LoL Guide Grandmaster Top Main, Rank 1 TR on Both Mordekaiser and Volibear, AMA! |
- Grandmaster Top Main, Rank 1 TR on Both Mordekaiser and Volibear, AMA!
- Mods, this subreddit needs a new rule.
- Pathing 101: You don't always start on whatever buff is closest to bot lane.
- I analyzed 85 of my games this month and found I really start to suck after my 4th game.
- What to do midgame?
- Teammates unhappy with my CS
- How do you target wards or champions that have minions/baron in the way of them?
- Low elo support
- Jungler to do list
- I'm new to marksman role and I suck at it.
- How to trade in toplane?
- I feel that my rank and my macro play are not equal. How do i fix this
- How to train my situational awareness?
- Key skill to climb as a jungler [Creating Gamplans]
- In a baron fight, is it worth me sacrificing myself as an adc so my team can engage?
- Use rift to secure dragon
- I can't farm mid-late game as a jungler
- Bard guide by LCK Pro
- How can I win more games that go well in lane?
- What to do as an ADC without CC against a tryndamere?
- Stop dismissing mechanics (micro) they are a huge reason why you haven't hit diamond yet.
- Trying to learn midlane. Should I stick to Tristana mid until I learn the role, or should I pick up a more traditional midlane champ to learn the role?
- what is a good kda average
- How to play as Graves when entering the mid game even / a bit behind ?
- How do i stop dying so much
Grandmaster Top Main, Rank 1 TR on Both Mordekaiser and Volibear, AMA! Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:39 AM PDT Hey everyone. I'm smoz, a Grandmaster solo top player who had been struggling to get out of diamond for nearly 5 seasons. This season I managed to polish my weak spots and I've finally gotten out of diamond playing mostly Pantheon, Mordekaiser and Volibear. I also somehow managed to snag rank 1 on Morde and Voli, and rank 6 on Pantheon for my server (I'm pretty sure I would've been rank 1 on Pantheon too had he not spearheaded a whole support meta, the five people above me abused him support with insane winrates). I'd be happy to answer any and all questions you may have, not just about top lane but League in general! [link] [comments] |
Mods, this subreddit needs a new rule. Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:56 AM PDT After being here for a month or so, there's a problem with many replies to people's questions or observations for improvement. I keep running into the attitude of, "Well, you're silver, it doesn't matter if you do such and such correctly because silver players will do such and such anyway and ignore your correct play." There's basically an attitude of everyone sucks so no one can climb and every rank below mine is elo hell. Those replies are the opposite of "summoner school" and need to be removed. People that keep posting such replies should be banned as they are the antithesis of a teacher. This sub has excellent potential, but the piss poor attitudes we see on the rift are often reflected here and are off putting to new summoners. Edit: some clarification. Advice geared towards certain elos is just fine! Advising someone not to improve or gate keeping due to elo is not fine! This sub is called summoner school. I think the sub's goals should be geared towards schooling summoner. I see way too much elo flexing, gate keeping and just plain discouraging of improvement. The rule proposal is focused on the goal of what this subreddit is: schooling and improvement. [link] [comments] |
Pathing 101: You don't always start on whatever buff is closest to bot lane. Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:55 AM PDT Somewhere, someone said "Always start on the strong side of the map" and people in low elo just took that advice as gospel and never looked back. Red side junglers always start blue, blue side junglers always start red. This is not true, and sometimes is an absolutely terrible idea. There's quite a few things to consider when you're choosing where to start. Things like what champion you're playing, your lane matchups, your jungle matchup, and what objective you want to play for early. Just as a completely random example, lets say: - you're playing amumu vs khazix and you're on red side. - top lane is your mundo vs the enemy ornn. - mid lane is your zed vs the enemy talon. - bot lane is your caitlyn/morgana vs the enemy's ezreal/tahm kench. What kinds of things should you be looking at here? Where should you path? How should you path? Now -- I'm only a Gold player, so what I'm about to say could be completely wrong and I welcome any critique or correction. Here's how I look at it: - My top lane is tank vs tank. Any time I spend ganking up here is pretty wasted time. Neither of these champions are going to carry the game by themselves. They just want to sit up there and scale into late game meatballs. If I see something free up here, I'll take it -- but otherwise I'm leaving these two alone to noodle fight each other. - Mid lane is melee assassin vs melee assassin. This lane is absolutely dynamite explosive volatile. Whoever gets