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    Monday, September 28, 2020

    LoL Guide Please Hover the champions you intend to play

    LoL Guide Please Hover the champions you intend to play

    Please Hover the champions you intend to play

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:52 AM PDT

    It's such and easy and obvious way to communicate to your team the champion you intend to play the play style you might prefer. As a support I often want to pick a champ that compliments my lane partner but I have no idea what kind of adcs they play. Even if you arent sure yet hover over one or two champions so your team can get an idea of what comp we are building around.

    It feels like maybe only 20% of players actually hover a champ and that just seems like a huge waste in opportunities to communicate and plan effectively

    submitted by /u/VoyeuristicDiogenes
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    Control Wards - You know they're strong, but how do you use them properly?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    Hey there /r/summonerschool!

    I was asked by the one and only /u/cooperred to help educate themself (and others) on control wards. So here it is!

    This is a guide on what control wards do, why they're powerful, and how to use them to their fullest!

    What do control wards do?

    Control wards cost 75g in the shop, and you can carry 2 in your inventory at a time. You can only have one down on the map at a time, and placing a new one will destroy the old one.

    • They last forever!
    • They have 4 health.
    • Regenerates 1 health after not taking damage for 6 seconds. Regenerates another health every 3 seconds after.
    • They reveal and disable enemy vision wards.
    • They reveal stealth traps: Shaco, Jhin, Nidalee, Teemo.
    • They reveal camouflaged champions: Evelynn, Twitch, Rengar, Senna, Pyke.
    • They do NOT reveal invisible champions.


    Alternative Names

    • Pink Ward, and using is often called pinking. Ex. Can you pink tribush for me?
    • Red Ward, though I've never heard it called "redding".

    Disabled Wards
    You can tell an enemy vision ward is disabled because it'll have an eye symbol over it with a big red X through it. When a ward is disabled, it only grants vision of the control ward disabling it - nothing else! This means you can stand directly on top of a disabled ward and it will not show you.

    Clearing Disabled Wards
    Auto attacking a disabled ward will enable it fully for a short while. This means it can be beneficial when taking Baron or Dragons to leave a disabled ward up! It's a double edged sword though, as enemies can still teleport to disabled wards though, and they can see that it is disabled.

    Single Ward Limitation Technique
    You can use the single control ward limitation to your advantage. As you see someone heading to clear your control ward, walk yourself to a new spot. Right before they finish it off, place your second one! It'll destroy the one they're auto attacking leaving them confused, annoyed, and 30g poorer!

    You can hover over the control ward to see if you've placed any down - it'll tell you how many control wards you've placed. It'll also show you which one you'll destroy on the mini-map if you forgot which control ward was yours.

    Invisible vs Camouflage
    Easiest way to remember is that invisible champions can stand next to you and are still invisible. Camouflaged are visible within a certain distance.

    *List of Invisible Champions and the Ability - (By popular request)
    Akali's - Twilight Shroud
    Kai'Sa's - Evolved Supercharge
    Kha'Zix's - Void Assault and Evolved Void Assault
    LeBlanc's - Mirror Image
    Neeko's - Shapesplitter
    Qiyana's - Ixtal Brush Elemental Wrath
    Shaco's - Deceive
    Talon's - Shadow Assault
    Teemo's - Guerrilla Warfare
    Vayne's - Final Hour
    Wukong's - Warrior Trickster

    Why are control wards powerful?

    Have you ever felt scared to go into your own jungle? Unable to even tell if the enemy is doing dragon or baron? How about unable to even keep wards up to make sure the enemy jungler isn't ganking?

    Control wards can enable you to push a lead more than you could otherwise. If the enemy cannot see in their jungle at all, it's like you could be anywhere in their jungle. They have to assume you're lurking in every bush ready to pounce. Meanwhile you could be taking dragon alone without smite.

