• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    League of Legends 2020 World Championship Play-In / Knockout Stage - Day 2 / Live Discussion

    League of Legends 2020 World Championship Play-In / Knockout Stage - Day 2 / Live Discussion

    2020 World Championship Play-In / Knockout Stage - Day 2 / Live Discussion

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:10 PM PDT


    Lolesports | Leaguepedia | Eventvods.com | New to LoL

    All of Worlds will be played on Patch 10.19.

    Today's Matches

    # Match PST EST CET KST
    1 LGC vs. LGD 11 PM 2 AM 08:00 15:00
    2 UOL vs. SUP 3 AM 6 AM 12:00 19:00
    • All matches are Best of 5


    Twitch YouTube LoL Esports Other Languages Comment Stream


    Group A Group B
    # Team Region Record Information # Team Region Record Information
    1 Team Liquid NA 4 - 1 Gamepedia // Twitter 1 PSG Talon PCS 4 - 1 Gamepedia // Twitter
    2 Legacy Esports OCE 3 - 2 Gamepedia // Twitter 2 Unicorns of Love CIS 3 - 2 Gamepedia // Twitter
    3 SuperMassive Esports TR 2 - 2 Gamepedia // Twitter 3 Rainbow7 LAT 2 - 2 Gamepedia //
    4 MAD Lions EU 2 - 3 Gamepedia // Twitter 4 LGD Gaming CN 2 - 3 Gamepedia // Twitter
    5 INTZ BR 1 - 4 Gamepedia // Twitter 5 V3 Esports JP 1 - 4 Gamepedia // Twitter

    On-Air Team

    Trevor "Quickshot" Henry Aaron "Medic" Chamberlain Daniel "Drakos" Drakos Max "Atlus" Anderson David "Phreak" Turley
    Clayton "CaptainFlowers" Raines Julian "Pastrytime" Carr Indiana "Froskurinn" Black Andrew "Vedius" Day Christy "Ender" Frierson
    Marc "Caedrel" Lamont Nick "LS" de Cesare Jacob "YamatoCannon" Mebdi Issac "Azael" Cummings-Bentley Sam "Kobe" Hartman-Kenzler
    Barento "Razleplasm" Mohammed Jake "Spawn" Tiberi Yushuang "Candice" Duan Eefje "Sjokz" Depoortere Alex "Machine" Richardson
    James "Dash" Patterson Gabriella "LeTigress" Devia-Allen Laure "Bulii" Valée


    Group Stage (Round 1) 10 teams participate Teams are drawn into two groups based on seeding Single Round Robin Matches are best of one Top team from each group advances to the Main Event 2nd to 4th teams from each group advance to Round 2 Knockout Stage (Round 2) 3rd place teams from the group stage face the 4th place team from the same group Winners of these matches face the 2nd place team from the opposite group Winners of these final matches advance to the Main Event Matches are best of five 


    Reddit Eventvods.com LoL Esports
    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    Patch 10.20 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    Navori Quickblade is a failed concept that’s been tried twice now and will only introduce frustration into League

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    For those unaware: Navori Quickblade 3400 Gold +60 Attack Damage +20% Critical Strike Chance +30 Ability Haste Nimble Strikes: Your critical strikes with Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate ability cooldowns by 20% of their remaining cooldown.

    This is a new Legendary item coming out with preseason. The idea of reducing cooldowns has been tried before on both Spear of Shojin and Essence Reaver- all it did was make enemies who bought it disgustingly uncounterrable. (Jax, Renekton, etc.)

    This time it's tied to crit but most crit adc's don't really need cdr on their abilities except a select few.

    So, this item will force characters like Lucian and Tryndamere to have to be balanced around this item while being pretty minor on everyone else. This goes against the idea of "diversity" in the item system.

