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    Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    LoL Guide Any help for enjoying the game for a non-gamer ?

    LoL Guide Any help for enjoying the game for a non-gamer ?

    Any help for enjoying the game for a non-gamer ?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:54 AM PDT

    Recently my friends (all people who play games a lot) have all gotten into League and since I didn't want to be left out I've tried to join them. I'm level 20 now and I have a basic understanding of how the game works, what each role does, ect. But I just seems to be really bad at it.

    Whenever I play with them I tend to feed which results in us losing the game. I've tried solo queuing a couple of times but I perform about as well with strangers and keep getting pinged for it, which is fair but not fun.

    I'm trying to find a way to enjoy the game and improve enough to be able to play with others without dragging them down but I'm struggling to find the motivation to play by myself.

    Anyone have any tips as to what I could do?

    P.S. I've played against bots and can win against them on any difficulty, they're not like playing against people.

    submitted by /u/Thr0w_here
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    Don’t invade the enemy jungler without looking at lane states.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    The amount of times I've seen a jungler invade the enemy jungler with 0 lane prio or vision of enemies on the map is crazy.

    If the lanes are pushing towards your side and your lanes have no way to rotate towards you then don't invade. If you don't see the enemy laners on the map for a bit chances are they've recalled and are walking down towards wherever you are invading.

    If you know if the enemy jungler is on the opposite end of the map then you can invade. If you're dominating the game you can probably invade and get out Scott free.

    But when it's early game and you don't have enough information on whether it is safe to invade or not then don't risk feeding kills to your enemy laners by trying to greed invade because chances are they either have vision or they can collapse on you if you have no lane prio.

    submitted by /u/Wowsoamazingwow
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    How do i play Weakside/Losing Lane?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Hi Guys,

    im currently struggling between D1 and D2, but looking to get Master this season.

    Im a Support Bard OTP (i literally only play him). I am pretty insane when it comes down to getting ahead in the early game and winning with that lead.

    Unfortunately, sometimes i just have those unwinnable Botlane Matchups, my jungler chooses to ignore our lane, and i cant roam cause my ADC will just straight up get dove. How do i make the best out of such situation? Or do i just not die and hope i can get carried?

    submitted by /u/AcrobaticSir
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    How do you actually freeze a wave

    Posted: 06 Oct 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I see a lot of people talking about when to freeze a wave but how do you actually go about doing it? Supposedly I'm supposed to keep 4 extra enemy minions alive once my wave is gone but early levels tanking a wave to set up a freeze isn't ideal so is there a method to this as well?

    Any and all help would be appreciated, Thanks

    submitted by /u/Ankylosaurus379
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    a Challenger Jax main on KR is using Omnistone in more than half of his games

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:58 AM PDT


    He is consistently GM, sometimes challenger. In the last few weeks he's been using Omnistone on Jax top in more than half of his games.

    He still uses conqueror in many games, but I thought this was quite interesting. I'll watch some of his replays to learn more about it.

    Here's another challenger Jax main who also uses Omnistone in some games, although not nearly as often as the other guy.

    submitted by /u/TwitchTV-Zubin
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    Is taking kills as a jungle ok?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Whenever I gank the person I'm playing with they always get mad at me when the kill goes to me and says it should always be going to them unless they 100% cannot get the kill. And in river fights over objectives if I rek ult to save myself from cc and get a kill with the ult they still get mad at me for getting the kill. So should I just stop hitting when the enemy gets low enough for the person I play with to kill?

    submitted by /u/ThisIsAThrowAway0862
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    Finally climbed to gold after having played for 7 years! Here's what I've learned.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Hi guys, like the title says I've FINALLY climbed out from being a hardstuck silver after having played the game since 2013. I'm a hard jungle main but very much enjoy top+mid lanes also. To be fair I did quit playing for a few years halfway between 2014-2017/2018 I believe? I also only played for a maybe a month or so at a time when I finally would pick it up again and never bothered to try climbing after ranking up once after my placements. But for some reason, in the age of the pandemic and seeing all the new champs released I thought I would try again. Here's what my experience was like and the tips I have to share that helped me. Can't say it will work for everyone, but I feel some of them are just absolutes you just can't refute ( *cough\ vision *cough**)

