LoL Guide Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.16 |
- Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.16
- Learning how to adapt your pick and build depending on matchup changed my life ! I finally feel like I'm improving.
- How to become good LoL player and even better Toplane player. To-Do list.
- Enemy Mid/Top/Jg snowballs gets early kills and starts snowballing. As an ADC main what can I do to help or stop them?
- Is it worth turning chat on?
- What to do after losing games in which you REALLY don't know what you did wrong?
- Why do people permaban yas, even if they aren't mid?
- Is Ahri an optimal pick mid for a clumsy player?
- How do I enter Ranked properly?
- Climbed from B4 to G4 in my first season of playing league spamming the best boy
- Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: August
- Warding and Vision Help
- What do you buy when you have ~600g, already got Lost Chapter but don't have enough for Blasting Wand (when your building ludens) or Sorc Shoes
- Executioner's, morello and bramble
- What should my laners do when I'm ganking?
- Invisibility/Camouflage/oracles(?) Understanding
- how should I be thinking?
- Do I NEED to play ranked?
- How important do you consider early game rune setups, for supports in particular?
- How do you play Kayle when behind?
- How to counter root champs in bot lane?
- To all the new Nidalee players and Clear Time Stamps.
- What do to after slow pushing?
Simple Questions Simple Answers: Patch 10.16 Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:33 AM PDT Hello summoners! In order to create better discussion in the subreddit, we will be redirecting all simple questions to this thread. Check out the most recent patch notes on the sidebar! What is a simple question? Typically, we define a simple question as something that can be answered fully within a single, or maybe two at most, comments. In this thread, you can ask any question you need answered about League of Legends, even if it isn't necessarily about learning the game itself. Keep in mind we will still continue to remove golden rule violations, rants, memes, topics against Riot's ToS, and paid services - but the other rules are generally more lax here. What you can do to help! For now, this is a patch-based thread, meaning it will be posted once every two weeks. Checking back on this thread later in the patch and answering any questions that have been posted would be a huge help! If you're trying to ask a question, the more specific you are, the better it is for all of us! We can't give you any help if we don't get much to work with in the first place. Resources
Which do you use? Deviations in stats are typically minor, so whichever one you prefer. If you have any suggestions for this thread, please let us know through modmail how we could improve! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT I've been watching a lot of Bizzleberry videos lately and noticed that he picked champions depending on matchup and didn't always built the same things to adapt his build to the situation. It took me some practice and learning but it makes things a lot better. A few examples of what I did :
I won all those games so yeah, taking another champion (that you still know how to play) instead of your first idea to counter the enemy better and taking some time to adapt your build is very rewarding ! I know it's not super pro tips but I'm bronze 4 so this is already a big improvement for me. I also learnt from Bizzleberry about crashing a wave to deny the enemy gold and xp once you managed to kill them or make them recall and then roam to really exploit this advantage. I have much better vision score and know almost at all time where the enemy jungler is when he comes in the bot jungle. EDIT : These are obviously not the only things that change a game's outcome. It's even far from being that important. It's obvious that picking your main will always yield better results than picking a counter you don't know how to play. It's just that in the case you have 2 or 3 mains, taking one over the other depending on what you're against can help a bit. And I didn't even tried to counterpick or anything. I just chose a champion that I was more comfortable with against that specific enemy laner or team. And as I said before, I'm bronze 4, I'm far for being anything close to a good player. I just wanted to tell about something I learnt that helped me improve but it has to be taken with a pinch of salt. [link] [comments] |
How to become good LoL player and even better Toplane player. To-Do list. Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:13 AM PDT Note: I've already done guides for support and jungle role so I encourage you to check it out! Jungler: Support: Many people who are playing high ELO ranked games probably didn't even think about most of the aspects on this list so here I am. I will make a list of things you probably didn't know or never did before and what it will do is improve your self-consciousness about LoL and your overall performance. Don't expect this post to be "5 quick tips on how to rank up fast" because I want to focus on how to be a better player, and hitting a rank is an only transitional process. Those are things that most of the challenger players and pro's focus on. INDEPENDENT ON ROLE: · Timing summoners · Wave management · Ping opponent's wards · Time opponent's wards in the early game · Fake warding (entering fog of war to make enemies think you warded somewhere) · Fake roam (same as in fake warding) · Controlling enemy control wards (checking if the enemy has bought a control ward and then think where he could put it if he comes back without it) · Matchup list (make yourself a list of matchups you have played, how did you do, prons and cons, tips, then it will be easier for you to play those matchups) · Info about matchup after the draft (in the loading screen and every free time between games, think what's your game plan, when the enemy has power spike when you have power spike, what is our win condition, etc) · Control wards > pots in mid-game (self-explanatory) · Buy control wards (every recall you should