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    Thursday, September 24, 2020

    LoL Guide Why is Draven the highest winrate ADC past 40 minutes?

    LoL Guide Why is Draven the highest winrate ADC past 40 minutes?

    Why is Draven the highest winrate ADC past 40 minutes?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:28 AM PDT


    It seems weird to me that Draven is the highest winrate ADC past 40 minutes especially since he's 17/40 highest wr from 35-40. Is this just a low sample size that muddles up the data?

    submitted by /u/thebigleaguer1
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    A silly but interesting Samira tip

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    This may have been obvious from the get-go for some better players than I am, but practicing a bit of Samira today I realised you can use W in lane to deny the enemy a cannon if you time it right.

    If you do it three times, assuming perfect CS on both ends, you get an early 180g advantage from that alone.

    submitted by /u/FizzyDrinksBR
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    What is your favorite not orthodox use of abilites?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Most likely we know basic combos of most champions. Maybe we cant do it, but we can see that Riven can do animation cancel, Azir can drift with E Q, Lee can do his insec plays, but what are some "out of the box" thinking plays that you have seen?

    Things like using Sydra ult to add more balls for her E to stun more players. Tf using his ult to get away from gank (this one is maybe seen more often). Pyke using his ult as gap closer.

    What are other uses of abilites that are not optimal normaly but are the best in given situations, that you dont often see?

    submitted by /u/Jopinzi
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    How to bully a matchup without pushing the wave

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    I'm struggling hard in top lane when I have an easy matchup. It sounds dumb, but I can't control the minion wave well when the enemy laner is too scared to even walk up. I naturally push, and then get camped.

    For example, I was playing Fiora vs. Nasus early. Dominated this kid, couldn't do shit. But the wave was always on his side. I then died twice to three man ganks and the enemy Ekko jg and Yone mid ended up carrying them to a win.

    How do you control the wave correctly in a matchup where the laner won't ever try to push? Particularly very early. I took a trade level one that chunked him down to 15% HP but couldn't finish the kill. After that the wave just shoved into his turret because I had taken a bunch of minion aggro and the wave shoved.

    submitted by /u/Elfalas
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    Dealing with my own Duo Partner

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I hope you're all staying safe.

    I am currently trying to reach diamond this season and to be honest I am pretty determined. I peaked Platinum II so it should be an easy grind right? In my case, not so much. I have an older brother which also plays League of Legends. He started playing some years earlier before me and people would think that he plays well? Not much but I wouldn't say I'm better. The problem with him is the mindset, the way his mindset works is kinda oof and he always blames teammates like he plays perfectly. Although he's not that toxic in chat anymore but he still is a keyboard warrior.

    I did outrank him last season where I placed Platinum and he was in Gold. His reason was he didn't have that much time to play which is considerable since he does have a job unlike me. But going back to the present, there is a pandemic, and we're stuck under the same roof. What's there to do? Yes, play League of Legends.

    As soon as it's possible we now duo queue for ranked. When we win both of us are happy. But when we lose, oh boy we're about to wake up our housemates. Losing is not everyone's favorite but it is a time to learn, but for my brother, it's a waste of time. He always get angry at me for making mistakes, literally there is almost no game that we lost that he didn't get angry. I always try my best to try to explain to him that we'll get to Diamond eventually but he always feels like he's wasting time like it's not even practical what he does. Every loss, we'd argue and I am tired of defending myself and I just say I made mistakes and he played perfectly but damn he's still angry lol. We even made a smurf account just to have fun in ranked but he's still angry af like we were 7-3 in provitional games and yet he blames me like he never did yesterday. (He's always like this in every game we play, not just League.)

    I can just play by myself and just focus on improving solo, but my brother don't want to be left out, he didn't want me to be in Diamond if he's not. If we couldn't duo he would make me play on his account to do the same.

    I just wanted to reach Diamond really, makes me cool around my friends. I can't really hate on him, he's actually still the one of the things I am happy during quarantine.

    I would want some advice on how should I approach this to get to my goal, the season is about to end, and I'll have classes in a bit, that's why I'll would want some feedback.

