LoL Guide I’ve created a video with a sound indicator for every cannon wave for perfect Back Timings |
- I’ve created a video with a sound indicator for every cannon wave for perfect Back Timings
- Got to Gold from bronze last season!!
- I really want to learn Akali and play midlane, but I'm struggling
- A treatise on the merit of 1v1 practice for Mid and Top laners.
- Smite simulator to improve my smiting skills
- How the hell do you counter Drave
- How do you push waves in midlane?
- Reminder: You can pick what item Ornn upgrades by swapping it in your item bar.
- Detailed rank review template
- how to get better at vi?
- Yasuo & Yone botlane
- What happened to trinity force twisted fate?
- C9s Evelynn pick and why they lost at champ select
- Question about Galio and his runes.
- How to snowball properly after getting a kill
- Anybody have any tips for playing Fizz?
- Best times to play ranked
- Solo Queue - Which Champions Should Never Reach the Late Game?
- How do you even play Cait ?
- Plat and I can't win my lanes anymore (TOP)
- Help farming, specifically on AP champs.
- How to ping/shotcall + game awarness
- Is AA animation canceling a big that thing I need to practice?
I’ve created a video with a sound indicator for every cannon wave for perfect Back Timings Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:20 AM PDT How to use
/edit: If you want to prepare for the cannon wave even earlier as suggested in some comments, you can set a bookmark to the youtube video with timestamp set to 15s or whatever you'd like your preparation time to be e. g. That being said 1. it usually does not take much time to push the wave in and 2. Backport channel start as the cannon is at your inhibitor is quite good (at least from my midlane experience). [link] [comments] |
Got to Gold from bronze last season!! Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:06 AM PDT Just wanted to share. Got it a couple days ago. If I had to recommend tips, first I would say checkout the people on here and what they say. A lot of them have great advice. The most useful things for me personally were focus on how you can improve the game state rather than how your allies are inting you, staying positive because so many teams throw games late, and heavily itemize to your lane. If you died in lane to a Jax, build a bramble vest. If you're an adc and you are getting Morde ulted, pay the QSS tax. If you are Syndra laning against Zed or Talon, don't wait til you're 0/3 to build seekers, just rush it, I promise it feels better. Cheers! [link] [comments] |
I really want to learn Akali and play midlane, but I'm struggling Posted: 29 Aug 2020 10:12 PM PDT For context, I started playing league this May for the first time, I had previous experience in mobas, so I was able to pick it up pretty quickly. I have been a jungle main up to this point and I am currently in silver 4, and am around level 50. But I have been getting a little bored of the jungle and I have been trying out some midlane. I think that Akali is like the coolest champ ever and I love her kit. But every time I play her in the midlane I am so bad that it hurts, I'm honestly terrible at most champs in midlane. Any advice for someone who is trying to learn a second role? Edit: thank you to everyone who responded, I really appreciate all the advice! [link] [comments] |
A treatise on the merit of 1v1 practice for Mid and Top laners. Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:36 PM PDT I've been playing League for a long time, starting back at the end of season 1. For many years League was the only game I've played. However, in recent years I branched out to other games, specifically fighting games. Coming back to League, something I never see people talk about as a method for improvement is beefing up matchup knowledge. In fighting games when you struggle against a certain character you take that character into the the training room and lab out specific scenarios. While there isn't a training room in League where you can program specific moves or responses from the opponent character, there is something we can take from that to improve our own practice: Short iteration practice allows for better discovery of strategies & repetition to make certain reactions muscle memory. Some personal examples: As an Ahri main, back in season 3/4 I used to think Zed was a very unfavored matchup. I would get poked down by his W-E-Q combo and all inned at 6. I hit up one of the Zeds that shit on me in lane and asked him to help me practice the matchup. Learning the timing to instantly charm the zed after his ult so he can't get any damage off before I've ulted away and can juke the shurikens negated the lvl 6 all-in. Additionally, I learned to aggressively using charm pre 6 because without ult he can't punish my charm cooldown well. If you land a charm you chunk zed out and can effectively zone him out and get a CS/roam lead. I would rate the matchup 65-35 in Ahri's favor now. This hits both my points about repetition building muscle memory to counter zed ult and discovery of strategies (abuse charm pre 6, stop using it post 6) Recently I labbed the Tristana into Syndra matchup, and discovered the lane is winnable if you can use W to cancel her stun pre 6, and found what I think is a pretty optimal rune page. You can get this kind of benefit in your games with only 3-5 1v1s that last only 10-ish minutes each. I had played against Zed dozens of times but I didn't learn the matchup until I took 45 minutes to really dive deep into it with a partner who can give me constructive feedback. And those 45 minutes have won me countless games vs Zed (and saved my ban for other champions) over 6 more seasons. I think if you want to improve, the single biggest bang for your buck is going to be 1v1s into common matchups. If you don't have friends that play champions you're weak against, share your champion pool/rank in the comments, along with what champions you're targeting for practice. I'm a midlaner who can play Ahri, Irelia, Azir, Viktor, Tristanna, Cass, TF, Leblanc, Ori, and Leblanc at a Platnum level. I'd love some matchup practice vs Zoe, Yasuo, Neeko, and Galio in particular. [link] [comments] |