    URF is fun but it cannot be balanced. Remove the damn passive/ item.

    submitted by /u/Shadowarcher6
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    Rekkles Interview with Ashley Kang before Groups | "I'm the most consistent player you can find, but am also the most consistent player at not pushing myself. I think I'm holding myself back and that's something I've realized recently"

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    Worlds Pick’em 2020 is now live!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    The shameful state of Latinamerican Esports Administration

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Please I ask you to focus on the subject. Worlds is irrelevant in this situation.

    I'm writing this post to explain the awful situation in which Promotion/Relegations in LATAM are made this year due to the current pandemic. First, i need to give context on how local leagues work:

    Latinamerican regions works with a main league, LLA, played (at least this year) in Cd. Mex.. Mexico.

    Then, the main countries haver their own National leagues: Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador. The winners of each National league had to play a Sub-regional tournament: Regional Norte (Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador), and Regional Sur (Argentina, Chile, Peru.

    After this tournament, the winners were Estral Esports (Mexico) and Undead Gaming (Argentina). They were going to face Pixel Esports and Furious Gaming, currently playing in the LLA.

    So then, Whats the deal?

    Riot LATAM has been delaying the P/R tournament and pushing to make it in a presential event in Mexico City.

    Meanwhile, LLA players that are going to play P/R have been in Mexico for 9 months, far from their families, unable to leave the country because they still had to play the relegation, but as you may know, many countries still have closed their airports. We all know this situations would not improve. Teams owners have been asking to cancel P/R since MAY with no response. And Riot just kept going on for it, delaying the matches until YESTERDAY, when they finally told to the TEAMS, that it was canceled until next year. And they finally told this to fans TODAY.

    All the teams in the LLA have players from multiple countries, in this case:

    Pix: 1 Arg, 1 Mex, 1 CR, 1PE, 1CL

    Furious: 2 Arg, 1 CL, 1 CR, 1KR, 1Mex

    So finally TODAY, 4 DAYS before the supposed date of the matches, players are able to fly to their countries after almost 30 DAYS LOCKED in a foreign country, training 8 hours a day agains the same team (https://twitter.com/FG_GonzO/status/1311301285677805569) , because NA has no leagues going on, and it's impossible to train against South American teams due to ping issues.

    Now, the format has a lot of inconsistencies so basically is not even finished, and anything can change until then.(https://lolesports.com/article/la-promoci-n-relegaci-n-se-posterga-al-2021/bltc52eac0e14d7cc3d)

    Resume of the rules:

    -Up to 8 teams competing for 2 places. (This is basically a shit show, depending on the results, the LLA could end with 6 teams or 2 LVP teams may defeat the LLA teams and still not be able to play in LLA depending on what riot decides)

    -If ther winner of the LLA is on P/R they still have to play it. If they lose, they still have go play worlds, meaning that they will offically be a Tier 2 team. (https://twitter.com/RiotMaggical/status/1311405514346070017)

    -Undead and Estral are obligated to play their respective legues.-P/R Could be play by 6 to 8 teams depending on the results next year.


    -2 teams have been living locked in Mexico and far from their families for more than 9 months and 1 mont after the league finished and all the other teams started their vacations.

    -Team Owners have been asking to cancel P/R sin MAY (https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srdssf)

    -Teams were told Promotion/Relegation was cancelled 4 days before it was supposed to happen .

    -The community is asking to expand the league to 10 spots but Riot Latam fuses to do it beacuse the budget is not enough (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LLAx10?src=hashtag_click&f=live)

    Edit: The reason for not adding 2 spots is no monetary, since Estral and Aparently, Undead too, suggested to not receive a single dollar and pay the logistics themselves if Riot let them be part of the LLA. Riot refused because "They didn't win the spot" (https://twitter.com/Estral_Esports/status/1311475445913747457)

    -Suspicions of censoring with fines (https://twitter.com/Followowojg/status/1311114393896312832)

    Sorry for my bad english btw i just find this situation unfair for the players :(

    submitted by /u/mindsetFPS
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    Faker talks overcoming slumps, failures, and pressure from fans: "Failure takes a bigger part in people’s lives than one may think. It’s important not to lose yourself in the emotions from success and failure."