    Sorry it's not a game analysis, but I think it still fits as it's more on mental and emotional side of things in playing and learning League. And if my brother's reading this, I think I am kinda fucked, he pays for the internet, and some of my things. (Sorry na kuya)

    submitted by /u/thecaptain126
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    How to farm with Jhin?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I'm starting to learn Jhin and where I'm doing the worst is farming with him. On average every game, I get about 3 farm a minute, which is pretty terrible. His reload mechanic always loses me farm and I can't seem to figure out how to farm with him effectively and thus I'm doing worse than I am capable of. How can I farm better on Jhin?

    submitted by /u/spencerthebau5
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    UPDATE: Can anyone help me make sense of this insane loss streak ?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/itvurv/can_anyone_help_me_make_sense_of_this_insane_loss/

    A bit over a week ago, I had just barely gotten into Silver 2. I then got smashed and went back to Silver 4 - 0 LPs after a SEVENTEEN losses streak. When it finally stopped, I asked all of you for advices. Back when I had that loss streak, I thought "My season is over", and that I'd never go back to Silver 2 until a long time.

    One week later, for the first time of my life, I hit Gold. My OPGG: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=4655434B5249544F

    I thought my season is over, but my recent performance would have never happened without that insane stomp to get me back into reality and ask you for advices. For several years, I've always been Silver, and that's finally changed. Here's what, IMO, made the difference:

    Before the loss streak,

    1. Disabling chat.

    That's what made me almost untiltable and able to focus on the game. I didn't even disable it because it tilted me, too. Basically, I was spamming "gj". Like, a LOT. A "gj" for every one of our kills in the game, tower takes, drakes, summoner spell blown from the enemy, fight that we disengaged correctly, etc... The problem is I also commented on my team mate's errors. If you read about how the system works like I did, you're gonna understand the problem, I got CR'd because of a combination of all that. Now, I'm nearly back to honor 1, and I really hope I'll be able to get the victorious skin.

    2. Learn survivability.

    Anybody that just looked at my OPGG is gonna facepalm on that one. But believe me, it was way worse than the occasional Jungle camping me. I'm still learning because I still die way too much but I improved.

    3. Look up how to play my champion.

    This is mainly for Lux, but learning what I should be doing in the start of the early game, what summoner's spell to take, etc... Has made playing much easier for me.

    But it didn't keep me from getting trash in a 17 games loss streak, and I asked you guys for advice, that I now try to follow.

    4. Stop playing after losing too much.

    Okay, maybe I haven't followed that one yet. But that's not my fault my enemies suck too much to beat my feeding ass.

    5. Play less champs and less roles.

    That one, I was trying to apply it before I was told to do it. I was only playing Lux, with moderate success ( 61% WR over 90 games in mid-silver, it's okayish but not really good ). It wasn't working because I was missing a few factors on which champion to choose.

    A. You need to enjoy your champion. This is THE point you absolutely cannot avoid. You don't enjoy playing the champion ? Dump it. Never play a game you don't enjoy playing.

    B. You need to have what it takes to play it. I had been playing a bit of Evelynn too, and it went exactly how you'd expect a Silver to perform on Evelynn, even after spamming guides and trying to learn it hard. It was too complex, too fast, and I was lacking too much to figure it out. While I wasn't missing as much on Lux as on Eve, I believe I had the same problem. I couldn't play it like I needed it to. I couldn't play it to 80% of its potential. But now I realize it and I'm free to try to learn how to play my Lux correctly ( In normal games tho ).

    C. If you wanna climb, your champion needs to be good. Last season, I almost got gold by spamming Shojin Jax. The only thing that kept me from going far with it is that I'm a worse jungler than a Gremlin on cocaine. Bit it was good, it was powerful. It was a good meta pick for low elo.

    And I ended up finding one champion that combines all of this for me, Sona. I also improved on Yuumi quite a lot ( I'm still sub 50% WR on her but I recently went 7W/1L I believe ? ) and I'm trying to learn how to play Taric/Morgana/Lux atleast a bit. But Sona did it for me, it's the champ. After my loss streaking, I went 24W/2L on her. That's smurff level of performance and believe me, I still have mid-silver elo skills, mechanics and all.

    6. Figure how to carry.

    I was told in the thread that Support isn't the ideal role to solo carry in low elo. And that's correct, but I found how to carry. It's on Lux that I figured the best way for me to help my team, according to my playstyle, is to win them fights though picks, buffs and regen. And it worked on Sona too. But that's not only it, I figured a good way to carry when playing enchanter is to find someone to premade with ( Even though I did maybe 7 or 8 games of premade during my around 50 games climb lol ). Yeah, carrying with Yuumi in low elo is hard. Carrying with a coordinated Garen-Yuumi in low elo is something else entirely. I also had a bit of fun doing some Senna/Sona. Basically, finding someone to premade with and figuring a way to abuse the fact that you're two will boost your winrate if you're good enough and having fun playing together.

