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    Friday, October 23, 2020

    LoL Guide The 1 tip that got me to Diamond this season

    LoL Guide The 1 tip that got me to Diamond this season

    The 1 tip that got me to Diamond this season

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    In season 10, I spent several hundred games hard stuck in Platinum. I realized I wasn't climbing, and decided to address one fundamental problem I was facing: map awareness. I started using a looping timer to remind me to check the minimap every 7 seconds. I started a huge win streak, and improved my map awareness DRASTICALLY.

    This is a video guide if you'd prefer that over text: https://youtu.be/Jb7jXpQsuBw

    Here's how you can use the minimap to improve your awareness and win more games:

    1) Look at Champion Icons

    Just by looking at the position and movement of champion icons on the minimap, you can gain a lot of information. You can see if the lanes are fighting or farming, see mobility spell usage, spot out enemy roams and wards, and know when your team can or can't follow up on an engage.

    2) Track Camp and Objective timers

    Checking the minimap for camps that will spawn soon will ensure you're farming efficiently and never missing a dragon, herald, or baron spawn. Frequently the availability of camps will determine your pathing, and you can use the enemy's camp timers to set up plays and invade the jungle with your advantage.

    3) Play Around Lane Priority

    The minimap gives you all the information you need about lane priority. If the wave is closer to the enemies turret, you have priority. If the wave is closer to your allies turret, you don't have priority. This information is crucial to all decision making in the jungle. You can also look at minion waves to determine where the lane is likely to be in the next 20-30 seconds.

    Using the minimap to gain more information took me on a huge win streak, and I believe it can do the same for you if you're willing to try it!

    submitted by /u/WL_Kairos
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    Low elo cheese strat for getting picks before an objective.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    I'll lead with the fact that I am silver 1. But this seems to work wonders in this elo especially when the enemy team is squishy and youre a little ahead. If you play a champion with 1 shot/ near 1 shot potential (i think lux is the best champ for this) BUY A CONTROL WARD/BLUE TRINKET. If you're about to do drag/ baron stand in a bush where you can clearly see the entrance from the enemy jungle leading to the objective area (mostly pixel brush).

    Place your pink/ blue ward over the wall or just out in the open where enemies can see it, but it has vision on the bush you're in so you can break any wards. Low elo players are some of the thirstiest mfs I've ever played a game with. You bait them to auto the ward, and just (with lux at least) q e r auto, and they're dead or 1hp taking an enemy out the fight to make the objective easier to get.

    I played a game earlier this week that I got 5~ kills doing this around objectives. And a few more just cuz i was so disgustingly ahead that I was literally camping in their jungle with wards waiting for them to come through to 1 shot them. It got to a point that if they saw a control/ blue ward in their jungle they'd just turn around unless they saw me on the map lmao. I literally pavlovd the enemy team.

    submitted by /u/yeehaw_partner123456
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    I need serious help with supporting

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Hey. I calibrated at silver 4 after my placement games spamming jax and I'm pretty brain dead on other Champs so when I get auto filled, with my 1 champ pool of thresh support it's guaranteed lost game. It would be easier to blame the stupid adc or jungler but the truth is I don't impact the game at all with thresh for some reason so I'm looking for support champ recommendations based on the fact that I play jax, so probably something melee with a mobility and cc would do great for me. I'm looking to try anything though if I find something that works, but the problem is I don't have much blue essence (5k) and I'll be stuck using thresh if I don't buy anyone... Would also want some tips as what do you generally do as a support in the lane and afterwards because I'm clueless, 2v2 lanes feel so awkward to me. Thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/stygiandesolation
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    Current Meta: Support [request]

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    I haven't played league since before the rune and mastery changes except a bit of ARAM. What are the big meta changes, specifically relating to support? I would like to start playing again, but not sure what changes I should expect. Any quick summary or tips, or good guides for support that I can brush up on?

    submitted by /u/uFFxDa
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    I still dont understand how to punish Nasus in a 1v1 scenario

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    Plat 1 toplaner here, i have good wave managment (one of my strong points as a player) but this champion always gets the better of me, by the time i get a freeze going he is full hp and still has tp up so it doesnt matter, after lvl 6 he can 1v1 me in an all-in and outsustain if i try to short trade.