    (1) Vision

    Seriously. This is like one of the most important and overpowering tools and mechanic in the game. Good vision can land an easy first blood. Catch the enemy jungle out consistently and make the game a 5v4 or 6v4. My number one recommendation in terms of vision is to buy control wards. Honestly, how often has 75g ended up impacting your overall game and getting that next item? It's minimal and having (as well as knowing how to use) control wards can truly help contest and secure objectives. Do you have at least 75g after buying your item(s) during your back? Buy the ward. Drag/herald up soon [and your jg is competent enough to respond to it]? Buy the damn ward. Hell buy TWO if you can. If you see the enemy team clearing your control ward, right before they last hit it, drop your second one and deny them the gold and possibly tilt them. As a jungle main, I ALWAYS buy controls/pinks whenever I can and don't place them until I actually need to. Major risk of it being cleared before getting to make use of it. Your bot lane is pinging for and actually coming to help clear drag? Drop it then control the vision of the pit. If you're a laner, then drop it somewhere that gives actionable information. Mid lane? Small river bush outside of the bushes closest to your lane. Bot lane red side? If you're going for a deep ward then drop it in the enemy bush entering the blue buff. Those are just some examples. But seriously guys, vision and control wards. Look up some YouTube videos on placement if it's not intuitive.

    (2) Look at the map. A LOT.

    This kinda ties into point (1) and is a lot easier for junglers, especially the ones who don't need to kite camps in order to stay healthy in their early clears, but yeah, check out what's going on in the other lanes often when you're not so tunnel visioned on landing your next last hit. This is only going to become truer and truer the higher you go from what I experienced. In Bronze and low Silver will laners often not respond+collapse in a timely manner because they're so focused on CS, but easily once the higher you go it'll become a more regular thing to respond to a skirmish in the jungle or river. And if you're behind on this skill, you're likely to miss out on other more key skirmishes that can snowball a game. The sooner you're able to do this, the better.

    (3) Early game sometimes is the end game. So play it right!

    When I say play it right, I don't mean there's only one or two ways to play it lol. Not all of our games can be hard stomps where we're the big dick carry who snowballed because of a triple at 5 minutes. Acknowledge every game is different and go in with the expectation that the enemy laner is just as good if not better than you. Sometimes you can get a gauge of how well they know their champ off of apps/sites like porofessor or op.gg, but it's not a for sure tell either! Play with some caution and while wave management has a fairly high skill ceiling, try and think about what you want to do with your wave when CSing. Are you mid and your bot lane is shoving their lane and drag is coming up? Maybe shove your lane (with reasonable vision!) to help create prio so either you or your bot lane can help the jungle get drag.

    (4) Learn to play from behind. Learn how to be carried when you're not the carry.

    As a jungler when I was still high bronze-low silver, this is what was really killing me for a while. I bounced back between silver III and IV at least 5 times because of my laners did not know how to play from behind. It makes it near impossible for your jungler to gank your lane if the enemy laner has 2-3 levels on you and/or your jungler. Again, like I said in (3), you can't always be the dummy thicc carry packing major schmeat every game slapping the enemy team around with your endowed schlong of an ego. Once the enemy laner has a 2 kill lead on you, that's usually an indicator to just farm and ask for ganks, granted your jungler is doing decent and not getting counter jungled a large portion of the match. Greeding for that one kill while you're 0/5 at 12 minutes is actually doing A LOT more harm than good for your team. Sure, score that kill and maybe you get some shut down gold but now the gold for killing you is reset from 120-170g back to 300g. Sure it helps you catch up a little, but was it enough to allow you to make an significant difference in the near future as mid game approaches with more skirmishes?? Probably not.

    Also even if they have a lead, it's not the absolute end to your lane. If you notice they're roaming a lot early game because they're overconfident, get that farm, push your lane to deny them CS+xp, and catch up! Get a plate or two if you can and that can really even out their lead on you to bring you back from the brink. Again, vision is key when trying to do this.

    (5) Learn to trade objectives.

