League of Legends Sources: Jensen to sign new 3 year agreement with Team Liquid said to be valued at $4.2 million |
- Sources: Jensen to sign new 3 year agreement with Team Liquid said to be valued at $4.2 million
- LoL Analyst is plaigarizing Korean content creators
- After playing with this guy for over 2 months without saying a word I get the most wholesome msg I can ever get in league
- Longest Zoe shot (in Aram)
- Battlecast Nasus and Zac, Resistance Singed, Yorick and Jayce
- Sources: Evil Geniuses to hire ex-MAD Lions coach Peter Dun
- In Heartwarming Tribute To K-Pop Industry, Riot Replaces Sona With Younger, Prettier Champion
- Patch 10.22 notes
- TSM Doublelift on how to practice farming
- Official Announcement: Dylan Falco re-signs as Head Coach for our 2021 LEC Season!
- Current EUW Rank 1 has 1530 LP 63% winrate and has only played one champion for the ENTIRE SEASON
- Everyone is excited about SN Huanfeng's backstory, but here is DWG Ghost's interview after being relegated from LCK with BBQ Olivers
- Why does Yasuo block Jhin W, but not Samira?
- GBM's hilarious theory on Suning vs TES Game 1 draft & Why scrimming Damwon is dangerous (ft. SuperMassive, TSM, and FNC).
- Opening Ceremony Trailer | Worlds 2020 - League of Legends
- Selfmade on Damwon or Suning for World Champion : "Damwon. I think it's gonna be 3-0"
- Not sure what's cooler: that I was able to solo Baron as a level 12 Amumu, or that my team let a level 12 Amumu solo the Baron at 20 minutes
- Bjergsen's Legacy: a look back at the career and achivements of the LCS's star midlaner - Run It (Travis and Tim)
- Who Will Take Over? | Worlds 2020 Finals - League of Legends
- Tomorrow marks League's 11th Anniversary. With this comes Wild Rift's Open Beta on some countries in the SEA region. WR will also debut it's first cinematic trailer in less than 12Hours.
- PBE Preview: Battlecast, Resistance, & Victorious
- I miss the guy who used to draw funny cartoon about world result
- Bevvies with the Boys, Ep5. w/ Munchables, Dagda, Ashley Kang and Caedrel!
- SK Gaming and TCL midlaner Blue have come close to an agreement
- Warwick vs dopa
Sources: Jensen to sign new 3 year agreement with Team Liquid said to be valued at $4.2 million Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:50 PM PDT
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LoL Analyst is plaigarizing Korean content creators Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:12 AM PDT I first noticed it with this video, because I had watched this video the night before, then saw LoL Analyst's video on the same topic the next day. Sure enough, it's the same thing translated to English, with no reference made to the original video whatsoever. Many of their other videos(specifically the champion guides) plagiarize Dobby도비, another Korean content creator. Pretty messed up, I can't imagine how much time, effort, and game knowledge it take to make these videos just to have someone else profit off of them. Just wanted to make sure 현튜브 and Dobby도비 are properly credited, especially since their channels are literally smaller than LoL Analyst's. Edit- I can't believe I have to say this but translating someone else's content doesn't make it yours. They are taking other people's analysis and passing it off as their own. Edit 2- This post gained a lot more traction than I expected, some of what I'm seeing in the comments is downright horrifying. I find it unfortunate that it's so difficult to hold content creators to higher standards, especially one as low as not taking credit for others' work. If you're disappointed that it's hard to find content like this in English that isn't plagiarized(I know I am), I think a good place to start would be to contribute to an environment where it takes quality, original work to be successful, and to stop supporting anything that doesn't meet those standards. For example, DongHuaP comes to mind when I think of similar videos in English. (I don't know the guy, he didn't tell me to say that, he just came to mind when I thought of similar content creators.) Also, a reminder that LoL Analyst could simply cite the original videos and give proper credit, and they would be every bit as successful as they are now. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:05 AM PDT msg: https://imgur.com/EcZi0G7
Context: So I've met this guy while playing jhin and he was leona like awhile back we didn't say anything in the match but we played very well and carried the game, he sent me invite after so I accepted ofc cuz he actually have very good game sense. Anyway I said hi , he didn't respond. I figured he is not much of a talker so we play couple of games which we win all and I say thanks at the end.. Over all this time I figured he doesn't know english, I'm not that good in english anyway it's not my first language.. but again game sense, it's amazing how we can actually play of each other in botlane without any communication and still dominate the lane and win most matches so ofc am not complaining :d Yesterday we lost a match where we had an afk and I started remake which got 3/4 (no) votes I got so frustrated and let all out in the chat ofc cuz we never gonna win even though I went 29/7/8 this game cuz of 0 macro in this elo.. any way we lost ofc. After this match my friend went to play alone and again as we can't communicate I felt so bad I thought he maybe he didn't like how I raged in chat but he doesn't know english so what happened?! I woke today with this msg and had a very big smile. I never thought I would experience such a wholesome moment in this game with how the community is most toxic. I invited him for game when he came online we win 3 out of 4 game. Edit: used paragraphes [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:32 AM PDT