    Sometimes im able to get a freeze and he is weak enough to lose 1v1 but he just goes to farm jungle camps, and even if i get a 2 level lead by doing that he is still way stronger than me.

    I have tried everything but ranged champions and Darius (because every Nasus player bans him)

    All of this assuming no jungle interaction ofc, when i get a good earlygame jungler we usually stomp him

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    Renekton Mid VS Assassins = Freelo

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    A tip for any scrubs like me who suck playing against assassins in the mid lane. If you get the counter pick just pick Renekton and you will absolutely dumpster them. It's absurd how well this champ does against the snowbally assassins. Even if they play safe and you don't get any kills on them you should be able to keep their CS down and prevent them from roaming and getting their snowball on

    submitted by /u/_larry_sellers_
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    I can't seem to get better at looking at the map and almost always die to ganks even tho I have warded. Need some REALLY good tips that could help me out...

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    So the thing I struggle the most in league is looking at the map while laning. Out of laning phase it's decent. But during laning phase I'm so extremely focused on my lane and cs'ing that I almost completely zone out the map.

    Even tho before the game I always remind myself to pay more attention....
    it really discourage me from buying wards since an enemy could literally run over my wards for 5 sec going towards my lane and I won't notice at all.

    Another question I have is, people out there with good map awareness, when you are laning and enemy jungler goes on top of your wards, do you immediatly see him on the map via your peripheral vision?

    Or do you just look on the map every like 2 seconds and spot him?

    One thing that I might suspect gives me bad map awareness in lane and makes me focus so hard on laing and cs'ing is that I don't really focus on same 2-3 champs to play. Rather I play alot of champs I'm not comfortable on. Do you think it would help if I learned 2-3 champs and got comfortable on those?

    I would appreciate ALL tips that would help me get better map awareness in laning phase because I struggle ALOT with it. You can almost say that for the first 10-15 minutes. I have 0 vision even with wards. I actually also don't even notice if my side lanes die or get kills because im so focused...

    Thanks in advance <3
    (Also english is my second language, sry)

    submitted by /u/Thedeefact
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    Just started playing, can't get any kills

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Hi there, I started playing league of legends a week ago because a friend suggested it. Im currently level 20. However, I can't seem to get any kills, or even really damage other champions.

    At first I tried playing as Ezreal, but I couldn't get any kills, and my damage was always around 3000. Next I tried playing Caitlyn, same story. My friend suggested switching to jungle, so Im currently playing Fiddlesticks (which feels a bit more comfortable than bottom lane). However I'm lucky if I can even get one kill. I almost always end with 0 kills, 9 deaths and 3 assists, and my damage is always around 2000.

    I'm kind of losing hope of ever improving to be honest. I don't think it's normal to be this bad at league, right? Do you guys have any tips?

    submitted by /u/Doodle_2002
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    Question about armor and greivous wounds.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    When I'm playing a champion as a bruiser ( ex. Lee Sin, Warwick), I normally build standard. When I'm finishing my build off by itemizing ( or trying to), if the enemy has a ton of healing, I either go Executioner's Calling or Bramble Vest for anti-healing, and if I need to build against ad heavy teams, I go Randuin's Omen most of the time. Lately, it feels like the greivous wounds not armor are doing anything to help. Am I crazy or do I just not understand the concept of greivous wounds and armor fully? ( Silver 4 player)

    submitted by /u/DemonicNord
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    [midlane] Dark Harvest for Assassins?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am gold 3 currently. I've noticed that low elo games tend to go much later and end up in super scrappy fights with no focus on objectives.

    I tend to play scaling champs, but in a comps where the team seems to want to take early scuttle fights etc, it seems to make more sense to take someone who is lane dominant or an assassin.

    Does it make sense to take Dark Harvest on assassins in order to still scale and also benefit from the scrappy fights? If the team doesn't pressure objectives, you can still somewhat scale into late game.