ahead is going to snowball hard and carry that lead into the side lanes. I definitely want to be looking to influence this matchup early and often. This could potentially by my win condition. - My bot lane is going to be hard-shoving their bot lane, and their bot lane is virtually ungankable. I don't want to spend a whole lot of time down here, but I do want to try to be around in case Kha'Zix tries to punish my shoving cait/morg lane. I want to be looking for counterganks here, but this isn't going to be my primary focus unless Cait/Morg start somehow getting 2v2 kills. -- in which case I'd want to help them snowball. Could potentially be a win condition. Depends how the lane goes. - There's a bit of a curveball here... Kha'Zix. As Amumu, we CANNOT 1v1 a Kha'Zix at virtually any stage of the game, due to his isolation passive. So ideally, we want to path so we're opposite of him. That way we never really have to deal with him in 1v1 situations. So with all of that said, where do I start? How do I path? Well, we want to path from top to bottom. The reason is that we don't care about top, and our win conditions are on the bottom half of the map. Zed and Cait/Morg are how we win this game. So we want to path towards them. We also don't want to deal with Khazix at all -- but we're unlucky, because Khazix is a single-target jungler who loves to start on his blue buff/gromp. So we'll have to deal with him. Luckily, we SHOULD have priority bot lane for our first scuttle crab with the pushing cait/morg lane. If we don't, we'll just have to concede scuttle. Oh well. We start on our red, and we full clear our red side jungle before transitioning to blue side jungle. We'll take blue buff, look for crab and a possible gank mid or bottom lane, and then go back and finish our wolves/gromp and recall. Then its back to red side jungle, and we just rinse and repeat this -- always pathing top to bottom. The idea is that once our camps are gone -- we want to be on the bottom half of the map, closest to our mid lane and our bottom lane. This also sets us up to be in the area when drakes spawn, so we can capitalize on the priority that cait/morgana should have. Ideally we're also dropping control wards in the enemy's bot side jungle to scout out any roams that talon might be trying -- again, using the priority we should be getting from cait/morg. So what would have happened in this game if we started on our blue buff, because that's the buff closest to Caitlyn/Morgana and our "strong side" of the map? 1.) We would be pathing towards a tank/tank lane, which does nothing to help us win. 2.) We would be pathing towards Rift Herald as our early game objective, which we'd have to contest in a losing 3v3. Ornn/Kha/Talon definitely beats Zed/Mundo/Amumu. 3.) We're giving Kha'zix free reign over our bot lane, which will be naturally shoving and susceptible to ganks. This gives him an opportunity to snowball himself and bring that advantage elsewhere, and also gives him free drakes all game long -- whereas if we'd pathed towards bottom, we should hypothetically win the 3v3 during a countergank or drake contest. Instead -- we'll be topside, watching mundo and ornn slap fight each other. TL;DR -- you need to make educated pathing decisions based on your lane matchups and your jungle matchup. There's more to early game pathing than "Always start closest to your bottom lane because the leash is stronger." [link] [comments] |
I analyzed 85 of my games this month and found I really start to suck after my 4th game. Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:24 AM PDT image of graph Not sure why mods removed my original post asking about data to further analyze this, I think they didn't read the body. Anyway, I found the following out of 85 games played that I have a 77.8% win ratio on my first ranked game of the day played. That is pretty substantial. I then have a 65% win ratio for my second game of the day. Still climbing hard. My third game drops to a 45% win ratio while my 4th game is back up to 70%. After 4 games however, my win rate substantially drops. It appears to actually be the reason I am not climbing, as I only appear to have a 27% win ratio on my 5th game, and I've NEVER even won a 7th game before. 85 games still isn't a ton of games, and I think a little of the noise will quiet down once I analyze more of them. I think just literally setting a rule for myself, I'm never allowed to play ranked after 4 games, is going to substantially improve my climbing ability (and mental health) TL/DR: My win rate tanks after 4 games played and I'll be setting a rule to not play ranked more than 4 times a day, in order to climb I did have a 100% win ratio on games 8, 9, 10, and 11. But this was just me having a good day and there was only one instance these occurred so didn't include them. Lastly, as I said before I still need to analyze more games to get more accuracy, but here's the number of games played for each (I included norms/ARAMs as a game played but did not factor them into win %): 1:18; 2:17; 3:13; 4:13; 5:11; 6:5; 7:4 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:48 AM PDT I am a lower-elo (high bronze) ADC main (Ashe/Senna/Ezreal/Jinx). After the early game (usually after a tower gets taken in my lane), I find myself wandering the map a little too much, whether that be trying to help team fights or trying to help with objectives, at the expense of CS. I am hesitant to continue pushing the lane to avoid getting picked, and most of the time my support (understandably) starts to roam and push other lanes. What should I be doing at this stage in the game? Should I just AFK farm bot to keep trying to get gold, or should I be pushing other lanes even though the XP get split? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:00 AM PDT Silver 3 here I've been placing a big emphasis on farming over the last week or so. Wave management in lane is okay, but I'm referring to post lane phase. I try my best to farm whenever it seems there is nothing else to do. I recently played a game where I got 9.5 cs/min and it felt good. I felt ahead of the enemy team at all stages of the game. However it turns out that my teammates were not so happy. I was accused of not "letting them farm" and taking farm for myself. Just to clarify, I never went into the same lane as a teammate and took farm. I was playing Trynd, so naturally I was in a side lane on my own, farming and floating and looking to pressure towers. Most of my team were ARAMing after the lane phase, and we eventually lost the game. I feel like if the rest of the team would have been farming up when there were no objectives to go for, and been paying attention to their CS like I was mine, we would have been strong enough to win. Am I wrong to be focusing so much on farm? [link] [comments] |
How do you target wards or champions that have minions/baron in the way of them? Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:29 PM PDT This makes me feel a little like I'm bad at the game, since I've been playing a few years and I don't have an effective strategy for this. If there's too many champions in one cluster, sometimes I'll target the wrong one and my team will flame me. When someone puts that ward behind barons neck/head in the pit, I don't know how to target it without hitting baron. When there's too many minions surrounding a champion, sometimes the minions get in the way and I click on the minions instead. This isn't a huge problem, but maybe happens to me like 2 or 3 times per game. How do I make my clicks more accurate in these situations? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:25 AM PDT Hi guys, I'm a top/support main. I'm trying to level up my gameplay and I notice that i don't know where to place my wards in mid to late game. Sometimes I also try to roam or create some sort of impact on other lanes but I never know when to go or where to go. When to recall or to stay and help others. Any tips to improve that? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:46 AM PDT I played league a lot way back in the day s1-3ish and just am recently getting back into it but boy has it changed a ton. There's tons of new champs and the jungle is completely different. I've been playing for about 2 months now so I'm kinda getting back into it but I really want to focus on improving my game so I've created a to do list for each game. If any more experienced and or higher ranked people would like to comment on what I should add/change etc. that would be awesome. Pre Game During Game Post Game [link] [comments] |
I'm new to marksman role and I suck at it. Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:49 AM PDT I suck at adc. I'm the worst player out there. I main mid laners and top laners who use combination of spells and auto attacks like Akali, Zed etc to deal damage. When I play marksman, I end up getting kited real hard. I don't know how to play that role at all and so I really really need help. I want to play adc like Kaisa who uses spells and autos to deal damage and suits my playstyle. So I would be glad if someone would tell me how to play these champs or leave a link to a video or to a site which can give me info as how to play marksman right from basics of attack moving as an adc.. Thank you in advanced. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:49 PM PDT Kinda just started playing (2 months or so) and I've played all the lines and got to love toplane, I play poppy and just started with camille and I want to know how to trade efficiently, with poppy I do it naturally with her Q bc no one seems to know how it works, but with camille I cant get a single trade right and I dont know what i'm doing wrong. I want some advice or something on when to trade efficiently without losing much if possible. [link] [comments] |