    TL;DR: Deactivate the chat. Play only if you have fun, find someone you're enjoying playing with and at your level, and play duos you like. But if you're like me and have no friend, play Sona a champion that you like after trying a ton of them out ( Not in ranked like I did, please ). AND DEACTIVATE THE CHAT.

    submitted by /u/ModPiracy_Fantoski
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    My friends always rely on me to carry/explain things and it is making me a more toxic player overall. Advice on staying reformed and keeping my cool?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Hi /r/summonerschool, I have a relatively specific problem and I need some help. This turned out a lot longer than I am expecting, so I appreciate anyone who reads this. I will post a TL;DR at the end.

    Since the pandemic hit, I have been playing league with friends a lot more often as a way for us all to hang out and connect (it's the only game that we all can play from a technical standpoint together). I even have had some friends come back to the game after a few years of not playing and for the most part it is a lot of fun.

    Here is where the problem comes in. I am the highest ranked/most experienced player amongst my friends (diamond vs bronze/silver) and I also used to coach collegiate teams. I am pretty much expected to do 2 things constantly and I am getting fed up with it. I hope this does not come off as bragging at all, I am really just trying to paint an accurate picture.

    1. More for the new/returning players, I constantly have to give build/rune advice, explain what characters do, and generally watch their every move. When I don't, my friends get kind of huffy because they tend to die a lot and we start losing. I don't mind doing this generally, but it gets exhausting not only being responsible for focusing on my own setup and macro, but everyone else's as well.

    2. My friend's will generally get outperformed in their roles as compared to our opponents (not their fault, matchmaking has to even out because I am in the game), sometimes to the level of being down 60 cs and multiple kills at 12 min. In response, I am generally given the task of carrying everyone and making up for it. It is to the point now where I am expected to get solo kills, sometimes multiple, in lane and cannot playing scaling picks even if it is what I want to play (AP kog'maw for example). For example, the other night I solo killed my laner and no one reacted. When I jokingly brought it up, the response I got was "well yeah, it is expected from you now." It makes me feel kind of unappreciated, especially when I try to make a point of praising them for good plays. I would also like to sometimes just pick a scaling champ and not have to worry about what everyone else is doing in order to ensure that everyone has a good time. Generally, when we start losing, people start tilting and it brings the mood down. I feel like it is my responsibility to make sure it doesn't happen, even though I don't want it. I have mentioned this before to them in some specifically tilting moments, but nothing has changed.

    Here is why I am asking for help: I was previously chat restricted and I am starting to revert to old toxic ways that I do not want to fall back on. I am getting way more tilted when I play on my own, arguing with people more, and even getting more upset when I play with my friends and they make mistakes (which did not used to bother me much before).

    I do not want to be this way. I want to stay reformed and be able to play league to relax and connect with my friends. Does anyone have any advice or has been in a similar situation?

    TL;DR: I am generally expected to carry, coach, and teach my friends and it is turning me into a more toxic player overall from the pressure/lack of appreciation. How do I keep from reverting to old toxic tendencies, while still enjoying playing with my friends?

    submitted by /u/Hephaestus20
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    I am too scared to follow assassins when the go bot/top, what do?!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    I usually play control mages and have a hard time following assassins or fed mid laners when they roam. Often times there is a lack of vision and i die from them plus their jungler. If I don't follow i get flamed. Who takes the blame here? If I ping MIA a bunch, am I still obligated to follow? Currently the only champion I'm confident in following with is Ahri, but I don't want to play her every game. Would love general guidelines on following protocol.

    submitted by /u/HungryHovercraft
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    Can i go to diamond or challanger if i'm playing with perma locked camera (read the text below before commenting)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    I think everyone knows that the best feeling in league is not winning a ranked but seeing yourself improve , i watch alot of challanger streamers every day and videos i wanna improve and i'm passionate for the game. Literally every streamer plays with unlocked camera some don't even switch to locked even in teamfights.I've never played with unlocked camera and when i tried it was the most horrible expierience ever. Is it necessary for me to play with unlocked so i can go to diamond. Or i can keep with the locked and improve on other things and go to diamond even higher , my goal is challanger , some will say that i'm delusional and that unlocked helps. Yes i know it helps but i just don't wanna switch on it . So is there any "rule" that i need to switch to it? I'm saying it again don't tell me : It's better on unlocked . I don't care , i want to know if it's necessary for me to learn on unlocked all the time . I'm sometimes unlocking it in late game to see if they are on the map and stuff but most of the times i keep it locked like in laning phase and stuff . Is there any pros or challangers that play in locked .