leave the base with at least one control ward unless you don't have any space in your backpack) · Trinket change (dependent on role change your wards to oracle or farsight) · Using your prio (think if you can step off the line and put pressure on other lines or go gank/dive) · Conscious vision depending on the map · Make yourself a tier list (simply make a tier list of your champion pool, your favorite champs, what are their good and bad matchups, etc) · Info about power spikes (when my champ is significantly stronger than other, which item or level gives is an advantage above others) · Timing reset before objective (you should avoid situations where your team couldn't set up an objective because you didn't time your reset right and couldn't compete for 4v5 fight) · Make prio before objective (if you want to take baron/drake/herald make sure you have prio on your lane so if enemies decide to compete, no matter if they win or lose the fight, they gonna lose some gold and exp that's in creeps or jungle camps) · Planning your first ward (you have to predict the route of the opposite jungler - if you know there may be a level 2 gank then place a trinket but if there is no such basis then put up later. if you are sure about lvl 2 to gank, you can even put a trinket before the ones appear so that it will renew faster then or change it to the oracle) · Vision plant (learn how to use vision plant to show important places but not to see on the lines that I used it) · Analyse idol's game (humanoid in conversation with veggie - "I did the biggest improvement on the line as I started watching faker stream and giving a pause every 5 seconds and I was wondering what he was doing and why. it is worth choosing 2-3 players at a world level who play in the style we would like to play and model on them. my development as a player is 80% playing soloq / scrims and 20% watching others and analyzing outside the game") · don't be scared of using your ultimate (my ult cooldown is a useable resource. I'm throwing varus ult to burn him a flash. we shouldn't keep our ulti, especially if it gives cc) TOPLANE ROLE:
When I have TP in the early game I should tell my botlane to put the ward on the back of the opponents to avoid the pressure or just use the teleport when they push
TP timing Whenever the opponent uses TP, I have to save the timer and remind the team every time I play
You have prio and pushed the line? Go down to the river and then to the enemy's Gromp / Krugs (depending on which side you are on) and place a ward there to increase the enemy jungler's detectability Also, remember to use vision plants that are in your opponent's jungle to prevent them from being used
If you know that a big wave is stacking for you or your opponent, inform No wave can be wasted, whenever there are several waves on your line, you need to inform your team about it, as it can be used in several ways:
In all situations, you should ping the wave that comes out of your base if something is going on. The key is to inform in advance
If you are a splitpusher You need to know if you can take the 1v1 tower and communicate it to the team If so, push deep with the vision on your side of the mid and your quarter of the jungle If not - then either push and rotate to your flank or call someone from your team to do a 2v1 dive
Info when I fight on the lane When I and the opponent are after a bigger exchange or when I'm in the fight, it is better to inform the opponent with the slogan "fight in the top, come" or "we are both low" Very often, the first jungler / midlaner who will react in such a situation and help us gets a kill instead of, for example, finishing a gromp
When I'm being dived Sometimes it is impossible to defend my lane (I am weakside) and then the opponent tries to dive or deny us (we have to run away from the tower) Often in such a situation if the opponents are still on the TOP (they do not allow us to return to the tower), it is better to run to the MID through your jungle than to stand AFK on the top between the towers Thus, we can either give prio to mid and then crossmap to another lane or immediately inform our MID and he can do the crossmap himself while we go to MID to catch the next wave
When I want to group with the team after pushing a lane When it's midgame and I have pushed some side lane and want to join the team, I have two options:
I have to know If I am strong side or weak side I need to know if the jungler and my team will be playing the next few minutes around my side of the map or the other one and make decisions depending on that
If my wave is in a bad position or I want a free reset, call jungler Learn to use a jungler as an aid on a wave Remember to mix with him - jungler cannot waste camps on this
Ward lvl 1 before waves appear Sometimes, depending on the matchup, when I know that I will need a ward earlier, it is worth placing it while still in the bush at lvl 1 Thanks to this, the opponent does not know that I bet the ward (as opposed to when I approach the ward after the laning phase has already started)
If you are afraid of crossmaping, you should do jungle camps Sometimes when I know that my team is playing around the second part of the map and therefore I cannot come to my tower, it is worth at least to clean the jungle camps in this quarter of the jungle at that time Not only that, at least we farm something, we also leave nothing in the jungle that the opponent could farm
After my TP on the bot, I have to quickly decide what's going on on Top "Time is money after my teleport". When I use a bot teleport, for example when defending a gank or playing a dive, the most important thing is to decide on the TOP quickly after the end of the action If I am to go back there, I do not stay to finish the tower and push the waves (unless I was left alone), I just immediately go back to the base and run or appoint another person from the team to take over TOP
Scout your enemy in 130 playing on the red side If opponents are unable to catch you, you should be able to determine on an exclusionary basis which camp the opposing jungler starts with. Consider leaving the vision here.
