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    Saturday, October 24, 2020

    LoL Guide Actual 1 tip that got me to Diamond this season

    LoL Guide Actual 1 tip that got me to Diamond this season

    Actual 1 tip that got me to Diamond this season

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    I think this is more relevant in higher elo when you can rely on some team members to know macro, but simple tip:

    Post laning, after a teamfight/objective while everyone is recalling, ask "now what?" in chat.

    Even if you have a solid idea of what to do, typically someone replies or pings another objective, which syncs all teammates on what the team's plan is.

    That's all!

    submitted by /u/pm_plz_im_lonely
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    I feel like i’ve painted myself into a corner by one tricking a champion

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    I have been playing league for 3 years or so. I started playing Ekko because i got real hype about the Zaun/Piltover lore and I just didn't stop playing him. I'm sitting at 950k mastery on him and I'm very confident in my ability to win my lane, impact the map and carry games as Ekko.

    I have been playing more competitively with a team of friends (clash and a few streamed competitive customs) so I have had to start playing more champions. Ekko is always banned and he's usually not the best for non solo queue comps anyways. I've gotten decent at a few champs like Ori and Zoe but i can never reliably win my lane and I always feel like i have the least impact on the game out of everyone else on my team.

    I guess what I need help with is understanding how to adjust my playstyle and mentality when I'm playing other champions. I decided to spam other champs in norms for the last few days and I have lost upwards of 20 games in a row. Are there people in this sub who have had success breaking free of the one trick mentality? have any advice to help me learn new champions?

    submitted by /u/tjorii
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    My experience with a "ff 15, lost game" and people carrying those games

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    sorry for the messy title, hopefully it gets the point across. I played a ranked game earlier that I'm sure is similar to a game everyone has played before. Early goes terrible, within about 7 mins the enemy team has 7 kills to your teams 1 and someone says something like "ff15, next" or "ff, lost game." Then, somehow someone on your team carries. These games are winnable, but oh boy do you need your mental for it. calling for a very early ff at these times doesn't help, and only is excepting defeat before objectives have spawned. In our game we had two win conditions. My support and I had pressure, so we got all drags. The second was our Yasuo who went even with their laner, out scaling them later. Find these win conditions. Look for any small throw the enemy makes, and push threw. You don't have to be the one carrying to win these games, if someone else is, just make sure to help them get/stay ahead and try to catch yourself up if behind. Hope this helps some, keep your mental high, and good luck on the climb!

    submitted by /u/happy_baguette
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    Darius Combo Guide

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Hello Summoners,

    I know, some people of you think, Darius is easy to play, but there are still some combos, that are good on him, so I created a Combo Guide Video for Darius.

    It really cost me a lot of time to create this video and I hope it will help you to get better with Darius.

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXYAUTGm1LE

    I would be thankfull if you would give me some feedback if you like the video. So I can improve my futurevideos!

    submitted by /u/MrNoCopyright
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    Decreased performance after... existing?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:25 AM PDT

    I have discovered one thing about myself: I fair extremely badly after the slightest thing takes my mind off league. Would that be working for a couple hours, going for that run, coding a code or two; basically anything = at least 1 game of straight inting. I'm talking, 10 deaths inting. And by the time i pick myself back up and try to get the comeback (which surprisingly i do almost every time) I'm miles behind everyone and it's super difficult.

    Does this happen to everyone? What could cause this? Am i just diseased lol

    submitted by /u/miki_d
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    What is it I dont know?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Hello! Ive been on this sub for a while trying to get some tips on how to get better since ive been stuck in bronze for 200 games.

    But most of what i see is abstract stuff like; "Most people dont know how to end games" "They dont know how to utilize gold advantage"

    How and where do i learn essential skills like these? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Sometimesiworry
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    What should you do after getting an early (like pre 5 min) kill in lane?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    For reference, I am a silver II player mostly playing Garen top. Sometimes I'll get an early kill by either a level 2 gank from my jungle, or an all in by my opponent. I do know that ideally, it's not worth to all in for a kill super early since the respawn timer is so short. But since most top laners run tp and Garen doesn't, should I recall for like a dagger and to top up my hp, and walk back, or wait in lane for my regen, and give up some CS to maintain a xp lead

    submitted by /u/Bionf
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    Any really good macro guides out there?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Title. I'm terrible at macro. I can do well on high skillcap champions like Yasuo, Lee Sin, Lucian, and other high APM champs, but I feel like I'm just abusing my micro to snowball my lane and I can't actually win games. I've been trying to learn Twisted Fate, but it's just not working out for me and I know I need to do something. I can get 10 kills out of laning and still throw the game because I have no idea what to do. I have basic wave management, but I can't hold a freeze for my life.

