LoL Guide Almost all Yone mechanics in less than 3 minutes |
- Almost all Yone mechanics in less than 3 minutes
- Is there a chart or graph which shows how the general skill of players has gone up over time?
- How to become good LoL player and even better Midlane player. To-Do list.
- Trying to learn how to play with and against the champions
- If there's one thing to learn as a low-elo botlane (adc/supp), its minion wave management.
- How to learn what items to build in certain situations
- How do you play against Hecarim?
- Jax vs assassins in the late game
- Whats the difference between bad Nidalee players and great ones?
- Why Selling Biscuit Delivery?
- What is the smallest league buff/nerf that made the most impact?
- Is Gragas just a bad Jungle
- lvl 30 against lvl 100
- How do I avoid tilting off the face of the planet if I get camped.
- When is the right time to pick Akali?
- Is taking kills as a support really that bad?
- What jungler should i play, and how to play jungler?
- Scaling junglers
- roaming in in silver from top
- What do you do as a tank late game....
- How to play against darius as melee.
- How exactly are you supposed to do against a nasus?
- I’m a mage and no one on the other team is building MR, what do I build second?
Almost all Yone mechanics in less than 3 minutes Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:19 AM PDT Hey /r/sumonerschool! I made a video guide for Yone, the in of the Stained Blade, showcasing mechanics and ability combinations. Here is the Video(8k 60fps btw :D): And here are some written notable tips/mechanics:
Cheers! [link] [comments] |
Is there a chart or graph which shows how the general skill of players has gone up over time? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:14 PM PDT This is something I don't have hard facts for, and was curious if such data existed. I've reached Gold in early seasons, I'm talking seasons 1-4 or something. But these days, I'm struggling even in Bronze (granted, even though I'm currently in Bronze, I've seen people with Plat/Gold borders on my team). My opponents have much better mechanical execution and game knowledge than I'm used to facing. Am I imaging things? Is the general skill of players much higher than even a few seasons ago? (I.E. people who are ranked Silver today could have been ranked Gold a few seasons ago). Or am I just really out of touch? [link] [comments] |
How to become good LoL player and even better Midlane player. To-Do list. Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:23 AM PDT Note: I know some of those points are repeating over and over again in my guides but keep in mind that some people read only one of my guides, depending on which role they play. Also, It's a lot easier to save 1 post just for you than to save 4 of them and mix the knowledge from them all. Note: I've already done guides for support and jungle role so I encourage you to check it out!
Many people who are playing high ELO ranked games probably didn't even think about most of the aspects on this list so here I am. I will make a list of things you probably didn't know or never did before and what it will do is improve your self-consciousness about LoL and your overall performance. Don't expect this post to be "5 quick tips on how to rank up fast" because I want to focus on how to be a better player, and hitting a rank is an only transitional process. Those are things that most of the challenger players and pro's focus on. INDEPENDENT ON ROLE: · Timing summoners · Wave management · Ping opponent's wards · Time opponent's wards in the early game · Fake warding (entering fog of war to make enemies think you warded somewhere) · Fake roam (same as in fake warding) · Controlling enemy control wards (checking if the enemy has bought a control ward and then think where he could put it if he comes back without it) · Matchup list (make yourself a list of matchups you have played, how did you do, prons and cons, tips, then it will be easier for you to play those matchups) · Info about matchup after the draft (in the loading screen and every free time between games, think what's your game plan, when the enemy has power spike when you have power spike, what is our win condition, etc) · Control wards > pots in mid-game (self-explanatory) · Buy control wards (every recall you should leave the base with at least one control ward unless you don't have any space in your backpack) · Trinket change (dependent on role change your wards to oracle or farsight) · Using your prio (think if you can step off the lane and put pressure on other lanes or go gank/dive) · Conscious vision depending on the map · Make yourself a tier list (simply make a tier list of your champion pool, your favorite champs, what are their good and bad matchups, etc) · Info about power spikes (when my champ is significantly stronger than other, which item or level gives is an advantage above others) · Timing reset before objective (you should avoid situations where your team couldn't set up an objective because you didn't time your reset right and couldn't compete for 4v5 fight) · Make prio before objective (if you want to take baron/drake/herald make sure you have prio on your lane so if enemies decide to compete, no matter if they win or lose the fight, they gonna lose some gold and exp that's in creeps or jungle camps) · Planning your first ward (you have to predict the route of the opposite jungler - if you know there may be a level 2 gank then place a trinket but if there is no such basis then put up later. if you are sure about lvl 2 to gank, you can even put a trinket before the ones appear so that it will renew faster then or change it to the oracle) · Vision plant (learn how to use vision plant to show important places but not to see on the lanes that I used it) · Analyse idol's game (humanoid in conversation with veggie - "I did the biggest improvement on the lane as I started watching faker stream and giving a pause every 5 seconds and I was wondering what he was doing and why. it is worth choosing 2-3 players at a world level who play in the style we would like to play and model on them. my development as a player is 80% playing soloq / scrims and 20% watching others and analyzing outside the game") · don't be scared of using your ultimate (my ult cooldown is a useable resource. I'm throwing varus ult to burn him a flash. we shouldn't keep our ulti, especially if it gives cc) MIDLANE ROLE:
Summoners should be pinged and then saved in the chat
Whenever the opponent uses TP, I have to save the timer and remind the team every time I play. Inform and remind about teleport regularly. Whenever you see that your team is planning a game, report the teleport status on top. Who has the advantage, who has better teleport. If you are the party with the advantage, you should look to exploit it.
