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    Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    LoL Guide After getting to gold for the first time ever, here are some tips I have for lower ELOs.

    LoL Guide After getting to gold for the first time ever, here are some tips I have for lower ELOs.

    After getting to gold for the first time ever, here are some tips I have for lower ELOs.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Ima just get right to it. If you think I'm wrong, fair enough, feel free to correct me.

    1) Do not overthink your champion pool. People constantly do this, I always see silvers and bronzies saying they need to change their champion pool. Don't play the champs with infinite skill ceiling, but almost any champ will work if it's meant to be played in that lane (sometimes even if it's not).

    HOWEVER, note that if you go for Yasuo, Irelia, Cassio, Ryze, Camille, Aphelios etc. It will probably take you longer to learn the fundamentals because your mechanical skills need to develop more than say, playing Annie. YOU CAN STILL CLIMB WITH THESE, but it's probably faster to have another simpler champ as a backup. Speaking from experience as I refused to switch off of Cassio since S6, probably cost me an additional season of not climbing but to me it was worth getting good at her.

    The only champ I don't recommend maining is kassadin; that's a whole other explanation but he's too situational and can be subject to coin-flips ESPECIALLY in silver and below.

    2) Try focusing on one thing per game, but keep that thing consistent over a long time. For example, if your CS is poor, focus mainly on your CS each game, and put a lot of your effort into it. However, don't say "ok I'll work on my warding next game" and just leave CS to the wayside. If you focus on CS every game, for 30-40 games in a row, there's a much higher chance it will become unconsciously ingrained into your mind, than if you switch your focus every time.

    3) Watching pros is good. Watching streamers is better. Pro play is both fun to watch and somewhat educational, but there are completely different ways to play when you're in a 5-man coordinated team, and you'll tend to see plays that would never work in solo queue. Streamers in solo queue will show you footage most related to what you're going to be dealing with.

    4) Unless your team is actually intentionally feeding, you should try to follow their decisions, even if they aren't optimal. I used to be the "Paladin" in my low elo games. If my team made a bad decision, I would simply not help them and farm instead, thinking I was superior. Big mistake. Yes, it could be a horrible decision, but try to help out your team. You might not win the 5v5 but your team will NEVER win the 4v5. Put the ego aside for the game.

    5) ARAM DOES help, somewhat. Obviously SR is preferred but ARAM helps you learn dodging and team fighting, even if it's RNG based a lot of the time. It's also a really good destresser because nothing has to matter in that game mode.

    6) The game is only an "auto loss" if all other lanes lost very early into the game, you have an AFK, and/or the enemy team has an actual smurf (like, a diamond in silver. Gold 4's in bronze/silver are not smurfing.) Usually this means they end before 25 minutes. If none of that is true, there is something you could have done that may have impacted the game. Even when it is an autoloss, you can still learn. How do you mitigate the loss? Were you ahead and just didn't do anything? How did you play from behind?

    7) 4v5 games are ABSOLUTELY winnable. People don't know how to close out games in low elo. I have won many 4v5s simply because the enemy team got overconfident and didn't end when they could have. Focus on the GAME and not your personal performance.

    8) Surrender at your own risk. I never surrender. Games can be won and lost in very odd ways, and for me, the one game where the enemy royally throws a lead is worth the 10-20 other games I play through and lose. You can surrender if you think the game is not winnable, but remember: people afk often, even the enemy, and throws are all too common. Maybe stick the game out.

    9) Don't die to your laner, at almost all costs. Don't risk your life for minions. If you lose lane with more than 2 deaths, you probably did something wrong (sometimes the enemy jungle just says "fuck you" and you go 0/3 or 0/4 but this should be extremely rare). Deaths give more than gold to the enemy. They let them shove the wave so you miss gold, they give them a free back so they can get their items, and they give them roaming opportunities which can cause other lanes to die too. 1-1 lane trades where both laners kill each other are usually okay, though (usually; it depends on the summoner spells taken, the wave position, jungler location etc.)

    10) Have fun. If you cry after a game (I have), or want to punch something, STOP PLAYING. This game can GET to people. There's nothing wrong with strong emotions, just don't make it worse by queuing again.

    submitted by /u/Swegmecc
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    Advice for lower elo players

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    I am a Diamond 2 top lane main, and I see a lot of post about people feeling "stuck" in lower elo, and because they are stuck they don't feel good about themselves as a human being.

