• Breaking News

    Friday, October 23, 2020

    League of Legends Thank You Licorice - Cloud9

    League of Legends Thank You Licorice - Cloud9

    Thank You Licorice - Cloud9

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Tomorrow, This iteration of DAMWON Gaming will play their first Best of 5 against a team other than DRX

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Spring 2020 they went out of playoffs in 4th place, losing to DRX

    Mid Season Cup they did not leave groups, and thus did not play a best of 5

    Summer 2020 they were seeded directly into the finals of playoffs, where they defeated DRX

    Worlds 2020 they faced and defeated DRX in quarterfinals.

    Tomorrow's best of 5 against G2 will be the first best of 5 this roster plays against a team that is not DRX

    submitted by /u/GuyOfEvil
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    Worlds 2020: Semifinals Opening Tease | G2 vs DWG | SN vs TES

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    Golden Guardians Head Coach Inero about playing in-house games in NA.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    As in the title, Nick Smith talked a little about the troubles with how in-house games worked, the trouble that came with it and some more.

    Link: https://twitter.com/inero/status/1319677344857030656

    For people not wanting to go on twitter, here's what he said:

    Man, I hate to break from the positive vibes only thing, but any time people talk about in-houses, it's from people that don't even know how it functioned. It's so weird bro, just say you don't want to be a part of it, or that you think it was useless and move on

    It's not like it was some huge complex thing, you could join the server for 10s and see how it all worked and all the text updates. All the problems people brought up for it were things that we constantly pushed for solutions on, and eventually got. The only problem was signups

    Wanted no soloq players? Cool, LCS/Acad queue only. Wanted no acad players? Ok there's an LCS queue only. Wanted soloq players again? Ok riot let us get TR invites for players. Wanted to stream it? Ok riot allowed streaming. Like literally everything got changed for it lol

    Like shit bro, I don't even think in-houses will solve anything. I just made it so it was a potential solution for the ping problem if that's what people had problems with. But every time there's some new random excuse that a solution was already made for. It's so fucking weird

    I even got accused that there was favoritism towards GG players only (even tho the queue was first come first server) so I paid for a bot to make everything automated. Just say you think in-houses suck and GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. There's no need for other excuses rly

    I at least respect the players that said they thought it wasn't helpful and didn't to participate. At least they were honest about their beliefs and intentions

    submitted by /u/xWangan
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    Travis talks about what rumors he's heard about roster changes for every LCS team

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    Slav Seraphine skin idea

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Had an idea for Seraphine that I just had to put on paper. An idea to actually completely remove and improve ultimate rank. We go straight to the final evolution.

    Slav Seraphine

    Slav version of Seraphine squatting on the Lada that she stole from Viktor just to cut it in half and power it up with Skarner. Going around the Rift full cheeki-breeki to drown us in hard bass and overamplified sound

    Enemies hit by her ultimate start dancing to hardbass as given example bythe rest of the gang

    I still can't put my finger on the name for the skin line.. let's hear your suggestions. You can also poke me on twitter

    submitted by /u/NocaNoha
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    Being an NA fan is like rooting for your towns 0-10 sports team

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    I feel like I got suckered into buying chocolate bars to fund the local team to go play the game with the big boys even if they have 0 preparation. We have some glimmers of hope but we go into worlds every year hoping another team messes up so we can advance because we expect to lose anyway. Ill give it to Liquid and Fly for putting up a fight this year though! Ill bring the orange slices next year. Good luck my EU friends

    submitted by /u/pursu777
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    K/DA - MORE | Teaser

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    I'd like to present to you a Yuumi pentakill from silver in theese trying times.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Following the Worlds hype, Ive made a mix with some League Cinematics, tried to get them in sync with the song Warriors(the original one) and here is the result! Hope you like it!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    How excited are we for DWG vs G2 tomorrow?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:08 AM PDT

    Not only is it a match between 2 amazing teams but it's a historical grudgematch from last years Worlds.

    Personally i think G2 will win, even though most people are predicting DWG ( reasonable ) but nevertheless it's going to be a fiesta brawl of a game, you can mark my words.


