• Breaking News

    Monday, August 31, 2020

    League of Legends September 5th and 6th Clash LFG Megathread

    League of Legends September 5th and 6th Clash LFG Megathread

    September 5th and 6th Clash LFG Megathread

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    Hello Everyone, Riot announced another Clash event. The dates are:

    • September 5th and 6th

    This thread is here to help you find people to play with for the coming weekend. It will be split into four different posts divided by region.

    In your posts, please include the following information:

    • IGN
    • Rank and tier
    • Role
    • How many you have/need

    Optionally include

    • Champion pool/mains

    Join our discord if you would like to find people there

    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    I tried to edit Samira's hair to look more like her splash art. Her hair is supposed to be curly, right?!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    I tried to edit Samira's hair to look more like her splash art. Her hair is supposed to be curly, right?!


    To me, is really important that her hair on the model looks curly, that's one of the features that sets her apart from the others look a like females in the game!!! What's the point of showing it on the Splash, but not in the model? :^(

    I understand that some changes won't be able to be fixed in the model, but her current hair looks like a hat, and the texture fail to imply that her hair is wavy/curly.

    submitted by /u/sailorsh33p
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    Tellstones: King’s Gambit | Riot Games

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Immortals releases Eika, Soaz, Altec, Gate, and coach Adrien Picard

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:07 AM PDT


    I think these are the moves we want to see as fans of the league. The rookies they brought in did much better than their record reflects and with some more time together I think they can be really strong!

    submitted by /u/Yuki_Weeb
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    OTD 7 years ago Faker had the cleanse and the moves

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    As promised here is Caitlyn's gun made from real brass and resin

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Jonas "Kold" Anderson is retiiring from professional league. Will look for new opportunities primarily as a coach.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    https://twitter.com/KoldLoL/status/1300490102817292289 https://twitter.com/KoldLoL/status/1300490647510691842

    While I'm sad to see his journey as a player end. I'm excited to see what he can bring as a coach. What do you guys think and what is your favorite "Kold" play he did?

    submitted by /u/rizefall
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    PsyOps - OPERATION: SONGBIRD | Official Skins Trailer

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Doublelift talks bringing TSM back to Worlds, the return of Bio, NA's chances at Worlds, reflecting on "spring split doesn't matter," and a Senna question from Meteos and Sneaky

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Due to COVID-19, there will be no Vietnamese teams at Worlds

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    (taken from: https://m.gamek.vn/nong-99-se-khong-co-dai-dien-nao-cua-viet-nam-gop-mat-tai-cktg-2020-20200901000519106.chn for a "proper" source, since I got it from insiders)

    What the title said. Shame we aren't getting the Levi vs. SofM jungle matchup, but it is what it is :(

    submitted by /u/typenext
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    Giving Shen a taste of his own medicine

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    Soaz - The next chapter

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:31 PM PDT


    Sad to see this happen. Soaz has been such a long standing player and a favorite of mine since Season 1 when he was on aAa. Would he even be able to come back after a year off? What ever happens, thanks for everything Paul.

    submitted by /u/rizefall
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    League of Legends Class Combination Visualisation

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    Doublelift's opinion on Tactical

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    I heard yall like quality Asol plays

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    PsyOps | Official Skins Theme 2020 - League of Legends

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    G2 Mikyx talks where it went wrong against Fnatic: "Usually, it is the greed that gets to us. (...) We should just not get overconfident when we’re winning, even though it’s hard to do."

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    Rogue Vander shares how and why Rogue adapted, playing more aggressively and smashing MAD Lions: "I said this to my team: Chinese teams are probably the best right now, and this is the way they play. If you’re just going to pick a scaling composition against them, it’s probably not going to work."

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    TSM is guaranteed to at least equal their amount of regular season games played in the playoffs

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    IMO this is pretty stupid, and shows that the regular season needs to be longer. With only two "stage" matches per week, it's hard to show improvement from week to week. However, during these playoffs, with the massive amount of games played, it's easy to see how much TSM has improved. They have considerably better drafts, and have a clear strategy of putting Spica and BB on carries and making bot lane play weak side, which are all things they didn't have figured out at the end of the regular season. I know similar situations have happened in the past, like C9 in 2015 I believe, where they played a huge amount of games in a short amount of time, and they also ramped up considerably in this time.

    edit: Since people not understanding me, I don't have a problem with TSM playing all these playoffs games. I have a problem with how few games are played during the regular season.

    submitted by /u/LPLSuperCarry
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    Who are some non-obnoxious players to watch when Samira comes out?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    With obnoxious I mean Redmercy, Professor Akali and the like. "OMGGG THIS NEW CHAMP IS BUSTED!?!?!?! RIOT WHAT DID YOU DO - NEW CHAMPION SAMIRA GAMEPLAY", you know what I mean. Who can I watch on YouTube or Twitch who plays on PBE when new champs come out but is a bit more... chill?

    submitted by /u/ArionLusitanicus
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    I made a K/DA Irelia Drawing <3

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    I made a K/DA Irelia Drawing <3

    K/DA Irelia

    If Riot don't want to add Irelia to K/DA then i'll do it uwu, so i made this Sketch of how she might look as a K/DA member (Where she Belongs with Akali <3)

    I'll paint it and also make some promo image like they did with each K/DA

    Hope you like it!