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Battlecast Nasus and Zac, Resistance Singed, Yorick and Jayce Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT
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Sources: Evil Geniuses to hire ex-MAD Lions coach Peter Dun Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:44 PM PDT
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In Heartwarming Tribute To K-Pop Industry, Riot Replaces Sona With Younger, Prettier Champion Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:48 AM PDT
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Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:09 AM PDT
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TSM Doublelift on how to practice farming Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT
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Official Announcement: Dylan Falco re-signs as Head Coach for our 2021 LEC Season! Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT
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Current EUW Rank 1 has 1530 LP 63% winrate and has only played one champion for the ENTIRE SEASON Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:36 AM PDT https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=HAHHAHAHAHAHXDDD This guy is insane. He has only played one champion for the entirety of season 9 and 10 and is at least 200 LP ahead of anyone else. The ultimate one trick. No normals/aram/urf/flex games at all. Not a single game on any other champion. Janna SoloQ only. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:55 PM PDT Throughout these Worlds, Huanfeng's story from rags to one of the best adcs at Worlds has been highlighted. I feel like Ghost's story as an unwanted pro player to Worlds potential winner is just as fascinating. Therefore, I want to share with you guys an interview he did with Inven after getting relegated with BBQ that I feel encapsulates his background as a pro player prior to current success. Before I get on with the interview, here is a little backstory: Along with BDD, Ghost was a prized prospect of CJ Entus, both awaiting their 17th birthdays to enter pro play. He was also part of the mysterious trainwreck of a CJ team that got relegated (A team with superstars Madlife and Shy, and future worlds participants Kramer, Untara, Haru, and BDD). He then moved on to BBQ Olivers, playing a few splits after finally getting relegated at the end of 2018. His teammates were Crazy, Trick, Bono, Tempt, and Ignar. He was widely regarded as the worst adc in the LCK by far. In the off-season following relegation, it is famous in the Korean community that when KT Ghost rumors circulated around, every comment cried "anyone but him". In reality, KT tried out every adc except Ghost, eventually signing Zenit and Gango. So, with this backstory, here is Ghost's interview with Inven just after joining SandBox Gaming in early 2019: Pro sports are divided into only two categories – winner and loser. For the winner, riches and fame follow, along with overflowing praise. For the loser, criticism and attack follows. It is no different concerning interviews. They are a privilege reserved for the winners. Like the saying "history is always written by the winners", Ghost was unable to talk about his feelings for over two years. 193 games, 64 wins 129 losses. A gruesome winrate of 33.2%. While his former teammates Kramer, Haru, and Bdd were flourishing, Ghost wasn't. I probed his thoughts on watching his colleagues race ahead of him. Surprisingly, Ghost laughed: "I've cried (about it) and I've laughed (about it) before. Still, laughing is better". After, he gave his honest thoughts about his feelings and the pressure during his team's (BBQ Olivers) losing record. I could also hear his resolution for what could be his last season in 2019. Q: You've never had an individual interview before. How does it feel. Ghost: To be honest the timing isn't that good (laughs). Still it feels good to talk in an interview. In this interview, don't be worried, just read with a calm mind. I can't go any lower than I am now so enjoy with me. Q: Your interview skills got better. Maybe it is because you are more experienced now**.