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    Monday, August 31, 2020

    LoL Guide SAMIRA (the next new Champion) - An in-depth analysis of her gameplay trailer & her data mined ability descriptions.

    LoL Guide SAMIRA (the next new Champion) - An in-depth analysis of her gameplay trailer & her data mined ability descriptions.

    SAMIRA (the next new Champion) - An in-depth analysis of her gameplay trailer & her data mined ability descriptions.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Samira is the next Champion that is coming out, but she isn't playable on the PBE yet. Her gameplay trailer was just dropped yesterday, and combined with her data-mined ability descriptions on the PBE (credit to surrenderat20.net), we're going to break down exactly how her kit works.

    For those that prefer a video format for consuming information here you go:


    Otherwise, read on for the text version:

    Samira's playstyle is an AD marksman combined with a reset assassin, with a very similar playstyle to Katarina. I'm going to explain her kit slightly out of order, because it makes more sense to build up your knowledge base this way:


    Samira's Passive is Daredevil Impulse, and it has has 3 components. We'll call them Passive 1, Passive 2, and Passive 3 respectively.

    Passive 1 is shown by a HUD UI at the bottom of the screen in her trailer, which will likely look a bit different in-game. Whenever Samira uses an attack or an ability, she gets a stack of Style, but it must be a different move from the last, so Samira must alternate between basic attacks and abilities to stack up her Style. Each stack grants her stacking bonus movement speed, and only at 6 stacks is Samira allowed to cast her Ultimate. This backloads her damage, since she can't lead with her Ultimate to burst people down, and has to stack it up first. (All Style stacks are consumed after using your Ultimate.)

    Passive 2 is what makes Samira an assassin. Samira has 500 attack range, which is the same as Lucian, but if she attacks an enemy in melee range, she will swing her sword and deal bonus percentage missing health magic damage. This helps her to execute low health enemies, but the fact that this deals magic damage means that it won't benefit from Lethality, encouraging her to build more like a typical AD marksman rather than an AD assassin. This further backloads her damage, rather than giving her upfront burst. Switching between melee and ranged attacks does NOT seem to count as alternating attacks for her first Style Passive. I am unsure if this passive execute damage only applies to Champions, but if it applies to Monsters, she could definitely Jungle. I will be sure to try this out when she is playable on the PBE.

    Passive 3 is what allows Samira to enter a fight. If she clicks on an enemy in her attack range that is immobilized by CC, such as a stun or a snare, she fires a flurry of 6 attacks that knocks them up for half a second. I'm unsure if these attacks apply on-hit effects or not, but I'll be sure to test this when she becomes available on the PBE. If the immobilized enemy is outside of Samira's 500 attack range, she'll dash towards them from up to 800 units away before executing the knockup flurry. Samira will pair very well with CC supports, because she'll be able to engage from far away using this passive.


    Samira's [E], Wild Rush, is a dash that can be targeted at both enemies and allies, although we didn't see this ability being used on any allies during the gameplay trailer. She dashes through her target, so she will often end up behind her target for outplay potential. It deals a small amount of AoE magic damage to all enemies she passes through, and grants her a decent attack speed boost for 3 seconds. However, the main use of this ability is mobility, as it has a fairly long cooldown that resets whenever Samira gets a kill. You will likely use this ability to dash through an enemy for a kill, then escape by targeting an ally with the cooldown reset. Alternatively, she could keep dashing towards enemies to clean up a teamfight. It is unclear at this time if she can dash to minions, but if she can, this will make her kit even more similar to Katarina. If she can use this ability on monsters too, I'd definitely see her becoming a niche Jungle pick with the attack speed it gives. I'll test both of these once she's on the PBE.