You have prio and pushed the lane Go down to the river and then to the enemy's raptors or your own raptors (depending on the situation on the map) and place a ward there to increase the detectability of the enemy jungler Also, remember to use vision plants that are in your opponent's jungle to prevent them from being used
Info when I fight on the lane When I and the opponent are after a bigger exchange or when I'm in the fight, it is better to inform the opponent with the slogan "fight on mid" or "we are both low" Very often, the first jungler / midlaner who will react in such a situation and help us gets a kill instead of, for example, finishing a gromp
If my wave is in the wrong position or I want a free reset, call jungler Learn to use a jungler to aid on a wave Remember to mix with him - jungler cannot waste camps on this
After every reset, decide the weak side and strong side you are going to play around Buy a pink and place it properly (aggressively or defensively) depending on the side on which you want to play as a team Sometimes it's better to bet quickly (to have a vision as long as possible) and sometimes later (to team up with the jungler and potentially protect the pink when it's close) Bear in mind that often after the first reset, mid / jng / sup will have a little skirmish about mid vision - prepare for this and how to play it. I call this skirmish about the vision after the first resets "TIMING1" as the first main stage of the game where players go together somewhere
Ward at level 1 before waves appear Sometimes, depending on the matchup, when I know that I will need a ward earlier or I want to help find the enemy jungler during his route, it is worth putting him in the bush at lvl 1 Thanks to this, the opponent does not know that I bet the ward (as opposed to when I approach the ward after the laning phase has already started)
Pressure on side lane when I have vision control When we know that we have a vision advantage on one side of mid, we can artificially win some side lane this way The opponent does not know if we went to the side or if we stayed in the bushes by the middle and we want to win the next wave Besides, it is the perfect moment to do a prio / free gank by calling the jungler to mid - the opponent never knows if he is there or, for example, on the mud The difficulty lies in the perfect fake descent and the appropriate timings and behaviors You can also get a free shop in this way when we go back in the bush with a pink
Set a vision in 130 In each game, consider leaving lvl 1 vision before hitting the lane. Midlane may try to tackle enemy raptors or one of the buffs. [link] [comments] |
Trying to learn how to play with and against the champions Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:06 PM PDT When im playing a game, what things should I look at to counter a opponent or team? I've come up with AP/AD, CC, tanky, playstyle. Like know those of a champion in order to play against them or with them? Any others? And how would i find if I a champion has them, like mobafire? [link] [comments] |
If there's one thing to learn as a low-elo botlane (adc/supp), its minion wave management. Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:37 AM PDT What's the first thing low elo bot laners do when they get into lane after leashing their jungler? They throw out a skill to nuke the first 3 melee minions all at once. Probably 80% of the time. Caitlyn Q, sivir Q, whatever, they wanna kill those first 3 melee minions as fast as they can. Its impulsive, its instinctual. They can't help it. This causes the wave to slowly push towards you, so long as you don't do the same, and you don't spam auto attacks and abilities to farm, and you only last hit minions from that point on. So as long as you're matching the enemy ADC auto-for-auto, skill-for-skill, the minion wave will very slowly push towards you. So here's where minion management comes into play. As long as you're trimming down the minion wave as it pushes towards you, ensuring you have 3-5 enemy caster minions at all times, you can actually start setting up a freeze from the first few seconds of laning phase. Just based off of that one skill the enemy cast at the beginning to clear the first 3 melee minions. Once it gets to the point between your lane brush and the wall of the river, you want to maintain 3-4 caster minions from that point on, and freeze it. Stand forward near the minion line, and any time the enemy comes near the minions to farm, hit them with some autos and skills -- make them pay for every CS. Its that simple. Using this method, I've gotten 20-30 cs up on my lane opponents by 10 minutes and I've gotten so, so many first bloods and double kills because I ping my jungler and let him know I'm freezing and the enemy will be over extended. I also communicate to my support that this is my intention. Its a lot harder with relic/shoulder supports, but it can be done. Low elo melee supports just seem to have it stuck in their heads that they have to auto attack minions from full HP in order to get their stacks, when really they can simply last hit like you're doing and it still works. That's one option. The other option, if you're trying to get level 2 first or trying to aggressively push the lane vs someone like twitch or vayne that sucks at CSing under tower early, instead of using your abilities as soon as you walk into lane to clear the melee minions --- let the melee