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    Wednesday, September 23, 2020

    LoL Guide If you are behind, inflate your teams ego.

    LoL Guide If you are behind, inflate your teams ego.

    If you are behind, inflate your teams ego.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    A little tactic I picked up while grinding through gold this season. If you are behind, someone on your team is probably going to start tilting or flaming you. If this happens or if you think this might start happening in one of your games, just type something like "wow. you guys are actually insane. good job." or "yo, this master yi is bonkers. i'm gonna play around him."

    This creates huge mental fortification for your entire team. Everyone will think you are cool and (probably) won't flame you for being behind. It will hype them up and make them feel like they can carry. It keeps your mental solid by reminding you that you aren't the only player on your team. It forces you to watch your team mates and identify things they are doing well rather than just focusing on the small stuff they do wrong.

    TLDR: Low elo games often are decided by which team tilted the least. Hype your team up and get them on your side. Create a bond. Win more games.


    submitted by /u/tjorii
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    How to beat “playing vs players” anxiety?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    So, I'm a new player, just made it to level 30 by playing Kaisa vs Bots. I don't think I'm any good at this point, but I'm trying my best on learning.

    I want to get better and I know that I can't do it by beating bots over and over again. My problem though is that I get hit by anxiety when I'm tempted to even click the button to play a regular game vs players. I'm genuinely afraid to test the waters, and face the "real" game.

    So, is there a way to beat the dreaded "Vs players anxiety" summonerschool? Can anyone share any tips?

    Appreciate any replies.

    EDIT: Thanks a lot for all the replies. I appreciate each and everyone of you. A lot of you asked to be my LoL friend and play together. I'll gladly accept anyone that is chill and want to play with me on these first steps vs players. My Friends list is empty :) My tag is Lcfr#moc and i'm guessing i'm on: EUNE (EUN1)

    submitted by /u/Lcfer
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    Am I just bad at league?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    Im unsure if this is a frequently asked question here, i mean it is but i think everyone has a unique experience with this so ill apologise and thank you if you help me even a little bit, sorry if my english isnt the best.

    Ive been playing this game on and off for about 5 years and recently became very obsessed with it, Ive never played rank till this year and honestly I think i should be in iron 5 xD, the only reason I am even in bronze is because my friend who is an adc main is extremely good in my eyes and Im just leeching off her as a sp.

    Im too scared to try other roles incase ill int someones game and ruin their day but I dont want to leech forever so ive been grinding videos and normal games, but even so im still horrible.

    My friend who started this game like a month ago is already better than me and it makes me bitter it really does, because I definitely know ive played more than him and yet im still trash.

    I choke at every important part of the game, I make decisions that are bad and I cant even win lane most of the time, its super demoralising recently I have been playing evelynn alot too and everyone says they start being relatively good at her at 20 games, while im here inting my butt off with close to 50 games.

    I dont know, I mean I do know im doing something wrong and its not anyone elses fault im bad at the game but it just sucks to suck. I just dont want to be a liability to my friends when we play together I also want to carry them instead of always not being important in the game.

    I dont know what to do honestly but ill continue playing the game, sorry for the long passage.

    Edit; I would like to add since I didnt give much info about my actual game stuff I like to play jg and mid mostly assassins like khazix, evelynn, talon, qiyana, diana(?) I play pretty passively for a assassin thats what my friends told me but I like those champs too much to switch to a mage (ive tried mages but i dont enjoy them as much) ive been trying to be more aggressive but it lowkey just looks like im hard inting every game.

    submitted by /u/xielian7
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    How in the world do I win cait/lux like matchups with twitch.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    There seems to be about nothing I can do as twitch against cait/lux. If I sit behind minions I get Q'd by caitlyn and/or CC'd by Lux. If I stand back and wait for the minions to come to me they just poke me under tower with Cait Q, Cait traps, regular auto attacks, Luxs' super long range slow orb things.

    I'm not even going to take into account my support dies and ints about 75% of the time, so trying to get a gank doesn't work.

    Any tips would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/isayuh_official
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    Countering assassin mid laners?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Noob here looking to get familiar with the mid lane after playing mostly top. What are typical counter picks into mid lane assasains, dive assassins in particular like zed, Kat, diana, alkali etc? I figure some sort of control mage with CC? Like Lissandra maybe?

    And what's the strategy to counter? Poke from safety, then hide under tower when they hit 6? All these assassins seem to have crazy power spikes and kill pressure at 6, is it best to farm under tower then if they dive CC them under tower?

