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    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    LoL Guide A word of advice for teams playing vs a Lee Sin and getting mad at their jungler for missing 50/50s

    LoL Guide A word of advice for teams playing vs a Lee Sin and getting mad at their jungler for missing 50/50s

    A word of advice for teams playing vs a Lee Sin and getting mad at their jungler for missing 50/50s

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I don't know why this needs to be said, I thought it was common knowledge -- but most junglers can't 50/50 a Lee Sin at neutral objectives.

    Lee Sin's Q+Smite+Q is fairly unbeatable in a 50/50 contest. The 2nd part of his Q does more damage based on the missing health of the target, so if he's anywhere near the pit with a clear shot -- he's pretty likely going to get the objective.

    If you're vs a Lee Sin enemy jungler, you have to zone him out or body block his Q, or you need to kill him before you go for the objective. You can't just opt into a 50/50 smite battle with a Lee Sin and hope your jungler is a smite god. Its just not a winning strategy, you're setting your jungler up for failure.

    Unless your jungler is a nunu or cho'gath or something with a huge true damage source, they're never going to win the 50/50, at least not consistently. Its a pretty big gamble -- more like 70/30.

    So instead of flaming your jungler for losing objectives, maybe help them out a little and get that Lee Sin outta there, or body block, or kill him. That way you're not trying to 50/50 vs one of the best 50/50 champs in the game.

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    WHY is this a carry jg meta?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    Worlds is a carry jg meta apparently but I don't understand why

    Is it because of something idk about with jg camps/exp/gold? Are Graves/Lillia/Nidalee just overtuned at the moment? Are other lanes weak for some reason, forcing the main carry to come from the jg?

    I'm low silver trash and don't understand this meta. I fully understand each individual concept but I can't see WHY it is the way it is because I'm silver

    submitted by /u/ClumsyPineappl
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    hi there, i'm a new player

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    hi there, i'm a relatively new player to league.

    for the past month or so, i've been playing league religiously because of how fun it is! i started learning with akali, then went to learn ahri, lillia, and yuumi. i still have yet to find an adc champ that i have a fun time playing (maybe i just don't like playing bot lane). however, i'm almost leveled enough to play ranked and honestly, i'm pretty nervous. i've mostly played against intermediate bots, or beginner bots when i'm trying out a new champ but i haven't completely ignored pvp. however, every time i play i get insanely nervous because i don't wanna let my team down, end up unintentionally feeding, or have my teammates get angry. i've already experienced plenty of people telling me to keep practicing with bots, but i have to practice pvp more consistently to learn better. does anyone have any tips or tricks they use to help with nerves, even if you're doing well during the game?

    submitted by /u/samitrius
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    Questions from a new player

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Ok so I have like 5 games and played the tutorial and I don't understand how to play really.

    But I was recently watching an ahri guide that said glacial augment ahri is good but like what is glacial augment? Is it a item I buy? Is it a ability I equip pregame?

    I'm such a noob every guide seems to assume I know what the heck augments, runes, and skill trees are but I really don't so can someone please explain it to me?

    Sorry for formatting btw.

    submitted by /u/Amerwolv
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    How Rank 1 Kr Dopa Plays Orianna

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:06 AM PDT


    Hey, ya'll! If anyone is interested, here is an analysis of how Dopa is able to carry with Orianna. I think this will be helpful to those who want to learn Orianna as well as basic macro. For those of you who might not know Dopa, he is a solo queue Legend who has been consistently hitting rank 1 in either KR or Chinese Super Server since Season 3. This season, he two-tricked Twisted Fate and Orianna to rank 1 KR and is now on a journey to hit rank 1 on Super Server again one last time before he heads off to military.

    submitted by /u/Lv_1_Shark
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    How to win if a teammate leaves.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    So recently I had the best Ahri game of my life being 5.5k gold ahead of the enemies highest (a Samira) however our Lee Sin left early. The game didn't seem to go so badly and we were pushing lanes our and even got nexus turrets but in the end we still lost. Is there anyway I could have won us the game as it annoyed me to lose a game that was probably winnable. So can anyone tell me how to close out a game 4v5 where you have a gold advantage.

    submitted by /u/WillYeo14
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    Any advice for a new player trying to learn mid and dealing with smurfs?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    I recently picked up the game about five days ago and have been learning it with a couple friends, as a few more experienced friends teach us. I have been learning mid, and from what I know of the role it sounds really fun. High risk, high responsibility, but a lot of potential to control the map and make plays. I also like the wide variety of champs that can be played there.