I feel that my rank and my macro play are not equal. How do i fix this Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:55 PM PDT First and foremost, i'd like to say i'm not the best out there. Im bronze 1 and I realize that people even in high silver are much better than me at many things. I play Vel'koz, Pantheon, and some Swain all in the support role, and I feel that as i'm trying to climb my macro play exceeds that of my teammates, especially of my ADC. I ward well (1.25 wards/min) and have a good understanding of when objectives such as drake or rift should and can be taken, as well as a basic understanding of when to play under my tower and when it's ok to push. I find that a lot of the time, I will ask my ADC to not push or to let the enemy push, but that it falls on deaf ears as they attempt to speedrun the tower. I'll also ping help on scuttle when it has been up for a while and my jungler has forgotten that crab is on the menu, in order to try to get a bit of extra gold and vision for my lane. I've had games where it feels like my jungler doesn't want to be near drake for the first 20 minutes, but that their jungler loves that bottom bush because they have killed my ADC from it 5 times. My roaming isn't what i'd like it to be because I feel like I always have to babysit my ADC, so I cant leave for a gank mid or roam top. How do I take my macro knowledge and use it to correct these issues? [link] [comments] |
How to train my situational awareness? Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT I just started seriously playing this year and even then I've taken some breaks due to toxicity and feeling somewhat hopeless. I'm s3 but only got there duoing with friends that are smurfs, but I ranked in at b4 by myself at the start. I feel like I am slowly learning things, but I am so far behind everyone always. All my friends are plat+ so the difference in skill feels overwhelming. I always go too far in or too far back and don't react quick enough. I don't know when to engage or when to ward and my friends always are way ahead of me on what needs to be done so I just end up following them. I'm playing support and mostly Yuumi/Sona but I'm trying to get better at Lux and Rakan. My plat laner says I need to focus more, and I am trying to, but I just don't think I know what I should be focusing on when gamestate changes, and it seems to change so fast. Any tips or things I can practice or be aware of to try to improve my focus / reaction time / situational awareness? I feel like I am just missing so much knowledge of how the game works. [link] [comments] |
Key skill to climb as a jungler [Creating Gamplans] Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:46 PM PDT I'm making this post to help other junglers learn to develop game plans, as it's a required skill to climb beyond gold and in lower elos it makes it look like you're smurfing from the leads you will get. It's the one skill that helped me climb through low elo this season. And put simply, it's just looking at your composition compared to the enemy team's composition and determining where your impact needs to be this game as a jungler. Because where you begin your clear and where you path toward based on this information can completely win or lose you the early game. So let's look at an example team composition.... Top - Renekton vs Mundo Jungle - Vi vs Volibear Mid - Orianna vs Fizz ADC - Ashe vs Caitlyn Support - Braum vs Morgana Assuming that you're Vi and your team is playing blue side: Which team is better in the early to mid game? Which team scales better into late game? Which lanes does Volibear want to focus on? What does your first clear look like and what lanes do you want to play around? [link] [comments] |
In a baron fight, is it worth me sacrificing myself as an adc so my team can engage? Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:32 PM PDT Title basically, me and some friends were playing and one of them is saying I need to sacrifice myself or them to make a play I argued my point saying what's the point in me dying and making a 5v5 a 4v5, when I can at least impact the fight in some way? I get the whole waste their utility, but why is it worth me making a 4v5 fight for baron a good idea? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 26 Oct 2020 10:50 PM PDT Silver 3 player so take this with a grain of salt. I'm a jungle main and I've noticed that whenever you use rift in low elo edge whole team decides to go and try and stop it even if the tower is full health. Which is understandable but exploitable. So I've been trying to use rift whenever a dragon fight is about to start. The enemy team freaks and defends the tower while I try and get at least on other person to secure dragon with. If you get both rifts it's an easy two drags in my experience. I don't usually see it used like that against me to often. Yes there are scenarios where it's more beneficial to take a tower by itself but it's just one more play I have in my arsenal. I don't see it much and just wanted to tell everyone that you can use rift as a distraction to get drag. [link] [comments] |