    submitted by /u/leefunny23
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    0 motivation to play

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Hi!! I started playing lol at the end of season 9, and from then on I was super excited about the game, I managed to go from silver to diamond, but recently, in that month specifically, I started to feel a certain discouragement to play (and improve), after a series of defeats that made me go from diamond 2 to d4, but lose streaks have always been normal for me, after them, I would take a break and come back excited to play and improve again, but, this time is being different, I didn't play any ranked for 1 month, and I still have no desire to play, and ok, the solution for this may be simple, like, "stop playing this" or "take a longer break", but idk man, ik its a stupid problem, but I just want like playing the game again, i dont have much hobbies beside that

    i'd be grateful if u could say smth that i can do to solve this

    sry for english

    submitted by /u/illu31245
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    Once again we open our signups over here at Learning5s for FREE League of legends coaching in a team setting for yourself, or perhaps your whole clash team! Signups end on the 27th, so hurry before it's too late.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    [Click Here To Join Our Discord!]

    What is Learning Fives?

    Five players and one coach join together for six weeks of FREE team based learning and practice.

    During those six weeks, teams meet together at least twice a week for 2-3 hours and their coaches will spectate the games, working to create a well-oiled machine out of 5 chosen players.

    How do I signup?

    To sign up for Learning Fives, you must join our Discord server, which can be found at the very top of this post. After joining, the signup forms can be found in the #program-info channel or #announcements. Once you reach the end of the signup form, you are all set!

    Upcoming Dates

    Sign up period - September 24th - September 27th; signups end at 11:59pm EST on September 27th.

    Team selection - September 28th - October 2nd

    Start to End Dates - October 3rd - November 8th

    For the most up to date information, please visit our Discord! You may also visit our various social media. Twitter @learning5s and Facebook @learning5s.

    How does selection work?

    Coaches; After you complete your application, you will be put in a private unnamed team room along with our senior coordination staff. After sign-ups end you will be assigned a personal coordinator who will guide you through the team creation process.

    Understudies; Should a coach desire an understudy, they'll select one from those signed up. You'll receive a Discord PM from a coordinator offering you a position. If you have not received a PM on Discord or an invite to a team room, it is likely you have not been selected for this session. Unfortunately, there are usually a smaller number of coaches than understudies, so it's impossible to put you all on teams.

    Students; During Team Selection week, coaches will be building teams to their specifications. Once they have found a mix of players that they are happy with, Discord PMs will be sent out to notify you and you will be added to the coach's team room where they can tell you more about the schedule and their coaching style. Please ensure you put your Discord name on the signup form! This is necessary for us to contact you!

    If you have not received a PM on Discord or an invite to a team room by the end of team selection, it is likely you have not been selected for this session. It's unfortunate but the number of student signups we get means that it's impossible to find coaches for all you motivated players. Keep signing up for the sessions as they come and you'll find your way onto a team!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. Do you have to be ranked to sign up?

    A1. Yes, you must be ranked to sign up.

    Q2. Does this program run in all regions?

    A2. Yes! We do offer support for teams in any region although the majority of our sign-ups come from NA and EUW. If you are not from either of these regions we highly recommend telling your friends and signing up anyway to increase the chances of a team being put together.

    Q3. How will we be contacted?

    A3. You will only be contacted via Discord PM by a coordinator. Please make sure you put your correct Discord name on the signup form. Make sure your Discord PMs are open.

    We ask that Students…

    • Be teachable
    • Be team players
    • Be motivated
    • Never talk down on teammates during games
    • Honor your five week commitment to your team

    We ask that Coaches…

    • Do their best
    • Ask for help when they need it
    • Cover most of the major team concepts
    • Avoid frustration
    • Honor your five week commitment to your team

    As always, we want to hear your feedback about anything. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions not covered above feel free to leave a comment, or join our Discord and shoot one of the admins a question. Good luck!

    submitted by /u/licorices
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    Tangible Learning Tool

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:56 AM PDT


    Hello everyone! For my graduation project I am developing a tangible learning tool to stimulate self-improvement within League of Legends. To focus on the important aspects of the game I am going to need some input from the community to steer the project in the right direction. Therefore this survey was made about League of Legends products and which learning goals should be available. The survey takes about 5-10 minutes and is anonymous.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Koningderkikkers
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    What to do when you die in lane early game and lose all momentum?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    I started playing the game around 2 weeks ago and am trying to reach level 30. But now that I am at level 25 the opponents just seem so good.