    Let me know thoughts!

    submitted by /u/DirtySentinel
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    My 0/10 Powerspike, Bruh

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    Hiyah. I'm an unranked ADC main, wondering about what should be expected of an ADC main. I just took a jolly stroll down my game history, and was 1, surprised to find a 50/50 split (I started playing with much higher level friends, and thus lost a lot, hence I was surprised it wasn't all losses) and 2, realized this weird trend on my KDA. Assuming the "A" part doesn't matter, I had a tendency to hold very few kills on games I won, yet there were quite a few losses where I had an astoundingly good kill count (for an unranked ADC). I'm just kinda wondering what numbers I should be expecting in my role, what I should strive for.

    submitted by /u/Forsyth66
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    I genuinely don’t understand how assassins are fair and balanced but mages are op because of cdr to the point they need nerfs in preseason

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Help me understand why it's fair that assassins don't need to manage anything besides cs and the enemy mages confidence in lane

    They buy a single item and combined with runes have effectively garens passive in lane. They have a resource that fully recharged in like 7 seconds, with short CDs and deal TONS of damage, gap closers and/ or escapes, (varying from champ to champ), most of their abilities not being skills shots, and have the damage to burst you down pre 6 if you ever get poked to 80% or less

    Vs mages which have... no health regen, shit mana regen on both runes and items, for a resource with god awful regen, long CDs on their impactful abilities, almost all of which are easily outplayed, because almost all have skill shots, and have to land every single ability to come close to 60-0 someone. I guess they have... range?

    I genuinely do not understand how it's fair especially when some of those assassins even get that range mages have (zed) to lane into this.

    submitted by /u/alexzang
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    Help with Diana rune pages. A minor change and ideas for items.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Hello, I have recently picked up Diana, and using OP.gg and other sites I've put together a rune page that is:

    Conqueror, Presence of Mind, legend Alacrity, and Coup
    Taste of Blood, Ravenous Hunter
    Offense, Flex, Defense.

    I was thinking it might be interesting to instead switch out Taste of blood with Sudden Impact and replace taste of blood with an item of some sort. Is this me being stupid or could this work out? If so what are some items that might be good to build?

    For reference, I've only been playing for about ~3 weeks and I haven't unlocked ranked yet so idk what rank I stand at.

    Many thanks,

    submitted by /u/ContextEFT
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    Never underestimate the power of freezing

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Hello everyone I'm a support main who climbed from silver IV to plat II this season and I want to share some insights on bot lane freezing (although some aspects translate to other lanes as well).

    I've played a fair amount of games in platinum-diamond ELO and I'M fairly surprised that people do not even attempt to freeze which I find most frustrating in certain situations, for multiple reasons.

    1. What is a freeze?

    The best source on this is YouTube, but a quick summarization would be that you manipulate the minion waves in a way that they always meet each other at a certain location of the lane.

    1. What do you achieve with a freeze?

    By freezing a lane (possibly just outside your tower) you create pressure on the enemy laner(s) by forcing them to walk up to farm into a risky position allowing you to punish them while denying them the opportunity to counterattack. You also force them into a situation where they can only make 3 choices of which are all wrong. The first case scenario is that they will try to farm allowing you to collapse on them, and/or your jungler to gank even if the river is warded because the distance they have to cover to reach their tower's safety is just too much. The second option is that they recognize the danger and leave their farm but then they lose XP and gold which is your goal with the freeze. The third option on bot lane is that they will try to use abilities to fast push their wave and reset but with this they will put them on CD allowing you to either force summs or get a kill/double kill.

    1. When to set up a freeze?

    You should (and btw will only be able to) set up a freeze if you have a clear dominance in lane either by default (eg. Caitlyn vs vayne) or by kills/XP. The freezing tactic works best with tank cc/ dominant supports and obviously works worse for enchanters.