    I'm here to tell you that rank doesn't define who you are. I have lost to gold players, and challengers have lost to me. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone can have good and bad games. Don't put so much stress on yourself that you have to be a certain rank to feel valuable to others.

    My advice is pretty simple, discover what lane you want and stick to it, and I mean REALLY stick to it. There were a few seasons I just switched between all lanes and roles and played over 50 champs each season and that only haltered my progress instead of pushing me forward. It took me a long time to find my love for top lane and to play there. After you find your lane, master only 5 champions in that role. 3 in constant rotation, and 2 as pocket picks. For example mine are - Kled, Renekton, Fiora in constant rotation into any matchup because i've learned every matchup for them, with Yasuo/Mordekaiser as pocket picks for matchups/comps I feel like they fit into. After you've become fundamentally well with said champions, you can slowly learn others. Right now I'm currently learning the ins and outs of Camille and Malphite. It doesn't matter what champions you pick, small ceiling or high ceiling, as long as that's what you want and it makes you happy, go for it, and don't let anyone else tell you other-wise.

    Always recognize your mistakes and nobody else's. You will naturally climb after you understand that you can only control your actions alone. Tilting consistently because of your teams mistakes will only allow you to victimize yourself instead of recognizing bad behavior and play making. Could you have warded better? What about freezing your lane? Did you ping summoner spells? The list goes on and on. Watch your own VODs, watch pro games, watch streams, absorb information as much as you can.

    My last piece of advice would be just simply don't be afraid. Limit test, find out your play style, find out what works for you and use that to your advantage, don't become stagnant and autopilot every single game, at that point you learn nothing and waste time. Always be thinking of what you can do better and knowing how to take advantage of it.

    Be untiltable, WINNERSQ only. Have a good day on the rift!

    submitted by /u/KledGoYipYip
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    Why is jungle such an underplayed role?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    It's common knowledge that jungle queues are nearly instant at most elos (compared to mid at the other extreme).

    Why is jungle such an underplayed role? It undoubtedly has the highest carry potential/game impact, at least in low/mid elos.

    Do people just have really weak mental and can't take getting flamed by their laners for ganks? Or is it simply that the role is the most complex, and people don't feel comfortable/don't want to dedicate the time to learning it?

    In other metas I would understand. I think I remember season 8 as being HORRIBLE for junglers. But with the way the game currently plays, jungle seems like it's in an extremely healthy place.

    What gives?

    submitted by /u/IsleOfOne
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    Put yourself in positions to make mistakes

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    If you are hardstuck in a certain rating for a long time, try to play arbitrarily more aggressive. Players like TF Blade make it their goal smurfing through lower elos to absolutely dominate their lane opponent and 1v9 the game; your attitude should be the same. In order to learn how to play like that, you have to limit test, die a lot learning your damage, and lose games. Don't be afraid of this. The more you're willing to fail at this game, the better you will get.

    In other words, fail in order to make sure that you are not merely a coinflip player; someone who won't make their team lose, but also won't make them win. This requires you to play with confidence, something the vast majority of players - whether they know it or not - do not do.

    submitted by /u/legendarypopcorn123
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    Why is Azir being so picked in competitive matches?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    Hi guys!

    I'm a midlaner, and in order to choose champions to play with, I decided to take a look in what champions are being picked in the current meta. I've noticed that Azir was picked in almost every match. Why is that? What is the reason for teams to prioritize this pick so much?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/xandinhodamassa
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    Slowly Playing Worse?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Recently, playing League, I feel as if I'm slowly getting worse and worse. I used to do very well in lane, but now I seem to always die first. In my lane that is. I seem to lose lane like every game for some reason. I think it's because I don't play the lane how you are supposed to maybe? Like if the lane is a "stale mate" lane, like you most likely won't get kills from lane from either side, I guess I will try to always make it a 'kill lane' no matter what. That's what I can see from just playing. Any tips? I honestly don't really know what's happening, I've taken breaks from the game.

    submitted by /u/ZenDugo
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    Struggling to understand and convince myself that Athene's is a good item for support.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Over the time I've played support, which has primarily been enchanters, I've always done the basic Ardent - Redemption - Locket build since season 7. Now, Athene's is the recommended for most supports and I struggle to find value in it over Ardent and/or Redemption rush. Most of the time I only get to two/three items before a game is done and Mikael's is a staple item for me.