Consider proactively teleporting early in the game. If you can find a good teleport with a good lane condition on top by the fifth minute, most likely the individual will lose very little. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:34 AM PDT Every so often when I play a match the enemy Jg/Top/Mid will get early kills and start to snowball really hard. Then the snowballing champ starts to roam and come bot and gets more kills. I try to ask my team to play it safer and try to stay in areas with vision or near others. However, at this point, the enemy team has snowballed to the point of no return and we lose. When playing ADC is there any way to help stop the enemy team from snowballing when they get early kills and have lane dominance. Should I roam to the losing lane, or should I try to win lane and snowball myself or the support, if they are a carry type. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:26 AM PDT I'm fairly new to this game and when my friend got me set up with it, he just told me to keep chat off. I know this game can get really toxic chat wise, but I'm worried that I might miss directions from teamates. Is it worth putting chat on just incase my team has anything to say? [link] [comments] |
What to do after losing games in which you REALLY don't know what you did wrong? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:20 PM PDT I'm a mid lane Zoe main. I read/watch a TON of guides to climb, and they are helping a lot. I see myself using the things I learned and winning lane a lot. I mostly win my lanes, and I am NOT saying that I'm playing well but losing anyway. I play like shit and I know it. The problem is: I don't learn from my mistakes, because I can never understand what I did wrong. My first or second game after a couple days. Again, Zoe mid. I absolutely CRUSH the enemy Zed in lane, but he gets kills from roams anyway despite me pinging my laners to retreat. The enemy Kha'zix I am sure I played badly, but I can't tell what exactly I did wrong. The only option I can see is to watch replays, but I get pretty emotional about losses (I know I can't win every game but I can't help it) and can't bring myself to rewatch one. I'm posting this right after the mentioned match. Help me. [link] [comments] |
Why do people permaban yas, even if they aren't mid? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:07 PM PDT For context, I am a new player (started during quarantine) and a mid main who primarily plays lucian, akali, and velkoz. Although I used to ban yas every game, I now usually ban zed unless I think the comp warrants something different. I played a game today where I thought I was going to pick yas, then saw annie and locked in lucian instead. I did this thinking that yas wouldn't get locked in, as a top laner had already been picked on the other team, and knowing that I play lucian well into annie. Immediately after, I get flamed by my jhin adc for switching champs. He said he was mad bc he permabans yas and he only didn't this game bc I was going to pick him (which I would've if annie hadn't been picked). This continues throughout the game. Why would any adc permaban yas, especially considering yas isn't particularly good rn especially as an adc? In jhin's defense, yas actually did get locked in as an adc and jhin fed all game. But this isn't the first time this has happened, and most adcs play well into yas. [link] [comments] |
Is Ahri an optimal pick mid for a clumsy player? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:21 AM PDT For what it's worth I enjoy Ahri's kit but I feel like it doesn't stack up well against a lot of popular champions. Every success on Ahri is absolutely reliant on landing her charm, but her charm in of itself is one of the most unforgiving skill shots in the game (imo anyway) and even when it lands it's not particularly effective as far as CC goes. The charm barely lasts long enough for a Q to travel back and fourth unless you hit it at max range. Also nothing like charming a fighter into your face only to realize they survive with 10% HP and all your spells are on CD. Do I just need more practice? Is it worth it given the meta? I have 15 games on Ahri and a 50% WR in ranked. Not bad, but my combat stats are pretty poor (C). Like I said I enjoy her kit but would learning someone like Diana, Fizz, or Ekko be exponentially more rewarding (in-regard to climbing)? [link] [comments] |