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Outplaying a Master Yi & Cassio

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    A Mathematicians Take on Ability Haste vs. CDR

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    A Mathematicians Take on Ability Haste vs. CDR

    Hello reddit,

    I am a Master's student in mathematics who has played league for many years but never posted anything here. In this post I want to give my take on the new "Ability Haste" stat which is going to replace "Cooldown Reduction (CDR)". I am not a native speaker so excuse any (language) mistakes. For mathematical incorrectness I will of course take the blame. If you really hate math and don't want anything to do with it you might wanna skip to the tldr or even ignore the post. Although the math is very simple and I always try to give concrete examples rather than formulas or abstract explanations.


    At first glance the concept of CDR is simple. Let's assume we have an ability that has a 10 second cooldown and you then buy items that give 20% CDR. Then this reduces the downtime of your ability by 20%, meaning your new cooldown is 10s*80%=8s. Nothing new so far. But something that I'm sure not everybody knows is that CDR gets "more and more valuable". What do I mean by that? Let's stick with the example of our ability that has a 10 second cooldown. For illustration, we assume our ability is a simple damaging ability. Of course each 10% CDR gives 1 less second on your cooldown. So with 10% CDR your cooldown is 9s, with 20% CDR your cooldown is 8s and so on. In that sense CDR scales linearly. But let's look now at how much damage you could do in a set timeframe, say 100 seconds. Without CDR you could cast the ability 10 times obviously. With 10% CDR ( meaning your cooldown is now 9s) you could already cast the ability 100/9≈11.11 times. This means you got an increase in your damage during this timeframe (or more simply an increase in your dps) of around 11.1% but you only bought 10% CDR. With 40%CDR you would even be able to cast the ability 100/6≈16.67 times which is a damage increase of 66.7%. So definitely no linearity here. This is why one could say that "CDR scales well" since from this dps perspective you have increasing returns.

    Ability Haste:

    In some sense Ability Haste is mirrored to what we discussed above. Again we have our damaging ability with 10s cooldown. If we buy 10 Ability Haste this means that we will be able to cast our ability 10% more often, if we buy 20 Ability Haste this means that we will be able to cast our ability 20% more often. What this means is that where originally you would be able to cast your ability 10 times in 100 seconds after buying 20 Ability Haste you can now cast your ability 12 times. So the damage you can do in those 100 seconds (or more generally your dps) increases by 20% with 20 Ability Haste. And in general you get 10% more dps with this ability for every 10 Ability Haste. So 10 Haste means 10% more dps, 20 Haste means 20% more dps, and so on. So unlike CDR, Ability Haste scales linearly with your ability dps. So one could argue that Ability Haste is more "balanced" if you will. But if you look at the downtime of your ability in seconds, Ability Haste only offers diminishing returns here. In our example 10 Ability Haste means you can cast the spell 11 times in 100 seconds. So our new cooldown is 100s/11≈9.09s. With 20 Ability Haste you would have a cooldown of 100s/12≈8,33s. In other words the first 10 Ability Haste give you approximately 9.1% CDR, the next 10 Haste give you only an additional 7.6% CDR and the ones after that give you only an extra 6.4% CDR. You can see the trend.

    Personal take on what is "better"

    From the point of game balance/allowing more variety in builds and things like that I can definitely see Ability Haste being the preferred option since it seems hard to balance around CDR (as suggested by the increasing returns discussion above). However, from a player point of view definitely think Ability Haste is more difficult to understand than CDR because in my opinion the way it functions does not align with the way we typically think. Let me give you an example: Imagine in your local supermarket your favourite product is on sale. Let's say instead of 30$ it costs 30% less now. What would you think? To be honest you would probably buy it without thinking anything. But if you would, the first thing anyone would do is probably calculate how much money you saved. Here you saved 30$*30%=9$. Not too bad. And this is basically how I assume most of us think about cooldowns when buying CDR. But thinking of it the "haste way" would be the same as saying something like "Since my favourite product costs only 21$ now I actually get 1.43 times as much value as before (because 30$/21$=1.43)" or "For the old price I can now buy not only 1 times my product but even 1.43 times." I'm pretty sure there is hardly anyone thinking this way. And this is why I feel Ability Haste might come across a bit unnatural to some people.