Smite simulator to improve my smiting skills Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:41 AM PDT Hey I'm a main jungle actually in Silver 4, I've been struggling a lot when it comes to smite fights, so I would like to know if there's any website where I can test my smiting skills and improve them; I've used smiterino before and it kind of helped but I can't combine any skill with the smiting process. So is there anything like that? [link] [comments] |
How the hell do you counter Drave Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:14 PM PDT There must be something I am missing, I get that his axes are strong but it seems like there really is no way to counter him. If you trade you almost always lose because of his insane damage. If you try to poke he can easily chase you down and in all fights, he just has such a high damage output. Please help. [link] [comments] |
How do you push waves in midlane? Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT i'm a new player in league, and i often hear my friends who are several hundred levels above me talk about things like "hard pushing" and "wave freezing". i play ahri, yasuo, and pyke mid, and i was just wondering what all that means, and how you're supposed to go about deciding when it's the right time to push/freeze. is it dependent on what minions are present, or are there more factors to it than that? [link] [comments] |
Reminder: You can pick what item Ornn upgrades by swapping it in your item bar. Posted: 30 Aug 2020 04:21 PM PDT Ornn's upgrades are really good on some items, but awful on others, and I've had lots of teammates get their bad items upgraded simply because they didn't know how to choose. It's really simple, all you need to do is swap the item you want upgraded to the 1 slot in the items bar, or at least to some slot that is a lower number than any other upgradable items. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:53 PM PDT Hi guys, a few months ago I saw this post on this subreddit and took it upon myself to expand the features. This Excel file is meant to keep track of your games, this way you can find back your own feedback, and have an easily accessible document to check your winrates etc. I really recommend hard stuck players to use this. New features: CS/min, matchup, games played per champion as well as win rate per champion, games played as role as well as win rate per role, a few cells that keep track of what percentage of your games were Autowin, Autoloss or neutral as well as a cell that calculates your neutral win rate. I was thinking of making a hardest counter tracker which would display the hardest counters for your champion. If you think this would be a good feature please tell me. If you had any ideas on other features, feel free to message me. Thanks to u/nickbronline for the fundamental document. Greets, srallv [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 01:23 PM PDT I haven't been playing leauge for that long maybe 6 months or so, and I've recently started playing vi she seems like a pretty cool and easy character. I do have some good games were I get alot of kills but most of the time the games i have I always get destroyed on. idk if that's me being bad on vi or in general. I wanna be one of those players that you basically can't kill and gets alot of kills. anyone got any tips ? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 12:55 PM PDT During the last few days I have come across both Yasuo and Yone playing botlane. I'm still fairly new to the game and my plan was trying to poke them out of their attack range, but I ended up getting caught and dying for their abilities multiple times. Do you guys have any tips for this or other similar match ups? [link] [comments] |
What happened to trinity force twisted fate? Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:34 AM PDT I remember that being a big pick last year as worlds started. And I see twisted fate showing up again in pro play all over the world. But it's all ap twisted fate. Can someone explain why the ad version is no longer seen anywhere? It seems like if the ad version was viable it could be a good flex in terms of ad/ap junglers wanting to be opposite their midlanders damage output. [link] [comments] |
C9s Evelynn pick and why they lost at champ select Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:10 PM PDT I didn't watch the game live, but I did watch Game 4. I liked TSMs comp as it had clear characteristics; poke with Jayce, Senna, and Zilean and some pick potential with Skarner ult and Rakan w and R. I also liked C9s pick with 2 strong solo laners, both of which can snowball very well, and a safe bot lane. But the Evelynn. Why? It looked so out of place. Lucian mid isn't a champion you want to just farm and scale. You can't play for scaling against a Senna. Wukong top, another champion that snowballs with kills AND has some gank setup with ult, begs for a solid gank jungler to help snowball him. With 2 potential lanes to snowball and win them the game, why Evelynn jg? C9 could have easily played front to back with 2 marksmen and a Wukong with TK peeling and a J4 for engage and his ult. They could have picked Elise and played to snowball either solo lanes, both of which could get onto and kill Senna ( especially Wukong). My question is, what did Evelynn bring to the comp that C9 drafted? [link] [comments] |
Question about Galio and his runes. Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:56 AM PDT I'm not terribly good nor smart about league, but as I'm seeing runes evolving with Galio and him starting to use things like Predator along with Spellbook, has anyone mentioned or tried out using Fleet Footwork? It seems like it would hold at least a modicum of synergy alongside his passive, and give him an additional ability to position a W well with the added movement speed. [link] [comments] |
How to snowball properly after getting a kill Posted: 30 Aug 2020 03:00 AM PDT So usually with these late game champs I play like Kassadin and Vlad I somehow get early kills onto the enemy laner who's like a Lucian/Zed(Don't ask. Idk how I do it my self) but I just can't turn that into a massive lead. I've always heard that Kassadin once given a slight lead can take over entire games but i just feel like half a champion before 16. I'm always also more or less even in xp with the enemy laner and don't have large enough gold leads. So like how do I snowball hard and push my advantage exactly? Usually in Smite whenever I get a lead I just solo kill the enemy laner over and over so i am like 5 levels ahead and so o can rotate but with shit like Kassadin?? I feel like I do no dmg pre ROA/Arch. [link] [comments] |
