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    Tuesday, July 28, 2020

    LoL Guide Vision 102: How to WIN games with vision control.

    LoL Guide Vision 102: How to WIN games with vision control.

    Vision 102: How to WIN games with vision control.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Last time, I went over the very fundamentals of vision control. You should read that post before this one, as I will elaborate on the concepts laid out there.

    In this post I will give you some very basic macro plans to help with warding and use these plans to explain how vision control actually works.

    The first two paragraphs are a preamble outlining the very basics of League of Legends macro/strategy. For actual tips and tricks, go to the third and fourth paragraphs for advice on regular wards and pinks/sweepers, respectively.

    Again, there's a TL;DR with pointers at the bottom, and please point out anything I should add or change to this post. Also, sorry for the clickbait in the title, but I genuinely believe that this vision control thingy is a key element in any game of League, wether it's intentional or not.




    Now that we figured out what vision actually does and why it's good, we can reason out how we should be warding. There's a catch, though; As I stated in my previous post, to ward properly you need to have a plan. This can be as simple as not wanting to die to a gank.

    Think back to the beginning of the game, before buffs spawn. You can walk around your jungle safely, but as soon as you try to go into the enemy jungle or river, you feel in danger. You don't know where the enemy is, and every move you make could be a false step into a death. This is because their jungle is their territory. You don't have information there, so you can't do anything. The reason your jungle is safe is because you have information about your own jungle this early in the game; nobody had the time to get in there, so it's safe.

    This is why the very dumb plan of a level 1 invade can work AT ALL. The enemy doesn't see you invading and think's they're safe. Turns out, they are probably out numbered and will give up flashes or a few kills. This ONLY works if they don't see you. It's a game of information.

    The SAME concept applies to taking baron. The reason you can't contest that baron, even though your teams are even, is because you don't know where they are. You lost the game of vision control and now baron isn't your territory. One false move and the game is over. This goes for every objective in the game. Be it dragon or taking turrets.

    It ALSO goes into when there are no objectives on the map! Remember the early game; You couldn't walk into the enemy jungle because you had no information. Therefore, if you control vision of certain areas of the map, any enemy walking into them is susceptible to getting picked off. This is why your auto-fill support constantly dies while trying to get vision. He tries to take vision so you have more freedom, but to do this he or she has to walk into enemy territory.

    These situations can and should be created by you and your team. Anyone in the game has a trinket and can buy pink wards. If you pushed your lane and there are no objectives on the map to work towards, go try and control vision. Think about your next move AND your opponent's next move. Ward to push your territory forward and use pinks/sweepers to push the enemy back. This alone is what enables you to move around the map and make plays.




    The next step is thinking about the actual "mini-game" of contesting vision. That baron situation: Before any fighting actually happens, there's a "low-key" game of who gets vision of what; teams go back and forth trying to place and secure pink wards in the river, pit or spot brush. Whomever gets this has a MAJOR advantage on the coming fight. This mini-game is made easier by getting to baron first, which is why quick-thinking and rotations are important.

    This mini-game doesn't necessarily happen all at once, like it does during baron. In the middle game, the enemy supports and junglers are in a constant battle of removing wards down the river and trying to sneak in deep wards into the enemy jungle. Again, while they might not have a concrete plan, just having those wards severely expands your options, and removing the enemy's limits theirs.

    The winner of these "battles" is determined by resources. Whomever actually gets a ward to stick, wins. This can be done by having more wards, simply having one extra person with you or making good use of sweepers/pinks. Sticky wards are important, as they are vastly more efficient than wards that get removed immediately.

    Also important is the ward placement. A lot of wards can be left to rot and become useless, as they cover very little paths and thus provide you with no useful information. For your wards to be any good, you need for them to be sticky and useful.




    There's no secret to actually useful wards. Whatever wards you place are useful so long as they help you push your plan forward or stops the enemy from theirs. This can be done by warding behind pit, over turret wall to prevent engages, etc. These wards are the most important ones, as they are the ones that guarantee you information to get you kills or objectives. They are, more often than not, the wards that are worth 250+ gold.