    I play in low elo ( Silver ) and wonder if that's why my mind can't grasp the importance of Athene's. Could anyone give my pleb mind some educating so I can get with the program?

    Will note that I have built Athene's on enchanters to test it out and found that not having Redemption + Mikael's really hurt. Even sacrificing Locket feels bad but it may be due to my playstyle which is to protect my carries and keep them up at all costs. Every cooldown and active item I have is used for my ADC and/or mid laner. The only time I play for my top/jungle is if they're the primary source of damage/carry. Hell, I even build Spooky Ghosts to add extra peel against high mobility champions that can easily chase us down and burst myself or my carry.

    op.gg for anyone who's curious or wants to roast my builds. ( jk but pls do give me feedback )


    I want to make sure that I am building properly and understanding the build and how it makes me enhance my team more.

    submitted by /u/NA_SupportMain
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    A warm-up routine specifically for a Jungle main.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    I've seen a lot of posts about warm-up routines but its mostly just for laners. I want to start having a warm-up routine so that my brain isn't a potato during my first ranked game of the day (happened many times like lack of map awareness etc.). What is also a good warm-up outside of the game? What do I need to practice as I just started to pick up Rengar?

    submitted by /u/Ryonan_
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    Why has it become meta to go two red and three blue trinket instead of two red, two yellow and one blue?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Seen lots of pro teams opt for this? Why? Are yellow weak later into the game? Are farsight (blue) just too strong to opt out of?

    Looks like it's over the course of the game, not instantly once they hit lvl 9.

    Is this more exclusively to well coordinated teams maybe? Could be a different story in soloQ

    submitted by /u/Hello_Its_Microsoft
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    Are these games winnable?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    I'm a Silver jungler. Lately I had some games with teammates that wouldn't respect fog of war or number advantages. In one very winnable game in particular I had a Camille and Diana literally running it down. The fact that I was playing Lillia which is a scaling pick didn't help for sure. I'm not blaming my teammates or something and I'm not talking about the whatever percentage rule that I read a lot about. But out of pure curiosity I'm asking: would a Diamond jungler win the majority of these games? I sometimes watch my replays and I find errors here and there but I can never understand I would have won the game without them.

    submitted by /u/smooth_kiwi_
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    You will get better, don’t stress about it.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    If you're consistently playing LoL, while watching your replays, watching pro players, watching YouTube etc. You will get better, but do not expect to rank up several ranks in 2 days.

    It's like working out, if you consistently work out, following a great program and have a good diet, you will get bigger and stronger. All of a sudden you realize you bench 50kg more than last year, but you barely noticed your improvements. Same with league, it might take you a few seasons, but before you know it you'll be in your promos to diamond.

    If you're truly hard stuck, you're not trying hard enough. When was the last time you looked trough your replay? When was the last time you practiced mechanics or last hits?

    submitted by /u/eloktro
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    Evolution of minion waves

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Recently I've found out an interesting statsheet:

    2018 LEC Spring Player Stats

    It turns out that roughly 2,5 years ago CSPM numbers where significantly higher than they are now. Nowadays top ADC's average around 10 and in 2018 Spring Split Rekkles was able to have almost 13 CSPM which seems pretty unrealistic in a course of an 18 games. I know that they've been made changes to minion waves etc but I struggle to find how they used to be in the past. I really wonder if minions "worked" much differently in the very early seasons. Does the changes of the pace the game was played impacted how Riot decided to change the minion waves or was it the other way around?

    submitted by /u/NightFaker
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    Strongest snowballing, early game adc out of Draven and Kalista?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    After getting tired of playing scaling adcs, I want to learn a champion that can really take over the laning phase if played right. I know that Kalista and Draven are supposed to be this type of adc, but which of these would you recommend? Keep in mind that if I were to play Kalista it would be with a duo tank support.

    submitted by /u/throdoza
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    Sett issues

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Okay, so I hope I am not the only one to think that Sett has no real weakness and counterplay in lane?