    submitted by /u/MrMeem1
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    Just another "I made it into Gold" motivational post

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    It happened. I came out of a 10 year break after promising my high school students that I would join them in League if we went into COVID lockdown. After being silver stuck for months, I casually broke through to Gold.

    As an exclusive Support main, I struggled with comprehending how much agency I had in my ability to climb. After several threads covering the 30/30/40 rule, I walked the walk and climbed.

    There's no shortage of good advice from better players here, so I'm not offering anything revolutionary. Just some mental tips for anyone doing the last-minute grind to get to gold before the season ends.

    You Tilt, You Lose

    Perhaps true at any level, the first team that tilts is more likely to lose. It doesn't matter if the players are better or the team has the lead. The moment someone spits the dummy, the toxicity spreads. This is the most anxious part of climbing. I can accept being outplayed, but having someone throw a tantrum and then throw the game to spite their teammates is irrecoverable.

    You have to keep your own mental stability first. If the chat is distracting and annoys you, mute it. Don't put yourself in a situation where you're the victim and you can blame your team for talking **** in chat. If there's any inkling that you're going to flip it, mute the people who are no longer being constructive.

    At the same time, don't do anything that will tilt your allies or aggravate their mental state. There is really no reason why you should be pinging them. No one suddenly plays better after a barrage of ?s or having their ult pinged five times. They can't go back and fix the play, and now they are in a no-win pressure situation: if they don't listen to your tilted pings, you ping them more and flame them. If they do listen, they might screw up the play against their better judgement.

    You can't stop your team from tilting, but at least don't be the reason your team tilts. Type gj on simple plays to improve the mood; bl on misplays to ease the burden, and focus on the next play.

    Consistency is Key

    It's easy to tilt when you play a good game, but your team is trash and you lose. Those are the hardest losses to accept because you should have won. However, these are the losses you should brush off. If you do the same thing next match and play just as well, with a better team you will win. The games that you should regret the most are the ones where you have a decent team and you end up not playing well. That is your fault.

    Don't Autopilot

    It's so easy to think that you just need to win 10 games to rank up and you casually roll through each game thinking that you'll stomp their team or get carried. You actually do have to work for your wins. It's simple to forget how much cognitive load is needed to play League - not an easy game by any measure. When you go on autopilot, you miss the opportunities to punish, you fail to see plays on the map, and you don't think ahead far enough to prevent mistakes. Tuning out often means that you go on the loss streaks that ruin your climbing momentum.

    Positive Mindset

    Don't go into a game assuming that your team is trash and their team is good. You're already halfway to tilting if you've put that barrier up, because you're more inclined to blame your teammates instead of taking control of the situation. Likewise, don't assume that their team is any better than yours. The odds are that both teams are just as likely to have their share of good, bad and average players. It always feels that your team is the trash one because you're predisposed to thinking that way - you see the mistakes from your side, but not the mistakes from the other team.

    Sadly, often the only positive thing that is said in chat all game is the "ty" from the jungler after you leash for him.

    When you're winning, you're in a good mood. Good mood leads to more relaxed atmosphere and a better team spirit. It's easier to crack jokes and be self-deprecating when you're having a good time. When you're lashing at people, they're not enjoying themselves and they're going to under-perform. Don't be a dick to people and they're less likely to be a dick to you.

    submitted by /u/nusensei
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    My journey from Iron 2 to Silver 4 on my 1st season - What I learned?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:14 AM PDT


    Hey! With the end of this season getting close, I just want to share my ranked experience and give hope to new players that are struggling on ranked. This was my 1st season on League, so everything was new to me.