    I started on Swain, moved to Yone, and have been quite liking him. Because we have higher level friends teaching us, there are smurfs in almost every lobby, and they are almost always mid. If i'm not fighting a smurf mid, I'm fighting their high level player, while the other noobs usually end up top or bot. (seriously, just last night I laned against a yasuo who literally had "im a smurf" or some shit in his name)

    I don't mind fighting a better player too much, I am learning how to farm from behind and play for scaling later. However, even if I am scaled properly, I feel like I can't do shit in teamfights. I feel utterly useless and it seems like our ADC (who is the experienced guy teaching us) just rolls through every fight and takes every kill, doing damage at a rate that nobody else can compete with. I wouldn't mind getting my ass beat in the laning phase so much, but it feels like during lane their smurf gets to stomp me and then in late game our smurf/high level guy gets to stomp them. As a quick example, during one match I had highest CS on our team, was ahead or even in level with our experienced carry throughout the entire match (and ahead by 2 or 3 of my other new friends) but went 0/7, and felt like I could do absolutely nothing during teamfights despite being one of the highest scaled players in the lobby.

    To that end, what advice would you guys have for me? What should I look to work on? I feel like I personally need to work on target priority in teamfights and knowing when to all in vs when to chill and poke. Something I have a lot of trouble with is knowing how "strong" a champ is at a given time. Like, am have I scaled enough to fight that Zed that's been beating my ass in the early game, or should I still be farming further and avoiding fights? Stuff like that is what I struggle with. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/RocketHops
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    How do you play to win, not just to play?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    In my last month of playing League, I've noticed a distressing pattern in my play: I too often feel as though I can't win a game unless someone else is doing the carrying. I play jungle, so my dream scenario is my lanes going even or perhaps not even trading kills much at all, giving me the room to farm it out and try to impact the game by sneaking objectives and getting a cheesy kill here and there. Come the midgame, I'll identify who's the strongest person on my team and generally do my best to make their life easier. However, this scenario is a dream that happens rarely. More often than not, a competent jungler will start playing more aggressive and get me off my grove. Also, there are a number of scenarios where no one is doing well and, in fact, I'm the one who's in a position to carry or at least make stuff happen, which I'm not comfortable doing. The end result of all this is that I lose more games than I win and I'm rarely the reason why my team wins. Is the jungle role just not for me, or do I need to start playing more champions that can accommodate a more supportive style? Alternatively, how do I get myself to play more assertively to not just avoid risks, but to take the ones that help me win?

    For reference, this is my op.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=ASouthernRussian

    submitted by /u/ASouthernRussian
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    How to survive Lucian earlygame?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    I always hear people cry about Lucian in the sololane, this is the first time I played against it and now I know why people cry so much, his damage earlygame is insane.

    I was playing Orianna with Olaf jng against Lucian and Lillia jng. I got absolutely destroyed that game. I'm not the complete reason we lost, I was not the only one to lose lane but I still blame the game on myself just because of the fact that I could have carried if I played it perfectly and never died. How do I survive against Lucian as Orianna in early game? Anyone can help me? I took the small armor rune and the free hourglass rune but I still lost lane this hard.

    submitted by /u/MaybeAFish_
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    Do support item minion cap apply to jungle camps?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    When you overfarm with a supp item eg. spelltheifs you get punished, minions give less and less gold. Does this apply to jungle camps? If not, would a strat of funneling say a Sona (in say sona-lux) jungle camps make sense whilst jungler takes wave instead?

    submitted by /u/TheSirusKing
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    Help me improve

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    I am currently gold 2. The past few seasons I have had no issues hitting plat but this season is extremely difficult for me.

    Anytime I get to or near gold 1, a losing streak hits. I get people who mentally quit after one death, people who refuse to buy control wards, people who refuse to set up drg, toxic individuals who refuse to communicate, etc etc.

    What I would like to know is how do you play from behind? What do you do when your other laners are constantly dying, refuse to play safe and begin to flame one another? This scenario happens pretty often to me and makes my matches unfun and feel impossible. Things snowball out of control fast. I usually play Malz mid or Kayn jungle. I've made comebacks as a mid laner but it feels impossible to do so as a jungler without some strong laners to help. I started off good as Kayn but the past month my WR has dropped significantly with him. I think I might be missing something with my own gameplay. My summoner name is Ben SwoIo (it is a capital "i" for the "SwoIo"). Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Zawmbie85
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    What to do if you can’t lane anymore?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    So a while back I had a game where I was playing Sett vs Illaoi top. Basically I got ganked early and died. I believe I tp'd back and instantly died again. It was the roughest game I had in a while and I was pretty tilted ngl. So anyways here was this Illaoi with a full Black Cleaver in under 10 mins where I had to lane against.

    I couldn't just play the lane normally because I would take so much damage from trades. She then kept pushing me in and using her nasty tentacle on me while I tried to farm under tower. Most of them I dodged but it would only take one to hit and I would lose half my hp. So because she was so ahead and because she is Illaoi there was no way my jungler could gank because we would both die to her without a doubt.