    Control wards are also really strong for staying safe. Oracle's Lens (also known as red trinket or sweeper) has a rather long cooldown. You also might not even have one. Control wards allow you to know if you're walking over a ward. You can setup an ambush in a bush by putting a control ward in it to ensure they don't have a ward there already! No more failed ambushes because you unknowingly prepared it sitting on a stealth ward.

    Even if a control ward doesn't spot someone, it can give you a ton of information! The lack of someone means that they're likely elsewhere so you can play further up!

    To really drive it home, let me finish with an analogy. If you were playing battleship, and you could see parts of their board, but they couldn't see any of yours - wouldn't that be a huge advantage?

    Hopefully this is a good start to understanding why they are so powerful.

    How do I use control wards to their fullest potential?

    Control wards usually serve a bit different purpose in the laning phase versus late game.

    Laning Phase

    Because they cost 75g (and grant 30g and 40 experience to the enemy upon kill) we don't want to give the enemy the chance to clear it for free. You'll want to put most of your control wards in defensible or sneaky places.

    This usually means you want them in a bush, with vision over an area that will give you vision of the enemy jungler. This needs to be ACTIONABLE information.

    I see so many people incorrectly put a control ward in the closest edge of the river bush near top or bottom lane. Against a Karthus this might be okay, but against a Rammus or Zac you're likely not able to get to safety even if you see them! This means the information is not actionable, since you cannot act upon it.

    Against some of these really mobile junglers, you may want to put the control ward outside of a bush and further towards where they will come from - they lose most of their strength as a jungler if they cannot join a fight unexpectedly.

    Even taking the time to put the control ward at the furthest edge of the bush rather than the nearest edge can make a difference in getting away safely or not.

    • Bot or Top lanes usually control ward the tribush, side-lane river bush, or blue buff exit bush.
    • Mid lane should usually control ward the pixel bush (very small bush -like the size of a pixel- alone in the middle of the river) on whichever side the next active objective is. Avoid putting it in the midlane sideline bushes, as usually the information you get from these bushes isn't very actionable. They are often quite difficult to defend as well since they are so close to lane.
    • Jungle should have a control ward for ganks to make sure they came unseen, or to take objectives without being seen. They might also consider dropping one for a lane that had theirs cleared or didn't buy one because they haven't seen this post yet!

    Post-Turret Phase


    If your turret is down, you'll often want to move your pink wards into the entrance of your jungle or to cover your buffs. Helping your jungler maintain their only source of gold is very important! Control wards also deny the enemy from seeing your jungler with stealth wards, making it safer for your jungler to go out into your jungle.


    If your laner's turret is down, you want to move your pink into the enemy jungle. You want it to be in a position that is actionable, especially if you're planning on split pushing or pushing up to tier 2. That means somewhere they'll have to walk through to get to you - with enough time for you to see them and run (or hidden and in a spot you can jump on them).

    Teamfight Phase

    Once the game is mostly surrounding teamfights, you'll want to use your control wards to get overwhelming vision control over the area around the next objective. For example, if Baron is up in 2 minutes, you want to have control wards in all of the bushes nearby so that the enemy can't even get vision with you nearby. They should have no idea how many people are waiting for them when they step up. Even better, if you have great control ward coverage - they won't even know when you start the thing! You can even make it look like you're starting it, and then lie in wait for the brave jungler trying to smite steal and ambush him. Now you can take that baron without worrying about that pesky smite fight.

    Here are some of my favorite control ward locations from playing on Blue Side

    About the Author

    • op.gg
    • Top 100 Vel'koz NA
    • I respect the mods (love you guys!), so I won't link my social media or discord here. Use your google fu to find it yourself or DM me if you're interested.

    Post a comment or DM me with any questions you have!