    Someone posted on this sub recently about it I believe but I'll still include it here. If you're just too spread out and can't contest something, like a dragon, there's a fair likelihood you and your teammates will just end up dying and giving it up anyways if you attempt to force a 3v4 or 4v5. Contesting drag on a losing front? Keep contesting it without engaging and tell your jungle to grab the herald. Your strong split pusher is too far off splitting with no TP to join? Again, waste their time trying to contest drag WITHOUT actually pushing for an engage and get a tower or two.

    (6) Itemizing

    This one is kinda tricky and what a lot of low ELO players struggle with. The two most important situational items I think are tremendously overlooked are: grievous wounds & quicksilver sash (QSS). So many games where I was allowed to snowball as Warwick because of my strong early healing. The lack of grievous wounds people refused to buy until mid/late game when I was already fed could have turned a lot of duels and skirmishes around if they had it. But nobody wants to spend 800-1000g on such an important debuff for some reason when there is literally SO MUCH healing in this damn game. They have a Soraka AND a Swain?? Yeah man rush that Executioner's Blade or Bramble vest, especially if you're leading. Hell Soraka alone you need it (imo) or else you can't all in her ADC efficiently 2v2.

    Their team has one or two suppessors (e.g., Malzahar and Warwick)? Yeah either your mid/adc need to rush a QSS asap after their first item or every time they're caught out or positioned badly in a teamfight they're getting nuked. These are just a couple examples, but understanding the enemy team's kit and how they scale can really help you choose what items and when you should purchase them.

    (7) One-tricking

    I guess it's not a total must but it definitely helps. I know it's not for everyone because it can make the game feel stale, but not for me! I think the biggest strength of one-tricking is knowing all the ins and outs of your champ. Truly knowing their damage output at what levels, items, and matchups and how to make full and effective use of their kit can really make a tremendous difference if you want to have a serious impact on your matches even from behind. Having this due to one-tricking can really up the level and chances of you pulling off successful plays that have the /allchat going "wtfffff" or "jg diff". I personally one-tricked Vi from Bronze II to Silver III and then Warwick from Silver III to Gold IV this season because I was tired of getting shit on by him almost every game he came up. Up until Silver I or II I was consistently getting an S- minus in a lot of my matches and AT LEAST one honor from teammates at the end of every match. The lowest grades I would get even in losing matches would be A- unless I truly had a bad game and got stomped due to things out of my control. Even then nothing lower than a B, which was VERY rare.

    A lot of information with some of it seeming like common sense to you higher ELO players, I know. But I hope it's helpful to some of us lowbies out there! Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/DatHungryHobo
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    How do I slow push the first 2 waves to make the 3rd wave bounce back to me?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    Do I need to just last hit? What if the enemy is matching my push? Do I auto the first wave and then only last hit the second wave? Sorry, but my slow brain can't comprehend how to successfully slow push the first 2 waves and get the 3rd wave to bounce back to me so that I can set up ganks. I always seem to mess it up and they just set up a freeze on me and then I get ganked.

    submitted by /u/Shuasan
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    Should I start spamming other role if i want to climb

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    Hi im new to reddit and i don't know if i'm breaking any rule so if i do i'm sorry

    I'm a bronze 1 ADC main and i fell that i can't do my job as a carry if other lanes are losing, usually i get out off lane with a pretty good amout of gold and sometimes kills, i win the lane, or i lose the lane to minimum difference, after laning phase i can't keep scaling because mid won't let me farm that lane and going into a sidelane is too risky because my vision control isn't enough and team isn't helping with that so when the time of Teamfights come im in a negative spot in regard of the other ADC and i'm not able to carry

    So my question is should i play a least team reliant role in order to climb? or what should i improve as an ADC to carry and climb?

    I would really apreciate your feedback

    submitted by /u/jajajajavive
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    How are kiting junglers on PBE?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    In the patch notes they said jungle camps would be much harder to kite, so many people were of the opinion that fragile kiting junglers like Kindred, Brand, Taliyah would suffer a lot or may not even be viable anymore. Has anyone already tried the changes out and can give his/her opinion? I don't usually play those champs so I can't really get a good feeling for the changes, but maybe someone with more experience can help me out.


    submitted by /u/KaizokuKairi
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    how do i improve on playing adc jhin?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    i feel like i somewhat have the basics, and i've been told about kiting etc, but how do i position myself, what are the best situations, do i have to play aggressively?

    and also, which supports have good synergy with jhin? i'm trying to figure out a lot of stuff, as when i do get a support, unless it's thresh or pyke i have no idea how to work with them.

    submitted by /u/ceriies
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    Here's How to Set Up Vertical Jungling and Why It's Good

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    While watching Worlds groups, I started to realize how many teams are commiting to level 1 invades and vertical jungling in the early game. The team that executed it to perfection was Suning Gaming against Team Liquid in day 3 of groups. I decided to do a full analysis of how they made this strategy work.