    I started ranked around level 40. Did my placements and they were terrible. Only won 3 games and lost the other 7. To be honest, I got carried on my 3 wins xD. At that time I was playing on Jungle, which I don't recommend to new players. Got placed on Iron 2, exactly what I was expecting. I did a few more games as jungler and then I changed to Toplane, because I was having a bad time on Jungle. Some games later, I wasn't feeling Top too because I felt that the games were a coinflip and I had no influence on Top. So I took a break from ranked and only played normals for some time, just having fun. At this time, I was stuck at Bronze 4 with -3 Lp and a overall winrate around 25%!

    During the time I was playing only normals, I focused on trying everything. Every role, as many champs I could,...basically just having fun and discover the game. Then I started to like A LOT playing Mid because I could actually have some impact on the game.

    When I was feeling more confident, I decided to return to ranked with only 1 condition: only playing Galio! If I couldn't play him, I dodge. Luckly for me no one bans or plays Galio.

    Game after game I realized that I was actually climbing. And this is when I started to enjoy ranked. That feeling of climbing and improving was kinda addictive. Grinded ranked for 1 entire month playing only Galio. At the end of that month, I achieved my goal for this season: Silver 4. Did 101 games with Galio with over 60% WR.

    I did a total of 182 ranked games. The first half of those games, I was totally lost and didn't know what role or champs to play. So, don't worry about how you start. You will end up to discover the role/champ that makes that "click".

    Also, forget about that you need to 1v9 to get out of Iron/Bronze. Its bullshit! I didn't, not even one game, had 1v9 with Galio. Obviously, because Galio can't actually 1v9. But you don't need to play only Master Yi, Katarina, Vayne...The most important thing is that you have a GOOD INFLUENCE on your team. In my case, I tried to be always ready to help my jungler and to snowball others lanes. My jungler was invading? I push wave and cover him. Jungler is ganking? Get ready to help and deny any countergank.

    Play one champ, one role and have good influence on your team. I guarantee 100% that you get out of Iron/Bronze.

    submitted by /u/Kard_L7
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    Vladimir or Viktor

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    I have played alot of these 2 champions and they are my two mains. Now i want to know when i should pick which champion? Is it dependant on my teams teamcomp enemy teamcomp or something completely different. I would appreciate the help and thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/Sarius1205
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    How I got out of Bronze after being there for a long time. What helped me improve at the game.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Hello. I recently got out of Bronze after being there for awhile and wanted to share some things that helped me. Hopefully this can help other people get out of Bronze.

    #1: Do not 1st time champions in ranked. If you have not played a champ before do not use them in ranked. Practice them at least 10 games in normals.

    #2: Get very good at avoiding jungle ganks early in the game. Learn the timing of when junglers usually attack and make sure you have wards set up and are frequently watching the mini map while laning to see if enemy jungler is coming to gank you. In mid lane stay closer to the side of the lane you have warded and have vision on since you can see there if the enemy jungler is coming for you while on the other side you have no vision and could be caught off guard and killed. This was one of the #1 reasons I was losing games. I died to jungle ganks early in the match and then would fall behind in CS and XP/Kills.

    #3: Use a app like Porofessor to see your team before a match starts. If you look at your team and you have multiple people autofilled using champions they have no games on and/or they've never played the role before then offer to swap if you can play the role. If you can't play their role and they're autofilled and lack experience at that role then dodge. Also, look at your teammates win %. Do they win frequently on that role or character? If they don't that's another thing to worry about. Dodge autofilled teammates. You only get -3 LP if you dodge the first time. It resets after a match so if you dodge after a match you get -3LP again for dodging once. Dodging makes you lose lots of LP when you do it multiple times in a row. Avoid doing it multiple times in a row. Same with if you get autofilled. Offer to swap. If they won't swap and you can't play the role you got autofilled to then dodge. Dodging is very overpowered for climbing. Dodging bad matches is important.

    #4: Recognize when you're tilted and avoid playing on tilt. If you're on a bad lose streak you'll usually get tilted. You will know you are tilted when if someone dies once in a match you start flipping out and saying to yourself the match is over there's no way we can come back etc. When only one person has died and you're only down 1 kill you can still definitely come back. If people flaming you makes you tilt then mute them as soon as they say something toxic and focus on the match. Do not flame teammates or argue with teammates. It always decreases the chances of winning the match when you argue with teammates.