    What about when they roam? Assuming I'm playing a control mage following seems like a death sentence- shove and take plates?

    submitted by /u/furbz420
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    How do I use macro to carry a losing game?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    When I play mid, I usually go assassins and the more I play the more I realize how little impact I have in teamfights, especially if the enemy team is pretty fed. Sometimes, killing the ADC is not worth me losing 10 stacks of mejais when I'm the most fed on my team.

    The champs I play are also good at splitpushing, but that requires me to have near full vision in the jungle around my sidelane, for my team to work together to keep the enemy team busy while I split, etc. I've been really trying to learn macro and ping my teammates when we have to make a play, but it feels like I'm pinging into the void. Sometimes, I feel forces to help them teamfights because without me, they would hard lose the fight.

    I can't control what they do, only what I do. So...how do I use my macro to win a game we would otherwise lose?

    submitted by /u/pxl_dog
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    Far sight Ward

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    I've been playing for about a year now and I'm playing a lot of Twitch recently, but I never know why or when I should buy a far sight ward over a normal ward. I typically just buy a far sight ward whenever I'm playing ADC because I see that is what higher elo players do when they play ADC but I don't know why I'm getting it I just kinda do it.

    submitted by /u/I_Main_Breach
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    Feeling worthless playing top

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    I have recently been playing a ton of top lane games (sometimes playing mid). When I play top I feel useless. Its almost like I cant impact the game. I have been playing Mord,Trynd and Voli mostly. Sometimes i play GP as well but that makes me feel even worse about helping my team. On Mord and Voli I can maybe get 1 or 2 good tp's off in a game but after that its all up to my team. I get on Trynd you're meant to just split and hope it works and only group for big objectives and fights. So Finally getting on to my point. How can I impact the other lanes from top? Im only silver 2 and I have been told its mainly my fault for losing games, cant blame my teammates for all of it. If I want to climb I need to focus on myself before worrying about my teammates.

    Edit: Wow!, Just waking up and seeing people actually trying to help is crazy. I see a lot of people recommending for me to learn about wave management so il begin to put some time into it. Also see a load of people talking about denying as much gold as possible from the enemy Top and Jg. I will start to do some research about both of these topics and how i can improve. Thanks to everyone who has said something so far!

    submitted by /u/X9Darkness
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    Is there any guide to the phrases that new players should know?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    I just started playing this week and I'm having a blast coming from 2k hours in CS. In CSGO there is callouts that new players struggle to learn and that's where I am right now in this game. People just say the weirdest things in this game. What the heck is "peeling"? Is there a list of words I should know somewhere?

    submitted by /u/Bayern10Arsenal2
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    How do I position as an immobile adc?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Just started to pick up Aphelios and the hardest thing to learn wasnt his gun mechanics, but his positioning. I position far back, but I'm unsure of how to avoid things such as a Zed flash W ult or a Vi Q R. I know I'm doing something wrong here, are there any tips I should be aware of?

    submitted by /u/Krovnik
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    How do I carry as lee sin?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    So I have a good amount of time played as lee but no matter how hard i snowball early and how many objectives I get early I feel like I just fall off so hard and can't close out

    Pretty much when I play Lee sin I always try to win early by invading jungle getting early kills and transition that to objective I personally try to find one lane I can just punish and just make them tilt their faces off

    Any help would be great

    submitted by /u/Appa-Bylat-Bylat
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    Conquerer Vs Electrocute

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    I'm trying to learn some mid lane assassins, mostly talon at the moment, and I'm wondering when I should choose conquerer over electrocute, or the other way around. They both seem like very viable options for assassins, but should I choose one rune over the other in certain matchups, or depending on what the rest of my team comp is? Hope that all makes sense, and any advice would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/fudgyfishy
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    How do I lane against players who mindlessly push and get away with it?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    You know those Yasuo players who think they need to constantly Q the wave over and over again and perma push? Okay, I'm a little frustrated at the fact that I lane against these players who have no regard for the enemy jungler. Its very easy to have control over your lane when you can do this and not be punished, meanwhile on my end I'm thinking about ganks. How do I counterplay players who do this without me having to rely on my jungler?

    submitted by /u/Chyiu
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    Situational Help For Zed, Ahri, and Nocturne

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    First off, I do not know if this is a commonly covered topic, and it might be, but they are all over the place so I made this post so I could get all the answers in one area so as to prevent scatter-braining myself.

