem to last-hit the canon minions relatively frequently. I feel like I'm missing something about why they do this, because it seems like it would be taking away valuable XP and gold from the ADCs. I'm assuming the XP and gold is shared or something, but could someone explain what's happening, and/or when I would want to do the same thing when playing support?

    submitted by /u/lane182
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    When I'm G2, games are a breeze and I carry most of them, when I hit G1, every game seems unwinnable and I feed. Is this common?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    OP.gg for reference

    I got kinda excited last week cause it really seemed like I'd hit plat for the first time, I quickly went from G4 to mid G1 and everything seemed good. Cue the 10 game loss streak back to low G2, and now I've been stuck in this vicious cycle for atleast a week.

    G2 games feel either fair or favored towards my team, my laners seem brainless and feed me kills, and my teammates get fed pretty often. This is all happening in like G2 90 LP. THE MOMENT I win G1 promos for the 30th time everything goes to shit. I play mostly Urgot and Morde.

    I realise this kinda just sounds like I'm making an excuse for an op.gg review, but I'm just really desperate rn. Anyone have this experience? Is it a common thing? Does it just mean I'm hardstuck gold 2? I'm winning/losing around 17 lp still so idk. Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/Floppuh
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    Yone Team Fight and Lane Discussion

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Just like most of you, I watched the ability reveal for the new champion Yone. I still have questions about a couple abilities. How controllable is his E and how far away can you move? Does his Q dash need a target like Yasuo or can you just generally toss it? Does it go over walls? Do his skills scale off of attack speed like Yasuo? If his second auto does bonus magic damage will they incorporate magic damage into his other skills to allow multiple build paths?

    But what I was really thinking about was how do his skills work in a team fight and one idea I have is getting 2 stacks on his Q, gain the shield with the W and then Q dash through the team. Once you are behind all of them you can ult back to your team and carry the entire enemy squad with you right to your front line. Imagine snatching up that back line Ashe with your ult and delivering them right in front of your Darius. As an ADC main I cringe but I could see the potential for a whole team wombo, especially allowing your Yasuo to be able to ult EVERYONE within the safety confines of your front line instead of attempting to dash through them all to catch the carry.

    Also, do we think Yone will be a jungler? He synergies so well with Yasuo you wouldn't want him taking the mid lane spot, and he doesn't seem tanky enough to occupy a lot of top lanes for teams. Does his W shield only proc on champion hits or will Riot allow it to gain a % off of creeps? Will you be able to E over a wall from the jungle to safely harass or do you need to leave yourself vulnerable while in spirit form?

    Having an assassin style character with so much aoe and CC may mean his pure damage is lowered and that seems counter productive.

    How do you all see his abilities working in a team fight and what lane will he be most effective?

    submitted by /u/CharmCC86
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    Archangel staff vs Ludens/GLP?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    So I've been told that pretty much any mage can go for either a Archangel or a Ludens/GLP as part of their kit right? With the only difference being that an Archangel helps you scale better into late game. Then, when would it be better to build Archangel than the standard Ludens/GLP? Is it really worth it in any mage? For example, if I were to buy it on Ahri, would it perform better?

    submitted by /u/FalierTheCat
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    What does it take to become a plat Support player?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    A little background about myself, I used to be a high Gold support players by only playing Yuumi and recently decided to stop playing Yuumi due to how boring she became. Now that has happened I have since deranked to mid silver / high silver and have been stuck here for quite sometime.

    When playing Yuumi, all I did was sit on my ADC in laning phase and sat on my carry during late game and this strat somehow landed me in high Gold. Now that I no longer play Yuumi, I don't have the fundamentals down when it comes to support and often get flamed.

    So, I am wondering what does it take to become a high gold / plat support player and are there any good support champions which both teach fundamentals of a support as well as does well in the current meta?

    Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/Chloe2Thousand
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    Yone has double crit chance, magic damage on autos, % max health damage, a shield, Leblanc W, 2 CC abilities, and 2 dashes.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    As I'm sure you've seen, Yone's kit was revealed today.


    Obviously this will become more clear as the numbers get released, but initially he looks like a bruiser who wants to be in the middle of fights. He has decent CC, and also the ability to jump into a fight but snap back to his original position. In his kit he has both guaranteed crit, as well as % max health damage. Depending on the numbers, he might have some diverse build paths! What do you think?

    Passive: Way of the Hunter

    Yone uses two blades, causing every second attack to deal more magic damage. His critical strike chance is also doubled, but his critical strikes deal reduced damage.