    Starts at 12.00 CET/3AM PST

    submitted by /u/Creepy_Pilot1200
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    LPP League Partner Vapora Dark leaves game on stream and hops on his smurf account

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Funniest post I saw in Inven (Korean community) after G2 vs Gen.G

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    Funniest post I saw in Inven (Korean community) after G2 vs Gen.G



    From now on they should bring in a new test for LCK worlds qualifiers

    Hang up a portrait of Caps

    If their heartbeat goes up, disqualify the bastards

    G2 giving LCK nightmares...... will be interesting to see what happens today.

    submitted by /u/bsh2198
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    (Eng Sub) UZI on coming out of retirement

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Perkz’s thoughts on playing against DWG and TES

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    A Look at GENG's Poor Level 1 Setups and How G2 Punished Them

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    Profile of G2's Playstyle

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    This is not my work - the analysis belongs to /u/TormentedLoL who has now become /u/RengedLoL in lieu of recent issues. He posted the breakdown in a different subreddit and I am merely sharing it here.


    1. I do not do this professionally so keep in mind that my opinion is just that - my opinion. I'm likely going to be making claims about how I think the game should be played and these might not align with your views.
    2. The region I watch the most of is Korea. As prep work for this writeup, I have watched all of G2's games from LEC Playoffs as well as rewatching all of their matches in Groups and Worlds Quarterfinals. Bear in mind that my limited perspective is off of these recent few matches
    3. I will qualify the above - that recency bias is more useful either way if you want an analysis of how a team is performing at Worlds. For example - we aren't going to look at C9's VoDs from Spring to analyze how they would do at this World's - different metas, different playstyles.
    4. Special Disclaimer: G2 is probably the team you guys are the most familiar with. Unfortunately - I don't watch much LEC. My perspective is based on a limited number of games so if you disagree, you'll have to bear with me.

    G2 plays a fast-paced style of League of Legends that highly values mobility. They move their pieces around the map in precise strikes on neutral objectives or the enemy team and are incredibly decisive with their playmaking. Jankos is used primarily to accelerate Caps to enable the star mid-laner, but will also take opportunistic ganks on the side lanes if available. While G2 is not reliant on being on the play in the same way TES is, they look at their best when they do dictate the tempo.