** Ghost: It probably shows in my in-game play and mindset. I was very unafraid and bold when I was a rookie. I would get reprimanded for that. Although experience helped me get more careful, I think it is more fitting to say I shrank due to my lack of success. I can't say I am experienced. Just at the moment my confidence is low so it feels different from my rookie years. Q: It seems as though you shrank from all the criticism and flame. Ghost: I am okay now, but before it was really hard. Whether I performed well or not, I was scared to leave the gaming booth once our team lost. I was afraid of meeting anyone that was present at the stadium. It was hard to meet anyone's eyes since it felt like everyone was mocking me. It is only natural that a pro player gets criticized/flamed for playing bad, and I've consoled myself using this logic as well. But it is still lonely coming back from the stadium. I couldn't even tell my parents since it would worry them. They used to always read articles about me, but at one point they said they stopped doing so. One time, my parents told me that I could give up if it's too hard on me. They told me not to get too stressed about it. They advised me that life is long, and pro play is not everything in my life. Of course they said I should still work my hardest at what I am doing presently. Q: It must have hurt you to hear you "suck". I heard its especially hard for pro gamers to admit they aren't good. Ghost: I sucked so it was only natural to hear that I suck (laughs). That's not up to my admission or not. I can't make excuses when the consensus is such. Even me, sometimes I question my plays watching replays of my LCK games (laughs). Q: About the results of BBQ Olivers. Ghost: We could not build up synergy at BBQ Olivers. Subsequently, it felt like we were playing individually. If we were feeling that as the players, it was probably more infuriating for the viewers. Simply put, we weren't able to become one team. Behind that were individual problems, and I can't say I didn't have any as well. Q: Therefore, your expression seemed dark while playing, especially when you recorded a death. Ghost: In the past, Khan showed symptoms of hyperventilation while playing against us. I heard it's from the pressure of pro play, and I came to understand him every time I died on stage. After one death, my heart beats faster and I start sweating. Soon, I can't see anything and I can't think either. Obviously the results can't be good when I am in the state like that. Still, my mindset was straight. I concentrated in practice, and tried to fix my bad habits. However, it was hard to do as I practiced on stage as mistakes and losses piled up. Q: As a result, your team was relegated and you left the team. How was it like then. Ghost: Lots of thoughts swirled in my mind. The BBQ Olivers front office was amazing, and I feel sorry that I left with such bad results. I also questioned my abilities since I created this terrible result. Are there any other players with such terrible results after almost 200 pro games like me? I thought that if I am so bad it might be right for me to give up. What was frustrating me was my drive to succeed as a pro even then (laughs). Q: It was surprising to hear you joined SandBox Gaming. What was the reason for remaining in highly contested LCK. Ghost: I thought about going overseas, but I told myself not yet. I felt that my efforts were gone to waste if I just left. My regrets kept me waiting for a Korean offer. After all the wait, the SandBox head coach offered me a test. At the time, I had to be tested to be considered for an offer. Surprisingly the results came back fast. The head coach asked me to join the team, and I joined thinking that this is my last chance. That's a fact. If I don't perform well in 2019 it may just be the end. I should say I will perform well since I am a pro player, but I am kind of scared still (laughs). Although it hasn't been long since I joined the team, the front office is great and my teammates feel like family. We try to be proactive, so if we work on our teamwork I believe we can produce good results. Q: Were there any other Korean offers? Ghost: Sadly, no (laughs). If I could choose obviously I would choose a team with good chances to go to playoffs. That's the same for any pro. But the reality is not so, and I am not that out of touch with reality. There were a lot of empty (adc) slots, but I quickly acknowledged that I wouldn't get offers for them. That would allow me to properly motivate myself wherever I am. Players with good careers keep in touch with each other, and ask to play together. That's a world I don't live in. I envy them and I want to grow to become a player that can choose between teams. My first goal to become a player other teams will want. Q: Tell us your strengths with confidence. Ghost: I haven't been able to show it properly yet, but I like making proactive plays. I also communicate a lot with my teammates in-game. I was told my briefing/shotcalling isn't too bad (laughs). It's a good coincidence that SandBox is a team that tries to play proactive. As long as I can play well, there should be no problems. Q: What kind of talks did you share with your former teammates during the off-season. Ghost: Crazy hyung gave me a lot of good advice. I also appreciate Kang Hyun Jong head coach and Jung Je-seung coach (former coaches of Ghost at CJ Entus) for contacting me from time to time. Shy and Haru hyung both give me good words. As old friends, Bdd and I never really exchange fightings (translators note: I assume they think its cringe to say