    Q: Mortal Steel

    Yone thrusts forward, dealing physical damage to opponents. On hit, he gains a stack of Gathering Storm. At two stacks, Yone can dash forward with a wave that makes enemies airborne.

    W: Spirit Cleave

    Yone can enter his Spirit Form, gaining movement speed and leaving his body behind. When Yone's Spirit Form expires, he'll snap back into his body and deal a percentage of all the damage he dealt while in Spirit Form.

    R: Fate Sealed

    Yone strikes all enemies in his path, blinking behind the last enemy hit and knocking everyone airborne towards him.

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Struggling to raise map awareness

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Hi guys, thats it, I'm struggling real hard to raise my map awareness, I start the game thinking "ok, gotta look at the map often", but after 10~15 mins I'm not looking it anymore, I just focus in my game and forget to look at the map. I'm trying to play while listening the "map awareness exercise", but after 10~15 minutes I just get usual to the voice telling me to look at the map. This exercise helps me to look the map more often ngl, but I just take note of that when I'm dead or less concentrated and restart to pay attention. What you guys would recommend me?

    submitted by /u/SrAxe
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    What is counterplay to twitch?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    High gold/low platinum player, having serious struggles facing twitch, and I don't even main ADC. There are a lot of ADC's people consider broken for various reasons, like 200 years (Aphelios), but honestly none of those feel nearly as strong to me as Twitch does.

    People who have experience playing with or against this champion, what is the counterplay to Twitch, what is my team supposed to do?

    Please avoid comments such as "kill him early game because he scales", this can be said about many late game champions, such as Master Yi, but I still see counterplay to Yi even if he gets fed and reaches his late game, but I don't see one for Twitch. Try and open my eyes.

    submitted by /u/MostWanted7
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    I need help with laning against mid lane carries/assassins.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:27 AM PDT


    I like to play mid lane, sometimes with meta picks sometimes with off meta picks (Midnekton).

    However, I always struggle with one of two things:

    1) Beating Yasuo/Ekko/Akali as a battle mage (Annie/Veigar/Cassieopeia/Orianna)

    2) Being Camped by the Enemy Jungler (typically happens when I play off meta pick, like Midnekton, and the enemy Zed gets babysat by Rammus)

    I would appreciate any advice as to how to improve with either of these things, preferably the first.

    Yasuo and Ekko seem unaffected by me in lane pre 6. I try to use my range Advantage as Annie/Cassieopeia/Orianna/Veigar to poke them down with Autos and Q-abilitiy combos but I cannot harass, CS, and maintain health/mana advantage simultaneously. Yasuo and Ekko are simply too hypermobile with too much base damage for me to force trades with, especially coz if they take ignite they can punish with an all in at lvl 4 after I do a harass combo.

    I really hate Yasuo and Ekko because their abilities are either resourceless or low cooldown. Furthermore if I try to harass at lvls 1-2, before they have combos availalbe, I take huge minion aggro.

    How do I lane against Yasuo/Ekko as an immobile battlemage?

    submitted by /u/reddit_rar
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    In Four Hours (9 pm PT) I'll Be Streaming and Reviewing Last Week's NALCS Drafts

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    People seemed to like the champion guides and item tidbits I posted last time. Draft analysis is inherently more difficult to turn into written content, and so I'm going to stream these all together into one easily digestible chunk at https://www.twitch.tv/mrhakuog

    I also think reviewing the drafts en masse in this format will more effectively bring people up to speed on current drafting trends and strategies.

    For example, earlier on in the split during the peak Aphelios/Ezreal/Varus meta, the dominant P/B strategy focused around securing botlane+jungler in the first round of draft. Now that so many botlane carry nerfs have gone through, we are seeing a significant rise in midlane picks replacing support picks early on, as it becomes less important to guarantee your ADC a solid laning phase. Now it will become important to determine matchup advantage between Ori/Corki/Azir/Syndra/Zoe/LB/Ekko as well as picking your jungler based around mid synergies.

    Feel free to tune in with questions, or specific requests for drafts to review. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/for-hire-analyst
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    New player trying to learn Rengar in distress

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I've recently gotten into playing LoL, and I main jungle, mostly playing rengar or kindred. I probably have over 100 matches with the alpha kitty by now, but there's one particular situation which I still don't know how to handle: Ganking mid pre-6. Ganking the sidelanes is usually fine, but I'm really lost when my midlaner doesn't try to bait the enemy a bit closer to the bushes. My last game was basically lost over this fact, as I repeatedly asked for my mid to just take 2 steps closer to the bush so I can jump at the enemy. I know that there weren't any wards which saw me, so they didn't even know I was there..

