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    LoL Guide 10 Tips for Ezreal Players

    LoL Guide 10 Tips for Ezreal Players

    10 Tips for Ezreal Players

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    Hey there, some of you might remember me from my ADC macro guide (If you missed it or want to refresh your memory, look here https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/f08oaa/diamond_adc_macro_guide/ ). As it seemed you found that kind of content on this sub helpful, I've decided to make some more. This time we move away from macro and look at individual champion's micro mechanics. Today, I got some Ezreal knowledge for you. I made a video version of the guide and also a text version if you don't want to watch.

    Video guide: https://youtu.be/OlEBt3g0fpE

    Text version (works entirely without the video if you have a good imagination and some game knowledge):

    Tip number 1:

    The Summoner Spell Cleanse is normally completely useless against knock-up or displacement effects. Ezreal, however, can combo Cleanse into his E to escape regardless, because you still get rid of the stun-component of the enemy spell, and can then Arcane Shift away mid-air. The same can be accomplished with any item that removes stun effects, namely Quicksilver Sash and its upgrades.

    Tip number 2:

    Arcane Shift automatically causes Ezreal to always face his target. You can abuse this fact to get perfect aim with your skill shots, because after casting E within its cast range, your cursor will be placed exactly on top of Ezreal himself. And when your cursor is positioned like this, you will automatically fire your skill shots in the direction Ezreal is facing. So if you don't move your mouse now, you can cast Q and R with perfect aim. This even works against enemies hidden in fog of war, and against enemies in true stealth, which means this trick allows you to still hit them with insane accuracy.

    Tip number 3:

    Here is something many people don't know about Ezreal's passive. While the tooltip states that Ezreal gets stacking bonus attack speed every time you hit a spell, you can actually get to maximum stacks instantly by hitting multiple enemies with the same spell. Because of this, you should always use your ultimate in the beginning of a team fight, so you get maximum damage output from your passive. You will even get a passive stack if your spell is absorbed by an enemy spell shield, so feel free to fire away.

    Tip number 4:

    Your E does not prioritize enemy champions, so connecting this spell against an opponent close to a minion wave is virtually impossible. You can obviously circumvent this fact by landing your W against them first, which causes your E to prioritize that enemy instead.

    Tip number 5:

    When you cast your ultimate, it actually doesn't matter if the channel animation is completed or not. The spell will always go off, even if you get interrupted by enemy crowd control. This means you can also use your Flash to interrupt your own channel animation so you can dodge enemy attacks, while your ultimate will still fire from your original position.

    Tip number 6:

    You can animation cancel your E by using Flash during its cast time. This allows you to jump an insane distance while your enemies have virtually no chance to react.

    Tip number 7:

    While Ezreal's kit is entirely damage focussed, your ultimate still has a utility aspect to it. The spell provides vision around its hitbox, so you can use it to gather valuable information if you suspect the enemy are doing Dragon or Baron.

    Tip number 8:

    Arcane Shift overrides any movement command, even if it comes from an enemy spell. Therefore, you can cast E right before you get hooked by the enemy support in order to cancel their hook and escape safely.

    Tip number 9:

    Ezreal's Q is treated as both, a spell and an auto attack. This means it applies Ravenous Hunter, Life Steal, Muramana's passive, Spellblades, on hit effects, Press the Attack, Duskblade, etc. It essentially applies everything you could have.

    Tip number 10:

    If there is an enemy trying to body block your Q for their ally, you can outplay them by animation cancelling your Q with your Flash. Q will always fire from your new position, which means using Flash during Q's cast time allows you to drastically alter your angle, or even to add extra range without losing a single second.

    GLHF and happy climbing! :)

    submitted by /u/MissFortuneDaBes
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    Buy mejai's soulstealer to change your mindset (low ELO)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    A challenger coach I follow recently said in a video that he recommends everyone in Gold or below who play AP carries buying mejai's soulstealer.

    He firmly believe that you win a lot of games below diamond by being patient to let your opponents outplay themselves (instead of trying to outplay them but ending up throwing the game) and having a Mejai makes people a lot more conservative.