heartwarming stuff since they are such good friends), but he never says he wants to play with me (even as a joke). I'm kidding (laughs). Q: You told me your preliminary goal. What are any others. Ghost: I want to improve as much as I sucked and win the LOL World Championship. Right now my reputation is very negative, but I realized that in pro play there are no excuses. I grew a lot during my hardships. Play hard together is a mindset I will never lose during my pro years. Q: Please tell us anything else you want to say. I know you also want to say something to the fans. Ghost: I personally have a question to ask to the fans. In the comments of articles about me you guys refer to me as "the Holy Spirit". I interpret it as a good nickname and feel good about it. If it has a different (bad) meaning, please let me know… I will play thinking that 2019 is my last chance. In no way I want to end things like 2018. At least I want to play with no regrets, and I don't want people around me hurt from overwhelming flame directed at me. I promise to play well through this interview, so please don't flame me too hard. Although they say one is "elite" if they can smile during hard times, it is hard to handle flame towards my family. Still, there are some people who root for me, which I am truly grateful for. You don't have to blindly root for me. You can say I suck if I suck, and any sort of flame is ok. Just don't spread it past me and towards the people around me. As a CJ Entus fan who still keeps the CJ Entus summoner icon in league, I hope Ghost can win the championship and finally tell people he is an adc other teams will salivate over. Go Holy Spirit! Source: http://m.inven.co.kr/webzine/wznews.php?idx=212354&site=lol [link] [comments] | ||
Why does Yasuo block Jhin W, but not Samira? Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:56 AM PDT Not meant to be a hate post on either champ, just genuinely curious about this interaction. According to the wiki page on projectiles, Jhin W is the only ability that interacts differently between Yasuo and Samira. Considering how popular these three champs are, it seems pretty important to keep a consistent interaction. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT GBM (former player, current coach of super massive) does draft reviews of all series and today's video was kind of funny and insightful so I wanted to share it. Please note that the theory behind TES vs Suning draft is just a theory from GBM's brain and no evidence behind it. Suning vs TES Jackeylove is slightly off and as much as JKL was off, SofM was that much on. SofM drained JKL's skills and sucked it out of him with a straw. I think there was a mental problem within the team. This is just my theory. TES before their match against Suning scrimmed Damwon and here is the problem with scrimming against top teams. First, regardless of your draft, it looks like shit when the game is over. Before the game starts you are confident in your draft but after the game it looks like shit. For example if TES scrimmed SuperMassive and TES first picks Lee Sin and wins 10 straight against SuperMassive, TES is thinking "yo Lee Sin hella OP, if we take Lee Sin it's gg" and then they go scrim Damwon. Let's say TES is red side, Damwon first picks Jhin because Damwon is thinking "we are just practicing our draft that we will use against G2", however, what TES is thinking is that "What the hell, Damwon is first picking Jhin? Guys Jhin must be hella OP, we should try this out" So who is on the other side of TES? It's G2. Remember there are only 4 teams left. So next day TES vs G2 scrim: TES: "Yo, we all saw DWG first pick jhin yesterday? let's try it out against G2" but the problem here is that this strategy is what Damwon tried to use against G2, so it of course goes well and TES crushes G2 in scrims. TES at the end of scrims: "DWG is right, Jhin is OP. Brother Damwon has shown us the light" And then match day you end up with this (shows Game 1 Draft of TES vs Suning where TES first picked Jhin). This is the reason why TES first picked Jhin in game 1. Doesn't this theory sound plausible? You know what is funny? These situations happen all the time in the pro scene. However, when situations like these arise, you often see weird drafts because some teams try to practice certain situations while other teams are trying to win and it's complicated so that's why you see weird drafts in actual matches. However, there is always one person that realizes something is wrong, and I believe that person was Karsa. I can see from their first pick Lee sin that Karsa realized something was up. So Karsa told his team "Hey guys, Damwon is just picking jhin because G2 is very good with jhin so they are just trying to take it away from them" But JKL comes in "yo karsa, let me tell you what's up. Jhin's laning phase is S tier and watching Ghost play jhin, I can carry like that too. Just first pick Jhin and I take you to the finals" This is just all for fun and based on my thoughts. I am just saying this could have happened. This is what happens when you scrim a top team. If Damwon 1st picked Ezreal, TES could have first picked Ezreal today (on Sunday). Also another