    These wards, in general, cover your enemies possible angles of attack. In League of Legends, there's a very limited amount of things any given team can do to stop your plans. The most prevalent of those things is just outright killing you, and they can only engage properly from specific angles, and generally from outside of vision. Rare are the situations where the enemy can just roll over you from outside of vision. You should recognize those and play appropriately.

    Your plan can also be getting a pick off. This is done mostly by removing wards, but placing wards where the enemy is guaranteed to walk through and is lest likely to spot them are also very good. This can be right in front of base gates, krugs or tribush. Of course, wards in intersections are always good in these situations.

    However, a lot of times you don't have an exact plan, so you ought to push your territory forward. This will give you options so you can eventually do something. Placing useful wards in these situations is trickier, and this is where those maps with ward spots are good for. Remember that these wards are NOT the most important. The actually important wards are the ones that definitely push your agenda.

    As a rule of thumb, wards are generically useful when they cover lots of paths. This means warding intersections, and not necessarily bushes. Good ward spots are those where many paths converge. You can easily find these on the map. For example, the red-side river entrance near raptors has four paths going through it: From behind the dragon pit, from raptors, from lane and from river. A ward there is fantastic, irrespective of it being inside or outside a bush.

    This knowledge gives you a great advantage, as you don't have to expose yourself to ward that spot. You can do it straight from the line brush in mid lane. Walking into the enemy jungle is not necessary at all! For a lot of ward spots, you don't have to expose yourself to get vision. This raptors' ward is such. Another example is a ward behind dragon/baron pit, which covers a solid three paths and can be put with pretty much zero risk. Think about regions where a ward would be good and how you can safely get in range of those regions. This will save you a lot of deaths.

    This why a ward over the wall that separates gromp and blue is great. While it doesn't cover four paths (from base to blue, around gromp and from river to blue), it covers both blue buff and gromp. This ward can be safely placed, at least when compared to a ward inside the blue buff bush.

    In the topic of blue buff, wards OUTSIDE of the bush are generally better than inside of it, as they will cover more paths. Wards inside the bush cover basically nothing of the paths besides the buff and can be easily avoided. Warding over the bush wall or outside of it, in the intersection, is generally better. These wards are very deep and therefore dangerous, so take care.

    Figure out through experimentation what wards you can place from safe spots, and wards that you can place that avoid pink wards. Dumping a map onto you would be mostly useless, as you won't remember most of it and this is something I learn and figure every game where it's needed. You can (and should) try to do the same.




    The main way to defend your territory is a pink ward on a bush. They are placed on bushes in general because that makes them stickier. Harder to remove. To get rid of them, you'd need to face check, and by definition you'd be doing that in enemy territory, which is almost never a good decision. Think of nearby intersections where the enemy would want to have a ward; place pinks that cover these spots, and preferably in bushes.

    Remember that pinks are expendable and on no cooldown. You can buy as many as you like. I often also use pinks to remove key enemy wards, such as wards down mid lane, wards in the blue intersection and around raptors. Then, I can just leave them there, as they are covering key warding spots. If those spots are no longer useful, it's easy to buy another one and relocate it.

    You should use your sweepers sparingly, as they are on a long cooldown. Only use them if you're walking through important areas or when actively pushing back enemy territory. You should also try to cover an area as large as possible, and tend to use sweepers only in the middle of the jungle, not on the edges. This can be the difference between a ward sticking or not.

    You should also try to aim for the enemies actual good wards. Removing a ward that's inside raptor camp is not as important as wards inside the blue/red intersections. Remember that the enemy also has plans and should also be warding to push their agenda forward. You should use your sweeper to stop them.

