LoL Guide Why does omnistone exist? |
- Why does omnistone exist?
- ''Oh no, Fizz is 3/0/0, gg FF@15''. Should you?
- Diamond Player for 3 years- Everything I've learned that could be useful
- Follow up: How to walk up to a Swain Support
- Caitlyn
- Countering Pyke?
- Bottom Pairs
- Translating 50 levels worth of aram experience into ranked gameplay
- Trying to learn as much as I can
- Which ADCs pair up well with mage supports & Support Senna?
- How do I play Ziggs mid lane?
- Any tips for coaching a team?
- Questions about win condition
- Mages in the jungle? [Silver/gold]
- Propose the composition
- Whats the next step?
- How to know if a teamcomp is good or bad?
- When should i buy bramble vest vs ap champions on top lane
- How to roam against heavy wave clear lanes?
- How to deal with AP damage supports?
- Fiora vs Zed Top - When to parry.
- Heal and Shielding bonus, how does it apply?
- Take League of Legends Gameplay to the NEXT LEVEL l Pro Keybinds l Tips and tricks
- How do you play against lillia?
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:56 AM PDT Omnistone is a bit of weird keystone that i have no idea on which champions it will be usefull on. I also dont think that the luck base mechanic makes it that viable. If you know how can i use this keystone and on which champions please tell me. Extra info:Im silver4 close to promotion so basically im in low elo and i just might not have enough knowledge on the mechanics of the game yet. [link] [comments] |
''Oh no, Fizz is 3/0/0, gg FF@15''. Should you? Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:01 AM PDT Assassins like Fizz and Zed are very well know to get a guaranteed kill at lvl 6-7. That is mind disturbing for a lot of players. Lots of you guys think that they fail, overstep or did something very wrong. While there is tools to avoid this scenario, you must understand that this scenario isn't fatal to your game. In fact, it just makes this specific assassin ''balanced''... Why? because if he is lvl 8-9-10 and still have not grab a kill and bleeing CS. welp... might as well call it a 5v4. These assassins are balanced around this turning point. ''oh no Fizz is 3/0/0, ggFF@15'' is the most detrimental reaction to this TYPICAL AND NORMAL event happening vs powerful Midlaner assassins. But take a look at your typical Gold4 Fizz 236games, 52% winrate. Do you think shouldnt he be challenger, dude got 3 kills?... this is a very typical scenario. The whole team start to get hyped around this fizz who got fed early, lets go smash that camille toplane! so hop they go, kill her once, twice. Then, the Gold/Silver Camille still doesnt get it, she still try to get her farm and farm what she can, Janna is thirsty she knows fizz dont miss a kill so she follow him, Shen wants a fkin kill to so he ult fizz who is hunting the camille 1/5/1, suddenly 3 of them are topside and MF/Yuumi gets anihilated by the 4 remaining who have freaking nothing else to do that killing the clueless duo. Then baron get takes down etc... Assassins thrive midgame, especially during the time laning phase isnt over. Then very often typical assassins act as lone wolves and only work to keep growing their kills numbers. Even if they dont get cocky, they have hard time to be effective in teamfights. Do not give up.... if every assassins who get a lead early would win, then it would be the obvious best and only choice. But its not. It is very heartbreaking to see so many mental breakdown at 12minutes because Katarina got 2 kills. These champions are doing what they are best to do at the best time point in the game. But these assassins players do not win all the time... why? because these early kills means far less than your head is telling you. Keep playing, and win it. [link] [comments] |
Diamond Player for 3 years- Everything I've learned that could be useful Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:24 PM PDT Hi everyone, This is my first time ever making a reddit account and writing something, as usually I just lurk. I have also never really felt a need to make a "stuff I learned" post, because there's always on of these posts every time I come here, most of which are at least kind of helpful. Recently though, some of my irl friends have been asking me about how to make it to gold/plat/diamond, and I thought I should write down everything I've learned in a google doc, but figured might as well make a post so more people could see it. A bit about me: I've been diamond since s8, maining ADC and off rolling into support. Since S8, ADC has not been the strongest role, but I feel like it's what I enjoy the most, so I ended up sticking with it. I also won't claim to be someone actually good, because I am most definitely not(good players are in CN super server or KR chall btw and not NA diamond haha), but I think some of this is at least useful for just soloq in diamond and below.