    I guess the chance of this backfiring in gold or below is low enough that you can always do this while itemization is more important once you get to plat. I wouldn't know since I'm silver and mostly play ad champs.

    submitted by /u/StarIU
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    Tank mid laners are incredibly undervalued.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    How many times have you queued up with an all-squishy, no-CC team comp and had a late pick for mid lane, last or second to last, and thought "Well I guess we have no tanks."

    Happens pretty often to me. That or you're a jungler and you think "man I always have to play tanks because my team never does." ALL THE TIME.

    That's because people think that tanks should only be played in the top, jungle, or support positions. Mid and bot are for high damage carries.


    The only position that's really reserved for a damage carry is bot lane, opposite of a support of some sort.

    You can play tanks mid lane. If you ask me, you SHOULD play tanks mid lane in the current meta. With champions like Yasuo, Yone, Akali, Talon, Zed, Fizz, Twisted Fate, Galio being picked right now -- these fast waveclear roam-to-sidelanes assassin type mid laners -- tanks are invaluable in the mid lane in the current meta.

    Your job shifts from being a damage threat to your team to negating the enemy's win condition in the mid lane. These champions are snowbally by nature, they get a kill mid lane which allows them priority in mid, and they use that priority to shove the wave and roam to the side lanes to snowball themselves and their team mates.

    What if they never get that kill? What if they never have priority? What if you can clear waves faster than they can? What if you can hammer on their turret with demolish every time they leave the lane? What if you're more impactful in a team fight than they are with your AOE abilities and strong CC abilities?

    Champions like Ornn, Malphite (tank), Maokai, Sett (tank), Cho'Gath (tank) are quite good in the mid lane for these purposes. Play for denial. Play to shut down the enemy mid laner through suffocation rather than kill pressure. Deny their options.

    You're a tank, they can't kill you. You waveclear quickly, so they can't roam. You can stay in lane forever so they can't bully you out and use your recall as a roaming window. If they ever do get frustrated and roam anyway -- boom, that's a tower plate or 2 for you, maybe even the whole tower.

    Its so goddamn oppressive, and yet people never do it because its not flashy, and it won't get you 15 kills in a game, and you won't have the most damage to champions in the end-game stat screen.

    Play tanks in mid if your team composition calls for it and it will get your team an advantage. Its way more powerful than anyone wants to give it credit for.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Winning lane doesn’t make you better than anyone else on your team

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Recently I watched a couple of videos of a few silver players participating in a tournament for a chance to play against Diamond players in a team setting.

    The tournament was set up so that the four final contestants of the 1 v 1 tournament would each join a team with four Diamond players and they'd all face off in different games.

    Before the games there was a discord interview with each of the silver players asking what their rank was and why they were that rank. Immediately every player replied silver and reason (always the team's fault). They all made sure to say they always smashed their lane and then their feeding team lost them the game.

    The games were played out and every single team with a silver lost the game. 3/4 silver players actually won their lanes but couldn't translate any of their leads into anything. They were just a standing waste of gold.

    All of this to say that the ego boost you receive every time you win lane and then lose game doesn't mean you were better than every player there, it actually means youre so lacking in macro and patience that you were just a waste of resources all game long and you might've won the game had someone with more knowledge and less ego received that gold.

    Winning lane does not mean youre good at the game.

    submitted by /u/ParadoxIrony
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    Is it ever a good idea to die to break a freeze?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:39 PM PDT

    Hi Summonerschool,

    I just played a game where I was Irelia against an ignite Pantheon in the top lane. Though I died to a lvl 3 gank, I was able to TP back to a wave that was already pushing to me and hold a freeze. With this, I was able to generate an EXP advantage over Pantheon to the point where I was lvl 5 and he was still lvl 3 when he walked back to lane. I was able to accrue a near-100 cs lead over him by the time laning phase was over, as he instead opted to roam.

    This made me wonder if, at any point, it would've been better for Pantheon to fight me and die in an attempt to unfreeze the lane than to just accept the freeze and lose gold and EXP? Or is this more of the problem of his jungler not coming to help him unfreeze the lane?