    It's important to notice that a lot of good wards will be off the beaten path and not be caught by pink wards in brushes. For example, wards besides the blue wall, on the intersection, will not be caught by a pink on the bush. For spots with lots of walls, nooks and crannies, prioritize using your sweeper, and if needed, use your pinks in key spots outside of brushes to remove their key wards.

    For example, a pink in the bush outside of dragon/baron pit, near raptors, is an excellent pink, as your enemy will lose sight of a major intersection and have to go deep to remove it. A pink in the blue buff bush is good, as it covers a lot of paths in front of the buff, but can often not be as good as it will not cover paths beyond the walls.

    Lastly, remember that this is a game of resources. People can only have a number of pinks and sweepers. Try to play around this to know when a ward can stick properly.




    In general, there's an idea of the purpose of a ward. And every ward should have a purpose, otherwise it's a wasted ward. This goes for regular wards and pinks. As I said in the previous post, everything you do in league of legends should be thought out and planned for. This is specially true for wards.


    • Vision is the fundamental unit that gives you information, enabling you to make plays and win.
    • To gain control of vision, players often engage in a game of resources, placing and removing wards.
    • There are several tricks to making your wards stickier and more useful, and also to make the enemies easy to remove.
    • You wards should first and foremost push your agenda, this being stopping enemy angles' of attack or rotation paths.
    • Secondly, you can have generically good wards in intersections. You should also try to ward camps.
    • Be mindful of where pinks could possibly be, and try to ward circunventing them, such as besides the blue buff wall with the bush.
    • Use your sweeper in the middle of your jungle, to optimize it. Don't use it willy nilly as it's on a long cooldown.
    • Use your pinks willy nilly, as they are expendable and replaceable.
    • You don't have to pink bushes.
    • So long as your pink has an active job or role, it's a good pink, no matter wether it's outside a bush.
    • The same logic goes for EVERY ward. Think about the ward you're placing and what it's doing, to determine wether it's any good or not.
    • ALWAYS think critically about what you're about to do. No matter how simple it is.
    submitted by /u/roxer123
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    What's the deal with "weird" ADCs like Veigar, Syndra, Viktor and Heimer? How actually viable are they?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    I'm a support main who kinda dables in the ADC role from time to time. For the last month or so I started seeing these champs in the ADC role and they are really frustrating to play against. They bring levels of utility most ADC don't have except for like Senna?

    But the question comes to mind, are they really viable? And if so, how are they not OP?

    How do you go around supporting these champs? And what are the best supports for champs like these?

    submitted by /u/SirAerion
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    Massive in-depth VOD reviewing guide, ALL ROLES

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    No tldr.

    I am a challenger jungle main and I do a great deal of coaching sessions via g2g, and here are some of the main bullets I go through in most of my sessions. (Individual coaching sessions frozen until further notice, as of right now I am indefinetly at camp.) Read this and youll have the basic info to boost your level of play to the next level.

    As your level of play increases, so should the number of ways you look to perfect your craft with. And especially beyond diamond (the importance grows higher the higher you climb away from diamond) the importance of vod reviewing as a tool to improve skyrockets. I genuinely believe that vod reviewing, whether its by yourself or through someone elses eyes, is one of the most efficient ways to improve, and you most likely have heard your favourite streamers praise it as well. Obviously all of this is applicable to lower tiers as well. So lets see how it should be done, since alas, just rewatching games doesnt do you much.

    Assuming that youre doing this for the first time ever, these are the first steps to take towards a succesful vod review;

    A. A data analysis

    You can use opgg, mobalytics, in-client stats or whatever you choose. Although stats are sort of subjective and elastic, you should on some level compare yourself to other players who are playing on the same level, or slightly higher.

    From data you can see your vision score, bought pink wards, damage distribution, kill participation, deaths and so on. If any of your statistics are drastically lower (higher deaths) than the average, that acts ad a red flag something you may focus on during the actual vod review.