    Ability Haste is like "Attack speed for abilities". 10 Ability Haste lets you cast your ability 10% more often, 20 Ability Haste lets you cast your ability 20% more often and so on. If you are bad at math and want to convert from CDR to Ability Haste or vice versa here are the two formulas.


    submitted by /u/Math4LoL
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    LATAM Promotion/Relegation suspended until ending of 2021: what it means to the teams involved

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:33 PM PDT


    In LATAM we have many national leagues, Argentina, Chile, Perú, México, Costa Rica and Colombia as far as I know. The winners of every national league play for 2 spots in LLA, which is our tier 1 league, granting a spot for worlds (Rainbow 7 plays in LLA).

    After a year of teams playing in national leagues (opening and closing splits, and the regional qualifiers), because of the COVID situation, the promotion tournament got delayed. They didn't plan ahead and their solution is a joke. Now they announced it will be played in 2021 with the following rules:

    -Both LLA teams who were going to play promo/relegation Furious Gaming and Pixel Esports must participate regardless of their results in 2021. -Both teams from the national leagues Undead Gaming and Estral Esports will participate in the promo/relegation as long as they don't end up last and lose promo/relegation to the tier 3 league. -The last two teams from LLA in 2021 will join the other four teams (they might be Furious and Pixel again) and the two new teams from the national leagues, making it between 6 and 8 teams competing for two spots. -Undead and Estral will receive a monetary compensation.

    Basically this makes the 2020 year go to waste for the national teams. The LLA teams have stayed in their gaming houses in Mexico for the last month awaiting to play the promo/relegation which now will not be played Even if Furious or Pixel qualify for worlds next year, they still have to play the promo/relegation. It really doesn't make any sense.

    All the money the teams invested this year went to waste, and they will have to play next year for literally nothing because they already have the promotion/relegation slot secured.

    I'm writing this in behalf of every LATAM player and team whose dream is to play in LLA and worlds, when all Riot LATAM does is shit on the team's work. We would like to hear a response from Riot LATAM esports team and Riot Games.

    submitted by /u/theblademaster97
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    Worlds 2020- Main Event Groups- post DRAW

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:53 AM PDT


    Group A :

    G2 Esports

    Suning Gaming
    Machi Esports

    Team Liquid

    Group B:

    Damwon Gaming

    JD Gaming


    PSG Talon

    Group C:





    Group D:

    Top Esports



    Unicorn of Love


    submitted by /u/moe11436
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    Jung.GG - A new site to find the most common jungle paths!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    We've spent the last year (part-time) working on a program that can extract the most popular Jungle Paths taken by high elo players (Master+) for almost all meta champions! Last week we released Version 2, with a new, cleaner UI (thanks to the help of some kind and very talented Redditors who saw our last post):


    The site uses the Riot API to extract game data, then uses a "probabilistic" method to get a best estimate for where each Jungler went, although for individual games this isn't 100% effective - over the 15,000+ games we study each week, it has a high degree of accuracy. However - it can occasionally provide strange results for low volume Champions!

    To be very clear - this isn't what you should do every game!

    The same way a site that provides build data might suggest the highest win rate for Rammus is 6 armor items, you wouldn't follow this rule if you went against a full AP team. The paths are all situational, but you can still learn some valuable insights from using it.

    We're very keen to get as much feedback as possible, so please let us know your thoughts in the comments section below - whether that's the usefulness of the site, features you'd want to see or even changes to the site design!