How do I enter Ranked properly? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:19 PM PDT I can smash Blinds, do well in Draft, but when I dip into Ranked I get destroyed, invaded, bullied, and end up feeding hard despite playing the same I do in Draft. I look at my map a lot, it just feels like the same ELO has much better people who know exactly what I'm going to do, how to counter it, how to dive me and survive with 20 HP consistently, etc,. despite supposedly being the same skill level as the people I play in Draft and Blinds. What am I missing that would allow me to play passably in Ranked? [link] [comments] |
Climbed from B4 to G4 in my first season of playing league spamming the best boy Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:12 AM PDT Hey everyone, So I just started playing league in December of last year, and two days ago i made it into G4. Even before I started I knew that Jungle would be the role I would like to play and I feel like WW is the perfect Champ to learn it. You dont need to know how to kite at the start because of the crazy sustain and even if you aren't great at checking lanes and reading the map yet blood hunt will often show you good gank oppertunities. The kit is very straight forward and you understand most abilites after the first couple games. Still theres is a lot of room fore mechanical improvment and nice plays. Pulling of cool mini Insecs bq Qing thorugh a laner and fearing them in to yours or following a flash/tp by timing you Q right. A lot of new players probabbly dont know this but you can follow all enemy movent abilties by sticking to them with your q. I learnend this and much more in a great guide by a Challenger Warwick OTP called parnellyx ( ). Its great but in my experience his builds arent goood for people to sart out with/ people in lower Elo because they make you very squishy and dont allow you to make mistakes which a Tankwick build usally does And i know a lot of people love playing the flashy 1v9 Champions and carry hard and Warwick only rarley does that but one thing he has is consitency and map pressure which you should use to get your laner ahead. You have great ganks on lv3 and can do all jungle objectives solo and even if you get suprised while doing them you have a good shot and winning the fights by ccing the enemies into the Heralds/Dragons dmg and healing you self as the fight goes on. You can also fight alot of Jungles lv3 and a lot of people in lower Elo underestimated the healing you have and think its a free kill when they see you halflife only to get feared, qed and killed. Counterjungling is also great espically in bronze where laners almost never move. I started mos games at the enemy topside buff because the toplaners never covered thereby getting 3 buffs, myself ahead and the enemy jungler far behind. So remember that getting a hearld mid before plates fall, or getting your toplaner two kills by min 5 or getting 4 drakes at min 22 can win games just as much as going 9/0 as Lee Sin and stomping the enemy, but it isnt remotly as hard and you can do it with a higher consitency. And even if you feed and are behind, and that happens to you can stilll provide great cc for teamfights by ulting the enemy carry. So if you want to learn how to jungle or havent been doing well in Jungle i would highly recommend playing Warwick. Hes easy enough to allow you to learn and pay attention to macro and learn how to secure objectives, counterjngl and gank but has enough possibilties for nice plays to stay fun. [link] [comments] |
Champion Pool/Role Advice Megathread: August Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:39 AM PDT If you need help with what roles or champs to play, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well! There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools or advice on what roles to play/swap to. Since these threads are only applicable to a single person -- the creator of the posts -- we have created a megathread to keep more generally applicable threads on the frontpage. If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include a link to your profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers. If you're a new player, consider checking out this page for champion recommendations as well as other beginner advice, guides, and explanations of champion classes/roles. Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't necessarily have to answer these questions, but they do help responders give better advice.