    B. Choosing the games to review

    You dont want to choose a game where you had little to no agency on the outcome. Preferably losses where you have been clearly outperformed by either the enemy team as a collective force, or by your individual counterpart, since during losses you most likely made more major mistakes.

    C. Try to be objective

    Think as if you were a top challenger streamer who was watching the vod, a.k.a try to look through "different eyes", and try to be as objective and as analytical as you can be. During the first vod reviews you can even watch someone elses vod whos a bit higher rank than you are and try to spot any misplays, this can help you get into the right mindset.

    Once all of that is set up, you can start the analysis (Pov recording is the best possible angle as you can spot potential flaws in your camera movement and map awareness as well, you can use obs to record gameplay).

    Then to the things you should look at;

    1. Remembering your stats and the data you analyzed before, pay attention to those things

    If you can notice from your opgg that you die a lot, you should look into the reasons for why do you die, and whether or not the death was justified or worth to begin with. A rule of thumb is that if you die more than 6 times on the average, theres a major flaw in your gameplay. A justified death can be when you die for someone else, or to win a fight for example, in cases like that the gain outweights the damage. Always look for maximum outcome with minimal losses. Also if you die to ganks then jungle tracking is also something to look at, which brings us to...

    1. Map awareness and general awareness

    If theres a lot of action on the map which you miss, thats also something to look at (See my older post for a jungle guide on immersive map awareness, again, still relevant to everyone). If you dont notice players missing on the map, skirmishes happening, even all ins happening or see any ganks coming, its something to focus on. Ive noticed that especially players from iron 4 all the way to diamond 2 tend to struggle with consistent map awareness.

    Also worth noting that the position of your jungler (or you if youre jungling), tells a lot more about the position of the enemy jungler than you may think. Pay attention to the starting camp of the enemy, and the camps which are available to your own jungler. And this brings us to bullet number three.

    1. Efficient warding

    As stated earlier, you should roughly know where the enemy jungler is at all times, as well as laners of course. When you learn to track the jungler better, you also learn to ward better and be able to have more confidence walking around in the fog. Junglers from gold to master tend to stick to their habits of the orthodoxic 'meta' pathing, which makes them extremely predictable. Understanding jungle makes you a MUCH better laner, which is why I recommend everyone to watch jungle guides on youtube as well.

    Turboroaming laners are obviously also something to keep tab on, say pyke, qiyana, bard and kled for example, in lower elos even twitch and caitlyn adcs.

    Keep a tab on minion buffs.

    Also a question I get asked a lot is: "Am I buying too many pinks? Whats the right number?", there is no number. You should buy pinks, but you should not waste them. Use wards efficiently when required, not to just randomly ward your lane brush then lose prio and your ward.

    1. Utilizing and recognizing priority and lane state

    Priority is caused by waves and strength, vision control is caused by priority, and objectives are taken because of vision control. Priority matters more than you think. Whether or not youre a laner or a jungler you should always pay attention to the lane state. Having priority is dangerous when it puts you in an unpleasant risk, and it is favorable when it puts the enemy at a major disadvantage. By default you want to shove your waves pre drake, scuttle, rift, ward, recall or whatever, and as a jungler you want to gank as the enemy does so, and as the other jungler you want to counter that move.

    Utilizing priority is something which can be a problem to higher level players and is nonexistent to lower rank players, but you should learn to acknowledge it. You cant expect a tp from a bruiser top who has 17 waves crashing for example, nor should you walk into the fog if the wave is neutral and the enemy laner can walk right behind you. Use waves to your advantage, since the stronger team gets to control the wave, and they also get to decide when the objectives are being taken.

    1. Hesitation

    You need to be able to recognize a potential play in a single second, and make your decision off of that considering all of the risks and the worst case scenario. The jungler and tp disadvantages are easily forgotten in lower elos. Make a move and stick to it, if you made the wrong move you wont do it again when an identical scenario eventually shows up anyway.