    Any thoughts appreciated.

    submitted by /u/asian_gaben
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    Reality check and improvement.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    If you have a friend or acquaintance who is higher elo/better than you, ask them to play against you (custom games, 1v1s) sometime!

    I know sometimes when you play in your average elo it seems like you do so well but no one on your team can match your level to help you carry, but remember there are thousands or millions players better than you out there. Sometime getting stomped can give you a much needed perspective to have the motivation to improve, you can learn a lot from it as well.

    submitted by /u/DuyAnhArco
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    5 Tricks You Must Know Before Playing Seraphine [Educational]

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:42 AM PDT


    Hello, I made a short educational video on some tricks/mechanics for seraphine, so if anyone hasn't got to use her on the pbe, hopefully this will help prepare you guys for her release.

    The video is short and straight to the point so hopefully no one will get lost.

    What do you guys think of seraphine and will she be very op like every champ released?

    submitted by /u/-CoachMarv
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    I suck mechanically. Please help.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    Let's cut to the chase. I've been playing the game for (a total time) of around a year now and it makes me feel like shit that I don't seem to improve at all... I suck mechanically and it's frustrating, the role I always wanted to play is ADC but my mechanics are so bad there's no way playing ADC from me is not int or at least a hindrance to the team.

    So I then play support (ardent) and it's all fine and dandy pretty much I can even carry lane and be pretty impactful the whole game. Thing is, it's not satisfying I don't want to play support because it's easy to me, it doesn't feel like an accomplishment and there's no hype in winning in that role (for me).

    But then when I play AD carry it's like my fingers can't move fast enough and I'm too low IQ for it. I will panic misclick and fuck up really bad.

    So my questions are...

    1. What can I do to improve mechanically?
    2. Do you think that there are people doomed to never improve and just be bad because they lack talent?
    3. Is there any hope for me? LMAO
    4. Any macro advice also appreciated

    (I don't want to come off as tryhard cringe but I am seriously bad and I get enjoyment out of things if I improve and see positive results, can't really commit to the "for fun")

    Thank you for reading! 🌟

    submitted by /u/crawlingrats
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    Some ARAM tips & tricks

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    Hi all, I'm an ARAM main now since I hit my desired rank (D3). Here to share some ARAM tips to hopefully get you more wins on the premier competitive game mode!

    Champ Select

    Since rerolls + trading are now more common, try and pick a balanced composition, ideally with a DPS carry and a mixture of damage sources. Ideally as an ARAM connoisseur you can play a variety of champions and a variety of roles.


    In ARAM, mana regen and health regen are more coveted stats since you can't base. That means certain runes are much more valuable in ARAM than usual.

    Presence of Mind

    This rune is nuts on mana/energy champs in ARAM. Every kill or assist increases your max mana/energy by 10% and increases your max mana/energy. Basically a required rune.

    Since PoM is required, that means you'll be speccing into Precision. As a tank, you usually want to pick up Legend: Tenacity. As an ADC, I'd recommend Legend: Bloodline and Cut Down. As an assassin, Coup de Grace. As long as you have PoM the rest is preference.

    Ravenous Hunter

    Another nutty rune on ARAM because health regen is hard to come by. This is an especially valuable rune for mages since they tend to be squishy and lack sustain. I take this on almost every champion unless they require a specific rune setup, use Ult. Hunter, or barely use their abilities for damage. For example, on Malphite I'd run Ultimate Hunter because his ult is how he makes a huge impact on the game.

    Therefore, if you try and take PoM and Rav. Hunter like me, I usually run Dark Harvest on mages/poking champs and Lethal Tempo/PTA/Fleet on DPS.


    I personally don't think Conq is very good in ARAM. Generally I get under 800 healing from it over the entire game because it takes a while to stack and ARAM fights rarely last long enough to make meaningful use out of it. However, if the enemy team has lower damage and more tanks, you can pop off with this rune. It's a little too RNG for me to pick it consistently.