    Good luck on the Rift my friends!
    - Seyandiz

    submitted by /u/seyandiz
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    Should I main Rek'Sai and stick with it for the rest of my life?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    The champion itself is excellent. The most versatile jungler I've ever played. If I had to chose the most balanced champion in the game, it would be her. She is fun to play and has an average difficulty, while fitting in all team comps. She isn't seen much here in low elo so the enemy don't except to know her potential, and they never ban her: the oposite of other popular junglers. I can have a hard cc that is impossible to miss, heal myself, have mobility, go in the backline and brust and tank, duel in the early game, give my team vision information in my passive while burrowed, a targeted gap closer whith execution damage if I hit one of my abilities, and aside from all that, easy ganks and one of the best junglers to dive turrets if I have ulti.

    So my point in creating this post is why the heck shouldn't I OTP Rek'Sai and stick with it until i get out of lower elo, bc theres probably a reason I ain't seeing

    submitted by /u/Haubrick
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    How to keep track of cursor (Question)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    As the title says, I lose track of my cursor in big team fights, espacially when waves of minions are hitting at the same time there's a 5v5. It's even worse in ARAM, I have no idea where I'm clicking sometimes. Are there settings I can change or anything specific to look for to help?

    submitted by /u/jelaugust
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    How to team fight as Irelia

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    This is a question.

    I usually play Irelia into the midlane and do pretty well during laning phase and picking up kills pretty easily. By the time late game rolls around I'm usually pretty fed where i can solo kill anyone exclude tanks. The problem is, the only way to be successful really is to be really aggressive and forward, but during team fights you can't create enough life steal to survive after taking damage from multiple enemies (the enemy usually focus you bcuz ur fed). I try to wait for someone to get pulled away and all inning them, but then most of abilities are on cd so I can't help others as much for good few seconds before my e and a are up again. When I all in, my general combo is EQRQWQ then AA until dead. I can usually take this combo into 1v1, and 1v2. But I don't know how to participate in team fights safely yet deadly. Am I going overkill for 1-2 enemies? How should I position myself in team fights? How do I use my ult to the best of its abilities in team fights? Any other combos would be helpful too.

    submitted by /u/iAmToxic12
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    Losing laning phase in top lane almost every time

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Hello summoners! I've been recently trying to get back into league after having a one year long break. My previous main role was adc, however I've decided to try to change my main role to top (adc becoming boring to me was the reason I quit in the first place). However I find myself struggling with top at the moment, like really struggling. What I need to work at is the laning phase, cause i seem to lose lane every time. What usually happens is that the enemy laner freezes the lane outside his turret and I end up 50 cs behind after 15 min. And this keeps happening game after game. Last game for example, I was playing Jax vs Sion. The lane was slightly pushed against sion side, and i was ganked by enemy jungler. They did not kill me but I was down to 40% hp. Then Sion started freezing outside turret and I could not walk up to cs bacuse i would die. This is what frustrates me about top lane. I honestly don't know what to do about it. The game proceeds to the stage where I am behind, and the freezing continues and I can't do anything productive in lane and I become even more behind both in levels and gold. What can I do to not lose lane this way over and over again? I really want to become a proficient top laner, but I feel like the laning phase is holding me back. I don't play ranked so I don't know my elo now, but last time I played rank I was silver 3.

    submitted by /u/Sebberin
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    Help a wannabe kindred main that likes to main role adc?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Hello, new to the sub and a pretty low teir (like bronze to iron) level player. I know the basics of the game and understand most of the mechanics thus far. However, I dont know how to jungle properly nor can I stand the strain of stress the role puts on me mentally while trying to play it. Therefor, I went for a simple role, adc and played mostly Twitch for a VERY long time.

    However, I LOVE the champ Kindred in design and her kit. She always felt good to play with me and when I used her in bots I enjoyed LoL a lot more than I had before. Still, she was a jg character, a role I just can't seem to pin down nor completely understand when to roam, gank, route of monsters, etc.

    So I've been playing her adc, a niche role but a role I know and that is simple. Im coming here to ask if anyone can help me improve as a Bot lane Kindred on who to ban, what to watch out for, what to try and accomplish, how to properly build up my passive and when to correct use and how my ult?