    He has good AS for autos because of his passive, percent health damage, sustain because all of them rush either bork or dd, massive true damage nuke and 2 AoE CC abilities. In teamfighting, if he gets ahead it's shit to play yeah, but I get that he can be kited and engaged upon using all his abilities which are somewhat of a long cooldown, but in lane, I honestly see no counterplay to him.

    Is he gonna be the next Kalista? Either completely broken or utterly useless? There's no middle ground...

    Help is so much appreciated

    submitted by /u/Wutroslaw
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    Always end up 1-2 levels lower than enemy jungler

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    i recently swapped to play jungle and i always end up way lower in levels than my enemy jungler.. plz help.. i have no clue as to why its happening.. i normally follow pathing routes recommended for the champ from YouTube clips


    submitted by /u/Drazzy2
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    Dopa talk part 2

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    same preface as last time

    Dopa opinion of his own play

    Many comments on website talk about my macro and game reading is insane and calculated. But when I play, I don't really think about it. I just play as it comes. People say things like "he lacks physical but gets challenger using macro management" These analysis are retarded. I don't really consider my management great. I just play instinctively. I don't go " I should do this at here" but that's what others think. Counter reactive is not same as calculative.


    I honestly haven't met anyone who can move better than me in the game. I play based on experience. I predict they will attack here so I move before the attack occurs. Faker? he dodges its after the attack happens. I still think i'm better than anyone at moving. My best attribute to this game isn't map reading or macro, but moving. I do move after attack sometimes, but mostly I do it before the action occur. I got God movement ^o^

    Game skill = amount of game you play

    LOL is about all about amount of game you play. How can I explain this. When Yuna (olympic korean skater) skate, do you think she thinks about how she should move on the ice? She probably thinks about nothing, but if you are a newbie, just skating will be difficult. For her its like breathing. Me? how many games I have played so far? probably 10,000? (this is 2016 video ) Look, this game has lot of factors. but such thing as CS, map reading, fight timing, overall game flow, ...you can't think about this stuff. This gotta be automatic. Like breathing. Thats when "natural" and "instinctive" game occur. For this to happen, you need to play shit lot of games. I honestly think physical (reaction, speed, game IQ) and moving is pretty much down to amount of game you play.

    what I hate most is...when someone says "I don' know how to play top, i'll try to defend as much as I can by playing tank). this is fucking garbage. B/c he only focus on defense, he cant' get cs or read the map, and such....so he focuses even less on doing the fundamentals. You are not "learning" anything by doing this.

    How do i get 1st? well....Its ...no one in Korea has played more game than me. There isn't a single one. because...think about this. first, normal people have jobs so they are already behind. as far as pro goes, they live as a team. so time gap exists. Let say...eating or routine schedule. team scrimmage together. Me? I play anywhere anytime. They have to eat at the cafeteria, but I eat when I just wait for the game que. I play even more than any pros there is.

    If i wanted to , i can play 24 hours seriously. When solo ranking came out, I just played. When people started a lot like 100 games, but I be at 130-140 games.

    China or Korean server?

    to answer your most asked question. Which server is better. China or Korea. Look. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond...they are all the same. People act like "i'm silver korea, i'm probably I be platinum on NA or gold in china" you need to shut the fuck up. You'll be silver anywhere you go. When they say Korea is better, look, they are talking about this top 10-15 players on challenger, and anyone down the list...its about the same as china. But for sure, the top 10 is better in Korea. I wouldn't be able to hit #1 as fast as in Korea compared to china. getting top 10 takes about the same time, but after that Korea is definitely harder.

    (The cutline)I think Diamond 1 china is ..for sure is better than korea Diamond 1

    List (breaking down Top 10, Challenger, Master-Diamond, the rest)

    Top 10 Korea is better. Challenger is about the same. Master to diamond china is better. and the rest is..perfectly the same. Look, for fuck sake, korean takes so much pride in things that absolutely do not reflect their life. BSGPD, they are all the same. Don't think you will be better in other server. What applies to top 10 player doesn't apply to you.

    So...Top, Mid, korean are significantly better than china . When I play, I can't carry the game like I could in china. Look anyone below 700 points in challenger facing me will get destroyed at lane phase. Jungle? China is better. The reason I say Master-D1 is better in china is because of this. Same with ADC, and support... china is slightly better except those retards who play blitz and roam around hoping to get me before the lane phase start. The jungle..the china server they think very clearly. They focus on objectives, there are so much more fight around the dragon.