    #5: Be mentally strong. Have strong mental perseverance. This means finding a way to win even when the match is going bad. I had a ranked match it begins and we got invaded and 3 people on our team died. So we started off 0-3 before minions even spawned. My mid then typed gg we lost this. I said we're gonna find a way to win this. We ended up coming back and won the game. We barely won it, but we still came back and won. You have to be willing to play very hard to win matches that might at times seem unwinnable.

    #6: Get ready for objectives early. I find a lot of people wait til dragon spawns before pointing out let's go to dragon. Instead about a minute or two early tell team to get ready for dragon and put down wards for vision and use pink wards to wipe out enemy vision. Ping assist at dragon and get ready ahead of time for dragon. Same with other objectives like Rift Herald or Baron. Make sure to prepare for them ahead of time and have vision on those objectives.

    #7: Review games you played. Find when you died in games and look at what happened in those deaths. What could you have done better to prevent those deaths? Also, look at your CS. Is your CS good as well? Reviewing and finding mistakes and correcting them is very important to improving.

    #8: Watch turrets. Are enemy minions getting close to hitting a turret? Clear the wave of enemy minions and push back. Keep turrets alive at all costs. A turret going down is devastatingly bad. It gets the enemy closer your Nexus obviously and it also makes you have control over a lot less of the map since the enemy can push further into your territory.

    #9: One of my biggest mistakes and in general one a lot of people do. Don't help your teammate if they make a bad play and get caught out. Sometimes your teammate runs off and gets attacked by 3 enemy teammates. Let the teammate die and don't help them. You know even if you run in you will lose because you are out numbered and you'll get killed along with your teammate. Sometimes your teammates make bad plays and if you follow up on them you'll get killed too and things will be twice as bad since two of you will die instead of one person.

    submitted by /u/Creative_Target
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    Pantheon support is busted if not punished, I think

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    I have been playing Pantheon support for a couple of days now and the games are usually lopsided. Also, it's sad how ADCs want me to stay in lane all the time like I'm a Janna. I mean this is lower diamond but I have mostly been taking notes on pro play. Not sure if I have been doing things right but I want to have some input.

    1.) I usually gank mid at level 3, especially when I'm on red side. The tendency is that the jungler will either go for crab or do a counter-gank. An instant flash-w will guarantee the kill no matter what.

    2.) I will then bully the support upon gaining at least a long sword. Will try to return to mid or go with the jungle after clearing some wards, especially on the dragon pit and pixel bush. If the our jungler goes topside, and their jungler goes to ward bot river, I'll try to deny the crab by killing it myself.

    3.) If there are like only 1 or 2 plates taken at bot, I'll heavily roam when my lanes are already level 6 (I'm usually level 4 at these moments). Chances are the jungler will try to come to assist the lane I'm about to gank, our jungler will then try to take drake and some camps, denying xp to their jungler.

    This usually works if the ADC is willing to farm under tower, and our jungler is willing to abuse the situation and counterjungle. I've had several wins under 18 mins by doing this and it's surprising that people are not abusing this so much. I have been watching Worlds and some replays lately and I find it nice that even if my ADC is punished, we're still winning since I'm getting jungle and mid ahead. I'll be missing this meta.

    submitted by /u/ataleofoutersuburbia
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    List of hierarchical things to check before taking an objective

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    There is a specific sequence of things to take in mind when trying to take objective, each have own hierarchy in a situation where you are in. The best example I can give: Your midlane and botlane is at low hp, but lanes are pushing really hard towards the enemy. You want to take drake at 4-5 lvl (it would approximately clear half or 3/4 of your hp), you also don't know where your jungler is or what pathing did he take. But of course, 2 lanes have priority, full support - when enemy jungler catch you, 3 of your teammates would help you right? Wrong. The thing is, it's obvious that lanes with low hp wouldn't help you, but sometimes your teammates are the biggest enemies and wouldn't come even if they are full hp and are hard pushing lane. This is even more dangerous if enemy jungler one-shots you or easily 1v1's you (like yi, kha zix etc.). So what's the solution? Knowing where the enemy jungler exactly is.

    If you have information where he is, what he's currently doing and you know what he might do next, it's a free drake or a warning for giving out kill and drake to enemy jungler. However, it's not necessary when you trust your teammates. Teammates can save your life or betray you.