    At best, my Kindred is sloppy but can get kills but I'd like to get some tips on how to improve her. Should I just try jungle Kindred instead? If so, please any tips for jungle would be greatly appreciated. Its a role I think I'd like if I knew how to run it better. I've tried so many times but I just end up falling behind so quickly. Im not sure what to do.

    submitted by /u/Vulpixbestfoxy
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    Started mid around a week ago, struggle to win lane, but do a decent job mid/late.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, how the hell do I win lane? I struggle with this pretty much every game I play, I'm currently really enjoying Ahri so I just play her, I literally don't win lane at all. I'm in gold3 at the moment, so I'm usually versing things like Akali, Yasuo, Zed and Diana. I always get my E baited out and dove, and well its gg from there. I always flash too late, I never ignite correctly. I know what I'm doing wrong but I don't know how to fix it. I know nothing about wave management, I know I stay for too long sometimes, I don't know when to push, I don't know when to freeze. I'm just a tad overwhelmed. If anyone wants to do a live game sort of thing, my discord is: Toffee Apples#6727 . I'm on EUW. Check my op.gg too if you want to.

    submitted by /u/TurtleBerriess
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    Does anyone have a list of what Junglers start at which camp?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Hey! I'm a relatively new player and now that i'm starting to feel comfortable with some of my early clears I have more time to think about where the enemy jungler is. But right now I just don't have enough games or enough experience to really have memorized where each jungler is likely to end up without physically seeing them on the map or having a teammate tell me who was late to lane.

    So does anyone know of a spreadsheet or something that keeps track of the common routes for each champ? I know that champs can have multiple starts or cheese strats but I think focusing on the standard routes is probably the best for the stage that i'm at right now (so that I'm not overwhelmed).

    submitted by /u/king13579
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    Ultimate Flowchart for Laning in Mid Lane

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:24 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I have developed kind of an if-then-else way of playing mid lane for all cases, and it's been working really well for me so I'd like to share it with you.

    Introduction / How were these flowcharts developed?
    I decided to purchase a membership at at website I can't name or the post gets flagged for marketing. They have short videos and the way their videos work is that they'll show you a situation with specific circumstances, and will walk you through step by step what to do in those circumstances. I decided to binge their mid lane laning videos, and on the first video I saw, I made a very primitive, simple flowchart for the case in the video. Next video, the circumstances were a little different, so I had to change my flowchart to it would work with the new video. Here's the thing though - For every video I improved my flowchart for, I went back to each and every previous video and made sure it was backwards-compatible. I have watched 19 or 20 videos on laning so far, and every time, the charts I have developed check out. It's not perfect (and never can be) but it gets closer to perfection with every video, and already I am absolutely destroying mid lane to degrees I've never done before, and with consistency. After I made the charts, I decided they need to be optimized so that I could use it at a glance and design them so they made the conclusion be able to be reached as efficiently as possible. I want you to know that at the moment I have NOT optimized the champion select part yet because it's not really time intensive and I just can't be fucked at the moment. Anyway, here goes.

    Important things you need to know before you open the file
    You should have an understanding of what the following are

    1. The even minion rule
    2. Crashing a wave
    3. How to slowpush a wave
    4. Roam timer
    5. Freezing a wave

    The file first describes 3 distinct strategies to use, which you should read first since the lane planner flowchart will tell you what one to use, so familiarise yourself with them first. One of the strategies has a 'modifier', which is denoted by a ! symbol, which means you should change it in that way for a very specific case.

    For the purposes of this guide, a 'trading advantage' simply means you can make beneficial trades with the enemy. It's really late where I am and I could probably polish it a tiny bit more, but I think it looks good enough and I've been dying to share it. If you have any questions or want an explanation, I will try to do my best. Again, I already know it's not perfect, but it lets me shitstomp lane in gold elo, so even though some Master tier player is going to open it and nit pick it apart, just know it's still kiiind of a work in progress but has already had a huge positive effect on my gameplay.

    Also, I am aware of my typos in the file.