    Samira's [Q], Flair, has several parts to it. It is primarily a ranged skillshot that deals physical damage and stops at the first target hit, meaning it can be easily blocked by minions. The low cooldown of this ability will likely make it her main trading tool in lane. It can also critically strike for 25% bonus damage, incentivizing Samira to build some critical strike chance. If Samira casts her [Q] in melee range of an enemy, she slashes her sword and deals the same damage, but in an AoE cone. If enemy Monsters count as enemies, then I could see this being a very useful AoE jungle clear ability, especially since the cooldown is so low, so I'll test this on the PBE soon. The ability description also mentions that [Q] interacts with her [E] dash very similarly to Yasuo's E Q combo, where if you cast her [Q] while dashing, she will strike all enemies in her path after the dash completes. I couldn't see any obvious instances of this being used in the gameplay trailer, but I assume this means all enemies she dashes through take additional damage, and if so, this could provide a lot of AoE damage in teamfights when dashing through multiple targets. Again, I'll test this on the PBE when she's out.


    Samira's [W], Blade Whirl, is her main defensive tool. Samira slashes around herself for 1 second, destroying all incoming projectiles, and deals two instances of AoE physical damage, one at the beginning and one at the end. This AoE follows Samira as she moves, and makes Samira a fantastic pick into projectile-reliant enemies, especially if there is CC attached to them like Blitzcrank's hook. However, this ability has a very long cooldown, so use it wisely. It doesn't look like you can cast other abilities during this ability animation, except for your Ultimate, but I'll test this.


    Samira's [R], Inferno Trigger, fires 10 shots at all enemies surrounding her over 2 seconds. Each shot can critically strike and applies lifesteal, and she can move while firing. This ability only has a 3 second cooldown, but it requires you to fully stack up her first Style Passive to cast it, so you generally need to get several [E] resets to cast this ability more than once in a fight. All Style stacks are consumed after using your Ultimate. I am unsure if this ability is considered a channel that can be cancelled by crowd control. It does appear that this ability cancels your W early and removes the projectile destruction effect, but I'm not sure if other abilities can cancel your W.


    Initially, Samira looks like a better Katarina with an Ultimate that allows her to move while casting, she is ranged instead of melee, and has better defensive tools (but being ranged, Death's Dance has a weaker passive on her). However, this is not the case once you look at Samira's very low base damage on her abilities. Also, a lot of Samira's damage is backloaded rather than frontloaded because of her execute passive and the fact that her Ultimate needs her to stack her Style passive before she uses it, so she would have to be very fed to solo kill someone by herself. Instead, it looks like she will primarily follow up on her team's engages with her knockup passive, and clean up low health enemies with her E and Ultimate resets.

    Samira is designed to scale up with expensive critical strike items on her Q and Ultimate as well as her basic attacks, but she likely won't be building much attack speed due to the cast times on her abilities making that stat less useful. I can see her building something like Infinity Edge, Essence Reaver, Death's Dance, Bloodthirster (since lifesteal works on her Ult), and then either a Phantom Dancer or Guardian Angel, skipping out on 100% crit. With Riot promising more agency for Marksmen in the Season 11 item rework, I can see her having very diverse item builds. Also, depending on how her 6-attack-flurry-knockup passive works, AKA Passive 3, she might build some on-hit items like Blade of the Ruined King, but this is to be determined.

    For maxing order, you'll likely max Q first if you're looking for lower cooldown poke trades in lane, or max E first for more attack speed if you're looking to all-in more often. This will likely be dependent on the type of support you have, as well as your lane matchup.

    I hope this gave you an idea of what to expect from this new Champion. Let me know if you have any questions!


    Data Mined Ability Descriptions: https://www.surrenderat20.net/2020/08/828-pbe-update-early-1019-content.html

    Samira Champion Trailer: https://youtu.be/aNabRnlnY1I

    Again, if you prefer this in video form, here you go:


    submitted by /u/bquipd
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    Should I be taking the damage from a skill shot because my adc can’t dodge?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    A reoccurring theme in my ranked games I've lost winds up with my adc flaming me because I am dodging skill shots while he gets hit with them (blitz hook lux q etc). The smart idea is just stand behind the minions, which is what I do, or if I'm not behind the minions my adc will be standing behind me, and when I dodge it, he gets hooked etc, then proceeds to flame me saying I should be taking the damage from him and dying from him, maybe I'm being selfish but why should I have to die and feed a kill in what could have been a preventable situation if he just stood behind minions or didn't expect me to int for him.