    I just need some help regarding the to-do's during certain situations as I've somewhat fallen out of touch.

    I know that there are no 100% guarantees in a game like LoL, but I'd like to get as close to 100% guarantee answers as possible.

    I know that LoL shouldn't be analyzed as a "how-to," but that's how I learn the best.
    So with that in mind:

    In the mid lane as Zed, Ahri, and Nocturne

    When should I be splitpushing?

    1. From what I know, if it's about a minute into an objective, I should not splitpush and rather I should join my team to get ready to secure an objective like dragon or baron
    2. In other scenarios, when should I splitpush or when should I be teamfighting?
    3. If I am lacking in gold should I just farm/splitpush or should I join my team for potential teamfights?

    How should I recognize if a splitpush is the right call?

    1. There are so many times where I splitpushed and the whole team got aced but me simply because I wasn't there. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, as I've prevented an actual ace on our team so the enemy team is somewhat pressured to not start an objective if I'm in the nearby lane, but at the same time my whole team is dead and there's only so much one person can do.

    How to decide if I should back or go and roam a lane?

    1. For example, let's say I am 400 gold away from a semi/full item and I've pushed my lane up to enemy turret. Should I back or roam in this scenario?
    2. There are other scenarios that I can't think of, so please help!

    How to decide if I should be aggressive or passive against champions?

    1. I know the very basics of champion matchups, but I am nowhere near the ability to instantly gauge if "this is an aggressive lane" or "this is a passive lane" for every single champion matchup. I only know how to play against very obvious or very common matchups
      1. Ex. Zed vs Ahri, Zed vs Yasuo, Zed vs Malphite, Zed vs LeBlanc, etc.

    Also, people always talk about catching opponent's mistakes, and no matter how many videos I watch, I simply can't catch them unless they are EXTREMELY obvious mistakes-- like pushing a turret when they have 100HP

    1. On that note, what mistakes should I look out for? If you can't give me the entire list, at least give me the most important/most game changing mistakes I should look out for

    As someone who clearly likes the playstyle of assassins, who should I target?

    1. Yes I know I should be targeting the carry/the guy who can impact the game in their favor the most, but in every game, the "carry" is different. Sometimes it's the ADC, sometimes it's the mid, sometimes its the top, sometimes it's even the support.
    2. The reason why I am asking: normally as an assassin I shouldn't be going for tanks, but sometimes the tanks are the carries, this is why I am confused
    3. So how should I gauge who to go for?

    If there are other points that I may have missed, please guide me! I appreciate the help everyone.

    submitted by /u/Falcude
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    How to play Lee Sin Late game

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm a low elo jungler trying out Lee Sin, but I can't seem to play him that well. I've been applying good pressure early on, but when laning phase is over I feel unsure about what to do since I'm not giving that much damage output. The runes I use are Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball, Relentless Hunter with Precision secondary with Triumph and Cut Down. I'd just like some pointers on how I should be dealing damage in season 20 as Lee and what I should be building in terms of Items.

    submitted by /u/kyomugami
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    Playing a Lane vs Playing a Champ

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Hi SummonerSchool,

    Plat player here looking to get some advice/tips for playing specific lanes. Is there something that a Top laner should be doing more of versus an ADC? Are there specific ward timers that people keep track of in certain lanes, that are maybe different when in another lane? I find supports sometimes go through mid after recalling, is this advisable? These are general questions and I'm sure jungle is an entirely different animal than individual laning, but any advice would help.

    Reason for asking:

    I find myself playing roles because I'm fond of a particular champion I want to play, not because I particularly care for the role. For instance, I've recently been spamming Senna (I queue Supp/ADC) because I find her so much fun to play but I would by no means consider myself a support main or an AD main. I did the same thing few patches ago with Sett, queing Top/JG just so I could play him. I had a few other options in case my champ was banned/taken but tends to be a smaller pool.

    I think I'm decent enough mechanically at the champions I like and macro sense is not totally REEEEEE but feel that maybe I'm missing some specific "lane main" knowledge.

    Maybe I'm crazy, idk.

    submitted by /u/Vertibrae-X
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    Smurfing on offrole as practice?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Hello guys! I have huge dilemma, but I will start now from beginning. I'm g3 supp main,but lately I don't feel good at this role. Imo botlane now is just coinflip. Or you get good adc or bad one. I feel just dependent from another person. So I started learning mid on normal games and I'm leveling my second account to lvl 30 to practice on ranked my mid.