Also be sure to check out websites like and to add some statistical basis to your judgements. Thanks to our big contributor: u/Blasterus [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:59 AM PDT I know I need to work on ward placement, deeper, in jg pathing, etc, but I cannot figure out how to ping when enemy has vision, just missing and danger etc. I main Top lane and JG, I tend to roam as Top and as JG I'm tired of people flaming me for not ganking, so being able to ping vision would be awesome! I know buying pinks is preferable when you have lane control, but should I expect to lose that control and just keep buying pinks vs normal wards? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:52 AM PDT Ideally you back with the perfect amount of gold but sometimes that isn't possible. After I have lost chapter I feel like anything less than 850 is an awkward amount of gold to back with. At that point in the game, is dark seal still an option? Should I get amp tomes even though they won't build into anything for a while? ty [link] [comments] |
Executioner's, morello and bramble Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:27 PM PDT I need a good explanation on when do you absolutely need executioner as a first item, when you can build it after your core items, when you can win without it, typically I tell my friends when I see yuumi, sylas, kayn to buy it first item but their argument is always I can't build it 1st time because it will delay my powerspike. Thanks [link] [comments] |
HOW TO WIN TRADES | TRADING GUIDE Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:30 AM PDT Here is a video I made to help you guys improve! I really hope this content is useful because I like to help people out on their ranked journeys as much as I can. This guide is structured towards mid lane but does apply to all lanes. Let me know if this is helpful or beneficial to you or if it helps to win more lanes! thank! [link] [comments] |
What should my laners do when I'm ganking? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 04:34 AM PDT I'm a low elo jungler playing always with a pre made team We started 2 months ago and we're still trying to figure the game out Usually my team mates complain about failed ganks or not ganking enough but as far as i know I am doing my job well so I am wondering what should a laner do when im ganking them? [link] [comments] |
Invisibility/Camouflage/oracles(?) Understanding Posted: 05 Aug 2020 09:00 AM PDT Invisibility is invisibility and camoflage gets you "revealed" when near players, right? I've played my share of/against/with these champs to have a grasp on what it means, however in practice it seems to be wildly consistent/favoring certain champs. Example cases: Red trinket reveals wards to make them "visible" in this case, becoming able to be auto-attacked. Champions instead get a red distortion effect but otherwise they are "invisible." Camoflage makes champions have a bluish effect when near, and visible when too close so it effectively does nothing (in a loose meaning.) (extremely prejudiced below) Kha-zix, Wukong, and Talon do not become visible, unless near a control ward. Akali does not become visible even when ignited/red-trinketed/control warded. Shaco and Teemo do. Eve and Twitch are in the camouflage section. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:59 AM PDT when playing competitive games in general, how should I be thinking? I currently autopilot but I don't think its very effective for learning. (kind of a ticc wall of text, sorry) I ended up coming up with a couple ways to think but am not sure which is correct when trying to improve and learn - can anyone comment on these to say which they use/ think most pros use, or give other ideas of how people think? full consciousness - you actively think about every play. my only way to describe this is like when I do untimed-chess/ maths where if you just autopilot you make a stupid mistake, so every move has to be thought of. I do find that this is likely to slow for anyone to do in reactive games like lol, fortnite, valorant etc... full autopilot - not aware of any reasons for plays, or even what you are doing, just sort of doing it. This seems like the only way to play games that are fast paced and reactive, but I'm likely just not used to trying to think when playing. My problem with this is how are you supposed to train this by doing things like vod reviews etc... if you aren't actively thinking about what you are trying to learn? as I find that after a vod review, I use nothing of what I learnt from it. learning autopilot - leading on from this idea is to play with full autopilot, but actively thinking about what you are trying to learn. This seems good until you are at a high level, where things you are trying to learn will become too infrequent/ specific to be learnt/practiced fast, in which case you will have to try and actively be learning a multitude of things, where I feel like it will become too much for your brain to process quickly like in full consciousness... aware autopilot - I feel like this is most likely the case, as I can actually give examples where it seems pros think like this. It is just playing in autopilot, but being aware of almost everything you are doing, effectively only using your conscious thought process to guide your autopilot if you find yourself starting to make a bad play (or linking the situation to something you vod reviewed and guiding your autopilot towards that) - kind of like spectating your autopilot play, then coaching it when it starts doing something bad... (the thing that made me think of this was when n0ted (valorant pro) said something like "I'm not sure if this angle is good, I'll see if it gives me an advantage". It kind of seemed he was just spectating and commenting on his autopilot playing. in this example, if he had held the angle before and new it was bad he would of remembered and re-positioned (guiding his autopilot). If he plays this angle and finds it's good, he knows he can play it