    Here you go! https://www.dropbox.com/s/f9u1grj6gnfhakh/reddit.txt?dl=0

    submitted by /u/ConesWithNan
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    If you tilt easily. Go to your volume settings and mute the announcer.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    -This won't solve ur tilt. But it may reduce it. Helped me a lot.

    If you're a tilter like me, one thing that has helped is muting the announcer. You can't hear when you team just got double killed bot at 2 mins. The argument can be made that this is such a small thing and if this tilts you then you shouldn't be playing in the first place.

    Completely valid. However sometimes you re-queue and you're on the cusp of being tilted and something like this happens. Then you're mental is boom from the start.

    Also if you alt tab during load screen. Please remember to check when your game has started.

    submitted by /u/plz_stop_this
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    How to actually use Kalista R

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    I always use this ability to save my support if they go too deep but I know you're supposed to use it as an engage. My supports usually don't go in and die like crazy so I always have it up and never use it, and I feel like I'm always at a disadvantage because I'm playing a champ without an ult. I'm worried that my support will either not know what Kalista R does or accidentally click on the ground and pop out in a completely different place than I intended, or that the engage just won't work and we'll throw away the lane.

    submitted by /u/Strange_Pomegranate
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    Why do people defend Fiora?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    I don't understand at all how one can defend a champion that can parry literally every spell in the game, even those that don't even come directly from a champion (can for example dodge the delayed damage from certain spells like zed or vlad ulti). Not only is she the biggest lane bully, she scales extremely hard to the point where shes no longer possible to kill no matter what you do, since you can't even shut her down with CC. Also triggers lifesteal way to easily. Can stick to your face endlessly.

    You can't "bait" the parry out cause shes just gonna save it for your cc or ultimate. Farming under turret will already mean she has at minimum 5 times your damage mid game.

    Yes, im a noob and i would appreciate if anyone could give constructive advice on how to counter her.

    submitted by /u/Skoldelid
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    Is Garen not viable?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    Is Garen just not viable? I am in silver 4 consistently out play and win my lane but can't seem to win ranked games no matter what when I play Garen. Going heavily positive in KDA and getting first tower is normal for me in matches I lose. In the game I just played I went 22/3/18 got Cloud soul, dropping no drakes and we lost. Is their any advice for carrying late games as garen or should I just give up and play someone else.

    submitted by /u/EightCrown5303
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    Does playing a mechanically demanding champion make you better at other champions?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I know mechanics aren't the be-all and end-all of playing this game well, but I wondered about this. If you play a hard/high skill ceiling champion that uses a lot of skillshots, will it help with your mechanics in general?

    For example, I've played a ton of games on Zed this year (300-400) and I want to believe that all my practice landing his Q's (shurikens) has helped me when I've picked up other champions. Like landing a Sylas E (chain pull) or a Vel'koz Q.

    Does playing a mechanically demanding champion improve mechanics overall for any champ that you might pick up down the line?

    submitted by /u/MyNinjjaz
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    Ravenous or Titanic Hydra?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    I'm a Gold Camille player, and i've been wondering, which one of those is best for her? In which situations do they excel? Also, any tips to maximize their active effects? Which one should i pick in:

    - Duels

    -Split Pushing

    - Build either DMG or tank

    submitted by /u/Proxy115
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    How to be prepared for every game to win it in terms of knowledge

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    I'm a bronze player, and there are so many things I don't know when I'm starting a game, for example how my spells combine with my allies or enemies spells.

    For example I found out that Thresh ca grab Tristana while in the air! Wtf. Or that Yone can cancel urgot's ultimate with his E.

