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    Tuesday, July 14, 2020

    LoL Guide Of all the tips i read on this sub, one increased my WR so much i feel like thanking you all. Buy refill potion.

    LoL Guide Of all the tips i read on this sub, one increased my WR so much i feel like thanking you all. Buy refill potion.

    Of all the tips i read on this sub, one increased my WR so much i feel like thanking you all. Buy refill potion.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    since i started to follow and read this sub my wr drastically increased, so many tips and things i hardly remember them all, but one was the real deal, my saviour, i know this might sound kinda stupid but buyng a refill potion on first back and everytime i've a free slot with not enough gold to invest in anything else was pure gold.

    damn did my winrate grew and my games felt way better. no way im forgetting anymore to buy pots, no way i waste pots cause i spam them during a fight just to die anyway to burst / killing the enemy knowing i could have spared one pot.

    so thank you so much, literally everyone.

    submitted by /u/pinturhippo
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    Ranking up doesn't matter. Improvement does. Nothing else.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Everytime I visit /r/summonerschool I see these tips that easily help you boost your rank. Disable chat, dodge games, make smurf account, play soloQ only, etc... None of this matters. Your rank literally doesn't matter, only improving does. Think of it this way; if you managed to get yourself up to Challenger right now with some nice trick, would you stay there for long? Would you win the lane a single time? Would you be useful in teamfights? Know what the enemy jungler is doing? If the answer to any of these questions is "no", then none of the tricks will help you. You don't want to use tricks to grind up your rank to one or two divisions above your skill level, you want to learn the game so that your skill level actually increases and your rank will follow.

    That isn't to say that these tricks have no merit behind them; disabling chat helps you focus on the game and might make learning easier, dodging might save some precious time from games where you don't learn much after the first few minutes of laning phase because it was lost before it began. But don't use any tricks to improve your rank, use tricks to improve your learning. And when you get your mindset straight, you won't need tricks as you don't care about chat or trolls in your team, they're not holding back your rank, they're holding back your win. And when your mindset is right, you're playing to learn, not to win.

    I was hardstuck gold-plat for a few years and even managed to get permabanned for flaming. That's because I was playing to win and tilted off the earth when I couldn't. Then something clicked and I managed to change my mindset; I played to learn, and I spent more time watching tutorials and analyzing my earlier games than I did on actually playing the game. Just a year later I reached Master with 60% winrate.

    The only thing common between all pros is that they all have seen effort to learn the game. None of them became a pro by just playing a game after game, they all sat down and spent hours after hours just thinking of the game. Stop grinding and start thinking.

    submitted by /u/__mahi__
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    What makes Ashe so strong right now?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    I'm a Draven one trick pony trying to broaden my champion pool, I'm afraid I only know how to play Draven and not the ADC role in general.

    I thought Ashe would be a good addition since she's very strong right now.

    To be honest I assumed she would be easy to play, but I have lost 7 games in a row with her (D3 elo). What makes this champ strong? Honestly I can't see it. I'm afraid I only know how to play Draven and not the ADC role in general

    submitted by /u/sijodifj
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    5 Ways to win more games before they even start

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    I'm going to be showing you 5 ways that you can increase your chance of winning before the game even starts. Many of the tactics that I describe in this video are used by not only myself, but also other Challenger players across the world include TF Blade, Zven, and even Dopa. Let's get started.

    1. Create a Champion Strategy - You have all probably heard this a million times but I'm putting it here first because I believe it is the SINGLE most important tip. Pick a few champions to play and stick to them. If you look at just about any top SoloQ player, they will almost always play the same 2-3 champions (TF Blade, Zven to name a few). They figure out what works for them, and they master it, and then they abuse it. If you have no idea where to start on developing your Champion Strategy, I would recommend simply going to lolalytics.com and using their tier list to determine who is a good champion in the current meta. The reason why it's so important to have a small champion pool is that it allows you to really learn the ins-and-outs of your champion, while simultaneously freeing up mental bandwidth to focus on other aspects of the game. You won't be able to abuse your champion to its fullest if you're not sure about how much damage you're going to do, or how to do a certain combo.