minions die as they will, just get the last hits on them, and instead try to go for the caster minions first. This will set up a slow push toward the enemy side. With each new arriving minion wave, target the caster minions first. Eventually your wave will build up to this MASSIVE minion wave, and you can then crash that into the enemy tower and poke the enemy champs while they try to last hit under tower. You can also be calling your jungler saying you're setting up a slow push, and that a dive would be possible. If you can properly execute a dive while the enemy is dealing with a huge double or triple minion wave, you deny them ALL of that cs and experience, and you can find yourself with a 20-30 cs lead and possibly even a whole level lead on your opponent. And since nobody in low elo has any goddamn clue how to manage a minion wave, they won't even know what hit them. How did this happen? How is he so much CS and XP up on me? Hacks! Cheating! Aimbot! And from that point, in either scenario, you can just continue to abuse the enemy because you're so far ahead, and you get a pretty much free laning phase. The big takeaway from this is -- Go watch some videos on how to manipulate minion waves to your advantage. Supports AND Adcs. Because there's nothing worse than being an adc setting up a freeze, and all of a sudden your morgana puts her pool under the casters you're trying to preserve. There's also nothing worse than being an ezreal with Tear+Cull, and having your support constantly using their abilities on the minion wave, forcing you to overextend to farm. Learn minion management, and you will climb at least a tier in your division. If you really practice it and reach an understanding of it, you will climb a full division. TL;DR: It is not always appropriate to try to freeze, and it is not always appropriate to try to hard shove or slow push. You need to understand when, and why. You need to actually think about what you want to do with your minions. Just mindlessly last hitting whichever minion happens to get low enough does not offer any distinct advantages or disadvantages. You're just dice-rolling your lane. Learn what a freeze is and how to use it. Learn how to set up a slow push and call your jungler for a dive. [link] [comments] |
How to learn what items to build in certain situations Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:11 AM PDT Hello I'm relatively new to the game and despite all these toxic people I encounter currently I like this game. However lately I haven't been performing good at all I had some really good games but somehow don't do good anymore. (I also get flamed literally every game by my adc lately which holds me back) But I thought one way out of this could be learning what all items do and when to build what item. There are waay too many in the game and I don't know why a certain Item is a better buy than another item that gives very similar stats. Like what I understand is build magic resist against heavy AP teams and armor against AD. But there are sooo many I am so overwhelmed everytime I'm trying to buy something which leads to me buying almost the same items everytime which I know is bad. I have been trying to adapt but even if I try I have no clue what I'm actually doing there. How did everyone of you learn what items to buy or to know which item is better in certain situations. [link] [comments] |
How do you play against Hecarim? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:51 PM PDT So after his buff yesterday I found myself in 3 different games where the Hecarim was simply unstoppable and solo carried his team every time because he could win any 1v2 or even 1v3 situation, even when I was a relatively fed juggernaut. How are you supposed to play against this guy? He doesn't seem weak at any stage of the game, but I guess I am simply narrow-minded and mistaken because he doesn't have an 80%WR... [link] [comments] |
Jax vs assassins in the late game Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:44 AM PDT I know some adcs can kite Jax and some top laners like Nasus might be able to beat Jax but is there any assassins like Fizz or Katarina that are able to kill Jax late game. This is assuming both itemize against each other and they are full build and max level. Thanks in advance for all your answers guys and have a great day! [link] [comments] |
Whats the difference between bad Nidalee players and great ones? Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:18 AM PDT I think Nid is one of those rare cases of a champion that scales exponentially with player skill. At low elo she's virtually useless because she gets blown up fast and more can be accomplished on a less complex champ. But when you look at high elo Nidalee players the difference is downright frightening. I've seen games where Nidalee was so oppressive she forbid the enemy team from playing League of Legends. She becomes an entirely different champ in skilled hands and can completely warp the outcome of a game. So my question is... whats the difference between those Nidalee's and the ones in Bronze? What are they doing that makes such a big difference? Is it game knowledge? Mechanics? Micro play? What? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:12 PM PDT I was watching Sneakys Vod, he was playing Ezreal adc with Soraka vs Cait + Karma. He took Inspiration 2. with Biscuit and Cosmic Insight. And then he said something like "who would take Biscuits and not sell them", on his next back he sold them. And now i want to know why? Its ~3 AD withmuramana and and 8 on-hit dmg form the mana you gain. Why is that better then taking Magic Footwear, wich is 120 more Gold and 10ms more for example. edit: small mistake with gold value. [link] [comments] |