    Anyway, long story short: How do you gank mid as rengar pre-6, when you can't count on your midlaner?

    submitted by /u/martinsandor707
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    How do I play Annie? Not a meme, I'm genuinely terrible.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    I see new players and lower-skill players (like myself) frequently asking open-ended and honestly, at times, unhelpful questions about improvement that amount to "got any tips?" And even more frequently the answer is something to the effect of:

    "You should play Annie if you want to climb. Annie is a mechanically simple, reliable champion that is easy to last-hit and combo with. By playing Annie you allow for more of your attention to be spent on places outside your champion's kit, ideally on game fundamentals. In addition, people at your elo aren't smart or skilled enough to counter Annie like they do higher up."

    This answer resonates with me, as it makes sense that fundamentals will increase your proficiency with all champions; more personally, I find satisfying the concept of mechanically demanding champions being "put in their place," so to speak, by someone with a lower-ceiling champ that has a better command of the game. I say this to make it clear that I do not find Annie boring. I'm not trying to "skip leg day" and I'm not erroneously hoping that someone will recommend another character.

    That said.

    I am so. I mean SO. Bad at this champion. I just cannot perform on Annie and it seems utterly paradoxical. How is it possible to be down so much CS with an ability that CSes for you? The only answer that makes sense is that my back timings, wave control, and map movement are poor to the level of self-sabotage. How can I lose lane and all-ins with ignite vs teleport on a nuke mage with a point and click stun? The only answer that makes sense is that I play completely into my opponents' hands in every fight.

    I feel like a follower of LS's "Church of Annie" that has never heard God speak.

    Here are some of the things that feel difficult when I play Annie. Maybe someone can help me understand what I so clearly am missing?

    When I am stacking my passive from Q-ing minions, as I close in on the stun, my opponents often back off. Now I have to decide whether to A: stop using abilities on the wave, which stops pushing the wave and reduces pressure, B: continue Q-ing minions, removing the stun threat and thereby reducing pressure, or C: chase enemy and force a stun combo inside enemy's minion wave and zone of control. C seems the worst to me, B seems the least bad, but they all seem like mediocre options. What should I do in this case?

    Even weirder, on Annie Bot's stream, I have seen the opposite of both things happen: enemies will not back off from Jared's stun, but he will continue using Q on minions; or he will use his stun on minions and enemies will fail to take any advantage of his (to my eyes) weakened state. Why is this?

    When my opponent starts clearing a wave to get lane priority, they seem to do it faster than me. The best I can do is (while being safe enough to take a whole wave's aggro) E to lightly damage all, find the best W that hits casters, and start killing with Q or auto-Q. Most of the time in lane I cannot do the E, and instead just W the wave into Qs, but both ways feel very slow, and W-ing the wave right in front of my opponent feels like I'm inviting them to initiate a big trade. Do I understand this correctly? If so, how can I compensate for this lack of tempo?

    If I clear out a wave and move to gank a sidelane, often the enemy laners will move back once I'm halfway through river, blunting my roam. The enemy laner will have already pushed the next wave into my tower by the time I get back to lane, and I lose minions. But if I stay in lane to get every minion, often my enemy laner will roam to other lanes. Is this due to vision or guesswork? If the former, are earlier pink wards necessary and if so where should I place them?

    Do I ever harass enemies with non-stun Q, or do I wait until stun for a full trade? I imagine the answer is an organic mixture of the two that depends on matchup and lane state, given that it draws minion aggro, but I don't have the matchup knowledge or enough of an intuitive understanding of Annie's damage output versus different champions.

    If someone could give me a rundown of how Annie plays best versus say, three very different midlane opponents, you could maybe win my undying love and affection.

    TLDR: I find it difficult to win lane and often feel like a liability to my team with a champion that is touted as freelo. Send help, I might be the worst League player alive.

    submitted by /u/SooperJavelin
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    Teleport while being nearsighted?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    I was watching some LEC (SK vs XL), and at 27:30 ingame time i noticed something weird: Nocturne casted his r1, which made everyone nearsighted (fuck nearsight btw), except LeBlanc, who had Banshees, but back to the main topic: red team was nearsighted, but their toplaner was able to start channelling his tp to join the fight.

    How on earth was that possible?