I can't farm mid-late game as a jungler Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:13 AM PDT My team will always group up randomly and fight over nothing. If I go to farm Krugs which is fairly out of the way but high value they will engage 3v5 or 4v5. Strangely though they're nowhere to be found when the dragon comes up. My point is though, what's the right call in this situation? Should I just follow them around accomplishing nothing and sharing XP? Should I let them fight and die? This is really bad for farm junglers because they'll end up with less 5 than cs a minute this way. If you're not already fed you'll get blamed either way. Because you're not with with them or because you're useless. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:10 AM PDT Hi. Video can be found here! Why the hell people play Bard? Look, he's got only one damage spell, his healing thingies need time to charge up before they actually heal and if you displace his ultimate you can single-handedly lose the games for your team. Well, turns out that running around at a speed of light, being present in every fight on the map, and overall being annoying is fun. What's even better is that right now, we're in a very interesting support meta. Meta where Bard is S+ support across the world even in the high elo games and he's being picked in the pro play too. So, let's learn how can we win games as the funniest support in a game, together with one of the best Korean Bard players: ex-ROX Tigers and Hanwha Life Esports support Key. [link] [comments] |
How can I win more games that go well in lane? Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:56 AM PDT I can win (top) lane pretty consistently with Nasus in my rank (which was Silver 3 with an mmr putting me against silver 1 and 2, and dropped to bronze 1 over the last while), can often dominate mid game but it's not very consistent, and I lose way too many games. I tried playing a few games with other champs - mordekaiser, garen, ornn- and the same thing happened , I generally win lane phase but lose the game. I'm less comfortable with these champs than nasus but lane is much easier to win. I switched hoping they'd be easier to win with but that hasn't worked yet. How can I learn to win more? [link] [comments] |
What to do as an ADC without CC against a tryndamere? Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:32 PM PDT I'm guessing that for carries with slows or hard CC, like Jhin or Ashe, it's fairly easy to kite him and/or escape, but what to do when playing as Kai'sa or Twitch? I'm personally struggling with surviving 1v1s. Usually, by the time he gets close, I burst him down, but then he ults, and I have no escape. Is there any advice on how to survive his ult? I feel like after his ult is over, I can kill him fairly easily, especially with coup de grace. Kai'sa is my favorite carry, and my pick 80% of the time, Twitch being the other 20, and I really don't wanna be forced to pick something that I don't like playing (mainly Ashe) just because the enemy team has a tryndamere. [link] [comments] |
Stop dismissing mechanics (micro) they are a huge reason why you haven't hit diamond yet. Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:44 AM PDT You can reach diamond from mechanics alone, on any role, especially now of all times. I dare say that if you're not diamond it is 99% because they suck. Spend time practicing your mechanics you'll see a significant improvement. Macro can be taught rather easily, and quickly. But micro is the fundamental understanding of your champion and how it matches against other and the quickest way to improve. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:17 AM PDT So I've been interested in learning how to play midlane. Only problem is that I haven't put any time into traditional midlane champs, and can only play Trist mid. So should I learn new champs while I learn the midlane, or should I stick to Tristana and wait until I familarize myself with the role before branching out to other champions? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 05:12 PM PDT i'm taking a break from playing league because i have finals, but i was on league+ and i saw average kda (3.9/2/9.7) for the last 10 matches. i also saw this kda how is it calculated? and what's a good number to be at? i have only played norms this year, because it was my senior year and had to keep league on the side forra bit, but i hope to play ranked season 11. main roles: support and mid, learning adc champion pool: lux, sona, ashe, xayah, zoe, ahri. [link] [comments] |
How to play as Graves when entering the mid game even / a bit behind ? Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:10 AM PDT When you're fed as Graves you just stomp very easily. However you don't always find a way to feed yourself in the early. And I don't know which stance I should adopt as Graves at this stage of the game, if I just farmed and not much happened. I often die in fights without achieving much, despite having good gold and XP. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:49 AM PDT Whether i do good or bad. I always die considerably more than any of my team mates and friends consistently. I dont know what to do to be more conscious of decisions i make that are risky and would make me die. Any tips to stop myself from dying so much [link] [comments] |
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