again, meaning he has learnt something in that game.) I'm sure there are many other ways to categorize the thought processes people do, or I've skipped some but I'm more just bothered as to what is the "correct" method - so any help would be appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 05 Aug 2020 03:00 AM PDT So I recently picked the game back up again and I am faced with the same issue again. I will be doing not so well in a game and someone will ask what rank I am (which has never been above bronze). When I tell them, they will proceed to call me garbage and flame me and tell me that they are so much better than me because they are silver or gold. It really gets on my nerves because I feel like everyone plays ranked other than me. I don't usually play it because it feels too tense and I prefer to play a game where my skills won't negatively affect me or anyone else. I have tried climbing this season but got bored and have reached bronze 4 and thats it. What I'm asking is do I NEED to play ranked or is it normal to just play, well normals? [link] [comments] |
How important do you consider early game rune setups, for supports in particular? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 02:08 AM PDT Most of the time I tend to go scaling runes. I have heard a lot about small advantages that win you the early game. But them I almost cringe when my Shield Bash ends up doing 90 damage at 12 mins on Nautilus, or my ADC ignores the free Font of Life heal. Or Scortch does 100 damage when Gathering outscales it after 10 mins. Revitalize grants 5 extra heal or shield, 10 on low HP targets. I also find Biscuits rather bad after the nerf a while ago. I can only understand why Second Wind or Bone Plating are situational choices over Conditioning, especially against heavy damage bot duo. My usual setups are Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth, Gathering, ManaFlow, Transandance, with free Stopwatch, Cosmic Insight and Future Market(the early game rune I really like). Sorcery/Resolve depending on support choice obviously. Do you think it's bad that I tend to do that a lot? [link] [comments] |
How do you play Kayle when behind? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 12:37 PM PDT I've been playing a bit of Kayle, and I always seem to lose against lane bullies. I know I should just stay back under tower and farm, but I seem to die anyways, even when I get a jg gank. I usually end up getting dove or something and die, and my top laner gets even further ahead. It feels like I can't cs at all, and when I die once, the game is already over. The biggest example of a game I felt like the game is over after one death is 352258170. In this game, I seem to die once, and I couldn't do anything the rest of the game. Irelia ended up getting really fed from tping bot a lot, and I tried to focus on farming, but the rest of my team died a lot and we lost before 30 mins. I still ended up 70 farm behind Irelia, and she ended the game 12/1 with me being 0/4/0. So how does one play Kayle when behind? I just felt like I did no damage and couldn't do anything at all except farm after dying only once. [link] [comments] |
How to counter root champs in bot lane? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 11:41 AM PDT Basically the title. I'm low elo doodoo and I know I suck, but I suck waaayy more in these matchups. I can never figure out what's good to play into these champs. Lux, morg, zyra, etc always seem to just dominate my lane. My last match bot lane was thresh (me) caitlin adc against Neeko xayah. They had last pick and I feel like we got counter picked a little since they could chain cc everytime I tried to engage/cs for trinket. Any tips for landing phase? I try to only engage when the root is on CD, and position behind minions.. just feels like I'm always getting caught out, mainly play lulu/thresh. Any advice is greatly [link] [comments] |
To all the new Nidalee players and Clear Time Stamps. Posted: 05 Aug 2020 01:54 AM PDT Hello all, I'm a fairly new Nidalee player(Started about a month ago). I have a question about clear times and also a rant about my personal experience on Nidalee. Like all aspiring Nidalee players, your first 20 games will be detrimental, you'll be executed, you'll be killed in your own jungle and you will be under 30% hp by the time you reach scuttle. Rant on my personal experience of Nidalee(so far) After practicing Nidalee for a while, I have personally become used to her clear, and now are able to finish my clears with at least 50-60%hp. Although it is not perfect, it is manageable at my Elo(Gold 4). I am now focusing on my clear speed and which clear format I prefer(currently opting for the red side full clear into gank/full clear). After a month of playing Nidalee, I can only complete my full clear at 3:30 from the red side and barely chipping 3:15 in a five camp clear (all with leashes). Since I opt to do a red side clear each game and either look to gank or full clear, I would like to know what time stamp I should be aiming for when full clearing my red or blue side(if I choose to do so in the future). Question: It is obvious that any jungler should aim to finish their first clear pre 3:15, however, if I complete a red side clear (my times ranging from 2:20 to 2:40 with leashes) will I be on track to complete my clear before or on 3:15 if I were to full clear? I ask this question to simply get a timestamp to work towards so I know how well I did each game in terms of clears and if I am any more faster. [link] [comments] |
What do to after slow pushing? Posted: 05 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT During laning phase as a mid-laner I end up slow pushing a wave into my enemy laner, giving me time to roam. But often I find myself sitting in the river with not quite enough gold to back, and my side lanes ungankable. What would be a checklist of things to do? Should I be responsible for deep wards on raptors/buffs? [link] [comments] |
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