    I am not a very good player, and it's really hard for me to get CS, and that makes me overextend to get the minion kills. This makes me lose a lot of hp and eventually dying or getting ganked.

    Later on in the game I will be 0/3 or 0/4 and will just not want to continue playing the game and tilt.

    I really don´t know what i should do, If i play too defensively I wont get any CS and the enemy will walk all over me, If I play around the enemy I get ganked or feed.

    Is there anything else I can do if I am 0/4+ besides just tilting and giving up?

    submitted by /u/Butters727
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    Roaming as a Midlaner

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Hi there, I'm currently a low elo supp/mid main but I'm trying to transition fully to being a mid main and I feel like I do quite okay in lane but its roaming that I struggle with. How do I decide when to roam? And how do I decide which lanes are better to roam towards? Am I required to follow my enemy mid laner every single time they roam or should I prioritize pushing my lane instead and simply pinging missing? It can get especially confusing if I'm trying to farm/take plates but my teammates end up flaming me for not helping.

    submitted by /u/BlackRubies_
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    Odd champion mechanics (thread)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    So, I was playing a game today as Zoe, and was getting super tilted because during times where I was in lane with multiple people, I couldn't last hit the balloon minions. If you don't know, when Zoe last hits those minions, they drop either a summoner spell or an active for an item. It's super important throughout the game to be last hitting these. So, are there any other mechanics like this everyone should be aware of? P.S. I am bronze two, and this was in normals with about a silver average.

    submitted by /u/CoastaIToast
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    If they can, why can't I

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Hello Summoners!

    I'm playing League since preseason 7. I was a silver player back then. Both of the season 8 & 9 I made it to Gold. Season 10 completely destroyed me :( I'm hard stuck silver player now. I climbed up to gold in solo que this season and got demoted back to silver. Now I'm Trying to rank up my flex que. Currently Silver II - 19lp. I don't blame my team or broken champs. I always blame my self why can't I be as good as other high elo players. I followed so many pro guides. Some of them helped me to improve so many things but still I'm unable to climb the ladder comfortably. I know ladder isn't easy. But if I feel I improved why can't I do it atleast little bit easier than past few seasons? I am really thankful if you can help me to solve this problem. Below are all my problems...

    1. I never main 1 champion because always when I try to master 1 champion I'm losing the morale to play that champ after few games.
    2. I never main 1 lane because I don't know what is my best. I mostly played TOP lane.
    3. Mouse movement inaccuracy. Miss clicking and missing so many minions,losing trades,missing skill shots,Watching too much faker and got bad habbit of moving mouse so fast while laning etc..
    4. Afraid to trade damage. I always feels like I'm the losing one.
    5. Over Aggressive! I want to destroy my opponent. I don't like to play this game like chess. I want to dominate my opponent. But Always I'm getting dominated by my opponent.
    6. Mid-Late game I always pushing a side lane ignoring my team. I only join them if they are good team fighters or if there is a major objective. If not I'm doing my work alone.

    I really appreciate if someone can help me with my problems :)

    submitted by /u/Mr98Black
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    Why Varus not played anymore?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Hello summoners,

    I am just curious why varus is not played anymore. I know he recently got some big nerf 2-3 patches ago. I believe it's mostly affected the lethality varus but what happened to attach speed or even crit varus?

    Even in low Elo its very hard to see him, 3 out 50 games. So, I wanted to give him a try and I played, he is pretty good IMO.


    He has his long Q poke and you can even break freeze from distance with your Q and farm safely from distance. Also, you can snipe across walls.

    His W Active does percent damage and his W passive give some oh-hit magic damage, which is good for minion clearing.

    His E slows the enemy and almost impossible to dodge his E while laning and it also gives grievous wounds(anti healing). So, the trades will be fair when you play against some healing champs.

    His R Can ult the entire team when they are close or you can zone/split them and your assassin can get a pick on their Carry.

    If anybody wants to play him, I can share my build. Again, I am in low Elo so, I am not sure what i am doing right. I am just sharing my build and thought process.


    primary :

    Conqueror: His Q and E uses his AD, as per his W passive he needs to AA 3 times and can use his Q or E to nuke the blights, when you stack enough conq and blights the Q gives some additional damages from Conqueror.

    Presence of mind: 500 addition mana(100 per takedown). If you think you can fight early with engage support then take triumph. as the fight can be close, if they ignite, then you can survive by this rune.

    Bloodline : good life steal rune. Mostly benefitted in the late game.