    I personally almost only take Sorcery as a secondary tree for movement speed from Nimbus Cloak and Celerity, or Transcendence. I only take this tree on champs that don't make good use of Ravenous or Ulti hunter and have sustain. E.g. on Jinx I prefer the movement speed from Celerity and Nimbus Cloak + my passive. The one exception is Vladimir: you have built-in sustain so Phase Rush + Nimbus Cloak + Transcendence + Gathering Storm helps a lot with your gap closing.


    I usually don't play frontline so I can't speak too much about this rune. Generally I just go with the recommended runes (E.g. on Thresh I'd go Aftershock, on something like Braum I'd go Guardian). I generally take Font of Life because multiple allies can benefit from it at once. As well, Second Wind feels better than Bone-Plating because Bone-Plating tends to get procced a lot easier in ARAM due to the higher poke.


    Generally useless tree unless you want Glacial Augment, which is a decent option for champs like Ahri.

    Summoner Spells


    Take it, unless you're a chad Ghost + Snowball bruiser player. Up to you!


    Really good on champs that lack gap-closing or assassins. Lots of fancy combos with Snowball are possible.


    Solid defensive options for squishies. Personally I tend to run Heal over Barrier because you can Heal off cooldown for sustain in ARAM.


    My personal favourite summoner spell in ARAM. Since its duration is extended from a kill/assist, you often become Ghosted for the duration of the entire teamfight + some. I take this on nearly every mage or ADC. If you're less confident in your mechanics to abuse the movement speed then just go Heal.


    A decent option for ADCs although it's somewhat RNG dependent on whether the enemy team has CC to Cleanse. Personally I never take Cleanse so I can test limits with Ghost instead.


    Basically useless if you take PoM.

    Scaling CDR Runes

    A surprisingly decent option for certain champs to reach 40% CDR. On certain mages it lets me build Liandry's and Deathcap without worrying about the last 10%.


    Guardian's Horn

    This item is really good for tankier champs who want to sustain through the tremendous poke in ARAM. I take this first on every tanky champ.

    Guardian's Orb / Guardian's Hammer

    Unfortunately there are simply better options. Mages tend to take Lost Chapter which is just better for building into your core items. ADCs take B.F. Sword / Vamp Scepter if BoRK / Pickaxe if Manamune.

    Tear of the Goddess

    I personally never take Tear as my first item due to the 0 combat stats it brings. ARAM fights happen constantly. As a mage I'd much rather have the AP + mana from Lost Chapter. As an ADC, the damage from Pickaxe. I've seen a lot of Jayce's go Tear first and do 0 damage even though they hit a 4 man shock blast.

    Faerie Charm, Rejuv Bead, Refillable Potion

    All of these are good options in ARAM to deal with sustain problems. I try and get Refillable early. If I have an extra 150g I usually pick up a Rejuv Bead or Faerie Charm.

    Locket of the Iron Solari

    Really good item for tanks in ARAM, especially when you're grouped with a team and can get the shield on everybody.

    Warmog's Armor

    Another great choice in ARAM due to it nullifying all poke. It's now nerfed but still a great item to buy later in the game.

    Executioner's Calling

    Just like in SR, buy this if they have healing. I almost never buy Morellonomicon as a mage because items like Liandry's and Deathcap exist.

    Oracle's Elixir

    Buy this if they have stealth / traps. You can see champs like Akali in her shroud with Oracle's.


    Since ARAM waves alternate cannon minions, it's easy to freeze a wave when the enemy has the cannon minion. If the enemy refuses to walk up and you aren't poking them fast enough, you can freeze the wave and force them to walk up so you can engage. Kind of impossible to coordinate unless you're in a 5 man.

    submitted by /u/Kersheck
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    Advice for climbing out of plat?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Hello, redditors. So as the title says, I've been hardstuck platinum 4 for the past 3 seasons and am currently sitting at 800 games total in this season alone. It doesn't seem like I'll be going anywhere anytime soon. I feel like my mechanics and wave management could pass for above average but my teamfighting could definitely use some work.

    I just can't seem to know where exactly to position during 5v5 fights as I am more used to gaining leads from small skirmishes. I can go on really huge winning streaks and push my way all up to plat from gold but once I get there, I just sort of plateau and can never seem to advance any further.