    If you have any comment or advice i'd love to read it! <3

    You can find more of my Works at my Twitter or my Instagram

    submitted by /u/Hayashidraws
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    Think how much double-elimination bracket has already affected LCS and LEC.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    In old systems LEC and LCS would have ended this weekends FNC vs G2 and FLY vs TL matches with FNC and FLY being new champions. FNC would have also won spring after G2 lost to MAD in first round and FNC beat them in hypothetical final. C9 would be NA's 2nd seed with championship points and G2 would be 2nd seed from LEC. MAD and TL would be highest seeds in gauntlet waiting for RGE, OG, S04/SK and TSM, EG, GGS.

    TL DR: In old system seeds would be

    LEC 1) FNC 2) G2 3) MAD? LCS 1) FLY 2) C9 3) TL?

    submitted by /u/MrPraedor
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    Doublelift Is Now The Sole Holder Of Record Worlds Appearances

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Doublelift has attended Worlds a total of seven times. After qualifying for Worlds as part of TSM, Doublelift's attendance there will mark his eighth appearance at the World Championships. He will be the only player to have achieved so many attendances to date.

    Doublelift has attended Worlds every year except 2013 & 2014.

    Including Worlds 2020, Doublelift will have represented four different organisations including Epik (One), CLG (Two), Team Liquid (Two) and TSM (Three).

    Congratulations Doublelift!

    The list continues as follows:

    (* = Attending Worlds 2020)

    (** = Eligible to attend Worlds 2020)

    1. Doublelift - 7* (Active, TSM)
    2. Sneaky - 7 (Active, no team)
    3. Clearlove - 6 (Retired)
    4. sOAZ - 6 (Active, no team)
    5. Uzi - 6 (Retired)
    6. Xmithie - 6 (Active, Immortals)
    7. Dyrus - 5 (Retired)
    8. Faker - 5** (Active, T1)
    9. Impact - 5* (Active, Team Liquid)
    10. Jensen - 5* (Active, Team Liquid)
    11. Karsa - 5* (Active, Top Esports)
    12. Maple - 5 (Active, LNG)
    13. Mata - 5 (Retired)
    14. Pray - 5 (Retired)
    15. Rekkles - 5* (Active, Fnatic)
    16. Svenskeren - 5 (Active, Evil Geniuses)
    17. SwordArt - 5* (Active, Suning Gaming)
    18. YellOwStaR - 5 (Active, LDLC)

    submitted by /u/Kopa-My-Topa
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    Can't wait for Worlds to start

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:57 AM PDT

    6 months of build up for this amazing event. Riot is often critized for only having 2 meaningful international events each year but I think the amount of buildup for this tournament is perfect. Even the play-ins feels meaningful now though I wish there could be more teams competing, since minor regions don't get a chance to show themselves enough except for the 1st seeds at MSI.

    Personally I enjoy the group stage of the main event and maybe even the play-ins more than the knockout-stage due to the potential for upsets. It just feels like the western teams become the underdogs as soon as the Bo5s start, not to say there aren't exceptions like G2 last year but generally they seem to have better preperations and should I say "stamina" after the group stage has ended. In terms of individual players I think it's really close but China comes out ahead with Korea behind, then EU.

    submitted by /u/Elfanso_
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    The Viktor main subreddit has been sharing more impressive concepts for a skin after a single day than Riot after 3 years

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    From battle academia (who should've happened to begin with tbh) to alternate or even upgraded concepts for BRG, the amount of skill and creativity some artists displayed in such a short span is absolutely breathtaking. Not only does this proves that, after all, Viktor DOES have a caring community who expected to be fulfilled by Riot's much expected skin (I don't think we've seen such public outcry over a skin for such an unpopular champion since... well, dunkmaster Ivern), but it also proves that this same community easily could've been satisfied if done right, which is the exact opposite of what happened yesterday with the ""reveal"" of BRG.

    Here are the artists who pumped out those beautiful concepts:



    Jock Casual

    I seriously hope "next time" won't be as messed up and that this "next time" won't take almost half a decade to pump out, because expectations can only go higher with the amount of disappointment...

    Edit: Some people seem to have wrongly interpreted my intentions with this post. This isn't a "haha Rito bad" post nor a "community > Rito" one. The whole purpose here is to convince that the crowd (no matter its size) who expected this skin isn't impossible to satisfy, which could be something that the people who worked on BRG might think seeing the overrall outcry caused by the reveal of the skin. We expected quality and originality, but those things weren't delivered sadly, on the model at the very least. As showcased by the fanarts, this originality expected is definitely doable and, based on the spirit blossom skins for, say, Kindred and Cassiopea, the quality is definitely deliverable from Riot's end.

    submitted by /u/DremoPaff
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