    Coup de grace: based on the enemy team, you can pick other runes also.

    Secondary :

    personally I like these standard rune. please suggest if you have anything else.

    Nimbus, gathering storm


    1. Storm Razor (I can use its passive to slow the enemies I hit first and can auto 2 more before they get out of the range).
    2. Berserker Boots
    3. Stattik shiv (faster minion clear and slow multiple targets combined with storm razor. Also, imagine 3 enemies near by standing together and if you trigger these item passives, you will instantly get the 3 stacks of conqueror)
    4. Infinity Edge (standard item)
    5. Other 2 items can be situational (death dance, PD, GA,QSS,LD etc.,)

    Please let me know what you guys think and be gentle, i am not expert in this game. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/srivignesh_ms
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    How to pick against Vayne in bot lane?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I typically play support. Generally, I enjoy playing Lux or Morgana, occasionally Senna. Whenever I lane against a Vayne, it's awful to play against. I've never had an experience where I've thought to myself "Wow, we really decimated that Vayne." The support on the enemy team hasn't ever really mattered when it's been Vayne, because she herself is so strong.

    How do you pick against Vayne? Who's the strongest few picks against her? I have very few tank champions; only recently have I gotten Braum. Other than him I have Rakan - who is fun as fuck to play but really not very viable right now - Taric, Pantheon, and Maokai, but that's about it as far as tank "supports" go. I'm currently Silver 4, and have been for... 2 months now? 3? Here's my OP.GG if it's at all relevant.

    submitted by /u/coal_the_slaw
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    [HELP] How to improve at League ?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Hi there! I'm a fairly new league player, only played for around one and a half years. My highest peek being platinum I'm starting to ask myself about my skill level, and how I can improve, cause I have a VERY rough time, with solo/duo and "competitive play" (mostly clash and flex queue). I'm currently playing mid lane, prefering late game picks such as Azir, Cassio, Corki, etc. But can also play almost all the mid lane champions if needed. The problem comes here: I LOVE to play my go to picks in solo/duo, but I just CAN'T play these kinda picks in solo/duo. My team has NO IDEA whatsoever how to play with me, and it's really rough, cause whenever I play solo/duo I have to go for top or jg. WHICH IS STRESSING ME OUT, cause I'm not learning anything that would actually help me on mid at higher ranks. I just feel I'm getting stuck in there mostly cause of my team, obviously, there are mistakes coming in from me as well, mostly some macro stuff, but definitely not something game changing. I just want to get better and even maybe starting to play mid in solo/duo. I keep mentioning solo/duo cause I can not really see another way of improving, but I'm playing so much solo/duo that I'm not really learning anything from that. Maybe someone can show me how to actually learn, or how to think in this situation. I'm literally open for any tips or thoughts. THX

    submitted by /u/Zandarz
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    (How) Do I stay in the fight when I’m low?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I'm an ADC main, usually playing Kai'sa or Vayne. A lot of the time, I get trucked and escape with little health. One of the things I want to get better at is staying in the fight for as long as possible without dying. This usually means I play as safe as possible, while still trying to dish out damage. Sometimes I make it out alive, sometimes I don't. Is this a risk I'm supposed to be taking? If so, how should I stay in the fight, even if I have little peel or protection?

    submitted by /u/Lightbrews
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    Low damage need help mid/bot lane

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Be warned critical thinking may be lacking from this post as I really have no idea what to work on tbh :/

    Ok so for bot lane I play jhin I tend to focus on getting my farm (70-80 cs per 10 mins) and looking for poke opportunities I know csing does also include back timings and not missing cs

    however when it comes to damage am I supposed to be playing aggressive in laning phase or just farming my ass off till an objective is up or contesting for?

    I'm kinda confused at what I need to work on Since I know my farming is kinda sub par after 20 mins

    For mid lane I play Diana/ahri and I tend to farm outside turret range since I can farm safely that way. The only thing though is that if I do that I can't roam since I'm clearing waves like a mother fucker unless team is contesting drake or rift then sure I'll sacrifice a plate for said objective.

    submitted by /u/John_boy_90
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    When do you want to reset vs take double scuttle

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    If the tittle is confusing let me explain what I mean. So let's say you take top scuttle and kill enemy jungler. Is it better to reset and path toward bot scuttle to try and take or would you rather just walk bot and take it for free before enemy jg can get to it? My problem with just walking bot would be that without resetting first you can't buy items to help countergank bot (which enemy jg is 99% of the time going to gank around this time)

    submitted by /u/Allucky
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