    Will edit in the important Q&As:

    What Regions do you use? We use an almost equal amount from EUW, NA and Korea

    Is this updated regularly? Yes, the code is "productionised" so we can run this weekly , if it's useful.


    Jack J.

    submitted by /u/JackWills94
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    The enchanter items for the preseason feel like someone at Riot procrastinated on their homework

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    You know the feeling. You have a page to write but forgot about it until the period before its due. You write down the most basic, generic filler that you can to ensure that you at least get a passing grade on it. Your teacher knows you can write better, but it's got all the technical details that they can only give you so low of a grade.

    That paper is the same feeling I get from the enchanter items. We know they can do a better job due to their other items. "Hey, this one is like, bonus damage and gives you invisibility on a kill! This one has a conal blast that can even immobilize enemies!" There is no creativity or thought to the enchanter items, and I feel like they completely forgot important aspects of the class.

    Like Locket. Holy cow, they're bringing back the locket aura, but it's just a way worse version of how it used to be. Instead of the 15 armor/mr it used to give, now it's 5 and scales up to 13 as supports finish their build (lol). Remember when auras used to be considered problematic because of how unsatisfying they were when weak, and too strong when powerful? Well guess what's back on the menu because we had to plagiarize that homework.

    I won't even get into the mythic effects of the other two, they're lackluster as well. But what about stats? Did Riot just... forget that they made enchanters' utility scale with AP? I know there are a couple regular items with AP, but why does a single mythic for supports NOT have any AP? Not like we're losing a fair bit of AP because athene's is simply being removed. Or how about our other stat, ya know, heal/shield power? Not a single bit of that on the mythics? Did they forget? Was there a reason? Why are all the stats the same - health, ability haste, and some third stat? How is that diverse when they're all so similar?

    Riot's already messing with the skill expression of supports by reducing the number of actives we have access to, and now they're making these horrifically boring, generic items? I'm not advocating for enchanter items to get buffed so we can be strong, I just don't want every option to be so gosh darn boring. We already get made fun of for being boring and easier than other classes, so why are those the aspects that were leaned into during the item update?

    submitted by /u/Catfish017
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    Tes Knight Montage - Best Mid Laner in LPL

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Insane Syndra w + Warwick q interaction got us kill

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    In the 2020 Worlds Play-Ins stage, 78 Unique champions were picked or banned (52.3%)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    In the Worlds 2020 Play-ins stage, 78 unique champions were either picked (72) or banned (60) out of a possible 149. This is 52.3% of all champions.

    I have not included Samira or Yone in the possible 149 champions as they are disabled.


    For comparison:

    In Worlds 2019 Play-ins, 82 unique champions were picked or banned out of a possible 145, or 56.6% of all champions.

    In Worlds 2018 Play-ins, 81 unique champions were picked or banned out of a possible 141, or 57.4%.

    (This information is taken from lol.gamepedia.com)


    Edit: Extra info about this years Play-Ins champion stats:

    Picked, but not banned champions:

    • Tristana (4 games)
    • Gangplank, Vayne, & Taric (2 games)
    • Gnar, Karma, Aatrox, Aphelios, Corki, Draven, Gragas, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Kog'Maw, Poppy, Skarner, Urgot, Vladimir, & Xayah (1 game)


    Banned, but not picked champions:

    • Blitz, LeBlanc, Lux, Olaf, Quinn & Vel'Koz (1 Ban)


    In 2018 there were no Triple-Flex champions in play-ins, in 2019 there were 3 (Karma, Vlad, Tristana), in 2020 there has only been 1 (Sion), and for the first time in Play-ins there has been a QuadFive-Flex in Sett.