    1. Obvious micro misplays

    You died cuz you misplayed? If you had flashed you wouldve lived to clean the fight? Learn to anticipate. Adc 2020 players know how it feels like to be scared to do anything because youre scared as fuck by the 6 champs in the enemy team being able to one shot you instantly, but thats the case to everyone (except for rammus players). Look for missteps during the opening phase and teamfights, they happen constantly even in pro play. Every player makes several mistakes every single game. Again the same principle, see what you did wrong and acknowledge it until its automatic to you during identical scenarios. Also combo failures happen and missclicks, work on that shit.

    1. Macro misplays

    About this one I could write a Bible about, but im trying to make it short.

    Macro misplays include;

    A. Fighting the enemy when you dont have what it takes stats or mechanics wise. Not every play is saveable by good mechanics, so know your damage.

    B. Rotating for a play you shouldnt rotate to (as mentioned above its often a mistake which needs to be made).

    C. Not acting on a play you could turn due to lack of game knowledge

    D. Not acknowledging the risks, like jungler and summoners (awareness).

    E. Poor wave management and recalling (lack of game knowledge).

    1. Limit testing

    Limit testing is the most important thing you absolutely must do. You need to know your health and damage at all stages of the game. Smurfs are succesful because they know how and when they can turn a play. The game knowledge required to know it comes through experience.

    1. Dont forget to play the game

    Being able to keep up with all of the info requires mega brain activity during the game, as well as an extremely high apm, camera control and eyes since you need to process information in half a second.

    1. Review is a good way to untilt between games

    Ofc a stronger recommendation to an actual break, but if youre turboaddicted and want to improve 247, this is the way.

    Feel free to add and ask things regarding the post, a lot of things I didnt mention but theres only so much im able to write without melting my brain.

    submitted by /u/Gial_lol
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    I'm absolutely awful at skill shots

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    I'm a newer player and I'm starting out with top and ADC champs. I started out with Miss Fortune, but I could never land her Q when it matters, and people would simply walkout of her R.

    So I switched to Ashe and, while I never have problems with her W, I can never hit anything with her E and her R is a complete waste. My friends notice that and say, "Hey, play Ezreal." So I do and it's the exact same issue. I whiff nearly every ability I have with him.

    I know the common answer is "Go practice more", but I have to ask, am I just looking at this the wrong way? Are there champions that are better in terms of aiming or is this just a massive road block that I need to get past before I can consider doing well? I know my prediction is downright awful, which is why I love Garen's AOE attacks, but I truly want to get better at this.

    submitted by /u/saxxy_assassin
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    Is kindred a late-game champion?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    Sorry for my english. I am a bronze EUW jungle main, mostly Kha'zix, Sylas or Kayn. Recently i fell in love with Kindred, but i have some difficulties with them.

    While in theory they should scale, i often experience quite some struggles when Passing the 30+ min. mark. At that point i have around 10-13 marks. Mostly i am ahead, let's say i have 8/2/5, but then i lose my lead and I Cant get more marks. I looked up some guides but they all say something else. Some say they scale infinitly, others say they fall off in the true late game.

    Do i need to focus more on my marks, and does it depend on the build? Does f.e. crit scale better than BC, DD,GA? How do i improve my late game, or should i focus more on the mid-game?


    submitted by /u/xScaramoochex
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    Warding as an adc

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Hello, I main adc and my vision score sucks. I don't know when I should ward and what I should ward. When I want to ward in the jungle, I'm scared that the enemy jungler or mid-laner is there. Sometimes I don't go to ward, because I don't want to miss cs. Later in the games, I usually take farsight, which I feel like, doesn't provide a lot in terms of vision.

    submitted by /u/Inasis
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    What to do against lillia when playing setup champs.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    I play a lot of kata and illaoi. And I can't seem to figure how to beat Lillia. If she keeps moving, I physically cannot hit her with anything. What do?

    submitted by /u/luxxanoir
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    How to bard properly?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    I'm fairly new and I've dipped my foot into all classes, and have been really liking support. I tried out Thresh and blitz but they didn't feel right. I've been trying Bard but to my understanding he is a roaming support, aka he comes and helps kill someone and heads out to another lane. I've been wondering if there is anything I should be doing while from lane to lane and if there is usually a specific order.

    submitted by /u/coldpillowofdeath
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    How do you play against Singed as a melee toplaner?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    The chasing dilemma is really tough.