    Even amongst the challengers there are the visitors who hit challenger and drop off. And there are the few elite who are lifers. When you drop off you end up in diamond where it move very slowly. like You get -1 point if you lose and +1.1 when you win. Mentality it takes to climb out of it takes most people out. Thats why people are satisfied at diamond.

    #1 what it takes to be number 1

    Look. anyone can become challenger, usually the skill gap between 1-10 is about the same. But some will never hit #1 no matter what. Why? Two reasons. One is champion pool. Two is Champion type. Champion pool will be obvious. Champion's don't matter until you are in the top 10. Then what is meta and OP matters. At top 10, you play the same people over and over again. You can ban whatever champion that is OP and know what others best champion others play, you ban that. and you know what optimal team composition will be for your team, so you pick accordingly. So if your champ pool is small, you are already at disadvantage before the game even started.

    Since I'm talking trash, I will pick someone i know who won't get as mad. ShiganTae has been 3-5 rank but never been #1. And this is reason two. Champion type. If you don't pick carry style champ, you'll never be #1. Which is what he does. To be number #1. You gotta have that certain "vibe" in order to become #1. When people talk theory about LoL I don't listen. What I say is truth b/c I been at the top. Its hard to explain to those who haven't been #1. The smaller the gap, the bigger the vibe. When I was level 2 duoling with my friend who was level 30, I had a vibe that "No one is going to be better than me at this game." and my skill rised without plateau. I didn't have breakthrough like other players when they understood something. I just knew. . I got better with every single game without delay.



    thanks guys, i"m out. Honestly there couple be dopa 3,4,5,6. but I don't follow the game enough to put more time into it. This is good enough quantity and quality. Maybe someday i'll pick up this game and get into it. Until then~ stay safe from covid and have fun playing games.







    submitted by /u/ThisGuyKpops
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    Things to focus as a jungler

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:35 AM PDT


    a common advice to get better is "just focus on one thing each game to improve there". This "things" are mostly: "cs-ing", "trading", "wave control".

    But as a jungler, my performance depends more on dynamic and fast descisions than on constant trading or wave control. So, on which aspects can I focus as a junger and how can I measure my improvenent?

    submitted by /u/H2O3194
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    Specific question about key binding

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    I hope I'll be able to find someone, who knows how to deal with this, since it's making the game unplayable for me.

    Just as a quick heads-up: I really don't want advice on how to keybind more efficiently etc. ... I'm just looking for a fix to restore my old keybinding settings that I adjusted myself to for 10 years~ playing league and recently broke for reasons unknown.

    The actual problem:
    I'm used to play with PlayerMoveClick bound to both my left and right mouse click. Recently during a match my left click suddenly got unbound and I immediately knew something was off big time. No biggie though as I knew how to set up keybindings manually via the input file. That already didn't work as I was unable to set anything to my left mouse click again. Some googling was done and I found a fix to my problem by adding the 'evtPlayerMoveClick' to my PersistedSettings. My PlayerMoveClick on left click was restored, but now two new problems arose:
    First off, I used to be able to move my camera to a specific point on the map by left clicking it; now it directly moves my character towards that destination. (I know about the 'disable map movement' setting, but turning that off also turns off my right click map movement, which i was actually using for exactly that reason before.)
    Secondly, using my left click to rearrange items in my inventory now also moves my character towards the direction of the cursor.

    Both of these things seem like minor annoyances at first, but trust me, it just makes the game unplayable for me and I'm not willing to adjust myself to new settings, when I had a keybind setup that worked so well for me before.

    Just to make clear what I'm looking for again - I want to:
    -bind PlayerMoveClick to both left and right mouse click
    -be able to use left click to navigate the camera towards a certain point on the map without affecting my character's movement
    -be able to use right click on the map to move my character to a certain point on the map without affecting my camera at all
    -rearrange items in my inventory neither affecting my character's movement nor my camera at all

    If someone could help me out here, I'd be very grateful! Anyways thank you in advance, even if you don't come up with a fix, but took some time to look into this!