    Edit 2: R7 played Fasting Senna with farming Sett, so technically this would be the first (?) time in worlds history a champion has been flexed in every position!

    submitted by /u/aTemeraz
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    Supports want power fantasy mythics too

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    So I've been looking over the item rework changes, and I have a bit of an issue with them. Riot has stated that they want mythic items to empower the player, and feed into their "power fantasy". And right now there is a huge discrepancy between support mythics and the rest.

    So for example, right now I've been spamming Bard in ranked, and when I've finished my Deadman's Plate, I really feel like I'm clicking into being being a cool, otherwordly being, zooming around the map with my nifty cape drifting behind me. It's great!

    And now with the rework I look at these new mythics for the other classes. You get to become invisible, get crazy damage, become that spell slinging beast, or god killing behemoth that you dreamed of.

    And what do supports get?

    1. Your team moves a bit faster (oh and I guess they do a bit more damage too)
    2. You get a shield (oh and you get a little bonus resist aura too)
    3. You heal somebody a little bit every couple of seconds

    All of them have exceedingly mediocre stats. A small amount of health. Some resists.

    And you know what? These items don't make me feel cool. Sure, when I'm playing support I want to help my team, but I'm also a champion in this game of league of legends. I don't want these disperse AOE auras or small healing effects. Make ME feel like a beast.

    TL;DR New mythic items give dope power fantasies to the other classes (well, maybe not tanks). Support mythics vaguely remind me of wet cardboard.

    PS the very LAST thing I want to do at level 13 is spend 1000 gold for a ward item, plus a 2100 gold upgrade. Yes, 3100 gold! What other people are spending on their god tier mythics, I now get to spend on... 2 extra wards, and a bit of CDR!

    I'll end this little rant by saying that I'm just an average mid gold player. Maybe higher elo supports really do get excited about having a couple extra wards, or lower stat aura teambuff items.

    But I think for a lot of people, I make an extremely valid point.


    submitted by /u/Ziogirth
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    Machine is an excellent analyst desk host.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    He is an absolute pleasure to watch and hear. I was very disappointed hearing that Dash was going to be hosting The Cooldown and not the actual mid-broadcast desk, but I must say I've been loving Machine. He brings all the charisma that Dash has, but he also provides very good insight and holds conversations well, sparking many new ideas for the analysts to discuss. This is my first time seeing him hosting as a regular (NA)LCS viewer, so I just wanted to share my new appreciation for him.

    Global Production Team<3

    submitted by /u/WTFIsAMeta
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    My SG Soraka Cosplay

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    The gloves are a little wonky looking because it gets really loose and heavy on the top side so it droops/falls easily. I need that fixed and her wings that I ordered are coming in,in like a month or so. I also got lazy to trim her bangs but this was just a simple costest. And I plan to save for her staff on etsy since it's a little pricey and I know nothing about making props ;-;


    submitted by /u/BrittyBirb
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    There’s a ton of extra damage in the new items, is anything going to be done about power creep?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    One of the biggest problems right now is just how much extra damage there is, and while some of the new items offer extra utility a lot of them just have extra damage added on. Is anything going to happen to curb some of that extra power?

    submitted by /u/Paris_Who
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    Bewitching Elise: PUMPKIN SPIDERS

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Bewitching Elise: PUMPKIN SPIDERS

    Okay, I saw some people talking about how Bewitching Elise's spiders are NOT pumpkins. I was kinda surprised when I saw it because they sold this concept in her splash art, but it is only on her recall.

    It is a really fun narrative.

    I can understand why they didn't do it this way, but I painted over a screenshot, so we can have an idea of how it would be like. Hope you like it!

    painted over

    submitted by /u/claudinhodometal
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    There are currently only 2 Non-Mythic Non-Tear Mana items on PBE Flat Mana is scarce

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Mana is very scarce with the item rework if you are not a mage.
    There are 7 total mana Items, 3 of them are mage specific Mythics, 2 of them are tear items, and 1 is a support item (Zeke's convergence). That means if you aren't a mage and can't use the tear items, but need mana your only option is Frozen heart.
    Sheen items no longer have mana, and PoM no longer gives mana.
    I think there needs to be more access to flat mana for non-mage non-tear users whether it be through runes or additional items.