    Side note, I'm not playing a tank support, I'm playing a nami, if I was playing a Leona or Braum, I'd intentionally get hooked if my adc wanted to go in. Hell sometimes I'll even get hooked as nami just to ulti in their face. I'm not perfect, I get hit by skill shots all the time, blitzcranks are my worst enemy but by standing behind the minions and poking aggressively when I know he doesn't have hook is the easiest wow I've found to beat the lane against him.

    submitted by /u/Alaee19
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    I can't play League well anymore

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    I've feel like I've lost all my skill. In the past I was able to make these (what I'd consider) insane plays/dodges or carries, but nowadays I just suck at the game. I never carry, I get very bad scores and I can't make these 'insane' plays anymore.

    I just can't improve on playing this game. My rank has never been higher than Gold 2 or something as well and I've been playing for like 5 years.

    I hope that this makes sense but it also feels like I can't 'click/aim' well anymore, like for instance when you click on a minion to last hit and then you click to move around (and you repeat that) sometimes I just mis on hitting the right minion and stuff like that, or does that have to do with my sensitivity?

    submitted by /u/Casper590
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    How do executes interact with shields?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    How do abilities like akali R2, garen R, evelynn R, pyke R etc interact with things like maw of malmortius/hexdrinker, barrier, blitz passive, phantom dancer? Does it execute based on their health, or health + shield, especially with the items that trigger below a certain health like maw and pd? And does it make a difference for each execute ability?

    submitted by /u/candleda
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    I always see folks on here saying "Why don't junglers gank bot lane?" -- the answer is wards, and you can be a bro!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    If you want your jungler to gank bot lane more, buy an early sweeper, get priority in your lane, and clear out the wards in the river bush and the tri brush. Its that easy. When you see your jungler clearing their top side camps, it'll be about 1:20 til they get down near bot lane for a gank. That's plenty of time for you to shove your lane into the enemy tower, get priority, set up a push back, and sweep out wards.

    Then let the wave push towards you as you see your jungler doing his last top camp and getting ready to cross over mid lane. In chat, say "Bot is pushing towards us, we cleared wards"

    Any jungler worth a shit will be over the moon happy to come gank your lane under these conditions. They might even ask you for your hand in marriage afterwards.

    Of all the lanes, bottom lane is the hardest to gank because its almost ALWAYS warded. The only time you get a free gank bottom is when the enemy HEAVILY over extends. I mean like when they're actually in range to attack your tower. That's the only free gank a jungler gets in bot lane.

    Other than that, the lane is typically right around the middle. That, or in low elo since nobody knows how to manage a minion wave, its heavily shoved towards the enemy turret or your own turret. If you're one of the lucky people that has it constantly shoved towards your own tower -- your jungler should be down there enjoying his all-you-can-eat buffet. However, if you're one of the low elo ADCs that just constantly shoves into the enemy tower, gets ganked over and over again, and then types "Jungle diff" in chat -- its 100% your own fault, please learn to manage a minion wave.

    So when its in the middle like that, and its warded -- the jungler comes down, walks over a ward, the enemy team retreats to their tower, and since the minion wave is frozen in the middle of the lane they don't lose anything for it. They spam emotes, type "Jungle diff" in all chat, and your jungler walks away very very sad.

    So yeah. Buy a sweeper/control wards. Manage your wave in accordance with your jungler's position. Pull the wave when your jungler is finishing up his top side camps or when drake is spawning soon. Communicate your intention with your lane. Enjoy your ganks and drakes and your happy happy jungler.

    Warning: This behavior may cause excessive friend requests from jungle mains. Use at your own risk.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    What is the counterplay to shaco?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Everytime I play against a shaco that understands his champion the game just becomes absolutely unplayable. You cant ward against him, you can never overextend if you have little to no mobility and he is pretty unkillable if played right with his q, r and the usage of boxes.