    I wouldn't say it's frustrating but I am definitely disappointed in myself for spending so much time on a game and not being able to do good at it.

    If anyone has any advice or experience in getting out of plat, I would sincerely appreciate it.

    My opgg if anyone is interested: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Antiscam

    submitted by /u/nizzare
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    There is one skill that never seems to get talked about, and I feel is extremely undervalued in competitive league of legends.... SHOPPING.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    I usually play jungle, probably like 80% of the time -- but sometimes I get bored and when I do I like to play support.

    I can't tell you how many times I've watched an entire wave die to the tower while my ADC is still sitting in base deciding what he wants to buy. As support, I've gone back at the same time as they did, and I bought my items, and I returned to lane. So there I am with no ADC watching minions die to tower as I futilely try to last hit them with my bullshit auto attacks.

    If I can make it to base at the same time as you, buy my items, and return to lane -- AND YOU'RE STILL SHOPPING when the minion wave crashes into the tower, haven't even left fountain yet...

    You are taking WAY too long to shop! You are losing so much! You're losing gold, exp, tempo, and priority!

    You should know what you're going to buy before you recall, and you should have it open in the shop before you recall. That way when you get to shop, you can just buy it real quick, wait for your health to refill, and get back to lane.

    If you're sitting there alt-tabbing into a browser window, checking mobafire for what to build next, alt tabbing back into league, browsing the store for the item you want, buying it -- YOU'RE TAKING TOO LONG! You probably just missed like 4-5 minions or more!

    If you are unsure what to buy and have to alt+tab out to check guides or whatever, I recommend downloading something like blitz or porofessor that can provide those guides in-game to cut down your shopping time.

    Shopping quickly is a highly valuable skill to have, and I don't feel like it gets talked about enough.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    How to win a hard loosing matchup | works in every elo

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Hard loosing matchups

    It often happens in solo queue where you can't really know what champion your opponent might pick. So if you get counterpicked don't tilt and rather focus on what you actually can do in the game. If you are not able to really win your lane because of a hard loosing matchup your only option is to stay safe. Some of the following things are naturally about to happen so accept them rather than doing mistakes trying to avoid them:

    - beeing down a lot in CS

    - getting killed under tower in laning phase 1-2 times (more would be close to intentional)

    - loosing some waves because you have to go base over and over again

    It's important to point out that with good wave management even though you will get pushed in 24/7 you can actually stay nearly even in experience.

    Calling your Jungler to help you win lane?

    It is exceptional that you might be able to create a safe opportunity for your jungler to get a guarantied kill when ganking a hard loosing matchup so be careful with that. However if you get such a scenario where you are a 100% sure that you will get a kill through a gank - go for it. In any other case leave your jungler to the rest of your team so he can focus on other lanes that can potentially become winning lanes when put ahead since a hard loosing matchup is likely to result in a loosing lane too and it doesn't matter how many successful ganks you get off.

    Play a good macro game

    You need to have impact in the game to stay relevant and since you won't be able to do that through your lane, macro is your only real option. You have two tasks that i can sum up in general, the rest is champion and matchup based:

    - always control the position of your lane opponent so at least he does not become a threat to the rest of your team until you get out of laning phase. That said, even when laning phase is over you can still control the movement of your lane opponent to get your team a numbers advantage when needed

    - if you can at any point help another lane to get really far ahead be willing to sacrifice some of your platings/cs or even the t1 tower but calculate if it's worth the risk so your lane opponent doesn't get too many free resources

    - enable your team mates and play around your win condition

    Thank you for your time! Love & Respect to you guys

    submitted by /u/ShepherdsEagle
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    How do I get a read on the meta?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Okay, so one thing I really have difficulty doing is reading the meta. I kinda see what people are playing and copy it, but there's nothing past that, and I think it's a problem for me. I want to know how to figure out what's good in the patch in a better way than copying other people.