    Darius is usually out of the question since he's either banned by most Singed players or someone else bans him anyway

    submitted by /u/popablaster
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    What to do when opponent freezes in midlane?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I had a situation in a game recently. I am currently Silver 1 and I was playing Fizz against a Gold 3 OTP Zed. Early on he got first blood in a skirmish on my support but i was able to clean up the kill on him after so he was a little bit ahead but not too much.

    The situation came around lvl 5. He was not in lane at the time, and it seemed like a fight was about to break out in the bot lane so I pushed the wave and roamed bot. Bot lane got a kill without my help and there was nothing left to do there so I went back to mid-lane, but at this point i noticed the Zed at frozen the wave right outside his turret and was now lvl 6 to my lvl 5.

    I sat in lane waiting until lvl 6 and then tried to get my jungler to help with the freeze but he didn't come so i was on my own.

    He froze the wave very well and quickly got a huge cs lead over me as i thought there was no way to actually break the freeze without being committed to a very risky all-in fight.

    My other lanes were doing well and getting solo kills, so at the time i felt like it was ok for me to just sit there doing nothing as long as the zed wasn't roaming. But eventually once mid-game started my team started pinging me ( i assume flaming me as well but i have chat turned off) since i had such a huge cs deficit.

    We ended up winning the game anyways off of the 2 fed side-lanes but i felt like if i had done something better in this situation it would not have had to be close at all.

    So ignoring the obvious wave management misplay of letting zed freeze in the first place, what should i have done in this situation?

    I thought about this after the game and even though it seems bad maybe I should have forced some sort of fight with him anyways to try to break the freeze? Maybe i should have thrown my shark on the wave to try to crash it into tower?


    submitted by /u/slippery39
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    How to improve in the jungle.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Hi I am a support main who wants to switch over to the jungle, for the past few days I've been playing the role and I always seem to be horrible at it, I always fail my ganks, I am always on the wrong side of the map at the wrong time and I am always behind in farm. I've been watching videos but I never seem to use the information I learnt in game, its probably cause I dont understand it. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Apedec
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    How to win when you lose

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    This is gunna be a simple small post. Med condition makes me shake like an earthquake so if my grammar is off sorry. I constantly see people getting tilted when they lose from teamates inting. I know because I have done that plenty before. What you need to realize is that you can play your best, even great in a match and in some cases 1v9 but there are plenty of matches where you are just going to lose. When you know thats going to happen dont stop playing or relax into that inevitable loss. You should shift your focus instead to the things you lack in game and use the losing game as a practice. Its how I learned split pushing without dying and when to dive under turret and get out alive. You should never give up until the win condition is clearly not on your team and even then take your time working on you. Dont worry about the other people inting. Tilting just makes you play worse. So simply.... work on you.

    submitted by /u/JustinCentral
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    How am I supposed to beat Zyra in lane as a support?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Mentioning that I like to use engage supports, every time I face Zyra she manages to zone me and the ADC, and I can't seem to do anything about it because I end up always outtraded. How am I supposed to win this line?

    submitted by /u/godgawd
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    How impactful is bot lane in the current game?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    I want to start climbing and I love ADC but is it the right role? I recently played ADC and went 2/0 bot but the rest of my team inted so hard the score was 15 vs 30 and we just got snow balled into oblivion. So with that in mind, how good of a role is bot at the moment and is it the right role to climb with in soloq??

    submitted by /u/WATERISWETTNIG
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    What to do as an ADC if the support decides to all in?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    I'm in low elo, my rakan just decides to go in and knock up, which is all fair and good, but once when he decided to do it, my skills were on CD and the second time I used all my abilities but playing Xayah early game I lacked the firepower. On top of it the enemy ezreal just blinked, and the brand support stunned both of us.