    I just dont understand how to -not feed-. I dont want to win or go ahead, i just want to not feed. That alone seems almost impossible when the enemy picks shaco against me.

    Any tips against shaco?

    submitted by /u/ettwrekcuZ
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    How do you beat Glacial Cho'Gath?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I just lost horribly as teemo, harrased him all i could but he just sayed back farming with rupture then glacial got me perma slowed and i couldn't get away. He got his hextech ice thingy and after that there was nothing i could do. I also have a hard time against that glacial build as other characters so i was wondering what the counter play was. Obviously not get hit by rupture but his glacial rune slows horribly with his E.

    submitted by /u/PapitoPlays
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    Does the extra HP gained from shields count in the "% maximum health" of the liandries "torment" passive?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    I just watched a cancer shield game from LCS that left me wondering how to better itemize vs shield spam comps (lux, sona, sett, karma or god forbid combos of them). It seems "right" for the extra HP to count but I am not very sure given that it is temporary after all. Any insight is appreciated

    submitted by /u/Excllencepersonified
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    I feel like a scrub not knowing how to play against Teemos, Draiuses, and Garens. Some Tips?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Tittle, I was hopping I could get counter tips.

    • For Teemo, not only is he ranged, he will outrange almost every meta top laner, he also has a blind which cucks a lot of current top laners.
    • For Garen he is a very good duelist and his sustain in lane is insane. His silence, similar to Teemo, cucks a lot of top laners.
    • Finally for Darius he is one if not the best duelist imo so he will probably win pretty much every trade.

    It might just be my champ pool, I play Pantheon and Poppy primarily in top lane, but in high elo and LCS people usually don't play him or ban him so I feel like they have some glaring weaknesses that some garbage person in silver can't see while people in high elo can.

    Any assistance will be most appreciated.

    submitted by /u/VencyMango
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    It's been 8 years or so of not being good enough, I'm trash, and I'm tired of it.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    Hello to everyone, it's my first time here and I'll go straight to the point : I'm trash and I'm just tired of it.

    I've playing LoL for 8 years or so and I've been stuck in gold for 5 seasons in a row, last season was when I could reach Plat but never won a game in it, so I just stopped playing rankeds for the season.

    I love LoL, I've been playing it for so many years, I consider it as one of my passion and my love for LoL is gigantic, but I'm just tired of not being able to reach the level that I always wanted and at some point when I was a kid I dreamed of being a LoL pro player, which was one of the many things I want to accomplish. I just feel like I'm average and I don't want to be average at something that I'm truly passionate about, I love video games and it feels like that any competitive video game that I play, no matter how much I love the game or how much time I spend playing it, I'm just average and NEVER GOOD ENOUGH !

    Right now I'm gold III, I'm a mid player and second bot (support, then ADC if I have too, I'm not that bad at it), I play Lux, Ahri, Qiyana mainly. The thing is, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong and why I'm not climbing. I'm willing to unlearn everything I know about the game to learn everything again correctly and having proper knowledge, I've almost reached a point where I'm really considering paying a coach, a professional player to teach me the game the way I'm supposed to.

    It's so frustrating because I can have really excellent games I'm dominating my lane, roaming correctly, managing my waves decently, fighting at the right time for the right things but I do have game where, it's just not it and I just question myself about some many things :

    What did I do wrong ? Was it a losing matchup ? Was I worse than my opponent ? Is my champion pool not good ? Is my champion not good ? Should I change role ? Should I play other champs ? Was my team turbo inting ? Was I getting grief'd ? Were the mistakes I did too big to comeback ? Were the mistakes my teammates did too big to comeback ? Was I CS'ing enough ? Did I die too much ? and so on and on...

    I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, I don't have the answer to why I'm just trash and I can't climb ? I'm extremely tired of spending so much time and energy on something that I love and I can't be successful at it, and the worst is when I see 13 years old kids being Challenger and I'm here with 21 fat-ass stuck in gold for so many years and having an existential crisis every year about the game, and it's even worse when I see streamers in their bio where they were silver in season 3 but then, magically, they are masters in season 4, what are they doing that I'm not doing ? I'm so sorry if I'm ranting about this but it's just that I had enough of it, ENOUGH !