    2. Create a ban strategy - Once you've decided on a champion strategy, the next step is to figure out who you're going to ban. Ideally, this is going to compliment your Champion strategy. Usually, you want to use your ban to hit a champion that is both popularly picked and counters your champion pool. Now that is pretty basic, but there is an additional step to this that I picked up from a Dopa video I watched a few years back. Go into each lobby with at least three champs you'd like banned in mind. When you get into the lobby type "X and X ban pref". More often than not, someone on your team will ban one of the champions that you mentioned. You simply hold your own ban till the last second and ban your highest priority ban that wasn't... banned. Using this trick can allow you to get an extra ban or 2, which can go a long way in helping your climb.

    3. Dodge liberally and often - I want to preface this tip with the fact that I personally HATE the rampant dodging in high Elo- But it works. You should think of dodging like mulliganing in Magic, except there really is no cost. LP is virtually irrelevant in the long term of climbing, and you can easily spend your time "lost" while waiting out dodge timers doing something productive, effectively making the cost 0. You might consider dodging if your team has more than two autofilled players, someone is playing a champion that they have never played before, someone is clearly tilted from their last game. It isn't that you can't win these games, but you are going to be statistically less likely to, so you might as well dodge seeing as we've already shown that there is no real cost. You'll probably draw a better hand in the next lobby.

    4. Queue up in the right mental state - Everyone, including myself, is guilty of not following this tip from time to time. The gist of it is, don't queue up when you're not in a healthy, positive mindset. If you've just lost a game and you speed run getting back into the queue, chances are, you aren't in the right mental state. Consider taking a 5-10 minute break after a loss (I like to walk outside or drink a glass of water). If you're still thinking about your last game, what went wrong, etc, you're not in the right mental space to be thinking about your next game, and you WILL win less. A good metaphor would be like going into a job interview while you're frustrated about something that happened to you earlier in the day.

    5. Practice Negative Visualization - This is a technique that dates back thousands of years and was used by Stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca. The basis of this concept is thinking about all of the things that COULD go wrong in your life, or in the context of this video, your league of legends game. Your bot lane is going to get solo killed level 2 in a winning lane, your team is going to flame you when you're objectively the best performing member in the game, your toplane Volibear is going to rage quit a winning game because your Irelia didn't rotate to dragon. The practice of this achieves two things: first, it opens your mind to what could happen and helps set realistic expectations. and two, doing this can help you realize that it isn't so bad. I'm not saying that this is a magic cure-all and that suddenly having a teammate rage quit is going to stop being a frustrating experience. But it can help you manage your emotions when the situation actually occurs. So the next time your bot lane gets solo killed, instead of getting frustrating and flaming them, you can go "Its okay, this isn't ideal but it was expected. What do I do next?" This small change in thinking can go MILES in improving your mental and focusing on improvement. If you are interested in learning more stoic principles that you can apply not only to League but your everyday life, I absolutely must recommend "The Obstacle is the Way" by Ryan Holiday. This is the book that got me excited to read again, and I recommend it to anyone who's willing to listen.

    I hope you found this article helpful. Let me know if you have any other useful tricks that I didn't mention. Remember if you're willing to create winning champ select strategies, cultivate a strong mental, and dodge psychopaths, you too can become a Challenger.

    submitted by /u/xDoubtfull
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    When to buy starting items?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    I know the answer should sound obvious, at the start, but i want to know when do you buy more starting items? I have seen double dblade and dring from time to time, why do you buy them? Should you buy a dblade and then 1st back a dshield and vice versa? When do you buy corrupting pot? Only at the start of the game or is it viable on 1st back? When do you buy cull or dark seal? Thanks for the answers!

    submitted by /u/Bruhmomentum43
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    What is yasuo balanced around?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    I know there are a lot of memes about how yasuo players feed, hit their 0/10 powerspike, etc. but I really struggle against this champ. He is currently my permaban, but I want to learn how to lane against him so that I can ban matchup specific champions. Other champs are balanced around fairly obvious weaknesses: for example, immobile marksmen, squishy mages that run out of mana early, juggernauts with no gap closers, hard cc champs that lack damage, etc. I cannot figure out what yasuo is balanced around, so I'm asking for help. Here is my thought process:

    - early game is strong, has significant kill threat from level 2 onward
    - mid game spike is massive due to his passive crit scaling
    - scales into a late game carry that can literally 1v9 if ahead
    - good sustain since he doesnt use mana
    - has maybe the best lane mobility of any champ in the game
    - has one of the longest ranged skillshots in the game in his tornado q
    - this long range skillshot not only does damage but cc's
    - cc becomes nearly undodgable if he e-q's on top of you
    - can extend the duration of this cc with a blink ultimate on a low cooldown that pretty much ensures a death
    - hard to poke down due to his passive shield, insane mobility, and windwall
    - can become very tanky for a mobile carry due to his passive, his ability to stack conq, his itemization, and his windwall

    So he's apparently not balanced around damage, mobility, lack of cc, lack of sustain in lane, early- middle- or late-game, or susceptibility to poke. The champ can literally be played in any lane, including bot due to his windwall. His ulti can cc and shred multiple people at once and can be proc'd by many different champions with knockup abilities. His effective range is much longer than nearly any other melee champ. He's extremely tanky for a mobile carry.

    I know I'm missing something here, otherwise this champ would have like a 55% winrate in all lanes. What specifically is yasuo balanced around? What weakness can I exploit in order to beat this champ down into an 0/10 hole? Thanks in advance for any help!

    submitted by /u/Hi_ImToxic
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    How can you tell if your champion has good synergies with other ones on your team?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    This very well falls into just general game knowledge and experience, but are there any rules or concepts that you utilize to be able to tell what a good synergy may be before you've tried it?

    In particular, I main jungle, and would love insight. There are some obvious ones, such as nunu + anivia = bad time, however, zac + kled feels literally unstoppable. Thanks for reading .^

    submitted by /u/Equilibrim
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    Dear new players in league of legends

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    Hello there

    I've stumbled across alot of "How do i improve here and how do i improve there" posts from players that just reached the lv 30 mark and now want to hop into rankeds. Nothing wrong there i mean the competitive spirit is part of the game. But do your selvs a favor and "just" have fun at first.

    I play this game since season 3 and god i loved my first 2 years in league just because i didn't get into ranking. I just played what i wanted and had fun trying out crazy stuff like Full AP leoa mid, or what happens when we transform our favorite pony into a full speed machine and try to 1shot poor squishys.

    Try out whatever you feel like because thats the only way you get to know the different champs and what they can do. All the items and what they do. In rankeds you may have trouble figuring out how to improve on your own gameplay while you don't even know what the hell the enemys are able to do and how to play against them. And then most people get frustrated, theyr team starts to flame them and it's just a pain to play.

    Please enjoy league of legends with friends in normal games first and don't try to climb in the ladder once you hit lv 30.

    Good luck and have fun :)

    submitted by /u/4simplestranger
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    Wave management

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    So I was playing a game as Jax against Urgot. At around lv 6 (had not based yet) I took a horrible trade so I had to base. The wave was slow pushing towards him, so I tp'd back. When that happened, I did not know what to do. I thought that if I just keep hardshoving the wave, he wouldn't be able to base for free. However, when the minions crashed, he just cleared them under tower since he's ranged and just reset. He tp'd back and just killed me because of his item advantage and ult (and I wasn't full hp). How could I have managed the wave better to make him miss out on more and not die?

    submitted by /u/DirectlyImploding
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    How do you play against Riven level 1 as Hecarim without completely giving up lane prio?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    I've played 4 games against Riven lately, all as Hecarim top. Each game she found me in the jungle before minions crashed and just q auto 3 times and I had <100 health. So I had to back.

    Then in lane she would just do the same thing at level 1 or 2, and there was nothing I could do to retaliate because Hecarim's dmg is so bad early without ramping q.

    Do I just have to concede lane for the first 4 levels as if I'm playing against a ranged top laner? Her damage felt so insane and there was nothing I could do.

    I understand riven isn't in an amazing spot and I don't know if her buffs did anything huge but i basically fed so hard every game unless my jungler helped.

    I didn't feel like I had any options while playing against riven because she basically just decided when she wanted to fight without me having any say in it. All engages or disengages were on her terms.