thing, if you scrim a team like SuperMassive and play Lee Sin and win 10 times in a row you would think that Lee Sin is OP but if you scrim Damwon and lose with Lee Sin, Karsa would tell his team "This is because Damwon is too good and nothing to do with the pick" but rest of his team tells Karsa "No, it's because Lee Sin is a shit champion". This is why your scrim partner is important.SuperMassive BTS ft. FNC & TSM There are a lot of emotional players in the pro scene and you have to give them confidence before a match so you schedule scrims with weak teams because if you scrim against a top team, my draft is brought up to question because you are getting crushed regardless of what you pick. However, this isn't just with me, you guys know Fnatic right? These guys a day before their matches always ask "hey do you guys want to scrim us?" because what is SuperMassive? we are confidence vitamin drink. So we gave them a try and our players lost confidence so we started declining all their scrims. This is called the Confidence Vitamin Meta and it's more prevalent overseas. So before games I talk with my other coach Pardes (not sure how to spell), "Pardes, our guys are way too emotional and if we scrim top teams we are going to be caught in a vicious cycle. Let's not scrim or scrim only with weak teams". So we start scheduling scrims against weak teams. So after we scrim weak teams what happens in real matches? We start going on a winning streak and players don't complain about my draft. Since we win all our scrims, my players are confident and we win stage matches. Players start to get suspicious but they are winning stage matches so they follow along. This snowballs and players are thinking "Hey the process is a little bit weird but we are getting results and our strategy seems to be working and let's see how far we get!" So we got Mad Lions for our BO5 match, you know how many games we scrimmed before our match against Mad Lions? 0 games. Why? because our scrim partners were all top teams like FNC, TSM.. oh wait it isn't actually 0 games. We scrimmed TSM 6 games and went 3 wins and 3 losses. I schedule scrims with TSM because we thought we can beat them. What's funny is TSM was probably thinking the same thing. So we declined FNC and scrimmed TSM. So for our draft against Mad Lions, I planned it all according to my opponent and focused on getting champions that my players are good at. There is more to the video but this was the jist of it, if anyone is a better translator than me please feel free to translate the video. [link] [comments] | ||
Opening Ceremony Trailer | Worlds 2020 - League of Legends Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:00 AM PDT
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Selfmade on Damwon or Suning for World Champion : "Damwon. I think it's gonna be 3-0" Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:35 AM PDT Source here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl7EUuglZiw He predicted Suning upset of JDG and TES, but he still gives little to no chance for Suning in the finals. Thoughts? A third 3-0 final in a row? That would be anticlimatic. What are your predictions and why? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:35 AM PDT
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Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:38 PM PDT
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Who Will Take Over? | Worlds 2020 Finals - League of Legends Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:19 AM PDT
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Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:43 AM PDT
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PBE Preview: Battlecast, Resistance, & Victorious Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:15 AM PDT
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I miss the guy who used to draw funny cartoon about world result Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT DO you guy remember him? a few year ago, when world happened, he would post funny and beautiful cartoon about group result, quarter, semi and final. now i can't find him again this year, i miss his cartoon. EDIT: I found him, he's bcny, and he's doing this year too, just not on reddit [link] [comments] | ||
Bevvies with the Boys, Ep5. w/ Munchables, Dagda, Ashley Kang and Caedrel! Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT
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SK Gaming and TCL midlaner Blue have come close to an agreement Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:31 PM PDT Wooloo's tweet: https://twitter.com/LEC_Wooloo/status/1321217146043666433 "I can add, with information from my sources, that both parties (Blue & SK Gaming) have come close to an agreement." Blue was the best midlaner in the TCL for the last year, though there were some talks about poor team atmosphere due to some of his behavior, hopefully that has changed now. The rumor was also backed by the Turkish esports news site Esporin (https://twitter.com/esporincom/status/1321209593159159811). [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:46 AM PDT
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