    For example if your team is playing Leona Caitlyn into a Lulu Vayne just to take a very popular example, the Leona Caitlyn duo should try to freeze as soon as possible because this way they:

    1. WIll be almost immune to ganks as the wave is on their side, and they have built up an XP lead by the time the jungler comes.
    2. Will deny Vayne's power spike with BOTRK as she can'T farm because if she tried to walk up the Leona would just EQ+ignite her in a fraction of a second and Caitlyn would play target practice on her setting her even more behind.
    3. IF the Caitlyn+Leona team decides that they want to do drake, Caitlyn can switch to a fast push getting priority and Vayne and Lulu will have 2 choices: 1)Either farm the pushed in wave and leave their team in a 3v5 or 2v4(depending on toplaners coming down or not) 2) lose all the farm (2-3 waves) on bot and contest the drake against the 1 or if enough time passed by 2 levels ahead enemy bot lane which will inevitably end up in them dying/burning summoners.

    +1: While freezing the Leona should position themselves between the enemy's caster minions and Vayne+Lulu while Caitlyn should be beside the enemy melees. By doing that the enemy Vayne will have to back up so far that they will be out of XP range, and after 2 waves they will instantly lose lane forever provided the enemy jungler doesn't do magic because at that point it is possible the Caitlyn Leona can 2v3.

    As you can see the Cait Leona were already the dominant party but were they laning "normally" the Vayne would have gotten strong enought to contest them with BOTRK and eventually would heavily outscale the caitlyn due to her hypercarry nature.

    I very rarely if ever see a properly executed freeze in platinum-diamond even though I believe it's the strongest strategy because the losing party heavily relies on their jungler being smart , to recognize the freeze and help break it early which to be honest never ever happened to me in ranked yet.

    Feel free to share your thougths!

    submitted by /u/Ravon7
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    Playing Slow Tempo JG

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    For reference I am d4/d3 on na: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=jalingo

    Most of my champ pool fits the aggressive meta seen in proplay. I have been playing graves as my one trick suppplemented by kindred, lilia, nidalee, hecarim, and reksai. I feel like whever I have to play low tempo (on hecarim or with a mid like a kassadin or 3 losing lanes etc.) there is just nothing for me to do. Specifically, in this meta it feels super bad to have zero prios and im wondering what the mindset is for playing low tempo in high diamond. Do I need to prioritize finding routes to avoid the enemy jungler to avoid 2v2s or should I try and countergank? I feel like I don't know what to do when my gameplan is no longer to force skirmishes.

    submitted by /u/jalingo5
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    TLDR Before I start a session of league I I think about not inting. Proceed to int

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Even while the match is loading up don't int today don't int today

    Ayyee youre a scaling champ stay in your fuckin jungle..Then I start my first jungle clear... Still thinking about not inting.. then I fucking int. I will fight a graves or spiderlady to the death over the first mother fucking bug. How in the fuck do I put it in my fat skull to not fight every fight, great scenarios or doomed ones. I love fighting way to much. I understand xp and farm is way more important too. I'm just a smooth brain once fighting breaks out. I'm considering changing my name to FiddleINTS..

    Been playing since April, never played a MOBA before, and am almost 32. Am old, games are now harder I swear to god.

    518 games, hardstuck silver 2. I can not lane. 70 or so of those games are top lane and I'm ass (major panicking, always wanna fight). I know what all the champs do now, and the strengths and weaknesses of the ones that get played often. I know who to target in team fights. I do know some things I swear.

    I really enjoy jungle but my problem is decision making and deaths. I take my gaming very seriously And have watched loads of s10 tutorials and watch good jg streams all the time. I play zac mastery 7 120k and fiddle mastery 7 160k. Last few months I've been going with olaf, jax, and trundle (not a whole lot as most of the time I pussy out cuz I'm not 💯 comfortable with them) because I think they make a good champion pool with fiddler and zac.

    Is there such thing as a shock collar for noobs? Id love to get shocked when I start thinking about inting.

    I'm on mobile sorry for the grammer.