    • In LEC playoffs their early game uses Jankos and sometimes Mikyx to break open mid lane so that Caps has control. And Jankos ganks for Caps. A lot. A vast majority of their early ganks that convert are in mid lane. And most of the time you'll find one of their players hovering around the area. While Jankos certainly does occasionally gank top/bot, the success rate of these ganks is far lower - G2 looks best when Jankos can enable Caps.
    • If Jankos, Mikyx, or both can establish a lead for Caps, G2 loves to rotate a 3/4-man core to weakly defended enemy territory to secure neutral/enemy objectives or to capitalize on their initiative. G2's bread and butter playstyles uses their snap decision-making to rapidly move around the map and punish the enemy team if they do not have control over the tempo.
      • https://youtu.be/3obUgYhvVPE?t=863 G2 vs MAD Lions - LEC Summer Playoffs Round 1 Game 1Watch Mikyx. The moment the control ward sees Mad Lions, he begins channeling Hexflash and G2 prepares to fight.
      • https://youtu.be/3obUgYhvVPE?t=1186 G2 vs MAD Lions - LEC Summer Playoffs Round 1 Game 1
      • https://youtu.be/KfcMX-Hgbss?t=1005 G2 vs FNC - LEC Summer Playoffs Round 2 Game 3
      • https://youtu.be/KfcMX-Hgbss?t=1422 G2 vs Fnatic - LEC Summer Playoffs Round 2 Game 3
      • https://youtu.be/KkmHna9xtdQ?t=1370 G2 vs Fnatic - LEC Summer Playoffs Round 2 Game 4Here, when Nemesis and Hylissang show bot lane, G2 collapses 4 members onto FNC's exposed top outer turret near instantaneously while Shen stays bot to absorb farm. Fnatic loses an entire cannon wave on one of their carries who was already behind, while G2 immediately razes the turret and still doesn't lose out on the opposite side of the map due to Shen being there. The top side of the map becomes exclusive G2 territory which allows them to take the Herald for free - but without missing a beat, once the objectives in the top side of the map are taken, they immediately cross country to the other side to prevent FNC from contesting their Soul Point Dragon
      • https://youtu.be/VbnT6yNqkvY?t=735 G2 vs SN - Worlds 2020 Group Stage Day 2
      • https://youtu.be/VbnT6yNqkvY?t=1133 G2 vs SN - Worlds 2020 Group Stage Day 2Notice that the moment G2 begins to threaten the bot lane Tier 1 turret, they move Jankos, Caps and Mikyx to the adjacent side to look for potential exploit on any of SN's players that move to defend
      • https://youtu.be/IKWRdJkl3i8?t=724 G2 vs Gen.G Game 1 - Worlds 2020 Quarterfinals
      • https://youtu.be/IKWRdJkl3i8?t=939 G2 vs Gen.G Game 1 - Worlds 2020 QuarterfinalsG2 rotates 4 members to the mid lane to look for BDD. In response, Gen.G moves their players to defend BDD but because G2 has a composition that covers ground extremely quickly, they turn the tables on Gen.G by taking out an isolated Ruler due to the consequent rotation
      • https://youtu.be/IKWRdJkl3i8?t=1605 G2 vs Gen.G Game 1 - Worlds 2020 QuarterfinalsWith TP advantage, G2 spots the opposing 4 man core trying to establish vision around Baron, and completely collapse on the exposed Gen.G team.
      • https://youtu.be/JmvomX6larM?t=1234 G2 vs Gen.G Game 2 - Worlds 2020 Quarterfinals
    • In essence, G2 plays a 4-1 pick style of League of Legends. They look for lop-sided engages and move extremely quickly around the map to exploit windows offered by the enemy team. Wunder is key to this playstyle as G2 relies on his stability and availability of teleport to create more windows.
      • This is why often times once G2 successfully cracks Caps out of mid lane, the focus will go to cracking Wunder out of top lane. A G2 that can play around a Wunder teleport is much more lethal than a G2 that cannot
    • G2 has one of the more unique playstyles around territory among the semis teams. While more traditional teams establish territory and defend, G2 likes to compromise neutral or enemy territory that the opposing team is in. When I say G2 plays the pick game, they aren't just picking champions. They pick off exposed neutral objectives like Dragons or Turrets, or even just denying enemy team farm to access win condition.
    • G2 also possesses strong individual qualities that let them play outside of their comfort zone reasonably well. Their players coordinate and team fight well even when off the play, making them a particularly difficult nut to crack.

    G2's Weaknesses

    • G2, like TES, look much better when they are in command than when the enemy team is. The best drafts for G2 are the ones that enable their rotational map play. Nidalee-TF-Camille or Pantheon support comes to mind. Limiting G2's playmaking potential stifles the team
    • In perspective, the Claps/Craps meme has an inkling of truth. Now before you get your pitchforks, I'm not saying Caps is a coin flip player. Craps isn't when Caps is running it (though maybe it is, I haven't seen that many Craps performances in the games I watched), but when G2 can't enable Caps well enough. G2 is much more lethal with Caps spearheading. Teams that can stifle Caps (think DoinB) will do much better against G2
    • Rotational matching
      • https://youtu.be/N5VjNv6bD50?t=1052 G2 vs SN - Worlds 2020 Group Stage Day 5Teams that can predict G2's rotation and match them have a chance to blow open the game through even-numbers skirmishes.

    Thank you all for reading! This concludes all of the teams in Semis. It's been a great time watching through all of these games and trying to find play patterns or breaking down the anatomies of how these teams work. I hope you enjoyed reading my work as much as I enjoyed writing it.

    submitted by /u/DestructiveParkour
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    Dignitas re-sign Dardoch and TSM rumoured to drop Doublelift and Biofrost - Tim's Takes

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    [PBE] Why Tanks will feel underwhelming in the preseason

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    TL;DR: It's Christmas and while everyone else gets cool new toys, tanks got their last years present, repackaged and poorly wrapped.

    I understand it's the likes of Yasuo who sells skins, so the priority customers of the "fun" part of the game will always be in the 1v9 mentality and whatnot, but here's something about tanks, and why preseason will make them feel bad, even if they end up statistically strong.