    So my question is: It is good idea to smurf on my offrole and see how good I am and go play mid in next season on main acc? Because idk how to feel about it.

    submitted by /u/Katsukom
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    Informative Coaching Session by Aphromoo on YT (link in post)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:02 PM PDT


    Just finished watching a coaching session Aphro did with his friend in Silver IV. He did an amazing job explaining the core duties of a Support during every phase of the game and simplified it to a repeatable process. He also provided a good amount of non-support specific game info which I found super helpful as a Top lane main. It's titled Part 1 so presumably there's a follow up version coming through. 100% recommend this for anyone looking to improve or brush up on their fundamentals.

    submitted by /u/khrispants
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    Jungling Macro Tips

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Hello,last season, I hit plat 4 and I've been jungling for around 3 seasons. I stopped playing for around a year and I kind of feel rusty right now. If I had to rank myself rn I'd say Im a silver player lol. Whenever I play I feel like I am not using my brain enough and I am just going wherever the wind takes me. Even when I am winning and everything is going well, I feel like I am not doing enough.

    Jungling requires a lot of thinking in terms of tracking the other jungler, knowing where you have to be on the map and your pathing. When I am in game, I just don't take note of this stuff and do whatever comes to my head at that moment.

    I was thinking and I came up with the idea of creating a list of questions that I can ask myself throughout the game (from champ select) that would help me out.

    Here are some of the questions I came up:

    • Which lanes are gankable? (Taking note of summoner spells used, champion mobility and power, cc available)
    • Do I have any setups? (Key cc like Malzahar R, Shen taunt etcetc)
    • Am I strong enough to invade the opposing jungler? (and Vice Versa)
    • What does the opposing jungler usually do and what does he need to do to win? (Do they farm like a Yi, Evelynn, Nocturne) (Can they invade)
    • What is your win condition? (Who should I try to get ahead on my team, who has the most carry potential on my team)

    That's what I managed to come up with so far. If I have said anything wrong please do not hesitate to correct me and obviously, if you know of anymore questions I can add to the list drop them down below. I also appreciate any tips that could help me become a better jungler.

    *If there's someone who'd like to know, I play Hecarim, Xin Zhao, Vi & Kayn. If you have any tips related to these champions you're also free to drop them down below.

    submitted by /u/AdvexiaLoL
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    Would Black Cleaver be a good item on Samira?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    I was trying to learn Samira and was looking at her build and her quick style of play compared to other adcs. She has a shorter range so the health would be good for survivability, the 20% cdr would put her at 40% cdr if you also get essence reaver, and the phage passive is almost the same as her passive. So A full Build would look like: Essense Reaver> AS Boots> IE> RFC> Bloodthirster/Mercurial Scepter> Black Cleaver. I know she already has low cooldowns, but I think the reducing armor affect and health could replce both Death Dance and LDR in utility. If not, what would you recommend. Thanks

    submitted by /u/CoalTrain569
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    Finger Pain

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Hi everyone. My middle finger (and sometimes pointer finger) have started to pain a lot lately. I think its because I've been clicking too much. I play a good amount of League on the weekends and sometimes during the week, and all this right clicking is making my middle finger hurt like hell. I want to avoid injuries and stuff so I wanted to know if anyone else has had a problem like this. Maybe there is a mouse with lighter clicks or exercises I can do idk? I have tried taking a several days break from League but as soon as I came back it felt the same. Thank you for any and all help.

    submitted by /u/LeaderSheeper
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    Is it ever good to split push as a jungler?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    I play jungler and often in my low elo solo q games the teams just group mid and go back and forth with team fights.

    As a jungler is it a good idea to take towers and advance the lanes during these times? Or should I always just stay with my team and wait for objectives?

    I feel the games never go anywhere and if my team loses the team fight then we're at a disadvantage anyway

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    Diamond 1 Full Game Commentary - 0 Deaths Nunu Game

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    What's up guys, Subzeroark here with another video.


    I wanted to post this one because it's a great example of game where so much goes well (everybody loves having a 0 death game). It also shows how ganking and then quickly reganking a lane (we do this with top lane) can create a huge lead very quickly. Our team then used that lead to snowball the game super well.

    As always, if you have any feedback I would greatly appreciate it, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Subzeroark
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    Sylas into Cho'Gath viable as a counterpick?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    I know there are probably WAY harder counters to Cho than Sylas but this clip is hilarious and it got me thinking, what does the Cho/Sylas top matchup actually look like?


    submitted by /u/inahos_sleipnir
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