Ok, that was really it for what came to my mind. If my formatting sucks, please forgive me, I haven't ever posted before. A lot of these might sound really well-known/generic/whatever, but they are the things that I have genuinely found helpful through my experience. I've condensed everything useful I learned either through experience or online into one essay, so hopefully you don't have to watch as many videos and make as many mistakes as I did. Also, improving at League takes time, please don't think you're just bad and give up if you somehow don't make it to your desired rank this season. A lot of League is just figuring out what works for you, so there is no magical guide that can get you from bronze to challenger in a week or whatever, just play, take what you can from this, and good luck in these final days before the season ends. If anyone has questions, extra advice, or disagreements with what I said, please feel free to comment it below :) [link] [comments] |
Follow up: How to walk up to a Swain Support Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:32 PM PDT Hey guys, I posted about walking up in the bot lane the other day. A lot of you asked what you should do if you are against an engage support like Nautilus, Swain, Leona, Blitzcrank. It's all about their cooldowns, which spells they have, and when you are stronger. In this clip, I am playing Ashe + Zilean against Sivir + Swain. I see Swain mis-step and I utilize the fact that his E gets trapped on minions to walk up to him. Some of you also asked for elo and The elo is Plat 2 NA, and here is my [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:15 PM PDT Hello fellow summoners, I am a adc main who likes playing Kai'sa, Ezreal, Senna, and Lucian (havent quite got the hang of Lucian yet) but in most of my games I have mainly two issues.
Thank you for your advice : ) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:27 PM PDT Plain as the title, I'm low elo twitch/Zilean main (adc/supp) and everytime I play against pyke no matter which position he plays, I always end screwed up and really angry. In early i get too much pressure from his hook and find myself playing under turret unable to proper farming, and late in the game i feel like a really easy kill for him and he feels pretty bulky. I try to understand his kit but I always end outdamaged or outplayed and almost always I play vs pyke, my team ends losing the game. I think this has to be cause Zil/twitch are squishy but dunno what to so outside flash/heal/runaway. Any tips/advices?? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:08 AM PDT Hey all, Is there a chart or some website that shows good bottom adc support pairs? I've been trying out ADC and it's pretty fun. I've been trying to learn more about the support role so that I can play around their kits. I feel like as ADC it's important to know a decent amount about your character and the supports, as well as the opposing side. If there's an area where I can read up on this that would be great. Thanks all! [link] [comments] |
Translating 50 levels worth of aram experience into ranked gameplay Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:51 PM PDT Hello there teachers, it's me, ya boy The question I have is basically the title. I played on and off from 2013-2020, in June 2020 I hit level 30 subsequently fell into a hole because damn aram is fun. 50 levels later I'm now lvl 83 or something and I just about finished my rank in games at Bronze IV. I played some toplane to mediocre success, having to be carried. I also played ADC and it went better than expected, I wouldn't say stellar but it's okay ish I guess. Whenever I play toplane I find myself at a gold disadvantage and subsequently at an item disadvantage, the enemy jungles gets a gank on me and the gap widens to such a degree that im useless to the team. I played teemo top once (pls don't hate me) and tried copying the teemo from the game before, he went 14/0/6 with ease as he snowballed really hard really fast, I only got to 2/1/1 and wasn't anywhere near a power spike even with CS advantage over Morsekaiser. When do I know when to roam? Just experience? Can I even translate ARAM experience into ranked gameplay? Should I see them as two mutually exclusive game modes which are just sharing champions? Any help is appreciated,ya boy just really don't want to be such a huge burden to the team no more Edit: it has come to my attention that wave management is some micro play and some macro play is more important in the depths that I play at. What I concentrate on first? Also what is macro play? Is setting up ganks macro play or are objectives macro play? Both? [link] [comments] |