    Riot made quite a few correct design choices. From Mythics through Ability Haste to Grievous Wounds in the situational 40-60 version, it's a well-thought idea... on paper. Having Mythics be the first buy bread-and-butter while big classics like Infinity Edge get the Deathcap treatment was neat as well. Even Bami's Cinder as the definitive tank item makes sense - it's both something most tanks already wanted for waveclear and something only tanks ever could use.

    So why do tanks feel bad to play in the new item landscape?

    Cool Kids Got The Fun Toys

    Even with the nerf to % penetration coming (if it's visible already on the PBE, imagine how ridiculous it would have been on Live), all other classes get access to multiple new sources of armor penetration, even classes previously not designed to do it that easily (Eclipse Mythic enabling AD assassins to stack % arpen, new Liandrys, etc). A bruiser with the Divine Devourer mythic and Black Cleaver shreds even more armor than before. There is so much % penetration they had to remove the Legend: Destroyer rune.

    Some changes are understandable, like the easier access to Grievous Wounds (tanks aren't excluded here, Bramble Vest got cheaper), but with Blight Stone (component to Void Staff) enabling faster access to % Magic Penetration and even Verdant Barrier giving mages a convenient building block into Banshee's Veil, question raises: what new fun items are there for tanks? And the answer is - not so many. Winged Moonplate is the only new component here. It's not even that other classes have better options against tanks - it's that tanks are losing this arms race and have nothing good to fight back with.

    Dude, Where's My Mana

    Let's start with the most visible problem. Mana in tank items is pretty much all gone, with the exception of Frozen Heart. You've read that correctly. Iceborn Gauntlet, gone. Righteous Glory, gone. Abyssal Mask, gone. Many champions like Maokai, Poppy or Sion will notice that in longer teamfights their mana pool is simply insufficient. Sure, we can do a second pass of compensation buffs like we did with Sheen users, but what's the point? It's a useful power lever to play with, and limiting the mana itemization to Frozen Heart sounds just bad.

    There were once rumours of a Tear item for tanks. What happened there? We've had a first round of compensation mana buffs for some tanks on the PBE - Malphite and Amumu are the first batch - but this feels like dumbing the game down for no reason. Mana is a useful stat to balance the game with; it allows you for example to prohibit manaless champions from attaining too much CDR by gating the biggest CDR gains behind a mana item... oh wait, Cosmic Drive exists... anyway, this used to be the idea behind Frozen Heart and Iceborn Gauntlet vs manaless defensive items, and Lost Chapter upgrades against the Hextech Rocketbelt and other manaless AP items. You have to buy mana to avoid running out of it in the long teamfights, but in return, you can get higher CDR easier.

    I Can't Heal

    If the argument was that tanks heal too much, not only did everyone and their mother get better access to Grievous Wounds, but also tanks received a huge nerf to their healing tools. Adaptive Helmet, the best item against magic DoTs, is gone (this will be loudly complained about, considering the dreadful Liandry's+Demonic Embrace combo). Catalyst of Aeons and its upgrade to Abyssal Mask is gone. Spirit Visage no longer grants any healing by itself. Warmog's Armor had 150g added to its price for no stat increase, with CDR nerfed (10% ability haste now). Righteous Glory is gone and its replacement, Accelerated Chemtank, has no healing.

    How exactly are you supposed to endure the lane as a tank? Is this Morello's final testament? Fighters get way better healing in lane now, with the new Phage and whatnot; even AP champions see the return of spellvamp in the form of Leeching Leer (Catalyst replacement). What about tanks?

    Lack of Variety

    All mana-using Mages start their Mythic with Lost Chapter because the item does all they want in the laning phase - helps them farm with the sweet AP+AH+mana+mana regen combo. Noonquiver is a neat last-hitting crutch for the ADCs. And Serrated Dirk has been a cornerstone Lethality item since the very inception of the AD Assassin as a full-fledged class.

    But that's the end of the "all satisfied with one item" list. Everyone else wants - and has - options. All Support mythics build from Kindlegem, but the second component heavily varies in stats and purpose (funnily enough even the tank options are more varied here). Manaless AP items aren't uniform: two have Hextech Alternator in recipe, and the third one is the reworked Catalyst with omnivamp. Bruiser Mythics are completely off the charts with convenient build paths and low combine costs, as they cover all four possible combinations of Kindlegem + (Phage or Axe of Avarosa) + (Sheen or Ironspike Whip) + (200 to 700 combine cost). Flexible, adjustable, convenient.