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    What should be goals for my first season?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Hey all, I'm about 6 months into playing league for the first time, and I'm really enjoying it ( i think lol). However, its difficult to know what i should be focusing on, or what I should use to consider my first season a success.

    I'm currently a midlane main who started on malzahar and am learning to main diana, and I'm teetering on the edge of bronze I and silver, with my climb starting in Iron. I honestly dont play nearly as much ranked as i do normals, since i tend to have more fun games and teammates in normals, plus i like trying new champs and roles when i get autofilled or want to try something out.

    My weak spots are definitely knowing what other champions are doing and macro decision making, but I'm curious what you guys think are some good goals to keep me motivated and getting better for the rest of the season? Thanks for any input!!

    submitted by /u/_taylorjarvis_
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    So my friends have just started league of legends after having never played any moba or even any top down strategy games. What would be the best advice to give them?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    I'm not exaggerating to say that they've never really played a game like this before, but I was trying to teach them about last hitting and how to use their abilities and stuff but even that was proving difficult to do during a game vs beginner bots. How is best for me to teach them? They need to learn the basics then maybe they could move on to playing vs other people. I dont think they're interested in getting really good, but they would like to get good enough to play against other people and know what they're doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks guys <3

    submitted by /u/Lynoa
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    A detox movement technique that raises the morale of your team so you win more games, and it easy.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Lets say someone dies, and someone else calls em a dog or trash that should uninstall. We've all seen this happen. What you should do is go immediately in chat,"Yo, don't get down on people. I will honor the guy you were rude to as to be cool." This does several things: One, the insulted guy isn't checking out as easily, two you're detoxing hate, three the insulter may even reflect on their actions. By raising the morale of your team, you win more matches because 5v5 is easier than 4v5.

    submitted by /u/goodnewsjimdotcomNew
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    Two tips for diamond+ toplaners

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I barely see toplaners doing this in my D2/D1 games.

    1. If the wave is slowpushing to the enemy and only one wave from hitting the enemy tower and you know their jungler is topside and can kill you. Invade the enemy jungle if you have any kind of reliable escapes or kiting power. Certainly do this when your jungler is around. The enemy jungle most of the time does not expect you to leave the wave early before it crashes and it can turn a possible death into a possible kill.

    2. If there is a giant wave incoming to your tower and you tracked the enemy jungler well enough that you know they are setting up for a top dive. If you are pretty sure you can't survive, instead of waiting till the wave crashes or almost crashes to run or soak op some xp before you die, what you should do is anticipate and leave top a wave or even more before it crashes and immediately roam/tp mid or bot. Better to roam from base and tp back of course. If you do this early enough you will not only waste enemy jng time you will most likely get a kill/dragon and a good amount of mappressure around botside jungle.

    submitted by /u/haveyoumetme2
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    I'm always getting pressured as a top lane send help...

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    (sorry for my broken English)I just started to play League about a few weeks ago, my friend encourage me to play as a top lane and I kinda like it so I started main top lane. I usually play Mordekaiser and Riven, and I always getting myself under my own turret and because I'm living in a sketch region in the world so my ping is usually about 100ms. The problem I'm having is I only got around 50 or 60 minion kills when others at least got over 100 more, my friend told me to control the lane by only attacking the minion you can one hit them and only push the minions forward if you're close to enemy turret but from what I've seen nobody does that, they just push their minion forward and pressures me. I love to play as a top lane but I've a hard time just trying not get full-comboed by Renekton, Darius and Garen... Pls help

    submitted by /u/SlavicDDDAZE
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    How to jg against Nocturne

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    I usually play big jg with a lot of damage, such as Warwick, Trundle or Volibear. They have a strong early game and impact throughout the game.

    But I usually have a bad matchup against nocturne.

    He is a matchup that usually goes bad if I 1v1 him (in the first scuddle, for example), and once he hit lvl 6, he is always ulting and getting more kills in a pace I can't keep up.

    How do I play against him? I prioritize ganks? Group up more?

    (It is a bit of my laners fault because many are advanced even knowing there is a noc jg in the other side. But, oh well, jg diff)

    submitted by /u/TroyBenites
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    Trouble improving and paying attention

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Hey guys! So I started silver 2 this year and I am kinda hardstuck at Gold 1 now.