    submitted by /u/spyborg3
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    Eclipse needs some tuning - currently the most broken item on PBE.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    This assassin mythic is way too strong. Build it on Pantheon support and you can literally solo kill non-tank champion with W auto Q. 16% dmg of MAX HEALTH and a SHIELD and MOVEMENT SPEED on a 6 second cooldown?! It's like Sylas W but for any champion. This item is crazy and you could literally build it on an ADC and it's stronger than every ADC Mythic.

    submitted by /u/smitekrugs
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    Not every midlaner has strong roaming, not every jungler wants to gank all the time.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    Title. I know it's frustrating to play when the enemy Talon and Nunu visit your lane every minute but don't expect things like a Vladimir mid or an Eve jungle to match that amount of pressure when those are not their strengths. Some champions have strong earlygame pressure, others want to scale don't flame them for playing to their strengths.

    submitted by /u/Flow1234
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    LPL audiences on Play-in Day 5

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    LPL audiences on Play-in Day 5

    [LGD 3-0 R7]

    - An old Chinese Football joke

    Today LGD smashed R7 and went out the venues, and was beaten by a crowd of people. Peanut asked Xiye: Why are we beaten after winning? Xiye replied, yesterday it was lol fans and today it was gamblers. (+18809)

    - Sofm went to LGD's hotel last night to tell Peanut that the odds are higher in group stage so you had better go for it (+10985)

    - New LOL Champion: LGD Gaming

    Passive: Elderly's Home: LGD has four veterans, which means they have more experience and need much more time to "activate". As the series starts, LGD will accumulate "experience" from every game. If the "experience" is full and LGD is not eliminated, it will "activate" and get four brand new skills.

    Q - Background of highlights: Xiye and Langx are unsatisfactury.

    Activated: Excel in world stage: Xiye and Langx becomes tier 1 mid and top and carry the team. If the opponent isn't an LPL team, Xiye will rise to tier 0.

    W - Imposter Peanut: Peanut only clears jungle and ints.

    Activated: ROX TIGERS JUG: Peanut uses carrying jungler picks and smash their opponents.

    E - Rookie Wall: Mark will perform poorly because of lack of experience in worlds.

    Activated: Newborn Calves: As long as Mark get used to worlds he will be fearless and eager to start beautiful teamfights.

    (Come from a Chinese proverb: the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. or: the more wit, the less courage.)

    R - The Power of Reverse: The more hopes and supports LGD get, the worse LGD will perform.

    Activated: Reov Gnikat DGL Ew: LGD get strong mental strength and toughness carrying them to take over no matter how others look down upon them. (+6204)

    - If I am Riot Games I will set a monument for LGD. They make play-ins as popular as the grand final. Every single match creates a new trend. Huge amount of topics and popularity are flowing into worlds2020 play-ins, Not only bo1s but also bo5s.

    No one used to watch play-ins, because LPL teams are thought to win every game easily. They would be flamed hard if they lost a single. But me, DGL, unlike other teams, lose 3 games in a row! We went to trends quickly and even showed ourselves on Shanghai TV!

    The COVID-19 has huge impact to the world economy, so we are losing games for our country! If we keep losing the wildcard teams will have to stay longer in Shanghai, they will spend more money, therefore contribute more to our GDP! So we LGD is contributing to our country!

    What's more, we LGD popularize the rules of play-ins and set a warning to other three LPL teams! Look, they are doing additional training! We help strong teams find their problems and help weak teams find their confidence. How great we LGD are!

    What you think of LGD:


    What Tencent and Riot Games thinks of LGD:


    LGD is beyond everyone of you! (+7884)

    - I think LGD is a PUA(pick-up artist).

    LGD, a famous esports team with experienced players and memes, known as "Avengers" this years. The most experienced one of the first region.