    Tanks had that variety in their lane builds, sitting on Catalyst, Spectre's Cowl - whatever was suitable for a specific matchup. And now they don't, they all have to rush Bami's Cinder or resistance stat-sticks. A huge part of laning as a tank is simply surviving the enemy laner with an appropriate defensive item choice. And the components for tank Mythics are a little bit problematic. Gone are the days of laning with Catalyst or Spectre's Cowl. And I feel that the single biggest problem tanks will face in lane is that their Mythic buildup will feel completely unhelpful in a war of attrition.

    Jungle vs Lane

    There's a reason why jungle tanks don't complain as much, and it's not just Bami's already being their core item, or the fact that the mana problem doesn't hurt them as hard. Other than some stupid compositions of all single-type damage, a jungle tank will absolutely LOVE a mixed resists Mythic item, it's truly a one-item wonder for them, as they will engage in all lanes against all types of enemies. For laning tanks, however, this is sub-optimal. A small to huge part of purchased statistics will simply feel wrong, wasted, inefficient. It will feel bad.

    How to solve this problem - tough to say, as yet another issue is the question of stats vs unique effects. Even if the Mythics are geared towards laning against a specific damage threat, it creates another potentially frustrating situation where you are forced to choose between optimal stats and desired active/passive affect. This is something that other classes don't have to worry about as much.

    Perhaps the way to go is to lower the cost of tank Mythics, so that however you feel about the first item, you can simply be done with it and move on to the next one. Perhaps shaking up the buildpath is the way to go, to enable something more interesting to rush before Bami's Cinder. Spectre's Cowl, Crystalline Bracer, Glacial Shroud, maybe even the old Catalyst - they would all feel great in a tank Mythic.


    When choosing a Mythic active, you ask yourself: do I need the engage button from Accelerated Chemtank? Or the sticking power from Frostfire Gauntlet? Or just the damage amplificator from Sunborn Aegis?

    But then you have to throw it all out of the window, as it turns out you need first and foremost to suit your purchases to the damage threats on the enemy team. And then it just feels bad. It's not like with Liandry's or Kraken Slayer, which suit the DPS playstyle well enough with everything else that the anti-tank measures built in are just a handy bonus. It's not about what your champion wants to do. You are not with the agency here - the enemy is. You're just trying to defend from their threat first, and can only afford to play your card later.

    This is why I understand the initial idea from week 1 of having all tank Mythics build from Aegis - in that case they suck all the same and you just pick the unique effect you prefer.

    The Legendaries

    Most games are decided with about 2 full items in each player's inventory. Time will tell how the altered Deadman's Plate, Randuin's Omen and Thornmail will fare in the meta. Together with Abyssal Mask and Force of Nature they all follow a pretty simple pattern of Ruby Crystal upgrade + resist component upgrade, which is convenient for both tanks and bruisers alike. That leaves the forementioned lack of mana and healing in items as the main problem, with good old classics like Frozen Heart and Warmog's Armor being the only options there.

    Now the idea of making Gargoyle Stoneplate the "tank Deathcap" is great. It's something we've already had with the item, with it scaling with bonus health like Warmog and pandering to the core tank fantasy "I don't care about dealing damage or moving fast, I AM THE BIG GUY". Unfortunately the new Stoneplate lacks this identity, perhaps as a way to open up this item to bruisers. But anyway, the idea of tanking lategame amplification in teamfights is exactly what the class is all about. The rest is all about balance, I just hope it gets the attention it deserves. I also appreciate the concept of tanks being the only class allowed to gain Armor and Magic Resist in one item (that is not Demonic Embrace...), with Death's Dance changed to armor-only, but like we've said before, it might be sometimes unappreciated in the toplane.

    But, all in all...

    The "Wow" Effect

    Tanks didn't get it.

    Mages get the new toys with Everfrost's root, Riftmaker's omnivamp, Harvester's reset; there's plenty of new effects on AD items such as Galeforce, Eclipse, Prowler's Claw and of course the invisibility on Duskblade; even supports, with Shurelya's as broken as it is, complained their way into receiving Imperial Mandate on top of that. There are new, exciting items with new effects.