    So I would like to know what I could have done in this situation. I rarely have games where I get stomped so hard like this so don't really have experience in what to do. Normally I just play safe and sit under tower mostly but that wasn't an option against her. Should I have roamed and try to help other lanes? If I did I would lose so much gold and exp and Illaoi would just keep on pushing and eventually take inhib. It just felt like the game was doomed.

    submitted by /u/IIIDzire
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    Hitting minions when your low can save you

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Okay so I personally do this a lot but I don't see many pros doing it Many champs, especially mid laners, start with a Dorans blade which gives 3% life steal among other stuff. So let's say you just killed a twitch and your very low so his poison will kill you, instead of walking away you could hit minions to gain that small 1 or 2 health points you need just to survive his poison. Obviously that depends on if the minions are hitting you or not and if your under turret etc.... But if your zed for example u can just E or W E for bigger effect and you can get at least 20 health so You can survive that poison/bleed/whatever the effect is. I see too many people just walking away after trades while under a health drain effect that could've been survived by doing that. Now I'm pretty good at the game but I'm not really a "pro" so if I said something wrong please correct me :)

    submitted by /u/cryobot215
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    how to deal with a team that doesn't deffend/too scared to?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    so i just had a game where i lost my lane against a darius(duh), and by lost i don't mean turbo inted, i was just 2/3. But i couldn't do much against him since he counterpicked me and had level advantage.

    Long story short, my jungle came once, though he can 1v1 him, died and never came again. I kept asking for help while he's pushing, he got 3 turrets, inhib and noone. Not a single soul in my game came to help.

    once teamfights started, all of them were too scared to deffend anything, the enemy team kept taking turret after turret while my own team is cowering behind the 2nd turret too afraid to retaliate or even follow up on my engages.

    Decided to limit my deaths and we lost while i was 3/5 and didn't deffend a single turret.

    so my question is how do you play with such a team?. Do i wait with them and watch us lose or do i just turbo int to try and do anything

    submitted by /u/rawiazam1
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    Is having an unlocked camera an absolute necessity?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    So, I've started playing in season 3, and with many breaks, here and there, here I am again. This time I decided to take the game seriously, as I never peaked more than high silver/ low gold mmr. I started watching YouTube videos and reading through this sub alot. Now, I never played with an unlocked camera, sure whenever something crucial is happening, I unlock the camera on Y and click on the map, or unlock the camera I move the mouse ahead, use F1/4 keys, but whenever I try laning with unlocked camera or keeping it unlocked for extended periods of time I get absolutely lost. Is it too late to adjust now? It's been almost 7 years (with long breaks in between mind me) that I played this way. Is unlocked camera at all times a necessity? Is it possible to climb without that?

    submitted by /u/savoxion
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    Prototype: Omnistone

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Just curious if this kind of keystone could ever be viable. I haven't seen this played at all, though it sounds like a fun idea. I would guess the RNG deters people from picking it competitively. Even so, are there champs this is playable on? The game's getting a bit stale for me, so I just want something new. The whole idea of adapting your play style to whatever keystone you currently have is appealing to me. I was thinking maybe Kennen, Jayce, Bard, Gnar, etc.

    submitted by /u/gedankenexperiment42
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    First we talked about buying tons of potions. This time, let's talk about if you are going to buy more than 2 Control Wards . . . .

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    EDIT: Okay, forget everything else I originally wrote.

    The point of this post was supposed to be:

    You can only have one control ward active on the map at one time.

    Here is a new example that I should have used instead. Do not do this: https://imgur.com/a/GxaKg3G

    Thank you.


    To those of you who saw the other post I made a week ago ( https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/j8d4dl/if_you_are_going_to_buy_more_than_2_potions_buy_a/ )

    The below link is from the original post I made. Im leaving it just in case. However, the link above is a far better example of the point I was trying to illustrate.


    submitted by /u/zeroblackzx
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    Demoted to silver as bot main, what can I genuinely do?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    I'm washed up, recently picked up the game again this year, and I mostly play supp with adc as my off role, I play both my roles and champions above the average skill level, but for the love of me, I cannot carry and win games that are one sided, meaning my top and mid are heavy feeding for example...

    I just cannot seem to be good enough to support my team for a come back, same when I'm the only one actually fed as adc, how the f k do I take on fed enemy jungles and lanes that are 2 levels above me with item and kit advantage?

    I will admit some games I win by pure ""luck"" meaning the enemy team got fed early on but are not coordinated enough to end the game instead of dicking around, the whole silver/gold elo is a mess to actually climb as a bot layer!

    My friends told me that bot Lane shouldn't be mained at all until you start reaching mid high plat, where adcs do matter and so do support...