    Peace :)

    submitted by /u/packenmensch
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    In Low Elo, is it better to focus on drakes if your team is drake hungry or macro somewhere else?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    I usually play Jungle Kha'zix or Sejuani low elo and ill have some good games, but I feel like people are way too focused on drakes, not just early to mid-game, but ALL THE TIME. Even when they're better macro decisions such as taking towers, rift herald, or even an inhibitor most of the time my team will hard focus drakes.

    If this is the case is it better to focus on jungle champions who can be more independent of their macro decisions or should I commit to drakes if my team is hard committed to them every time they pop up?

    submitted by /u/Zapper1232nd
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    So what is the actual width of yasuo and tones q?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Because it seems to me the skill shot indicator is ALOT wider than the actual ability (the same width of the champions body) which if it is then it seems like it's wrong because I miss ALOT of qs that I feel like I should've landed just because the enemies were sliiiightly off center. Now if the q skill shot is smaller than the indicator then why have the indicator that wide???

    submitted by /u/finallymadeareddit2
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    Where should I be now? Looking for tips and rules of thumb for macro playing

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 03:19 PM PDT


    I'm a low elo player, my mechanics are decent and I don't play much SR, but when I do I noticed that the thing I struggle the most is where I should be, especially after lane phase: do I farm a lane? Do I group with my team? Should I ward/roam?

    I know this is a HUGE topic, but do you have some tips/rules of thumb for deciding where to go from mid game on?


    submitted by /u/patmax17
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    Why is Annie's winrate so high?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Is she actually that strong, or are her numbers inflated because she's easy to learn, or because she's mostly played by mains, or something?

    Despite her high win-rate, I've found her pretty underwhelming overall. She has poor waveclear, poor burst early-game compared to most other mages, and low kill pressure pre-6 unless the opponent misplays horribly. She can roam, but again her horrible waveclear means she won't get many chances to do so.

    At level 6 she has kill pressure, but it's a lot lower than most assassins', and a lot more conditional than many mages'. Flash-R can be dodged with the opponent's Flash. She can set up for her Jungler consistently, which I'll admit is one of her strengths, but that hinges on her Jungler actually ganking for her.

    Post-laning phase she's alright, but not really impressive. She's very reliant on having her Ult and summoner spells off CD, and is rather bad at sieging and in-lane, front-to-back teamfighting. She can't splitpush effectively, and while she's decent at flanking the backline, actual assassins can do it better while also being able to splitpush and create sidelane pressure.

    Annie does do a fantastic job of bursting squishy backline divers, but that's heavily dependent on the enemy team comp and them not respecting her stun and burst.

    So yeah...why is Annie one of the highest winrate midlaners in SoloQ? She just seems to have more weaknesses than strengths - passive and underwhelming early game, and a decent but unimpressive mid/lategame.

    submitted by /u/Swyft135
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    Better map awareness, 27"

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    Hi there

    I used to play league on a 24" monitor and I would say my map awareness was so much better. Since upgrading to 27" 1440p I see myself having to turn my whole head to the map and I think I get lazy.

    Anyone have any tips for better map awareness on a 27" monitor or is it a case of making the window smaller?


    submitted by /u/dezgtfc
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    How do I stick with my team more as a low elo jungler?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    One of my biggest issues is that I feel I am never part of the team fights that occur. My early game is usually really successful as I am able to get ahead of the enemy jungler a lot of the time.

    However as the game progresses it seems I am always farming or trying to get a dragon or something when my entire team is midlane in a fight. Often this leads to throwing a game that should've been won.

    What are some tips around when to stay with team and when to do something else as a jungler?

    submitted by /u/Samk1230
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    What should I focus on as a terrible jungle wannabee?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    So, I'm new to the game as a whole. I'm testing each role to see what I like, and so far my favorites are Support and Jungle. However, I suck as a jungler, at least that's why op.gg and my teammates make sure to tell me. But I am trying...

    I know that most of my questions could be answered with some Google searches, but most of the videos I saw kinda covers things that I think are not really newbie friendly or expects you to understand the game more than what a legitimate new player does.

    What should I focus on at first? I kinda get my champions (Evelyn and Vi) routes, and I understand the concept of ganking, but I'm not sure how to do that efficiently. When should I be farming monsters and when should I try to gank, if it's beneficial to sit in bushes and wait for an opportunity to attack, etc. Also, if there's any streamer/YouTuber that I should watch, that would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/Tiops
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