    Tanks got the short end of the stick. Their Mythics are old items disguised as new. Legendaries, nothing new and exciting (aside from arguably Force of Nature). Even Stoneplate got dumbed down in both its effect and its buildpath (Stopwatch removed from the build is actually huge). And on top of that, their mana and healing is gone. AND on top of that, there will be plenty of situations where their Mythics will feel awkward to buy due to wasted stats.

    And let me repeat that. While other classes have some or all new Mythics, Tanks are the only class in the game whose all Mythics are old items with some stat changes that are secondary to the item's main effect and identity.

    What now?

    I'm just posting the problems here, I'll present my ideas for a solution in the comments - don't want to soapbox. But to sum up all the issues:

    • There's plenty of new anti-tank items
    • Tanks did not get any new defensive tools in return (losing the arms race both in realm of sheer power and the cool factor)
    • Quite the opposite - tanks lost their mana, health regen and anti-DoT items
    • Tank Mythics suck for a variety of reasons: no new effects, awkward buildup, exorbitant price, the stats vs active dilemma

    TL;DR: It's Christmas and while everyone else gets cool new toys, tanks got their last years present, repackaged and poorly wrapped.

    submitted by /u/lukeatlook
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    Why does an afk player need to vote for surrender at 15?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    So I just unfortunatly just had a game where one of our players where afk from the beginning of the game. The person made sure to stay connected though so we could not remake, and also not surrender at 15 because the early surrender vote needs everybody to vote yes.

    How come the afk player gets a say in things? We are literally voting to surrender because of that person?

    submitted by /u/Nacke
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    "We Just Needed That 1%" | BMW Legends in Action Worlds 2020 - Episode 5 (Quarterfinals)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    My girlfriend made the Riven Spirit Blossom Sword in Illustrator

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    My girlfriend made the Riven Spirit Blossom Sword in Illustrator

    She made it in Adobe Illustrator, this is her first piece of digital art, but she looks forward to do other champions.
    Hope you like it.
    https://www.instagram.com/intrixyarts/ (For more art)


    submitted by /u/xDrazzy
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    Want to Track Enemy Spell & Ulti Cooldowns in Style? Come In ;)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Welcome, curious summoners,

    Before I even start, Lola is approved on the Developer Portal (https://developer.riotgames.com/).

    If you want to reach out to any Rioters to check, the App ID is 465359, App name is Lola. Approved by Riot Gene, Senior Developer Relations at Riot Games.

    We are a small group of gamers/devs from Down Under and we are excited to open the doors to the next round of beta testers.

    Introducing Lola.gg, a voice activated summoner spell and ultimate skill cooldown timer with Natural Language Processing.

    It is designed to create a natural environment for you to track cooldowns by allowing you to naturally shout commands like "Mid just flash ulted on me" as if you are notifying your teammates.

    An example of how Lola works:

    1. You saw enemy ADC used Ultimate
    2. You hit your defined keyboard hotkey and utter a natural command to Lola via microphone
    3. Lola recognises your intent (https://imgur.com/Wld50IG). Eg. "ADC used ulti", "ADC ulted", "Bot lane just ulted me", "F$%#@ BOT THREW ULTIMATE OUT", "Ashe ulted and stunned me" (champion names recognition still a bit iffy as our AI's learning)
    4. Lola will start the countdown timer for the specific spell and champion and also paint an overlay on top of the spell on timer (https://imgur.com/Xu7YBHR)
    5. Once timer is up, Lola will remind you via synthesized voice

    You may ask, isn't that OP? Not everyone is DoinB (in terms of spam timer) so our aim is to utilise new tech to help players improve the quality of their games.

    Ultimately you will need to trigger Lola timers yourself. Can you decide who actually ignited you? The mid laner? The support next to him? It's your call. We saw some other historical projects like loltracker that are now abandoned even has automated CDR; we removed that, Lola does not calculate item CDR.

    Please keep in mind that this is a beta. Come join us and get a few laughs as Lola gets your commands wrong sometimes, like "Lissandra" into "lasagna", "Udyr" into "Oh Dear"!

    Join us at lola.gg now! Our discord channel link is there too.

    submitted by /u/mobijet
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    Infographic - Worlds 2020 Quarterfinal Write-Up

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 05:45 AM PDT

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