    Edit: I know I can read the patch notes and stuff but how do I get an INITIAL read on the meta.

    submitted by /u/11yearoldweeb
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    What to do when support is perma-roaming

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    These last few games I've played past level 6 my support just left lane and never returned. Was playing as jhin adc and thresh support and just said that it wasn't his job to support bot lane any more and just stayed in lane mid and top. I've tried just farming under turret but their jungler just comes and dives me, and even when I ping my other laners to help they just don't come. Then they usually just freeze it in the middle of the lane and I can't step up to farm or they just all-in and dive me. I usually end up being 2 levels behind and 60 cs down by the end of the laning phase because I just don't have a support. I don't mean roaming a lot, I mean left bot lane and does not return until 25 minutes. Is there anything I can do? Am I supposed to just not go bot past level 6? If I don't have a support am I supposed to just roam top and leech experience? I've honestly had games where by 20 minutes the enemy team has taken my inhibitor because my support and jungler just refuse to ever come bot lane and stop them, and I can't fight them 1v2. It feels like as an ADC I'm completely reliant on other people to do their jobs correctly to even be remotely relevant.

    submitted by /u/grahamster00
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    What can I do to make my experience more "fun"?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Hi, I've been trying to get into League of Legends because my friends are playing it and I wanted to learn it too. Everytime I try to play, I get dominated by the enemy laner, he feeds off of me and the jungler and steamrolls me and the rest of the team. I've watched every guide, every tip, everything and nothing helps. Finding a main, nothing. Playing with friends, nothing Learning cooldowns, nothing Everytime I have a horrible experience. What am I doing wrong? (And no, I'm not taking "this game isn't for you" for an answer)

    submitted by /u/KRlQUN
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    What’s the diffence between top and bottom jungle and mid

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    I've been trying to settle not league lately and people have been really confusing me saying things like ahri isn't a jungler or akali should be In mid.but it seems to me that every lane looks exactly the same so why are there specified places a champion needs to go. And what does take to be a jungler.

    submitted by /u/Blackkage1
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    Gold 4 mid lane advice.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I've recently just reached gold 4 after many attempts, so I definitely want to hit plat next season. But I feel like I still have a lot to work on.

    Every game I look for my matchup on youtube, watch a dominus replay from said matchup and look at how they itemize, trade and what they do with their wave.

    Some games I really just int because I forget to ward the enemy jungle or I get roamed on by top/support.

    I mainly play lucian/galio/yasuo

    But I definitely tend to forget galio a bit too much today.

    My mainly look to shove on champs like lucian and galio to help my jungler with or against invades and poke under turret(Lucian) and play for 2 v 2 skirmishes and roams with galio.

    With yasuo I mainly freeze the wave on my side to punish cd's of mages and solo kill them

    I mainly struggle vs champions like Leblanc, Annie and velkoz, since I can't seem to find a lot of replays vs these champions or cant understand how to really counter them.

    My op.gg

    Thank you in advance :)

    submitted by /u/Carrymy8ss
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    Silver Scrub... Time to learn and Improve!?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    It's often best to be completely open and honest, so my confession is I have played League of Legends since end Season 2 (on and off) and have never broken into gold. I am currently sitting at the bottom of Silver IV and nursing a VERY healthy 35% winrate in ranked. I am endlessly frustrated at myself, hell I even looked to joining one of those improvement websites that "guarantees" you climb (but then never actually provide any guidance so that was a flop and a half).

    So I am writing a post here, let me be clear though I am not looking for sympathy or to waste anyone's time, I want to commit to improve and I want to put in the time and effort needed. My problem, as it so often is, comes down to not knowing where to start. Every resource and experienced streamer has valuable opinions that I can learn from, each guide has detail and information I can use to improve, but it feels like there is something more fundamental missing, and perhaps my "experience" with the game is holding me back.

    I often have a gold disadvantage even when winning lane, when it gets to late game I often die in team fights unnecessarily, and I seem to always land fewer skill-shots than my opponent. What I am looking for here is a little push in the right direction so I can put in the time in a constructive, positive way. Send me on my path to gold and beyond, show me where to start, the bedrock of skills I need.