What is the smallest league buff/nerf that made the most impact? Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:51 PM PDT Not really sure if this is the right subreddit for this but thought it could open up some fun discussion. Im a fairly new player (about a year) qnd was just curious on if any veteran players had some idea of what the smallest nerf or buff did that had a massive impact to the champion. I know everyone memes Irellia's 5 movement speed but maybe have been others that ive never heard of [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:38 PM PDT I've played Gragas in jungle for a bit now and every time I've been 2 or 3 Levels behind the enemie jungle. He doesn't have a bad kit (Does a lot of AoE damage, heals pretty well because of his Passive). Are there any Tips/Builds/Runes/Items etc. that would help [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:36 PM PDT So ive just hit lvl 30 and went to play ranked, i got lvls 100 and 200s but we won that game and gam esaid im bronze 4 so i thought i will play against mt mmr players but no, im playinf with allgolds , will it be better later on or will it be like that? ive got repoeted so many times cuz i was lower level amd irs kinda sad to me that i dont have qn optoon to enjiy the game [link] [comments] |
How do I avoid tilting off the face of the planet if I get camped. Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:06 AM PDT I'm generally a pretty calm player. Jungler feeds his ass off? Fine I'm an adc and I will scale. Enemy Garen popping off? Whatever I can take bot and rotate top with my duo and we can give our top laner some time to become relevant. Support Annie leaves me completely during lane phase against a lucian Leona to go be a support for our top laner? Ok thats pretty tilting but she's doing work and I can farm under turret and from a distance as jhin. But the one thing that makes me fly off the handle is getting camped and getting no help in return. I freaking despise this. It doesn't matter if I get shit on by the enemy laner, thats my fault. 1 or 2 ganks, whatever. But if i can't walk past my turret or else a zac will fly out of nowhere clap my asscheeks, and noone comes to do anything about it, I tilt very quickly and very hard. So I guess I'm just looking for advice on how to not tilt when this happens, and what to do in these scenarios when the enemy jungle and mid are setting up base camp in my lane, and I dont have help. I don't tilt if I know what to do. But I have no idea what to do when I'm just getting assfucked with no help, and so I tilt. A little more info about me, im Gold 1 in NA and I was a top main for 5 seasons until like 2 months ago when I switched to adc. TLDR: how do I stop tilting when I get camped with no help, and how should I play in this scenario besides farming under turret. [link] [comments] |
When is the right time to pick Akali? Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:43 PM PDT I have a huge obsession with this champion. I am nearing diamond but I don't really know when and which lane to pull her out on. I want to comfortably pick her in my ranked games but I don't really know what matchups I should avoid in top or mid lane and when she is generally a good pick. My mechanics are definitely solid with her but for me it's just knowing when to pick her in champ select. Does anyone have a little advice on when she might fit a team comp and which comps to avoid? Who are her worst counters etc. [link] [comments] |
Is taking kills as a support really that bad? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:03 PM PDT .A lot of adcs in solo queue freak out if a support gets a kill, and i just dont get why. I know theoretically the point of a support in lane is to get their adc as much gold as possible, but practically a lot of support do just as much damage and are able to carry the game too (Brand, Pyke, Senna, Lux etc.). Also is gold on lets say a Janna really useless because its gonna give her more heal and shield power to help her team. I know it doesnt scale as well but is it the end of the world? I think many adcs also dont understand how hard not taking kills can be in the early laning phase. On most supports i play you do the same amount of damage as your adc overall at that point and you need all damage you can get so the enemy doesn't get away. I feel like i get flamed a lot more for getting kills than i would if i never last hit and people would get away. And if the adc flashes for the kill, is that even worth compared to an assist and having flash advantage? Sorry if this is kinda incoherent i've just been thinking about this for a while. Edit: I guess my qestion is even though its better for the adc to have kills, how much energy is it really worth putting into? Like is not killing people a skill you should learn as support?(not a supp main btw) [link] [comments] |