    Here's a list before taking jungle objective (hierarchy):

    1. Knowing the exact location of enemy jungler, calculate how much time it would take for him to come to you. Try to mark his camp timers at the start of the game, build vision on him, remember the last place he was.
    2. Lane priorities and state of teammates (HP, mana), if enemy lane can catch you quicker than your teammates, you're dead. If teammates are low hp, they're dead. If they are low on mana, they can't do anything. Also, as I mention before - trust factor of your teammates, if they would come to you or not.
    3. Vision. It's not always necessary, but it's helping you to do it calmly without any doubt in a potential steal from Lux R, Karthus R can be also very dangerous. And there is a chance that some lanes will come even if they are hard pushed.

    Take in mind that this hierarchy is only applicable at the very early states of the game when you can't one shot drake. After 30mins+ this make no sense, everyone is separated on the map or everyone is at the drake to teamfight and it's a matter of mechanical skills.

    submitted by /u/Phaeotaken
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    How do deal with ranked?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    I know this might sound like a regular bronze talk, but give me a chance.Okay some background, I've been playing since season 3 but gave up summoners rift at some point (like 2 years ago) and I've recently (for about a month, after not playing at all for a year) only played on ARAM against gold/plat/diamonds. A couple of days ago I gave ranked solo que a go (yeah great idea). Now, I got to iron 1 and got to bronze 4 soon after. Playing a few more games I realize how stupid this is. I lose games for the stupidest reasons. Examples.

    First game today:

    • I played mid Orianna and won my lane 3-0 even roaming in between. The thing is that our top was 0-6 at 10minutes and bot wasn't doing too good either. We lost. Simply because my teammates kept dying faster and faster. I finished 4-4-4, while both top and bot were 2-8, jungle was fine but couldn't keep up.

    Second game today:

    • Wukong jungle, I ended up not really being able to take the camps, because all the lanes were in such bad shape. At 13 minutes, top was 0-5, mid was 0-5, bottom was like 2-5, and I was 5-0. Things continued like they did last game. People rushing in dying. Game ended with all of my team members surrendering, which I can't do anything about. I ended up finishing 7-5-2 since enemy team just became too powerful. This game mentally destroyed me. Doing good but being unable to anything since the difference between teams is so huge.

    What can I do? Do I really just need to que with my higher rank friends in order to dodge new players and get out of this elohell or can I eventually climb up with good dice rolls. Or am I just a hardstuck bronze?

    EDIT. Oh and yes, season is coming close to the end so there's probably not much to do anyway, but still...

    EDIT2. also I just checked my ranked mmr which seems to be at roughly 950 which should be silver 2 anyway.

    submitted by /u/Jokkerz
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    How can i improve my lee sin?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Im in low elo but i really want to get good at lee sin. Almost every game i usually wait until level 3 before i do a gank and i dont invade. However every gank that i do is usually a failure(just getting the enemys health low). I dont really know whats the problem, but i know something is wrong. I know that lee sin is at his powerspike in the early game but i cant take full advantage of that. Also what items to build would be good to know(my core build: enchantment warrior, black cleaver and death's dance).

    submitted by /u/Piklas04
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    How to start winning ranked games

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    I just started playing ranked the other day and got placed in iron 2. Since then I have lost every single one of my games. All ten of them. I've been noticing that my deaths are always higher than my kill count. I think that may be my main issue. Staying alive. What kind of habits can I get into that will allow me to die less in my games?

    submitted by /u/sadkinz
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    If you can understand/learn your strengths and weaknesses that will help you significantly.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    I think one of the reasons I have improved more than a friend of mine I play with is that I'm better at understanding my strengths and weaknesses. Some weaknesses can't easily be fixed/learned so with that in mind I looked at champions that wouldn't be an issue for me to play.

    Season 9 was my first season of league, I had played heroes of the storm in the past and watched some streams so I wasn't entirely new to how to play.

    I knew I wanted to play bruisers (or tanks) for a few reasons.

    Mechanically I am not good. I am very left handed but I use the mouse in my right hand. Yes I could relearn everything flipped but... I didn't want to do that. So I can't move in between attacks or position well enough as any ranged champions.

    Bruisers don't die instantly, heroes of the storm champions are tankier in general than league.

    Going back to the mechanics bruisers auto slower and don't have as many "flashy" plays compared to ekko for example.

    Top lane is easier for me to see how I messed and learn from that, easier to see what I need to work on.