Trying to learn as much as I can Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT So, when I started play LoL about a month and a half ago, I decided that I really want to play Jungle. I think I've gotten pretty decent at it but I realized that I really didn't know much about how lanes work and what my laners will probably want to do etc. To understand laning better , I started playing mid lane about a week ago and found Yone and Katarina to be really fun so I sort of understand the basics of how laning works with these champions but would anyone be willing to give me little tips on general or even champion specific things to do in lane so that I can use that info to become a better all around player who can hopefully play every role decently in the future Thank you Also, how the heck do people carry games on Kat, every time I go in to team fights I just die [link] [comments] |
Which ADCs pair up well with mage supports & Support Senna? Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:31 AM PDT Hello teachers of r/summonerschool as an ADC Main I play the role almost always when I play normals with my friends. Whether it be randoms or one of my friends as support, I get a mage support or a support senna almost all of the time. I find it hard to lane with them, because they offer next to no peel or engage and when behind their damage output is also lacking. With an enchanter support I know that I can scale for late and pick a scaling adc, whereas with tank supports I can pick lane bullies or also scaling (if it's Braum or Tahm Kench). Unfortunately I do not know which ADCs pair well with mage supports like Brand/Zyra/Velkoz/Xerath. I think high range ADCs like Jhin/Ezreal/Caitlyn/Ashe could work, but then again I think they pair up better with tank supports. I also have two friends who play senna support regularly and I have trouble adjusting to that, because I do not think she is a viable support, as she lacks early game strenght and feels more like a second adc instead of a real support. Any tips or recommendations how to play lane with them? I know that I should stick to a smaller champ pool, but for normals with friends I just want to test synergies and open up my champion pool a little. Thank you. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT I've been rotating around Lucian, Akali and lux mid lane for this season. Lately I picked up ziggs for fun in norms and it felt really good, like it felt right to play. I really enjoy his play style where you bombard the enemy with low cool down abilities. However, there's outdated guides on YouTube and apparently he's not meta. But I still want to give him a shot. Some things I would like to know is what to do during certain laning phases, and additional tips. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:26 PM PDT My h.s. decided to include an esports event at our huge sports rivalry competition, and since I am the only player with any logistical sense, I have wound up as the coach. Everyone is sending in vods for me to decide who should be in, and I am apparently acting as a coach during draft. My rank is, well, not great, but my game knowledge is what I would call "above average", and I think some members might be at a higher rank than me and I do not know what to do if they start giving me crap for it. Oh yeah, btw our school gave us virtually no notice so the game is gonna be in like 4 days lol (I don't think the other school will be much better tbh). [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:11 PM PDT I'm going to ask a bunch of questions and I'd like you fine people to answer as many as you can to the best of your ability.
[link] [comments] |
Mages in the jungle? [Silver/gold] Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:11 PM PDT So I like playing mages, and I want to play jungle, and I'm looking for a way to merge the two. I'm not looking for junglers that are AP but effectively melee, I'm looking for mages with mage playstyle. I saw somewhere that jungle Morgana/Zyra were a thing, is that true? I don't really know much about what -could- work from the kit alone since I'm inexperienced. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:15 AM PDT Hello! So Im an adc main in low elo so I realize i lack ALOT of game knowledge. Anyway i main Cait, Senna and Vayne. Which compositions would fit their playstyles? Like for instance i know i should be taking Vayne when enemy team has a lot of tanks or a threatening tank.. What are your tips? Thanks for any in advance^ [link] [comments] |
Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:41 PM PDT Hello summoners Recently I reached plat after a long grind and I figured out somethings, that wave management had a huge impact in laning phase, and how I could gain good advantages with it. With my micro being better than the rank I was at the time this was the last step for me to get to plat, now I am plat 3, and now I feel like im stuck, just as I was in gold, and I am really curios to know what is the next step? I feel like my micro can be better, since people im this elo have better micro than me imo, how can I improve it? I am an ADC main who comfortably plays Jhin, Ashe, Ezreal and Draven, but can be also play Kai'sa and Jinx. What is the next important things to learn in plat? [link] [comments] |