    Here's a video version if you'd prefer: https://youtu.be/BSRTbr7wZgM

    Step 1: Champ Select

    • Draft a strong early bot lane and jungler with lots of kill pressure and strong level 1
      • SN: HoB Draven, Leona, Nidalee
      • TL: Twitch, Rakan, Lee Sin
    • Draft a self-sufficient top laner that can lose gracefully and still be relevant without resources invested into their lane
      • SN: Jax (Great scaling, can group or split push based on game state)
      • TL: Volibear (not tremendous kill pressure, will need to snowball)

    Step 2: Invade and force vertical jungling

    • With the level 1 advantage, SN forces TL out of their bot side jungle (red buff on blue side)
    • This isolates the bot lane for Nidalee, adding to the already tremendous pressure on Twitch/Rakan
    • For TL, they isolate top lane, which Jax recognizes and plays around

    Step 3: Slow push & crash waves, zone off the enemy from XP and gold

    • Draven and Leona stacked the first 3 waves, lining up the crash with Nidalee's finishing krugs to hit level 3.
    • Twitch and Rakan were still level 1 at this point because of the lane priority, and couldn't contest the crash.
    • Lee Sin has committed to vertical jungling, and can only impact the top half of the map for now.
    • Nidalee, Draven, and Leona walk PAST TL's turret to zone them completely off a massive wave. They secure a huge CS lead, and 2 turret plates by 3:30

    Step 4: Spend gold and repeat

    • By this point, Twitch/Rakan are too weak to even farm under turret alone. Any support from Lee Sin or Syndra would just lead to a lost fight and an even bigger deficit.
    • Galio and Nidalee continued to rotate down to bot lane, in sync with large waves crashing. TL's bot lane had to choose to give up gold and XP, or give up their lives.

    End result: SN bot lane secures 4 turret plates, 1 kill, 35 CS lead, infernal drake, completed Infinity Edge.... all by 10:30


    • SN Angel on the Galio pick repeatedly crashed waves, and roamed for wards or ganks. With predator, he didn't waste any time in lane, he completely played to the win condition.
    • Broxah's only option in this game state is to try to gank top (the weak side for SN). Every time, Jax was able to dodge the pressure. To stay even with the Draven snowball, they would have needed to kill Jax on repeat and rotate their bot lane out of the matchup.

    I hope you enjoy this analysis! :D

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Need a little help understanding how lanes work, Like why are the things the way that they are.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I'm new to league and I come from dota, so it's kind of strange to me. I'm wondering, The map is (almost) mirrored, so why aren't the lanes?

    By which I mean, top lane will have Blue's toplaner champ(say Jax) Vs Red's adc+sup, you know, like in dota, and bottom lane will have Blue's adc+sup Vs Red's toplaner champ(say Morde). Question1-Why is this not the case? Is it blue team or red team that will be at disadvantage if that were the case?

    And on that note, why ADCs and supports of both sides have to meet at the bottom lane? Question2-What happens if all 4 of them lane against, at the top lane? Is it blue team or red team that will be at disadvantage if that were the case?

    submitted by /u/Lou1sTheCr1m1naL
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    How to spot own mistakes, and know what to improve on?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Since I don't understand the game too well, I can't spot anything but the most obvious mistakes, missing some cs here and taking bad fights there. I'm D3 and wanna go higher, but I do not know where to go from here. I play against the occasional smurfs that can make a comeback happen from being down 8k gold at 25min, BUT I don't understand *how*.

    Just get a challenger coach? Would this even help or just push the problem back? I need to get the mindset of understanding the core issues in my gameplay. I might do insanely bad macro decisions without knowing it, and a the outcome might still turn out great because people don't have hands or whatever.

    submitted by /u/Mipetimies
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    What role should I main?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Hey! I was wondering what role I should main (Top, Jungle, Mid, Bottom, Support) based on my playstyle. I mainly play card games (Vanguard Zero, LoR) so I'll base my criteria on that.