    Of course I get flamed because he got a "fat CC" and I didn't manage to magically get a kill.

    So what am I supposed to do in such situations?

    submitted by /u/4chan_r9k
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    Comparing Diamond/Master Lane to Top KR Challengers (What do pro players do differently from amateurs?)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    The videos are more directed to high elo, its a bit complex, please do not feel discouraged if you don't understand some of the concepts~

    Comparing D1/Master TF player to DOPA


    • lane management
    • Openings relative to JG clears
    • Setting up wave states for success
    • Winning on future waves
    • intentions
    • Basic trading and lane fundamentals

    Comparing D1/Master Syndra player to Faker


    • lane management
    • Openings against Fizz / Melee champions
    • Setting up states for success on recalls and counting waves
    • Winning on future waves (A/B/C/ETC)
    • intentions & mechanics
    • Basic trading and lane fundamentals
    • Zoning
    • Mouse movement input commands

    In both videos, the (lane) matchups are the same and the Jungle routes are the same (different Junglers). The pro-player videos are played in a patch where scuttle spawns at 2:15 and not 3:15 ~ This changes wave state openings and bounce backs in top play, I did this purposefully to highlights how wave state control can change on objective timers.

    GLGL in SOLO~

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    As a mid laner, is it better to have a pink ward in the river bush of the lane that is losing?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I'm trying to improve my mid game and I was initially placing pinks and warding on both side bushes, but I'm wondering if it would be better to place a normal ward in the side bush of the lane that is losing and to place a pink ward in the river bush of that side as well. Then to play on that side of the lane to avoid being ganked. The logic being that lane will be ganked more and more prone to mid roaming.

    submitted by /u/yourshitsweakwizeak
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    How to play vs poke mid lane?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    The champs I love to play are yasuo and akali and I can do okay with them but the hardest thing that I haven't found a solution to is how to play vs poke lanes. This is more to do with akali I guess since yasuo has his windwall but I can struggle with yasuo levels 1-2. The situations where I struggle are playing yasuo or akali vs anyone ranged level 1-2 like an ahri or orianna who steps up all the way in my side of the lane refusing to let me walk up and I just played vs a karma as akali and I was useless, and I couldn't do anything vs an orianna as akali.

    submitted by /u/Jyo_R
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    Having trouble playing melee supports into ranged ones

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Im a JG main, but i've begun to play support as an off-role or when i just need a break. When i play something like nautilous into pretty much any poke supports i feel like i cant play at all.

    I stay out of range and dodge their cc, but my ADC can never match their push if i dont help. The problem is, if i try to push i get chunked or engaged on, while i cant do anything through their minion lead. I just feel like its impossible to get prio or angles so i can hit my CC.

    submitted by /u/Soapy_Meat
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    Annie Mid - Heavy Loss, looking for advise!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Previously came here looking for advice, and got some really good tips that I have since employed in later. Unfortunately after this match was recorded so they aren't reflected in this video.

    But I was told its easier to critic and make judgement on a losing game, so any tips I am open too. I know my early laning phase is weak, so that's a key area for critique. I am also curious about how I can better macro play in the late game, especially in a game like this where we are losing heavily and have lost map control.



    submitted by /u/TankDS
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    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    i am a master main jungle and i am ready for coaching low elo players for bit of rp

    submitted by /u/Mobile-Masterpiece-7
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    How to get better at league?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    I cant seem to get past my current rank. I've been playing for a couple months now and I'm level 44. My first rank was Bronze IV and now I'm stuck at silver 2. I keep matching with Gold 1 players and they are way too good for me. What are some champs that could help me get better? I'm currently playing zed, fizz, or yasuo. Thank you

    submitted by /u/lovenature91
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