What jungler should i play, and how to play jungler? Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:56 PM PDT Hi I am an adc main and just recently got the game. I heard alot if people talking about how adc is currently the worst role to play, and how it can't reach full potential because games are shorter. I also have been getting alot of blame for not "saving" my teammates with my summoner spell even though my support would've died any way and/or losing lane. I want to play jungler as my secondary because it seems fun and a pretty strong role, for draft when i need to pick a secondary role, and to push ranked. I feel like playing kha zix but he is a little too hard and i want an easier jungle to learn the role. What junglers do you recommend when I am learning the role and what jungler do i pick when I have learned how to play the role? I am also having trouble keeping up with levels and trouble knowing what camps to go for and when. I have learned the jungle paths and learned match ups based on engage, supporting winning lanes, freecaming at minion wave positions and health, etc.. When i play jungle i feel like I'm weaker than the enemy jungle because of my levels. I dont know how to keep up, when all of our camps are gone, too weak to gank, or when I'm accidentally feeding [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:39 PM PDT I main jungle and I always feel like the laning phase is the only phase I impact the match. Most of the champs I play are early junglers like ww, pantheon, j4 vi or tanks. With both I feel so underwhelming in late game. Is this the nature of the role or should I look at other champs who are more late game. It feels like we can only snowball to a 1v9 situation in some cases. I have tried ap champs because they tend to scale better. Is this our only choice as junglers. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:27 PM PDT i play irelia top in silver, just started to climb this season. i play a pretty good irelia and win lane most of the time as long as there aren't trolls. i looked at my stats recently and they said i had a really low roam dominance score. problem is in silver is that if u leave lane the other laner will split you up your ass and you'll lose too many turrets. when is a good time to roam or maybe switch lanes? [link] [comments] |
What do you do as a tank late game.... Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:34 AM PDT ..when the other team is constantly pushing the off lane and nobody on your team is responding (so they are getting towers) but yet without you in a team fight your team has no chance as they have no front line. Do you go defend or go team fight? If you defend they get wiped 4v4. And if you go team fight you might win it (or they might disengage) and then you lose your inhib tower or inhib? Same for mid game. If your team is constantly dying and you are Ornn, do you just leave the top lane and let them free push it and get a lot of value or do you stay top and defend? [link] [comments] |
How to play against darius as melee. Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:57 AM PDT So i have seen this question a lot of times but almost everytime people answer like "just pick kennen". If i am first pick on toplane and i dont main that champion this doesnt work. I usually play ornn and camille on top. I know that many people say to go inside him when he uses his Q. But i cannot do this if i am playing some champion like ornn or camille because they cannot dash to him or away from him in enough time to dodge his Q. I know that many people say to take short trades but... you cannot do this if he has time to react with his hook which has a good enough range to catch fleeing enemies. And after he catches that he can usually full combo giving you 4 stacks of his passive. And you cannot usually fight him with his hook on cooldown because he keeps it to catch you. He has no mobility but if he manages to kill someone with his ult in a 1 v 2 when he gets ganked he mostly of the time wins that 1 v 2. The single thing i see good against him is enhancers since they can deny his ult reset by shielding the teammate which is ulted. Also to be instantly focused by the whole team. But these things happen in teamfights not in lane. So how can you win against him in lane? [link] [comments] |
How exactly are you supposed to do against a nasus? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:50 PM PDT The only big thing I can think of is denying him farm. But this still poses some problems: 1) If you farm the same amount, he will have extra damage because of his Q. 2) His R lasts 15 damn seconds, which is longer than almost all the champions. The damage and health are insane. 3) If you stay in lane, you will be fighting him all day. If you leave lane, he will farm and become unkillable due to Q and R. What to do about these 3 problems? [link] [comments] |
I’m a mage and no one on the other team is building MR, what do I build second? Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:13 AM PDT I'm bronze trying to work my way into silver and I've noticed that even if I'm winning or my team is mostly AP, people rarely build defense in this elo. I typically playing mages like Ahri and Xerath and I usually rush Ludens (unless I'm playing someone like zed then I go seekers first item) but after that sometimes I don't know what to do. I know morellos is good if the other team has a lot of healing, void staff is good when they've already got some MR, but if I'm winning and they don't get MR do I go straight for something like Death Cap or Spell Binders? [link] [comments] |
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