    Is there a place with all the info about these things? So when I'm starting a game I can learn about my match? Or at least about my lane..

    submitted by /u/Legend_of_Leagues
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    Ezreal has some interesting tips and tricks that even I didn't know before I started working on this video!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    This is the link of the video for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hmwntclzAc&ab_channel=CannonMinion

    I started working on this video about a week ago trying different things out in practice tool. I made a video with the most interesting tips and tricks that I found. I excluded the obvious tips like: your Q can't go through minions. I included some more interesting ones like did you know that there is something called the 'GhostQ and GhostW'. Well I didn't. You can perform the GhostQ and -W if you time your Q - FLASH right. You will see that when you GhostQ, you will trow an invisible Q. You can really mess with the head of your opponents. Hope you enjoyed the video!

    submitted by /u/NicoMely
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    How do you find yourself in team fights?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    I have such a hard time finding myself with all the stuff going on in team fights that I end up being useless. All I do is start spamming abilities hoping I can see myself. Sometimes I get lucky and get a kill. If I spend the time looking for myself I seem to die before I can do anything.

    I do know to hit the spacebar to center and do that when I remember. I just came off a game where I stomped lane but was pretty useless after.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Diomat
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    How do I remind myself that I have ignite (among other things)?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 02:07 PM PDT

    So I main ADC with toplane as a secondary role. I also play a lot of ARAM. As an ADC I basically always take Flash and either Heal or Barrier or Cleanse. In toplane, I played almost exclusively Cho'Gath until recently, taking Flash and TP. In ARAM, it's either Heal, Clarity, or Snowball.

    For some reason, the fact that I never took Ignite or Exhaust or bought targeted active items in the year that I've played means that I can absolutely NEVER remember I have them as tools in my kit when I do take them. I've been trying to pick up Quinn, and I think I've remembered to use ignite maybe once in the dozen games I've played, and never remember to use my BotRK active if I buy it. What's a good way for a noob like myself to remind myself I have these things in my kit?

    submitted by /u/TheLiveDunn
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    How do i get better at reacting to and predicting flashes?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    the other day i was playing 5v5s with friends and i was up against my brother, who is relatively speaking a better player than me. Im playing riven and hes playing sett and i know i can all in and kill him when he is below 50% health. when i go for the all in however he instantly flashes behind me to avoid my windlash and and immediately ults me back into his turret. I'm not sure how to predict or react to it because i normally don't encounter people who use flash that aggressive (i play in mid to low silver elo). how do I get better at predicting and reacting to plays like that? here is the clip for context https://gfycat.com/anxiousdefinitiveilsamochadegu

    submitted by /u/Juicexandski
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    How do I get better at being adc?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I know this question is probably asked a ton here but read me out. I was main ADC back in 2010-2015ish (Don't remeber the season). It wasn't as confusing as it is now. I recently came back and decided to main top since I felt a lot more comfortable just having a lane to myself. Everything was good, I would play as I would back in the day considering the new objectives, the problem though was I could beat my lane but not turn into this late game monster that could 1v9 like some other players because I don't know how they do it xD. Anyway I decided to go back to ADC and give the oportunity for another player to become that monster late game(but tbh doesn't happen too often).

    So, back then, your go to items were like infinity edge, 2x phanton dancer, last whisper, bloodthirster. Easy.

    I downloaded a software called blitz that picks my runes and shows me builds. These builds have a bunch new items I don't know of and don't get. Manamune on twitch and draven? Apparently that's what people build according to blitz. What's the difference between lethality and amor penetration? They're just little things I need to understand a little to know how the new meta is.

    For the most part, I know how to Adc, My winrate is pretty high as adc, I can kite, farm, etc...

    submitted by /u/Zyrocks
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    How to play teamfights and have more of an impact as an ADC in low elo?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    I'm trying to learn Ezreal and I'm really struggling with how to use my kills in lane and translate them into good for the team. For example, last game I had a 4 kill lead early on but didn't win lane because their jungler ganked very often. In teamfights, it was hard to do any real damage as I would often be dived by their fed Yasuo and Riven or the fed pair would slice through my frontline before just jumping on me and killing me. Was this the fault of me not playing the role of ADC well enough, or should I just chalk it up as my team feeding and accept the loss? If it's the former, how can I have more impact in teamfights as an ADC? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/spencerthebau5
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