    What should I do as Hecarim in this match up?

    submitted by /u/readytofly68
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    Help me help my girlfriend get better.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    My girlfriend has been playing for 3 months and is level 40. She enjoys playing Volibear and Warwick. Right now she is decent at power farming and securing objectives. When late game comes she is a meatball. Unfortunately the better you get the more jungle becomes all about winning the game in under 15 mins or you give up jungles strongest window. When she was level 20 I taught her how to efficiently clear camps this allowed her to basically out farm every one in the game and just win by levels and gold. When she hit 30-40 she played her 10 placement games the problem is she was placed bronze 4 but the average rank in her games where silver 2. The same thing happened to her friend they both lost all confidence as they didn't win a single game and they felt like they where the reason the team lost. I thought she would just get placed iron 4 and be able to climb by doing the fundamentals so she could gain confidence. The opposite is seeming to happen. I have tried telling her that you are playing way above your actual skill level and eventually it will get better. Now when we play normal games I have managed to carry most games to where average rank of players is gold and plat which again is making her feel bad. Whats the best way to help her? I have coached a lot of my friends from bronze/silver to gold/plat but I am use to them having 3+ years of experience. I am also not a jangler but things I think would help her would be how to gank, how to identify and start fights, when and what to do when the jungle does some thing on the map. To me most of these are just experience based and takes time. In summary I would love some help helping her become a better player and be more confident so we can play together.

    submitted by /u/perkytheparrot
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    Improving Map Awareness?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Hi, so today I went into my second ranked game, and we lost... Not hard, but not gracefully either. One issue I have is not looking at my mini-map enough and I missed a number of opportunities where I could have roamed or created some pressure on the map (I play Ekko mid). So from here, I'm asking: is there anybody who could tell me how I could improve map awareness or the like?


    Here's my op.gg btw

    submitted by /u/Solidderx7
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    Ways not to waste baron buff when behind?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    It happened to me again that we were in a losing game but managed to make 1 good fight, then we were able to take baron, but by that time enemy res and since they are either generally better than us and/or just have plain better 5-man (ex: they have a hooker, we dont), we cant really seem to do anything with the baron buff and it go to waste.

    Lets assume we dont have a fed player that can just go solo push a lane without caring.

    How then would u use the baron buff? CAN u even use it when generally behind?

    Was going for baron in the first place a mistake because of that very reason?

    submitted by /u/wulfgar4president
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    Doran's shield vs 3 rejuv beads

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    I hear a lot about how in heavy poke matchups you can opt to go doran's shield to mitigate a lot of the poke. Along with second wind in runes you get a lot of healing. The other starting option I have heard of is the triple rejuv bead start. Is this better on some champs than others because it gives % base health healing? When is it better/worse than doran's shield? Do you still run second wind with it in poke matchups?

    submitted by /u/epicduck900
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    Top Macro

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I'm in my first season of ranked and have been either bronze 3 or 4 for the entire season. I mainly play top and usually select Urgot or Illaoi. Obviously there are a lot of problems with my game, but I feel at this point that my mechanics in lane are passable and my decision making in lane is decent for a low elo player (although I play too passively sometimes). However, a huge, glaring problem to me is that my mid and late game macro is absolutely terrible. I often find myself with a 4 or 5 kill lead leaving lane and unable carry or snowball anyone else on my team, eventually losing the game. I have been browsing the subreddit and many of the tips here have been extremely useful, but I am still not executing many of the things I am reading. Also, I watch commentaries of high-elo top laners playing, but I feel as if many of them don't always explain why they do certain things outside of lane and I become more confused. Macro is very important so I think I need to fix my macro before I can fix some of my other problems and begin climbing.

    What should I be doing as a top laner after laning if ahead or if I'm behind/even. Also, if anyone could give me some tips or recommend some resources/streamers/youtubers, I would greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Some_Kumquats
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    How to stop being such a coward

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I have been playing League for a year, mainly on squishy supports like Sona, Nami and Janna because I needed something simpler in order to learn the basics of the game. Lately I have been trying to play more adc/mid with Jhin, as I feel he is the champion I have the most fun playing with even when behind. I know that as adc are so fragile it is important to know how to play safe specially if you don't feel you have any sort of peel, but I can't help but feel like I could do more damage than what I do because I focus too much on having good cs and not dying.

    submitted by /u/adrienabadie
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    Need help to understand ADC more

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Im a new league player and an ADC main (mostly Ezreal with 150k points M6 but I try out more ADCs now) EUW and just did my placements and got Iron I (sorry to all my plat/gold/silver teammates that I ruined the game for you its not my fault riot put me there with you qwq). I know how to farm under tower but it can be hard sometimes and even though I have 150k points I still dont know what to buy with Ezreal. I dont go with Tear first because I need the damage for CSing so I go pickaxe first or Sheen. Now my problem is that I do no damage at all in the early phase than most other ADCs with their first item like B.F. Sword and mostly I go manamune and IG. IG has no AD so I do less to no damage until I get my third item BOTRK. Another problem is my positioning. I get hit by the support alot and then I have to back off most of the time and then I miss CS and EXP. Heres another problem: I dont know where to go after first turret. Do I stay in botlane? Do I go mid to help? What do I do?