    So I started wondering what i should improve on. I realized that In order to do something "right" I had to tunnel all my attention into it (if i focus on cs, i get high numbers, if i focus on map awareness, i dont die to ganks, if i focus on trading, i can 95% of the time out trade my opponents) but when i'm "just playing" with my attention divided into all of this tasks, i can do each of them at like 60% cappacity. I have heard before that the right approach is to just focus hard on one of them for a lot of games and then go onto the next. But I don't get it. eventually i'll have to "just play" and again i won't be able to do any of them right, no? So I guess my question is how do you go about improving your general awareness as a whole? I think I understand the mechanics behind each of these things but I can't do all of them at the same time...Any advice?=

    Thanks a lot! GLHF

    submitted by /u/tomasandres______
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    I think playing Azir has stopped me from learning fundamentals.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    My profile: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/n0blesseoblige

    I don't necessarily have a question but maybe someone can offer me some input???

    I've got 500k mastery in Azir but I'm stuck in bronze. I would say lower elo players are technically good but lack macro knowledge. Myself included. But I feel like I should be at least silver and maybe low gold. Azir is the champ I play if I want to seriously win. Even when my team is behind, I feel like I can influence team fights if the enemy team has more squishies than tanks (in more games than not because everyone wants to carry).

    Reasons I play Azir and why I think it's holding me back:

    • High, consistent damage – I think sometimes my team don't realize how much damage I can do. I can chunk down their adc with AA-Q-AA and we win teamfights. Then later teamfights, my team engages without me (while I'm clearing side lanes) and loses.
    • Mobility – I know I can get that last tower plate and E-Q out.
    • Self-peel – Most of the time, I use my ult to engage but maybe 10% of the time, I have to use it to retreat.
    • Instant AA – cs'ing especially under tower is a breeze. Other champ AA's take time to travel to the minion so I might not time it as well.

    I'm trying to focus on my macro more:

    • Taking tp and using it on bot lane when I hit 6 and they're still 4.
    • Staying on the side where my jg is during laning phase so I can help.
    • Getting my team to baron more but this seems impossible even after an ace.

    I'm not dying much but I clearly must be doing something wrong. I don't often make stupid decisions that lead to me being caught out but I might not make the most effective decisions. I want to win 70% of my games until I reach high silver.

    submitted by /u/MrGiggleFiggle
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    snowballing/dominating lane as a win condition in silver elo?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    When you read low elo guides, there is a lot of importance placed on playing safe, losing lane gracefully, not feeding, not chain-dying to ganks, not initiating 1 vs 3 fights and so on.

    I don't do any of that. I'm a cool-headed, careful player. But the majority of my lost games follows the same scenario: I played safe but I'm useless out of lane because the enemy team has at least one player rolling as a giant snowball of death. Often two.

    Say, I'm an Ashe who hugged the turret because the enemy Blitz was good and the enemy Vi kept visiting bot? I haven't died and I'm only a little behind on cs, it's not so bad? But I can't deal with their 6-2 Darius and 4-1 Zed.

    I believe that's why low elo players are convinced we have to carry. Not because of ego issues but because simply playing safe ultimately gets you nothing, sure, you can now complain about your team of feeders and inters while you are 0/0, but what matters is winning.

    Even more so in toplane, because I tend to play tanks there. It's easy to play safe as a tank but then what? My opponent had exactly that kind of game today, I played Shen and they played Ornn and we pretty much chilled on top lazily hitting each other and creeps... meanwhile our Katarina rendered their Orianna useless and walked to the drake pit for a triple kill. Tanking a team of tilted and very-behind opponents for a 7-0 Katarina? Ez life. And then we piled on Ornn. They didn't give an inch to me in top lane but they were also useless out of lane. TP-ing into an early fight wouldn't help them either, because I can do the same, and if I played Fiora that TP would have cost them the turret while their laners were already so behind the fight would be still not in their favor. I saw no way for that Ornn to win that game as it was. Now if they were a 6-2 Darius?

    Of course, not every game is like this, but this pattern is very noticeable. I watched a lot of high elo replays trying to learn how to play safe (because in my early toplane days I fed a lot), well, I somewhat learned, but I honestly don't feel like it has enough influence. In those high elo games everyone plays safe.

    submitted by /u/nightnightgame
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    How can I farm better in the mid-late game?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I farm fairly well in the early game. Usually around 7-8 cs per minute, which isn't the best but quite good. However as it gets to the later stages of the game I find myself dropping down to around 4-5 cs per minute (for the whole game). I find that there is too many team fights and objectives and I don't get a chance to properly continue farming. How can I farm better in the later stages of the game while also helping out my team in fights and objectives?

    submitted by /u/boobs3131
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