    1. Has a playstyle based on preparation (resource-management, vision control)
    2. Disrupts the enemy (resource removal, CC, etc.)
    3. Fights but isn't in the fight itself (long-ranged, escapes)
    submitted by /u/Finales0Funkeln
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    How.. how do I play against Yone?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    The title says it all. I just have so much trouble against the champion.

    I am an ADC/Mid main and cannot stand playing against him at all. I feel like he has the easiest dive kit of every champion to get to my sassy-ass on the backline.

    I really don't know how to avoid him other than banning him. Please help me with this.

    This is an S.O.S. call out to everyone, arigato

    submitted by /u/TheRedNLer
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    When to play Kayle Mid?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    I've been trying to get a good champ pool going for mid, I currently have a burst mage (Neeko), a roamer (Ahri), and now I need a late game champion, so I was thinking about adding Kayle. But when do I know to pick Kayle?

    Neeko is my pocket pick so I can always go for her, but I don't really know what other champions are late game or early game yet, so I can't look at my team comp and go "we don't have any scalers, I should pick kayle"

    submitted by /u/softservebunnie
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    Should I follow my jungler in a bad gank or let him die?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I'm a toplaner in Gold and I just had a game where the enemy Illaoi with was lvl7 1/3hp with ult up and fully stacked conqueror. My lvl5 jungler comes and even I pinged him 10 time to back he just went all in and died. I'm sure he didn't know illaoi had ult and fully stacked conqueror but I did, that's why I pinged him to back. We started to argue but in my opinion even Illaoi was killable, if I ping back he should't have go in. Someone said I just have to follow since he already engaged and it makes sense, maybe I could go in and try: it would be a double kill for the enemy or a kill and an assist of us. But I'm sure if Illaoi got a double kill they would flame me anyway. To be honest Illaoi was killable but I didn't want to risk to give her a double.

    What would you do in this situation? What do you usually do when you have to decide if going in or just walk away because that fight isn't worth your summs?

    Thank you

    Edit: sorry I forgot to mention the champs. I was playing Garen and my Jungler was Kha Zix.

    submitted by /u/hu_simone
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    [Serious] How has Tyler1 climbed to D2 in a month playing a role he's never played?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    When I watch his streams it baffles me how this man has made it so far. His mechanics aren't good, he tilts and spams FF constantly, and his decision making in lane is horrible. How is he D2, seriously someone explain to me how he was able to climb like that while inting every other game? Is it just his macro decisions during mid game? I seriously cannot figure it out.

    submitted by /u/mxsn_
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    Can someone explain me early game gold income?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    So I just played vs Garen as Camille. In around min 3 I solo killed him, after that I was able to freeze the lane and maintain it for quite a few mins. Zoned Garen off of almost every cs and from exp range for some time. I was then 46 to 112 cs ahead in min 12 or so. I died one time cause I greeded for a plating and miss played my escape. But he had trinity at the exact time as I did. How is this possible? I thought I pretty much rendered him useless. The only item advantage I had was a D Blade.

    submitted by /u/LividHarry
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    what gets me banned

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    So my friends and I have some pretty harsh banter in the party lobby and one of them allegedly sent the screenshots to riot support to get me back for stealing his Penta. Can this get me banned? For clarity, this was not in game or in post game lobby. We were typing in the party lobby.

    submitted by /u/Piebye726
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    When do I run Fleet Footwork, and when do I run Phase Rush on Jungle Graves?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    Title, basically -- I want to know the pros and cons of running Fleet Footwork vs Phase Rush on graves. What kind of comps should I be running each one into? What do I look for in champ select to make an informed decision and give myself the best chance of winning?

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    What should I think about going into every game?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Plat 4 ADC Mainly playing Sivir, trying to stick on one champ for a little while so not much to think about in terms of champ select/draft/rune/sum spells.

    After the drafts are in though and I'm loading into game what should I be thinking about in every game?

    Win conditions, itemization, anything else?

    submitted by /u/jubilee414404
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