    TL;DR: New ADC player needs help and advice

    submitted by /u/CrowTheBird1
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    leveling up

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    so i know how to play lol, ok, but i am having trouble figuring out how to lvl up faster. i know that you can do missions and just do good in games, but i am doing both of these things and am still getting like a tiny amount of xp each match, even though my damage and kills is much much higher then everyone else. i am basically just asking how i can lvl up faster.

    submitted by /u/7Mooseman7
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    Warming up in a bot game

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    I hear from some people that they say it was their first game of the day and that they would play bad. Personally I don't understand this because I don't see a difference between first and last game of the day. I'm jg main and maybe only laners need warm-up to farm better or something. Almost every game someone tells in chat that it is their first game of the day and not to blame them if they play bad. Should I warm up in bot games? If I warm up what difference would it make? Will I be more focused or what? Do you warm up before your ranked solo queue games?

    submitted by /u/dominikmih
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    Jungling vs. Shaco

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Hi all, I'm a S3 Trundle jungle main and I've always struggled against enemy Shacos in the jungle. I know that you can use sweepers to help find him when invisible but I always struggle against his decoys in finding which one to actually attack. Does anyone have any good tips on how to handle him?

    submitted by /u/jaketaylor84
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    On Hit vs Crit for adcs- question

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    Hi there :)

    I'm not exactly a new player but I've been trying to learn adc recently. Last season I got to gold 2 as support and this year I've gotten up to gold 3 as top lane and now I want to switch over to add. I really enjoy playing it but I don't quite understand the item builds like I should.

    As a top lane it's pretty easy to know when to build armor, mr, or health, but I just don't understand adc items as well. For example, I just played a game as ashe alongside a full ad team (zed, Ali, yi,Jayce) and I knew they were going to build a lot of armor with an ornn and leona (and also taliyah, panth, cait) so I decided to go crit and buy LDR third item (and yes I took cut down). I kinda just picked that at random but in my head it makes sense and I have no idea why lol. so I built, berserker's, runnans, IE, LDR. We ended up winning (18/2 zed lul) but I'm not sure if that was the correct choice for the situation. in the past I've used a lot of the bork build on ashe and it felt a little better.

    If anyone has any guide or good tips for items on adcs I love to hear them. for more specifics, I play a lot of xayah, ashe, lucian, and I feed a lot on cait.

    Thanks for any help :)

    submitted by /u/SpyrokTheDerp
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    The importance of an unlocked camera.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    So, I know newer players tend to play with locked cameras, and I was one of them for the longest time. Then I finally started playing unlocked with vel'koz and aurelion (at the time I STRICTLY played vel and aurelion) on occassion, and realized I could get q pokes a lot easier. So, an unlocked camera helps quite a bit with mages like vel'koz, and when using aurelions e and q combo. BUT, it comes in with a lot more effectiveness with any champion. You can see things you typically couldn't see while being locked, such as when your enemies are grouping up, and especially in situations of being ganked. Yes, map awareness is important and helpful, but also using an unlocked camera helps in a way you may not realize, helping a bit with lane awareness and gank awareness, even helping with seeing enemy positioning without having to distract yourself by looking at the map. It can also help many champions in planning out their abilities, such as akali's e, as you can see easier what direction your enemy is moving in consistently, which gives you better help in predicting movements. So please, new players like me, at least TRY playing with an unlocked camera, get used to a bit higher of a DPI and in game sensitivity than you normally would, it helps a lot. It puts the difference between a diamond player and a bronze or silver player.

    submitted by /u/TDSRage97
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    Understanding team comps

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Hey guys so how do people decide which comp is better for example when LS co-streams LCS or LCK hes like oh this team hard wins the comp but i dont see a single reason the comp wins, so can anyone explain the important things that makes a comp good/ better than the enemy comp.

    submitted by /u/Savkeh
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