    I would like some answers and advice from high elo players if there are any here, but the real question is : should I give up ? I just can't live the rest of my life thinking about the fact that I couldn't reach top level LoL players when 13 kids are doing it while sleeping.

    I'm willing to take any critiques, remarks, tips and tricks, anything to make me a better player, I'm begging you, I need help, I'm desperate and I'm ready to do anything. Thanks you. (I can link, later, my op.gg if I'm allowed to !)

    submitted by /u/hard_stuck_gold_V
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    Laming against energy based champions

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    EDIT: Yes, the title says laming. I'm aware. My autocorrect didn't know laning was a word.

    So I'm a couple months into playing league and I've just started playing mid.

    So far, I do decently well in most match ups, with the exception of mana vs energy champions. Especially against Yasuo or Zed, who have low cooldown spammable abilities to push wave. Usually I can avoid taking damage and do okay in trades, but eventually it comes to a point where I'm out of mana, even though we're both good on health.

    What am I supposed to do in this situation? If I stay, i start losing trades if they try to engage. If I back, they end up staying to push and take a plating.

    Keep in mind I'm very low elo so anything to do with my jungler is probably not helpful XD

    tl;dr: What do you do during laning when you run out of mana against an energy based champion? Stay and risk losing trades or back and risk losing platings?

    submitted by /u/HeyStayHydrated
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    My CS falls off a cliff after laning phase in pretty much every role other than support. What are some things I can try to keep my farm up as the game goes on?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    I play mostly mid and ADC but this also applies if I happen to play top lane. I'm not going to claim to be amazing at farming in lane, I'm average at best in that regard, but I feel that's overall more straightforward for me to fix than not farming effectively as the game goes on. I don't really know what I can look for to try and fix that. Should I be looking to a specific lane or to play around an objective when it comes to farming? Often I feel like if I go to a side lane and catch a wave or two as a carry I may miss an important fight with my team, or worse, get greedy without vision and get caught. Are there any specific champions that might help me pick up on side lane management and stuff that I could play a handful of games on?

    submitted by /u/49falkon
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    What to do when invaded

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I've recently been learning how to play jungle and zac is currently my favourite champ. However, Zacs early game is trash and when playing against early game duellers like lee sin, I get invaded a lot early. What should I do here because I end up behind in exp and try to farm while my team is flaming me for not being able to gank early.

    submitted by /u/DoozyNick
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    Recently (maybe since the Yone patch) every few games I have been Disconnecting mid game for about 3 minutes. Anyone know any ways to stop this?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    For some reason randomly when I play league I randomly get disconnected from the game but my internet is fine. This only happens in league and no other game so I'm assuming it has to do with the more recent patches.

    Are there any known fixes to prevent this? This issue has ruined many games for me because I can be in the middle of a fight and I get Disconnected for a few minutes. I have seen other posts about this but no solutions.

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    60% keyboard

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Hello! I got a some sort of problem playing league with my keyboard (ducky one 2 mini). You know i need to use F keys to look for my other teammates and by playing with ducky you need to press fn and number key to do that. I dont know should do i press pn the map or look for other binds. Can you guys recommend me what should do i do? Im silver player and i dont play jungle so this is not that big problem but i dont think the unlocked camera is enough for looking what is happening and i dont think i can see enough from minimap. If there is anyone struggling with same problem hit me up!

    submitted by /u/spuntu
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    Why are most of the juggernauts lane bullies? Why do they fall off?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Is because they have high base damage and or high scales, it's because the low ms everyone have early game? For example, Darius is one of the most feared champ in top due to his damage steroid and the true damage from his R. But Garen has not AD steroid and still is considered a lane bully, the same goes with Sett.

    submitted by /u/BarkingNSparking
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    How do you identify the "unwinnable" games?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    A lot of you have probably heard of the 30-30-40 rule when it comes to Ranked games in League. It's where 30% of your games are supposed to be free wins, 30% are supposed to be "free" losses, and 40% are up to you to carry in order to win them. How do you identify the unwinnable ones?