How to know if a teamcomp is good or bad? Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:31 PM PDT I see high elo streamers talking about their team or the enemies teamcomp is good or bad. What factors are they basing this on? Is it literally just how well the kits of every champion on the enemy compliment each other? Do they factor in how much ap vs how much ad a team has? Can a full scaling comp be good? Can a full early game comp be good? Like what's up? [link] [comments] |
When should i buy bramble vest vs ap champions on top lane Posted: 28 Oct 2020 03:32 AM PDT Hi,i have a question,so i was playing ornn vs sylas on top lane and he heals soo much.I know that i had to buy bramble vest but i dont know when.Should i buy it as a first item or should i buy it after abyssal mask and boots or how?Thanks hope you all have a great day :) [link] [comments] |
How to roam against heavy wave clear lanes? Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:16 AM PDT I was playing Renekton top with tp against a Shyvana (I know), and I killed her loads in lane, but I wanted to spread the lead and roam but whenever i tried she would fully push the wave in and I would miss out on cs. I played this game terribly if I'm being honest but in general I struggle with using tp correctly/ roaming and not losing out on tower plates and cs, if anyone could help out. [link] [comments] |
How to deal with AP damage supports? Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:26 AM PDT I have recently started playing botlane, and playing against heavy engage tank supports like leona seems ok, there is a lot of counterplay and it's really fun, playing against hookers is fine as well, enchanters like janna/nami/sona aren't hard to deal with either, but how do you play against stuff like Zyra, Brand, or Velkoz? I don't put Lux on this list because I find her damage really easy to dodge and she doesn't deal nearly as much damage as the others do. It always feels like Lux tickles me while getting touched by a Zyra plant under my own tower takes half of my hp, same as Brand landing one ability on me. Would appreciate some tips on what the weaknesses of these champions are because they are quite present in botlane and I do not like them. [link] [comments] |
Fiora vs Zed Top - When to parry. Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:49 AM PDT I am in gold 4 and am fairly new to fiora, but I have been doing well in every game I've played on her. I played against a Zed Top which I lost in lane and played under tower due to his range and mobility. We did manage to win the game however. I would just try to proc front vitals when I could. I am not sure if you can parry Zed ulting you to make it never happen, but I know I am not skilled enough to react to that. So, after Zed ults me, is it better to parry the damage he does or should I parry the final pop from his ult? TL:DR After Zed ults me, should I parry the damage he does or should I parry the final pop from his ult. Thank you :) [link] [comments] |
Heal and Shielding bonus, how does it apply? Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:30 PM PDT I am asking how does the heal and shielding bonus on support items apply to general healing in game? I like to buy shurelyas when I play Volibear jungle because - if it works how I assume it does - it increases his heal from W, his shield from E, and any other supplemental healing from team. I've been running support items on tank junglers to great success, but I don't know if it's truly worth it. If it is I feel like this shit is hidden broken. Especially on Voli. [link] [comments] |
Take League of Legends Gameplay to the NEXT LEVEL l Pro Keybinds l Tips and tricks Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:26 PM PDT Hey everyone at summonerschool, I just made this video that talk about the many keybinds that I have seen that many new players and veteran player do not take advantage of, also one really useful thing that I learned recently was about the item sets, how often do you buy your zhonyas or any other active item etc, and you accidently press the wrong button because you forgot to switch the item to the correct slot? well fear not in the beginning of the video I go over that, and honestly that has been one of the most useful things ever! [link] [comments] |
How do you play against lillia? Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:22 PM PDT Basically the title. I'm mostly an Elise OTP but i got stomped all the time. The only time she is vulnerable is on her first clear, and even if i kill her, assuming equal skill, she stomps me after, she does more damage while being tankier. I've tried playing both as a standard burst elise with Electro and bruiser with conq, is the same, champ is too strong. I have tried with K6, same story, she died lvl 3 but after that i couldn't duel her. Even if i got objectives she outfarmed me by a lot, so she was 2 to 3 levels ahead of me making it even harder to fight. Maybe both are bad into her, i don't know, but besides her lvl 3 i don't see any weak points on this champ. Clears fast, maybe too fast, scales extremely well later on, gets quite tanky, is slippery with ms, has a lot of damage. Any tips? [link] [comments] |
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