    Any tips for this ranter? I'm too embarrassed to post my op.gg lol

    submitted by /u/TicenMac
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    How can i stop getting so emotional when playing ranked? I think it's affecting my mental health

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Just so you know where i am currently at, this season is my first ever and i started in bronze 2 so i gave myself a motivation that i want to end in atleast gold 4 by the end of the season. I got to gold after like 3 months and plat became my new goal. Since then i slowly climbed up all the way to gold 1, even got to the promos but fucked up. The thing is the season is coming to end and i want plat so bad but at the same time the emotions just go unchained. I even restricted myself to play 1 ranked game per day but every single game was just roller coaster of emotions. For example today i played top and my jungler made the shittiest gank when he had 200hp after he cleared jungle. We somehow killed that Volibear but enemy Kata roamed top while our yasuo pinged nothing, got double kill and snowballed the game from that. I just had no words. Then after 5 games in a row playing against Shyvana jg i got 2 shot by her e as a Mordekaiser and it pissed me so fucking bad i almost punched my monitor and i dont want to punch my monitor (or atleast i never showed signs of doing so, yeah i slam the desk or angrily put headphones back on the desk but never something so aggresive cuz i appreciate the value). Then another game as a support Galio I screamed the whole time on my 20 kills 10k hp dr mundo mid who tried to 1v9 the game 40 minutes in on the other side of the map. Should i just get a break from LOL or something?

    submitted by /u/Fakecabriolet342
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    fun off meta builds

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    It's been a really long time since I have played but what are some off meta builds that work and take the enemy team by surprise?

    An old favorite of mine is AP Tahm Kench (his Q has great range and at least used to have a good AP ratio). RoA on him and you've got a beefy damage boy waddling around lane to deal with.

    submitted by /u/thefitfulrest
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    Please help me!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    I climbed to G2 50 ish lp, and i dropped all the way to G3 0 lp within 1 week. My MMR has been screwed up, and Im getting awful players. Ocasisonally I might get a bad KDA sometimes, but im always around the 6 cs/min mark, and doing moderate to high damage. I would oftenly lose 4 games, then win 1, and then lose 4 more.

    here is my stats: op.gg

    Start to look from the kassadin game where I lost going 6/3/3, and look all the way until my most recent game. Within my last 10 games, 8 of them were losses. I never fell below 6 cs per min. The 2 games I won were complete stomps, with me going 10+ kills and 2 or less deaths. You can clearly see that Im a normal player.

    Check these games out from the past 10 I played:

    Game 1 / Game 2/ Game 3

    These games had 4 heavy inters. I understand that Im playing Kass and if my teammates feed, there is nothing I can do about it. The issue is that if I pick early power like talon, if there is a fed kaisa/leona, it would not make a difference, and I would get outscaled. A mid game Kass has its limits. The other 5 games had 1-2 trolls or soft inters, so I wont mention that. I also dodge when I get a bad queue, but when you are at 2 lp, dodging is like gambling. I also can only dodge so many times.

    As a result, 10 games, 8 lost, 3 with heavy inters, 5 with some soft inters. What do I do? I gave evidence, and I look forward to seeing your answers. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Noodles_912
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    how do i counter nocturne as an adc?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    i'm a newish to the game and was playing ranked earlier today. their was a nocturne who got kinda fed and even though i had a good laning phase, during team fights he would just dash past all my teammates and instakill me. is there anything i can do to counter that?

    submitted by /u/c4meronx3
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    Why do I see many junglers starting blue now (in pro play and high elo)?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I took a 6 month break from the game, just came back recently and I noticed that nowdays I see many junglers at worlds and even in high elo solo q start blue buff instead of red.

    Before I left I used to see the majority of people start red buff, even on purple side where you lack the bot lane leash. Sometimes at worlds I even see blue side junglers start blue buff. What changes to the jungle made blue start more preferable or is there some other reason why this is the case?


    submitted by /u/Hinadori
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    How important is CS on AP roaming assassins such as Katarina or Akali in low ELOs?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    I've been exploring playing Assassins lately but have been running into a big issue with these champions, especially with the AP ones: CSing.

    Generally I do fairly well against my lane opponent in terms of damage against them and roaming, but I've noticed that my CS has suffered greatly compared to them if they're not an assassin. I will have a good amount of kills, but as a result, my CS is really low. Like, my CS might be 50-60 at 10 minutes but I'll have a handful of kills to go with this. How bad/good is this? I'm in Bronze and my roaming has been helping a lot, but I'm not sure if it really is truly worth is considering how much lower my CS is compared to other people in the game.

    submitted by /u/ketota993
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