    You are attracted by him unconsciously, hoping he show his talents and bring infinite victory, and lead a happy life as first region.

    But he is always concerning about that girl named Lilia.

    No matter how much you love him and how devoted you are, watching play-ins and studying play-in schedules for him, even remembering all play-in teams, players and heroes they play best.

    But he keeps himself and loses one after another for that girl.

    You go sadder and sadder, lower and lower, but he says "Such it's me".

    But when you decide to give it up and wish him be eliminated and not to torture you, he will flash into you and said, "No, please don't go. I've been hurt thoroghly by Lilia and Ornn, eventually to find that you are the best. You are the one always with my accompany."

    He knelt down. He rehabilitated. He retrieved 80% of his strength, and beat the hell out of the "strong team" R7.

    It suddenly confused you. Should you keep blaming him? Should you keep expectations on him?

    He embraces you tenderly, telling you that he has changed, and that he will take good care of you and needs your love.

    You are afraid of getting mental injured one more time.

    But the voice come from the bottom of your heart that you have to love him. (+1726)

    [SUP 3-2 MAD]

    - I never thought that LGD get itself redeemed by MAD being eliminated.

    -- MAD you owe me S04's porn. It's better to let sulfate come.

    - Shadow, don't leave. Stay here and stream together with your brother pigff.

    - "I was really stupid, really...." MAD players raised their listless eyes to say, "I only knew that LGD were at the same level as us in bo1s, and they play vs R7 first, so they are the one to create the history. I didn't know in bo5 they ran away (of poor state). I went to watch them right in the afternoon, holding flags to cheer for R7. I want to see LGD making history. They played so badly just like us. I saw them playing. Soon it was 1-0, then 2-0, it was so scary and I closed it. A short while later I went and saw R7 lying around on the ground, but no LGD. 'That's bad', everyone was saying, 'he must have won that.' And sure enough when we went further to see there LGD was, qualified into next stage, sitting in the chair and scrimming with others..." At this point they started crying, and was unable to complete sentence. (+579)

    (This is modified from Lu Xun's novel The New Years Sacrifice)

    - EU team MAD be eliminated by SUP. This is called Defeating the Crusaders.

    - LGD: Smashing wildcards to prove themselves.

    MAD: Smashed by wildcards to prove LGD.

    - He is fourth seed. So am I. He went 2-3 in group stage. So did I. But why is everyone focusing on him, without a glimpse on me? I cannot bear it. This time he 3-0ed a wildcard team, so I must be different from him. I'm writing my own story. I'm letting the world to know: I AM MAD LIONS, NOT EUROPE LGD!

    Now I make history. Everyone will know my name.

    - I'm here to congratulate to KaKAO. He and Rookie sacrificed themselves to carry IG into worlds. He had to return Korea because his mother was ill and needed caring. He is absolutely an excellent jungler. Champion of 2014 OGN summer. I wish to see he play together with Rookie. They are like Bang and Faker in my mind

    - EU fans mocked us so hard ended up finding their teams being eliminated first



    (I saw house falling right there so I went to see what was happening.)

    (But I found that it was Mine. I burst into tears.)

    submitted by /u/Secure-Drama2567
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    In game mutes should stay active even after the game ends

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    If I mute someone in game, I don't want to see what they have to say, at all. I shouldn't have to re-ignore them after the game ends because the mute is only for in game chat. I'd like to not see messages like those telling me to kill myself after the game is over, thanks.

    submitted by /u/Capsfan6
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    Bwipo in Top20 of Superserver. The Grind

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    Bwipo in Top20 of Superserver. The Grind

    Bwipo fanboy here. You wanted to let you know that the Race to TOP20 on the Superserver has been decided. Mickyx and Hanssama really tried bit there can on be ONE. Also: Look at alle theese supports. Who said again Midlane is the strongest role in League?


    submitted by /u/TalyCx
    [link] [comments]

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