    Is it if the other 3 lanes (say Jungle, Top, and Bot lane) are all far behind their enemy at 15 minutes? Does it have to be earlier, say they're far behind at 10 minutes? Or is it if all of the above is the case and the enemy has the much better team comp?

    If your skill level is around the Elo you're currently in, it's going to be hard to identify some of the 40% winnable games. Some might just be mistaken as unwinnable when really they were carry-able, you just weren't good enough. I'd just like to know how to tell the difference, that way I can save time worrying about what could've been done to an already doomed game.

    submitted by /u/MyNinjjaz
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    Choose where to start on jungle and consequence of Cross map jungling

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Hi there

    Sometimes I start top because I want to gank my botlane and vise versa and my enemy jungler does the opposite. In some cases the enemy jungler sucessfully ganked while I either failed or couldn't just because the lane was too pushed in.

    When this happens, is it my fault that I started on the wrong side of the map ? I mean, if the enemy jungler also wanted to play for bot I could have been there to counter gank so that would have been good

    When I try to choose where to start, sometimes I want to focus on my strongest lane especially but if they push and the enemy jungler isn't here I just can't do anything to help And if I focused my toplane assuming I knew it would be a bit weaker and get pushed in then my most important lane can get ganked and I would lose the game

    submitted by /u/x4rkz
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    Counter play when enemy junglers ganks a side after full clearing this side

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    Let's say I'm blue team and against a kayn or a reksai that is likely to full clear topside and maybe try a gank. Would it be a good idea to start blue so that if he tries a gank, I can immediatly steal his blue side? Doesn't that make this ganking like this bad ? Would that punish him enough even if he sucessfully ganked? And if he goes to bot I can just go to bot as well gank or counter gank.

    Same thing if I'm on red side.


    submitted by /u/x4rkz
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    Learning a new champion

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Hey there, i'm a D4 midlaner with vlad as my main champion.

    Recently i've been picking up some other champs to play since i'm semi-seriously playing and practicing with my clash team which led me to trying to pick up Zoe, but this hasn't been going that great.

    Obviously i shouldn't stress it not working out over like <50 games but i want to improve with her in the most efficient way i can. Most of the time i'll do decent-good during laning phase but my CS just drops immensely later into the game due to not typically being a roaming player and not knowing the champ that much. I've been keeping track of my games by writing a short summary after the game about how it went, how the lane went, what i did well/bad etc.

    Essentially i'd love some advice on the best way to pick up/learn a new champion or some advice on learning Zoe specifically.

    submitted by /u/binsjee
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    Low elo supports — it’s not your job to carry in the traditional sense, nor should it be your objective to.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    When someone says "I carried a game" in low elo, you typically think they got a bunch of kills and 1v9'd the game with the team in their backpack. At the end game screen you're looking at stats like damage to champions, damage to objectives, multi-kills, KDA, these kinds of things — and while all of these will certainly increase your chances of winning, they themselves are not actually indicative of a carry performance.

    We've all seen the 21-16-20 yasuo on the losing side of a matchup, flaming his team for being "too heavy."

    This is the traditional low elo definition of "carrying."

    This is NOT what you should be striving for as a support player. If you're thinking in these terms, you're not playing the role. You're playing a secondary top laner, a secondary mid laner, or a secondary adc. You're not playing support.

    This game was designed specifically to only have enough economic resources to produce one or two "carry" champions in a game. There's only so many minions, there's only so many neutral objectives, and there's only so many times you can kill a champion before they're not really worth any gold.

    If you spread those resources too thin, you end up with 3-4 moderately fed champions instead of one or two hyper fed champions which was the intent. A lot of the power budget in the game is designed to be used by one or two people, with other players on the team performing supportive or semi-supportive roles within the team.

    So if you're a support champion stealing kills on purpose so you can get fed, you're taking away some of that budget from the champion in your team composition it was originally meant for. A 10-0 lux with support items that's properly buying control wards is never going to match the output of a 10-0 lux without support items that only buys control wards when necessary.