    I ended up primarily playing Illaoi. She has the slowest autos in the game and her aa damage along with wave clear makes it easier to cs. And she has a low ban rate.

    When I started ranked I placed silver 4, bronze mmr. The 1 thing I could do decently was cs. I averaged 6-7 cs a minute throughout the game when others averaged 4-5 cs.

    I heard a top lane streamer say he looks at the minimap about 60% of the time. I looked at it maybe 2% of the time. I found a metronome that didn't sound too annoying and would play with that going for a handful of games at a time. Every 4 seconds I'd hear it to remind me to check the map.

    I'd lose lane a decent amount of the time because I didn't know what a lot of Champs did or simply misplaying, but I'd be able to make comebacks from my cs gold lead. I didn't worry about how to end games. My goal was to learn how to consistently win lane, and not win by a little, but a lot. That's what leads to you snowballing or being able to carry. People in silver and gold make mistakes constantly that can be capitalized on. By the end of season 10 I hit gold. And this season I got to Platinum.

    My biggest weakness now is probably tilt and map awareness. I could see from my play that I could get to diamond but it just depended on my mental which wasn't good enough currently.

    submitted by /u/Shadowofthedragon
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    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    I've been playing league for almost 2 years, but I don't touch soloq almost never, mostly cause I tilt a lot, I'd be grateful if you share your experiences and advice with me in order to overcome tilt and have a better performance (I get specially tilted when I play against Zed, which I consider the most unfair and cancerigenous champion in all league of legends)

    submitted by /u/Juandiar77
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    Mordekaiser's Ulti and Yone's E?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    I've been playing league for like 2 weeks now and I decided to start playing Yone because he seemed interesting. While playing one game against a Mordekaiser, he used his R on me and I used Yone's E to try to dodge and juke him and then return to my body, but I noticed that the E wouldn't activate to return him to his body from spirit form. Is this a feature of Mordekaiser's R or is this a bug?

    submitted by /u/Ruyue45
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    Clash team only losing to early game

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Hi guys, my clash team is a bunch of friends and I. We have a 70% winrate in clash and win 95% games that go to late. In our last two clash tourneys we faced a team that went assassin mid, samira bot, agro supp and agro jungler. We just seem to not fight because we have late game champs, but cant scale. Any tips on how to counter a very agro early game comp? Our top only plays tanks so he cant play early and our mid plays scaling mages.

    submitted by /u/tdv_previse
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    Need some advice against a cheese lane

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    I finished a match recently where it was me (Senna) and Pyke up against a Heimer / Ziggs botlane. While I get these types of bs matchups rarely, its still extremely tilting to go up against. I knew it was going to be a rough lane so I suggested to Pyke that we hang back and play safe, but I don't really know what the right call would have been. We kinda just got spammed to death and I didn't know what to do besides heal off cooldown and try to CS under turret. Would another adc have been better? Should I have just dodged?

    submitted by /u/BlissTh3Lioness
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    Adaptive Damage on Infernal Soul

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 06:01 AM PDT


    When you get the soul of the infernal dragon, you inflict adaptive damage.

    This means that AD will inflict AD damage and AP will inflict AP damage.

    But if you look closely at the buff, you'll see that the soul also gives adaptive damage that depends on HP.

    What does this mean?


    submitted by /u/Skeezounet
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    Do level differences really matter a whole lot?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    I often find myself comparing levels on my team versus the enemy team, and use that as a prime way to tell who's winning lanes early game. Is this actually effective? Is a roaming level 10 Zed with 3 kills doing better than a level 12 Pyke with 30 more cs? I try to gauge generally off that but sometimes it's clear if one is super fed off kills but sometimes I can't tell. This probably sounds really stupid to a high level player but I really only got into league a few months ago and I'm a hard stuck silver jungler so I know nothing about laning. Along with this, as a jungler, which lanes should I be prioritizing in a situation like this? Normally I try to gank whichever lane is losing the hardest to try to even it out, but sometimes the diff is far too strong and it just ends in a double/triple kill. Also with that last part, I play Lillia mainly, so ganking early isn't my strongest part, and I excel with power farming my jungle and their jungle whenever I can, so it's hard to juggle ganking and farming, is this just a problem with who I play or am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/jaxxataxx2
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