    I'm starting to believe them, my mach history is painted with red defeats with somewhat good kda and vision score, I play safe, smart, I give teammates huge leads, and they don't take advantage of it seriously. Furthermore I have played With and Against tier 1 clash teams that range from diamond, I have hold my own weight, my diamond friends shot called me, I had a great time on adc with scores such as 4/2/10 on ashe, and my ezreal...

    That proves that I can perform on a diamond level but can't carry in silver gold, how does that work?

    submitted by /u/Indis96
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    Should I solely gank one lane?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    I had this game where I was Vi. I spam ganked top since it was against nasus (ornn on our team) he got destroyed. I look down to see my bot lane getting wrecked. I go down with my mid laner pick up a free kills then my mid laner recalls. I hover over drake and then I see 4 people go down and my mid laners farming mid while there's 4 bot and they secure drake. This happens twice and then I see top getting sieged like crazy and nasus becomes hyper fed. At the end of the game twitch flames me and said I lost us the game because I didn't gank bot who went 0/2 within the first 5 minutes

    submitted by /u/NoFrIeNdZs
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    Laning with feeding team

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I just had a game where I, as Camille did the least damage in the game, even less than my support. However, my mid, bot, and support all had 7 deaths or more in a 20 min game. In the post game chat the enemy team was mocking me for having the least damage, but I didn't have an opportunity to fight my laner because I am not confidant on Camille. Is it okay to play safe even to the risk of basically doing nothing?

    submitted by /u/Stufftys123
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    I need to break the mid-plat 3 wall

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    I am a mid/adc main. 51% win rate. Here's my op.gg


    I get a win streak to plat 3. Get to plat 3 50-60 lp and then fall back down to plat 4 50-60 lp. This cycle has been repeating for some weeks. It's rather aggravating because the difference between low plat and middish plat is very large. I feel the game changing and I feel I only get two games to adjust, which I have been losing, and then it's right back to low plat apeland. It's harder to win games solo the higher I go.

    What I didn't expect on the climb is the foolishness people do. They fight for no reason. They don't push side lanes. They advance on the enemy in places that bare no profit for the team, win or lose. I don't understand how to play so selfishly in a team game. I don't understand how to react to games that seem to vary in IQ every game, along with the general competence level of each player. Even in won games I often don't understand why this person did that or why they decided that was the play to make. sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't, but that isn't my point, my point is that I do not know how to play with these kinds of players. Players that seem to just not care if they win or not.

    Should I play with them? Should I separate myself from them and just play for my own gain? I do not know the best strategy for this type of gameplay. I need assistance.

    submitted by /u/Mejalu
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    Help with multitasking? There's so much to focus on!

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    So this might be a more personal issue but my entire life I've always been absolutely horrid at multitasking or dealing with any distractions. Even extremely basic things like working while talking are basically impossible; I either ignore the other person pretty much entirely or (my preferred option) I do absolutely no work and talk the entire time.

    Now when it comes to getting better at League this feels like a massive hurdle. I started playing in June and really wanted to hit Gold 4 my first season but I've been floundering in Bronze 1 the entire time. There's so much I've learned about the game and a lot of things I've focused on but I can't put any of it together.

    I grinded a ton of 1v1s and got really good at trading and winning lanes as Katarina. Pure 1v1s are my jam so that was the first thing I learned. However I get next to no CS as I'm too busy watching my opponent and there's plenty of games where I'll have 7 kills at 10 minutes but only 40CS (and then if they cash in on my bounty we're basically even). So I've been focusing on that and am able to get around 6cs/m when I hard focus on it but then I get destroyed in lane more since I'm not focused on trading or dodging skill shots. Now throw in map awareness. Again, when I make a conscious effort to look every few seconds it pays off! I get more roams, survive more ganks, and help with skirmishes, but find myself getting chunked by skillshots and missing CS as I look at the map.

    Now on top of this throw in warding and wave management and god forbid macro decision making and jungle tracking and it's an absolute shit show. I can do any one thing decently enough, maybe two at most but after that I just lose track of absolutely everything.

    Any advice for this? Should I just be dedicating myself 100% to CSing for a month until I can it unconsciously? Then do the same for every other skill? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/EonXII
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    Anything I should know?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    So I'm primarily ADC main but can run Mid or Jungle if needed but I am level 29 and about ready to head into ranked. Is there anything I should know?

    Just based off stats, I definitely lack kill participation and on income (which sucks cause I try to focus on farming and keeping up with CS but then I feel while doing that I miss out on kill opportunities). Based off what I think, I have relatively poor map awareness and not sure how to improve, I know all the paths but I find it hard to look at map while playing (Especially when playing blue side).

    I want to, as you put it, git gud. I play quite a bit but I feel I'm a poor ADC since I can't get a lot of kills even though Jhin and Ashe are my best characters and I know their combos or kits pretty well.

    Essentially, what should my mindset be before going into ranked so I don't get flamed.

    submitted by /u/Goruto1334
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