    So you're sacrificing something to get to that point. You're either taking gold away from your carries, or you're not warding effectively. One way or another — in order to be fed enough to accomplish traditional "carrying" in a 30 minute game as a support, you need to be taking something far more valuable away from your team.

    Now, one could argue that "I'm not leaving the game in my teams hands. If I can carry, I'm going to."

    That's fine. Queue up as a laner, then. If you're thinking about how you yourself are going to carry a game in the sense that I've outlined here, you don't even have the correct mentality to be supporting. So don't support. Go mid, top, or adc.

    This is not how supports carry.

    A support carries by controlling the vision around an objective, getting their teammates ahead of their opposing members, and dictating the pace of the game through zone control, aggressive vision, and denying the enemy team as many resources as possible. A support carries by not letting the enemy carries carry. A support carries by keeping their high value targets alive while trying to pin down the enemy's high value targets to be killed. Support is all about give and take. Give to your team. Take from the enemy team. Enable your team. Deny the enemy team.

    If this happens to net you a kill or three along the way — so be it. But you should always have the mentality that if you CAN give that kill to a carry, you absolutely should because they can do more with the money. They don't have the burden of buying supportive items. They don't have the burden of buying 10+ control wards per match. You do, so the gold is much less valuable on you when converted into raw stats per dollar.

    This should be the way you look at "carrying" on a support. At the end game screen, you should be looking at stats like healing done, damage mitigated, shields provided, vision score, crowd control score, assists, damage to objectives, control wards placed, wards destroyed. Not damage dealt, kills, damage to champions, that sort of thing.

    If those are the stats you play for and that's how you want to carry a game — don't queue support. Queue mid, top, or adc. If you play that way as a support, you're actually probably doing more harm than good to your team overall.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    How to execute a cheat recall in different scenarios & why you should always go for it whenever possible.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    Hi fellow summoners!

    I've created a video on how to use a cheat recall and its advantages. It's mainly from the ADC's perspective because I'm an ADC main, but top and mid mains might also benefit from this. Support mains might also want to look into this so they can match their recall with their ADC.

    Here's the video: https://youtu.be/Y8AunwGbsTM

    submitted by /u/Sgt_Fartacus
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    Need some help on carrying bad teams from toplane

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Hey guys. So I've been playing the game since last November, and this summer I decided to start climbing a little, but I keep losing games and I don't want to just blame it on my team, but it really feels that way sometimes. (I'm currently silver 3 btw)

    I've mostly been an Irelia one-trick (200k points) since i started playing, and for about half of that time, i've been playing her mid because of easier laning phases, but I started to notice my team loses a lot of teamfights, so i started playing more top to give my team a better comp. On the way I also picked up Darius a bit, mostly for bad matchups, but if I pick before my opponent, i usually just go with Irelia.

    In lane I don't struggle too hard. I know all of my powerspikes and combos and everything, and in loading screen I try to look up as much as I can about the champions i'm facing if i don't have much experience in the matchup.

    I usually either go even or win lane, play for my champion's strenghts and end up getting a kill or 2 (maybe more if my jungler ganks).

    The problem usually is that my team loses very early on (even against late-game champs somehow, but I'm not here to rant) and since I know my champion is really good in fights I try to play for those, but usually my team never engages, and if I try to, i just get cc'ed into oblivion and my team loses anyway.

    I've tried split-pushing more, but it's really hard because in this elo there is very little vision on the map except for lanes. I think this is probably what i need to do more, but I usually never stomp my lane hard enough to do it reliably, because whenever I try to pressure top, the enemy jungler comes with a herald to counter everything i've done, and they're usually ahead of my jungler anyway, so fighting 1v2 is very much a coin flip. Also, whenever I try pushing botlane, my botlaners just stay with me and even when i ping them they don't understand to go top.

    Any tips for pressuring the map better? Or getting a bigger lead in lane and snowballing from there?

    submitted by /u/G4M3RX
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