Anybody have any tips for playing Fizz? Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:03 AM PDT Hey guys. Several days ago I asked on here suggestions on an assassin to main (thanks to everyone who responded). Well, the one I chose is Fizz since I played him on Arams and loved his kit and seem fun to play (tried Kat and Qiyana on Arams too, but they don't fit my playstyle). I'm trying to find any tips on how to play him and get used to him in Normals before I play him on Ranked. Mainly when he's strongest and any way to use his kit effectively. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:50 AM PDT Being as this Sub is dedicated to people getting better at the game, and for a lot of people climbing the ladder. What are your thoughts on the most ideal time(s) to play ranked? Personally, I stopped playing ranked games both on weekends and after 11 PM weekdays. Something about either of those timeframes, especially in combination led to a serious increase in AFKs, trolls, and just poor plays. I was on a pretty much weekly routine of climbing on weekdays only to lose an equal amount of LP over the weekend because of the sheer increase of unwinnable games. Obviously I make mistakes too and the above is not the only contributing factor. With all this being said, what are your thoughts and preferred times to play ranked? [link] [comments] |
Solo Queue - Which Champions Should Never Reach the Late Game? Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:47 PM PDT Hi all, Which League of legends champions do you believe should never have the opportunity to reach the late game in solo queue? Champions so horrific in the late game, they make all of your early and mid game effort irrelevant. My head revolves around: - Kassadin - Kayle - Nasus - Tryndamere Those are the ones that come to mind straight away for me, but which are the champions that come to mind for you? Furthermore, why are they such a be all end all of late game and how should we deal with them if they ever make it? Regards [link] [comments] |
Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:41 AM PDT Let's get straight to the point : it looks like no matter what I do, I deal 0 damage. I feel like I have no W because nobody ever step into the trap and when they do they don't because the hitbox feels so small. Even headshots with E doesn't achieve much. Any other ADC is a huge kill machine as soon as they get a B.F. Sword but even with 3 items I merely scratch ennemies. I hear everywhere that Cait is like the best ADC these days but I can't achieve anything with her. Help me out pls. [link] [comments] |
Plat and I can't win my lanes anymore (TOP) Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:19 AM PDT I honestly don't know what I am doing wrong in some of these lanes, I guess I cant see the gaps to punish. I play KLed, Darius and Cami. I will pick them around my blind, and counterpick. If I am in a slightly losing matchup I don't win lane, at all. I also cant seem to get that mid game going for me. I don't die 1v1, facts. I will concede cs and get my xp. But If I am not winning these lanes, I am taking a less than favorable coinflip. The enemy top laner will be stronger than me, so the likeliness of my victory is lower. Anyway, how did you top laners get past this plat struggle. Weird part is, I never lose lane to some champs. I have never lost lane to a garen, voli, kled, and lucian, I always slaughter them. [link] [comments] |
Help farming, specifically on AP champs. Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:33 PM PDT Hello, I've been playing league for about a year and a half. In that time, I've had a lot of fun with the game and think I've gotten pretty decent. Now by decent, I don't actually mean good. I don't really play ranked, so mainly just norms. But in them, I'm pretty consistently fed especially on my main champ, Katarina. I've been playing her in some weird lanes with my friends recently to mix it up, but when I play mid I am generally very fed. As a norm player, however, my main goal is to get lvl seven mastery on champions. I got it very quickly on Draven, who I suck at, yet on Katarina, I'm 100k in and still only have lvl 6. I realize that it's cause I can't farm in Katarina. My farm is absolutely atrocious. In a 30 minute game, I barely get 100 cs, yet on ad champs like Draven, I could get like 215. Still not great, but enough for an s. I never really cared before cause my KDA was really good and I could 1 v 5. But now I'm trying to crack down on it. Any advice welcome. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
How to ping/shotcall + game awarness Posted: 30 Aug 2020 02:20 PM PDT Hi, I am a noob at LoL I made a post a couple weeks back about roles and what they mean. As the title says I am now looking for help and advice on how I should be using the ping system to support my team. I mainly use it to tell people I am coming to help them or using it to ask for help. Also what sort of things should I be keeping an eye out for on the minimap. I used a locked camera im not sure if this is recommended or not. Thanks for any help you can give :) I am level 20 so still a while away from competitive but I am also looking for people to play with so I can see how a communicative team works and see if I can pick some things up playing with others. I tend to play ahri mid, miss fortune adc and I am trying to learn Yi jgl (but everyone wants to play jgl) [link] [comments] |
Is AA animation canceling a big that thing I need to practice? Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:27 AM PDT I know that a big part of rivens kit is her fast q combo where you cancel the aa animation. Is it an advantage if I do this on other Champions as well? Im currently playing in a high silver low gold elo. I mostly play fiora, akali and Quinn at the moment. But I also like to go with mundo against heavy so. I never tried aa animation canceling with them. [link] [comments] |
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