    TL;DR - Silver Scrub wants guidance where to start learning

    submitted by /u/Pinky2306
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    I neef hielo right now to end this struggle

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    I'm new to this reddit but I came to explain my situation I've been playing lol for a long time and I was always main top and mid but this year I decided to switch to adc and I saw that I was having good results with difficult and trolled games ... but lately I was I feel sad I have gone down from gold 2 80 Lp to gold 3 with 20 ... and I see that I can not do anything in the games because I see that I try to help but some other line always fucks me and I get a top mid jung super fed and I oneshot (I add that it also annoys me to see that I go from a winning streak of 14 games in a row now see that I am going to go down to silver ...) I leave you my opgg and if someone is main supp and wants to do a duet with me, he would help me a lot https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=PressForNarancia Thank you ;__;

    submitted by /u/Aaron_ToT
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    Gold 2 Midlaner looking for advice to improve

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, I'm currently a Gold 2 midlaner that mostly plays Yasuo, Yone, and Ezreal. I'm trying to climb to Plat before the season ends but honestly I think I'm getting hardstuck and don't really know how to get better. I think the highest I got was to G1 69lp then i went on a losing streak all the way down to G3 20 lp.

    At that point, I started trying to Jungle Yi just because I was getting frustrated with midlane. I don't think I'm a good jungler but I am a good Yi player; I won a couple of games in a row but now I'm starting to realize I have no idea what to do when my lanes go 0/6 or 0/3 because I just end up getting outjungled with no winning lanes, so I'm going back to midlane.

    Anyways, I think the problem I have playing mid is that I can win lane, but I just end up losing after. Like my last Yas game I fed my ass off because I would try to go for twitch in teamfights but they had shen and lulu peeling for him. So in the case where I can't kill their carries, then what do I even do? I do watch my replays sometimes but I don't know what I should be looking for in terms of points of improvement.

    Admittedly, maybe I'm just not good enough as a Yasuo player but he is my main and I would like to get better because I don't think the issue is with my mechanics but rather with understanding how to push my leads and play teamfights.

    My op.gg

    Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Swishee1
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    I have question about Varus

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Okay now, for real. Can somebody tell me how can a champ be so IMPOSSIBLY bad? Like, there is actually NOTHING he is good at. He used to viable cuz you could build lethality and bully lane but now his spells do no damage and he can throw out about three for his entire mana pool. Idk, this champs just seem comically useless. I don't even play him, so I don't really care, just wondering. Peace out.

    submitted by /u/Frozteee
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    The basics foundations of jungle.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 06:19 AM PDT


    In the link you can find the 4 foundations of a jungler or what I believe to be the basics things we as a jungler need to pay attention, the role is really hard you need to be aware of multiple stuff at the same time so I made this video because I believe this 4 to be the most important traces for a jungle player. Thank you guys.

    submitted by /u/UnnamedGuy48
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    Maximize your income!

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    Hi I'm a adc main in silver so if you point out something wrong or want to elaborate more to the subject please let me know. I just got out of bronze and into silver playing mostly jhin and occasionally senna i averaged about 6-8 cs a minute which isn't bad but can still improve. During my games I noticed alot of low elo players would just farm little to nothing or just roam for kills when laning phase is over. This is a huge mistake, I've watched alot of streamers and pro players play and for most of the game they farm waves after waves maximizing their income to get ahead averaging about 9-10 cs a minute which is what everyone should be doing, especially as an adc. If you have nothing else do theres always a minion wave, and if you're missing those minions then that's money being wasted. Another thing I'd like to point out is the constant fighting, fighting the enemy team when they're obviously ahead is just a ff game. Please stop looking for kills and farm until you have an upper hand, even if you're fed and ahead don't waste time roaming for a kill, instead shove waves and maximize you're income!

    Another thing to keep in mind 13 lane minions = 1 kill

    submitted by /u/OR3o5
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    How to avoid cc

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    So I watch all these other akalis destroying teams 1v5 just destroying there health and killing them all,but when I try I get slept rooted and every other type of stun in the galaxy o even use my shroud and all the cc still hits me so I can't even do anything.can people give me tips on how to avoid this.ps dosent have to be Akali specific

    submitted by /u/Blackkage1
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